HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-4, Page 31 THE SIGNAL (ODBRICH ONTARIO TRITI Ms•Tr DBC. 4. iNS • THE OM u. AND ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF W ITA T1ON8 SOLD ON THE MERITS OF IIN/R1'J UNIIENT BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired, tiOLli LETTERING oo LEATHER 0001)8 sti u i'Hg1 V sWi Oe s .t�•ated u vb w Isaim A. M. TAYLOR, tlTaa'TVoaD. MEDICAL DR. W. F. (*ALLOW, M. B. ai hero arm; Oaderica. aescend •Mea T`leemme m. V.AJR14STER-ICYIL EA.R. awe tnelesa g...re.asd lesoireaete sti*7rste� dustfend..Waskes.gtteglwea�d-iq ~c zch. noon A • Ir a. m.. f 1st an.. ?tele. T•teo•eas a. - 1138. GEU. AND M. E. WHITING le HUL SANN. estematbs, sere di is i• views s nal eltMre. w diesases. mete, Atonic aM a.rv.e. •ined r.s see, ser. oar sad t•reM. tiaatod•md rheumatic OO•de loos alaee North mem.. third sow two tie tS4aan. LEGAL DROUDFOOT, HAYS t KILLOR- I AN. MrriJwe, solicitors, notaries public, pronto* La the liartilise Conk .lc Private f utdslead .t Iowan mos l t t. Wt. Mica Ad. Senors. ritoLJO Iowan. K. C.. R. C. HAY*. J. L. s'MORAN. �. Q. CAMERON. K. �C..p.tk9.ARKIS Wit' solicitor. notary Wed � by lenat+ - OARRUW, LLB., BAR- etareess. senator. eo on, ods - rt s. Yeats to Seed at home. rata. AUCTIONRRR. (A DI. gaTl•ingter ) Huron County Busi- ness Men's Asso- ciation Articles on Prohibition Paper No. 6 People way wooder why we are tak- ing such pains to plass our views be - ton the public on this question of pr.l11M.Wu. Our '!aeon 1a two-fold- uns sslUeb, if you will; the other un- selfish. The elfish reason is. that ws Nave w deep-rooted aversion to Dein 'reele(111ks children by • lot of old wutue ., we believe in personal liberty as regards voting end drinking, we do not ever seek in any degree to inter- fere w,th n, he -e, and we desire in cotn- tuuoe., ju.u.'e that they mind their owu basins, and heave us alone. Therefore we fight and ever will fight prohibition for ourselves. The second reasoo, the unselfish one, Is pity for others, wbo generally are in ignorance as to what prohibition is, what it pro- duces, or the Pups rimy of well -regu- lated license laws And Bence our unselfish desire to teach them the truth. With regard to our first reason : the personal liberty idea. le It not about tittle that wen took • decided +rind upon thin question? Where are we drifting ? Where will we end Up to now, the utsjnlity have been inclined t let things to along. Temperance legislation did not mein to hurt any- body seriously. It did appear to please • curtain faction in our midst- It looked to some, as though to this cer- tain faction. temperance legislation wa, their religion. their idol. their everything. And so, *4 we said, things drifted along. But the will drift no looger. Many are now they to see that this certain faction we have referred to are not going to be satisfied with • few laws restricting -*aloof intoxicants being placed on too statute book. And the time has come to put an rod to the action* of this faction. Why Because these good people. this certain faction say, that they have ser themeelves • goal. On end. an situ, short of which they will top. And Out is, lbs total suppression of the manufpcture, sale and iwportat ton of alcoholic heave - Agra Is that a11? At a compaaa- tively recent westing in Toronto, of some of this facting, cne dear. mis- guided brother, arose in his place and moved a resolution to the effect that It was wrong, actually wrong to grow the pernicious leaf of the tobacco plant ! And if our tenders can credit such nonsense. it was carried' Next thing we will hear of twill be legisla- tion apphe.s for, to prohibit the pro- duction of tobacco! At the same meets ing, it woo futtber suggested by a brother wbo possessed reason and Iogics If not not grant humor, that if tobacco be not grown, it was equally desirable to atop the growth of rye, barleyand corn ! This latter idea, how- ever rgial, sensible, and commend- able froto their standpoint, was tno tar advanced for the majority, so it didn't pass! 1f all this were not too serious, as indicating the inane lengths to which men can carry • fad, It would he exquisitely and delicately hnnturous. It is no straining of the THOMAS OUNDRY 11 AUL-TIUNUR * m C, Om4srlcb. All tostreatitew by wail hat at elgaal mates well be Rump c m- elbas/ to. limidoa-t sdeMsae 1110. I11SURARCIL LOANS, ETC. ■nseneen� PRIVATE FUNDS TO 4.1 V,V V v Ione. Apetr w M. 13. CAM- ..1tON. asrsfat.r Hamilton street ooderieb. WR. ROBERTSON. INtbURANCL AOYNT. r Ilex axe LMARTrn,ra : Wrritira, Canadian and A..els.a. would eat no ineat ! and meat tauttastT, McCain' LOhateLOvrtrm Wit undoubtedly does make many err • 39 O.0 AeNdeat sad Us.raaN. 7 brothers to offend - so why not he reasonable, honest logical, and prohibit the use of hies[, as well as think? Vegetarians con- sider the use of oral most pernicious. Doctors win tell you, if .they care to divulge professional experiences. that easily, seventy per cent of those who come to them "feeling ill," are simply the victims of over -eating, injudicious eating, or both ; and that the too leteat use of meat among us Canadians an evil. Then. in the name of rea- son. why not PROHIBIT.it? it's an evil -that surely should be reason aoough to appiv the sovereign cure of PROHIBITION ! We are one. up to • certain point, with .o -caller: temperance people. We baigtten with them that the niMnie of alcoholic beverages is horrible thing. They cannot tell us snythiog about the norror of k. We all know It. We do not need to he told. But there, at that point, we part company. For we both earnestly desire to do what can be done to remedy {,Dia horrible evil. HURON PIONEER DEAD Lab Robert Swims Had a Varied .M lstereetimt Canna One of the oldest and most 'stably respected plowboy settler* of Huron county in the parson of Mr. Robert Bowes passed away est his souse le Clifford in his 88th year. Hs was born in Cavan county, Irelaudl, in the year 16111. He left kb. 'totter bootie with two brothers wbeo • lad ot seven- teen years of lite, landing to Kootenai in the year 1843, whew he reenalued for about eight 'soothe, working in a email tannery. From Mootresl be jourosyed on to Scaretrxu township, York county, where he was engaged o0 • farm for two years &Leat ery of tour dollars and fifty cent* a month.. From there he went to Oakville, where be was engaged with • veered merchant and grab dealer for about ten years. In the year 1857 be married Miss Margaret Hopkins, of Oakville, and continued to reside tbere 0n41 the year 18116, when they decided to go arming, and from there they went to Iota 31 and 32, cones iou 12, Howie) township, Huron county, which was then notbiog but • forest, and no roads to guide there. In coming Into their new home Mr. and Mrs. Bowes were unopened to make the joirney on foot from Harristoo to the farm. each carrying one of the children through the bush with nothing to guide the way except the mark o0 the tree'. They cleated up one of the finest farms in Huron county and continued to (wide there until 1391. when they decided to retire to Clif- ford to seek • well-earned rest. { Deceased was • lifelong Liheeal and a staunch member of the Methodist church. He Lesvos behind bis aged partner and four sons, Robert, of Nut - foto ; John. at home : Grave. of Tor- onto, and Richard, of Olifford. QUICK RELIEF Rheumatism Cored By Two Boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills St. Faustin Station, Que., Dec. lat. -(Specials.-"I quieted from rbeume- tism for thirty-fourears. Two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me_' Tbat Is tate statement of Joseph Boislean Chartist% of this place. and his neigh- bors are a•tiefied that the statement is a true one. Pressed for further details of his cure Mr. Chsrtisr wye :, "1 bad rheumatism, sciatica, and pains in wy back. icy memory wits failing. and I was always tired and morrow,. I perspired freely with the least exertion. and my perepiracbon had AD unpleasant odor. "1 was also troubled with heart fluty teriogs, my limbs were heavy, and I bed a dragging sensation across' the loins." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure backache. lumbago, rheumatism, gravel, dia- betes, heart disease and Bi ight's dis- ease, because any and all of these spring from diseased kidneys. $I00.000 P0*. SCHOLARSHIPS 1111111B11111 11112111111E Ovennum by Okapis ittimay. 1L v4.e cad .seise bablfs et ed. Mg, 1rregeler meals sad brede ant do sot baamanb.e, teed to weaken the dtBestleu orgasm sad moult to different forms .f otoltsaoil trouble. U you are o.e of the unfortunates who base drifted tato tri condition, eat simple foods only, slowly, regu- larly and take Vino', our Delicious cod liver and Moe tonic. Mrs. H. J. 8imtth, Thomasville, Oa.. says: "I entered from a stomach trouble, was tired. won out and mer- roue. erroue. A friend advised nes to take VinoL My stomach trouble soon dis- appeared imappeared and now i eat heartily and base • perfect digestion and 1 wish every tired. weak woman could bare Vtssi, for i never spent nay mosey In m7 life that did me so mach good." The recovery el Mrs, Smith sena due to the combined •mdse of the medicinal elemwte of Ihe .gds' liven -aided by the lieeM ankles and strength ereatlas properties or tont iron, which are contained 1n VInol. We will return the purchase maw every time Vtnol falls to basalt H• C. Dunlop, Druggist, tiodericb. Obi to tee inMarge of the *war ding of the rs scholahips. The candidate wbo obtains the highest worm:ate wst ks on upper scboul papers 1 for entrance into fac- ulties of education or honor of scholar- ship matricilslinn in arts) within the county in wbicb be 1s r competitor. shrill be aRarded *scholarship of 8100; the candidate in the baud county wbo rooks seeoud shall receive a scholar- ship of SIM, and the c*odidate wbo tants third shall receive a scholarship of $40. No candidate Judi be eligible to write for any of these scholarships. wbo has not atteoded one of the col- legiste institutes or high .rbools in the county in which he is competing tor at leset one year immediately itely previous to the examine( Loc. so4 Aso candidate who baa beru *warded es* of these acbolatabips shalt be eligible to compete at say sunseguent exam- ination. Three wobolar.bip• are to be *warded in blares comity. • Late Prominent Salt Yangficturer Makes Generous Gift No less than 4100.(O* of the Istat+ of the late J. 1, Carter, of Sarnia, is to he paid over by his executor to the provipcial tre*surer, to he invented by officials in Ontario government stock. in accordance with the statute Iasi amendment apt, the whole of the In- terest thereon at five per cent per annum, to be applied yearly in ppeer- imtagination to say, that we will pe:uity in payment of three echol•r- shortly hear of legislation to pro- ships in each of the counties in Ontario habit the use of tea. coffee, snuff, cards, enumerated in the will of the de - theatres, meat and what else ? Did ceased limb is a stipulation of the we say meat ? A very favorite argu- late Mr. Carter. trent, if not their one great argument The three scholarship% in question from Scripture, is the saying ot SL are to be open to cnmpetitinn in each Paul that if wine ntadebis brother to of thedeaigna'ed counties by ell the offend he would drink no wine. the pupil* of all the high school. and same Apostle however also said, that collegiate institutes in cities and towns if meat made his brother to offend, he which tnay have separat ed from the county. The ioinister of education is .eryoeaites Lnu1Md..4 Leaden. End. arm uatrrr djLaafT*x Lotrw : tab.. C.a. 1(4.1117 .lid Gaar•nteetb.paur• name u ewMerwe. uatMs.a corner of Vlo- 111 sed et. Lavine .crest'- Moue 174. lcIILL(.? MUTUAL YI4IK IN J el U K A N C Y U U. -Varna mud imitated � M u mummy u eared. tea. -.I. G. iteleen, Prem. Oderleb 1' P.O.; �... sdaas07. I lessee B nom nes.-Trees., neatest• P. U. Inreasee-Il. F. zteOregor. dealerte : John urwv.. Woman's,. W u Rina Constance; lois Ueaseer.r, meaaaegm • Jamie AVM'S. Meeeiwee* t Jena Watt. Harlot* ; Mandan • gw•a, nrseendi. R. Bmltb, Areae: a. W. Yen. C1*. value _ _, Har 1 e t • wlul.m (,`Nsaq aeerwka r, i..tee.r. l%srtrr aoMws ear ser m mar Ilandiadd 14.. e:.* encs t.Hase H- o C414'w Grocery, aewmA.S AMA. HeMries. MARRIAGE LICKS/XS 1 ! ALTRRB. uIti.LuN1 P.. muga Of MAH*LAOL UCLN811K - J £RAVING PABLO R - It • And eve stmeti maletaiin that ppehibi Sob Q.lck and Permanent Strength tion M a curial faliaacy ; a weapon d the devil, whereby he Minds men's If you are rue dawn or tired net, eyes, deceiving them into the belief fps kab.�p.lA.aelty app.tl that In legislating prohibition they are promoting (what be boleti lasm- per*DO5. tae d Yystee• IA.Botator under our guaran- tee to nel0petitsbiled the petits pain it the emedy It aside a be �odelis the nervous system mid ibis been amok and per- sl•.*.t seesIi.- Oee dollar • mottle. by MacLeod Medias* w1 Out. Pow mals by M. R. ,have so tee ter have other evidence fIisIty, try our Macleod's Brophey Bros. GODNRi00 The Lilies froird S sod embalmers Next week we hops to have Pomo- thing 1e say about the second reason neentlio.ed at the 3o•.a.neee*.t, end elate Doom of the *Sleets of prohibi- tion. Beton tbodng, may Wye ezpwes the bops that our brothers of Lb* peohIM- tlom y will take up our challenge in oue second paper. Sorely It cannot M that they do sot wish their disciple. to hear both aides ! Respectfully. LHON OOUNTY BUIIM MEWS ASSOCIATION Joust Raxesoan. WM. Jicino1r, Pres ds.t. secretary. . 1\nrtest Route to London limbed M Dried Eft. dm by r "Mamie ean.1.,, r•• nal Loser Mawr/ tar. Tr awe* brew. .far **kW re Mee r At Lserse t. ion 1(1.A an saw anima Warr •. bent etl • dere 2 Mn rIti-nsw Ira wale tLM 1. y.1 lfdw.el ILYA. Wool homes Iii On are ler Yea rrr eA .wytaw warre Fa eat iw•.e.eer..+ ser Mat wealn g. C. benne. Overal Area 42 Lim >< bat Tim.. 010 COLLEGIATE EXAMINATIONS The first round of e>.*mteatiAm of this academic year be, now n com- pleted end the tewuIta ase below. The printed reports will he sent borne with the students and parents are s -k- ed to carefully examine there. Their cc -operation in endeavoring to bring up any student• below pass standing is most cordially asked. Proem 1. Honors -G. Pinder 141. E. Jones 78.4, V. Kudoh 78. Paas -J. Bogie 73.4, J.MacEwon 728. J. Kelly 72, E. Brophey 71 8, E. Hicks 71, H. Murney 814.3, K. Wur.eh 88 5, A. MacEwen 68.8, H. McLeod 18.3, D. Howie 68. L. Johnston 68, T. Ross 67.7, M. Ptidbani 67.6. E. McArthur 67.3, L Adams 07, A. Bratdt 67, G. Porter 66.7, B. Longiurre 011.3, M. Walters td. 1. Cult 60.6. G. O'C.1nl.or85, L. Bates 64 7, G. S*ohr 64.7, W. Washington 84, 0. Black 8'd.4, A. Clerk 63,E Lee 63, N. Roberts 63, E. Cox 61.3, D. McDonald 61.3, C. Hood 80.7. Below --P. Beattie 50, J. Austin H. Williams 58. V. Doyle 37.5, E. Wil- son, 07.2, S. McNally 57, M. Washing- ton 53 3, E. Hays 53. J. Vedean co, 'E. Rutledge 34.4, 0. O'Reilly 49, A. Wig- gins 43, E. Glen:V.4. FOP 11. Honors -A. McLean 83.7, E. Dun - midge 78, 0. McKenzie 77.8, L. Bowler 77.3, J. 0. Bowler 77, L. Wank 76, N. Whitely 75. P.a.-G. Wootton 73, S. Ai nstrong 72.7. M. Graham 7.2.3. L Macklin 72.3. (4• Newton 72. P. Sullivan 71.2, M. Sul- livan 71, A. MrKeuzie70.6,Clementine Williams 70.11, L. M. Wagner 70.4, E. P. Hume 70.2, D. Hays OS 6, D. Mc- Manus 08.13, E. McManus 88.1. L. How- att 118.3, (3.M. ltabkirk 67.2, 0. Untie* 11.101.11, E. V. Williams 60 2, R. &silos* 66, A. Mew 83.7, N. Driver VA, R. Mass- illon 61.3, Grsham Roar 61, W. Babb 611.5, L Watton d1.2. Below --G. Habkirk 50.2, J. C. Man- sell 59, 0. Field 58.4, W. M. Dalton 58.3. J. Ross 58, A. sleundeu 57, B. Cott 36.4, A. Sinclair 56, C. Dalton 55.4. E. Proudfnot S&.L, B. Wilson 54 8, M. Griffin 54.7, M. Baecblrr 54. H. Shack- leton 53.7, K. Weston 53.6. 1'. V. Wil- liams 51, C. Stoddart 49.7, V. McDon- agh 48, Geo. Rose 46.3, E. Glen 41.0. P. Carey 40.7, E. ('. Cowan 40. COMMlinflat ROHM. Honors -F. Buechler 80.5, L. Austin 70.8. A. Oto 79, W. McPonald 76.8. P.., --J. Hurls 017, WOOS 67, W. Sutherland 65.7, 13. Hell 64, H. MrlSlus- ke A&2, H.Gliffiih 61.4, L. Price60 E. Wat.on 30 5. FORM III. w Mnemes -s. Pritliama Paso --S. Nair"' 74.2. J. Young 71. H. Currie 70.2. R. Stoddart 6*, H. K. Wal- ters 613 M. Galt 67.3, W. (lox 67. H. Griffin 80.6, L Orman 6g. K. F. Joys 66. iL Galt 66, H. Hartwell 64.6, J. Nairn 64.6. M. Yuill61.t1, N. Green 112,6, R. W. Cunningham 6017. M. 0. David- son. (10.5, M. Welsh 6.18 Below -H. Boyd 59. R. Moss 69, M. • LOST VITALITY` Calmed by Sidany, Stemma ed S.wd Dieeerders St. John. N 113 September inch. 1011-111 brother was a from kidney. .toeseb sed great tro.Mes and was gives up by Nodous wheel dprol e/ t r w PigM N. -ice« urea nem. tell restesad a health mid 1. better Way ameba bee hese for years. Tee mat res.ma.ed Pig nib too )iso. J. W. maistr111111. At aN ie.bto, s sed 46 hereto. sr Thr r4 Pili Os., Om. sin dos. Ladies' Shoes in Latest Styles - Art WIG designs trent up-to-date manefseurers. Flan apps.seeea Improved lasts assort' comfort. Reim well h.111 Winm nerviest ...q.alled. Bound to .edify Ivry feature pleasing. These facts may enlighten you con. erning the qual- ities of our Shoes. J. [1. McClinton l 1 rIcCal l's Patterns D M I LLAR & SON Perrin n loves 111 Christmas Suggestions From the Scotch Store SHETLAND SHAWLS AND What could be nicer than one Shawls and Spencers, in white and $3.50 each. GLOVES GLOVES Buying your Gloves at our store assures you of perfect satis- faction, as we only sell Perrin's famous Gloves, each pair put up in fancy box if desired. Our special dollat Gloves.. NI rode all every pair guaranteed, black. white colors. Perrin's Eglantine Glover, in black and tan. 41.23 per pair. Perrin's Lynton Caps Gloves, en excellent Glove for winter wear, black, tan and grey, per pair 41.00. LINED GLOVES AND MITTS Children's Kid Glove3. Girls' Kid Gloves, tan, all sizes in stock, 75c per pair. Children's Cape Gloves, extra good wearing, all sizes, per pair 75c. SPENCERS MAKE U siFUL GIFTS of these charming real Shetland hand-knit grey, and are moderately priced, from 75C to LINENS Special showing this week ideal kilts. The choicest Linens specially for our store. FANCY LINENS FANCY LINENS Complete showing of fancy Linens in Tea Cloths, Tray Cloths, Centres, Runners, Lunch Sets, Doilies, etc., etc. NEW SILKS NEW SILKS' New Silks just to hand for Christmas selling. Specie! line shot Silk., in fancy stripe designs, waist and dress lengthy, put up in fancy boxes, 36 inches wide, 41-(N1 and 41.23 yard. All shades Jap Silks in stock for fancy work, 25c and 5oc per yard. MAKE OUR STORE YOUR STORE We are this week having installed a most up-to-date system of electric ' lighting, which will make our store the brightest in town. - J HANDSOME EVENING SCARFS Just to hand a beautiful range of exquisite Chiffon Scarfs, with tin- sel trimming, in rich designs, put up in fancy boxes, from $2.00 each. HAND BAGS HAND BAGS Christmas stock of leather Hand Bags now all being shown, in the very newest, suitable for presentation, in all the up-to-date styles, from $I.00 to $5.00 each. NEW VEILING New Veilings in the season's latest novelties, in shadow effects and Shetland mesh, in black and colors, from 35c yard. LINENS LINENS of handsome Christmas Linens which make imported direct from Scotland and Ireland I nese 56 Millar's Scotch Store 'Pk'j 56 Shackleton 50. H. Powell 511.2, 8. Brim- j irombe :58.8, E. Porter. 53.0. FORM III. A Pass -M. E. J. Ryan 7.13, JI. Johns- ton 71.2.04. (4. MecKwan70, W. Denre 08, 1, 0. Cut , -1e67.7, M. Adams (16.5, M. i Clark 416, 3. Garvey 85.1. 5. Beacom66. C. Allen 83. P. Drennan 111. M. Gilkin- son 412. M. M. Young 6l 8, M. Rohison 61.5. M- Redmond 81.1, '1'. Kidd 61, L (las vey 80.8, K. Pnlloek 611.5. i 1 Below -R. Bisset 57.4, C. Hays 57 2 0. Tiehhorne 57.2, G. Gilkin.on 541, B. Wilkes66, M. Rogerson 55. H. A. Brad- ford 134.7. C. N. Jones 54 6, l'. Welsh 59, O. Maelowell 52.3, T. Kempton 61.3, R. Durst 48, F. Collins 42.7. rods IV. -PART 1. Honors -F. A. Smith 83 7, M. J. Tom 88. Pass -B. H. McKay 7$ A. L Work 72.N. Griffin 66.8. Below -W. D. Phillips 68 2, R. W. Ryan 55.41. PART II. Honore -J. McClinton 82. H. Prid- bant 77.4. Paan --C, M. Clerk 711.7, "Below -1 . B.'Dttrnln 67. U. 1. Jones, C. Stoddart and George }loos were shout • month hits In Join- ing these classes- Their percentages will he higher next round, no doubt. Dont forget the Red letter day. Friday. December 19. .s Orrin far Driet debit TRY IT AT OUR EXPENSE We are in earnest when we ask you to give OHRiNNatrial. You have nor h- f.g to risk and everything to gain, for Tone mosey will be retnrned it after a War fall to getglreeuee. lta fro..wiR- HiNL Thoflur lbs ves Osed *,others of Ogee who drink to ezeeee an opportunity to try the ORRiNR b.ateeent It M • very simple treat - amt. can be ewe In the home witti- est pobiielty ne lees of ties* from huei- eme, and at a small price. ORR1NS is /Npeted 1a two forme : No. 1, saeret treatment. a powder ORRINR No. 2, in pill form, for those who desire to take voluntary treat- ment.- Costs only 41.1111 • boss. eoese M sad talk over the n►tter with es. Ask her book Mt. F.J. llutla04, drag - ties, Godewisi. -••► Aewebd dermad Reek beim i le member. fed by • farmer le Mullett. teem d.Nvsrd at the Ones-Leagloi. •stattRek-s..i In Aimee roundly and sesie0gli weer di posse. mart. The tamer peeelved more than 76 wawa lar Saab bird. the pries elm good ter - her Bet se very sway yaw age. ASIMIWIA The Perplexing Question of the Year is what to buy at a moderate cost as a Christmas gift for mother, wife, sister or friend, that will contain all the elements of nicety, practicability and appropriateness. A Hew Suggestions Carpet Sweepers $2.75 to 14.50 There is practically no gift, at double the cost, that is as suitable, sensible and fitting or will so thoroughly please as a latest improved Bissells "Cyco ' ball bearing Carpet Sweeper. Pearl Handle Goods. .. - Penknives ... 25c to 12.00 Butter Knives SOc to $1.75 12.50 Pickleorks 1 50c to $1.00 Fruit Knives, per set 15.00 Dessert Knives and Forks, per set....19.00 to 111.00 Pie Knives Carvers We ha 'e a large assortment in this line ranging f $I.SO to 110.00 Silverware from the famous Rogers Cutlery All imported direct from Sheffield Works. 1847. HHOWELL HAQDWARt . ., Unshed T1lE YRST PLACE TO :UV MANDWARL -1 -".5'