HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-11, Page 44 TaptrnnT, Dist it. Wld vittalias l i COMP r ., • See o' er li I j • ��, krny - 4, �' _ jar :, men Ladles :-- You can best buy presents for your gentlemen friends at a Men's store. We have so many beautiful and useful things for " Him" that it will be easy to make a good selection here. Our high quality goods and our reasonable prices the our customers to us. Here is a partial list to select from :-- NECKTIES NECKSCARFS GLOVES SUSPENDERS SHIRTS CUFF .LINKS TIE PINS HOSIERY UMBRELLAS Fur Lined GLOVES COLLAR BA(i LAUNDRY BAGS HANDKERCHIEFS SWEATER COATS BATH ROBES DRESSING GOWNS TOQUES UNDERWEAR FUR CAPS FUR COATS HATS, CAPS, Etc. Bring the Boys along. They'll like new Overcoats and Suits for Christmas. THE BlotAL : OODAR[CH ONTARIO !MAL BANQUET Laurier Anemias's,/ Peltsy of Peed Per Dinner Tables TIM UTEST MARKETS Tomato Mata Pres•• fllr Wilfrid Loaners The toiletries vb hale prise arm The cure ur addrwa 11 the banquet tendered him quoted at the Tomato Board of • and Mr. N. W. Rowell. K.C., t,t Hoon- wheat. *utopia November SLS S H� ear al sew by the On Pedontto• of Liberal there qKo to 641`,; ales of that WSB his lalld declaration Lo lime; teed whoot. 16o to 7Oc. awe should enter Canada fiee of the costcardiac to o Wheat -No. 1 new, WO to described the steady rise d thing In Canada. and pointethat tcdout ll*g I4outside.tatde, $$c to fes. 'mak. by Board of Trade ttgtt land the cost bad risen unit seven per Manitoba Oata-$w II C.W., 41s, peat.. who. In Canada It had warted track. bat ports: No. 3 C.W., Nee. A:tyaas per cent. H. referred to the Onto io Oste--Nd 171b.white, ifo as lli change in the Americo* tarts and Mar. Tomato. *tared that 111 effects had already began rase, kits drt•d. No. f theCanadian consumer Cora-Amortom the would see prices 30 still sbleseut, To What Is the causer he asked- Peas -leo. 1, 910 to 31.01. car Iota -Tae meat redactions to the Amort- outside. can tart!," he went o*, aaswerlag W 11tya--N0. 1. /dc to Sc. own gwtion "Hulk cream. swim. lolled Oat. -Per bag of 30 pounds. sheep. best, and many other artless x$.13%; lin smaller lots. d ; ntlf to have bun placed upon the fres list berrei 4.10; lobules/as, to the United 1r a.dy •r• barley. out, products are ar..ay rushing towards Barest -Good malttag WALTER C. PRIDHAM S'aufleld's Underwear soh Opuhry CI,thing to 1» telt by three reams. all rail. Dsosmber and hi lad that the neat costo tr.6Pt• IOo to Ile; Meet moa No. 1 yellow, 7/1bo �pR� PRACTICAL CQRISTMAS PRESENTS Therefore thee. t[oetrsaL theUnited State. 1 sada hie to 61*. But these articles 1 have named BuokwkwF- No. 1. qc to 70c, oar oaasut come back fres from the gots, resume. Leaped States Into Canada. and tt ao Idulte.d-M•atoba bean, 221, track. pro4acts of eke same kind caa some rofomto: short,, 226.1 to 111; oa- back trona ek. United States tato wry, bra. 221 ,.to 221.60 la bap; Oaaade the result is that all d the .hosts, 333 mtmmltap, 333 to i10 arUS.s wkloh are the stool. food silt I Toronto Cattle Marla! the people are growing scarp. Canada, and the pries tie's".. r Representative prices are: - that 1s a natural ooadttions of tk1>Agr. choles !7 . W to 17.71 "k is true 1 might •at wrrli . o- good 1.60 7.Si shoot reciprocity," commented Sir w� i �. medlunti 1.00 0.40 &rid. "bat I have no recr1mm1natloaa to , do- twtamon 6.60 6.66 Lata The problem to beton us. ' . o sow., okdos.... 3.00 dill/ Let u• fur, the past and look to th.. t1.. medium4.76 6.76 fetus. There our duty 11«. 1!a 1 do. common 4.00 3.w situation requires action, prompt. ea. Detre bull. cholos6. t6 7.16 bsdtatlag action. Sao peke, I eve do. medium 6.00 0.01 4.36 6.N 6.00 0.76 6.60 0.00 4.60 6.16 Gifts for Young People Let us he;p you solve the perplexing problem of selecting gifts jpr Y W young. Wtierids. Our stock is replete with suitable gifts, among which are : Spring or Hockey Skates 50c to $5.00 w P*ir Hand Sleighs - - 45c to $2.00 Snow Shoes - - $�.50 to $5.00 Hockey Sticks - - 15c to 50c Rifles = - $2.50 to $7.50 Tool Kits for Boys - 259 to $5.00 Pocket Knives - - 10c to $2.00 GAMES "Just In" We lla‘e lust te,eiyeti a large shipment of games for the l hn.tmas trade and as this is a job lot we are running then! off .i rldl.ulously low prices. HOWELL HARDWARE CO united '3 ti am? PLACE TO BUT NARDWARS. e, at this moment, the policy - - I revery patriot to Canada 4o. common of is r eve 1 pow to support. and the Polio,' ken Have It to be the duty of the 00.e16. mootto immediately u' Cannan 4.16 , or absolutely zn! r.aa-llOad Milkers, choice aaek71.01.106 100.00 from customs 4.37 Mr.00 Wilfrid dealt at length with tfe do. ,toms and mod... .66 86.00 100 o0 do. light naval goe•elon, which. he said. "Std tellers 10.00 .« veal 1.00 10.60 4.10 1.00 6.16 6.00 4.116 4.76 1.60 4.60 3.16 4.16 6.36 1.70 Men IMAM from ads to side 1tke a football b, the Conservative peufi'.) do. rough Canada had reached the status d a i 41esp• ewes. light matloa Though we are British saleI do, hes/7 luta" he ooatinaed. -we are Cam- do• hooka oho! aeons, and if we have duties we dies do. culls have rights.'` - Sur Wilfrid aaasrted a belief that do. bucks. 76c lower per head. the policy adopted by the Libelist Hogs. fed and watered. 1.10 party "o* the ground of autonomy er do. f.o.b. 1.04 self-government" was the oaly pow do. weighed off cars 8.60 *oo.ptable to the Canadian peon. ta He said that had an emergaaa,rralny existed the grant of 316.00 ts augment the naval forces of pure proposed b7 the prwnt _ ,. rai- ment would have bee* readitzrectod. "If ever the day arises." h. "that Great Brttatn is on trial siq.,4101 cull oa u• for asststaaos. The sib gene, was not to Europe, but tu jy Borden Government.'• Mr. Rowell spoke on its past. present and futarellairill Farmer.' Market Yo*lowt*g are the latest quotations for form produce at St. Lawreaa Market, Toroato:- 00 00 .00 Hall wheat. bushel Dsts barley buckwheat Eye Pees btraw loos. Ray, new. No. 1 do. No. II ASIIW BlG /URSIDT Railways Expect Parcel Peet tMr ils. to Cut into Express Bushmen The big railway companies are *se ferrtng with the Postmoster-Gemew6 with a view to having their subsidies for carrying malls increased, wits the advent of the parcel post se r� �� 31.000.000 to 33.000.000. The railways want the subeldles to cover the Mas the) wul sustain to the lose of gib press Maine. PORT HURON rill Grand Trunk Lose Nearly Hal • Mt Ilon Dollars Block One of the Grand Traub shops, the great Industry of north Pail Huron. was completely wiped out * Are last week Everything to the shops was destroyed. with several thousands of dollars' worth a tools belonging to the empheyes. Oa. Sar` Ma man eminates kis loss at 3100. The total logs will M upwards of 1400.000. lip.ctal Flatus R...Inded , In respoase to the request seed• • deputatioo npe.s«Riag dealers of Caa•da, the w►' General. Hon. 1. P. Pelletier, se nuunced that the sew dapaRaamrl rogulaUo* re•clsdlag the apodal pat tel ..tea on mods would be until eke lnauguratioa a tb. poet system. when Med will teems ander the parcel post rote. 1 3.16to1.se .81 .48 IO .63 .70 .00 41 .00 1 .03 1.00 10.40 16.00 17.00 00 16.00 1 Olga, new len .I6 .70 do. fresh .10 .14 do. storage .60 .06 S atter, choke. dairy.. ..9N.- _ $ mo. wmsTy a▪ treeed, lb. . : U • o %H , Cowantlut'kps . 90 .9$ Mime 16 .11 Ipriag chtcteas .11 .10 ducks .18 .10 ve oklckens .14 4o. ducklings .14 do. turkeys .18 do. hens .14 ft•1atoes, new, bag1.10 , does* .60 ors .is dean .10 .0 melt 1.111 Osage. Moi .cls Cen••rvatly« Win Syewt•Mt' 1 The S61k Moslem whale two 1a 6.t Illmdlu.ss resulted is • Inormative victory last Thertdaf. Mr Joie Ilerari•a of Westwas Muted 10 teem over i modliout of that Ltheesl anJobs W. d Toimporniew perbes. y a gaahergat dd 1 $111 114 Oes. k-- _,_ a3y e '$o the last Meatier we t[ 11 wt IPega,lsr S. Prr.a.ent Maio set.eafeg te °taws tram gm South. Prowler Medea had • brlet!be t,greyw with Pregame Wilma 'M Washhgw. Hr. Baur'. Wale stub improved. .30 .M .00 .00 .00 gait Bm6*le Cease Cottle -Prue steers. $6.71 to M; a 22 to $.76; butebsra. 37 is N. sows. 36.16 to 37.16; trolls, 31 to 1T.9; heifers, N to 31; Meek WM., Se t. 36.71; .tom.'. Mrd kala.. 31.10 a 37.16: fresh tigers tad .Meer., [raft. 340 to 3M. Tsai. -Matte* calves. 36 to 313; '*a•fa calves. N to K.N. )16.P.. I3ss ry. ml=od, 'takers sad OP. 9; renew STA to 31.11; stags, 14.10 to 37; dairies. 37.76 to N• new and iambs -Lambs. 33 to u.IS; yearllap. 34.30 to 9.76; wsth- ,re. 36.16 to $.60; ewes. N to K; !beep abed. 9 to 3OJ11. I � TM power seb.ea.r Mary MAN sae et espl.eer Sh&aas nes'• bosh. has beam *reeked of t1. Mete ease el Alaska. The wholes. stades at Peat ad- wart ♦w•r'l. Oat.. Oohed up drools bilm soot MAI baro% Mattes i. Southetr% Australia to Syd.•'t. 7111s probal/ eeastitses • reseed. Mrs. %lathiest who le sow w bsr our brig to Seem& summated eat her Amortises Mg soared 310.000 M beneed ISe ,Mass of wmaaasb _ & 11. W. i.b..Wee Ism MB beesg . Libor da hiessio Bey: Chid 1•808•osr tate Ossa Ns= .d. 1 b.ra nretastparlims • THE KIND THAT (NYE PLEASURE SATISFACTION COMFORT long after others are forgotten Nothing is too good for the house and nothing more appropriate than a _nice piece of Furniture. Here are a few suggestions that will help to solve the gilt problem and add to the home comforts. VACUUM CLEANERS The friend of every housekeeper and - the best Cleaner on the market, your choice of finish, strictly high grade. 3' YOUR HOME IS YOUR PALACE SPECIAS FOR CHI DREN Chit 1•en'. Rockets, To' Sets, oval-shaped Tattles, Barked Chain, very strong and neat, different cobra, Doll Carriages and Cradles, targe variet y of child's lio-carts. FOR HOME Odd Parlor Chairs Fancy corner and reception chain in variety of latest mod. I.. Large Easy Chairs and rntker', deep, comfortable, spring beat., I idled back and arms; leather rocket,, a large var- iety. Davenport Beds and couches, the moat useful pieoes of furniture for the home, oak and mahogany finisher. well upbobtertd. COMFORT Odd Parlor Pieces centre tattles, lardiaere stands, fancy screens, etc.. the nicest lot of dainty parlor pieces we have ever shown. Fancy Mirrors flanked, just the thing for bath -room, bed -room, etc. Be sure to see them. Pictures We have probably the largest and most attractive line of framed pictures suitable for gifts in town at very reasonable prime. 'there is nothing nicer for a Christmas present than a Nor- dheimer Piano. We sell them. Our .tore is filled with beautiful things for the home, which, atter a11, are the gifts a a giver. You are welcome to come and look. If you see anything you like select it now. We will Mem, whenever you say. GEORGE HQt"IMEIER Furniture Dealer Phone So rsNI m•r eater i aode.kn.I 2 DROPSICAL SWELLINGS are flue , o{ely to a diseased condition of 13.' kidneys. Then is a ■peedy' cure in Anti -Uric Kidney lt P. J flatland bells them and guava*. tom tb.w to give thede.ited results. Come back sod ttlyo r loony if B•. y, n t as not pet 7 ante y..0 get Anti -Uric Pills. B. V. Marion on every package. • ChM** Llvessesk Csttir-issues. $,.14 1• 9.70; Texas steers. 84.66 to 67.101 sews sad letters, 31.16 to 3*10l Matters. sad 'seders, 3410 to 31.41; elshes, 84.30 e `11.80 Thep .11gkt, 37.1 to 37.36; Maed. 1114 to 37.1; heavy, 37.61 to 31: k be 17 Ih;' sato of W e. P.7 peep --Harkens, N M bombs. tt=i1mtlpp 910 to N•41: lsoltr. mllww IAN to 37.10. iee.l amt lblgtaSb 11115 Wiz i . ,mat M 1110. Ceti. M Mewt eel lellowlas ore the MUM amstats•e• ,01 N e sews at Um West Rad Idaetet uss : PM,. beeves. 7te to se: meets. Me to Tse; tomsteat, itis to 6qe; amber.. 1e to $½e Odves, 4e b 7%e. Bbee1. „sato W11 tee lambs. sheet la Sega. Ixe. WOOD AND INDUSTRY Twelve Htwdred Ontario 2a•.L.ct.rera Require Wood The f.•restey branch, Ottawa. I. now booing a very comprehensive bn1'e:In s+ titlyd, 'The Woodossiag tadustr:es .•f OU'crio.".. Leavitt,' st est of eoidra ,. ion the numerone Industrie. saga; .4 an the production of shingle*, 4th. tie•, MIAge-timber and rough lumber, there still remain at least thirty-eight different Industries more or less de- pendent on wood for their operrtbe•. and It in significant that even the makers of wood •.lielitittes requite wood in the process of manufacturing each. 1'hs eahaustios of osterios wood- the depletion of which le.1hors the feet that ower sr se the total expendi- ture se MAI , 0.1 seriously tor Imported *awl .seed d «rlotr•ly crippleeveryYiastt y. Thirty-letlr different kinds of wood were nssi by *ass I.d u .t r*M is the m•medasll■r of everything in wooden produce tress to • to threshing tra- chines. Only eight of them woods had to he ertie.Iy obsaimed from outside enure" but on the other hand. only The Twee Chamber it O..ms•.. • tandem r ..d.a.«tms 3. wore forlR M Vselpreeel trudges wttb the some Dallie.hre. •rd tate UM tr- *Metn wNk the A1* Oswslsalwe. *r Ohms*. Aegean& sad ether .ix were seinen home-grown. How- ever, almost ifl per fleet of the thew peinetpal ',peek., namely, pine, spores an d merle, wech represented over ens -half of the total quantity need. were pereliased In Ontario. The .•.h sad eine industry easily takes lint the o�M1� the wood -u.- per tent of tthe 6I 1 n1'M1,s M,KD fork heard gwillaro, of .,malt ieu8r sesuslly wlteh.d up b the tress thousand two I -shod Omar- to marto manmt s8aesre reporting to the forestry bewail. The lopertaser of obis nae biometry will better is soder ser-od by rogesse .11th the ppasip io- date ry,w� 8Mi! dm sh..R3 me1110/6.te) f..', hoar• mer.P4% of saw 1MIsr- I.I. n.vwMM et.e was nap•••18M far Nair. oe.ly 14.6 per eras of the MAI Oa -A0 A ghee IOUs Mr *awe se JlUass tuns. The 1013Us stasesine lr �s -�sr d PMeee seed& ter bee. tah.letfre sf mesh Imone3ry, ig farl Ogg W b. his steer 4e. .ai.df3. 8100•41.68 as tie ml tIS ?segs part 11t she hanma of woad Mone. la the appealing Is a Mord , ens hob d...1s4 (Mori* weodl- NEW MANAGEMENT NEW IDEAS NEW GOODS Do not pass the CENTRAL DRUG STORE without coming in and examining our splendid stock of CHRISTMAS GIFTS 4 business welcome awaits you. -- For full particulars see circulars being distriBul- ed this week. -THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" J. A. Campbell, Phm. B. Peoprte or PHONE tilO Co. n•r Nor tb At r., t and Squats 0oilerleb The Signal will be sent to any address only in Canada to Jan. 1st, 1915, $u.00. Send in your subscription now. Do You Feel Chilly on Feverish and Ache all Over Pena WWII est -Nva sod tire* 7 Dsa't IM'(1s tenable amid t ger 1is� �s�ma ski � .Isa � jseee• ..a.. to p.st 4e ram Is DAL !'7t111.C1L'D olden Medical DrMeigesMag lime of salsaelt weft over 1sesospire M. rm. Mae sad •.sees f tl lits - BIS am slims else. ►• The On r, ear 11 atm afar a161=