HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-27, Page 6itvaupAT. NOT. 27, all
Men's Overcoats
There is a great run this season
on chinchilla and cheviot Overcoats,
some with shawl roll, others with con-
vertible collars. Made from navys,
greys, browns and green mixtures.
Prices .$15.00 to $2.2.00.
Black Cheviot and
Milton Overcoats
.Dade ia chesterfield style,
with velvet collar. They are
very dress and whl give the
best of set�aetion. Price -
4112.00 to $111.00.
Special for Saturday
Men's Overcoats, regular $to.00 to
$iS.00, for $6.75.
Just eleven of them, if your size is in
the lot you can get a bargain. Regular
$lo.00 to $I8.00, for $6.75
Heavy Tweed Over-
in browns and greys, con-
vertible collars. Prion.
.$10.00 and 1112.00
Boys' Overcoats
Bring your boys to this store for their
Overcoats. We have all the leading styles
and at prices to suit you.
12 Tumors Removed Without An Operation
Silver 1111111.0
Lake, Os Sept Dear tura rsm Curh.-I aenjoy) al
better heth than I have for sl t yearn.
end fi61I entirely haveaNri°e.emy protest hOrange Lily 1. ttart •
for women tits wand knows. Its
use In my ansa caused 1f tumors
or growths of Boom .ort to he ez-
pelled. 8os• were as large aa a b...
omit and others smaller, down to
the ata. of • walnut. You may use
my car. In your advertisement, for
It t• th• solid truth. and pea
cannot describe all th. good It has
done for me. Mrs. Iauis. E Bolt.-
Thts letter gives an Indication of
the positive heneflts that always
follow ths use of Orange Llly. It is
an applied treatment and cones
In direct contact with the suffering
organs. It produces results from
Including painful periods. falling of
.art 1n all caries of women's disorders.
, irregularities, leucorrhoea. ete.
I will lead a sample box containing to days' treatment absolutely fro- to an,
Raring woman who has not yet tried It If she will send me her address. Lacloer .1
.rases had address MRS. FRANCES E. CURRAN, Windsor. Ont. e
For Sale by Leading Druggists Everywhere
1 The Largest Yet
That is what our Holiday trade will be
if you make your selection from
Stock of
We lime at present a full line of Leather
and Rexine Rockers and Students' Chairs -
the largest in years. Also a new line of Ratan
Rockers and Chairs, Couches, odd Parlor
Furniture, etc. . . Any of these articles
would he a very acceptable.aift for anyone to re-
ceive. . . Or perhaps you anticipate a nice
China Cabinet, Dining Table, or a set of
Leather Dinner*. ' . : - }r. -.perhaps you. have.
been building on a nice Parlor Suite for your
wife : if so, we have them in Silks and Veronas-
three and five -piece Suites. . . Odd Drawers
and Stands -in -l-cut Oak,, Mahogany. and.
-- Empirepfairish--f oflr the cheapest CO the best al-
ways in stock. . . Our line of Felt Mat-
tresses are in great demand by the tired ones
who desire rest and comfort. . . In fact, we
keels, in Mock every line necessary to furnish the
home from cellar to garret.
Call and inspect our stock. No trouble 10
show , iods at the OLD RELIABLE
Biophey Bros.
1=31 • - =41a sod Dor nib pully altlrtd.r to
lbw; Pio 1.0 aesrdemre Phoma 11117
Saddest Death of a Premiered amltim.ge
Mae la Hamilton
From tb. Hadlws Mpectatoe of
Friday last we take the toliowine ac-
count of the death of Mr. W. H. Mo-
Largo, • pretliise.t business uses of
Hamilton and M roe tithe a neighed
of Uoderiei s-
AoWhK et H..Itoo's well-known
and MO* tetil-Md teething 11100
WAG ,01110041131, le the death
of W. McLerss. who mood sway
at the city huepieal. following en oper-
pen•tins for the relief of an slimed from
which be had suffered for .orae time
poet. Mr. McLaren had not bees in
tbe best of bealth for some time past,
but le spite of tdte kept at his work.
Early In Ilse week be went to New
York, and in *tool the tact that be
was not as well as aortal attended to the
buaoew no which be had gone, uo-
miedful of the conditions In which
he found hi. health. He returned to
his home sere, and m ooaealteUon of
physicians decided that an operation
was his o.lyy ebanoe of misfit and tilts
was accordingly performed yesterday.
but his heart tailed to withstand the
.hock. and bis death resulted.
Deceased was in bio 50th year, and
was tbs eldest of the family. He was
born in Liverpool. England. of Scot-
tish parents. and wires a lad of about
tea years of age came to ()made and
the family settled in Oodericb. Whoa
a mere boy he west to work in a
grocery store in Oodericb, and atter
remaining there for a time, went to
Detroit, where he found employment
in the grocery business. and Ktl� later
come to Hamilton, where he was elle.
;dispel for • time by Harvey. Msttrt
Oo which later become Hemet A
McPherson. The lest p.dtios w.s
given up to go into besieges os his
c.wn account, and be settled on King
William street, where be was located
in the retail busine.s for a number of
years.. About twelve years ago, he
sold out his retail business and then
took an active part in the manage-
ment of the Hamilton Coffee it Spic.
Co., which had been established by Di.
brother, Lieut. -Col. Jobn I. MoLaree,
and in which he had an interest. The
brothers remained together kw about
fiveesr. when John 1. McLaren re-
tired, anti since then W. H. McLaren
has been at the bead of lbs firm. Mr.
McLaren wits • herd worker, and de-
voted his time and attention to his
business, and often did this to his per-
sonal detriment, but he was one of
those then who never stopped to consid-
er self, but gave an undivided atten-
tion to what be considered hi. duty.
While of a retiring disposition, Mr.
McLaren had many friend., and these
held him in the highest esteem. From
the time that he came to Hamilton be
was a meniber of Boost church, and
fou several years served as a member
of the boat d of managers. He was
for about fifteen years superintendent
of the Sunday school, and took a deep
interest in the welfare of the young
people who came under his attention.
For sorue years he served as a mem-
ber of the board of education mod se
chairman of the board for • tarn.
He was also prominently identified
with the Masonic order. being an 18th
degree member, and was A member of
the A.'O.U. W., a past president of 8t.
Andrew's society, and • member of
the Hamilton Liberal association and
the Commercial club. His demise will
be sincerely regretted in all circles in
which be moved.
Besides his wife and one daug ,
Miss Marjorie, be is survived by three
brothers, Peter, of Detroit. Alexander,
of Toronto, and John I., of this city.
Mrs. House, a sister of the deceased,
who was superintendent of the train-
ing school of the city hospital. died
renter suddenly about three years
In the death of Mr. McLaren, many
in the city will miss his beneficence,
for he wan a moat liberal giver to all
charitable purposes, and this work be
did in a manner which but few koew
anything of.
Cost of !treating 'Tammany
The total cost of the Fusion cam-
paign that resulted in the election cot
John Purroy Mitchel as mayor of New
York city was $120,510. ,aecording to
the report of the treasurer of tin
Citizens' Municipal committee.
Agnong the lame contributors were
Andrew Carnegie. $75010; Jecob
Schiff, IMMO, and Cleveland H. Dodges,
'Deane W. Perkins and John D. Rocke-
feller. winos melt. Many women con -
Cormaidewed to have the tom los-
orimume rod beantifel heir la New York.
Mks Reeler mos i "I tied • certain
worms. had • very bard time ary-
ls, to dress my heir aim before I weed
Seemiee. smatter WINS My*
hath was Wag wore may hole was
atways too dry end liMese Ise Mean
snore er eed my hair IA
/11 It wee thin afti_ Nom& My
mod see to elee Ileankte se a
of peewee bad ronommended
f used It MO, sad mine may sorry
that I Scot Maimed of It Wig be-
fore. bee made say hair jose
m aim gift and Ma me yea me
ninelh es lie I botesty. Semis. is
am sold 10 sod mete mit 1111a,
[Mere °Marls aed Terme, le be
Aleeseed by Premised Changes
It Is reported la apparently authori-
tative meters that the Dosnakie
Gemeamobt will beteg la its roans+
betties WI at the forthcoming mono&
of parliament 71. salt et represee-
tette& Oar cities will be about 64.11611
sad es Termed with • 901Iiiiiteleis
WM& will have eight seats South
Tort will be merged la Tomato, end do. 000MM 4.00
Uth meeker portioa of the Nemec ma- Batcher bulbs. choice6.110
stkamey will form me of the Threat° do. medium 6. ( 0
do. common
Toronto Cale Merkel
Bettoltere, Antes 47.30 to 47.76
do. medium 4.00 4.41
do. e0110111011 6. ee 6 .$4
do. medium 4 75 6.10
6.60 6.76
seats. Pm seats wttleit Ontario will
be la 'Morn Ontario. where the pro
meal le to cut olif Russell. Stomped.
este of the Lanark' sad the potion
dam of Brockville. There will be
several sew constitheactes In aid.
theca Outwit).
as=Derailed. Carrying Fireman
nee te Dena In Deep Water
Leaving the rues width traveling at
drawling cm section of the
a mes id 46 nines aa Mar. aai:p:
Paella Imperial lAndted. weealimad.
relied down an embeakmeat aad
Isholied into Lake Superior at a Mat
wIlers the water is 106 feet deep. The
moldent occurred about two hundred
Mem east of Fort Wfillame early last
Miley aerates.
, The sembebes remained cm the rails
8011111111eapore wets hart. Fit -e -
'Roam Miestiethelfty UM, Public
Pewee Mewed a Geed Surplus
The report of Ube Cklief linglaser,
P. .A. Gaby of the Oetarkt Hydro -
then prosperous coatitioa la every
Sart of the Proviamt. Dunaj the past
alas meths each meakdpallty tn the
ayelege has met the hill obligation tor
operatics end maiateasace diaries,
sad has a substeaUal balance avail-
able for depreclatioe aad rest meant.
Moreover. every municipal system
km a surplus. ranging from twenty
to Shy per cent. As a result ot this
esalasatly satisfactory coaditina of
affairs the Commission recommends
le the unicipalittes a further reduction
in rates to consumers all down the
Algonquin Park to be Used as Source
of Supply
in order to build up In Ontario an
insPortant fur -farming industry, the
Provincial Government has decided to
tise the Algonquin National Park as
etarting fur fermi. Arrmgements are
1 supply grounds for any fanners
now being made to this end by the
Department of Forests and Mines.
Traps are being _devised that w111
oapture the animals without Injuring
them, and pane will be bald at the
lark. where the aaimals will be kept
after captured until disposed of. Trap -
Max will start in earnest this year.
Fisherman Acquitted
No evidence was submitted at the
trial of Emerson Darregh at Owen
Sound to show that he was coanected
la any way with the death of Charles
Jones, who was drowned last month
Rom • fishing boat near Wiarton, and
Darragh, who was charged with man-
slaughter. was acquitted. Jones was
the oily sober man oe the four aboard,
phut he tripped while walking aft and
fell overboart
Railwaymen to Arbitrate
What tbreatened.to become an open
rupture between the C.P.Ft. and Its
maintenance of war men has sim-
mered down. the parties having agreed
to the appointment of an arbitraUon
Approximately 23.000 men ars affect-
ed. the esen distending an increase
averaging 16 per cent. which In some
cases runs as high as 15 per cent.
Rooth Lmks to Ontario
00elt of the Ontario Hydro -
Metric Power Conssissim will be
made the subject or special study by
a repreemtatIve of the Cm of Rus-
sia sow in Canada. Tbe Russian
Government is loather to Canada for
pointers on the developmeet of water-
power. both for trrigotioa permese
and tor the prodecUen of electrical
Demme by tit. recent owns Iola
swept over Ontario, was not shallasi
le the Owen Lem. The lameas•
forest trans of florlikitirOstatte Use
akar imaNeret It II Olt Oar 'dryer
mt. a the Marna. Weber la the
slaw away. , Remy reports some
teem Miekoka mad Parry Soma dls-
• big meh Mem rioted ail
Ingymendth. Beat\ Ahem mond
tbe mimeo et several lellow-emetto
ma ~were imprisoned fee emmang
dietarbaness la the ram war w100
Puelleer trouble to aatielpeted.
• Deportslast se Aiello. is mise
aldeethe sight opellastioas treat oar
Was parts et Caged. for the asemem
inane of Math eseteaces so mantelav
Samuel R. Mess* a roans Drams
Midas vaaa. was arrested In Meshes
ter ter savannas Maori theorems oe
ne wady sberd wild* appeared
above the waves elf Cam Mthe for s
few days bee dieeppeeeed Math.
The Labe, DepartMent ime stepped
1. W. Itabortasa. Okamoto ot
1111111 report
Stockers, cho1ce
do. Debt
Camera 3.45
do. coin and med.-M.00
Ellrlegers .46 .60
Oalma, 'reel 4.00
de. heavy 4.10
do. becks 3.60
do. calla 3 Ai
Inimbis, Mote*
det becks. 71c lower per bead
Mew weilited all cars1.86 .00
do. fed and watered9.00 .04
Tomes Orale Priem
The /Wowing wholesale prices ani
meted at the Toronto Board ot Trade:
Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Nor.. Ile.
track. bay ports; No. 2 Nor 90%ct.
trash. bar Ports -
Ontario Wheat -No. 2 whiter, 11,2c to
Ma, outside.
Ontario Oato--33o to Ma, outside;
PIM to 88%e, track. Toronto.
Resekwheat-No. 3, 6/c to 70c. out -
Bexley -Tor good manias barter%
58o te Mc, outside; feed. Mo to 47e,
Roiled Osts--Per bog of 40 Pounds -
barrel. $4.70; wholesale, Windsor, to
1011feed--Manitoba bran. Pl to
$21-50, bags. track. Toronto; shorts.
$28.80 to $33.50; Ontario bran. 811 to
2111.60. in bags; Mona. ii3 to 123.60;
Middlings. PS to $35.60.
franoirie Market
Pollowing ars the latest quotations
for term produce at St. Lawrence
Market, Toronto: -
Pall wheat. bushel $ 14 to 1 • VI
Oats .38 .40
Barley .63 .64
Buckwheat .61 .62
Timothy, No. 1. bushel2.76 3.35
Timothy. No. 3. bushel3.00 2.60
Straw, bundled 12. 00
Straw, loose 9.00
Apples. per barrel 2.60 4.60
Butter, fanners' dairy.30 .25
Geese .13 .16
Ducks, spring .16 .17
Spring chickens . .15 .18
Spring chickens, alive. .13 .14
East Buffalo Cattle
Cattle-Prhne steers.111.60 to 48.76i
shipping. 87.75 to 18.40; butchers, 17
stock heifers. $4.75 to 15.35; stockers
and feeders. 16.60 to 47; fresh cows
and springers, 43 to 13 lower, 440 to
Veale--NatIve calves. id to 111-44:
Camels calves. 13.60 to 15.110.
Hoes-Hearr. 48: mixed, 17.90 to
'beep and lambe-Lembo,. $11.64
$T10; maltase. $4.50 to et; wethers.
Meow Livesthek
Cattle -Beeves. 111.70 to SIN: Texas
mem MAO to 47.75; stockers and
leedent, $4.16 to FLU; niers sad
heifers, $1.35 to $3.30; calves, edge to
47-86 to 47.50; Pm 811.011 le
MSC bath et mica. MSS to Mgt
lam I lo $4.111 Weber • nuittode
Pallowiss ars the Must isotatheas
so am Moak at Lir West Illad Market.
Primo bosoms. 7% to 8; meatus.
6% TIC esmsase. I% Ile 11: MOM
MEM 1% to HI: boa miaow*. about
abaft. S.
lambs. TM so S.
Mishap so 'Irlyor"
The (Masi ?rusk 'fasters Ryer"
Dem Detroit to Taoists was 4aralls4
se weed rel.
.aid MAN. rabsbmod
bat Webs seselhos left la•
se. es lbe sus ressease upright.
Masslostlass tar the Doak Lamark
mad Masessahl broolestasas IMO be
Dos. OM sag oloatleas Des. Mi.
Wesel sod robots wear 41141aoral
Mod ea Shmear sal DleettsM MOSS
OIMPla. Mask
Big reduction of Shawl Overcoats for men and
boys, just opened up and are marked at prices for
smart selling. Come today. Have a look.
Mea's shawl collar Ovomats in tweeds and chinchilla clothe
67.50 up 10 ell
Boys' shawl collar Overcoat/ hi tweeds and chinchilla cloths
$8.7115 to 67.00
Moses 'black inelton Oven -nate, velvet collar. special at
Now fall models in nieses, young eten's and boys' Stilts , LA,644
fancy worsteds, blue and Meek worsteds and etteviots.
Ten amitn's English Rale Coate ors site, regular *10 (A for 117.5p
New Hata aod Caps. new Parniehlogs, 24ew Boots sod Robbers.
The Signal Canada to Jan. 1st, 1915, for only
will be sent to any address in
Khoo. Send in your subscription now.
I WIN Prove It to You Free'
Too elke owe re0Xliamaiiierbinsmiestif tll::04....-111:ps ...lb= .11611.
d ee
Ism led 11.6.11=: emsleg gellft lei Trilliicilf=
!satin. beam= mous memo oar saboiloass an MSS Pess
Jirwalma gaelliplpinlibiliainfal sea ear es MOM MA deem peer MIA lee aid amoss
r all
S. C. tourzas.L. Illnerelei. •440 West Mein SC, Pert Meese. Ind.. II. g. A.
e. Ilesen 111
Post OdSon
Province -Serest and lee_
Dear Amy t -
I went to thelolub yesterday. All of
the women were discussing what they wanted
their husbands to give them for Christmas
presents, and do you know that everyone of
them said "new furniture 1 new furni-
ture "
I think they were sensible, don't you ?
I wouldn't live in anything but a nioelY
furnished home. This makes Chr 1 stma s
time merry.
P.S.-All the olub women yesterday 'laid
they were going to buy their nee Christ-
mas furniture eras
George Hobineier