HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-27, Page 91 1 1 i) II /1 The High Calling of Motherhood dwftrtda des filmset precaution in mabtfafn- je g health at high .Aichnci. It i• doubly important and nothing in the world is M needful as Scolt's Basriikioa. good cheer and inatehipe, 13catt's Easadeion makes the blood rick gad pure. It contains the vital fiesk- building and bone -building properties and insures abundant nourish- ment. 1l strengthens the arr. es and creates energy and vitality during this period. Etlpscea.t sod .twain Mather. always fwd Scott's E suisioa Volta DRUMHT HAS IT »4i COLLEG E AT HOME of ambltlos. roans 0000ls .ifag preparing la their own otna. art. p+bask lucrative 1.Mvovh.^• civil iwvete-. In tort nvar, apben of Basr- a,.. Art,rltir- You may gni'.b at °d- ye it roe .o with. Pa.mttons ,ritareo- eer, Knowsidla*s aa$Isl. iodlve- thmatrsptMn Caput tawcbar. irty rear. ezpsrlswes. Largest Seiner in Cwneda. Moen colleges. Iwelal oonrw tot taa.Yses. *Wastes with Cwa al Edam. rte. A-.00:.t'oo et Canaan. enmser *boo' .' temoea Spoltoo Baaimses ld: Lando,. Clinton Business College ha' eeirrrov B. Y. WARD i'raidcat. Pdocio l i COUNTY—DISTRICT DadwaY's glleady' IL'Delief r ' A14• of s.T'.—D. . 1. 1rm.towe. .. 7• • "Fee lbe loot Sorer y ars I los, e 1.1 . t ate disc.. sad Molnar and 1 1 t... ti.. bed 'het toe eight der ■n.1 . •.t.'• �. •t rigrr A..'m•e nr, 1 ,l.,••am. 1 snorer. needy E lief. 1 rat aur s, , 1 11;.. swot Ode. a p•• 1 r•A.1dr:• ■..I . • , time 01•• Nle way •11 roe ie^ s° • tvwan mill 1 HED n.J.ray •slug r CURES LUMBAGO let" .-'. Reds Relief .oewld w w-(1 robbed writer.. ants a Fi.•. I. pn.lo-.4. �.nrnlag eel...I ran. 1.w en-.•. n+lgln , 1..I•., /111.. Some do, when a does ea anter: •.rid bo Sat.n. RIDWAT Is CU.. sroatreal. Cs*. —Mr. T. J. Ryan, formerly of Mit- chell, bas started a drug store in Strat- ford. --Mr. George Sanders and family have moved from Monkton to Mit- chell —Capt Finlay McPherson, a resi- dent of Port Elgin, died suddenly on the 14th inst. —Judge and Mrs. Chisholm celebrat- ed their golden wedding on the 18th inst., at Berlin. — The women's institute et Bluevaie are engaged in beautifying the ceme- tery In that village. - Two bishops and four priests were prerot at the-onarm•tion service in St. Patifck's ehurcb. Dublin. —Mr Wm. Baptist, a leading citizen in Colmar township. died on the 12th inst.. death being due to typhoid fever. —Mrs. John Norden. dau,tbter of Mr. HenryJewell, of Logan. died In Arcola, Saskatchewan, on the $th Met. —Two hotels in Mitchell, the Hicks bouae and the Royal hotel. are charg- ed with selling liquor duriug prohibit- ed hours. —Mr. and Mr.. Wm. tietherv, who I've on the gravel road. near Belgrave, have the sympathy of the community in the death ..t their infant daughter. aged abont three .months. —Mr. Hat ry Johnston. brakeman on the train ruonins from Palmerston to Kincardine. has been very ill with ty- phoid fever for sons, time past. — At the Mitchell court of revision the Conservatives bed 14 names added and 23 ,track off, acd the Liberals bad seven names added and 21 struck off. — Mr. Albert Price and Miss Laura Hord were married in the Belgrave Methodist rbnroh on the 11th inst. Rev. 1. W. J. Kilpatrick performed the ceremony. —Mr. John Zu.fle, of Hensall, is misting a couple of bbipmeote of ..n - sing this fall. The root is worth 06.50 per pound. Mr. L•hold, who is grow - et. has shipped about $400 worth this fall. —Mise Mattel McDonald, wbo has been te.chini in Zetland school for the past 2*y.ars. has resigned and bas accepted the principalship of the pub- lic school at B•rtonville. near Hamil- ton. —Mr. George Merton died In Wir.oi- peg on the 19th inet. Pneumonia was the cause of death. He was torn in Mit:hell and was in his 24th year. In- terment took place in Mitchell on Wedoeedey of Mat week. —Mr. Henry Biarm•nn. 8th con.. McKillop. who lost his barns by fire reoeotly, will be a heavy loser. as 16 head of rattle, seven horses, 22 pigs. hens .ndith.r fowl, grain, feed, inn- plensente7 ate.. were loot. The loss totals MUM with only «3000 insurance. —Mr. John Pr(tehard, of the Howick-Minto houndarv, became the owner of a goodly su, ply of honey to • rather unique fashion. Some months ago a swarm of pees took prw.asion of an unused chimney on Mr. Pritrhsrd's residence and were left undisturbed Later be decided to re- build the chimney and when the old one was torn down some sevens pounds of bnney were discovered. When taken f.om the chimney the bees soon died. T. Swans' 'Bus, Livery aid Back Stables MONTREAL fi?ailr Joey OFT T11THE SQQARE ) iirsES MEET ALL TRAINS AND : PASSENGER : BOATS Passengers called for in :toy part of the town for all wins at 0. T. R. or C. P. R. depot.. Prompt -ervioe end cruelul mitten • Our Livery and Hack service will ba found up. tn.datein ever' reaped. Y ourpearotgesolicited. T. 8WART8 Phone' 107 Montreal Street THE SIGNAL : GKIDERICA : ONTARIO w Deeeesber 14th. The seamberehip cossmlttse wiU oasis . the .aSSutive w arrange tb. programme. 11 wae thought by the °Meares/ the titswdai school that no Chr11 s. foes used d to be arranged for tb•s year. WESTFIELD. Mr. aod Mn. A. C. W. Hardisty are sps.iding the week in Toronto. Mrs. Woodcock, of Myth, isvleiting at the house of her daughter, Mrs. A. C. W. Hardisty. Quite a numr from Westfield took iu the Methodist church anniversary services at Auburn on Sunday. The Westfield choir took charge of the service of song. GUDERICH TOWNSHIP Prof. H. L. Hutt of the Ontario Agricultural (:allege, Guelph. 1• ex- pected to be present at the opening meeting of lbe Formers' ehih to he held on Nov. 27th.—H. K. REvILL, Secretary. On Friday of lot week, at the hotne of Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Cox, • fowl napper was held under the auspices of the auxiliary of the W.F.M.S. of the Union Preeb terian church. An in- vitation bad been extended to all the ladies of the congregation and their husbands. About fifty people were present. Supper was served from seven to nine o clock, after which an excellent programme was given. ST. AUGUSTINE. Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Wilson visited Auburn friends last week. TsuSODA T. Nov. 'il, Nt3 f WINOHAM Mr. W. J. Gould has purchased • house sad lot on Center street from Me. Robert Beadersuo. formerly ow- ed by Mr. C. Thoroton. Mr. Richard Vasstoee. barrister. bee sold his beautiful resid.ece ou street to Mr. Freak Bucbansan and will move to the house owned by his father -in -Lew. Mr. Thomas Bell. on the same street. Mr. Wio. Lep•rd a well-known ex- perienced machinist, has opened a re- pair shop in the Holum* block. at the north end of Josephine street. There is now a first-class machine shop •t each end of Josephine street, so the town is well supplied in this line. se The caof Samuel Garbutt, who was found drunk in Lower W Ingham, His mother is over fill. 11 is alleged which is local option territory, by that the accused had been drinking Provincial Officer Pblppeo, came up for heavily of late. hearing on Monday before Police During the past week Mn. Hupb Magistrate Morton and a fine of t3) McMartin, who is visiting at the home with costs of 05 imposed with • of her laughter. ll's. Writ Wiltos. 'warning that if he appeared again be has bee* srriou.ly *11 from a second would stet the full penalty of the stroke of paralysis. She is nearly 76 law. • years of age, and is not likely to re- Upou a cosplgint of Miss Ittinote. cover. dialer, milliner, Mn. Milly Everett was Mr. F. Jeschke, of Detroit, was war- placed under arrest by Prrgoevincial ()M- eted recently to Annie, daughter of ,6enh[ip Klippenoon • went rge of theft. Mr. a. Dark.ed of this matrimonial . leo her husband, who was present, fainted. A. J. Mann tied the matrimnniaf bow at the Presbyterian manse. The happy The case caste up before Police Magis- voung couple have gone to Detroit, trate Morton. In the court room the ;there they will make their home. husband was seized with another License Inspector Johnson was fainting fit and bad to be taken from among the passengers for Brussels on the room. After tittering the evidence the trrio y. -em the notch yesterday his wonbip concluded that it was not afternoon. immediately upon bis sufficient to convict, and the prisoner Miss M aria Porton. of Lucknow. arrival he and Constahle Oliver called was discharged visited friends in this vicinity lest at the American hotel, which is with Deputations from the high. and pub - week. out • license. and instituted • search lic schools interviewed the town coon - Mr. A. E. Johnston flnished drawisg for alcoholic liquoto. Within • very cif in regard to a r'e.oLution recently short time their eforta were rewarded passed, providing for a board ot edu- and the drayman was called to convey • load of intozioating ••-wet goods" to the town ball. Whisky. beer io bottles and kegs arid several other kinds were included. Harry James, proprietor of the hotel, lost his license scarcely three months oto, when he did not comply with conditions laid down by the license commissioners. On several oocasslons be had been fined for supplying Ii.iuor to "linters." Jameet appeared before Magistrate Leckie and wag fined 6100 and costs. PORT ALBERT Mn. Nelson Pearson is visiting her sister, Met Morrison. of Detroit. Dr. W. Y. Hayden, of Goderich, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mn. H. Hayden. The Ladles' Guild of Moist church met at the home of Mie. Harry Hawk- io. last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Thomas Dickeon, Jr., left on Monday for Stratford. where be will take a course at the Wainer, college. Miss (race McKenzie and Mr. Wal - bis last "rioter's cut of lumber to I.sek- uow last week. The members of the St. Augustine Rifle association intend having their annual supper and con- •rt on the even- ing of November 250b. The St. Augustine \t. ten's Insti- tute held • very succe- 1 meeting at the bone of Mrs. Wm a Allister last Wednesday. Mise t:-- • a Thompson was appointed del,. co attend the Women's Instil •.u- ,onveotioo in Toronto on Novuutla r 211th and 21st. OOLBORNE Miss Myrtle Beacom, of Clinton. is visiting with ben sister, Mrs. W. Big - gin. Mrs. F. McCartney and son, Clifford. speak Sunday wtth hired, on Use Maitland. Mrs. J. Wise, of West Branch, Michigan. is visiting with her dsulb- ter, Mrs. N. Baer. Mr. John Dunt wears • broad senile since the arrival of a bouncing baby bo at his home • few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens have rented • bowie in Godeticb and ore moving their furniture W that town this week. Guy Bios. minstrels attracted the usual crowd from this section this Year. everybody apparently being stat- ioned that they gni their money's/ worth. —Mr. James R. McDonald. of Huron township. was poen in Perthshire. Scotland. on the till of September, 181;2. and sailed from Greenock. Scot- land. oe the Kb of June. 1859, to Can- ada. He rime to Hume township In November. 1064. and slated nn the farm he now occupier. Mr. MnDoe•Id is 81 years old and is now the proud - joys the confidence and respect of all, and l- considered ot.e of the bat alta - O sena in the township. —A farmer is Bright township, wbo g .t 1....r,thtnetic mlzed and his dates twisted nn the calendar. bitched old dobbin to the plow and started In to break up the sod. in passing to wor- uhip on the tlabbath people were bos- Hand to dl.rnver in the "lone figure in the forever one of the chief dlkae+ is tb. ebureh.'• 1t weans" until the vast majority of his neighbors bad peeped oe this opeoeir performers°, that • good Samaritan crossed thr=itei heedoek• and showed the haler where bows* gelds. le gsag ssith the people. On bele" tippeta,d of kis ke hesppeer dd°wssan st� ng hinearly hese draught timber -glee his overall, for bis PAM Albert. 111114/MILLER cation, asking that it be rescinded. The councillors decided to wait for more information before proceeding in the matter. The streets, sewers and sidewalk committees' report was adop- ted, one clause prohibiting traction engines sud driving e•ttk oo Front street. A petition for an electric Tight at the corner of Patrick and Sbuter streets was referred to the electric light committee. Mr. W. B. Elliott, game warden, demonstrated to the government that it made no mistake in appointing him game warden of this section. While passing along a piens of country last Thursday where partridges are known to be, he saw • man slipping through the bomb, and, getting near enough to see, discovered two part- ridges on his person, and while the mune warden was watching the man neio fired sod bagged another of the rdn. Mr. Elliott brought the law- breaker. Milton Hulfmen, at once before Police MagW,rate Morton, who fined him 115 and mows of V. and he is de - lace Cunningham were home from the termioed to make an example of a few Goderich Collegiate Institute for the, more who are breaking the law in this week -end. 1 direction. Mrs. Alcoa Quaid and Miss Bertha, CLINTON Brown have bees in Dungannon the putt two weeks attending their aunt. Mr. Edward Sboenhals was uoforte- Mrs. Jas. Purwin, who hag been ill. nate enough to lose four fingers off his Mr. Wallace Cunningham found two right band while workingin !be Clis- bodies about a mile north of the har- too flour mill He is a young roan. 211 bor on Saturday wording. They were years of age, and worked with hie lying quite near each other and both father. wbo is proprietnr of the mill, bad life belts on off the steamer Car- and his hand was accidentally caught ruttier. They were removed to Gode- in the rollers of one of the ruacbinee. rich in the evening along with the three He was taken to the Gunn bospi- MT. HELENS Look out for the rifle club ooueert. A consignment of new books for the library is expected in a few days. Nurse Andenoo, of Fergus hospital, b spending a couple of weeks at home. Mrs. Clark attended the Institute held at Stratford in connection with the library. Toe pupils of Calvin church Suod•y schoola practising for an entertain- ment and Christmas tree. Rev. Wm. Mackintosh. B.D., will ad - drew Use Harris merlon band in Gal- vin church on Sunday evening, Nov- ember 301.13, on the Scotch Ooveoan- ten. There will be s special offering foe the mission band funds. The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's institute wilt be held at the home of Mrs. D McKenzie on Thurs- day afternoon. November 27th, at 290 o'clock. The subject will be "Making and Keeping Friends." Opine all pre- pared with quest.1one for the question drawer. A cotdlal invitmiioo is ex- tended to ail the ladies. father nt bouncing twin boys. a en - 1 No A ILE 61nE1INi of Stylisk Mame (s aider way st our store! Anumg the lien to arrive were the tan styles Derby Shoes for nen Sugges��� ae warmth and tem - tart far the eemisig enid weather. found at Cattail. Quite a number of men have been searching all along the shore ever since the storm. Mr. R. McMillan. ot Midland, has been in the village duce Sunday and every day has walked along the brach to Kin - tail in hopes of finding the body of bis see, Raymond, who was wheels - man on the Carruthers. tal, where he received medical atten- tion. —Tho British cruiser Shearwater has wiled from Esquimault for Mexi- can waters. —Fire at Ste. Marie, Seance county. Quebec, destroyed 911 houses and e0 barns sod "beds. WINTER • CLOTHING You can't watch a hockey match with comfort without wearing one of our sweater coats. We have all styles ranging in price from $2.50 to $af.Oo. Be sure to get your hockey clothing at this up-to-date store. McLean Bi o �. Agents The Square, Goderich SEMI -READY TAILORING for Cahartt l}reralis, Steamier, Underwear. Fitwel Hats, Arrow Brand Collars a.d Cuffs. POSITIVELY THE LARGEST SALE IN CANADA CANADIAN PACIFIC POPULAR TRAIN FOR WINNIPEG and points East thereof GATE CITY EXPRESS LEAVE TORONTO - - 2.30 p.m.1 ARRIVE WINNIPEG - - 8.00 a.m.)/Isecooll am) DAILY THROUGH UiPMENT: Cempartmsnt•tibra-Oberratloo Car, Standard $l.•rptre Care.Tour1st 4leepingCar, Dtdogt'ar. Flest Clas.(•oaa•he.a (oloalwt •:rr. VANCOUVER EXPRESS LEAVE TORONTO - - 10.20 p.m. } DAILY ARRIVE VANCOUVER - - 11.30 p.m. THROUGH EQUIPMENT cent meot Library ObotrvtUon Car. -, t `are T./orbit ewes g Car, Di tang Car, Ftrot (-Sar Cache.. Cols Partici/lore treat JOS. KIDD, C.P.H. *a..1. r writer M.O. HUMP Tomer& HOLMESVILLE Mia McCormick. of Trowbridge. is vieiUng at the parsoosge. The hydro-sl.ctrie men are string- ing wires In the neighborhood these days. Miss l''raoces Potter spent a few days with Mende in Leeburn last week. Rev. K. J. McCormick preached an- niversary services 1. Auburn cm Sun- day last. Mai Sadie McMatit, of the lat cos, ie visiting ber dater, Mrs. N. W. Tr* wartba, this ween. Sabbath was two's day io Holmes - vide Methodist church. Rev. R. A. Miller. of Auburn, preached morning sod evening .tad • large chorus of mea lead the singing. On the following Monday evening an excellent fowl supper was served from dx ..U1 eight o'clock. These was a dee programme .wale addee'ssev� Ishtar - leg lag eksrgymes the Ltibb quartette was a feature ptocecds aueouoted to ilfif.M. Mr. James Heddle, with sem. other 'poetesses. went north last Monday to do some Grapple' this winter. Snrveyols working in the intense■ of the radial road fee Huron ermety wase la and shoat ear .luau.. .pyleg a est the land, e. Teday. r prior. sole Bakes the young lase see einem std the OA ewes the.- dreamt Tho visit of the IeoaguIk& ureic' tee Raw. 0. T. lfas&. temp bright day sal the esaveiest hear al carries.mineapanihe ts e.et Mr. b spoke e rteopesasy sed iarseetly amilast the Squaw wells. willi mauls Bible close hold a bdewsseastIsg sad .sW smoke ell the home el Ile. Remy MAW es f#1 last Mae 11�R•sees a imrM, eRt1M1EUS Several came oe typhoid fever ere re- ported at Ethel el11ag.. Two So. grey .quirr.Iu have tree sseured by Moen. Asderr.s Bros., liverymen from Tavistock. Several laymen and the three par- sons attended sae missionary e.awee- tloa atOederleh lack Friday. Mr. GMs Armstresg. who M attend- ing the pharmacy ,Dingo at Tremens, le a s rano of 'Varsity football tees. which ed at 'Elegem' oat natter ds Tbe deelskrn In the debate 1n Ues Pr sbytrsiwa cher*, "Reswlved, that the 1 s re a mors clever rases time the Ysot.b," was gleam to lM saga - Use. Sulest nday ▪ e vepremised is the Mbed1t 'bards hear. Re.. D. Wren., t►o pen tot, preeskad eaeleeswry service.. at 1Meerale. Mss. XJssktel. of wistalp.g. and lies lrsieaerie. nt 11•tny River. wr sere ovfrlg to t0. dolts.. ID...se e/ Meer taller. s ie a le D. Moore. The se vt • �talsas•1•�!��w��MR , , wee Ithee thIs t 4; /set a r aS,"'_"N .tiat `i N..../rt oral newel last"wee Mem� 91152tigglicatares. `► 111111112 811 ewe et asetit uOnembeel nfignes 1 SPECIAL STOVE SALE At 10 per cent. Discount • We are crowded for room and in order to get the floor space we are offering this reduction. Come early and get the stove you want. Will last until Decembec 13th Do not think because the weather is mild now that it is going to be all winter. Now is the time to purchase -your Stove at a reduction. In time of peace prepare for war. Do you consider what ten per cent. means to you? A Happy Thought Range with reservoir and high shelf which ordinarily sells for $ o.00 you can buy for $45.00 a saving of $5.00. Save money by buying now and paying cash. Or on a Radrpant Home Heater with oven, which sells for $5o.00, you can save the same as above. We have a Iairge assortment of Oaks and other heaters to choose from. This discount applies to all the stoves we have in stock. When you want any work done do not forget we are headquarters for plumbing, heating, eavestrough- ing, electric wiring, etc. All work promptly attended to and fully guaranteed. 'r,\,Y Chas. C. Lee PHONES : Store 21 Home 112 1