HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-4, Page 6• Turatwi.ar, I)at• 4, 11113 THE $IG2: AL : GODERICH ONTARIO SATURDAY Suit and Overcoat Day Big reduction of Shawl Overcoats for men and boys. just opened up and are marked at prices for smart selling. Come today. Have a look. •n's shawl collar Overcoats in tweeds and chinchilla cloths $7.50 up to $1 •.r,0 shawl collar Overcoats in tweeds and chinchilla cloths sa.75 to $7.00 Yen'. black Melton Overcoats, velvet collar, special at .. 67.60, $10.00. =12.00 and as high as $1 fi.00 New i,d' models in men's, young men's and boyo' Suits ; tweets (ancc worsteds, blue and black worsteds and cheviots. - l'• n uten's English Rain ('oats od sale, regular $10 Uf. for $7.$0 few Hats and Caps, new Furnishings, New Hoots and Rubbers. M. ROBINS OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 O'CLOCK STOVE !:7.-17:74 POLISH FOR BRIGHTNESS Its • ! AND LIGHTNESS.USE BLACK ' ` ►' ' KNIGHT APASTEHAM I LTO. HAM INoDus-r NOWASTL THE F F DALLEY 0 ILTON.ONT. No RUST ORANGE LILT SAVED MY LIFE" There words or expressions hnv- Ing the same meaning are contained in hundreds of the letters l have re- ceived during the put year. Many were from women who had suffered agonies from failing of womb. others from women who had escaped dang- erous surgical operat lonaas the tumors and ulcers had been, remov- ed by the action of Orange Llty; and others who had suffered from suppressed menstruation. louver- rhoea. painful periods. etc. For all these and the other troubles known In general aa Women's Disorders. Orange Lily furnishes a positive scientific, never -failing cure It Is app!. e,l direct to the suffering organs and Its operation is certain and beneficial As • trial acteally proves Its merit i hereby offer to *end absolutely free. a boa worth 3k., sufficient for ten days treatment. to every suffering woman who will writ.' for It. Enclose 3 stamps. MRS. FRANCES R. CURRAH. Windsor. Ont. For Sale by Leading Druggists Everywhere TOWNSHIP COUP/Olt- REPORTS RANT WAWANOMH Minutes of nommen meeting bold on November mut, members all present. Minutes of lost gsesting read and con- firmed. Moved b Mr. Irwin, seconded by M r. Ston. , am Fred Toll he grouted the prlviMRe of putting io 3i1 of 40 feet moire of tile, so that tbe the poi tion will thea extend around the bend oo the Toll drain as advised by the engineer in his report on the same. -Carried. The usual bylaw for appointing pleas of nomination, places of election. D.R.O. and poll clerks was read and The following accounts were ordered to be paid :-Tbe Blytb Standard. ad- vertising. $1 ; The Municipal World, debenture forms and postage, $1.04 ; 0 A. Junes. inspect's. coouact o0 Toll drain, $90.t ; R. Wells, wsei.- taoce inspection contract on Toll drain, $9 75: comity treasurer. plank, $Ill 44; Howson & Lawson. Auburn bridge piaok. 99.52: Isaac Brown. coo- crete tile. $41.36: Toll, drawing tile, 1{.3; S. Petld repairing culvert on Northerwhet1odary. $2.53; Georgs M. Robertson. cleaning out creek. cons. 12 and 13, $t 60; Jobe bblefl, furnishing tile and putting in culvert, con. 11. 117.43: Dan. McGowan. dig- ging ditch and widening road, con a, $5; Jelin Cook, repairing washout of drain, con. 5. 50e. ; J. B. Marshall, putting in culvert and municipality's share on the Dingwall drain, 110: A. Porterfield, selecting jurors, $5: Win. N'igbtmao, selectingurors, 13; JJ. N. Campbell, selecting jurors end tele- phone charges. $4 ; J. N. Campbell, attendance on drainage matters and expenses in connection with prairie red. $15: B. H. Taylor, drawing plank and repairing bridge. cons. 0 and 7, 15. The council then adjourned to meet again accordioft to statute on Decem- ber I:.tb at 10 o clock a.m. A. PORTI RFIRLn, Clerk. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment on November 3rd. All members present. Minutes of Inst meeting read and approved. J. Duff put in claim for $208.45 for h orse being killed while pawing over a culvert on 4th concession. The couoeil claimed that they had suffic- ient evidence to show that the town- ship was not liahleand refused to pay the claim. Moved and seconded that (`ono. Yeo he overseer for road division No. :i6 in tbe performance of 1912 statute labor. -Carried. Moved and carried that following accounts be paid : Ooderich Lumber & Milling Co., plank, $1.88: W. Find- lay, plank. 11 : George Elliott, plank, $d ; R. Bulk. drawing and placing steel culvert, $14 ; %Pestnt, Bros.. cement woe k. $40. -Carried. Mcved that council adjourn to meet fitst Monday in December *1 In o'clock -Carried N. W. Team ARTnA, Clerk. 0 � The LargestYet That is what our Holiday trade will be if you make your selection from BROPHEY BRO'S. Stock of FURNITURE We have at present a full line of Leather esti Rexine Rockers and Students' Chairs - the largest in years. Also a new line of Ratan Rockers ani Chairs, Couches. told Parlor Furniture. etc. . . Any ot these articles would he a very acceptable Gift for .tnyone to re• tests. . Or perhaps you anticipate a nice China Cabinet, Dining- Table, or a set of Leather. D(nJ:p,.. • , . 4Jt< :Perhaps • you , have been building on a nice Parlor Suite for your wife : if so, we have them in Silks and Veronas -- three and five -piece Suites. . . Odd Dressers anti Stands in 14 -cut Oak, Mahogany and I•:rnh,re finish •from the cheapest to the best al- t+.it - in stock. . . Our line of Felt Mat- tresses are in great demand by the tired ones who desire rest and comfort. . . In fact, we keep in 'tock etery line necessary to furnish the home from cellar to garret. Call and inspect our stock. No trouble to .how goods at the OLD RELIABLE r ophey Bros. Usd.rtakers sad Moses Waft a--- -slob Rssidance pests 217 ,Night and Div itere hew 150 COLBORNE The council of the township ot Col- borne met in the township hall on Noveml.er Ilth ; members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and on motion of Courts. MeLarty and Hether- ington were adopted. The following accounts were passed and orders drawn on the treasoreefor tame :-James Bucbannao, 43 loads gravel. $4.311; James Taylor. imppeeeet• ing cement wall LR.. $3.75; Meier Morris. supplying tile sod putting In culvert at McCanns. 117.50; R. McMil- lan, two loads tile from .Blyth and pitting in culvert, $14; A. Vanetone, four ewes and five Iambs killed by dogs, 159: Jacob Mosier, part payment cement retaining wall LR.. S60; Oli- ver Cook, gavelling and ditch on L. S. R.. $5.25 ; Goderich Lumber & Mill- ing Co., plank for bridge at James Young's. 0+; Joh* D. Parrish, repair- ing culvert on con. 10, $4 50: S. Pot- ter. supplying tile and putting in cul- vert on coo. 10, 116. Letter received from M. G. Cameron re cots of the Nest Wawanoth law suit as presented to him by Proudfoot, Hays & Killoran. Mowed by Coons. Young and Melarr v that no action 1,e taken.- Carried. Meeting adjourned to meet on December 15th at 10 o'clock a.m. R`MCILw•Ate, Clerk. WEST WAWANO$H Council met on November 12th ; member -s all present: Reeve Wm, Bailie in the chair. Minutes of last meet ing rend Nod passed on mot ion of Conus. Murray and Mallougb. Treasurer's it ttement for Septem- her and October read with receipts of $1515.97 and payments $628.73, bel- lied! $t.47.24. Report filed on motion of Conn.. Medd aid Naylor. V. M. Roberts. township engineer, was prevent and gave a detailed ex- plenetlon of his field notes, also of map and profiles an far prepared cf Young drain !survey. Thin were he estiacatr• will met 114 27.40, of which roti ship will tiny $lam. This report. a 6nI.hed Dopy of which has eine. been filed by the clerk, was ordered filed qn motion of Couns. Nay- lor and Murray. Amounts amounting to $1579.55 were passed and paid on motion of Couns. Medd and Mtirmyr Motion by Couto. liellough and Medd. that commit adjourn to meet it. Dungannon Aarleuitural hall or, December let .t one o'clock p.m., wben all ratepayers interested in the Young dride proposition are expected is attend. mcil will meet for getters' busi- oi Deemsh'r lath in towasbip h all tat per statute. W. A. W i u,ohr, (:nark. 111 TWE CAOst Oil RNiUMATI$M It 1' trenssstty sgppoeed that rhe u- mra4iees Is hnlilrsht os byeoM and deem *Moses ea the ~lase of the hely, bit t►ls theory M w roag. Oo[d and camp oat 'settee timed/seem that is settled In the bleed. Rbennsatleas is a blood disease sett Rhe suso is guar - settled to remove the eels sed eerieh the blood so abet eels said outset ex- ist. ls • wonderful rime- in sow It =rwr have rb*trtuslirrw in asy (brim dst t delay goiter to P, J. Bu tlamd`s dreg atom sad get a bet t M of Rheum, today. 91.69 a leetts bel - tls. Da slue te go to F. J. amuses. ethelr esesoa eew.loty Tw• OA= MON OF Two MINS STANOINS Ceroid ter Na -Dov -Ce derv, e4 Uaeeed, Llter/ee sad CAlesedp.. You know how lard it is to gel rid ot • cough that has hung on for even two weeks, lel Moue two niacin'. So you will appreciate what Na -Deo -Co Syrup of Linased. Licorice and Chlorodyne did for Mr. Patrick hollered, of East Baltic, P. h. 1. liess)a. "I suffered from a backing cough for over two months. 1 tried several reme- dies, but they- failed to cure me. At last 1 tried Na-Dru-Co Syrup's( Linseed, Licorice and Clilotoih ne, and gut such relief that I tried more, and after using three bottles was absolutely cured." -The unique, sciestific combination of three such reliable remedies makes Na- 1)ru-Co Syrup of Liaised, Licorice and Chlorodyae the hest preparation that that has ever been offered for all sorts of colds and toughs. Get a 2Sc or Mc bottle from your Druggist and see for yourself how effective it is. National Doug and Chemical Co. of Canada. l,im.ted. 333 RURAL WOMEN MEET Ostend Women's Iastitebs in Coovemties Review Wark of Year If any one wanted to see what an all-round advance had been made by the rural women of the province of Ontario they should have attended the annual coorrnuon of the Ontario Women's Institute, which was held in the Foresters' ball, Toronto, on Thursday and Friday liar. There were 700 feminine representatives from Oo- tarlo villages and farms present et the convention. Begun as $ place to swap recipes and general household lore, the women's i0-titutes are now branching out in many directions in order to fully live up to their motto, "For Home and Country." To sum up all their splendid endeavors it could be said that they are now doing in the country districts what the local ooun- cil of womeo strive to carry out in the Cities - At Thursday morning'+ open- ing session, Mrs. William - Bacon. of Orillia, presided, and Rev. Jam.. W. Pedley officiated at the devotional exercises. Steven hundred and eighty institutes were represented and the prosperous appearance of Ontario's feminine farmer folk did not look much like hard times. First came reports from breach in- •titutesand much good work for the general good of the various c,mmun- Wes, esp..cielly in relation to, bfld wed- j tare was toed. At eleven o'clock "Medical Io.pection of Rural Schools' was the subject. Mrs. %, Ikon, of Park- hill, told how ber district was roused to the importance of medical inspec- tion by a sweets there by Dr. Helen MacMurchy two years ago. As a re- sult, the community was s0 rouged that a medical inspection was taken. and fifty per cent of the children found defective. Medical attention bad been given to sixty per cent as a result. In closing Mrs. Wilson moved that "the Ontario Women's Institutes should agitate for medical inspection in all tbe rural ecbool.." Dr. W. E. Struthers followed Mrs. Wilson with an eloquent plea for such' w system. He told of the good done b7 such work in the city achbols in giving every child a chance. To make the schools a centre for an all-round devetopneet of future citizens should be the aim, declared Dr. Struthers. The illustrated views of the medical In- spectiooa of We schools heightened the strong impression made by his address. At the afternoon session Mn. C. 14. Horning, of Hamilton. presided. Mr. ,Geo. A. Putnam. superintendent of women's instituter, in his annual re- port, gave a most comprehensive re- view of what the women's institutes meant. He considered it an honor to be connected with work of agricultural betterment and instruction. The pub- lic, too, he noted, were being taught by prrsestt high prices to take a keen- er interest in such problems. He .poke of the inodeu beginning of the wo- uren's institutes and their ever ex- panding interests which were doing so much for individual efficiency and ambition. family lite. community pride and attainment and for the entire country. Five or Si* years ago On- tario led in the formation of women'. Institutes, now British Columbia, Al- berta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and New Brunswick were doing good work, Prince Edward Island end Nova Scotia lad made a begioniag, and Quebec, though not itemising govern- ment aid. was making a start through private individuals. No rural district, said Mr. Putnam, could afford to be without its help to bring about a better social life, a finer neighborly spirit. The beet women of the community, handed together, must mean an untold power for good. Much of the time now devoted to social functions in our large cities might well be spent in tictivili.s such se (l o•e of the woman s tambours. Moms. of there were : The securing of land and beautifying it foe parka, the ss- tsblisboent of halls for mesthsets and the social life of the iertitubq devote Ms fonds to the eare of the b.lrka% true netgbhorlinees to to the needy and widows.lasgoetion in schools. the establishment of closer bowl of t.liowsblp betwese neighbors. the si•akleg of a Mead to whom yes feel that yes ears sea*lide everything and who will stand by you is the day of trouble or need, the eos.Nerstios of the everyday active - ties and reepossibllkthe of . ;boom - Tosnake the last and beet tIoed of reed ab d authorities the cogs son �e .pis. o[ tis eoararoe �.n.4. ubould M W tb .tett of tM i..tlwur. A esateal berme for tb. collection , aaddbe.tttlaettee.1 this knowledge, mvileerwsee by teetrausts to re metal direst bt��advise �he need ..Ht work. Mr. nitwit above all emelt his bearers to taloa kens intermit la the geboels. N. world Ilse to is. mermen on the boards. .Not Gaily a keenest interest in the t1adlee but la the su-' aeration wee seeded. The vale of the demonstration work was aim dwelt K Asmhei tsstque /maims d eseions lee gg this year Mr. Putman' said *1gii;m7 meaty there M a •Nvseeb-oet engemr lee" to repose Areas who de fli wised hs. ossa Oven 111,010 their g ` ,lima_ NW 4 J • A 4 9 4 A 8 •Q "Wasn't That a Dainty Dish to Set Before A King" -and Queen? 3 4 THE dish in question was a beautiful, sparkling Shirriff Jelly made from one of the "fancy" recipes inserted in Shirriff's Jelly Powder packages. It was served by a Toronto hostess at a fashionable Bridge Party. It was her "trump" card. No guest could resist it. As a hostess you, too, will find Shirriff's Jelly your high " trump" when it is time to play your hand with the refreshments. There are many unique ways of serving it io com- bination with fresh or canned fruits, pre - ,serves, ice cream, nuts, dates, figs, maple syrup, wines, etc. Look for the recipes in Shirriff's Jelly Powder packages. Shirriff's Jelly - the dessert delicious - is a high-class, wholesome, pure-fotaf product. Over a dozen "fruity" flavors. 10. cents a package; 3 for 25 cents. Sold by almost all grocers. Try it for your next dessert. FOR PA CARD RT1FS Mnmffs Jelly To introduce Shirriffs Jolly quickly, individual ahteetum jelly moulds are given away FREE. Ask your grocer about it. Institute has introduced the method of using cement foe the preservation of trees. In another district, the members of an institute , give their orders to the merchants so that they may be filled and delivered before six p. m. Drunkenness Can be Cured Altura Will do it Alcura, the widely -known treat men for alcoholism can now he obtained at our 'tote. It is guaranteed to cure or benefit, or money refunded. Remedy that has been tried by thousands gni found to do just as it claims. Drunkenness is a disease. Those who are afflicted with the craviog for liquor have to be helped to throw it off. Alcura No. 1 can be given secretly in coffee orfnod. Alcura No. 2 is the voluntary treatment. Help your loved ones to restore themselves To lives of sobriety and usefulness and to regain the respect of the community io which you live. Only $1.00 per box. Ask for free booklet. E. R. Wigle, druggist, Gods - rich. Ont New Train to Winnipeg The popularity of Canadian Pacific' service, and the excellence of that 1 road's equipment, has been so greatly appreciated by the travelling public that it has been found necessary to put into service an extirely new through standard express train be- 1 tween ToroLto and Winnipeg. Commencing on Sunday, October 26th, the "Gate City Express" 1 Toronto at 2.31) p.m.. and will run daily thereafter, nrriving in Winnipeg at eight a.m. second morning. The train will consist of the highest -class modern equipment : Comparttueot library observation car, standard sleeping can, tourist sleeping Par, dining car, first-class coach and colonist ear. This will be found the most convenient and hest train between Toronto and Winnipeg on account of the daylight hy departure from Toronto at an hour when the Union station is not badly congested, and *leo on account of the early hour of arrival at Winnipeg. The present "Vancouver Express" will continue to leave Toronto at 10.20 p.m.daily acrd will consist of the same equipment as the "Gate City Express." This train is the beet to takefor points woofed Winnipeg. bit for Winnipeg and east the "Gate City Express' is the right train to travel hy. fi0-tf Full particulate from any Canadian Pacific agent or write M. 0. Murphy. district paeeepger agent, Toeing*. 114 A 4 9 4 A 8 T 4 Lumber and Building Material for sale in large quantities THE PAGET GRAIN DOOR Co. are now prepared to supply all kihds of build- ing material, having a large stock of all kinds of lumber on hand, including Ontario White Pine, Shingles and Lath. 'Hardwood Flooring and Inside Birch Finish a specialty. Call and see our samples of Birch Finish. Soft and Hardwood slabs for sale by the cord. The Paget Grain Door Co., Limited GODERICH ' • For Headaches • Here's the Reason and the Cure Most pcopts at some dew or mother setkv from headacbee--disordered stomacb, nvx oe M.wels is the cause --any one combo eared -ons woman sane Chamberlain's Tablets did more for rtes the-. 1 ever dared hops for -.cured beededaee--w.••,•:,•'i--ss-sad Weed rap my whets syes,m-1 fad like a sew -o- men." No case tee hard for tress Sita red Math restorers- 15c_ a bottle. Druggists and Deelsra, or by Mss • Ciem•esi in Meagre Catalm _ Awes. 6 %e : MBEPt INS TABLETS4:15 Direct From -. naory to ✓ You Save $5 to $40 on any r,j� Sssbf r e! M me ere tour hese dram, berm w .see res the pandit weWHw, bare and s•eir. oma seil pee as tlarrar isupen Or ewe= ssesthndie blew re b.sere is sew Mar end goers pee • dates et sew vkses wrest M trade - the. It pee assn Waft ersehms r embed luta bed you buy oesw Trial We gem Sem herr titre et ..e ..teche ria b** r PIS me ass cermet r mem* dice a tits M et ear eamws* end we sslmm pr srmut - wipe Mee It ere tubae Tee eves ties e r res M. sell ,eb- k�tmge�mead leekweetr trace.. shot_ •tt- .a = -4 _- a lYr s d sed, le Medile feenee, Judea and me &eve* W melbaTee ~Am01b etellea. Wide. sew aa/1e set e - AQ36Dayval$ for = Your Final 4,112arsaaria dmil r ew"S.• 11 ey $1,000 Guarantee Bond Protects You in Every Purchase fVs�hgs alb w_me • • isw�m.t >♦ a ommoot_ Imo W m*� slid Moo wtrih t sprue 64"W." .erg••• •••ar telle some am err ag�a3/Len. �� we i 's A f�=e a' ; V A b 1 T 1 somite ese W 'mac �` t s - p. sat weft ma snide, sewed 'ave' else Is he or eleldessa awl Nod ee e Old ostler r,1 tlsstory pbs. TiMi spi it Ibo boot bop pew .. seeds, Quality Bed Limited; x .hand Ontario d4 � W