HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-11, Page 2s THCasDAY, Dil'. 11. 1113•
I Great Money Saving
Christmas Sale
It will pay you to do your Christmas
Shopping with us, as we can save you money
IIat our Big Bargain Sale.
Strove AHD PV•xl.laUZII
Tea gauss*. is nabbhe1 errs Thord•s
Saw. IM..alto le 11w Weaol bulldtne, Nor•h
Hire -r. las rich Untr t.i Tal•ptsoa. Nn. 31
laverus trrwx.•came -ilea Dollar and rift,
oar w : If yang atricuy la .A anro d)..
h.Ilar will be aesseted xebooriberx In the
plied &alao tfia its lo Oar Dollar and Fifty
.(Hotly In adv./see. Bab-ertb..- who
fell t ,costa• THE +unfit. regularly by trill
wlllennfer . favor by argautnt las the puM1A-
er .,f the fact .t i,. early caste as p....ibi.. N•hee
a rima. •f whirs.. I.. ae.lr.d, bot\ aid and
the sow sddior ..hould be siren. Rataittaweea
cosy 1.e iu.dr by beak drat. snorer• taoaay
ardor. tart -nines oriel . or reelatare4 latter.
Ploh..•rioi I.tns nay enmuwnr-e et any tlasa
r,v eaT1.ixq 11.14yir.-stat- for direly and
seer.. a .d ver ►«aar,t, w til 1,e of yea ua eeett-
oail..n 1 eaala.d otbrr eia.ilar.der.tl.nwnt..
len cent• i -r lir. tor Brut n rrlou and four
or... per Ilse for emboli wilwrottent In.ertioe.
N.n.orvd b a o.1e of maid nonpareil - waive
1'.... In so Inch. Business c•rd• of ifs linty*
snit mode.. Fhe n eller per year AAv.rUre-
u'wi• al lar, s'.,o,id. s loyal, nit•artans
V.c wit. ?Os no. ion • tya ••t1.t . 11‘..u. • for Sole or
I• Howl. earn• f ,r $.Ic o, to Reid. a ,Heel.*,
for Kit.. +tc, no, ex, ending night line•. Twenty -
dye tent. each to onion : Una Dollar for Ord
Ilitoetb. Fyny t'r,,t•for er•h.ubs quirt' stoat a.
Lamer .d.etil-euanr* n. proprtlnh. An.
nioitnvn.ents le ordinary teatime Iyo.. lea
1'. sir. per Iui•. Nu nosier I,.w than Townie -
flee Cents. Any .penial .o ire. the objets et
whi.•h4 the peeunf•ry brsrtit of any Idlyld•
nal or wan. i,tlnn• t .bo ooe,oler•d an adyw•
tl.essent and ohasrd aaeor.itngly.
10 t'nagxIIVl' 0CCTs-The re -serration of
(tnr .ib. ribs. .net roods., i. ,»nlu.ny 1nv11-
. d t. ward. [sot l«g rug •*.. it ,. n asklyyrr mored
of ..11 Meal. woolly asst dintr . I owes-. \r, Cuai-
n.nnle.11o,. will he ••landed •.• unMw 11 sun•
tw in. Ih. nous ...A aids.. of the w. (tor. it t
u•-. c •+.+ti,) for n•,blire,inn. a n, .. e•• avi 'men
of erred f••tb. New- Itenw, -bnuld react, 1 ur.
NIu!l Al. oal.b not Deter th.1, %% rdnr*Jay [won
of arca week.
r -
• r . ;:i. ;qt. •'
Brar•let WAtrh,.me inner pnpttlar tkla
v.-ar (hyes ter,- 1••Inre. %1e have a flip•
stork of Hrar•-let \V .tree• in !Anita ' <,$d,
(7n1.1 Fillet. tier, ling Silver and (tun Metal,
all nssrk•et Very Special.
IMr stock of s"aJ Gadd and Gold Filled
Br aerie's wise nevrt- Lrite'. We haves aur
iwatttiful designs. It will par von to -see our
'erg, stuck of Bracelets, as aur pricer rue the
at $S.80
Our stork of Cut Glass was never better. We have a c.
of Water Pitchers and Glasses, Berry Bowls and Napp',
[dishes, Open Salts, Knife Rests, Salt and Pepper Shaks
ling Silver Topes.
25 off all our lftr¢e stock of China.
Larjte stock of Jewel -Cages fielding at Half Price.
plete line
, Bon Bon
with Ster-
Values in
all our
C, locks
ata• -
' Chimes
Only 10 more Shopping Days till Christmas.
Call on us for Big Values in Christmas Gifts.
Wa1t- H.
Jeweler and Optician
Nothing better anywhere. Large assortment
in ivory and Ebonv•
Toilet Cass, Manicure Sets and Combinations,
also separate pieces. The kind that pleases every-
Our Perfumes
And Toilet Water, Sachets, etc., are of French
manufacture and are the last words in perfumes.
Pipes, Cigars for daddy, brother or uncle.
Chocolates for wife, sister or sweetheart.
Come and see them for ourself, no trouble to
show goods.
F. J. BUTLANDI Druggist
ss lee sows 'T1s lire That Pieties* -
School Teachers Enterprise
One of the ntost Inlereetins 1-tt.re
recently r.i'• ired by 11s• dolt y row.
u,it.ldner. Ottawa, i• from A school
teacher 1n All erta who a+ka ter ssflk
record forme motel litre attire nn the
. object .4 r .w Irw• ing, Iwa/ree---enw
(.sten Snow. i-1 Ills huya in the .sheat)
ate starting w context on recording the
pwoductios. of individual cows to tact
me yeti-.
Thi. "pens rep a newt , mw,ising
field for reel y IMAM( I teaeb,l and for
lhntntuti. ../ Noy. in foie '+ntntry
sshoot.. In thh.e wesoki 1'w reth.wint
. stmewbat .I..wIy la sit• wake of moray
school.le the Cnile,i dates and lgrw
Ze•laiid whet• the me of the tlaheock
milk t+•ter boo been t.,s t si Inc swerve
Beer. In • dairy reostry like chi., we
. hou'd 1y oat Sloan. trail. for co hoe
teeehet• sod ►says 1..,scion..
Na heifer seek Hamid las cahoot aft by
n mol. Inds. far any record week of that
kind Istat lafatOhly lead to altar.
v.Mly b.•tte". cwseldnee tie del
fare.. p,wlvsMv these Alberta ls/ti
will toes M esc.f1eet doh yeses ole
tsimise meet t$411.• et elle hasdrd
hes to Say the dale! t1M•Idwti
Ica ally taw' read) oo�lpply 1
turas* sad irts7NMw
els s.
When. a cnupleof•t•rla ago, stn• ire
began to leak nit *boot gr.,+. mianien-
agruteut nod wart.• in connection with
the government work at Met NeI.on
o 1 Beason IIay..i Filth Wan 11iade to
Cover the mallet up under Llauk nib:
dial denial.. with Hoe. Frank Coch•
Irene as the thief denier. But lhr
truth would nit down. and at• time
goes on it become* 'noir and tuore ap-
parent that the goa'ettemeut has wore
than bungled the very conieuen-ewent
of the first important prey.' of work
Abe). have uudertakro 4111 ins their
two years of p..wet. Now Captain
ICubet t'ion of site at wt tore A.lett•,
which was chartered t v the g ,vero-
matt, isn•bie to brad at Port Nelson
and wrecked on the ice. has given •
signed rtuten►.nt of c.srditiuns at the
Hudson Bay "rrrwinel. which shows
that the position is worse than was int-
('captain Robertson ylrr I.ree that the
o -, sstal r.rpolts of the trt•rihle condi-
tione at Pori Nelson were eiltngterher
tar, modest. Ha ship nrrired et Port
\clson nn Meptciiihcr Itth after cnn-
sideralde trouble with ire in Hudson
St. sit. At Putt Nelson their reel
troubles began with the discovery
that eltbongh the different channrlt
h d been accurately chs. t -d. the we -
rine deparodent haat either placed
tempi inr,sngor not placed them tit all.
it waw owing to this. Captain liobwlt-
son states, that the g..vrrnwrnt straw -
ship 1earense was wrecked with so
meek los.. end Ili own ship was i•-
tuo,•, veray:ketf et the sacro pilot, while
groping around for the channel.
On roechiug the "port" the Alette
had to anchor eight milts away owing
to shallow wetrt, together with a
small fleet of tither vessels tied up for
the same reason. There WWI only one
steal! lighter to unload there ships.
with the ,fruit that all were Tying
idle. Finally the Alette's de^k load of
LuuIwr mus lhrnwr4.verbl.11r0 and
touch of it hod. Evrntuslh- Captain
Robertson was compelled [nitwit hack
With his main cargo emote -heti, in
aider In avoid danger f - lbe late
nese ..f the beusun. 'That this wa• oar -
'meaty i,.►howo by the fact that the
Aie(te's bows were ►,noshed on the
lee sad ►h- (sad tip he besotted, where
she and her cargo ail! likely be a total
Ae tocondilions on Scots at Port
Neleoc. Captain Robertson says there
is • condition of 'Weser -Rudder chaise,
with all tarts .,f valuable material
scattered at d on the Beech and no
Place fo pptt it. Accommodation. ripe
Men war ambit ab Aid :-A1 Yet f11•
good•, there halos no Donner to build
attacks, so that it looked as though
many of the alien would bare to face
the Arctic winter io tents. On the
other hand. in respect to the
ualctals. Captain ltabertsow sees :
'The gore. pietist off.cials are breasted
'omit emufortiMy and lire gewgeuasly.
I woo up to meals several titwet and
never saw arch sp.erd. befogs.' Cap-
tain Robe' term declares that war•eely
anything towards conetiuedon at the
port isad been done except tee laying
owe of a er avvyard,
Th. facilities at the"port - Were a
smell landing stare and mars tee der-
rick at whittle the ose lighter uuleads.
making slily one trip mach tide.
Captain Roheruoe ensiled** with
f he opinkie that Pert Nims le as ism
powilde harbor. alae k swirl hover
be [Wade a prat a( mbirkor to ships
dela.a bark by lee 1s the straits. Elle
oplains Ire. that /bet C sesidll was •
mash 'sore likely pose.
1 he whole rv,Muos by a prwettral
Irate uo the spot stows that the Rov.
seemserat b•• /rl eteJ the waft' alta
Om Na terualial wart awl Dhow Anes
ewreytlsl a. is the way of mlamiwp •
masse, sanest sod w.stoie hutch the
work they hare wsiwtalis . Their
termed with the Hwisse bay tome ie
M atsilriOg •.strait 1. tis austere
airmail attiadsd the essetrestles by
the Lustier administration of the
National Traseooaiitsettt•1 from the
Under the management of Hon. Dr.
Reid, tuinister of customs, it has 1'e-
cutn, the practise In fend the Conser-
rait'. press "cooked' figures with the
intention of deliberately deceiving the
public. This has become tum, unerk-
ed than ever. during the last few
months, when the rIY. et of Tory ad-
ministration has become app trent io
reduced income. The system Is car-
ried even to the extent of, •e tae as
Is possib'•, pt -eventing l.11wral news-
paper. debuts securing this public ,in-
formation until the doped stuff has
been tabard on the public through the
government psrw.
At times they rather over -step the
:nark. Fns instance, on Urcewhet
3.11, Co s..ivstive organs spprar•ed
with two it ems, one reading •'Dowin•
ion's revenue greatly increased" and
autnngst the inc. raw., "Customs
8dl.i,5t 1.1M." in Ihr time tirwapapere
'Appeared the following : -Drop in
Customs Revenue.." with • statement
that thele was a drop during Nzvew-
her alone of neatly si dieMliel and is
den') during the eight mouths of the
pre.rnt year of ft231M10
Evidently the prepiaratirn of finan-
cial Hcliun maker too liesa•v demand..
upon depot tuition' imagination.
A Birds -Eye view
'By THE fid..^+'X
•t -.51k• that when telking
about baldne.s the editor of the King-
ston Ytundsed 'night tell how he' cost
his bail'. Toe 'ivies hy la ingat.ou editor
says that he.lias heard that baldness
bus been caused l'y praying in a damp
eellir. ••\\' hat ?," rave The Ilawk'•iust
fancy Billy prayiug oa say cel-
lar." Tite Beak i. inclined tosbelieve
that in this cssr, the Maine
huve wailed so hail that it has
w'oi n l he touts oft the hair, when it
hat fallen out -in conveyueuce.
Hockey days are nea• tly bete and
The Hoek think:, that it is a vile
•ba•ue that Mute of the most prugres-
eivr and wealthy aro 51f the town dont
* bow mote interest in Canada... ma -
tions' winter gnute than they do.
As an example of how hockey leas
w ade the little town of Renfrew fatu-
ous which is not 11 :,ore than hal(
the Use of Outlet/ch. The Hawk would
to pet:ttully point out that the success
of the hockey team of that town ass
in a laritr measure, to a loan
neturd MI. U. OIL irs,. e* ho helper.* the
boys with ":tight and 111411. -
Special Values in Furs
The shells are of English beaver eloth and lining of well
furred, evenly u►ae:had marmot, wear warr.antrd,collar
5111 retro'. coat. of German otter. Collar on led[.., Western
AMA,. Hands...meat and best wade row WO er
before efore sold at the prior. Klass act to ti spacial 00
Ladies' Braver cloth coats. lined with gteiltel farmers'
..Alia, roller and revers of Nts. 1 Nurtbab
ero sle, $2r,h AA
3n w 44 sixes. price each L``
Mick marmot Stoles, fancy shoulder style.. Brio ti- nit
fully fused and trimmed, at Pilch *0.00, $15.
7]12.00 and
Mink aturtnot Muff., Hort quality, Jo/of/Hal ►hap•
and holster, at each 36.00, WOO arid...
Northern sable Stoles and Muff..
Large No. 1 holster Muffs, loch *20.00
Shiiulder Stoles and Capes at mach ,...$111.00 and $1 5.00
Black fur corse, No. 1 quality, with large liocheaaey Iamb
collar and lined with Heavy quilted farmers' $25,00
satin, all size. and fully guerantr.t, each ....
Bulgari -an Iatuh twat,. select Nu. 1 skies, each.. ....1.30.00
l.u'ir sheep lineal corduroy coats. each.... ........*20.00
Ahnut 3) stylish new coat* of chinchilla, curl cloth and
new reverends. tweed material.. Some are silk lined
and style* are very Pleasing. Hegnlas :111.IM1 $i.5.,se
end dls 1s). Selling at $8.00. *0.00 and.... •
Ik•y11• of new door [toga hist in f.tr Chri.tmaa arllini.
pill .1 nut spr int perehasr. Tsrrar ry, seamless firua.el-.
t\•dt.di• and Axwinster in every size 'Ip 1st 44 x 1i yams,
Linnleams 511 w dozen new patterns. 3 x 4 yards wide. A5
special per square yard,.••• '}
f` hs iktnR the people of
r.lrti••h atollv,rimty for [Mir pratrnnage during the past
+r and in fact for morearIban twenty rawra and can assure
u that we will maintain dining 1914 the high ahndstd w+
ve attained for Orn Ice 1'twni, Confectionery, etc., of
pr•rin► totality and will endeavor to terve you even hatter
hen heretofore.
g y Bright and [ nes
roue New Year.
\i a take this o portunity of t r '
tyishin all a pert Christmas and a
Racing may be altip;ht on the race
track. a• lovers of the half f will no
doubt arluii'. last when .a Int s f oast,-
pbieticr ted rurwlists pore t in gallop-
ing their spirited steeds ,around the
tis-uure. endettgering the Ike,. of fwd.
estriwus, The hawk draws the line.
Although the %quire may look }Milt.
thing like a race track to the rural
sportsman. The Hawk would lilt• to
respectfully point out that it was not
built tot: that propose stud the erne,
these would -lye jockeys realize ibia the
be1tei it will he t.'r them.
The Ilea k Lai herd that many
people in Grsfe.ich would welcome any
.4,eiue tot (be Miring • f the
hoot -rot in town. Hr taw. wtartle.ed for
some time, why' it It I hat the hours
on all, i•r neatly a11, the town sweets
have not been nsumisered Ling ago.
The sooner it is don, the isettes. be
It Is said that lawyers always tell
the ►s:uth in court. but The Heal is
rather doubtful *onetime•. Alter a
story he hratd some time ego. whet bet
true or not, be bas been pondeting
bb* -A Fipaki boa- dais* ilia
barrister father if lawyers told the
truth. His barrister pa said : "Ye..
my son, cr tsinly—a good counsel will
do anything to win his case.'
The Hawk remembers when he was
a youngster. that he was very 1•.nd
of 'Tree \-allege Blackamith." The
other day he real it paler y un
this 51141 piece and allhorigh he [loom
tint believe in this nonsense. hecannot
refrain from telling his f. sends about
it% so berg Knee :
.dee a et ta-es aarleE ter
The water driver ansate.
A rill WOO lana Y M.
Yat ►tem a worn be enol.
At Sew it 111. he t.hoo a turf.
Awa lens M that he hewn.
l..esrood iw *1114.d owl .11i.
two tt Ilk, Do tea.
Re haw Ir RM wile all and asset,
metes what it Meas.
Awl Unbent with 'trait every Owe -
A earl d.wrwte .e.
Awa Allaire er.r,w hew *oboe
torase11.•temp fteemi:
They term to « him acme Mees.
nor Are to hoar Nee esuwd :
And toss at lot they se, Alar low
Aad 111.. th a Awls er rend.
Thoets ltrele, to the .y earth, 1,1 .ed.
rya lie tern them has unmet
The. at Ma .ass, ear 'd Mr•
Claw fetter . pita tr wvmaabt.
We tie ade sore * 11ui w
M we era art SWIM essb.
—Mr. n. C. Ii'. .& sly caseose
▪ ttlsOAass for 711 yvee., las nslgid.
Time llred.. Custom
from time immem-
orial have hand-
s.1me and com-
figured prominently
'in lists of desirable
The recipient of such a gift spends many a
pleasant evening at home, which might otherwis!
be spent elsewhere Put them on your lisLlest yo 1
los Come here to select them
w�• S `ARI1AN oongRtr,H
- r. 114.141 R•uk•, • Lading 1,,..lr
•nes mate orf MuntaeaJ, is deed. aged
-On tat in bereaves wen all Ibe
prlea for Ialc.+tee dap et the MI-
ELease edam.
Civil service eropleyees will bit
paid tea days early. to give them
Christmas mosey.
A Woman of dew
M ■. Harty EC. Bye. Mals wrest
rue th, Mount Forret. litre, writes[
.Tour reseal, for abiswy, bladder and
atnattaaeb twwthle hes giver, [tae gram
I ell• f. lin.. takes three humor sod
now feel eke nates sod twofer than I
Mar tett fur yon aid I give ym,
ail praise. for they are the Ivi at 1 have
weer tried.' At ma drdwe !chid M
mobs, ee the ile Pea (baa., ay. Tho J.
Ott. fid 1a Uaderieh by * IL Wight.
—The Imes iidmwt ads Amt a lance
beeled wirameale at Port g1sad y•