The Signal, 1913-12-11, Page 156 Weeks for One Dollar Tie Slgeel will be sent to &ay new sehseriber It Cased^ or Oretit DeMain frown now milli January let. I915, ford OM 0.8ar. etXTY-FOUNTS YEAK-Ne' !W GODERICB. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 11• 1913 nal. y CONSIDER EVERY DOLLAR you put Into good advertldwg not a dollar of expeor, but a dollar Invested upon wbteb you will receive higher die end. Lha° from any otbw invert rneDL The Sterol 1. w trs.t adverUebw maale s 10 Harm County t ' i TIIE FERUN6BANK -OF CANADA SAVE, because - No. t`2 You will never knots' the real feeling of in- dependence until you have a savings account. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager 1 A. G 1 1 . IS AGENe!'`rF`O`R: ' All kinds of Insurance OFFICE NEXT CANADIAN BANE OF COMMERCE. GODERi('H 1 Pnolrles: Orrice 20: HOCRE 150. P.U. Box 384 WANTS ASSISTANCE ADDRESS ON BIRD LIFE BROAD MINDED SERMONS I Cbz of the 1.O.D.E. Scheel Asmversery A goodly number of ladies gathered In tit-, en.trt house fur Use regular snouthly uteri ing of Lbe Brough chase ter of the 1.0.0.E. rod to enjoy the evened iodizes of the series of right to The lecture ream Rev. Dr. 1)a*fLi11 1'rsec&es at Sunday Principal Hume Spoke to General Brough "I beleive when all creeds and denom- ination'ssave thrown off their tlpperles and differeoee*, there will nut t.S w much diRrrenoe tetweru all beli0s. said Hey. Lir. Damsel!, of tit. Tbomaw who preached at both services In the Norte street Methodist cburch on Sunday last• it, being the Anniversary Of the Sunday achocl. The pastor Rev. W. K. Hager. preached in 8L Thome". io First Diettodi*t cbu,ch in the nun -fling and Central Methtdwt cburch lu the evening. A mouse trap, • elgeret to case and an orange were the urs u u•1 illustrations used in a church by Lb. preacher at the r d Helivid up moues trap anaWimPt.dto illustrate hum children -for bis ad,resa .vas prine4poly to cbi[dreu-.boUld take advice fr•m elders. He told of a story of a nutubee of mice pattering around a trap and refusing to take lbs advice of au old rat. They had perished iu their daring by nut liking his ad - PUNK POTWE i AUCTION SALES - - ` 1 •rwt-rrmw ilea Mk Auction •.Ir e( NOTICE TO OREDITORS • Aon t ICID hrroi.■w on t n til■ mastAmrprwee if rsveorte:r.tzrtxrn 1 roan D.Yatr W Kansa, Lars Or roc Tow a Or GOOK NH H. r■ TIM COMITY 011111 DON, tr'in'e, is is w.■ r•uot teI Oes. t. last . weltsMeaty eh W dap N. srett1 e.. that ill person. limier sfd asatad W ew•ate et be sold late If./12.- Mgt )I.Krss.e. Media* es or about the lit Lr A.D. MD. ere moulted as or « efeth.rd 4 of JIMMYtime T. A.D..M t. b of ale Mwithes i f< Yst a a, of the emice. the odd meal. mdse. the p5 setts► n et thole seaalle1tostoutness eel lI bthem.11 ems 15. Mew She mil memo. p.MeatoMet .te.selheamtemeft ;m* wueaaaMwt tee pursss' mulled *..m. use reale sal to the Manor is whisk bet bee •ae.1 save melee. Aod the acid mueenter wW not be rommele els for oar Gert of the matte of rite sold estate to Y,r eredtrer of waseo sato he shell set thew have Aad setter. Dated tris 1.50 .lar et November A.U. IMl Dt1D1.F.Y HOLMtSS. d the tow■ d Woo Vii, la the roaatye1Bates.noUaite* the er FOR elt u� SWR RALE BRED -1U -LAY BAR- ! KED reek coekania. Hever to N. K. gV ELI. SI 'f. GAITER vice. Ar an exempla of w borne and bow H. *mould wield an influence over the Dosed erecting an•,tber 1.4111 to g. at child, the lnioister held up au orange tenet As large as the one oectlpe d by Tadd aouebt to bring out .the idea that M. firm which w"nkl double the children should be told the use of sucis eAperity of t be pretreat establishment. fruit and not allowed to steal It beeto The It( NY.' Miro ask.d that if the give it in reason. council though- *favorably of the pro - the guides of the journey, sod land- The elgsuette boxwOI held sa at ex- po'Itk,n, that a , tr,.i*cite be submit- marks of the routes taken were toaicb- ample uta boy, and young man going ted t. the retepeyen; .t the municipal ed upon. LOCAL INDUSTRY ASKS HELP FROM THE TOWN COUNCIL lsed.rich Planing Mill Co. Wants its Bonds Guaranteed tor •16.000 and a Fixed Assessment for Ten Years-Retsrred to Special Com- mittee -tee House Request Refused Clehying that it wee necessity v to extend Its pe mem. plot in order to keep up with the inei-en''ng trade, the Urturnch IF fatting Mill Co.. through w commune -atom dated LMerrtubes :.the read its. for regular meeting of the ' oaned on &trek.) night last, meted the town ..t Go lerich to guarantee ire bond. for $13,1M1t, peyalle to IH years in .gust in•uslo:uruw, also to give it A be elven this year. it siren by Piiociprl Hume on tee sub- jject of "Bird Life"and was much eo- ovrd by all present and was most inters off. The lecturer first showed tbe po.i- limn that tier well defiant group n! ..mmab-tbe birds- occupy in the order of animal creation. as bold by evolutionists, vis : that it is a develop- ment from the reptiles, formerly a very lsre« group but now t-eprewuted try • wean uuneer such as the lizerd. Alligator, crocodile and legless snakes. He then pointed out the many anodi- $catiooa of form and etruet.re adapt- ing it to life In the air The migration of birds was next dealt with. showing the chief cause finest ao►esr. 3 i. ...holies * iu for w tan n, for the suntbero movement in the of 10 yews. Mu • awned a isquan, fall to he a metier of (sod supply but the prraident, who si14ntrl the ryor•t, the+ return movement in the spring to * anted in hie totter that the firm pro- b, especially w homing instinct- tbe desire to return to the place of heti), a place of greater aeon itv for rearing their young, for the birds do not nest in their 'southern home.. The manner of gathering Weedier. to the tad. Dr. Dougall gave some elections next January. Witbout any The manner of wooing. the marital illustniliooa of boys of tender yeah discussion, witbtbr excee:ien that if t•etsttone. the *here of male and fomite wing tobacco. lis bad found it diol- ; (hie matter was to I.• hrotlg.t before in the nest building and tearing of the cult to trace the sole of thh drug at U e electorate at the January ei Lions young were dealt with .bossing that different tobacco stores. Heempbasiz it would Save to he dealt with r,.p,.dly' some birds mate for life and when one d the fact that boyo and parents the mwttel was rrterred to the Mpecict r.[ the wedded pair dies the other should wage a war against the cigar cotnroitue on A motion of Coun. I 'Addeo], if ever. takes a partner again Site habit. i Yn•ing and Deploy Reeve Clark. wh;te otter* pulrwbly take new matte' the preacher front his subject in the I )payor Reid explained that some ,ever season. The males have to evening from the worts, "Newer. time ago the Great North Western ) won .pate like ibis luau 'peke, ermine id themselves to the more Telegraph Company had been teyuest ptt salve tun+lie's, by their mote boil• and preached an eloquent and e3 by the town to remove their piles lirot pluniu. 5 and their song win the inspiring sermon. In the first I Around the Square and an agreement females of the•• choice. place, he shooed that great tore I had been drawn up. Ae this company 1 Th. usrtulnees of birds was strongly were known 6e their simplicity had soared that it needed permanent emphasized, showing firm the charm use of pules at the beck of the Square, , anipleasure given to life by the pres- this agreement had been returned encs of many brilliantly plumed and with a request test it be amended richly voiced songster r. The 1rswt NURSES GRADUATE DIPLOMAS AND MEDALS P TED IN ODOFELI.OWS• M RESEN- ALL Uraduation Exercises Witnessed by Large Withering on Friday Nieht- Judge Holt Pays Tributes to the Superintendents of the Hospital - Eulogizes the Nursing Profession A. Z. BItADWIN, Put ue�et PREACHED AN ABLE SERMON Rev. Father O'Neil coo Dectriesof Imoae elate Ceaoeptioo At the Church of Imm.colate Coo- ceptioo iu etratford on Monday twee- ing Rev. Pettier O'NeiL of Parkhill. eon of Mrs. Catberioe O'Neil, Tra:a1Rar wee., liod.rleb, gave • very ser- mon on the lennaweulet. o.plkon. Front the Stratford Beacon of Tues- day we take the following report:- •. rhe Immaculate Cooeeptton is one of the moot beautiful feasts commem- orative of t h u particular event in the life of the Bleeped Virgin ; one which 1e, to the dreamt Catholic. of the The gredu*tingceremoniesinonnnec- Rrmueet interest. is being cele bested tion with the Alexandra Strain.. today tbroughout the eutlre world_ andGeneral hospital were held For today our hiey mobster, the in the Oddlelk,wa hall on Fee church, bide us totake w glance back day uigbt lest. These exercises into the ages ter heynnd Leis world, are the second in the history of the in- to a moment when the three divine stitutiun, and the entertainment was Ferreous. the Father, the Son, and the well attended. Only a nurse knows of t Hely Gluon took t.•unerl among tett, the trials rod tribulations attendant! rely .a and tweeth.d into being the of the three years of training, and rout of the ih•seed Virgin Mary, the graduating chase, Mier Olive 11. I conceived without. Sin. The'iMrweu- Gray, of Ooderich township. Mi.. !late rvents,n4 all ceraeteris one of the greatest Metwl H. Wilson, of West�Vawanosh, end Mies Clara M. G&txrusyrr, of Sea- 1 The fall of the mere', the creation forth, deserve the highest credit for of the petal of Mary and the Inca' melte' the capable manner they have con- I of tie Sou of Mat, are the three great ducted themselves since t bey have been I n� y u Aftt r. hi. inert Dwtbo 'sof""*.the in the institution. Reeve Running*, in the absence of Senn! tied. the Immaculate Concert - street. oteiroGorimith kesrrth4 x will be sole. •e twinge the greatest, boulder spoken to the .... o4e0 * b Waylay public in tbe most simple and compre- hensive way. Great writers .01 trig put were known by their simple len- MARRIED gunge. "If ibis was true." said the COCSt\S - DRICNNAN. - At Enp #�bureb speaker. "of the stars, (meaning the m.wOedert.-b...5 Itaosmber n ..b) 0.'. stellar lights of literature of bygone nee i P..- R,p. Mr. Jacob a .0t4 ID.. of morel what may we expectot the Soor Nt:rt:.tY.. proprietor. Tnoa,r Ot-*DKT •OC bonen. . with this conre'sion granted. On "'nen' to gwr.lnrir, motion of Deputy Reeve Clark and "'men's and ell tillers Coun. McClinton the matter was left the destruction n( ineec in the hands of the mayor and the trated by the speaker. town solicitor. I The work of the Audn rmera, fruit the soil in weir illus - Cameron slue AnnaDrennan stieet sewer, an old gpes- U.S.A. was highly proem/ Marine" t■"ming into port on a night tion that has given the council con - DIED ire this (and •heavy storm esu raging ;tem "'Ire' was revived by e+b�la 1 hearty co -operas A�nrin to DIED ens was solicited in • envy g 1 outside) a d I guide, a beacon fight. Coun. L[flite Baying that the encourage in every way fur khei'good IWRItl3-IaO.aoe4sh ria Friday U.rof th. g rwidrnt+ in that locality were claruor- Inch. Cataarteo Hord lwerr.r. wwoet or eM Christ veto t thiisguidetthem bon's. His of the empire. the prottetion of bird ata (femme llerris. in her MIA rear. Ito all prof ing for the work to he done at once. life w .as to Increase their eu...►'er+ The 4005.+4 .ill oke ptaoe ir.m err IA1s parables w ere marvelous in their aim- Mayor H. id informed Coun. Leith- rather than bring *bout tete extinction tr..kl.aee. 1'-a b.4a 150* •'0 risrdat Ue- ; .Boit and he emphasized the fact wane that there was no money in the treasury for this purpose hut if be, Nn of our 'natty charming and useful chairman of the Public Works come featheredcitizens of this fair Alt ra . Miller. could secure the money ft nut i The speaker continued : "Ail ran the tank on debentures which would ,help t.) feeding the winter birds in the .4._ .-a.M.t year, iselesrNt be issued. he was at perfect liberty tm e'w. amie " Heir Yrit rPI OSta.'by have the work done• as he Ithe mayor nlantIna of tree* and ohrula About our Reeve that It was very ntcese.rv. honer, by placing pens of water in Kerve cunning. also bold that the shady lace,. replenished every day or work should las done, its it was badly . we during the .homer ; by training needed. ' our cats not to molest the birds or do Deputy Reeve Clark moved. and away wit hthem eltoge her, ituntrain- Coun. Young seconded, * resideLu i^n &hie by putting up nesting boxes for (bat the work be done at. once. it the !ouch birds as delight to use therm ; by nerreeary funds could be +eceted. ' we.,ring as feather ornaments only Tbrongfi bre solicitors, 3tersn, puch as are obtained froaethe domes- Proudlbut. Hey' & Killoran. hire. tireied bird.. and by training the F,ederick J. t'ridham made a request children to (nate friends with the for damages. She fall on the sidewalk birds rather than ill-treating them by at the corner of Wellington and Rt. throwing stones at them, robbing Patrick streets shout ;hu-ee weeks ago, their mesh and other unkindly actg..wiirged to be as lbs result of the side- . beetle rxpreesian of .ppresietiow walk there befog in • bed end defective of the address was given by the ladies condition. The nutter wits referred at its close. to the epeeist committee for oomidrr- ation on •motion of Count. Laitbwaite BULKOF ESTATE TU CHURCHES Society in and the tea prr5- Mayor Reid, occupied the chair and in- troduced • good musical programme. Mi'. Chace Seeger gave • couple of *elections on the violin, which were meetly enjoyel. aod Mr. A. Roy Adams delighted the audience witn several pieces on the piano. His Houor Judge holt. president. of the trustee board and chambers of the board of governor*, in making the pres- eutation of diplomas and medals, stat- ed that be had been president ut the board ever since the boepitsl opened about seven years ago. He gave w brief history of the hospital and thought that its success was due ina large tueawre to the untiring efforta of Mrs, T. M. Davie formerly Miss a1 Der torr mo. ' that Qod was Our I' wtberland all wen I (sober Iah. rm tw.setai .on of lir. ma lin. hay Mesh were brothers. Asan illustration of tate of a ewe*. sad 14 mewlbe. I this meat simplicity. the moist,' Watch for The Signal Christmas pointed to the Lord's Prayer. number nett week. Dr Doog•l1 regretted that oat ions Aly Mother." but be thought the SITUATIONS VACANT. da)- would romp when nations would wa�� be brought rimer together. He held ��A\ to Cft'as ArettliN 1 it E flat the' was apparent iu Germany or • www )sae w. 14.61 et .p.ertu. i where the people were hegiur.iogg to rry 'or.bortadtnetomera.hr. ieau.t�e•sia►•" out tgajnsL utrlitaripm. "Once Slops for J;Autry et Peb^n'y. Apply ti. MILLiIR Its Desasestreet. Tees& "it men of that country who are crying F. MAN WANTED IN THIS LA) - nut sootiest this limit'' said tbe emit- ting Wu sella C1CA1f ROAD Y*t f(1?fico. s-tt wmaasw. trot. were not at the present time saying Com"'- -- I' / cella 1 who Ir wlUiam t• snort • law M M WANTED.--KTORAGK ROOM FOR wesbh hrets. +Aid*•teAt. nes Forintlere. Apply 'a Outfit foto. THE NATIONAL SUPPLY FOR SALE ug TO RUNT flEKCANTs 1'*� 'ar to - F A R14 HELP AND DOMESTIC or. 'lbe reverend gentleman went on to say that no =An could escape his te- .possibitities by either going or stay= ing away from cnurch. The speaker cootinurd : ••Each of us has the know- __ _ _ ledge of right and wrong engraft ell in TPR 8ALE.-TWO-STORY HUCSE us; we ire familiar with the laws ea Koos motet. eroatalot,.e tit maw. hoe of truth laid clown by the Saviour hint- mane. bethrooe, turee...0 .loetr1c lobi.: self, therefore we cannot escape our theeeomal repatie4 tram sonar to r.ef : fan ni. si Mitt ire.' he ►aid. BuraanMnMTh mese trait. Avtw ti w. !t Mktng whist. rt i PINOM. REAL ESTATE FOR 8 A LE. we her. 4.e sale About thirty tows look. prism masers tree te,n upwara...leo ter.. oett*ee• Aad ether dweUtiyt• end • law Noma PROL'DVOUi. MAYS ft YILLORaN.O rich Oust.., LIN. d Dow B ise Ooveromeat bnplsyeAsat Moot, 1. 5 4 . OW. Order. ieli with K. n. WOODte ars- Melees. Oet. w111 ueedwe prone, at stied. 9144 WEST WAWANOSfl1 FIRE INSURANCE CO. 1 Stet tit'theProv- ince. Fixed nits asseesesen Live Stock insured at r Unit of M of I- LIOU8ES FOR SALE. -AN E1GHT- red it full S IIOOMRD NUI. Ik en t Warta .tore (1 we error reseed Mum es Mews+ M • value whether nn the tarot or both w11 alis.‘" not. No trouble to snake adjust- earn pnpmtr• AMsrse r t: Mt. t • mile Ise. raw meal menta. I T. P1f:Ll.OM _t Osw. 1-rf R MciLWAIN. ' DES10ENTIAL PROPERTY FOR Nile. 1 1 i1� SIAM -TM, _J •w. wltk bar tete Agent for Colborne. I formerly boom as Ow A J1e* Agee property. excesses and iNefae stow. cera -^��•.�w I Mirk beet,. tee steels& Is arwd+0�. mesio : eeaer. ew,vaelopeaa Bread& plantae with �-� Mold rbek+ DOW ON sit tw bast tr■! r_�es.e _..-. >r - tisamr, YMaeMya enlist. P J �'--�-�-- R $ [.1. -FIVE ACRES OF Rett ford Shaving Parlour ( K -- t «less lead. part et 1 The beet equipped mod most are • hese ass ies np•te-dots shop le town. S I 1 Fleet -clean barbers only wen- { lfim wilt send tee Irm- IWMm •A� a 11-m ai ae.stem rt� swrs Man Dunlop eau itlaitar In setlew. l ttra,j>d[ FOR RALE. -TEE liese nye= = " .w 5 .1K wart ego reweest bine end i.aw fret is 4et- (`) elms there. w. G. LUIi$Y `o�s��""`� pMp'r�rat'ATII s lion wet the greatest and meet sub- lime act tart Garb seer nerfortsed in this world of naw. 5W1fy dM God - create ouch a soul*^ askedFather O'Neil. 1t war, he replied, because tiro soul was the soul of the daughter of God. She was the first daughter of the Father. By the sin et otir first par- ent*. enntineed tee first epeakrr, each o.f the human race was plunged into the darkness of mortal sin. How was Al- mighty God going to reclaim es after our first parents bas put us into stub a erste. He eoul•1 not claim for Christ's mother. anyone tainted with the sin of oaten. -*although the human race had sinned through Adam. Mild God exempts one of them by redeem - Griffiths, who wee impel inteodeot for log that soul a: the Seat a moult +number of years, voce also eulogized 1 tion. The abate of Satinits werectlhus broken. St. Them - a+ Acquinas soya :het when God des- tines *soul for any special elate in lite. . He always. gives that .oil grace in proportion to the duties of that office. the present superintendent. paying fit- ting t,ihotes to Mite Uhendler. The speaker fwd is telegram of coogr&tul&- uun from Miss GriSltlis, of London, wo aroque - bad frequently supplied ea rupei- t intendent while her sister was on vara- Surely the .uhbuse ,,fare of Mary re- tion. His Honor made an appeal for quired all the grace Almighty God probationers. remarking that the 1 eo,ild plies in that soul" said Father laursiot profession wee the n.u01 noble' O'Neil. "The brace received at the of professions and that it was nue in first moment of her conception was wbich • lady could do a large awuuut • greater then that given to all ►neo. of good to a suffering public. The reason is simple. God bestows He administered the pledge to the 1 grace according to His love. Surely nurses yuan,. known so "ter Florence I then, God loved Mary wb*suonO vr *11Morbty rsas Nightingale Pledge." which really en - -she who wan to he Her 'pother. sr bodies the cath u[ office of e11 nurses. I In ronR concpiss ttu.cionrl1 thate speaker maade e pledge aye.lt before Gcd • a mot her and he true and loyal Swasmee o[ this areaaMT. iiM -ad tiro lrOfiftL Rev. Charles R. )one; Speaks ie tie Baptist Church The members roil Mende of the Baptist cb'ir•t•h here bad the pleasure on Sundry last of hearing their old li low denomin- and Young. aeons, the Kt Thomas preacher s 014 As the result of the council adopting of tbere being 140 Christian religious 10. reps* of the Harbor co __,_ter, denotairsatiens in the world today and whieb ha. IrreA 455.01 w kxtk into the this in a ruea*uiis was responsible to matter of granting \Ir. Robert Clark creeds *r:entuating their dif?etencee permission to erect an ice house near oro much. He contended (bat when the dock and which bad reported that elitist established hie ehtucb on earth no action he taken in the matter, if each apostle bad bold out for his Mr. Ulark's reytrest was refuted. own ideas and beliefs. there wookl Sometime ago the C.P.R. requested not bare been one cburch at the begin- the council to give theme permis.inn to leg but rather many division,. Harr. the speaker sbowed bis true worth se a minister of Christ and his broad- minded spirit by paying that he did sot believe it wouldmake any d,(hrmos at last or even now, whether Moose- loatione bad rites. robes or .*saps, e n lose as the proper utilef was heli. 'C0d.'.. the speaker said. "had al - piptiMMOI! AND F KM PROP- t�t1 TOO uwwi w pmht�nasi oil* slim e■ are wrests to wtrh-: else seem /yyast��1r_AIM selwltsaia P1� toga. r rIW1aAa p�N0* .. O...rie. Watt DESIRABLE RESIDENCE AR St..TsS wi't.M515a at say s meg, se antesrdar. obs tOODERICR 'BUS LINE Two httss. Mat alt eA trails. Meta* eels Trove premoriemraend l kso tttm0a. 'i-,, DAVIS LIVERY l011. DAVIS rtepild.r fbs/h Start 'Phase Nit •1 q� ]gots pmmnma -- IT SR. oe its emit of Am!is or fireemy lfat/�e mese- ed a.ase r ii kuttt.��.as��apt., t .moi.. w es ser a. Ot'NTrRt' Osderwe. Yew. o. Awtttansse. ;,Pp01CTU$1TT FOR I N V W RS tlf .( y teat satihtr't liked se Del alio/wedMwe to be fres sweets at the meant time." Jesus 0.1.oes0andsd hie apostles sow to pr..rst asy can from tembieg .w front tiniest stood in Hie Ness.. Dr. Doswell shoogOt that asy desnse- leetioe should not he escrow ulmdd or bigoted towards soother. test 10 ase tote -ante wit b a toview r tib. ivverm) unity in preparesday et 1 IS 0s u os a •'1 wlemnl y Ise the tt. passe my fes psrit7 pear my profession faithfully. i will aft• stain from whateser is deleterious end mischievous and will not take, 0* knowingly admluister may has wful ding. it ••l will du all in my power to main- tain and elevate the standard of my pastor. Rev. Chas. R. Jones, taw of profession and will hold in coofidence 1 Kidgetowo. all pneonal matter*, co.nnetled ty During his rr.ideuce here, about my keeping and all family *Rein coot= I three vyho welcomed •g She made mt any He friends myg to my knowledge in the practice of g. I good oratorical ability and a pleasant "Withto With loyalty will 1 endeavor to *id personale y which enabled limn to the phy.it Ian in bis work and devote brindle his subject to the benefit of all myself to the welters of those Commit- better*. ted to my Marge." in the morning he spoke trout Psalm As the Daugbtere of the Empite pre,- xvix., '5). and on the.nt.ject of "tsar - fort," proceeding to show that the true meaning o.f this word isnot exact - made the pirsent*lion. and 1)r. A. lay- worrea and carer, hilt the true 10100- 1•"r rued@ the attendant ■ddue.m. Un ing should be found in helping these hebelf of the medical profession. Dr. who are tieing overanme in the strum - J. H. Wbitefy addressed the retell- ale of life and in lendib#t a helping dates. hani to the "ur.der man. On the modals in emboeaed letters in the evening his subject was "Ono - were "A.M.U.H ' The nurses mete weuion" and he chose for b' text, the alert preseeted with beautiful bouquets pawage 04 scripture found John iiis of flowers. The graduating entertain- •i. (tom a hick he gave a very impute- merit mpts - merit was well petrrotsed acid about 310 people were present. Will of the Late Mrs. Ehabeth McKen- see Has Been Probated The will of the late hlixabeth Me Kenzie, an old and very highly t•e- tp..rted resident of Goderieb, who diel on September 241.0. was mithated nn November '27th. She left an rotate valued at MAI 4.915. and out of this se - tate the la wreathed 1181100 to cbnreb lay a track on the bar borquay. There waist" and 1 b remafoder to relatives. err two tracks there now, which sre As the bequeath* are greater then Ise said to belong to the town est Linde- yw'operiy itself, itis thousht that each rich. The scatter ba' 'woo attending iegatm will receive w pro rata share Is.b.yanei and now the Grand Truok .fain the relate The legatees are: wast the same right The .lueetlon Mission► society of the Melbndlst le, wale& rdlroad will get the pereis- Mnreh n( Canada. 51000: W.C.T. U. .los to lay *hie extra track P of Ontario. 51000; superannuation fund Repeomenta lvea from the limed d lbs Metkwdy. church. 51*1Wr odes- 7trsee Iwa ie4ara#t end ehowebpines fathomed feed of Om ffl 51$ QOM* where they Wooded to lay their at0anada. SIOIS; North street Meth - Mack. A t •T eoseiderable disessesion „mat .intoe/. Oedertsh, 5550l W U. the maw r woe relied to the Spatial T.U. et psi grit., for the prrpess of i.eswitte. payieg *be eatery of Iuahertnes The r t uncal received a lettet roes wurk,ng in roonectlon with ibis soel- Mr. 11- Ashworth. ..eret .ry l�•.ea - sty, $M5) ; A {monde* Merle, and Gen - lower 0(110. Uatario Municipal Rl.etrie .,w! emosital. Onde,4eb. pip; ewe Aasiaties, seatitog that the anneal denies Aid society of Usterio, 5001); pDeetdwg of that awoeintlnn would M •usda school of- North 'tweet Meth - held is the eft ball. Tomato, no od si writ. Gods 1.0, 110u; Dome. Deets saber 050. No *coon was lakes .0 Lan Holmes (rate, 1, H•tl...eevllle. le 1P5ae' (0.1.58_1•1`10"- Ma a Reid 510011; Everett Mei[estue. $Ia00; Vera pnttMM stalt lbs eoos.inoe•s were McKensI. ineeel, Lesion Jose/ion. pt Meet. _ pesos. hMustard part of the service wee e .-dl.st ase very mjsyalie. -in the emotes the their wag is (rood her- msay. "• will vies este the Loose and Ness's. R. 1. 1Mtery roil A. II, Styles ems a 4s.M, "1 will eisig of Mb tnweies ed the Lord former.' Mt. Mai - levy has a Sas brims, vo*e. as/ M.. Styles peeresses a rite tetter vire. la the Noosing and evening Mine Jean Better7. of SusW0•oy, rvw.vvd tyre miss Is. • Alb ..strah.. davier. is the �.esiwg the say*. 'Tem Ye wet It israel sad Is the eirealeg nM gave, '•Owe $weedy Neiman Tbo+tgbt Died in ptleaget The Wends wed slaves cif Me. Themes atWebb.tt0". taia weed that beast r M berm Mel. ea Tbsieday last. The weed reeMeed bre wee 0.* is death std hi. Ateelly knew little • sheet hie mama irAa,r+w51 b W mear w. .08 w.. M re the Vee upIle N est seam. mo 4ter- .b►, .f O..Is.leh. mod wee =Male. prissiest II= Rsmeolatillaille le ee5yplw. A wills may Pa lar asp paster simmer M a d e 'Wow tithe hiNrLee o at .ad se ismir yteseMoDsow41- hie sett er he leasee Ale h'Nhsre. ..attt.tit. potpimurelellsi, Mese fedilen bwo, sod t ■via 1:e ren► Oe4uts&. thr.11, idssaAs,s. 7 ghee aS J meet Awarded Melees Bei J.. It Home autumn sodas. -L sebeet.s v.. Leestrtnm Amiss by Mrs. Latehertoa ;tried at trederiehl for the payment of StIOlO seder apoley at the life of bee late ltaelesd. who had the policy made is S 'se d bis Ores wile. who predeceased by The ddswdante who are the .Odldeea of Sts era wife contended the* they were entitled to the loser - IMOD useseys. The mensy had bees pea* tato mart. ttieso .1The the , edill he4 (lar a tient 1 �D proesDdD d the esetlSeateer policy sow In onset to the plide sad payment he seeds of IOS same to herr. The iadgtm.t will he wllbow emits stale file d.ta.ttkwa .0*0* the mor dart tet it ramie& foesbsr. Mau. let ebb saws ageism 14. W. t• to 5.O.. ler p1 ="Clcl.ries Garrote. toe d. -A a1 Very alb. ie the Sigvel this 5550; leek McRresie (nephew), i•rm- doe Jesetioa. MO: limbi McKresie Inhere), Sant Ata* Eat Hnlses (tritest, Detroit, 5150: Emily aert- psi► Meleser Isl,esl. Detroit. Slot SysimyR. Huhees. Mary Beatrice Bowen. (i.MrieIt. 5140 Aller Mande irrw+ll. (1 orierieh, 511111 : Deborah Howell, 51x0; Mildred Lwa- .•w+a Now,11. 511) 1 titian Howell, 1100: 5vewwt Bsd1*woode 5101): Ma.•y A. Howell ( hinter). 5510. ended each of the graduating nurses with surgical Instruments, Mts. W. T. Hays, an old member oft at society. HELD OVER BY COUNCIL Coeceseiees le Leaf inview y WCC be Dusil with Levu The gns.tbn of ontheettinu tot lbra rate�raay•air to goeraatt Umbrae& Pim -6nderisl Plasissg MI11 Oe.mprny and Rive it a / sod amenemem of MOW fur a period of ton peers, will not he voted on at the January iISMipal.Mctlos.. This was the o*teose of r meeting of the Special ena.ittee Held on Monday w est lam. This alter wee first moot- ed at the last wetting of the council on Friday, and it wee thing .-m..seeed that it Ow matter was ro he put be- fore tt:e people at the municipal elec- tion*, it wtwid be well in deal with It rapidly ten that the nere.eary. bylaws world receive their legal puhliralion in the loved prem. The matter was then referred to the Special eonreittew for eonetderw{Inn on the understanding tb.t the Special eolo1afuee should seem es early ar poesitds. At the meeting of the ectouni es on Moadwy night. It was the genera) nein- Me to hold the atter neer and Mr. Jame* Huehaama. the pi -mislead, of the ousepany, wee raked to bete t.be twat plane and estimate* peed and presented to the council. Asothsr Metter whleh cent up wee the iimetlos of granting the timed "flame permission to lay an extra %reek nn the harbor quay. T1s request with wade by Mr. W. R. Deviation. die skoaal serener ndeut ei London. The neasetfttrw reporeed that thy Iowa was sot is a pi*4Lios to greet the eonaessios. al a steslier twee with the C. P.R. was poodle". The e5 -..t the C. P.R. will mosso ep hef.ee the Dowdeles railway euswneies la the wear betas r. mimeos. Nesting ►bid The rooster tithe IV.C.T.U. wee held Is the 1�Iaspeuoe. hall so Monday afte sioowe with a very speed sibndewew of es.sehere and vieltstt. Miss Hattie gave the Bilk readily. and Mee. 1. P. Brown teak 'Mega .f the edeestlwal halt knot. The ebb - test wee ••L tett.srtssne' Work.- The 0seemery .p1114 s for the comfort begs. mob as Wedowee. vamallee, Mfr ger melte, meet plaster. bottom, thread d trt.sdiy lettere. No were absedes1ly demoted. 7h. uslns will bat a tssiiel motes. esseetime darks* mot 0eostb sive discourse on t be mistakes whV0 are often wade in regard to thoughts and ideas un this subject. His friends here wish hint all success in his labors In Ridg .ion n It RAC HED TM$ MAR BOR SAFELY Two Vostok" Arrived Alter Beteg Forte- Eirlit Mears late g .site epi -1114 stesy.penie6 e5tsi s sleet arid snow made leak. Huron very rough all day Snr.day and 1 he greater pert of Mesdsy. The stemswes Tor- re' Cape and J. A. McKee were due to arrive from Fort Wiliians with cargoes M grain for the (ioderich !Streator k Transit (lampany on ftundwy moo Moo. As they tailed to arrive on time there waw eop.i e5sbls alarm felt for (heir safety. Tleey had taken refuge floes toe storm b +ting down to Marais nod Port Dermuren. 11te Tt.t ret Ceps west to Port Huron and the McKee ti Mt refuge in Sarnia harbor. They. however. Lot here on Tuesday morn. leg befog 7S hoots oe teell. Air were madam Into the harbor, the live vessels already Tying there saluted them. These vessels s 111 stow My here for the winter nettling a total of seven now In port for the winter. TM Iv* already in the harbor ate the steaesese Monello. Kasinietio ilia. s Cal"Irisn. Beaverton and Hai lea. At the present time it 1. ase known whether any other vowel. ICH lay up Aerator the winter moms' ur not. EngagSISS.t Awwotswisd To/oddly evenhw Mr. sad Mee. D. M.I?osoId enter, Coed st Isseb.es as their honer. 44rathdeseld, s monism of guest. to amasses the ettgege.nest of thele elder"Mary Lillis.. to Mr. Rep masse A.sry. d s4.041.-. les. Alberts. las Mom Asa drsem- at.d withWNW.til Sowell lbw tabisa FM� TaeWO dime b1111y st the athe* le the date's. seem dards weirs --Mut weal's hese et the Signet 5__titells the e:trelea. Abel* twos - win be the Iltiet■tw washer, ty pjwses mere pre.eet.