HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-11, Page 6ID Tricorn/sr, D. 11, 1913. Save Money By buying the best H v g r a d e Electrical goods _ at the lowest prices. We cati give earl the lest harzains in E'ectrical Vixltlre.. Electrieel Supplier. etc.. because we are under small ripener. Flashlight Batteries every variety Tungsten Lamps and Hotpoint Heating ood ala aye in stack Dont he foolish. (ane where your dollar goes the farthest. Ilnuae Wiring end Herein' ere our ►peci•Vie.. We at, noth- ing else. W. J. HUDDART Eke ti trot C'onttnr tar \oath .tree[ over Signal 1 (COAL Having pit rehased the bind - nee. formerly conducted by Mellow F. Blow Hc:wes, we pur- pose dealing in Coal, Wood Lime, Cement Fire Brick, Etc. We will handle Scranton end Lehigh Valley Cad, two lines which ere recognized ash the best. We 'sitar ten giv= the peorle of Gudench and vicinity the best service pos- sible, and shall :ie glad to hear from all of Mr. Holmes' customers and any others who wish anything in our line.. All orders left with Jae. Yates. \L est street, promptly attended to. McDonagh&Gledhill 'Phone No. 75 Yards at G. T. IL, Neilson Street COUNTY --DISTRICT BAYP1ELO Mee. Stanbury and Mier Stuart left last Saturday for London to spend the winter. Mise Edith Rathwell, of the Goshen line. is visiting this week with )los Spackman. Mr And Mr.. \Vm. Reid. of Winni- peg..re visiting Mr. Reid'. p.rruts o0 the Front road. \Vork on the "square' iaat a stead- •1II this week but it is expected it will THE SIGNAL : QODERICI ONTARIO earl evening,•.d by eaves o'clock sharp were p tioally all sted arousedd aroused three twiny decorated tattles. bountifully laden which bad been arranged In • spacious upstairsom rooms. The ru"n e., cost•[ tog of roast fowl and "time iich dei(oecies, prnvld. ed • feast par rzrellence, and needier* to add. wan ,heroughly enjoyed by all. Wit arid wl,dout'lowed (trete lduring the water flamer uspry h %Vlllsne. the pastor, discharging the duties of toast -waster. A pleasing feature of the ev.ei°g was the presen- tation of a gold watch andchain to the bride by the groom. Many and t shortly. b resumed I tiv hearty c.xtgnatislet toms were el v tato le for hate• 7'h. annual Christmas tree ande tended the happy p sf 11• terrain;lent of St. Andrews e Sunday school will be held n tht iday evening. December Iw(14,te devoted at own hell. The proceed buying • congregational library. Ad- usirsiuu, 211 teats. PORT ALBERT Aar. Otwav Hoyden was a visitor iu Aube, n on Tuesiley. Mr. \Vat. Gauley visited irlalivrr iu Clinton over Sunday. Mrs. Alford Quid visited with het Gerlerich reboots. Inst week. Mr. and ales. Alfred Quaid and \li,,. Ktiz.tteth Clark spent the week -end st Mr. .1. Schuenhol'r in Clinton. Mrs., Hugh McGuire end ►on, of (indrricb. Ate visiting heat parent-. Mr. and Idte. Tbonia" Wil•oo. Jr. Nail. Berney Joseph and Mire Retia McLennan, of Detroit, wee. guest. ot Mi. end err. Walker Nlwray Inst week. 7'bingi are looking so thnugh ('hriat- m•a. was [tear in the village .lore. Holiday goods air x11 opened taut now and you will fled some extra g" values there. Ask- aLJut the pre.,it.w given with purchases atu...uitu,g to death. rind others have. moved away. t it ie st it weedily ineren•iug. May dal p never n -'t- r grow tee. Th.- young pr, pie of 1. ' ' rn an 1 fiuulop inrr"d guise their to-usl Clea..,.[n,n+ere r,re',intent. on the even- ing of tier-emi,er'rt, d. A. the e leg completed Io ."ecce u y 411nr1,P1' 01 a cenrm y of &treated life. .rd test wisher for the eon - t 'nuance of that bleared relation- ship for et est another tweuty-ttve years. were freely repre.med. The remainder of the evening WAepent in Kane•, merle and the "friendly chat" and a .hort progrst11111. of both 1nef ru- met'ed and vus•al n"tsic, reuuinee and a splendid adds -e h)' Mr. \Vorthy Ryan, bring much appreciated. Mr. Nr. and Mi.. Ryan were the le- cinients of many tool rosily prevent., which will eonstenth• and hentitilully deuton.ltato tate love cosi With esteem in which they are hetet by toasty ft :ends. DUNLOP The ntxili•ry of the. \V F.M S. met last Wednesday at the chnrrh. The weather war tine :and there was a well a(.1 114 at""and an enjoyable tine eras spent, We hops to see a larger uleui- to-rsbip during the coming year than ever. The society is now entering its 'ightrent It year mud though several of the members have been removed by tive dollars. BENMILLER Mr-. John Pohlad') hes gene 1 ' Scot l cosi 1111 a t•tset 10 her soothe, , tt ho is very sick. She sailed this trek and is travelling alone: - Mrs. Shnebridge hes lett,' ied home to Michigan. She was pleased at her drparu„r to Ir•rn ber father. Ma. Heddle. wee so much improved. Niro. NI. Vansitne tort with a tai accident on Sunday morning. On stepping nut of the house she slipped on • boatel and fell, hreakieg her auklr. The Bible c1Aas of Heemiller Metier. ndhlt't Gad 13 cents f x childrru. isrep I• din chuet h err having a special day the date opeo. a next Sunday. A rectod etteudance at Sunday sehool is wilted fur in the tGODERICH TOWNSHIP morning end Arrangements are being There will • shoot over the rtngr's madeevena for r epactal tattle il,le clearers inediet of the Gonerich township title .awe• the when other Bible classes "f' int on Tuesday, Decemuhtr lt1:h. preathe 'nt. Ar ieii"ood are r i tot, to he MThe literary society of 8.S. No. i, singsnt. and Rev's abate i+ s lead the I (,girt ich township, intermit holding ringing Revs. A. 1'. NA►h went A. W. Brown ore to give suitable ad- dresses. A Fen and Complete Line t1F Foreign and Domestic Fruits carried Confectionery and Fancy Biscuits Oranges Raisins N uts Eating Figs Dates Grapes and everything for Christmas "Quality's Best" POWELL The Grocer On the Square 'Phone •1 We have still on hand • few FIRST-CLASS RANGES and HEATERS which we are selling off and will got he replaced. oleo anything owe catalogue •bows at ver? [slow pekes. Cell and we [.ent. get oar prime es PLUMBING NIATING ILEECTRIO WIRING DISTAL WORK arid ROOFING Prompt .tt.etior paid to al orders. ememewommemeemeammer it ter are going to a great deal of trout's i n getting up the atta i r it it tone hoped it will be well patronized. 'Their will be A dialog" . entitle ti -The Old Naid," l,erides some email von -"•e► relectt ,ne •10o some teci'atione by the ytiaata I children. A l'bristmaa tree is to be on hand too, the tui, pingof which is alwev one of the msiu features in the rye. of 'he Lille ones. All adtnimaiun fee of '2.i cent will he charged for KIPPEN rheic enamel eute,tainment on Alun - day. Deceuttwr 22nd. A good pro - animate is being Vrepated. Every- body welcome. Mts. Barnby and little daughter ate \ meeting of the temperance work - visiting that lady's Irritants, rod en in Goderich'nwn•hip WAS held et Mee. Wm. Icison. Hnhnesville on Tout'rday afternoon of Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Palmer. nt untie_ this week to complete the organize - rich, visited at the home of Mr. J. B. I tion of the Scott act campaign. There D,nudale last week. was a good attendance of workers. The first 'Peeling of the season of Beans have been a fair crop this year. One of the beat of their is that of Mr. D. W. Hervey, who threshed abort 6111) bushels from 3S acres. \Ve ere 'lorry to have to report this week that Mn. John Cochrane. of the town line. it so ill that her friend" de- spair of her recovery. Her sister. Mee. George Kennaird. accompanied by her husband, art ived this week from Van- clat,, mud the reoretary instructed to another to he pates["[ during Mr,. 1o, ward ramie. The next meeting was tL'orbttit with ore held on Wednesday, evening of this It r• great regret that the people of Ihi• vicinity heard that Nle, wewk, when reports of various ex peri- and Mrs. Alex. Buchanan werelest'iva menta conducted during the season next week to go to 1Vheeilry in Kent were received, also reports of field crops roust)•, where Mr. Bucheuan hatsecut- competition. The anneal enrolment rd . wail 'slide of which lie iv to be the of inemhris wits continued and election courier. During the almost five cents of officers held at tbie meeting. A they have endeared themselves to the shots musical prolttamme way also comutunity and in the Methodist given. church they will he especially ',Assad AUBURN where they have been faitbftl work,rs and attendants. On Wedne.dec, the :ted inst.. Mt. Peter McKenzie, a pre emus )•Wring farmer 01 Tuckersmith, end Mies Hirano... eldest daughter of Mr. and Airs. Joseph Hood. were quietly stat• lied in the manse, Kipper'. by Rev. John Rirherd,on. They left Seisforth on the afternoon train for a wedding trip to Drumla. Ayr and !bight. ' The numerous friends of the happy couple join in wishing them bon voyage over the matt imoniml era. the Goderich Township Farmers Club, held on Thursday evening, Nov- ember _ th, was a decided succese. Prof. Hutt, of the Ontario Agriculture College at Guelph, wits present, and gave e, most interesting discourse upon "Beantifving the Home end Surround- inge." Resolutions of vympatb *ere posted to all bereaved families in the M:e. Maggie Small. of Toronto, is .vi -Icing Mies Sadie Carter. Aware. Howeon k imwwon ere ship- ping the balance ot their lumber this week. Mr. Setnuel Mitchell occepiee Ur. John Neegel's property. moving in Imo week. Scott's The sale of Mia Frances reins stock realized good prices, cattle Mingles' high prices. Mr. Wm. Match has sold his resi- dence herr to Mr. Oliver Lawton who expecte to move his parents here on December lStb. Auhttrn it tc have a bend Mr. Her. old Blackstone. of Goderich, is In- euteeting the boys and expects to be reedy for spring engagements Mr. John Jazdlue..f Gnderieh, has nerved into part of Mr. George Ask- with's house. Ha Is engaged as team- ster for Messes. flowerie k Iswsoo. A. Lalsg =paces is sawsrl inset the new manse sown, while Mr. Wm. Muteb will occupy the old manse for the winter *.oaths. This 311. all avail- able bowers here at present. Mr. Matthew Lockhart ham mold -his Nem' in East and Wert Wawatnosb to Mr. James Niebolaos. of Dunt an - 4400, for b311I Gad gives p weese l,re In the spring. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. N iebolenn back to their tomer bogie again. Mr. I+ockbert totemds buying a home be the Allege. A very pretty wedding was sotwas- ieed at the berme of Mr. staid Mrs. Her- bert Mngtidge on Wednesday, Dseesm- 1er 3rd, when their Aster. Miss Bertha MaOetsM we. milted M 'marriage to Aar. W. Marsh by Rev. W W. Wylie. of (blame. Pewledy as ail: n the Midemeseed the parlor es the arm of her Imhof to the strains of tbe wedding morel' played b7 Miss Dora Megri/ie. Mee* of the .Iona., and where the gr -os awaited bar louder an aero of everjrieSI by flowers. The groom was ae. s NILE Mrs. Dodd. of Altana. is visiting her dengbter. Mr.. Lewis Taylor. Mies lOnsa °Irvin *nasi Mies Mettle McKslght visit*/ Mrs. John Hackett last 8ttnda . Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa Baird and Mr.. Aaft'MGoedems,ji ited at Mr. J. H. Frndatterrgest weeks-: a Rev. H. Willa." preached on the test, "Heal the Sick" on tuberculosis 8onday. November 30th. Mrs. R. Mcllwalta is impIoving rap- idly and we bops will sown bare fully *,gained her [renal health. The W.M.8. held their regular mnn- tbly meeting at the home of Mrs. Jan.'s 7lawnprroe on Wednesday after- noon. A number of the younll people from Isere attended Ibe box metal given at Zion church on Tosodsy right. In suite d the homy met sed muddy road all resorts id tine,. The funeral the lataFrank Mc- Intyre was wiled ow Bateaday afternoon last at two o'clock. A lag* numbs of 1rle.d.ar'qualataesees psi. their last 'Abaterelle et Me the depeama by feliowi.R rort,ge to esaseMery. The sympathy of the Melwk7 le attended to tbe bereaved hod?7 sareistally to the aged father aid ulstheir who here lost a yea in the prime d asesbeod. Another sat osarrreess is the death of Max Ceti Pamdsee, widow at the Tete Thaw Pa diced. el Dem gamses. whist" ees.easeemd .tGet west. whoa. rho ieseseeds by her 1sster.. Meer 011e Twat*/ glr and grsadJwughate. MOO Lawes lrwis. had been mletlus l her dace[ Muibter. Mae. J. fleydeps. se4 ether rattler,. Th. s.. s.TM sews same so• Amok to bee many W. R. PINDER lbw tf 0.elltbn Street eimmefte Christmas Tide Remembrances can easily be useful as well as beautiful if you buy them at THE COLBORNE STORE IT WILL BE MONEY SAVED TO YOU TO DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HERE 1TH the experience of many years of successful Christmas trading to guide us, we have gathered together to- this year's holiday selling from every quarter that could be laid tinder contribu- tion for the purpose, a magnificent array of the choicest, staple, and fancy articles suitable for the Holiday buying. Of the splendid Christmas shopping display set forth for buyers with a keen appetite for getting " the best value for the least money ' we would say that the goods told of in each and every item are new anti desirable as well as the best of their kind, and the prices are absolutely the lowest for which dependable goods of their character can be sold. Handkerchiefs it goes without vying that Handkerchiefs are always accept- able and much prized gift. and every succeeding Christmas sees still more and more of them 'cid At thio store. Our showing this year exceeds any t iu i- arae In ynalily and quantity. They come to, "a direct from the ureter.' through their x ,entr, hence our excep- tional value.. Lutists' 'thane lean end nitre linen. rnrners and one side em- broidered, all the way trout 50 tip to $1.25. 'ISO, 10o. 111o. 20e: -Ola 300. 400, 50o 500. aro) on to $1.28. pie. Irish linen edger) with very tine Irish tare., tidies. Initial H.D. F.S.. 100 11111 up to a pure Irish linen at 25o. 1.411.e' awl men's nitre linen hemstitched. } and inch hems. 15a, 20o. 25o and 300. Full sized real Excelda, maser's label GDr e.ech, 150 or :' for 25o. Hundred+ of hemstitched lawn at so or ti for 21o. Children's' colored homier. hemmed, 5o. P:ctu,e packets. 3 fur 50. Fatly pietism, for the little tots. Battenburg Embroidered Crochet Articles These articles, hared mule, most of them linen, came to its from Japan. W. have them all the way froto w six-inch stat to a large Center Tshl•. ('over. T. ay Ciotti. end Dre•.er Vicerfs, and our prices are an low, if not lower than you u-nally pay for anacbias made articles of it similar kind. • Fancy Articles for Christmas Presents Hand made .n'Islin Aprnme. 25o. ('heck muslin Apron., lays trimmed and satin ribbon ties, Soo and ffOo. Hnujoir Cans, hand made, beautifully trimmed with satin or silk ribbon, 500. Handkerchief Bags. 25o. Fancy Duet Ceps. 25o. Fancy \Vnrk Begs. 5Oo. Hand -suede Rosebud Tier. Ti...26o. Crochet Ties in many color*. Regular 35o. holiday price 25o. Linen Goods in pure Irish make. Table Clothe with napkin• to match, tulips chry.anthemum,.cantbsaand rose pattern'''. Cloths. 7'1:1111, Napkin.. to f size. These were i iught expressly for our Christtues trade and our prices are much lower than regular figures on like linens. Goma bleached *rehlinve. 63 to 72 loche. wide. pure linen, 75o, $1.00. *1.25 and $1.50. Tights Napkins from 75o to $3.00 * dozen. size• in a email ten to a { dinner. Oar tinge is large end you will find role price. low. One piece of @J -inch bleached pure linen Tabling. AOo, and rine piece heavy half -bleached loom, diced pattern. p Silk Motor Scarfs in whirrs, eeeam. sky. rose, ineuve and block. Yl yards long and from $1.00 to $11.78. r Kid Gloves A pair of kid gloves ia always a suitable and welcome. parses, and a vwlueble one, too. 1l you w tot the hest always tiny Perrin .. They won't go wrung ezeept rarely and then you get another tie.' iu excha»ae. We have them in black, tan, grey and white. in too qualities, $1.00 and $1.215. We have a tan English walking glove nt $1.00. A great winter glove and • great weer -re. Hoods and Caps ('hitdren'e hoods and raps. A large anurtment of colo:. i,. • choose from. Pricer from 35o to $1.00. Chn.eern'• '-sol glove. sod mitts iu white, cardinal. navy :u1.1 black, 25o, SSo and 50o. Furs No gift more serviceable or Metter than a nice Muff or Stole t r both. Owing to the Lowman! mild weather during the last few weeks which made fur "piling rather slow, leaves us more Fun than ere oul t W have and being anxious to hire frothing left at 1,1 o'clock on Christmee Eve we are putting pikes ern low that nothing rbould be left to 'tell after Christmas. Note the following pricer': Black Coney Stole ,OO Black Coney Muff ...... • .................... .80 Black liable Stole )flack Sable Muff Kuesian Coney Stolle .................. Hamden Coney Muff.. Persian Lamb Sault........:...... Persian Lamb Muff...... .... $5.80 .80 $11.00 $14.80 Siberian Lynx Nude . ...•sees. $s18.00 Siberian Lynx Muff... .... 315.00 A tew odd piece( 1n Marmot, Opossum end Hume Martin at about ntaket's prices. . Lace Collars The largest aeortment we ever offered is bete now ready for your inspection and et real holiday prices. In Cluny lure or crochet from tic up to $1.:10 in sets of collar and cuffs. Come herr for your lase collars and cuffs it you want extra Values_ Waists, Skirts, Gowns, Corset Waists A new shipment just arrived direct from the ...ahem, in Lawn and Voile Waists. beautifully made and trimmed, everyone new designs for this Cbristmae Polling. Long or short sleeve.. open hack or front. and prices range from Ifo to $3.50. Three made of Voile are exceptionally attractive. White lawn gowns and skirts. Anyone wanting a : kirt or a gown should ere this assortment. Cloth flue, attractive trimming and pricer right. A very neat Corset corer for 25o. others 40e. Nrw this week. J. H. COLBORNE Mr. Thomas Manning. of Loodou. ember meeting at the horse of Met. brother of the pride, while the brides- James Acheson on the afternoon of maid was Miss Kea Marsh, of Detroit,' ajar lath at 2.:111 o'clock. The subject sister of the groom. The bride wins' will be "Books end. Reeding.- Roll dsiutly dressed in whits glories bilklCa1l, "Christmas Thoughts." Ladies trimmed with white satin and peen".. take notice that the meeting is a She wove a bridal veil with orange 1 weekeatilrr than usual. All ate roe-- blossomsandcurried ashower bouquet dully 1, vited. of roses and maiden hale fern. The - bridesmaid was gowned in cream silk ST. AUGUSTINE and lace with touches of lavender and cart led a bouquet of carnation.. After rongretulstioos the party proceeded to the dlnlog realm where asumptuo.ue wedding dinner wan parlskee d. This happy couple will settle down amid the lest wishes of friends. The prevents re- ceived showed the esteem in which the young couple were held. e= "44 s. hetilVire M deem N um.gmm.'vs on Myilay sRar- msee at two a desk. Oeesb Dole is , +tbe eminates el Mr. yea M,.i nisasa s of i fW, .em Nae serve of . m 11 .m.b. tteem* satelm asry al their wed. mds tiel ttmas 1104. Abase ss M 1s the ENTER ANY DAY AT THs NORTHLPN 8USIiN1L3S COLLUM *woo wlsse. ONTARIO Iadieldeal iaetr.MIos. Thirty- three roma meewer. Pedaloes gtlssaallfted W gradates. Ileac' Cl.Mem h. R.w so. F. O. A. jhlsetpal. G. D Pummel, tie estary. Mr. John Jefferson is somewhat im- proved. Mr. and Mts. Will Thompson visited Morels and Orry Maeda last week. Mise May Fowler. of Ooderich. is visiting her Mother. Harry, this week. Mr. sod Mrs. (iwt ge Robertson. of Lucknow, visited ft tends to this vicin- ity this week. Mr. Ed. Robinson returned from the 51'. HELENS ' west last Saturday to spend the winter Sea the hills frog' the St. Helens title with fei.rode here. doh oosoert oc Deeember Int b. ( Mr. and MN. John Shanahan, of Mw• Ja►giaa-B.rbOSt iRe i hit,toC ('limos. visited their daughter, Mrs. gleed Isle Sas siseir mt' vn-tFm Mt4.1 io-'p 5544. last wait. week. 1 A number of fanners from this Meew.• J. Webster, Will Taylna. vicinity attended Miss Shotes ■uetioo S. Taylor. Med. Humphrey, F. ToN. H: sale, near Auburn. last Wedoesday. Mace 1. NattersoS, B• filler. attended 11 - - and d McDoaaid his weak. Helms* hobnobfat cattle show at Guelph this the Wo- men. Th. tit. Hale hroIs 's lsstitute will hold thele Dec- KINTAIL Mr. M. A. McKenzie it heck bows 'regain after • maneth's resit is 1)04.th and Sault ate. Mark. the W.H. The .actual s.eettes roll and F.M 8. will tate place at the hose of lire. Roes owe Wedaerday. Mies Teo& Mclwsaa. aif Loebaleb. visttad at the home of her (eland. Mrs. M. C. Mcku.sh. o. Saturday ewes- are $.S. 1'fa, 3 The nasi mot whisk will are for • ewr'evt be held is Kissail t6+sel ea eh* eves- eg d F`tdat. Deewsi *t 1 , Itmiesiore- ev. Maeda* ariserel aawea1y of the Odes reml Presager/ries ge ehmpty ttfry Tb.td 1 ehnrele is Commie, new o. feriae* Mast M. bbd d v ahesalsl'l will give as aaaeees ars ,stades work e. theThe Mood Ms.m throat aka Y` in 's.44is the Arafeid Presbyterial' weary mese ruiner". If rem eAu«•b on the e,rv.igg ef W ed.esday. abitlki ~maks t ~ s rm*/i tM 17th d Oeeetabar• k -.t75. .M 1swth..a that tt.. Timiw r 1 avail ..n...wl' ibis •»•rusts ty d tasmd r of craw e mime bees Ile . Mettiestiw W r woe web. ars r one is ~Jid eg the nnoosamoas said .est tehased W 0.- *Me ebb bleed 'Welt as ° sapper .hew[ dhetatsraas time K salm_u . neer sew same beeper. by atmtei I m teem area [seems. to Ret WOW Memos Meese sad Joe WANG, ham. aielaad Maes fee the wlmgr. They Weed maLle5 K Mealy fee to 0. saM.y elthe tlt .r«a 010r POW ameiew`ell sera the Mem misaber al Mew. tlh..et. They helm se asst`* .w. DQdoa Sidney Pma A large collection of Dolls. dames, Mechanical Toys and Dry Goods to choose from. In the selection of - - - - - CHRISTMAS GIFTS How much pleasanter it is to [wry your Gifts at a store where evesytbin4 has been chosen with ear, and where pteesot• are played to writ trots childhood to aid age. 'These are a few of alta items to help your mwsoty. For Ladies atilt waM. and Ihestes, Drs04ineose nae Went Shawls and Sweaters. Floe Neckwear Sisk and Wool t'nderskirta. Veil" and Searle. Fancy Belts and Hand Dells. Faster Comhe and BaadMns Gimes arid H.04.ry. Drams sad Centro Pieces, Toilet Articles ,end AWN". rills (*IN. For Meet and Boyi Tie* and Neck Scarfs, Handkerchiefs. Papeteries. Shat ng 80a, Sweater Omits. (lag end Mitts. Books and Games. For Children Heeds. Veils and asap•. Tye and Games, Pletur. and Story Books. Dead. 0* ail kinds. Fier Sete and Dresses, Handkerchiefs. Dolle from :,c to 112 00 A rsd.etl'in fr. Leite.' Coats enol Deems.. P. T. DEAN mod presembell & cape to Mr. Sepia 11•11 Wens his • from Weir Wall.. The Mrt4 ydep..j y.d themselves ley eerie foe the_ irvireho After saps, the hsnwims addeass was read Dear F4ywd- W.. your many brad i sat sgwm OISIM a t t sap ter ye Weltys1 hem eneeiese ow w ope the ewe We eeettdafy eee- rear iaer t,b. geed dere wit have see. We theatfmae ash yws 1.mallier ONO yea mem s.. ea' this pie M MEW rem */ . war _ la mares we awl 'jeire elf Fl with yea a4 M} thee yew Moe _ rwrm tea wad wp1 rif year err ae_ yeu bed hash le r "gym M ` BM tIMIDISIS peeve* the BM beye eel elll d yrsease W tesetbee. • a -Owl Wawnr. • wealthy esainiseterer et he br Glad Tadllt Club. wee felled drowsed. H ►.d bees eructed s' love. All [)tNI&'rs