HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-4, Page 8a Tett iisnAT, DEC 1. 1913 +oirww.res Christmas E3ooks Copyright Books. Aa•eats, s9c. ou will find un our shelves near) .11 th..t is worth residing to the new' books. d • 1..ddie.- by Gene 8trattoo Polies , $1.35, "Iron Trail" by IRm . Beach, De( $1.50, "P ollyan• ori of the Wiled Book.' by Sknor Porte*. $1 25 net, "inside of the Out, by Winston Churchill. $1 'Ili net, "Broken Halo,- by Florence L Barclay. •1.X. "A Fool end His Money.- hy Ueo. Barr age('utcheon. $1.10 net. 'The story of Waitstill Hazier. 31.10 net, and many many 'others. ANNUALS toys' Own, $1.7:1, Girls' Own. 31.75, Chums. 31.75. Chatterbox, *K.c, Prise rtllc. Infants' Magazine, 35c, eta. . Artistic Toy Books ranging in peke from 5c up. • wed Hades, Hymn lfook Pt Ayer Books foe all churches. (ply Sprays. p s.CatHolty Ribbon, e, Tags, Seals, Idly St'x 7 gold and .dyer Cord. etc. IliWatch show windows for spe- cial prices. The Colonial Beek Sure °W. PORTER, Pt0Perich Phoae439 SINGER STORE . CHRISTMAS GOODS Finest to be had (:ewe and see our Christmas Novelties. weft as Handkerchiefs and GMve Cases. Boudoir Caps, Umbrella cases, Knife. Fork and Spoon Cases. Collar Bags, 1.'tdie►' Shirt -waist Cases, Shirt Holders. and other articles 103 numerous to mention. .' Ttiese arty, les are all made ..p. stArnie d for hand embroidery end tusks the handsomest gifts poneibtr 'A lull range of stamped gun.l,, such a. Waists. Night - g,•au-. Combinations, Corset etc . Centres, Tray Cloths, Pincushions. Work Bags. I sural, v Rags. Pillow Slips, Towel-. A pious (, I1 tt and Cuff V••I r. «t t\tt article in Belay's Wear , News.; Neckwear. Rows, l'+.liens and ('1.Ila. and Cuff Sets. Cruinoes, Yokes, etc. We are going to offer for the no-xt two weeks five Sewing Machine.,lhat have leen slightly used, at bargain prices. ('all at once and see theist. No trouble to show goods. TO THE UNKNOWN DEAD Gederich Gives UsidsstI ed Sailers a Public Panoral .\n impressive and sad spectacle. one which tabooed will never be seen here again. was the funeral cortege of the unidentified wreck victims buried in Maitland remote' y on Thursday after- noon. Four were from the steamer James Caruthers and one from the steamer Meth -an. The l odies were iu- terred its a plot given by the town .ouncil. The plot will likely be cared for out of the lake's Disaster fund. Five hearses supplied by Messrs. Br'opbey Brus.,led by the three officiating clergy- men, Rev. J. 13. Ford, Rev. W.K. Heger and Hey. Geo. K. Koos, in it carriage thews] by white horses. and followed by the town council and other promin- ent wen of the town. slowly wended their way through the streets of the town. The :($ d Regiment band. led by Mr. J. H. Hunter, with funeral tread. played the "Dead March in Saul." The streets were lined with people and everybody turned out to pay their last respects to the unknown dead. The utercbants kindly showed their respe.t and all the stores had their blinds drawn during the funeral. Arriving at the cemetery. Rev. Oro. R. Ross made the following fitting re- marks : "Before consigning the silent forms of these gallant men to mother earth it is fitting that s few words be spoken. Our hearts have been deeply unit -bed by the sad course of events which bes brought us hither today. The recent disaster on the Gtest Lakes has wrought havoc to many a strong ship ; scores of brave and hardy seamen have found a wale: v grave, end the shadow of death has settled like a pall upon our whole community. "Throughout our province, as well ass at lake ports of our neignboriog re- public, and far away across the see where loved saes dwell, there is heart- ache and .orrow in many a house. Not • single survivor lives to tell the tale of that awful uight from any of the ships that. went down to death. Stark and stiff the stalwart forms of but a few bare been borne ;chore on the crest of the tearless wave. But no other message save that of floating wreckage gives any token of their fate. And As welisten to the nut that breaks day and night upon our shore it seems to chant a tegntem for our de- parted btethreo of the take. Our gathering today is extremely pathetic. It' is our sad duty it commit THE &.GNAL GODERICH ONTARIO • to this resting place the bodies of these 1 unidentified and unclaimed dead. Their names air lot known to us. Death has sealed their lips and they cannot tell us whence they come or whose they are. Their hardy Woods are helpless by their side and they are unable either to point us to their dis- tant home or beckon dear ones to their side. All that could be done has been done to locate some friend who knows or coats heart who lover. But thus far no response brawn». It maybe that with the poising days some tiings may be borne hither and their bodies claimed. But its the tneauuom It is ours to give them Chris- tian burial and to perform the tonere) rites. In committing "duet to dust" we are not unmindful that somewhere there are doubtless love* (loss who know not. P• ssittiy • asotbeefrom heo wonders wbysone memo(' r hiis so ong delayed ; perchance sone ',teethes, t who may be oount- ittg the days till the navigation season ens and anticipated joys destined never to be realised on earth shall be : or some faithful wife it say he far across the era. expecting with her little band of dependent children some mes- sage by each dieappoiotiug mad. And here we are today only able to mark their resting place ty number and the name of their ship that went down on that perilous night'. e Unknown to us and others they are nevertheless known to God. and who- ever they may be they are our brethren --gallant nen who wrestled long and hard against the elements in their desperate struggle to reach shore in a lite -host, and as their strength failed they :outwitted themselves into the hoods of him who ruler the winds and waves end whose path is in the great waters With bowed heads and reverent hearts we place these cowrades side by side in the tomb. Here at the open grave all distinctions Ate obliterated. Uoe is our master even Christ. We are all brethren. Amid the mysteries het compass us about and the pang and heartache of life, our common faith is in Jesus Christ. who is the res- urrection and the life and the only Saviour of the world. Faith in Hien. whatever betide, is the sheet ancbot of our souls. To Hint we look for coin - tort and on Him we trust for strength. Now we see as through • slaw darkly but some day face to fsce. Now we know in part. but some day ore shall know even as we are known. A wooden slab on which was the nuniber of the body buried and the game of the vessel to which it.bebng- ed was erected over each grave. The pall bearers wete Messrs. Mal- colm McDonald. Lorne McDonald, Hoy McDonald. Norman McDonald. Allen NlacAulky, Capt. John McDon- ald, ('apt. Ww. Sutherland, Hugh Luxton, Georgge McLay, W. C. Win - mill. Capt. Robert McKay, Capt. Angus McDonald. Capt" Ww. Robin - eon, David Marwick, George McMillan, George Wilson. Thowas Taylor and Wer. Keller. CLARK'S • PLUM PUDDING As Ids& Cbaistsas Oitt Ma HOTPOINT IRON or TOASTER, etc. There Ie nothing so bandy arouod ibe house. all guaranteed for • term ofears. We have Flashlight Batteries which make • rubsiaotial gift. Electric Fixtures, etc.,in stock. Wining sod repairs doge quickly for you. W. J. HUDDART Eleetrivet Contractor North Street over Signal TORONTO cad rotors From GODERICH, $3.90 Gond Goiag P.M train* December 5th. all trains December 8th. 7th and & h Account Seeond Annual Fat Stock Show All tickets valid to retoro up to awl Ia- dudtng Deoomber 9tb, 1911. Full painkiller.. aril ticket* at Unwed Trunk Ttoket utnos� F. F. Lawrwnota t Son.. Town Pswsneor and Tweet Agent.. Pb..e 6, Ooderlcb. LOCALS =-PERSONALS -Miss Tremeneer Thomas has accep- ted a position in Toronto. -Mn. W. A. Carter spent last week visiting her daughter in Detroit. -Mr. Wilson Wylie paid a vying visit to Clinton on Saturday last. -Miss Evelyn McDonald is at pres- ent visiting friends in Ottawa. -Ven. Archdeacon. Jones-lesteman. of Grand Rapids, Michigan, is in towu for a few days on business. - Rev. and Mn. W. W. Wylie, of Clinton, were in town visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mansell on Monday last. -Klee Catherine Wylie, of Clinton, was visitiog friends in (oderfch the early part of the week. Mrs. John Holliday paid a abort visit to her sister, Mrs. A. Wade, of fSeaforth, on Tuesday last. 1 - Mrs. J. A. Robertson, East street. left on Wednesday to visit friends in Stratford. - Messrs. Fred Davis, C. A. Nairn a d 'bra Sallow, who have begs in CONDITIONS IN THE EAST Sunday Scbool Superintendent Speaks on This Question Mr. T. F. Harrison. superintendent Ready to serve after heating -augur- passed for quality and tla.oer. Don't wade your [tate to preparation. --Bey "Melee. tr Mrs. L. B. Tape n u Irrtcana. Alberta, all summer. return- ed home'on Saturday evening. - Mi. R. C. Carter, of the Bank of :Montreal branchiae Winnipeg, former - of 8ydenbrm street Methodist church, Iy of Ondericb, is in town renewing Sunday school. Kingston, preached in st9 uart iotaces. the North street Methodist church on Mrs Thomas, of Thursc, North HIS IS THE CHRISTMAS STORE T ,.1 HE Christmas Store is ready -Ready with the practical, the use- ful, the sensible and the beautiful for holiday giving -Ready as never before with stocks of holiday merchandise that have no equal anywhere near here --Ready with big generous assort- ments giving practically unlimited variety to pick and choose from --Rear with down right good values that will make the Christmas allowance go farther perhaps than you thought - Ready to give you the best possible service and to make holiday shopping easy and a pleasure. The Christmas Store bids you welcome. Visit it as often as you wish. You will be welcome whether you come to look or to buy. Every- thing arranged for easy looking and there is plenty of room to shop in comfort even on the busiest days. CANADIAN pAkc i ri c WINTER TOURS Tu Cahforn;a. Florida and the Sunny S„uth of LI,'. rete. For ( WINNIPEG Lo+.. r pronto 230 0.n 1 DAILY a, .... w.•....g $.00 am . Comport u,••rft tib-ervatton t eat. •atand.rA wt. •Ian. C+ ,-. Tourist seeming Car. Rin - a,.1 at F irt•'t, 1'1w. l'oarhe.. t eloai.t l ass. For VANCOUVER 1••.e Toronto 10 200 m. t DAILY A, • ,.e v ane . u.se n 30 p.rw. Coro portreent bates. r Ubserratioo Car. :•1t.ndsrd Sampling ear. Tourist Itleepint 1V. !Nolan t'sr 11.-4 Placa t'oad.ae. ('01641i -titer. Poetic -star. Iron JOS KIDI! at. or writ 51 (:. 611.; KPH D.P.A.. P Ito Tomato FARM MACHINERY knhirt Wilson. Massey -Harris Agent. hoe • fall line of Farm Meebioery always on hand. We hair we thinks the rheapeat and best liasolin• Rugines no the Market. 5. J. YOUNG SEE OUR FINE DISPLAY OF Christmas Chinaware AND Fancy Crockery A large and varied assortment of gond. snit.able for boliday gifts et low prices. Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is new complete for the festive season. Special tor .Saturday l'URtiD ME4174 and MAC'S- •.... 4. • .it.411t1I.' A- S. J. Young MAPLE LRAM GROCERY Phone rd Raeilton street Sunday evening last. The main theme of his address was to contrast the vast difference which exists between chrls• tianity and paganism. He a.atended that this difference was apparent in the Orient, especially in China and Japan. Particularly touching on Japan, the preacher cold of a upleriences while there this year. showing that while some of the principal streets in (erotica, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J M. Proodfuot, for • few days. -Sheriff Reynolds went to Kingston today with Robert Gordon. who was sentenced last week by lodge Brit- ton to six years in the paattenuary. --Rev. Jorfe raufroca9 tate pastor of' the Baptist church. has been called w Toronto to pros %h anniversary set - Japanese cities were beautiful in arsons on Sunday next, December 7th. grandeur. yet the back streets were -Mr. and Mn. W. G. Smyth. of joie as vile in the way of filth. "The Clinton, spent last week visiting same thing." be said, "existed in the their daughter. Mn. L. k. Doherty. social life : the exterior was hematite) Fant street to behold while the interior was one- -Mr. A. C. Peitz. official auditor turn." of the American !toad Machine COM - As an illustration, Mr. Harrison said p•sny was in town last week auditing that looking down from the top of a the books of the local branch. high atougtein. to one side on the _ -Mt F F. Swag., travelling cbristian populace And the other to a , freight agent of the C.P.R., was in pagan ntultiUrd., at once told one of town on Tuesday no business. His the great change mesion work was headquarters an at Guelph. doing In the emit In the mind of The ladies of floe choir of the the 'speaker the pegin religion was North street Methodist church sinter - too vile almost to mention. as he brig taised thegrntlesen of their choir to seew sights while in that country • small dinner last Friday evening. which were simply appalling - Mr and stn. John Adams enter - ANNOUNCEMENT lain the North street Methodist choir at their residence on Park street The ladlee of the Baptist church will tonight. hold a sale of handkerchiefs and home A meeting °f the Ladies' Auxniary made baking on Saturday. December of ties 1'.M C.A. will br held at Mn Mb. at :t p. m. Place of sale ane nun- (,rue's borne, s,asbria road. ck 8at- eeday aft«nose st boor tioloet. fed later fon attendance of Wise is requested. -Make your appointments noir or Air. Feed. Gould;who has °barge of the hydroelectric power here. ex- pects to have the lines eoonected so that Syde ssganr may he utilised for commercialby Jsetsery 1st. 8 -uprriatea ea~ Robert [tag, of the western division of the O.P.R.. with headquarters at Loudon, IMO to Ooder{ch on Tuesday afternoon in hes special ear. .He WW1 booking Over tbe litre and making various Inepsetlelw. - AM. T. F. Harrison, of Bhgat mi who preached is tbs. North street Methodist church on Runday�iabt. met, the st of .lop, aes Harrison. Elginhis avenue,Mr. «bitellt{o Oodsrich. --Auation entevtaiessst ; 1a simmer( kon with the Alexandra hospi- tal will be held In the Oddfellow. ►rig on Friday evening of this week. Diplomas, meddle and other peweota. Hotta ,tell b• made and • suitable programme given- -Mr' Mees Neville and fs IIy, alto have bees moorhens a tt°l for 19 years, will os Janwory wtov. to Detroit. Their nomy f i here ase ssavy tows theta go but Min its rrllNtrlt god h,glth ate pros. Ladahlp Bebop W Rita.., orf I the diocese el Hueoe, was the poet of Rev. .1. 8. Fot sr4s.gb•■s wiile le tows oe Seaday. After the oedioa• tion service 00 8110day tnorvlag bo left Inc Den ggl■lamssooaa wines be admin- istered ei-o ellatties and trota there west on to L■oksew ed Mbar gime north. ile wrn be almost from Loos does for muted tiles. Menges have r.eeetly takset 1a the NMI brsasb of tris hank. MIt 8.trieSei_ot 'Tb 4, .�3eirtt;w of Poet so III w t••.w Aim Noll N Twos Mo r 4.... d to b win ttllslti osaes4 soon for roar ('kriatmae photos before the rush. so obit we can do jostles to s hili, NOW Ruts of beilday sus anew in stock at 'fid Bi tnr. Pleas 107. ball.. M mars sepredeese ei dew swab �t�g seta IK w CkrlatMs mit; Nam n siaeti[d Nor at sasmee arra Breen yew wird /ha 'Mime selleeeloa at vele elat.ate at OW* f• a Waft w Ilse et Warns Mired �.'- M wYeh uta tit M iron. M the IMara s cal next see. Tkt. dere Masa 1 S of ce.�Ae i d. Myisr In ss areied keearata ploy fit io, J. W. frowsier, preprie- Also mime beautiful Steel Ranges fres Tudhopr and And- /wenn of (1 111x. ;Justltbe thing for • farmer's kitchen. \% s have in stock Vuitton Horse Blankets Pomp. Orem S.parsiers Milking MacbI es Decries Harness oast hendr.d and one 'i thiage. Come in and see Jai the Masser -Harris Shop swum. Street SIXTEEN SHOPPING DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF TRH BIG CHRISTMAS RE6UCTION SALE AT S Never before were smelt bar/alas offered in jewelry In Goderieb. fermi mime the RiG %ALR. 95 per coat. oil an our large steak of Chins We have just us - packet: some beastlfvl pieces of Depo.-Art Were whbh we ars of- fering at exe.ptloaaily low priew. Our •rsod.01 rat d Remy0t•$4 0 ds {s 7 .hast. Military Hair Hat ehes of the latest asks. JIsp a l pri eel so l sl _arimrRma. tJlllmrta Hreshes is solei • at ..p. i.' prier*, also 1edils tr need MM,ers. We have • very bergs rem, ref 1tl .%NR tAvse Manieere fusee. of the latest Aeelges. all meetly eased, aM.R M Awetly rtsiseed s. Gov Nosh 1. =ere sad yet will titre twat we tea- -Mess hargats w►1eh will pay yes Wo tint/ adwnta. goods asse r rwa.es..ted or your meow refusided. sl h r Exceptionally Beaotifid Designs sad exceptionally Good Valens is NANQKXRCHIEFS: The gift that is ale/4),s right is the Handker- chief. There is never a mistake giving them, and there is' small chance of one being made if the selection is made from the stock at the Christmas store. There are more Handkerchiets, Netter Handkerchiefs, prettier and daintier Handker- chiefs gathered together here than we have ever before attempted to show. They will appeal to you both from the standpoint of beauty of design and actual good value, for they have come to us direct from the makers in Ireland and Swtier- land. Ladles' and ('bilaren'. Hemstitched Handkerchief,, 3 for 10c, up to the Hnrut and sheerest of limns at each 25o and 30o Gentleu,en'■ Iirruatitcbed Handkerchiefs at from 4 for 95c for a good cambric up to the Hoe Irish linen• at arch.... ... ....aft land 35o Bnys'tancy colored and colored Bordered Handkeii Iref•. aeweerised finish, at 3 for Ono and 2 for ....... .....25o Ladies Hemstitched Initialed Handkerchiefs, All pore linen, at 3 for... . SOo Gentlemen's Nematitr'bed Linen initialed lIandk.n•hinfs. very fine quality. at leach. .2flo An almost eodlese est.urtment of Ladies Fancy Emleoul- ered Handterebiefs in swiss mn.lin or real Iri-n linen. dainty, delicate, beautiful design's. e tion unequalled in this rection of the province. The prime ars from 2 for tic with a good assortment tt preclically every price up to $1.51/ ..ch. special values at each ..25o. 35c and 1300 Bring the Children to the Doll Show on Saturday They will enjoy it, for there will be Dolls by the score to interest and amuse them. We have a double stock of Dolls this season. A big clearing lot bought at cut-rate prices from a big importing jobber, because some of his western customers can- celled their orders and lett him with the Dolls on his hands, put us in a position to offer really remarkable aloes in Dolls. Again we say, bring the children and let them see them. Many varieties on view here Saturday. The Big $I.00 Doll is Wonderful Value lie Whew yes see -it am wU3„aay. an- V., is 11 to 14 inches Meg, has rest eyebrows and eye -Mina. heavy head of bale. Mo- to( eyes, welt -made body. may dressed In a variety of styles and muterlai.. The equal of any Doll at the pries to be W anywhere. Special each In • fl separate box at only ... . .. .. .00 More Millinery Bargains Bargains because they ' hacr the: appearance, the style and the quality of Hats at double the money. Sold at these reduced prices because we bought the hats and trimming• from an overstocked wholesaler at a traction of their actual worth. Visit the Fancy GOods Counter our Fatley Goode Master M the place to codes at holiday tams At 11 «111 and p gift of w Mue fir i.ty ma - lag p gifts and aI■or9assat °t' deist nasties that met aeeept.tie holi- day gifts. Costs for Children Extra lodgements M Obll rest s Coots for Deseslrsr..Item. ♦ *pasha }hostels fres • isssut'settuler was M wee takkllg Hoek gave us some Oasts very vouch oader their actual worth. Mise rue from e to 11 yearn nogg mohair is doses good .Hiss is the lot Reguler values SEW to •1200 Take year aloha ler $4.90 oa Children's Trimmed Hats $1.45 Twenty Children's Felt Hata. all ready trimmed. Navy, td. hems and baa. Beery she new and good quality trim- mings need. Aetoal valises gi i3 l 33.60. Choice d the 9D foe only. ..�1 .45 Ladies' Trimmed Hats at $3.45 Th. rains of tient Hamar* from en.111 to 37.00 each. They are (food wanty felt.. homes. etc. Nese tlJs'-" hl the trim ire as • Thi bets e O wrigbt ■Sia■ on�Vt/ 4 e bicame.d is *Annult...min at only . e.. We are Selling Handsome Tailored Suits for $1750 Moro aero lord" wow Who wbo who ow oos for Ohm lo wo .dl. Mol nary bowlne g, is tailored le Ii ibog styles tM the season' Moistly belts aai twl•ets. Sift lined. it r" va5sts.o�s 1 M t12.O0. Seven y to sate as line .. S1 7.50 New Dresdes Silks e Need= Silks jos s naal 1ise.Mh tae owitoow . •ahoy .re edmesd ilyles for emit same, rushed diem* by fleet engem ere' loodon. dodgem at oar yard *L .Pl e 00 • Hodgens Bros. Meet law Mrs NOW 11 lila 'lite R TO BUY THE LADLES' HOME JOURNAL a gootdordrablo taw gift' LMA row order sad ors will boo, oin6 to sgoogior 110, ASMdMra towmO ..,... •,�• •. ... so; On Jct Do s sIrT N ■