HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-11, Page 7Skates Sharpened Ise per pair EAST ST. GARAGE Next Town Hall GODERIGH PHONE 243 OF CANADA Ready Laney As You Need It -In any city -is yours fpr the asking if you carry LETTERS OF CREDIT issued by the Union Bank of Canada. It is as easy for you to obtain funds with them as it is difficult for any unauthorized person to do too. t.;oderich Branch -F. WOO LLCOMBE, Manager. CHRISTMAS MUSIC At THOMSON'S Muni: Store. One of the most important things at l hristuws tine is MUSIC. the one thing to add refinement and chattel to the 'sillily circle. in making your pnrrhas•s remember we have nil kinds , t instruments from a Piano to a Jew's Harp. Heintzman & Co. Pianos and Players Victor Victrolas and Disc Records Edison Phonographs and Cylinder Records Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, Accordeons . Harmonicas, etc. In o.eir Statiooery Uepsut ieot we have a large and beautiful Ian. of Papeterirs, Folders. lards. Booklet*, Yonntasta Pens, Bibles. Te-tstueotr. Birthday Books. Penlui and Hymn Books. All our goods are nice And fresh and new at oM songs MUSIC sTORE TH GNAL : GOD LOCALS -- PERSONALS -Mrs. David Higley .ad sheaves left thio week tor Cleveland. Mrs.. Cuaries Black spigot Wedass- laay- with relatives' in Blyth. -Mr. Angus M:Nevlo is is town speeding a few stays with friends. -Mr. H. W. livery. of Edmonton, .Ulvrts, Is in town for a short visit. --Meows. James and Peter Bisset are in Guelph attending the winter' I fair. -Mn. Wm. Redpath, of Montreal i. visiting Sheriff and Mrs. Reynolds, 1 Wellioguw street. I--Mr. E. J. Young t a few Jays of the past week visiting friends in ' Clinton and vicinity. --Fourteen days to Christmas. Only Iv two weeks are left in which do your Christmas ahopping. -Mrs. C. Tyrell, of Loodoe, was the guest during the week of Mrs. M. C. %toner, liluurester terrace. -Mr. B. Trout. of \Viartoo, wbo hes been attending this school of Pbar- marv, Toronto, is the guest of Mr. E. IL \% tsar% r. - Mr. and Mn. J. A. Rirwball are leaving this week for Chicago and other points west. It is likely that the v se ill take up their residence in the sweet. -Tice Blackstone orchestra. which furnished the utustc at the Star theatre on Monday and Tuesday nights,, drew large crowds and gave bit tisfaction to the audience•. -Mr.. A. Archibald. of Clinton, and \Ire. A. G. Robertson, of Hamilton. I left for their houses on Monday last af- ter n two weeks.' visit with their broth- er, Mr. Win. Costs, registrar. -Mr Janes I.. Hughes. chief in- spector of public school,* for the city of Toronto, gave a lecture this after- noon in Victoria school on "The mod- ern Tendencies of Education." -Mr. Hilton Holmes, of. Fort Wil- liam, is spending'n few dsVw with his pareOD. Dr. and Mee. Holmes. ('olberne street. He will re- turn to Fort William at the end 01 the week. -The many friends of the Misses Hutchison. wbo have spent many years in Godericb, will regret their depai- titre from town. itis understood that they will nerve to Montreal in the neer future. --Miss Jean MacPherson, who was for saute time assistant superintend- ent of the Maseachussetts general hos- pital in Boston, is spending a wee* in town visiting her mother. Mrs. U. 1' \I ac Phet son. -The closing exercises- in connec- tion with the kindergarten rocrn at \ ictoria school will be held ten Wed- nesday morning. December 17th. at 1s. o'clock. Parents and friends �� the cbil $ren are invited to he p --The ladies of the Arthur Circle In connection with Knox church are holding a Dutch tea on Friday Dec- ember l0tb. from :1.3l1 to 7 :ill p.nr. in the rooutr Over Meier.. Hodgens Bros' store. which they will fit up us Dutch Tea Room, -Mn. W. K. Hager. of North street parsonage, will receive on Friday. Dec - potter 19th. from four to six in the af- ternoon and in the evening, when Rev. Mr. Hager will receive with her. Af- terwards Mrs. Hager will receive on first Friday. -Mr. James Tutt. of Parry Sound, i. at present visiting bis sister, Mn. Hobert Bellows, )a.nd other relatives and frieede''In (ioderich and vicinty. Mr Tutt is one of the stalwarts of Parry Sound district and for several years hsi'been a member of the Me - Dougall township ..ouncil. He is ac- companied by one of his daughters. -Mr. M. /Whine, the clothier awl gents'furnisher in the M1cLean block. bas increased his business to such at: extent that he is now forced to move and after the Christmas season he will bs found in the store in Mr. John he seine block formerly occupied by Butler for many years as a bookstore. This speaks well for the business of Mr. Robins. He page five t this issue and as st ghrsdsome- thine special to tell onr readers'. --Speaking of Mrs. Jeannette 3. Kel- logg, who will .tppsarin Victotia opera ho,tse on Friday evening. December IPth. in connection with the O.C.I. rotuuxncement, the Moncton Daily Times so -se -Mrs. Kellogg proved to be a charming entertainer, and her elocu- tionary work was of a high ^baracter. a. She and humor, and whewas et home alike n she 1ht3 conelnded her hour and a half enter- tainment nter tainment all left the hall feeling tha: they bad listened to one of the most cultured and versatile readets Monc- ton bed ever beard. CH : ONTARIO TtMYM,pAlr. Dar'. 11. !t►l8 7< tsow ..QGifts-that toJ4L i'eJ&'_.-... 17/fSEA�I'rTJlB NDOnWSPIITYt'UE_ 0711 flNDGWD�D THAT rj?7UCANGEI 'NOW M/6HT ASO EPR/CES700 tlltlbl' I, 11111 1'' --• �.. I U L.11//1111L••• llllllllll ileadquarters1 POR - Christmas Sweetmeats What would Christmas be without them ? WHEN GIVING GiVE THE eJEST' Choice Confections stock of Christmas Spexes and cialties Novelties. Krisiosa* Kandy for the Kandy Kids! F. E. BURDETTE 'Plume tx A and 5. J. YOUNG Rf•:it MR PltsS MISPLAY OF Christmas Chinaware ANP Fancy Crockery SUGGESTIONS For Her Heavy silver plated sugar bowl and creamer of beautdttl design for. ......... •. $8 00 Other sets from $4.00 ea $15 00 Ring of very latest pat Peru. set with sapphire and pearls for . 5S00 or Him Geld ... links far 52.5e Other sets in gold filled and so:.d gold from 5:.00 so $12.00 Surf Pio. ' Gold filled with sapphire and brtl:tants $t.e0 Other scarf oinsjin latest de- signs from ...$o so to 515.00 from 0f ma.y d .. to $ o.OS gollkahLadia. fait Smith Brod Watch of dimsnsttve design is beautiful engraved gold 6llei casr of best anality for $25.041 Other ladies' Watches from 510 00 to 540.00 Toile: Sets 5* so to $se.00 Lockets $r.00 to $t 5.0e La Valheres 5r 75 to $30.00 Bracelets $u.00 to 520 00 Hat Pins $o.5o to $ t.00 A Woe gad varied as+0rtms'a+ °I goote suitable for 114.11 * 1411. st low pelves. One Meek all staph and fancy Preemies is Mw complete iee 'be hotly* swear. Special tat Saturday maim MEATS gad RAt'S AG RS S. Young MAFIA YAW olroOi111 These 111 NI_N•• Wiest THE Star Theatre s► Hear the local talent at the Sar Thea' t s. nee the pieteree obey are pat- ting e.. Thros !eaten pictures a week, aplrwdM drama sod coeswdlea whish mow, you of a glass etrte talnroeet at all 'tJat••• SINGER STORE CHRISTMAS % (MOS Silver Spoons If you don't over -Mr. and Mr -s. itay Steele, of Have- lock, formerly of Goderieh. mourn the death of their 14 mantle.' old son. Donald. which sad event' took nave on Monday of this week. any old hfrieave ds tbe in there vement. here to ober Mrstw In Two Hockey Groups At the meeting of ,the executive of the Ontario Hockey association in Toronto nn Wednesday night twot the teams were P i groups. The intermediate team will play in w group composed of Clinton. Stratford and St. Mary.. and the junior team in a group compoeed of (ioderich, Seeforth. Mitchell. Strat- ford and Lletowel. Mr. H. J. bulb of Stratford. is the eon group.. • !twinau Change Finest to be had Come and see our Chi -Musses NoyMtien such as flaadkerebiets and Glove Oases. Boudoir Cap•' t'sbdla Uses. Knife. Fork and Spoon Cases. Collar Begm Ladies' Shirt -waist Cases. Shirt Holders. snd other ■rtieles tea p0ercrows to mention. These articles are .11 made cap, sranrpad foe hoed elahroidery and make the handsomest gifts pomade A full range of stamped goods. .ueb es Waist... Nigl t- sowse. OoroWI.tbo.. Corsrt y Clot Ptseo.b(•Work i Clotho, n tanndry Bags- Pillow Slip.. Towel.. •peons. Collar and Ctr Seta, ate. All articles in Baby's Wear. Newest p.eekwear. Howe, Collets and Dollar and Ooff Sets, Glibness. Yskse. eta. We ars going to offer for the worst tiro works five Sewing M.ehless.that bays been dig= ,real, at Mesabi pries.. at sass and see theta. No trouble to acre geode. J. A.4vetryza, Mrs. L. B. Tape Ge.tlemaa's 21 +.f •• -, Watch in gold filled case of best quality. One of the famous Studebaker grades for .. 555.00 Otber gentlemen's Watches from .... . 57 5o to 5100.00 Manicure Sets $loco to $:2 00 Cameo Rings 54.50 to $i5.00 Military Brushes. $1.50 to 5to.0o Chains $1.'5 to $10.00 Fobs - $l.00 to $:e o0 For Baby 50.5o to 5.2.00 Solid gold Rings $o.75 to $2.50 find what you want listed above come in and look our stock --you will find in it just what you want, at just the right price. J. S. DAVEY Corner Colborne Street and Square Selling Agent for SOUTH BEND WATCHES STORE OPEN EVENINGS THE SIGNAL CHRISTMAS NUMBER Next week's issue of The Signal will be known as the Christmas number sand will contain illusttaeionvand read- ing matter appropriate to the p:esent season. After Ming in herainese here for the trust 15 rut k b oa lelthtVnshoots's. to Mr. J. ACampbell. 'Mir. a. recently of Meare. . a Parker of ,liasuilton„ MA Campbell horsed -hes prokedoit - Hamlltott but has wonted In Toronto and other towns a uarg as of + in 000511derable *and is ace and repots. The citizens of G�ricb, welcome Mr. Oesele bell to town all g►.o know thatrons owf the a eadWe b„ succeeds to a real hearty Weiser welcome. Mr. Hick is u.dsstNedet se to what he will do tout foe a t� he will take life easy end enjoy a wall -earned rest. His satiny fries& tete hep be will still re- main a reddest of Auderich. ANMOUNCIMINTtt The Iodise ti the l,.prIet cbureh will bold a sale of ha.dkwechiefs surd home maty Stilleg cm Saturday next, Dee- am - ember lath. 1.Keee the d store f nod piece 1 ,b steer. D I be Indies by la view and ~outage your pwtrossege- -Mae your appointments no or Moon for your Christ aM photos before the rusk. en that we can do jostler. to year work. New lipase of holiday ,a,00etleep now In Merle at Iltit Boo- phey /4110, J. \V. Trawler. peopele- lste. PIM,.1R7. Call at Ya OLoa Crnroarry f(tiorrx, Hamilton street and see ase 11 and Id emit play of else-askioned Toys, baste and MNM elt►--Ike taste( the Jobe ittestock. Th anything of iOtters sod Kh• wists. avety_hody a Merry per awl New Year. It. CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS Christmas and New Year's cards with the sender's' name printed on them we now much in vogue, and The Signal is *hie to supply them in a variety of handsome and appropriate design.. Orders should be placed soon. so that the rattle snag he ready in time for Christmas *nailing014/t at The Signal and see the sample de- signs. -Renew Stead and your subscription get one of our 1914 G.C.I. Commencement This will be one of the rleasant events of the closing year. the pies- entation of the diplomas, in recogni- tion of meritorious effort crowned with success, which all citizens delight Il to encourage. will he a very pleavtug feature. The entertainment will he a varied and excellent one at popular prices. Jeannette J. Kellogg is a most chorusing reader and elocutionist and is equally at home in the grave and thegay- The musical numbers will he given by our own popular entertainers -Misses Adv M. Clint ;Ai and Hildred McColl. and :Master W. Akehurst. The proceeds will he devoted to school dec- orations and equipment. A generous patronage is eolio iced. Friday, the loth Inst., is the date, and tbe Victor- ia opera house is the place. to the .:s lend - N -The Signal clubbing list will be are. 1 found on page ten. E. R. WIGLE LRUU4 t, T Ismer of Marriage Licenses WIGLE'S PHARMACY G otdericb. Ord ae*o • -Subscribe for The Signal for 1914 -- WINTER TEEM OPENS JAN. nth. Toronto, tint.. ewe. lt• .tebets the pee httse- eew eda.wties end...K.14 then te,.erem poi tse.e when competent. write :easy /ss ear terse catalogue. st.ltalsa• is •• is is •• eir% CHRISTMAS. PICTURES:.:. In Sepia, Carbon Photos, I land Colored Landscapes, Marines, Heads and Figures, Old Colored English Prints All in the most artistic Frames to harmonize with the picture From 20c up to $75.00. Nothing ie morer*at d ns. gibes from uwhtl prices lea usenit a a baaUliful picture. gond we have a lame assortment Also a nice lice of Statuary, China. Brass Goods, Leather Travelling Casts, Ladies' tT r �y��k��bCard Cases. Hair Oroaatents Christmas Cards and Booklets This N the ideal place to select yaw Christmas presents. it takes the lead. Srnilh s Art Store Neat Town N.11 Phone los 41111101111molina