HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-4, Page 156 Weeks
for One Dollar
The Signal wUl be sent to
ny Mal sebseriber 1D Cased" or
tiniest BeIIain from now lentil
January 1st, 1916. for only One
you put tntoadvert4eing
nit a dollar o[ ezpeuer, but a
dollar invested upon which
you will receive higher div
eods than from any otbet
Is RRiron best
t sdve rL
loadings W fit
- t' TY #OURTR TSAtt-a. ills
SAVE, because- No. 61
It is better to live without any luxuries than face
an uncertain old age without a savings account.
Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto
Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER. Manager
All kinds of Insurance
PROMOS : OrFICK 211: Hoose 160. P.O. Box 364 1
•C.!---i._J`-.- - --- - ..`---- ---n-Jl-"- -
TWO IllarMiloeE O yi * wwN oor r (moue'
M .1* TIl CO NT ins Tu It Wow
atCM. /N T11i COUNTY 0/ Scenic
Vodeels Meet)' Mien par„aaat to I tiro. V.
risme sit .totbo t.i. that all persons bnvins
claire m IC/Me-
hetbMdKe f tbe t
he said whodiedon.tshoatsthe MIA
,isydten has) of JA.anuu.iISM) AD. 191/a to Olon e
wftb WOW. J. it Wlra..o et ten wen tow0 of
Qsesetrb. Pkyieto.. the Iboeatr *1 obs maid
*Mate, a .horniest and b it psrtieul.n el tbsl,
ctlm • and on of the .ecnrlt Ma Mid by the. If
nay, sad upon Ib..wad date th...id examiner
pressed re /*Abate the no of '►.Mid
the perms. wet/tied tbsrete bav•
moa maned ..)y to t1 dslmals wish M t Ma
owl bare seam. And ten id executer will
wet he tessSadble mafor any put of the aesota of
the said route to any rancor of obese claim
M elud I not then bave had notior.
Doted rhe l ah day a November. A_INC
111rn.l:Y fOLNiM. .f the teen of
haws. 111 the n.uary of Heron. SolicitorterIM
-aid Executor.
i�j(()) reek seekere1. Apply to H. K.
REY.eFt" 81.11.
r ��e�aag�[d�p�k
is.. and bier,. Yi month.ofd, M,rleimg)Lb t). pa, Can tanr4ht»dltreoe.
tlessoess read o.rk.nls for Meaning Our-
ppoowse M Crow. or.. Barred sod %v hue
»rly ase. wtb line h�m er mow. rtoe. i ea.onlt
W•oxgguAr. Dse.10.- Aueth.o »41. .f firm
►tock and impieties'.. property 01 Ma.. Nix"
Ik,MkaTT. half mile we.n of .tbeppitenEver?'
nitre nd,•wrU..ed will be aokl. THOMAS GUN:
It. t•lr*oA, . I.co. 11.- Auction .ale of farm
Awed Im{dements old Crain. props
MMoaar., one Mlle from Malt ford ..T
ROT lion.
A. 441110.v, Auctioneer.
Vault.v pseemb r lY -Auction .al. or 1 owe
1:101:1001,at ebbrei whir. (leder-telt. J. C Fin
urine. pleprleter: Tess Fes on r. anctlooeer.
1.2 311141 r).., Auction ar el
tuition,t prem'-oe. William
street, God rich F:.'rutile g will be sold. u
%be, propete.r N leaving town. DKNNte
NEvtl.LR. proprietor. TH.,w n+ OUNnr.r, am(
"Why do you think be could not get
into Goderich P" asked Mr. Seeger.
Basement of Knee Cherckmeas Scow -_-___ ; ••11, codld not see U. Itb nu place
to get Into is a btorm," replied Capt.
- bout 22.30 it Dreams too heavy tor
It is sometimes pleasant to cast back OF GODERIQH HARBOR
ones tbnughta into the m
imedlata past
and reflect for • moment on the happy -
swore espelieneed. When 000 enter- Inquiry Adjourned -More Suggestions
ed the basement of Knox church on M•tdr__Torento Mstsoroloslist Gomes
Friday evening last, on the ooeasioo Stephen Th nks
of the Ulde Tytme Concert. and &free, Evidence -Capt. p
he at once Look • tuttr•ograde step of Improvements Would H.Ip but
Lit years. The baserseet was nicely May Never Make a Good Harbor
and tastefully decorated snd the con-
cert was a grand success, reflecting
much credit on tholes whe gut up the
ente:tainmsot Rev. Geo. E. Row
occuppieed the chair and introduced en
ex a rent programme. Theld coi
gave in good harmony two
hr marine disaster of November9th was
•Kato adjourned until December 13th.
Tour fourth adjournwrut was bold oo
Monday when several more wltnerewe
were examined. Corooer Hunter pre-
luded: Crown Attorney Seager con-
ducted the taking of the evidence end
Mr. Wm. Preudtoot. )r., represented
the Canadian Mereanule Marine As-
Mr. John Taylor, engineer at tbe
Western Canada Flour Mills, said that
the rowels on the lakes were not in-
spected enough. "The equipment
might be improved," be maid. Tbe
The inquest ordered by Corooer
Hunter luso Use death of Tboauu
letouu and other vtcUus of the terrible
' Hickory Dicko.y Doc)t." and '•Tom,
Tom, The Pipers loo." Both choruses,
were good. The vocal selections were
equally fine. Miss May Stoddart, Miss
Hildred MoOoll and Mr. J. F. Thom-
son, eacb contributed solos and de-
lighted the rudleoce. The imitation
of the bag piped by Mrs. J. B. Hunter
ou her violin war very entettaining
And tbeandienceibow.d this by the
round of applause which greeted ber.
Mrs. James Outuannp*, Miss }Eldred
McOnll and Messrs. Reg. Blackstone
and F. C. Brant sang a quartette nice- ltteheat* were 4efectsve,esthey leaked.
ile dad not mutat these were enough
life belts, as We +ado's did not deputed
very much on lite boats. When be
retied un the stearner Fairmount
tbere wee nota belt in his rood,. Hy
supposed he could have gut a belt if
be wanted one, but there should beer
hien nue in his room. He strongly
r.lvised all vessels carrying shitting
boards. He thought in the face of
the signals ereztted mariner* at Id
use judguieut and stay in. Of c. 111x,
be had known captains to leave port
wbeo a btutm war going down. Uuder
these circumet/mew he would caneid
er the signals as insufficient. "If 1
was a captain I would certainly lay
in," said the witness. Mr. Taylor had
bero on freight boats for IS years and
never saw a fire dint ou any btatr be
had been on.
%Vin. Allan, of the rueteorlogical sin -
'eye office at Toronto, gave "cone in-
teresting testimony. He affirmed tha
a heavy Kale signet was 01drrrd o
front his officio* at 10. IU o'clock on tb
morning of November 7th and ,emeiu
ed up until November 10th. A genet
al forecast predicting wind with suo
MlleSIderado DOTLR�s West street. .t ity to
wsgw•s ski sprinkler. Apply to
1' 8LItYAN7R-Re.oea remdrieg
•how'd epi; st swe� te WILLIAM MMcHUIL
1.1N, Dorntnbe (ioveraineet mmptelm•nt
Arrest, 0ghee Out. Orden lett with H. D.
Helene. Oso, w111 resew* polwird
.11 mhos
r en Saturday 100.1. a ppaai1r et meets fur
grander.. Apply to JAS. OAR Vint. Kier,-
ly. Playing on bis dulcimer so dex-
terously lead the rhsirman-to say that
theme concerts would not he complete
without a selection from Master Wm.
Echurst. Mr. Peter Weir gave m good
solo on his haw horo. Mr. F. C.
Brandt sang a solo in • floe baritone
voice. Alnioat side splitting was the
comical trio, Messrs. Reg. Blackstone,
F. (). Brant and J. F. Thomann, sing -
Ing in "Three Blind Mice." and other
*huller pieces.. With the addition ')f
Mr. J. B. Hunter they again gave
"Poor Old Joe." Stewart'. otchretra
was preeent and played several over-
tures during the evening. A male
chorus brought the good programme
to an end.
The ladies of the choir were all deem-
ed like Dutch girla with sun bonnets
and aprons and the men wore their
overalls, tlh trwting tbat if at the
preset:t time people do not work lab-
oriously, their parents did. The..
pretty girls tripped a,n' ng the audi-
ence anti passed refreshments in paper
tags. The national anthem conclud-
ed the concert. The handsome auto
of about $I00 was realized.
on Ke.7e street. eont..ln ins ten room•. haut
modern bathroom. furnace and electric 11*hta;
thoroughly repaired trop, cellar to root : toll tot
and small Dery intl. .mine (rub. Apply to W.
R PINDER . 87-11.
We bare ter sale abeam thirty town lote
pork.. tarring
trots $80 .pemii.
per decennia,' 'kw rime
and PROUDtfOUT. HA k YILiAR*X. d• -ego
✓ ich Oe
ROOM &D HUUetse Vinton. street and
owe seven Mess se mews* aD"towt
snob with •env seor bsIIc
ee on
snob .eosertF, snare esbe/sMm�e apply -1. W.
TT .
� that.
�ret.w .
11, xALK-The resldsa,e, with 1eor
tensed), known sir the A,MeD. Allan peupSrty,
renCamees end marten sineen
s. hese
betel' bou.e. two stoles, 1r ar '•clave repair :
(i.ouads pleated with
va• riety ••b0i.er.•SO . Una of the bot preep�-
mies te tU.4sds88 tsaessable taro,. PUJ.
H YAM. OsdsslN.
W. pass et Int >. L at. W.. C•slMess
rwtpwest of New•. (ht the
k Aame detteas and • weer
rod nine..
• The CaII at the OLer CenlottiTY SHOPPY,
Hamilton street, and see our o and
111 cent di*ppisy of oltte-fashioned Toys,
Jewelry. Books end Novelties -the
last of the John Butler stock. The
only place you can get/anything of
this nature between MORN! and Kin-
cardine. Wishing everybody n Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year. 4t.
Mast ant: WNW.
+ t'C NEN SALE OF 11 000D •r�r pwwffTi1�e�
u&N8RA1. ►URPOS8 crows '•eve` a t
L. Ca 'Moore sum•
ma be Led from 'A. A. AMC.eau
MR. J. R 1 rser ON OM.
nt Ing+rsoo. wnl sell by yaMte seethes at the ARM FOR SALE. -THE EAST
1'moo Herr os obis. le 0edeefA. on
DOM/luau lira tae tN-s i
least 1•t mss s the Meth eimew
tasters 01
/l/OA T.of Aab
now, wise yb�� ��re C . RA r s
b.efi m emRri ha" 1 ta.Y ors )
st the awavo es a. y �� tw w I jj 1t!�K AND
sum seaward ss the We FARM PROP -
TW. rma-pp M say •se' ',wit et swore ewer teem fisISM. Vtinium Ilasot `-le Ms�v/sMb5M1glemsd with
Ath. >te.mpeaasswT- .wry
f0 � s�mss� resile A M elest
sum • Momerierif• wars ej teas. 11
t.nre�g./s..v s l5lUS .sum ' A iw.ea4l tart
Mr lame. men Meow.
at the rat41 era err wee per moron
��r� TaosShXiMtY jr
Assesses.. Ysi 11114411X -TION. -1 had.
w rweed tr
aO STOCK 1 6112 121 A!t8? SEW
sdvsd_IMr*sste r;
int I Ise
set et
weersre.te r�.ten
ttYlrwmt 1
tlastey V oa
or •
we, so I checked fora few hours and
then let my boat drift. On Monday
morning when dayliebt broke 1 saw
the beech at Kettle Point. lVe were
fortunate to nee it and steered off, '
was a short experience of the storm
given by the witness.
"We've all got a grudge against
beam',"Uoderich baut," ►'*ted the mariner.
''Where is 'Mere any better?" Mr.
Seeger queried.
"Where is titre t.oy worse'" re-
echoed the witnew, u a laugh went
around the room.
"Whitt is your reawn
"Thereisno harbor to conte into.
The breakwal• r Is too close to the
shore. It sbould he built higher and
wasit the *bore wdug away, there
might room be roofor • boat. But it will
never be any place to get into. Any
place where you have to get into the
trough of time sea, 1* no good." he said.
It the improvements were made AA
he had suggested it would be • fair
harbor, tntended the captain. He
tbougfit that not Wog could have
helped the mariners in such a storm.
The only trouble was the probabilities
gisen as to the wrong direction of the
wind. On one occaiun he obeyed the
signals, missed • good trip and got
a nad trip in place of it.
• Capt. Stephen thought the impac-
tion of life boats and belts was quite
Capt. Alex. Lawson, • retired•war-
iner of con.iuer.Me repute on the
Great Lakes, ma au improvement to
Goderich b•trbor, suggested that s
-feted be ee ted on the end of the
pier in addition to the lights already
there. In his opinion it would also he
Advisable to have the harbor widened
and deepened. He knew from exper-
ience that the shitting
ssboarre ds weN,, matter how tawny leagues of earth
neceary re and world adviee that the and era may revel hifrom old
asd .r W receive orders for dreaem*k i ne
her r horse. Aa * 9' glsa.street 011311TC W .
ART. w.
at the Alexandra Marina and O.a•rel
tto•pttal.Ooderka. The mune 1. two years
and sultan* are ..wsasd. Apply at epee to
MISS CHANDLER. Superintendent. sett
d and mar M
ween Oil Ydrir, Mev. fa,
(etsm 13 ss'ehee
.lase to Nate.
OU'.0RI .
.m.evant by the lot D *ember. Apply to
MRB. HIH,T. Marta meet. Odsrrb. itLtl
ow a one veer man. Boat a temor:ub-
1.. taeiodlnatelegraphy. Duma toromra.tr'e
January or Feb',rw7. Apply ft- ti. 011.1.i48.
let Donde. street . Toronto•.It
Ufeeders will hg �ie and r-
r..sa as. NIL On w
��siire,.e eerie Peas
e.rw�. /et/+
Ombels\ Rev. try. tela brew
rO$1 ttL&.--A 0000,10111
et • 1st IL leak
Mr. W. 0. Lumhy. having
Sl purchased the ton.oriai polar
and harber ehcp in the Bedford
Block occupied and conducted
by Mr. H. B. Boehmer, welcomes
all old patrons. Satisfaction
gnat anteed.
asses• Omsy of the bast la �� �f'�'
loos. Med rate of aseesamsrut.
Uv. Stoek lasered at Its fall
vales whether oe the farm or
sot. No trouble M snake ae1 jet.
Agent for Colberaw
war lamed at 9.90 that morulug and
bad been published in nearly aft the
evening pipers, stat to all the WI
graph offices in Ouuaim, being also
rent to the wireleee station at Mid-
land. it was customary to send out
reports after the weather charts had
hien made np at 9.30 a.m. and
10.40 p.m. No wird had been di, -
patched to the various stations
otter Saturday morning, although the
departmeot knew st 10.30 on Satur-
day night that a storm of unusual
severity was sweeping ice way actors
the continent.
()town Attorney Seager aeked if a
bulletin could not have been heated on
Saturday night which 'night have
rrrched the % ex ford lying at the Soo
early Sunday morning. Witorre itck-
nowiedged that it would have been
possible to have wont out the report
but owing to the fact that all the tele-
graph ofce•s closed early on Satur-
day and opened irreyulatly ou Sunday
hs did not think the message would
have been delivered. At this time,
the signals were upend tbey were the
only means the department had to
reach the sailors. He contended that
wireless would be of great value to
the sailors. The heavy storm signals
bed only been ordered up five titres
this year. Once in July, once in Sep-
tember, twice in Ortobrr and on Nov-
ember 7th, 'totted Mr. Allan.
Since the storm the department had
been 'incline out regular atonal@ to
the wireless station at Midland. He
said that .be meet urgent sigpals the
Inverness Camp Attend Knox Church
on Sunday -Rev. Geo. E. Row
Eulogizes the Scotchman-Char-
actsrizes Him as • Wanderer -His
Sterling Manhood Predominates
Ht. Andrew's day was fittingly ob-
ierved here last Sunday by Inertness
camp, Sons of Scotland, attending
Knox church in a body. Tbe urgent -
wallop of about twenty strong met -at
their rooms in the Oddfellowr hall on
Kingston street and marched to the
church where they Attended divine
worship, and Rev. (leo. E. Koss
prear bed .
The society, every man wearing his
heather, w.r led by Marshall Wm.
Me0reatb and piper Robert Crairrie.
while chief of the clad, Mr. W. T. Mil-
lar, was in charge.
Had It not been the Sabb eth day,
and the fact that a Scotch mut was
coming down makiog it rather un-
pleasant outside, the small boy might
have been inclined to yell, "Hoot.
Mon, Hoot," as he beard the old bag -
he sermon based on • theme of
'LScutland's Contribution tc the
Wm Id, ' was one of exceptional inter-
est, and every metuher who attended
felt that be would henceforth lead a
better and truer life. The pastor's test
was P4411111 137, 3: '•If I forget thee,
0 Jerusalem, let my right band (Jr -
get her conning."
The preacher raid in part :-Every
true patriot, especially a Scotsman,
feels a thrill as he thinks of the lana
that gave bun and his sire his birth.
law compel sal vessels to be equipped
with them.
He contended that in many case$
the wooden life boats were of very
little u.e and would not tip of soy ser-
vice its they would leak if put into the
water. All erases should retry steel
life boats, contended Capt. Lawrou.
Before making the adjournment.
Coroner Hunter explained that the
nest session wo111d be the lest and tie
thought it udvisahle to stand the
inquiry over for about len days to
allow th'r authorities to get all the
evidence poeailde. It was finally de-
coded 19 adjourn until Saturday.
December 13th, -it two .:clock in tbe
tows hall.
Mr. Harry Stowe, of tbe local water-
works department, went on duty nn
the Saturday night previous to for
Dig storm and went oft in) Sunday
morning at eight o'clock. He did not
go to work on Sunday morning as pre-
v,uubly stated..
Tee 'tomss inset all
rails lave prompt rad
enIlesmoreNn elle .r a
Saab Street "b -os. ire. 81
department poese+sed were lsplayed.
The department had not a hnrrirane
'Waal and he did not think that troy
meteorological department in the
world, with the exception of one in
-tae titupiee, whets hulriranes are
common, had any such signals On
inland waters the wltre.s decleomi
'bat tbey are•rat•r.
Mr. R A. Harrison, ni the Ames ioan
Lake Corriere swociation, affirmed
the:. a Lake Huron eight vessels bad
beets .oat, eve of these being United
Suttee and three Canadian. The lives
loot on the lake be placed st 191, and
68 bo4las had lam wavered. in trait
to a query of Crw.mer Hunter, t
woe the seamen that so marry w, krait
from the Carruthers had not been
identified, witoess said that the lair
Carriers' aesueiatfoe always, kept a re -
• rd of all their men employed oe
United Suttee boats, W itb the es-
sential of one man buried here on
Thursday, whicb he was putty sore
was the body of Andrew Kelly, of
Virginia. all ten Uoitel litotes iodiees
had been pr•ctl.SYy Westland. It
wee otterwwrds learned that tate sine
hod no friends
'')apt. Stephen you were fortunate
saowgt► or skilful enough, to weenhar
the gale,' quer(rd Oeuvre Attorney
Seager. *ben C 8fapbea of the
steaaer Haminlet els, Some 1e the
Nand. No .milia y oetlAed assent.
Asked abut the sltoiae, the witness
said that they were epp al1 the way
does frees Fort Willies'. 'Th.
Scotia's shore. he cannot forget. And
even thoee of us who are of Scot-
tish decent who have never peen the
heathery hill. or listened to the bab-
ble of the burn : who have never
viewed the grandeur of the highland.'
or the beauty of the loobs, find our
hearts beat faster end our lifeblood
at owe warm t the wand of the pipes
and the name of bonnie Scotlapu.
Today, known and celebrated
through ou ttbe Scottish world ae St.
Andrew r oay, linke us closely with
the past. Au.* while it to neither wive
nor Scot -like to have our face always
backward turned.% good square look at
the pest oceaeion*lly aboulu do us good.
To snake proper progress we must
head our ship for the distant port and
Meer our course not hy the wake we
leave astern, but by one head -Mod and
tbe star. We cannot forget the port
whence we cleared, end so today the
while world over, wherever a Scot ie
found, he lifts his voire in song and
like the sweet singer of old exclaims
with passionate and patriotic soul, "If
I forget thee, 0 bonnie Scotland, let
soy right hand forget her cunning."
Nothing is niore evident than that
God has wrought and still continues
to work out His purposes in nntionsl
character and life. Every age and ever y
land plays some important pats ice the
progress of the world. In s very
marked degree ha» this been true of
Caledonia -the house of the Scot and
the lend of the free.
What, in brief, hes been Scotland's
contribution to tee uplift of the human
race and the development of age:' Of
whatever sire she stay boast it cannot
he of her territorial extent, or her ad -
Large Vote Polled and Good Majority
for Local Industry
By a majority of ata voles the Am-
erican Road M+chin. Cumptny'n b)y-
lew was pained by the ratepayers 4,1
the town of Gudelich on Saturday
last. The largest her of votes
.vet east in the town on 0 pH..lion (.1
this kind was tegieterrd when 7S)
votes were polled in "oven eutelivision..
A bylaw of this mit ulereqMletl a leo-
thirds vote. and 144 votes were regi.tei-
ed snore than needed. Of cour+'e the
hylew has to have 15days for retihca-
Non. This time i+ U)veu for objections
or protest* to be raised. ventage•ous position on the wain art -
As statedr, for bylaw author- er of obi world's commerce and bre.
isee the councilcil to guarantee the bonds Neither has her strength reposed in
the world of thought, as well as at
practical affairs ; in the field of litera-
ture and on the hattleflelds of the
earth ; in the domain of the floe arta
and invention no less than in the
affairs of church mod state Scotsmen
have occupied and are occupying t,day
a high and enviable piece.
Wbere lies the .ecret of such worth
and power P It's based on character
and character is based on religion
Trane the greatness of Scotland and
her sons back to the fountain source
WW1 we find it reposing in the funda-
mental prfeciples of character and life
well and truly laid by a God-fearing
ancestry. From the earliest Um.. our
Scottish sires have placed emphasis
upon five erssntiale to the making of
the highest quality of manbood-tbe
borne, the scbool,tbe Bible, the Sabbath
and the kirk. And we who can boast
111 Scottish blood coursingtllrough our
veins will he true sons of Scotland as
we follow in the footsteps of our
fathers and build immortal :haraet.er
upon these corner .tones.
Rev. J. A. Robinson Ordained as Ceaoen
by Bishop Williams
Bishop \VIlliams visited St. George's
church here on Sunday last
and ordained Rev. J. A. Robinson, of
Dungannon, as a deacon. The service
was uright and inspiring. After the
ordination service a dedication was
made, when the communion rail in
St. George's, erected to the memory
of the late James I. Moore, once of the
parish of 8t. George's, by his widow
now living in Stratford, was dedicated
by His Lotdibfp.
Rev. J. B. Fotheringham, rector of
St. George's, presented the candidate
and His Lordship performed the or-
dination with the usual ceremony,
Rev. Canon Sage, M.A.,D.D, of SL
tfeorge's churcb, London, preached
both morning mud evening.
In the morning Canon ridge took as
his test the words uttered hy the Sav-
iour, "Follow Thou Me." From it, be
pointed out that there were the in-
structions given to St. Peter and he,
while perhaps he had met with diffi-
culties and ob.taclee through life, he
had attempted to adhere to them.
Speaking about the c wdidste, Rev.
J. A. Robinson, the paescher called
hi.u, "Our Brother," who he said war
following these instructions, but his
life previous to his ordination as *dea-
con was one of preparation. Now he
was taking hold of new life and
stretching fottb to greater effort for
the furtherance of (.nrist's Kingdom.
As to the need for more workers as
Clergymen, Canon Sage said that it
mothers and fathers were more chris-
tian and home. purer. there would be
mwe men for the ministry than there
was at the present time.
In the evening Canon Sage .'elected
his text from Si. Mattbew V1., 84:
''Take therefore tee thought for the
morrow : for the morrow shall take
thought for the thineeof itself. Suffi-
cient unto the day is the evil there-
of." From this passage the preacher
fought to bring out the idea that
People Aihenlil not be over anxious
about the affairs of commercial,, life.
The minister mentioned the fact that
he waitron to we people working in
shops, stores and other places longer
hours than he believed they could
physically stand. Both sermons were
highly interesting.
At the morning service the choir
sang the anthem "Shine Out
Thy Light" ' in floe harmony and
me the evening service Miss Mildred
McColl rendered in a sweet voice, "1
Know that. My Redeemer Liveth."
Rev. S. J. Allin, of Clinton, Preached in
Victoria Street Church
Special missionary services were
held ice Victoria street Methodist
church on Sunday last. Rev. S. J.
Allan, of Clinton, preached both morn -
tog and evening. The morning ser-
er'non was based un the words of Christ.
to he "Witneawe unto rue unto the
uttermost parts of the earth." The
minister pointed out that the world
did not so much need Argument +a it
needed to see Christ and know flim.
••No man and no nation gees or knows
all tet Christ. Each life is a ••broken
light" he affirmed.
The speaker continued : •'And each
nation will interpret Christ for itself.
We need not he nrr•prised to find
China. oe lepawor Airier, dieeraveri*R
eentelhing in 151WeeMINT *V Dae* not •
discovered of very poor I represent to
the world.The one thing thateundemns
Christian people i. that they have been
so slow to .make Christ known to all,
Are entitled to hear of Him. If
Christianity 1. good for us and the
h.et thing in the world why not tree
it to others P Beside.' the eommeand u:
Christ to Rive the gospel 114ht to at
the world le so positive and clear 'bat
no one does hie duty who noes not
make no effort to early out that com-
A lazes congregation in the ereniog
listened to the minister'. (Deeour.e on
the word. found in Luke tv.: IS. The
gn.prl tts•esege included help for the
bodies as wall as the awls of the
peet�le The reediest esiesion+ry fel-
iowid the example of Christ in healing
pbytisl disease and then brought a
IsMeagr for the soul. 'the chreflan
of tbe Ameriern Road Machine Cru,- natural resoutoes, The wealth of her
pony for $.il,OIIU and to give it ♦ Reed mime, as well as tbee,radtb and fertil-
aeweement of 510,000 for a period of 10 ity of bet plains is limited. But better
year+'• far than her produce Tinos the field,
Mr. L 1.. Knorz was the returningg the•seine, the loom and the mea has
officer And hit deputies were nubile)) been her production of sterling man -
in The Signal romp time mato. The nod -the Investment of influence In
official count was sonde. at 10 o'clock the character and life of her people.
on Monday morning at the town hall Find him where you will the Scot is
and showed the following figures : - unmiet•kable. He ham an individual-
Toul vMwa registered. 729: tor the isy all his own. In vety truth the
bylaw, (144): against the bylaw. 115: Scotch are a peculiar people and they
rejected. four• w111 reatalu so to the end. Their
e rewtlt by wards and subdivisions qualities of mind and heart are di. -
wail as follows :- tinct. Endeavor am he eometfines Dray
Far Aa•l's.t Reim trd t.. conceal bb Identity, •Scot cannot.
St. DAvid'. Poll 2-106 96 Al U His very wench hetrayetb bim.
82. Patrick's PoII 3- 70 13 ti Fieareely any field of thought and
5 -illi) 20 x activity is open today when • Scots -
Rt. Georges Poll b- 414 11 1 man doe, not Rod A place and usually
Ob. Aadreeeslis it 8 --i19 21. 0 & Isleffie and pesmiseab p1..'... -.Frown
7- 67 4 0 the earliest times two qualities have
_ _ been strongly marked ---the roving in -
Tc t aim
*-Tctalm ME 95 4 etinet •rod the ability to make room
Total votes polled. 721: two-thirds for Maedi "bare'., ha may go.
.01. required, an : majority ova► twc- Long dao, in ti.ss.4 almost presbistoric,
thirds, 144. a tribe of vigorous and powerful men
came from south-westrtn Europe and
PRICES AiRRANGHD 1•nderd in Ireland. They called them-
-- selves Meme -e. Oeltfe word meaning
Charges for Power Are Satisfactory b rovers. wand•rere. There they not
Hydro Ceammiesiee only 'Wade themselves at home hut
A letter dared November 271h from soon got the a neper band of the native
the Hydro-Electrie commission and IN.h and for-.versl hundred years
received • few days awn was read at Ireland was known es Scotia -the land
the last meeting of the tinderich of the ticnta.
Water and Light eoesmi..lo*, held nn in the With century • colony of
Tuesday evening Mat. The eoesesuol- these rovers crowed to Argylesblre
Batton was to the *Beet that ten hydro and leek prwtesion of • large area.
commission approved of the pries. Here they toned the northern and the
drawn up hy the commission here, southern Pieta. War Ming declared
The mum are : Rasld.nUJal 11ghting. the Scots allied themselves with the
four minus per 100 ptare feet Sane
area, plus 4l per [ W.H. lifter
d.sais mooed Rab ao 1 west ret on .barge. This oosamerelel rats tstrmees.
the ooderetaaMris that It eta awosth- piper. of !enema& rte.) Is rine emits /loofa wen is poasesalen of the mutt -
week with bat It trim snortheast wind. per K. W.H. for the first 7t hones' w try Eenoeth MoAlpin was crowned
1 world oat hes. gets .,et if i bed each month installed asperity, sod 44 Mao of 800tland, wielding his sceptre
11Mrf whet t keep In the wean- soots per E.W.H. for all •411111 sal nor the Orkneys to the Firth nt Forth.
:rill_ IOW st tints tam enesuusption. The roles for power And so erose tik. esritoesa elms• the
north against the *ouch and when the
eoeflie1 had ceded both t.ih.e of tl a pttvslelan ie the hI•iheet representative
Pieta had lawn driven out and the � t Ns no be rnintaters to tin seeds
of bosh body and soul. Mpeaklsss net
modal problems the minister d.eIaeed
'bat many of the.. are doe to ib*
eetieltise of the ebureb and the
severity wan emmis/. 1 are 11 per berm veer per moAtbh roelsg las Wee$. t to molts �� sell r ereirsesotus ibis es
restm 1 kitnmmlf 7 solve'braes. There ere oto messeesim
woe the those et lev*rel awoke charge+ pis. a voter rise, teem oe and the art of adap-
Vsetl Ohl., Mens trdaisi" he Bald. wlteb ie 4.1 emote per E.W.R. for &a Uwe( blpwlf to nay eoeditloo bet hese
isor 18* Weikel *heal 11 mils. IP boom 1l.1 sesta ger K.W.H. for the 1. )M blood of the /trot and will be to
ei !'Mss owl& MOM isa on acranii A bolero and SA tae all eddktoe- U. sad.
trissltttf► Me thoillbe , .be eldew! 8ead'
tlan. most vInabie esetrlbie-
heel tMsebed 0,111111111 before ; 11Paip_liseUe a ler paver ettaklaft dela to the pseg.- wed eivi/taatNo
p�j�s�8 whore the light tit tike .11111111111e silk enure. The church Ieate/ F
ed 1-. etehteg this a fret tar .M'K ds
W r ae lmaleatt*g people racy Iles' it
W a..e 101841
thestarso a m& bar. litddbae as • of • ett
bore* pewee gore at ten we.M the steady pro- Pow,sar1et 41041111110 threw oat
MoebY� e Miststir t� o«N4 sot ; ses~ by tis enssolsalo*. AR etre doellts of sm1►ooi tax leader•,by sod t pet, Asa of aNi4.rs1 opelooete Mr
I> Bibs bmt*r. >,tor8Ba IntraA1awst. stia1Rlb tat every wertby doses. is pat ..atetios of * vegeta bylaw.