HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-11, Page 5WHY KEEP 01 COUGHING I,•
ion ki►Is.*1V1B1wN
10 you radial the danger into,
"cK1)lected cough?
Then why dont yos get rid of ttf
\'e*, you ere shake it oil, even though
It lure stack to you for a long time, If
ou go about k right.
Keep ort in the fresh air as much as
c„ot can, build up your strength with
plenty of wWssems food, and take
Na -Uro -Co Ilyrap of Linseed, Licorice
.n.1 Chloredy**
This reignite household remedy has
brvkek up thousands of haekinR,ler-
ss,tent comet* which weft just as
troublesome as yours. and what it has
,loos for somas, others it will do for you.
Na Un -Ce Syrup of Linseed, licorice
and Chitin:A is certain* absolutely oto
harmful drugs and or can beiven
safely to children. an well u adults.
\•.our physician or druggist can confirm
thin statement, for we are ready to send
them on request a complete list of all
the ingredients.
Int up re arc. and ye. bottles by the
National Drug and Chemical Co. of
t'adada. Limited. 357
Robert. Wilton, Massey -Harris
Agent. hoe w full line of Faro;
Machinery always on hand. We
have we thinks the cheapest
nod beet Caroline Engines on
the Market.
Also sone beautiful Steel
Renge. from Tudhnpe and And-
erson of 0t4111*.. 'Just,tbe thing
fora tamer's kitchen.
.3% e have in stock
Horse Blanket.
• Pumps
Cream Separators
M{Ikiog Machines
Driving Harness
And one hundred and one
other thing*. Cum* in trod see
us at the
Massey -Harris Shop
Hamilton Street
Phone 107 Mootre*l Street
T. Swarts'
'Bus, Livery
and flack Stables
0 Cf
Passengers called for in
toy part of the town for
all trains at C. T. R. or
C. P. R. depots. Prompt
.ervics and careful attan-
Our Livery and Hack
service will be found up-
to-date ID every respect.
Your patrooage solicited.
BOURASSA AND FALLON MEET tread the reeposdbillty for the,
gt , rrele eoaand
,.o ape mbsssd
Deoealrehas moa and lino•..;& Federation warrof d
Tberoagkly Discussed
The banquet of lit. Andrew's enciety
bald Friday bight. November :bob, fu
the Tecumseh Louse, loudou, t•rougbt
together two of the best motors in
Oho Dominion, Henri Bouraa, the
Nationalist leader, and bishop Fallon,
of London. Contrary toexert:tattoos.
there was n0 clash between the two
os bilingualism, r queadon both men
Ibiok strongly about. Mr. Bourse's
is in favor of having French taught itsthe public scbools of Canada, while
Blshop Fallon bolds to the ophoton tbat
Hagfish, the premier language nos,
should slways take precedence.
immediately tollowing the toast to
the titer, M r. Bourses* esu introduced.
Ktapoodiug to the toast, ...The Em-
pire. be said :
''To say that all is well in every part
of the empire would be rather far
fetched. Of the various trouble* and
cares which engross the minds of
rotate', and thinkers In the various
lit Wish po s.eesloo•, they of the United
Kingdo•as have their ample share.
They may be forgiven if they think of
saving the •tete front Its penia within
✓ ather Glen encourage paulotic col-
onials to rush to their ..us and help
thew and from dangers far more di.-
tsot than real. Tile Irish wreathu,
social unrest in England, perilous
economic advent neer, class hawed,
p•uperirw.sue among the leer wallet's
which the British statesmen have to
look after, and. seemingly. to settle
in a vet y abort time. Moreover, they
cannot dlaistetest tbeinselvrs from
causes of troubles arising in the other
motions of the empire.
He referred especially to the problem
of India because, he mid, it. way prove nus
be the stumbling block of the us
pire. "rhe peo k of ludic sae bound
to migrate to growlig numbers every
year. They Love been educated in the
idea that their British citizen►hip car
ties with it equality of t ;gut. in every
land over which floats the Union Jack.
They tberetore seek .better in other
British t'oasersion. where the white
inbaldtants are deeply imbued with
the conviction, right or wrong. that
they cannot twist the competition of
Hindu labor.
•'Th• most dangerous disease from
which the Biitisb empire is stuttering
et the present time, be concluded,
**is the unceasing effort of the imper-
ialists to change the basis of the em-
pire, to abandon the long enduring
principle of decentralizatitu and to in-
duce the various ..elf -governing por-
tions of the emplle to assume uew
burdens and reu,ponsihilities, out of
proportion with the powers of govern -
tarot which they powwows."
Rt. Rev. }bebop Fallon, tespobding
to -Canada," afterdtcleiing that nu
one fu Canada or the United States
now thought of annexation of this
country to the republic, said : "My
f wefathers, refu.mg to go to hell,
went to Connaught. but I have no
means of determining whether the
dash of the wne,tbe strain of the Nor -
town, the blood of the Milesian, or the
bone of the Firbaig predominates over
Use Celtic element in me. Nor em 1
losing any tint. on the problem.' WhatI do know is that the Irian people who
want to the United States displayed
a remarkable readiness to co-operate
in the eatablisbwrnt of • new and
great nation, while toeing no particle
of the love they lose for the land
of their fatbete.m
"1 aprepared to admit that there
may be • not iocon.iderable number
of war people whose mluds are open
on the question of Canadian indeper.d-
rncr, and 1 aro quite ready to express
any entire belief in tbeir boossty and
-ibc.Nty. Independence, likewise, is
en attractive catch -word, and quits in
hartnony with the spirit of the age,
which groans at the thought of obedi-
ence, .. Ubfortunatefy, most catch-
words are unmeaniug shams or mis-
chievous deceits. Canadian iodepend-
ence, to nay wind. is both one and the
other. The independence of a nation
of ten millions, side by side with an-
other of a hundred millions, can be no
better than a hAlow mockery.
u eassr vs..sMltn. !s moor
at eel•
e if - w rrK M Cried'fTIrtrears R� a.r tilt=
trainers Ie ve• osHw•
a 1 lidwss-
tore fIumaNIP
tkrMel at fhrse tea mousers
Cilium Bodo= WUegs
Coto Sr'o17M
R /•, W ..n
esed est, Pr1•eIe.)
GRA47 Tl5 NI, .11t ta,
brio ail% a worlds.
Daljp %a`Is Trask Ratite
Ossa• Mmr.blp Tieka. os WO
ara til deans►18
Tacna/AY. Dec. it. 1913 IS
Lease j,xpires Forced.to M2ve
to a body where all the parts of the •
espies would have their ;per tepee,
portion the burdens u 'ON
•'Tbe position of Ireland alone octal
not be bettered. Otte rules Use em-
pire today ; and those who admit it
are Dot boasting about it. But It l•
not extravagant, prediction w hazard
the goose that the very deeossdaate of
those whocriUofee the Irish dictator*
of todaywill glory in the part to bo
played by the chillrrn of th.e. dicta-
tors in the empire of tomorrow.
"You tell me that this .-hems of
Imperial federating i. an idle dream.
1�•t rise ser : Then Is en empire
greater even than that tit Britain;
it f. an empire of which I ass Ili ewise
a citizen : it le the empire gelled the
Catholic cbarrb. It is, of sort...
eresntlally, a dl•ine of gaoles. bot It is
also a human polity. As the bssessele
Goo of truth aniongat mon. It digs 10
make this world the bwbit.atios .f
Poetic* aed hoboes.. Thar. ls M
prioclple that it empbadse metro
strongly than the responelhility 6s1
it. ,nemb•i • toward. that lees favored
p tie inns oft he full.
"Much of Its ate moth reels on tin•
foci that each Catholic helps to beat
the burdens of the urilver•al chinch.
Prayer, sympathy and support go out
tinm every Catholic heart tied alesy
Catholic hand is. the afflicted Catholic
of every s ace and clime. B.tt the Cath-
olic cbureh bas no admiration for the
tramp. Ile evades responsibility, be
shone sacrifice and It seems to one,
that a people wises refuse to take op the
cross of respon•il4lky or to bear a
.bare In carrying the burdens of man-
kind comae petilouoly neer intoning
the contempt that justly falls ou the
tramp fraternity."
ppo tion t ergs denld share
"But the worst 1 bave to say of
Canadian independence is that. in the
inevitable day tt wi11 pace Canada in
a false position. i ray 'the ieevitable
day,' for the enemy will come. Wheth-
er from the snowy steppes of Russia,
or the flowery kingdom of Japao,
whether from Chloe. shaking off its
slumbers and real.sing its giant
streogth. or from the Imperial ambi-
tions of the German nation, I know
not. But in that day the fete of even
an independent Canada will hang in
Um balance, and she may suffer for
baying failed to face her b'gher de. -
"For there is a higher. a holler and
a nobler destiny than Canadian na-
tional indep.odewrr. Within the
Motile of tin. *hold -wide B1itf.b
Bemire we have oar heonteito .;ossae
wbo any day may be set upon, t belt
bodise wounded. and the more
preeknss inheritance of their civil
liberties compromised. Are the ad-
voeites of Canadian Independence ppte-
pated to justify the failure of their
play the part of the good
tan in sueh ci,cumetaooee, on
the plea that they have great posses -
slow and must seeds develop their
natural reso.ress f
"1f antt.z*dos is ondedrable and in-
dependeuee is either fatuous In itself
or false to the higher and holier dee-
dsi of our native land. ten thein re-
ntal= early some scheme for slaking
petslansat the bonds that timer bind
together the scattered portioned the
British spire, and tbtouab whish we
say hcbsossbly discb*rge oboee obligor -
time that are common t.. nu .11. If
you eased federate the empire tw-
then "either
ma yfederate lyou ts Canis e Canaa are da eves under
independeroor There Mao greater nn
likens" taken aa a whole. hateress
Australia 'err 7waM.i. on the nes
hand, .ad Canada on the other. there
there le between our emitters sad our
and Quebec..or between
••WItb God, all Wage are patte11m1. :
so are they with ages .f goal will vibe
sores Him sno ll altly and une..klage
y 1. spirit sod In troth. Yen ni.y
telt mother. this N reU los, poi voli-
tiss. Weil. If you will ahem use
to separate my duty (*God teas sly
of tis enol.. that 1 sheltveryirs
.ad pretests them aid na.. 1 will ags.o
that enlIgleet Mod /kiss sate be ••►
The Sageine Girl
1s always noticeable ivecatose of her
Bair. Srgeine is the life of coarse, dry.
unattractive hair and brings beauty
into the Bair by supplying the coven -
tial qualities that have been rubbed
from the hair by dandruff and other
diem•.s of the aeslp. Mageine is the
only dteasing of its kind rend ie free
Moto the ditiagreeable ode, etc , so
common in hair tonics. \Vr g
tee Hageine and F. J. Rutland gays :
1f B.sgeine wontatop itching of the
scalp sod stop hair falling or will not
beautify the Bair biting the bottle back
nerd get roue money. Re sun to go to
F. J. Buttoner., for Sagejne--other
stores can't supply you.
-The Swedish steamer Malmherg••t
foundered off Norway and forty-six
was e drowned.
The importation of firearms into
Iceland bar been forbidden by Royal
procla mat ion.
-Yr.6slweline Pankhurst is re-
erported to he in a state of collapse fa
Exeter jail, haying gone on a hunger
and thirst sttill e.
-Premier Asquith, at Manchester,
announced acceptance of Sty Edward
('argon's proposals for compromise as
regards Ulster.
-Jim Larkin, the Trader of the Duk -
lin strikers, refused to address a tweet-
ing at Grimsby becasse the chairman,
the Sod/dist Marklew, divorced bi.
wife • year age.
swam tett
seeh.edm eofslY1
Home Buttermaking
Market reports Invariably quote
creamery butter higher %ban awry
butter w hich Is the designation Rivet,
to that which ia mule oa the farm.
It is unfortunate that circumstances at
times make it {mpracticable for dairy
tanners to patronize a creamery.
When this con he done, not only are
the profit., as • tale increased. but
mush bard work is taken away from
the t>•erburdeoed s•sbsss of theism.
R Then Is no gond reason why huller
etude in $ house dairy should not hem
fine as that nude in the creamery
where comas produced under •11 boas -
nee of conditions has to he mode tip.
All that is oeoe•sary7 is s he earl ying ort
of a well established 'yet moo ln feeding
the cows, caring for the milk
and cream and the chornlot and pot.
Ung op of the butter. In order to teach
the proper method 01 carvvltrt out
these various operations. there has
been prepared. 'soder the direction of
the chitty and cold storage commis-
sioner at Ottawa. a twlletla entitled.
"Bntterwak{tag on the Farm.- written
by Mr. George H. Bart, chief atm[ the
oalry dividers.
This work, which may be .scored
free from the publhatbsa Manch of
the department of (detentions. ea -
plains the erwsmo* defects of dairy
hotter as well .s the oonditloem that
aro ne meary to produce floe Remotes
Dream. It then deals with cburnlog.
washes.. salting. wonting end p••klntl
butter. and considers the modern aee-
estssy'streets and their owe. These
are shown In dear Ill'sstratloe.
This bulletin, ',bleb la Pio. 17 of the
dairy and told storage mete", ess-
eludes with the fellowtag minor
es.ndat loos : "Keep good owe. feed
them litrerally, keep them soslfnrt-
.bile and demi whine I. the stable,
skim a rich erases and keep It soot.
oboes at • temp .apses that will glen.
Saltygraasls let the better • use .i.��
pose water Om wishing butter not.
more shoo three degrees adder .r
warmer than Hee bs'Jtsr.silb. Put the
bbisit euup Is mink dim
peebeipee, sal heap iandysgatt n ties
sbeei the airy .esti .i01 sues
of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Boots and Shoes
The reason for this big Slaughter Sale :-Our present store has
been rented and we are forced to vacate these premises by January 1st.
Help us to move, and save money.
Men's Overcoats
Made in (tn..t•le Anil .inelr.hres•ted eon
vertltd., style with belted b.ck in beautiful
soft, worm blanket cloths .ml two-eds, black
utelwu, akmo.a few chinchillas.
11111.00 to 122 1f0, Removal Sale 1114 tri
*16.0010$:),IM). '• " $1035
913 00 tn 910.110, 99.75
810.00 t o 913.58), • •' 88.73
910 00 " •• 96.50
Men's Suits
Mena Suite in all -wool serge•. tweeds
an.l worsted., plain and fancy striped, made
in the latest at), los and well tailuted with
patent harlel pocket..
$20.00 to 9222011, Removal Sete 914.65
816.(81 to *18.051, •• '• 911.75
*1:1 8) to *11(85. " " 1114.91)
1110 0) to 913.00, •' 97.45
Lama wool arta ribbed sock., Removal
Sale 19c.
Heavy wont Socks, grey and brown 33c,
Removal lisle 19c.
Thirty dozen Lines Wood, Removal Sale
19c. 50e, Removal Sale ZIc.
Arm Bands and Garters
il.msoval Sale 196.
High-class Clothing and
Gents' Furnishings must be
disposed , of. To attend this
sale is just like finding money.
Come prepared to get
more fine clothing and furnish-
ings for your dollars than you
ever received before. Here
are some of the prices that
show you the saving you can
make by attending this vaca-
ting sale.
With and without collar.. All colon
an1 cowhinatinn., pure wool Pod wonted,
9'2.50. Removal Sale 51.21
9:3.51.. •' 111.41111
$4 (MI, " 82.43
*1 00, " 93 95
Boys' Overcoats
•10.00 to 812.00, Removal Sale 9fi.75
97.0d to 98.5*). " •• 114.51
NUM to • 94.01', •• •• 118.95
$3.(8)w 94011, " " 92.5')
Boys' Suits
91) 685 to 910.581. Removal Sale 90 73
ad.(8) to 98.181, •' 94 2S
14.IM1 to $0.1111, " 93•y.'S
93.311 " '' 922.23
Men's Pants
94.081 to 95.00, Removal Sale
9.100 to 84.00. •' • •
92 ill) to 9:3.081, " "
91.73 to 92.00,
81 111
91 '1H
Fleece Lined Underwear
7.1r. Removal Sale 40c
Boys' Fleece Lined
Heiioval 8.s1e, pier suit 65a
Lstest .elver, silk and knitted.
45c, Rec:nval Male tic
otic, " " 29:
75c. ., " 4110
Soo Knitted Mufflers
Silk, color' nth te, ten. grey,
brown, green, navy, red and accordion
Removal Sale. '25c up.
Ant. and regular shoulder style. all
new shade-.
87.181. Removal Sale $1.13
*14.(85 to 910,111, Removal Sale 87.45
$10.00 to $14.00, " ea 45
910.00 " 111.45
Silk Handkerch'efs
Nle. Removal Sale tic
Tan and black $5.00, Removal `title 93 75.
Men's Everyday Shoes
Remevai Sale $2.43 rap.
Men's Working Shoes
Rs oval Sala SIMV rap.
iG --- t • .
---- -
Dress Shirts
Finest metier dress Shine, all sizes. as-
sorted patterns.
75c. Removal Sale 45'
91.111, '• •' till
111.25. " •' We -
82.1111. " • 81.31
Working Shirts
BI/bk, striped tan. grey. All sizes.
Re►uoval dale, 4:3c up.
Men's Wool Underwear
91.:41, Removal Nate A -r,
111.25. " " 7 do
81.00. 180c
200 Pairs Men's Gloves
92.30 v.Jn►, Reuii vel M-1.- 91 13
91 .2; • .115
SI 1st tC,
Men's Wool Gloves
75e, Rrmov.l Sale 45e:
i>U • " xic
Men's Wool Gloves
Sr. Rrmoeal Nate 19-
We bevy cleared n.annfactn.et'. stmeOes
of lewder mitt. and glover \N'. w111 eNar
theme under coat in our Removal Sale.
• of
You will save money by buying your Christmas presents here. Come and see our prices before
buying elsewhere.
CAUTION :-Make sure you get the right store, our store is on the Square next to the British
Exchange Hotel, little above South street.
All Our Christmas
Goods are Packed in
Fancy Boxes.
;ire Iaoree's
.IaaLan Root PIU.
.are ay t.... m satmante elhlth
diseases bet whish S arise
el.g o with bl■s _ fin. Pie
se wee oe
edia so
rd e tM the
sad Mritpee N•• t .1 � sThese
ata/ aim
love Dooto*e Mlles
• ss .ad aldrr
We tsaw w..we eta ts.aa in. er
'7 ..d.. .. •l womb ss
. lin. tf M .
sostedee antiwar
stwgt goo AC'alla
soder tyer1ve
•. Sumbl.b.d .r
owl" arriA �w'm. ssA.e�Mw_M.S her
ass. aro
7MM= T 0:0.
xstolio. e.51 %.esMOM .
fir j‘arr141 IN/PINION COI!:
„cr.,eped t
777 are IwNd la
Sneodetss�l1m�aka��ih.lte d of
InNiga messes
tee It 9
Winter Term feam January 5th
bra. in • Mot 0.4... -era
*reveal.. We ees.
ye tasrk .. tIre
tJasemerel.l. Herat and
tM • st
.er 010•114wke grew M .g
knew aas s, ...Ade amain ego
fee rat ser feu here vss.lw9 ear
fine. •,ialerM Wylie Moe 1a et area
b. A. ri•LAClt.Ab. r dlmip 1.