HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-4, Page 5TRE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ONTARIO 'GENTLEMEN erhauling Vulcanizing (irinding Now that the reinter Is here let us call your attention to the fact that our work include, Automobile Overhaul - Ing. Vulcanizing Tires with a new stream vulcanizer we have just installed fik•te sharpening and overhauling ,f tiasoline Engine* and Machinery. Agents t, r Hudson Autotuobiles, model, from *VIII) to 1114)50. EAST ST. GARAGE Next Town Hall PHONE 243 0ODERICH LOCALS -- PERSONALS gREDIR ARK OF CANADA With Caul in De Bank Yee Can Buy N Advantage You know how everything costs more vhen you have to buy on credit. Why not practice self -dental a while :f necessary, open a Savings Account to the Union Bank of Canada, and. with the money in hand, buy at Cash prices? The discounts will help to swell your bank balance. and you will have made a good start towards financial independence. Goderich Brsi F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. Pretty Drop Curtain A credit to any theatre of its size is the extremely pretty drop curtain which Mr. J. A. Culver bee secured for the Star theatre. The curtalu ww painted in Toronto and certainly does the progressive proprietor of this tbeatorium great credit- Miss reditMiss Ballantyne Deed Miss Elisabeth Sarah B.tllentyne, who war burn in Ooderich and was a granddaughter of Mr. and Mee J. Hauler. recently died at her home in Brandon, Manitoba. She was the daughter o1 Mr. Warr. HHs11aotyze and was well-known here. She was buried in Hcandon cemetery. MISS CAMPBELL'S MILLINERY A MILLINERY SALE WITHOUT PRECEDENT Another ,.n,stfoo•1 selling event that emphasises the leaderebip art thi. store. not only first in presenting correct styles, not only fleet in mine -giving. but first in offering seasonable rnitlinety- at redue'd prices. Those are fresh. new productione in the season's latest Paris and New York style,. In this sale we ere Riving the women of Goderich practi of the ou an nity which allyhie at. tbbe(ore°been offered until far on n January which bar or in February. Miss Campbell Kingrtnn Street 0 Public School Board At its last ms•UM en M widay night. the public school board with regret received two re iete dons from local teachers. The retiring teachers are Miss Miner*, of Vittoria school, and Mies Nellie Wahine of Central eehool. An application from Mise Sturdy was received but it was laid over until • future meeting. The contingent committee woe in- structed to attend to a water supply for Central school sod the secretary, was instrnotd to immure floor markers. Principal Long reported an average attendance of MI5 out of 374 pupil* enrolled at Victoria school, ed Miss Sharman reported an average attend- ance of 196 out rel 214 pupils ertelled at Central id rout during the to l. The treasureer r anti during the veer 1110,5147.90. Brenner Case Postponed The Brenner case bas been adjourned until December I$th, when His Honor Judge Doyle will decide whether an indictinent lies in the oasr of the King vs. Kota Brenner. Brenner ie alleged to have attempted to prevent two peo- ple from voting at a license reduction plehiwite last January. He reside) at. (;rand Bend. First Large Engine Arrives The that combination mogul engine to pass over the OraodTruok between Stratford and Ooderich came to Ooderich on Monday night last. It is one of the regular engines used en the main Zine and its number t. W0. The bridges and cul- verts on this division have re- cently heen strengthened so that the railway might run its heavy engines to lioderich. W Bells A Wealthy Tramp Janne Pierce was not so pool dim fter all. Although be was begging neeamuoget the farmer,* when arrested by County Constable Gundry, be bad over 0100 in his pockets, which was se revealed when he Was arched at the county jell, where be was taken aa • vagrant. Hut as vagrancy implies poverty in its worst degree the auth- orities will only hold him nn this ,•barge until the case ie investigated. Crown Attorney Seager regards the ease aa very peculiar sal will make a thorough investigation. mune,Pierce, when be gave his mune, stated that his home was in Montreal. The money found on his person was in large bills, one for twenty dollars be- ing the smallest he carried. The money was deposited in the Bank of Montreal here for safe keeping. Wedding TelfeeDAY, Dst•. 4, Nib • T'S RATHER HARP to buy Christ- mas gifts, isn't it? Not that you dis- like the idea of giving, but you arra at a loss to know what will please Father. You will not have this trouble if you will consult us, for we are specialists in the selection of the rig • t gift for the right per- son. Hey are just few of the many sug- gestions we can m: ace to you • s Praise for Local Undertakers The nuptial knot was securely tied Although they were practically "rushed to deetb, • ao tact did the by lieu, s E. Ford the Victoria street passooage et the early hour of bodies of the n• tims m into their sleep six on Saturday morni, when Miss morgue and they trot very Lucy McCracken, d...'g. a of Mr. and for about • week. Misers. Brophey Mrs. lames McVr,. r• of Victoria Bros. tddese are thede rtbeeet ttcredsitfor the the street, was united u.. . ..iage to Mr, way y Albert Edward Bioe • .ret son of Mr. crews of the vessels lost on Lake Huron, and Mrs. James 1;v.. . proprietor of which ce ambo re re e r Oode lchasbeoss the McDonald 1 inert ..g house. 8L Y David's street. Aft. r the ceremony and besieged on all sides wkh questions the happy couple left onthere l kicnds, b both meand � rs entf ehe to all firm Grand Trunk train for Detroit, it, whewere they probably will make their future usa p• er any ren frbrrti Yibes during adistance home, gathered here and were treated in a splendid manner by the local uder- Mr. John Rutherford. of 51.. Helens. taker's. was in town the other day and hunted At the funeral of the unidentified up his old friend. Deputy Sheriff Cain- victims they had everything nicely Bron. The two have been lifelong arranged and there we. no confusion friends. They were the first two whatever. pupils to enter the school of section: 4, West Wawanosb, over sixty year's ago. Forty-eight years later theyCLARK- in (te.derlodi oe November sorb, to were together on the trustee board of el ,*toe Mrs.mit mimeos.wl. J. club. Card l�ge the same section. Naturally when they get together they begin to talk or old tinter., and on this occasion the reminiscences were followed by a visit to the photographer's, who took •cap- ital picture of the two veterans, who ate still hale and hearty. Hockey Enthusiasts At the laet meeting of the Ooderich hockey association. held on Tuesday evening, it war decided not to enter a team in the Nc tberu League. as was intimated in the press some time ago So tar se entering a team in the O.H. A., inetters are standing in abeyance for the time being, tett it is likely that a junior team will be entered end per- haps an intermediate team also in this seri.r.- The town league will be "on deck with bells on" and no doubt it win make • creditable showing. The schedule bas not been drawnp yeti In the meantime erranRement bre made with the rink management for practice hour,. etc. Changes Among Teachers [here will be several changes among teacher" in the West Huron inspector- ate at the end of the Christmas holi- days. Mr. W. B. Weidenhammer, B.A., for several year. the efficient princi- pal of the Exeter continuation. school, has resigned hie position and has been appointed principal of the Oakville high sabonl at a salary of 111700 per annum. His present salary is $1450. Another well-deserved oroomotiwho that. of Mr•. George taught for fifteen years has uc 1y taught in the Melte public been appointed to the principalship of the Zurich school at a salary of $1000. Mr. Archih•ld, the present principal of the Zurich school, leaves for Toronto to continue his studies in the univer- sity, Collegiate Commencement Concert The Collegiate authorities are hay - fog an entertainment in the opera house Friday.December 19ih. when the diploma.' for departmental examina- tions in 1912 and 1913 will be distribut- ed. They have second the services of Mrs. Jeanette J. • reedier of great ability. Musical Renege, umbers will be provided by our worthy local W - eat. Proceeds will he rued In procur- ing pictures for the eehooi rooters and mounted spectates* of oar native birds for claw tree. This M what was said of Mrs. Kel- twg • {n Ouelph : The poo- s�a�oabuitEgJ>rs a treat jw the, e•l•eediseaep wort of Mee. Kenere S- Tlbsy were Isere than satisoSed, and her • g•seine artist In bee biaa and feel there bee been no artist tit Oeselph to equal her inears." '1Le ssiselesi will he 2 menu : rr- teemed seats. 1M casts. Miss Siemens Dead Had Their Pictures Taken BORN - The world of music—what a gift Suppose you should wake up Christmas morning to find that some one had put the world of"music in your stocking. That's precisdy what you can do for any member of your family, or any of your friends, if you give an Edison Phonograph oss owe* * ..ams. Armee e6....1w taets rm e.s.. t.e ift..:15118-tg s are e) w r abr A tsi.e �'w+w 47" sews intra Cif arbdiffrift Sim Pie eterelis J ism" "I said by J. F. T.HOMSON, Goderich FUR MUTHER—A beautiful piece of silver plated ware- A gift that would be in excellent taste and would rte greatly appreciated by her. FOR FATHER—A South Bend Watch. a real luau's gift- A South Bend Watch will give him • lifetime of accurate service. It's the most durable and accurate watch we know of. You can get iLin the very thin de- sign if you wish. He will certainly he proud of a gift like thin, FOR SISTER—A Locket of the (attest• and most ex- quisite design. She world certainly be pleased with a gift like this, with a nice chain tat wear it 0o. FOR BROTHER—A high-grade Fountain pen --one that never clog• rep, seratelie' nr refu.'e* to write- He will find it n mighty handy convenience and, tbetefure. a very .tcceptat.le gift. FOR BAIre—A Spoon—it's about the nicest gift you can give ababy. These ate only a few of the things wbicn we are thle to suggest., Come en and look over our very complete 'tock mond you will get a great number of — e iggestiuu•. 111111111111, Wonsan Ts As Old As She Woks >Ks..' ��M••rWart isIra S. *wIsbn• eassAsys. Penes - 4. owtors ~bog= eg t= • � ..ta heel•• bora iYse► ad wrsar deesAse sr DE. PIERCE'S Va� sir You're Sere to be let With smiling receptions Whenever provided with Our Choicest Confections On the street she will greet you, At the door she will meet you, Of the evening's enjoyment No other can cheat you. MAKETHEM YOUR MASCOT! F. E. BURDETTE Balmoral Cafe The SguLre 'Phone M J. S. Davey Corner C'•Ibxirne Street and Square Selling Agent for SOUTH BEND WATCHEM I•T croStiik fish The funeral took Oleo on Tuesday weenies of Mire Jessie Simons. aged OA years, who died at her re.Meeee, corner of Cambria road and Nt. David's street, on Friday sight. Her death was the result of • strike of pore esla which she miffsbout two ennntbs ago sed never reeoeeeed. Bite WIN born in Drs aid has lived for the past 9D years here Rhe was 'highly re- spected and bet• duwhr will he a Mss to bar Moeda In rellgktn tort. wee • Ree Iowa Oetbolie end att•ad.d RL Petet'e Aerate Elbe is,unwed W tae•later, Um W. OeM�Mtwee Rev. Farber Mellen celebrated the requiem mess awl letw riot wee made 1w the Rnest$ Caebolte otenetery at Colborne. The fawns' took plass free, bee late madame to Nt. Peter's ebstsk. Tim hearers wore J Dot/e. P. T. Deas. Inks Rtory. John 1 Mleivey. Charles Moe, asd Jobe Dealt sees haze Imes • atm awe DWI% lereallielleremetm lee k THANKS CITIZENS Manager of American Road Machin Company is Grateful :car. c. L. Moore• vice-president and local manager of the American Road Machine Company, when seen by The Signal atter tbe bylaw. antborizing the town council t0 guarantee the bonds of his coisperty fur g(0 -u10 and give it a fixed a/vestment for a period of ter: years. had mimeed• was brateful for the way the ratepayers had treated the measure. Among other things he wished heartily to thank the'c3.d reg- iment band for their mune on Satur- day evening. The statement Mt. Morse made was :— "Through the columns ofyo°ur tortipeeir I wish to thank the rate -pal •ssi•tance both in the getting out of : voters, wind their votes for the bylaw' of the American Read Machine Co. of Canada. Limited, +.cad especially to thank those who volunteered their see - vices for the any. as well as the use of their automobiles and carriages, •'The tirm is very much elated over the m►jority that was given the bylaw and if it is an its power we hope to be able to give you more than your pres- ent anticipations have allowed you to hope for. 'The company feels toot the vote polled showed that the town h... ed eontidence in the humble efforts it has put forth to make grind, and ne company certainly will not to any es , . shape or form. allow thio confi- w,v a the citizens have placed in its to den., 'tiered." THE Star Theaii* - Hear Lb. torsi tatsat at the Star Thoatr e. Maethe pictures they at s put- ting en. Three notate pictures a week, spiend drama end comedies which mere you est a Arse -else enter t at all these. Local Talent Wanted Lay person welding to take ppaarrtt winoblige by elegise at Bee 1)see le the aveMsg M drop • Bard to the propeleter. J. A. CULVER PrOrlstee. ,e. • VIN OM TSA AND BAZAAR Ladies&Aealliary of Y. M.0 -A Held Suc- cessful Entertainment. She annual tea and bazaar given by the Ladie's Auxiliary of the Y,M.C.A. took place in the Oddfellows' ball on Thursday evening last and wase great success. The hall, brightly lighted and waren, with its gaily decorated booth% and tee tot covitrast tbeaiomheweetber outside- The tables were all well pat- ronised. This •pgeered to he one of the iseat PlAptiarlretiMs SC WS' y ',yo. A pteasios ssumieal penfremme• we) rendered during the serving of tea, those taking part ware, the Mime. Heineken, Nairn. Reynolds.Kerslake and and Clark and Messrs. Mitchell. TheLadies Ausihery wish to ex- press their thank" particularly to the young ladies or the different churches, who willing gave their services at the tan t ablrs and the candy booth. as to all the kind friends who eonlnbrrt- ed by their presence and gifts to the I mesas of the entertainment thus. 'bowing their sysrprnthy with a good cause and their desire to encourage the 1 ere le the boost to theM.U.A. Abort OMw. realised. Yrefness Gamest be Cured by Leel r the useasl sea:lb:YesNof the ssr. Tksse Is wbews astale a+�sste c is . lit,. s teas 1 M t•!' OsRecJtlaa be. st'Me tats tsM tsaesmvt d/eewe V a ramblias monad er Mary thoi s•A .rhes ttWWWs Ma as toyb �w•r aid t W ioal will be 0etrwM �.se ewe acre. t. a by se.Nfisa�.i I hire .e severed Donee ter .ser ate r.I t IWIaCQ, Toledo Q (s�m.�4 M •staeA) tMt tis wag • i :atateb Cees. mewl iter FREE TO BOYS AND GIRLS For Selling 40 .ts of Our Christmas or Fancy Postal Cards. 6 in a set for 10c. FOR BOYS —Ever ready F1aeb•light, Nickle-plated How:ti Skates., Toni Box with nine Tool., Mrch.tnu Train with Tender, Coach and Trask, and many others, FOR GIRLS :old -plated Extension Bracelet. S. Mactine complete, dainty (tun Metal Lady Ano Dull Carriage and many inhere. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Moving Picture wit h slides. decd us yoor milia tied addree• today. plainly w we will send cards by retiree OHM. along with big ilio: alogue of free premiums for boys and girls- When e,J the money mud we will send premium post paid. TorontoNovelties Co., Dept. 373, Toronto, Ont. CLOTHING That Gives Good Satisfaction Some buy clothing to sell. "at a price" ----that means skimped in cloth, inferior linings and poor- est tailoring. I buy with a view to giving my cus- tomer clothing such as he ought to wear, cloth- ing he will not be ashamed of in any society. It pays in more ways than one to buy good Clothing. Call 1:17:3i.scre aur big stock qf Sults and Overcoats 1,1 all the leading styles and at prices that will please you. Bring y Ur boys along. They'll lik� our new Over- coats and Suits. Don't Read This $7.s0 Waterproofs for $3.75 Aspecial purchase this week. house was overstocked and we got cheap. Sizes 36 to 42. On sale Saturday for Wholesale them very $5.75 WALTER C. PRIDHAM .101114 Cee aprj ClotkIag 8taallead's Unisrwsss