HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-27, Page 8■ S S S S i s • Tworrenev, Nov 27, 191d w x: a Chau Cut Glass and all Glassware - easily, thoroughly and quickly. Leaves them bright and highly polished -absolutely clean. For every kitchen use Panshine is equally effective. It keeps woodwork and paintwork spotless. Panshine is a pure, white, and clean powder without any disagreeable smell- i i• : ■ ■ PANSHINE the magical kitchen cleanser. Sold in handy 1 %/C.sifter top can At Al Grasses re ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ w / ■ S ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 THE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING LIST 1914 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe$1.60 The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) The Signal and Toronto Daily Star The Signal and Toronto Daily World The Signal and Toronto Daily News The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire 1 6o The Signal i}11 Farmer's Advocate 2.35 The Signal and Canadian Farm. 1.85 The Signal and Farm and Dairy New. f.6o Renewal , , , . 1.85 The Signal and The Country Gentleman 3.25 The Signal and Canadian Poultry News1.35 The Signal and Grain Growers' Guide 1.5o The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press 1.6o The Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.90 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser i.60 The Signal an 1 London Daily Free Press Morning. Edition 3.50 Evening Edition 2.90 The Signal and Montreal Daily Witness 3.50 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness1 . s; The Signal and World Wide 2.25 The Signal and Presbyterian • . • 2.2 5 The Signal and Westminster5 2.25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 The Signal and Catholic Register New 1.70 4.50 1.85 1.75 2.25 3.25 2.30 Renewal 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)3.4o The Signal and McLean's Magazine 1. 25 The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)1.75 The Si nal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) 1.5o pric.•n *o' for ,t Hr. -trot in Usrn+da or threat Britain The Signal and Lippincott's Maglzine 3.25 The Signal and Woman's Horne Companion -- (New York) 2.75 The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.50 The Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal. 3.00 Incl ding postage to Canadian subscribers. Theft bove publications may be obtained by Sig- nal subiscrjbers in any combination, the price for any publication -being the figure given above less $i.00 representing �thae 'price of The Signal. For instance : The rn.r's Advocate ($..13 Iowaal The Weekly =r. col _f.33 TTbe rs sass --making the price of the three papers $2.0. ' Th. Sit sal sad Tb. Width s.. The Tereus Das Stec l I. as • The Wee11y Moos1$i. �Iu.0 =Lel.. as r.40 -the four p ipers for $ 6o. If the publication you %want is not in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any well-known Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postofffce or express order (not by bank cheque) to $3 4. ITS TIM storm. : GODERICR ONTARIO ET QUESTION CTS ARE NOW EXCLP• TIONALLY MOUNT Interviews With Farmers ;Show That They are Keenly Interested Curb Market Suggested for a Starter Market Can be Established With- out One Dollar of Cost The market question hes %,alined another aspect. Now tiro it has not with the approval of the Hoard of Trade,tbe members of the coursed, and has passed on to the committee, whit° is deJhg with 1t at the present time, everything seems fair in its path and it looks as if Ooderich would lave a mantel established here within • very *bort Slue. However. the objection has been raised tbattbe ferment would not patronise It. The Signal believed that they would, in spite of all that suight be said sgelwat it and to substaa- Nate las views got a number of farmers to express their ()pinker on the matter. Lest it Rhombi he misunderstood, The Signal, al( hough it is very enthusiastic in the est tbli.hment of a market, it willing to publish just as many opinic.n+against the market propoao- tion ss for it, 1f they can be found. Mo far It has been unable to fled them. Hers is the county own of Huron without • market place. Front the time of the Roman empire until the present time, the public forum lir market place has always been the rendezvous of nsercthants and the centre around which the commerce revolves. The manufactures, favor the plan. A good suggestion made to The Signal, and one which it etaoogl euraa dns, n the establishing of a curb market. It ons made by Mr. C. L. Moore, manager of the American Road Machine Company. "Give the farmers a street. or part Of a street and Sire it to them free, until it is seen how the experiment works," he said. He further went on to nay that a market could be established without a dollar of coat, meaning that a market day could be arranged when the fanners might offer their produce for sale in a certain part of the town, without the town erecting a building at. the present time. He did not see why the farmers could not hick up their rig. to the sidewalk, unhitch their horses, and thereby leaving a thoroughfare in the centre of the street and also each side for pedestrians. This was done In other place*. "Molt assuredly," raid Mr. Alex. thunder•, president of the (*oder' Ar Organ Company, when The Signal put the question to him. "What has been g .rad for other towns ought ro h. good for Oo derieh. 1 mnder,tsn.t • • he merchant+ in Unit fay lir .. ., y do more business on a tuerket day than on any other, and why not try it here ?' be said. A man who mixes with the rural Inc., M nof Ode Tbborna Gundry, was trt or the ithed if be thought the fanners would come to a market. He stated that he thought they would and was in (as or of the scheme himself. "Its something every owm should have," remarked Mr. T. J. Richardson, of Port Albert. He continued : "There'e a lot of stuff in the country 11 we had a regular market daytodispose far ve • place to sell farm produce than to take it around from house to house." Mr. Richard Rthlin, who liven about 3f miles fr•o.n Dungannon, said that he would patronize • market in Oode- rich and thought, as it was a good thing, his neighbors would also corse to town with their produce. "Why certainly, 1 would come," said Mr. Win. Stother., who lives about If miles from Dungannon, when asked by The Signal if be would pat- ronise s tnar'ket, provided a good one were established here. ire further stated that there watt no inducement for farmers to come now. "i have taken potatoes to (iodericb and mull not sell them and 1 knew all the time these were people in Ooderich who wanted potatoes. I think it would be • good tbieg arid i am sun other Tarsiers would attend it," he concluded. "Perusal it would not hetssfnt me but perhepe it would all small truck farmers." stated Mr. Isaac Hether- ington, who resides about eight miles Iron Dodeeich. This gentleman said that be used the telephone to sell his produce and therefore he did not sell much of bit produOe is Ooderkb but rather Instead In his own home. Afterwards he de- livered it in Iloilo ieb or wher- ever it was sold. It was his opinion that the people of tlaltford who west In more extensively for truck farming wools he benefitted by • market being esttMiabed hose A. E. BRADW I N PUSLi$Nta TNa SIGNAL Godericb Ontario Any Woman Can Have Beautiful Hair Dandruff Disappears, Falling Hair Ceases, When You Use Parisian Sage No preparation has done en much to stop falling hair : eradicate dan4ruf and make women's bale hsauUfnl as Parisian Severe. it ie the only cert*in destroys of the dandruff mkrohe, the rarefy of most hair trouble.. Parisian Sage le moot daintily per- fumed. 1t is as Need/ peeparsfloe, not re testy or greasy. it dor, not °metals pepetsooIso9 sugar of lead or scripture or t le a esagnlfieast dressing for women who dealt* Inzertaat h stmns hair that aumpeie ala.yat f.a .rad for WS awl eifldrea eviblag am cos. pit wiledose w g with terrible ee.lp Deb ova Nr►t eelsumosN He hale to grow le new Aar • latex WOW .f P•rtsias haste l e.1 smalls eessayassts .t all Mend 1aMw . lit. 1i. N We Cittirk TN COST Of GREAT STORM At Least MI Lhrwse eve Been L•ee-Myebsey N' 'Mae Charter 8. Prise The a5!bsr of lives test lo the wild pies that swept the Brest Lakes mar Myer be **earthly kaowa, but from Um hest *tures obtalaa►le It Is esti- mated that I64 sailors were drowsed. while the meetly lova is estimated at more thaa $1.1100.006. The property loss Iacludee the score or more of vessels drives oa the recta or shore atad partially or totally destroyed. The list of lost vessels and their dead apportlo.ed as follows: Steamers Elm. 34; liydrua, 24; lassc M. Scott, 2*; Charles S. Prloe, U; John A. M000ia, 24; Wexford, *1; Regina, 34; Jams, Carruthers, 111; H. B. 8mitk, 24; Lealeld, 20; Not. tiagbam, 2; United States Lightship No. *3, t; tag Mills. 7; Blomberg, Plymouth, 4. Total. 214. Besides these a score or more of vessels were either totally or par - Bally destroyed withal* sou of lite. IdeetNled Upturned Stat Tie mystery of the vessel which was floating bottom up eight miles Qom Sarah fa lab Huron was atolls* o* Saturday when Diver Baker 0* Detroit went down from the tug sad Metalled t* as the Charles Price of Cleveland. There L so !MIK under the Price, as Capt. Thump - MS of 11. Sport dragged his amber Use maim steamer sad found obstacle. The Plot appeared to turned over Is turtle tasilos aad a moment's entitles to the ;sawo. Diver Baker fogad so bodies. pis says he believes there may be Bars, but he could mot get Inside of steamer to learn. L all live Amalgam and three Cate adlaa beats were lost on Lake Huron. �h.y are the J. A. McO.sa, -C. S. I. M. Scott. Hydros,' AVOW' Wexford and Carruthers. The bodies found along the Can - shore are as followers: Jr'e, Carruthers, 11; ldestltsd, 10. the Wexford. 71 ldsstUSad, 1. the MoGesn, 1: ldas*3 .4. 2 - the the Argus, 10; identified, 4, with nue unknown. Colleetlry Ws* Iodise The Lake Carriers' Association has identification oases at Thed- Goderich, and Kiocardiae, with Onderlch as a caatlal bureau of In- timation and ldentlsaatloa, under :fas,olarge of two capable man, Cap - !ski i Whitney, and Mr. 'garrison. T14 iamoclation arranged that all the ' bottles found along the shores of Latbtoo county go to Sarnia, those la Nitron to Ooderlch, and In Bruce I Bounty to Kincardine. At an Inquest held at Boderich on three victims of the *Wean, the chief witness, 0. L. Parsons, supsria- twdest of the Dederick Elevator and Transit company, said that he regard- ed the Ooderich harbor as laadequate aa • harbor of refuge, and *emphasised the opinion that the fog horn in the munkipai power hc.:a was 1n the wrong location to carry sound, was Inadequately equipped. and too weak for its work en such r, wild night ad that on which the .tor -..t raged. Mr. Parsons said lights could not pene- trate the darkness to any distance, but su■ctent sound would serve as a guide to craft on the lake. Story of the Gale Memorial services were held at many lab pone on Sunday. At one of these, in Toronto. Mr. James 8. Potter, Superintendent ,of the Upper Canada Tract Society's' • mission to sailors. who was a passenger on the Huronlc which ran alrotmd off White- fish Point, told in graphic language of the terrible force of the hurricane, "1 never saw anything like K on any ocean I ever sailed," said Mr. Potter. What time we rounded White Irish Light God only knows. Stow and sleet blinded us. The decks and en- gine room were solid ice. The ship was an iceberg. The wind Mew 10 miles au hour and the snow sulking the pitching -....l trot:. a. It struck. The ship tossed and lurched and creaked and trembled. It was a ter - Able sea, a wicked sea, such as I never saw before. Inside the skip men were thrown abut ilk* toys end furnittre was broken\ to bits. It was tre04/adoe., terribi-. Ton isnot put it tato words. Nothing could be seen, but byand-bye there was a throb sal then for hours 1n the wild darkne.s we were pomaded and battered 1y the wind and terrible sea, Setas thought we had tried to cast amebae, but it was mot tkat. A Divine Provi- dence had. !rhea atm on a mud +seta gravel bed •ttEld--ww•warw agnsfeng for boors ere assistance came from de Soo But so .leak was sprung. Tie good ship did set male a Nat d water Miffs Were Wends New Train to Whinsaeg Tie popularity of Cauadian Pacific Nervier. sad the excellence of that road's eq t, las hien so greatly t a dd Is has bb en foun'nnelling eeess.salir to pet tato servile au 'slimly new tlewuglt Naodarl exSpprwoes train be - twee. Tut LM,toand Winnipeg. tboar+elas nn Sunday, October Sib, tie "Date City Kxprem" leaves Toronto u 13II p.o., (lar will run daily ehe.esfter, rallying In Mosalpcc et eight a.m. mooed morning. T . train will ornnlat of the highest -Claes modeem equipment : Compartment library oboe. ation car, standard sleeping cars, tourist sleeping ear, dining` car, Orel -class coach and oobofst car. This will be found the meet convenient and hest train between Toronto and Winnipeg on account of the dayliebt by departure from Toronto at an hour when the Union station la not badly oo and also on aoeeust of the only hour of arrival at Wtuwipeg. The present 'Vancouver Repress" will continue to leave Torooto at 10.110 p.m. daily and will omelet of the mama equipment asthe"OsteCityRepress." This train is the beet to take for mints weft of Winnipeg, but for Winnipeg out east the "O*je City Repress" it the -right train to have! by. guff Fell particulars from any Canadian Pacific *semi. or write M. O. Murphy, district passenger agent, 'Forestry. Quit Dosing Your Children with strong Cathartics- Ch•mberlain's Tablets ere moi{ effective in regula- ting eseenach troubles and con- . aipatioo for the little folk -oke tablet going to bed means • sunny face ba the moraine. Pleasant to they never fail. . as�Dr�tggists and ti dealer or y snail. "Regal" Salt la the finest grain of the famous Windsor Salt - especially prepared for table use by the most modern Salt Plant on the Continent. "Regal" Salt never "cakes "-never cogs up the shaker -never gets damp and sticky. Ask year Chamberlain Ce. 1 CHAMBERLAINS TABLETS . Artistic designs tetra up-to-date manufacturers, Fine appearance. Improved lasts ensure comfort. Extra well built shoes Service unequalled. Hound to setlsfy. Kee, y feature pleasing. J. 1-1. McClinton 'ill 1111.1, as .eery beg. Wow Podhad a aGs a i MAKE certain of complete success in your concrete work by always using CANADA Portland CEMENT We are ming Canaan flower with the bighed gs.ky d Patties* Como it is pawl& for human skill to take. We have reduced the pie! of Canal. Noland Cememt tall it . within your mach der practically every purpose. e. It is the curb boiling m.tsi.l that is not etaeeaamg is colt. Be sure to ask for Canada Cement, in bags. Canada Cement Company Limited, Montreal 1) n. laws mg make/ • freers& el "rims sicdean► ass Ir with C.wrsr, " seri* err lyMmaaims Dasarteamt a.1 re sees. 1,', a else prefrai[sr( rearms rpnirdria. • C• Direct F-roi Factory to You "A word about the mese. i.1a heroic nes. on the bridge. t* t1e roont. at the wheel. oa the die 0415 with ead.raaes to be prised u iamb as skill. Captain GMlell, tree to him chuffs. was eS duty throughout, unable to plea Mt the rasp In the b115415g harrieaM, but battling ea sad ear almost agates( haus. Thee ware nee; across saw Aa4 the Elea of the HurOStheroes every cue of that, are sat obgl.d east as above par. They are but tepee of Use men who have goes mgt thing mamas us sever to ruse batt 4 blah nee earl the lathed waten ever trod tie degtis of the saleity tela.." A relief fund for the widows sal Mindoro of the drowsehas Wee erased by the Deiatalos Marie Aasoclattos sad already awrly 111.440 pia bf bass eebeer$1M. Mays Sleeken Toros** le settee as .411 the cities and near* aof s• lows. In °starto have praised Maribor tion Throe Yews Per gig Theft • James • Naimoli._ forms hese- •..per at liranur Ogelm wbo diarists UTAH of tit poet rear sestamel et,t,•a'ti! leII* 811411111011011: Save $5to $40 on any bed you buy meetslbadas Web awl* dues kolOstssem me Or weft el Melleaster. %lbw and wimikr. Wedsee see es teeserr Sumtter yew . 4a rah ir eimbe et ser alleleh et he wlsss doorred wars wawa erw1, hsss Is sweat .. We Allow30 Da..ti.It bed. ,, see .. u 360plata. Trial y s +"mala •sanies, mere the Your arh� sd ... 4*fElss sed we mem W. else Nktlr Isar few hr NEN bur Piles Tw wsM der sed lv.t ■osirlbl ' laser hes seed Is ke•drees .5,wl•a .1 tress ajar. its+ Mdl..r.. wets.. -4.- ,,.rest. Own _ emes�we 1'Y..eat the Made tee e104 Is W - eke see. ``{{1 iStElfs Tuve t mum erten .e ed sem and Ire *Ow cod settle passes 7'kssl we w MIN teethe. ems ,....hake sets ass kers tsetse as e/ sea ere Per • ell rearm N you sad ser • feet i• mestew re .ws•rra sht� w •11es•Itss M web a rlsht w teases 8. rP• led/ memo. Approval $ 1,000 Guarantee Bond Protects You in Every Purchase 11, rewal,,sSMs` Poor 1es dole 5Is� .w�s ed tr • eaws.es MOM !w sM salsas so ew ►hey*I /ism-- et /w_wre/' w e a�ifm te it sr■eldasawem w1a T ar sesta wls< um tSOMI elle. w ear possoi s. hsa wa' rma 'em• W�'r� et .Awtenmur 1."1"111 +ms • Y ��ieo OW ore*e esb,., write eery alar ear medusma sad seed tea a trial ender et damps, Paw MAI Mad it sem beat bast la wee auMt Quality Beds Limited,. Welland, _ ° ``• Welland,, ontari J