HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-27, Page 1010 leuaslrav, Nov. V. I.Yl3 'THE SIGNAL : GOD Christmas Buying A epkeedid opportunity to secure sigh clam 'goods suitable for Obristwss gifts. frons it to on. Royal Doulton, India.,.Trese (%oalport. and abet high-grade Kr.glish China. Imported Cut Ola•., t off of our comjllste stock. BOOKS } • We -there just cleared at cu.d...0s 501) volumes popular copyright book.. all one pricey tde. "Misttees of Shssstooe, 1.y author of "The Rosary," "Spinner in the tiuo,"by author of"Lavender and Old lice." •'Wioniryt of Barbara Worth." by author of "Galling of Dan Matthews," 'Trail of the Lone• some Pine," "Girl of tbe Limber - lost" and dozens of otben. TheColonial Bosh Store (.Ell. PORTER, Prop. Phone 100 Ooderich POWELL'S for FRESH :MEATS BOILED HAM JELLIED TONGUE MINCE MEAT FRESH PORK SAUS- AGE WEANERS BOLOGNA SPICED ROLL BREAKFAST BACON ENGLISH BACK BACON LARD AND OLD CHEESE Cut Flowers a speci- alty at POWELL'S The Grocer On the Square 'Phone 91 LAKES DISASTER FUND To tie Citisees of Gederich ' A fund bas been opened to Toronto, known as Tie Lakes Disaster Fund. in aid of the widows and children of sailor+ who hat their lives in the recent storm uo Lale Huron. 1 have consented to act a! H000rary Treas- urer fur liodericb and will be pleased to receive subscriptions to the above fund at the town clerk's aloe. The following eun.criptioes have been received to def.: - Public memorial service 2141 rL Perry's t retires Players 51 S) Lyric theatre 40 00 Star theatre........ Y!) 60 Godericb Elevator r Tran. Co. 26 00 Mrs. F. Sweets 1!1 00 1.0.0. V.. Codes 'Ai, iD 00 Women's Ins.itute at Blake- 15 00 Goderich Rebekah lodge. No.99 100 0000 M. Robins ..... ,...... Mrs. Macara 2 111 F. H °Martin 2 (t) A Friend, Toronto........ 1 00 A Friend. 100 Miss N. Craig. 1 00 O. U. \\ tritely. 1 p► A. 8 Cbry.tal 1 110 A widow 10 The Canadian Bank of Commerce bas given 11501 as a general subscrip- tion to Groderirb, Sarnia, Collingwood and other Canadian lake ports. In coonectioh with the donation by Perry's Peerless Players, Mr. W. M. Mclean, manager of the Victoria opera house. donated tbe use of the opera bowie Wednesday afternoon. and The Star and The Signal donated ' the necessary printing for the benefit performance. Subscriptions to this fund will re- main open for eight days longer. C. A. REID, Mayor. SALLOW SKIN Liver Spots, Pimples. Dark Circles Under the Eyes are all signs of the system being clogged. l'he liver and bowels are inactive and the etonrach is weak from undigested foods and foul gases. FIG PILLS the great fruit remedy, will make you feel like a new person. \Vinnipeg. June 27, 1911 I After taking three oozes of your il7g,Pille for swms.h and liver troubles I feel strong and well and able to do my- own work. Mits. A. H. SArLTitit. Sold at all dealers in 25 and 50 cent boxes or mailed by The Fig Pill Co., St. Thomas. Out. Sold in tiorlerich by E. R. Wigle. druggist. -Approximately 4i tons of gold ar- rived to Montreal on Saturday frau London, via New York. Kidneys Wrong? If they are you are in danrr. When through weakness or disease the kidneys fait to filter the impurities from the blood, trouble comes at coot. Backache. Rheumatism. Sciatica. Gravel, Diabetes, Gall Stones and the deadly Bright's Disease are some of the results of neglected kidneys. Dr. Mone'• Indian Root Pills contain • most effective diuretic which strengthens and stimulates the kidneys so that they do their work thoroughly and well. Try Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills THE BIG Christmas Sale Still continues with the Greatest Jewelry Bargains of the Season If you ate looking tot • Real Lice Bat gaiii in (brietr i.s pres- Ient., do not forget where you can get them : where you can get the lamest.varietyi where you can get the best quality ; where satis- -taction-wi11beguaranteed 0navery purchase: where you will see i the Omer' displays end handsomest goods" in Huron ('outity ; where • you will nod just what you want and be sure of courteous treat- ment- These condi'.ions are fulfilled at only one plwre end that 1. Harrison's Jewelery Store. It will pay you to investigate early. waste otur'Moek is connpleter. 1Ve-attt fay 'Sahli anytbing eelesied • now, upon the payment of a .mall deposit. ( Bracelet Watches On Account of the increasing demand for Bracelet Watches we hair put in a tine assortruent in .olid gold. gold filled. silver sod Rom metal which we fully guarantee to Rive perfect satisfaction. All our Bracelet Watchers are marked et Special pi ices. Rim. Don't fail to ace our Special Values in isianlond, t'.brl and Nigeet and ell Stone Net Riggs. We were fortunate in the purchase .d mor Ring Ntock this year so we'sn aide to offer values that can- not he -beaten. - Gift Suggestions fJr Men Our stork is full of suggestions for him, Including Brass Mmok • rug Nets, Cigarette Cases. Mbaviug Rete, J'llitary Beeebee. Crolrrel- 1•., Walking pane., Foto. Chains. Rings..11 of which are marked with a Spec. Mate Price. Gilt Suggestions for Ladies Our gift .uggeetinns for Eadie• were never so numerous. Oceqq hews, JeweI Cases, Nterling Oliver Toilet Sets. Bracelets. Pwrdantd ' Necklace.. Broaches, Silverware, ('qt (11.a.. and various other articles all of which we hare iedirleed within the rearh 0' any parka book at thistle:v. China I See our Display of China, all TS per cent. off regular price. Watch our window display Walter H. F arri n Jeweler aa./ Optieiuti OUR TOWN DADDIES DEPUTY REEVE CLARK PRESIDES 1N MAYOR'S ABSENCE A urge Amount of Work Transacted b, council --Market Question Pro- greesing-Urant to Lakes Disaster Fund Meld Over Until Future Most- ing -Armoury t& theme Mooted CH ONTARIO Clearing the Decks for Xmas Although there was nothing ot ex- traordinary importance to be dealt with at the meeting of the council on Friday night last, yet a lot a small business was put through. Owiag to Mayor Reid and Reeve Munniugs being absent, Deputy Reeve Clark presided. Toone present wete Goons. Laithwaite, Young. Vanatter, McClinton, Graham and Moser. A communication front the Public Library board asking fur its yearly grant was referred to the Finance committee. The wetter of baying an opening et the foot of Welliogtou street. where the C.P.R. are titling au the trestle work, narrowed w 10 to A) feet. came up and Atter considerable discussion it was decided to refer it to the Public Worts committer which should meet there on Saturday and look over this property. The report of 1 he Finance committee was received. An old matter, that of securing spites to repair and place at the towu dock. carne up when Coon. Moser said that to had examined some trees in Mr. A. .1. Goldthorpe• bush but he considered they would not do for the purpoeefor which the council wanted thew. It appeared that Mr. Gold- thorpe agrees to deliver timbers for .pilee which were Lound to be not sat- isfactory. He is willing to supply others it the council decide on the standing trees they want. Deputy Reeve Uteri' suggested that the clerk communicate with Mr. Gold- thorpe with a view to getting the wetter settled. Cotio. McClinton moved. and C'oun. Graham .ecooded, that the matter be referred to the chairman ot the Harts- committee, Coot.. Moser, with power to act. Respecting a sewer on Nelson street, Mi. W. J. Lennon, proprietor of the Union hotel, asked that something her done so that bis cellar would not be flooded. Deputy Reeve Clark said that it ea, unfortunate that this state of stings related end suggested that the matter be looked into. Courts. Mc- Clinton and NT/Matter moved a motion to have the matter reterred to the Public Wut'ks committee to report. ,The acting mayor remarked that he boticed several tie posts were loose and thought more 'holm' be put in. Uoun. Vanatter suggested tie rings in the sidewalks. It was the general opin- ion that the poste were better than riogs. It was asked whether the mer- chants should put them up or the council should do the work itself. "What's everybody's business is no- body'." said Uoun. McClinton, and it was decided that it was the duty of the council to do this work. (:ours. Vanatter suggested it be referred to the Public Works committee. ('otos. Vanatter and Mosier passed a resolu- tion to that effect. Coon. Young staled that the Market committee had been dealing with the question of establishing *market here. but as it was a difficult problem. no decision was arrived at and be simply reported progress. The temporary_ mayor stated that he noticed the Hy. dre-Electric Commission were wiring the county bridge at Saltford in order that the wires could be extended to Mr. 8atnuel Bisset's farm. Mr. Van - al ter thought the count y connti I would bear part of the expense of maintain- ing light on this bridge. Couu. Young suggested that a deputation wait on the township of Colborne to ask it to bear the expense of lighting Saltfotd and the bridge. On motion of (tomos. Young and Moser this action was cooflrmed. A committee composed of (:owns. Young and Moser will form the deputation. The deputy teece noticed that ex- pensive arniouiirs had been erected in diffetent parte of the country and h.- was sorry Goderich was bnchwerd in this matter. "Next year," he said. l "Huron county will have one of the .trongeet batteries in the province. 1t will corniest of eight guns and 64 horses." No action way taken in re- gard to (his matter. Coto. Moser wanted to know about the insurance on the old furniture rec- tory. At the request of the deputy reeve, the clerk explained that satis- factory errangemeota were bsiog -wade to protect the town. "1 see that several municipal coun- cils are contributing towards the Lakes Disaster Feod, said the acting ,nayor. "Yes. t think it is • good thing." said Conn. McUlintoo. Crean. Va-after the. eu ..sea that the o.ouneil givirEHIl►te the fund. - Oosn. Lalthwaite advocated bolding the matter over for a future meeting. 'it's going to be a hard winter and if this Lund i. geowitag. wiry eh.wid woe nsgtet't'tho heal chard f'! rfX1111 fiDlo remold be suMeierlt, as this Iowa is financially embarrawd," he said. Coun. Young aegnlaed in what Coon Leith 'mite said and thought IMI) would be about right. i1 was Really decided to refer the matter t0 the Finance committee. (kion. Yoshio tboaght the pro r tore a the picture' theatres sbneld be tendered a vote of thanks for their as- sideaee sad help to the brad they MVO w Nob'! given. Cour Youtrssgg moved. sad Ootn. McClinton second- ed. that fisc council .sprees its appear - Milan to all throw who oontrihrted to this fund. Mr. Robert Clerk asked Inc pseuds slue to erect as ire home near the Iowa dock. The council are not awe whether the town owns thi. propos t , where Ilse brlldhgerected. would he and therefore before granting the per- mission. the matter was referred to the Harbor eosemittee to Investigaie. 140w's This? Rts .ared nsaaned ger assn .st Mewen meed ere . s seeslses ett seljr a Ma vie We GAMS Oespbspbmes. Rig Mae Alum Cle...se. Water - • mew Pearl - Paws. Depm Art Were. Coons- ty SeNerersee, 1147 Own Ina IMswrtese► .. 1 SALE DAYS, SATURDAY, NOV. 29, MONDkY, DEC. 1, TUESDAY, DEC. 2 NOW for three days Extra Special selling to wind up November and' start December business with a rush. Three days which we will devote to clearing out all broken lots and surplus lines to make room for the big Christmas stocks that must be opened up and ready for you next week. These Month End Sale Days will be very attractive from a money -saving standpoint and we will make it pay and pay you well to come here Saturday, Monday or Tuesday next. This partial list of specials goes to show what the values really are. Remember every price stands for new merchandise of sterling quality that will give you satisfaction when wearing time comes. Two Rare Bargains from the Millinery Department A big purchase of sample Hate and fancy Trimmings at lees than ball regular pricers make these Millinery Bargains pn.- sibie. If you have your winter Hat to buy or want en extra one this ie undoubtedly a splen- did opportunity for you to save money Children's Trimmed Beaver Hats $2.45 There are shout one dozen obildren's Beaver Hata in these .apple,. They are very attrac- tive, stylise little shapes and ex- cellent quality. We have had them well trimmed with good trimmings, sad this actual value would he from 16.011 to 115.50. Special, Sale Days,] your choice........ 2.45 Ladies' Trimmed Hats $345 Our milliners have taken 20 of the aample Hata, both black and color., and trimmed then up with 'moo of the newest and beet trimmings we bave in mounts and fans ribbons. They are very attractive hate- Had we bought the shapes and Crim - wings at mutat prices they would be from 53.00 to 118.00. Saturday rooming take your choice of the 20 for ee only .DJ. S Hundreds of Samples to Sell Sale Days at Wholesale Prices or Less Here is an opportunity that comes but once in a great while! A short time ago we cleared a wholesale house's Sample Quilts, Fancy Linens, Table Cloths, etc., at the biggest discount we ever got off samples. These Samples are absolutely perfect except that in some cases they are soiled through handling. They have been 'carried on the road but one season and when washed will be as good as ever. There are some very handsome Fancy Linens, some good Damask Table Cloths and Napkins and a good range of Towels and White Quilts. You can count on getting some of the best bargains we have offered for many and many a day. We want to sell them quickly and will clear the lot at less than regular Wholesale Prices. AMI••••••••411•1•0•IMINIMMINI=.1 Fur Lined Coats $39.00 Ladies' Fur Lined ('oat., shell of gond quality Austrian broadcloth, lining of high-grade selected Musk Rat skins, collar and reverent Western Sable. New, stylish. serviceable gerweuts. Decidedly c 3?9( special value at .DJe0(yW0 Some Sale Day Prices in Furs You can save • little money on Furs, Bade Days. The Vaal - hies are heyond any que.tiee in all cases. and the saving goud enough to make it worth r. tar while to take advantage of thr..- o(? eringw Persian Lamb Muffs $5.00 Sit Persian Iamb and Persist] Paw ]Tuffs- Medium and fairly bergs sizes. Gond quality fur. Regular values gg.110 to $II(i$l Sae Days, your 00 ebonyonly S,W Persian Paw Set S7.5o These are exceptionally choice Fur, end very popular thi, season. Rich, lustrous large Pillow Muff And Ti.. Yet complete, Rale Day. $7 .50 Same Muff with large Stale coming down well Deer shoal. dere. Sale Days. sin 11Jho set.... z000 yards Shaker at 8c per yard 10110 yards al riped Flannelette, good range of pattern.. guaran- teed ab•olutrly fast rulers. pink. Mute and mixed !trips.. (lv.hry sold all over at Rivand 1'_'j'. sale Days we offer 1010 yards at the low price et per yard ilio COATS Remarkable Values in Children's Coats Two clearing lots of Children's Coats for Sale Day selling. Sizes to fit children from 5 to 12 years of age. All new garments and selling very much less than actual worth. Children's Navy Coats $3.95 These, Coats are made from good quality wool frize, in nice- shade of navy. Have red hoods and trimmed with piping to match. Sizes 8, to and 12' years. Sale Days special - - $395 15 Sample Coats $4.90 These Coats are assorted styles and sizes. They come in a good range of popular materials. In one style Drily are there two alike. They are a clearing lot of samples bought at a big discount off regular prices. Sizes up to 12 years. Clearing Sale Days, choice - - $4.90 Ladies' Coats $11.25 15 only Ladies' Winter Coats, all different styles, in the popular materials and colorings. -Stylish and attractive garments. Regular values up to $16.5o. A clearing lot for Sale Days, at each only - *11.25 Ladies' Vests 59c These err seconds of our stan- dard 76c and vac quelity. Noth- ing the matter with them sate some small imperfvetion in weav- ing which is easily repaired. They weer as well ea if they were perfect. Joist w t• -w t.. 59c sell. Sale Days at only Serge Dresses $6.75 Wiese aad wiser all -writ 1 Serge Drees. Navy i l .r or teat. Gond style, perferr fluting. W ooly trimmed. Regular Plow seDays each .7 5 R Moirette Underskirts $I.58 Cad.. Moirette t'oderskirts made of gond quality imported Moirette. Cut in new style Regular value 56-00. C1. f Sall Days each ... (J American Cotton Batts 3 for 25C Good quality American rot - ton Batts, cleat and pure. .lust the thing for routfnrter.. Sale days special le for 25 C Ends of Linoleum We hate about twenry fire shortlengths of Linoleum. Many different qudlltiee and 'sizes. clearing nut Sale Days era very lihwtal discount frum r.grdar prices. If yon cell use A short length of Linoleum this i, your ebaoee to get k at a decided bargain. Mocha Gloves 95c) I Lsdiei Mocha Glove., t.nii..ed. Standard 1111.26 quality. Twenty pairs to .ell Rale Days 95c Hose Supporters zoc Children's, mimes and Iodise' Bon. Supporters, black only. Good quality elastic. Kites strong clasp. Sate Days 0c special per pair Union Blankets $2.70 Largo eke Unions _,-- nearly all week Beal Herr woven in to keep Ile. Asa shrinking Pink or blue hordes. Double bed .i t.. cc'' Hale Days -special - .70 Half Bleach Sheeting 24C Henry English 8beeting (l4 width. Firm and strong.Rag alar 30e. Sale Days special per yard. 24c Wide Black Silk 88c Wide black .ilk. full 51 . Mich lustrous pafiette, suitable for veal■t. ,x devisees. Very spoil& for Sale Day.. per yard QQc Table Linen Sam ples Thur hundred Sample.Table Linen, make sple.didish towels, Bach rad large enough for a towel. (seating 250 Pale Days at 9 for .. . 6 Skeins of Yarn w Orgy or black Reareh Flar isis Yore. Special for kaittlug mitts or eim •d by nntoomph-es... s. Malo Nate Day ep+eial, 9 skeins fee /. SUITS Two Suit Specials Here is your chance to save on a good tailored Suit. Only to of them to sell and every Suit a bargain. 2 Suit 'at $f 2.50 One is navy blue and one • brow*.- - Rstra quality diagonal Serge. Both are well made and lined through- out with good quality linings. Size 14 only. Very special Sale Days, either for $12.5o $25.00 and $30.00 Suits $17.50 Six Suits at this price. Fancy weaves of plain serges, s11k or satin lined, cut in the season's best styles. We are able to give you a decided bargain on these Suits and offer you your choice on Sale Days for - - $17-50 Ladies' Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 1 forge sidemen ladles' peenstitrt,det tar wa se ►wtta Pt ands/ tows. (dale apt twof.*..,.,,,..r SC eaas r... eaM: HODGI NS EROS. Dmr.cT IMPOtTir.Rs - 000taicM i Reversible Cretonne IQC Reversible Cretonne, Aid' tin - ids that will drape well. Rove lar 30e. Sale Day19c special per yard Towelling 9c S0 yards alt limed Crush Towel - lin., red border. heavy weight. gale lays Special, per (c yard` Enda of Towelling - 2 for -35c ins nide TZ Wets pure lines creels towelling. Regular 15s per yard. Igo owls of o0' yard mgr, Salo Dayd.M.W 25€ - 'ter reds fibra. sass.. . Cloths 55c Phil Lampe Clotho. bow- e l&Wm work. 1d and yards sq tare. A 'keeled Halo Days year x5c e leo. of S0 at, each. Men's Hemstitched Handkerchiefs 4 for 25C We doses Hen's B.st e(tched H•0dkerehlo j. medium width hears. Very Ark gelidity cambric - Regular 111e Side Der 25c four far .. . Embroidered Hand- kerchiefs, 3 for 3oc OD may, ladles' Ree sheer :•w 6 n les bom.tltohed Handker- • ldlL edraw are all grovellers' wSatpl.s, worth I. the regular wa IRM Io SU. Martha the lot Days at these _ .y.,o.,,..t .-korma sur Se+ws w ewwp;.tr,.5 tt. ..t ciperlart Dave .l .- T9c