HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-4, Page 7up their home on Louis%street. Mr. Henry Brewer, one of the pion- eer resident' of tieafortb, passed peace- fully away at the home of his sister, Mrs. Robert Willis, on Tuesday last. Mr. Brewer's illness was of brief evening col dur- ation. On the Wednesday ng previous as he was returning home be was seised with an attack of paralysis and bad to be assisted borne. Al- though apparently conscious until. near the last, he had lost the power of peecb and was quite helpless. Mr. Brewer was (10 year of age and is sur- vived by two brothers. Alfred. of De- troit, and ()eorge, of Brills :and Hdone one sister. Mrs. Robert predeceased him :il years ago. The remains were laid to rest In Maitland - bank cemeteryon Thursday. After an ilness of several weeks Mn. Richard Wright passed away at ber home on Sperling street on &►tur- day. Mrs. Wright's maiden nanw was Elisabeth Carlisle. She had reached the age of 75 years. $ibe had been :40 sa resident bf Seatorth for the pa years and was touch esteemed by all who enjoyed her acquaintance. Ebe is wrvived by ber husbandand four born sons andltbree daughters. !l of attended the funeral on Timmins. TM daughter. are Mrs. H. M. and Mot. M.1 W. Young. of Rochester, and 'Nielson McLaughlin. of Winnipeg. The sons are J antes C.. of Toledo : John E. and William E.. of Ohio, and A. E.. of Pontiac, Michigan. Bad Mrs. Wright lived until December 27th she and Mr. Wright would bave been married 56 years. - 4 11. Koowiton'aewelry riot* at Leamington wan robbers, thieves breaking the shop windows. —An official announcement placed restrictions on the use of the title -Honorable" in Canada. .THE SIGNAL : GUDE.RICH : o 'rA11n Ok? IT'S ALL CANT" COLLEGE AT HOME Thousands ot ,mbltta.t,*ossa pM 1• are tiara stepwise Int cote es en to unclips lucrative r.pbernbookkMpetn. telefr* .errant.. la fact ever? ntrY•es ka▪ eifActivities. You - fi1•b M set t.ee iI roe $ w4d i I/OMaleMfa toed. Enter tins. well Thirty i.. years So pert l treble In Canada a Berea tnivan Cwead.. Heron Special Mollie for ta.okern Affiliated with Commercial eUM_. tor- Assooidt: ,•hoof at farad.. Sputum Denser t oll.tre. Loudon. Clinton Business College Or.o. Sr rrrO H. P. WARD PtesteemI. Principal DadwiY'a 'Deady IL'D&ief rhea. ir. afltaert• Tt7f tr. 1Ttb ft.. wets..: `I'nt rear. 1 bars beet seferine few a.tt...a sold bow Melte. Aweek oO. 1 pnn'be.+•A a •.'•- I e e4 kads•y'. R..dy Y, Ila! and So., or..., , retnatw. ntel In II., ••I. before mill. as 1 I. . rh.n0 Tbe e. tter I *t heart 1 r Intl Ostrow R It. Ir s.. CURES ASTHMA .peels. for Ibis dt.n•e are the R.-. '• ref. Ibe ter *hent and ka.lwq•s P111'. 1-.. • 11.'44 meat be robbed as fb. eb.•.t sed t 'r„ I u inn a bends( ..+earl.. 1. pestered. awli'• emt be takes fregse•stl7 to keep tow bee 1. tbresuebty open.Tbe Resolnt .n.t t. ewe d Siert Mtte mt.. I. mall does. •..,I .n. t.tlrInf tn rest. M • s •1 st tb. 1teenrwot wbewswe • arouse WWWES stairway a Oct. u 11 • T. Swans' egos,. Livery and Back Stables Mefrraett STagtrr Jean ores THE SWARM BUSES MEET ALL TRAINS AND : PASBRNGER : BOATS Passengers called for in way part of the town for oil wain. at O. T. R. or C. P. R. depots. Prompt mrviee and carerul atten- Thur Livery and Hack service will be found ap- tn,date in every solicited.respect. Y oar papatetismo.a T. 8WART8 Phone 107 Montreal Street WINTER SESSION Opens January 3tb le all department. of the e'r\TKAL HC$IN » COL.. Lg 1K Yong* sad Gerrard Street. Toronto. our estalasce expiate. our .eperiwltr in fivnlJment. S.alr. Meth w▪ rite for It If !rte ed t ~thine, kind ed of school work which breasts ►..t .uses.•. Addres. W. H. Shaw. Preddest. Metaled thh paper. COUNTY—DISTRICT LOTHIAN Mr. Wm. Hogaa upset a so.p s of dors with friends at Losdoo. Hies EMe McDunald, of Amberiey, visited friends bees last week. Mr. Ales. Hamby. of Carlow. *pest the -week sod at his borne hers. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Gilmore visited friends near Tseswater last week. Mr. Joseph Eogland and fatally have moved into Mr. P R. McNay's boogie on the McKenzie Owns. LOYAL Mt.e Margaret Small, of Toronto. spent a few days Inst week with Mies Jebel* Green. Colborne's genial tax collector, Mr, Thomas Hamilton. has paid his annual cell. Taxes are somewhat higher this year. Much sympathy is telt tor Mr. tied Mrs. Wm. McIntyre, of Nile, who mourn the death ot their son. Frank. He died on Sunday, November 23rd, in young manhood. The good news of the sated', of our sailor boys. James Young and Wit. McMillan, was received with great thankfulness by their parents bare. We understand they are Hasty to be home in the near future. The beautiful weather the post few days is much appreciated by the farmers in this section, who are being enabled to finish up the fall work uicely. During the early pit of the season it was so very dry ploughing was an il0poseihility. AN UN& Rev. A. Wag and wile arrived beams attar Seale tom tits k*' itoositue. Our sports have rsrters.d from their bunting trio lo the Parry Sound wood.lt wills ns soul*, bri.Rla vood000. Mr. J. B. Hamel has finished iostall- iDg the hot water beater in the new manes. He looks familiar in oar village again. Mr. George Sturd la nursing a very .ore ankle, the result of u kick from a COW. Messrs. John Roberto°. Roy Lape- ley, Lloyd Ferguson and G. Lawlor have returned fiout their western trip. Mrs Dongald McKenzie, of Tiver- ton. died after two Say's Ulrtees. —Tbe Albion hotel at Borrie has been i11iId rut a private residence. —Mi. Hugh McLeap and family are moving 11 Newell to Hamilton. —rye flax mill at. Seriall started last week and will run during the wiu- ler. —Eggs in Mitchell are selling at MI cents a dozen, the bighist price ever paid there. —Mr. W. H. Haines. a merchant at Ripley for the past eight months. • e leaving that village. —One hotel in Mitchell was fined 011.45 and another '1164.43 for telling liquor during probibited hours. —Mr. rod Mrs. Wm. Philips, who live newr Mitchell. celebrated the 80th anniversary of their wedding on the 21.t ult. — Mr. John Wilkin bas sold his farm un the :3rd conoetrion of Brant town- ship to Mr. Charles Peglo, also of Scant. — Miss Winnifred Warren. of Walk- erton. has decided to shaudon the teacbtua profession and become a rule• sionary et Hunan. Chins. —When their auto wet.t over an em- haokwent Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Martyn. of Ripley. received serious injuria,+ and Mrv. Marlyn bad her wrist brok- en. is belong• COLBORNE Mr. Benj. Cox is building a new kitchen. Mrs. Ceti and Mrs. Donaldson, of Oodericb, visited Mr. John !•'age° this "reek. Mr. Ernest Pfriminer is getting a carload of bran at Mc6..w fur the farmers.r ..neon btsi- Mr. Willie Fagen, c,i nem college, spent r re., ye at home last week. A good pr'ogran•,,, box .rural at the I. day evening. Mr. and Mrs. S.. •no. Allen and Mr. Howard Baer spew. Sunday at the bows of Mr. George 13eao, sr. Mr. Churchill, of Mcliaw, the C.P.R. agent there, has bought an up-to-date cutler and is living in hopes of a cut- ter ride this winter. Mr. J. K. Ferguson bad', au nuc on e sale of cattle Inst Frbda The sale job under the new post - was well attended and good priceb master and in the new building on were realised. Wednesday morning. While regret - lir. John Finetrod entertained the ting Lb. loss of their po.tmS 1$F. 1dr. Knox church choir and some of the Simnel Dickson, the people of Seaforth young people of the conttregatiou last sod density are delighted to hear that Friday evening. ' the new wpoetmaater srgutherlaod las Barns, engaged his deputy i which s an assurance that the excellent Service received by the citizens for the part 23 years under Mr. l4utberlandti tnausgement will be con- tinued A quiet wedding took place in lit. James' church oo Tuesday morning st els o'clock. when Mies Bridget O'- Keefe, youngest daughter of the late (Michael O'Keefe, became the bride of Mr. John Devereaux. of 13eafotth. Tbe ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Corcoran in the presence of their immediate friends. The bride, wbo was noatt..ded, was given away byMr. Joeepb Keating and dress a weddng dof Mack and whore silk. After elle wedding breakfast solos and duets. Mies Mona the newly married couple took the toe ttostat, nsoretug thin for Toronto land other SEAPORTH A saeetine to discuss the „dvieabil- key mtpaiaitag a Warners'. Canadian skisiwl be ibald in the elaregtM lib- rary id rary a Wednesday evening. The sock 000rt triad in the breach of promise caw bald uoder the auspices of the Young Peoples Society the Pre*Ayterial church and uuder the dirseden of Col. A. V. Newtoo, of Worcester, Mas.acbueetts, in t.be opera boner war a pronounced success. The different characters were splendidly sustained while the many local hits pro- vided Do cod of fun for the audience. The poet office inspector is expected hereon Tuesday next. when the post office will be transferred from the old to the new buildiog and the staff wilt dived at the .cch on Toes - The annlversary services in Methodist ch reh were will attended on Sunday. Rev. R. J. McCormick was the preacher. while Rev. R. A. Miller supplied at Holwrsville. The members and friends of the Au- burn Baptist church are looking f [- ward to anniversary services on Sun- day. December 7th. They expect a good time, a. Res. W. D. Matsee, of Springfield, one of their late pastor will be the preacher. A good musical programme is being prepared. —Tbe house and rooten ing to Mr. Robert McCaul on the 6th concession at Kiulo.s were destroyed by Are oo Monday evening of last wart. —A recent arrive' from England has skipped from Walkerton. leaving bis wife end children to be cared for by the town. Hit wages were only ala per day. —A fainter in Bruce township pre- dicts that 1n ten years irons Dow all the ploughing in the country will he done in autos. with girls in high heels teed silk stockings to drive them. —Mrs. W. Jermyn, of the Bluevale road. announces the engagement of ber youngest daughter, Auoie. to Rev. Arthur Sinel&•n, of Sarnia. The mar- riage will take place about the middle of Deoeober. —Tbe new Roman !Catholic church at Mildmay was opened ony the Ham- ult. Vicat -Genes Mahone. Ilton. officiated and preached Inc dedi- cation sermon. assisted' by many pions.* of the diocese. The church cost $9b.00t1. —Mr. Joseph B. Boyer, of ' Klr.car- dine. was wheelstnatt on the Regina in the early part of the .eaeon. He Mid hie hard crushed and had to come boule. He regarded it *s a misfortune at the time hot it saved his life. Were It out for this aceideut ns would have ] week There will be a grand concert in the 'temperance De o'er 11221b, under the cunning, auspices of Knox church choir. The programme will consist of choruses, quartettes, duets and solos, and piano Walter, of Carlow, the well-known e u , will also take part in the programose, 1 pointy and upon their return will take and violin selections will be vers by Mr. R. Redinond. of Westfield. Gen- eral - admission, 25 cent' ; 35 cents. —J. J. Scott, H.C., of Hamilton, is critically ill. —A. O. MIs was elected president of Cannington hoard of trade. CARLOW Miss Florence Potter is .visiting nt Mrs. Miller's. Mr. Alex. Barnby spent over Sunday at his home 1n Lothian. Zion church held a very successful social on Tuesday night. Mr. O'Connor is very busy these days buying lauds. repairing wells, ete. We ate .ort w report that Mrs. James Scott is keeping very poorly. Mr. BertVarcos is bust these days testing his new gasoline engine. He says it is a dandy and runs like s top, Mrs. Miller took advautage of the nice weather of Inst week and had a few very successful bees shingling her house. lir. James Glen disposed of a fine bunch of turkeys on Wednesday and which made a pretty high averag in price. lire. Wm . Tyndall bas returned brine after visiting for a few weeks with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Treble spent the letter end of the week in Goderich. Mr. Herbert Fisher has nearly com- pleted his new hen house. Mr. Fisher thicks that when bens give such good rot urns they at least should have • com- fortable place to live io. Mr. t.eo Potter, of Chicago, is visit- ing at his home here. t►e are alllooks hale and hearty and glad to see him and hear of lels success over in Uncle Sam's country. Mr. Potter is $ railroad eogineet'. • NOT1II1 iATIERINfi of Stylish Mon is amides way at oar Kesel Amosft eels Brat to arrive were the fsfi stylise of Derby Shoe* for flee ne warmth ed sea- eessie, etdd weaker. Ku mfort Over Shoes Rubbers and SIIYNe. Many to pat a cad take d. !H well— Look well -Wear wen. All days for wlaa,t* and dinettes. any drat and protect .nd fate!', =leigwister tela Ceecoadoloi Mmesei All Dealers PORTERS HILL The Ladies' Aid will meet. n Thurs - day, December 41b. at the home of Mrs. O. W. Potter. Mr. and Mrs. George Vanderbtirgb and Mrs. Walter Weston visited at Licknow this week. Messrs. Beni. Lindsay and Arthur Tithhorne returned from the west on Wednesday last. Mir Mingisited her of Bayfield, last Mrs. Georgee Weston. been on the boat when tt was wreeked in the great storm sod all the crew wen drowsed. — Master Freest `parting. of White- church. met with an accident which might easily have fo vea fatal. While climbing intoe bay lot.. of hi+grandfath- er'. b.rc. he missed his footing and fell atrikleg Ni. bead no the cement floor .owe eitibt err teed test below. Medical aid was eumeoneel. and it was fouod that the severe fall had caused concus- sion of the brain — eMatthew tatew ith awesruzeterthe tither dai`.'"KW Wits ds a ladder- rill moving some brick from • wall at the mw Still when the wall fell. Mr. Sea - demon was thrown about fifteen feet fallg against another building Dr. Jerk os wee at Dobe called. and found that 'although he had received some bad bellows and a severe shaking up no boosts were broken. Iuful ill- ness.. a Ilagetiod pa mtt an ess. Mt. Murdoch McDona d. ligbt- bouse keeper at Point Clark. passed away In tie F.rgwi bospiW ow Nov- ember ovember il.t. where be was operated o0 some weeks ago. Moms month. ago he tiod.rwent an operation In Kin- cardise hospital and for a brief time appeared to be improving. At times gsuffered inteseely. bot disptayd ed patience throughoet bis looser. —Death has been more than usually Males seems the i.tnatse of the Bert.o beans dreamt, this year. sixteen baw- ling .lss dy jawed the great snaltrr wI kite *MUM ens end the ar. Ra lsw*o.. let two previous 1 =serlthere worts *rely e +hoses bas wow 97 lntutw11 which M stet tee less than high water mark. The attest intits 10 record was Mn. Cetd%► Irl? i7. P $ viea .fie m mit, w aret lir...fa* the teenws t see palseam was *soused M Osstswl Mann fee %I ta.atba t sev'ea tar tba Ott'!wei wm. aa► mrd mod sale allow.+ as !a a •e• Mr , and Mn. Gordon and woo W11- ila.*, of Detroit. visited at Mr. Peter McDougall s last week. Mr. Peter McDougall left for Port btasley lest week. Wll.tie Mr. and Mnn. Gibson, f g - toe. are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. sad Mrs. Stewart McDougall. Bethel Sunday school will bold their tisristreae tree eeteetalnsen: on Tuesday leveeing. December Bird. Look for partieuisrs later. The. Tostsr+es of RLQ a 's Itgg a+siel ice[ climatic change im- ams tits tabs Used is iscapalde rsnetantn sod latah, trsowed mime tendo*—but the Wesel Soett's Earulekma for relieving rheumatism is based on logical principles ts and scientific fac ai1400d prom tly malas &etive. red. -sust'inis blood corpuscles and its bode building properties tllasa the functions to • aC • lash-. with andel list Mr ens matt& w4 reheat this Who* samothis stidleasid _rattpsis• tee= IlkaavarroYcarlimbitais . dame*alsamikr .. ••••••••••••• _ Tao0DAT, Doc 4, 1M 7 Young Man Do you know that a man's worth is often estimated by his clothes. Our FALL and WINTER OVER- COATS are smart and neat at reason- able prices, ranging from $9.00 to $25.00. Chinchilla and Cheviot qualities in latest styles. McLean Bros. The Square, Goderich SEMI -READY TAILORING Agents for Carhartt Overalls, Stanfield's Underwear, Fitwell Hats, Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs. RENT ascription to The Signal °and receive 1 1914 calendar The Door Will Get Dirty ! Especially where there are children in the house, but Panshine makes doors, floors, tables, and cup- boards, wondrous clean -- a joy to look on. It shines everything—does the magic cleanse, Panshine absorbs dirt and grease and grime as nothing else does. It makesthe disagree- able part of kitchen work and clearing, scouring and scrubbing simple and easy Posi- tively will notation the hands. r. e 1 SVECIAL STOVE 5kLE At 10 per cent. Discount Will last until December 13th We are crowded for room and in order to get the floor space we are pottering--tti+a '-reduction.' Come early and get the stove you want. ., • ti • .az'', 1I,i 44,-c `moi♦c- 0 .c► :c.. l Eve As - a:1 Do not think because the weather is mild now that it is going to be all wit sc, rDiow• is, the. tioae to purchase your Stove at a reduction. In time of peace prepare for war. ')o you consider what ten per cent. means to you? A Happy Thought Range with reservoir and high shelf which ordinarily sells for $5o.00 you can buy for ={s.00, a saving of $5..lo. Save money by buying now and payirtg cash. Or on a Radiant Home Heater with oven, which sells for $So.00, you can save the same as above. We have a large assortment ot Oaks and other heaters to choose from. This discount applies tI' all the stoves we have in stock. When you want any work done do not forget we are headquarters for plumbing, heating, e;•vestrougrh- ing, electric wiring, etc. All work promptly attended to and fully guaranteed. Chas. C. Lee PHONES : Store 22 House 112 •a ter