HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-27, Page 44 Tettomet v, No v. V, 1913.
le Rheumatism oldie hoe
Uric Aad Lett in the blood
by disordered kidneys
lodges along the nerve
which brancbea from the
eye over the forehead. sad
across the cheek le the
side of the arra The
cause is the imam as is as
Rheematem- dlriered
Kidneys The cum is like-
wise tb. saae-
Hsvieg{urclaaatxl the huai-
nese formerly conducted by
F. Barlow Holmes. we put -
pose dealing in
Coal, Wood
Lime, Cement
Fire Brick, Etc.
We will handle Scranton
and Lehigh Valley ('owl. two
lines which ere recognized as
the heat. We ei'+h to gib'_
the people of Oodench and
vicinity the best service pos-
sible, and shall be glad to
hear from all of Mr. Holmes
customers and any others
who wish anything in our
All order left with Jas.
Yates. W est attest, proatptly.
attended to.
'Phone No. 78
Yards -at G. T. It.. Nelson Street
Ismer of Marriage Licenses
Godericb. Ontario
by Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Lingoes',
Licorice and Chlorodyne
Mr. J. Seward, Itromp:ont •Ile, Que.,
writes :
-.Two weeks mewl telt • serexe cold
which settled on my lungs and my chest
was very sore. breathing tight and severe
hacking cough. 1 was feeling miserable.
I bought a bottle of Ma-Uru-Co Syrup of
Linseed. licorice and Chlorodvne and
after a few doses i felt great relief and I
went Into a sound sleep, a thing I was
not able to do for some nights. Next
day 1 was able to be around again. and
before completing the bottle. felt as well
as ever. It is a fine cough ,and cold
Na -D: u -Co St nip of Lingered. Licorice
and Chlorotvne relieves the irritation
and "stuffed -up" feeling in the air pass-
ages, soothes the tickling which makes
you cough, loosens the phlegm and
drives out the cold before it gets trouhle-
-se and 60c bottles, at vote
Dt t's. National Drug and Chemical
Cd.. ..hada, Limited. 117
HURON FALL 4881ZRS not enjoyed the moat robust health.
that be be allowed out out on suspend -
One Critaiaal and Teo Civil Canes Dealt
Witk by t Age tad Jery
The fall eerie . opened bete Tuesday
afternoon inn concluded yesterday
afternoon, 11r. Janice Beittee. al the
8144144rru,r row t of ()alai io. presiding.
Theis was ons criminal ram, that 01
Robert Bordon charged w nth murder
which was reduced to u.i•nslaughtet.
and 10 civil came: four erre jury cases
and biz were non -jury.
The list of cases with j.lry- were ss
follows:- -
tirnj. Witmer vs. H. McKie. Libel
for 110101 damages; judggr+uent for
MOO. L. E. °finery for plaintiff: R.
N. Ball Woodstock, for defendant
Elsie Whaler vs. H. McKie.-Lihrl
.d sentence or given • short term in
jail. Gordon bad borne is good character
previously and it would be an easy hat-
ter u, secure a petition to certify this'.
The judge weighed easefully what Mr.
Nroodfnnt said and then remarked
that sentences provided for man-
slaughls weir se varied shat it was
possible to send a man dawn t. i life or
nue day. 'The object of the wdwlnis-
uatiou ..t justice," he held. "Is to set
others an example and the sentence of
therout[ IsIsprsking to he prisoner)
that you be confined in the provincial
penitent illy for a period of six years."
The prisoner .vas deeply affected all
through the tried and used his hand-
kerchief to suppre.s the ready Isere.
He walked to the dock upright Trod
lot:atllMt damages: judgment for Vie. after [•.king his .rat tried to hide bite
L. E. fiancee for plaintiff : R. N. Bell ,self from public gaze by crouching
for defendant. down in the prlanner's leis.
Mi. It. 5. Hays, ot "Waforth, pre-
pared the defence and Crown Attorney
Seager Iacpared the case for the
J. F. Andrew. va. The ('amid* l'•im-
pony. -Iliege I disiress: pgettwned until
ilex: ..itting. Proudfoot, Hays &
Killoran for plaintiff : McPherson A
Davidson for defendant.
Ella Kursobenski vs MichaelSwantz.
-*Slander case: settled out of court.
L. E. Dancer• for pplaintiff: Prrudfoet.
Hay & Killoran for defendant.
The list of cases without jury fol-
lows :-
Rose Larnbertu♦ vs. Christopher
Lam hertus.-Cullectiou ot policy with
e.M.B.A.: judgment reeert'ad. M.
G. Cameron. K.C., fon plaintiff;
Charles Uarruw for defendant.
Huard & Co., Quebec, vs. look &
Co., Hensel!. -Action to recover pay-
ment for a carload of Hoot, which de-
feedanta claimed was not as. repre-
sente•d: postponed until next silting.
l'harles Barrow for plaintiff ; Glad tuan
& Mtenhury for defendants.
Beadle v.. Medd et al. --Action to
set aside conveyance of property ;
trial postponed until December tth.
wben Judge Doyle or Judge Holt will
decide. Charles Garrote for plaintiff
M. G. Cameron. K.C., for defendants.
Smith va. Walker. --Notice of trial
not given. No action taken. Dudley
Holmes for plaintiff : M. G. Cameron,
K.v., for defendant*.
Ogilvie Milling Co. vs. Henry et sl. --
action for account. Judgment for
defence, diamtssing action with costs.
W. M. Sinclair for plaintiffs; F. R.
Blewett for defendant..
Ridiculous and absurd post cards
with the apparent intention of bold-
ing up to ridicule Mr. and Mrs. Benj.
Witmer. now of Ooderich, and form-
erly of Platteville. end received by
them. figured very prominently in a
libel seri• wherein Mr. and Mrs.. Wit-
mer sued Mr. H. McKie. of Plettwille,
to the amount of 83.01I0 in each case.
Both actions were joined together- nod
tried et once. The jury allowed Mrs.
Witmer $2440 and her husband *1011.
it appeared that Mr. Witmer, when
he resided in Platteville. was lender of
the band there at a salary of 823 per
year. Very little cash had been paid
sim and when he removed to Gude-
rich. it was alleged that he retained
several hand instruments by way of
expediting a settlement of an account
of SIM. A division court case against
Witmer was won be the citizens of
Platteville and he shipped hack the
The post cards, on whithe charge
of libel was based. followch ed, having
Read How Useful It Proved io Thetis
Widely Different Cues
Zam•Huk's strongest point is it. ef-
fe,ctivei'e-t in all kinds of skin dis-
raeeeand injuries. Jost note how ex•
cellent these lwrnons proved it :u wide-
ly ditfr,rnt directions.
Sonar Hrel.-Mrs. C. A. Camphell, of
Pnwassan. Ont , writes : "O,te of my
heels oat very badly blistered by a
pair of new shoes. and the poisonous
dye front my stocking got into it. and
made a bad sore. Fur A week I could
nut put on a shoe. and suffered great
pain. 1 applied Zsm-Buk, and in a
few days it drew the poison out and
healed the wound."
Bad Cut. -Mrs... J. Virgint. of Onon-
daga. Ont . writes : "Zam-Buk healed
A had cut which I suetained. I was
hurrying acro.s any yard one day
whet, i .lipped and fell heavily, my
knee striking a sharp stone. At the
moment 1 did not realise how badly I
was hirer, but I found 1 bad a bad cut,
about two niche§ long. very jagged
and very deep. We bathed the cut
and 'applied Zem•Buk. This sropped
the smarting very quickly. and in a
few days it bad healed the wound
completely.. For cuts and bruise.
Zara -link it a splendid remedy.'.
Eczema Cured. -Mer. Antoine Ar-
aena•dt o1 Ma.iwuiville, P.E L. writes :
"1 ran highly • ecommeed Z*iu-Buk to
any person suffering trot eczema. I
ba,f this d.sesse and was under doc-
tors' treatment ter two years, with -
nut any good result. I then tried Zam-
Buk and in the end it cured me."
"Lam-Buk is just as good for pile.,
blood -poison. festering s••t••e.% pimples.
eruptions. cuts. burns, hruieee, and
all skin injuries and diseases. 50e.
nix all drng•riets and store., or vetfree for pries. from Zt n-Buk . Co., To-
ronto. 'fry Zam-Buk Soap. 95c. tab.
been alleged to have been mailed by,
McKie. Some of them bots such in-
as "lit is cheaper to move
1 than to pay rent" and "I love you to 1
could soak you one "
Three naturalization applicationt
were made and the court ordered the
cell Maitre gran ted.
They will he wetted to Anthony
Pappas. formerly of Gaatotnny in the
Province of Olympia, Greer.. now of
Gnderich; Charles John Dawson Ire -
pets iation i, now of Seaf.tth : Robert
Artnstront, formerly of Bntlineau
county, North Dakota. now of town-
ship of Morrie, county of Huron.
The grand jury empanelled were ;
William Harry. of Steam th.foreman;
Joon Admit., of We ozete, : All,rt t
Brigham. of Hallett: t,Vm. Bowman,
of Morris; Wni. Carter, of Hallett
Jahn Derr'ncb, of Lekelet: Henry
Francis. of ('shortie: John W. Huu-
ter, of Colborne : Martin Stephen. of
Ashfield: John A. McEwen. of Col-
borne : John McLean, of Weed %Va-
•eanosh ; Charles Perkins. of Ezetet :
John ESweitser. of Crediton_
titre rour.se In an nu -In... •mbjart.
leading t• polities. a. Bookkeeper. or
■a•str,teh.r•, salt for t9-11 1.r,Sss
commensal Speetalt.t.' exasatas-
Uesr. thee. eve$ sib. inel..te .be roe
teal liu-tn.•..1'rakers o1 Toro.t., with
Aker May breek ecb.eta. etudsnt•
ee nr IAr.�.f.....!r.ss.
�!er Cv.,.•Jr tr
•R. la Pr.daaa� lit :1mi -
14tt..•1 T .rel, I 0
°wile eoUNO. OtfTaRiO
Individual Inetruetlon. Thirty-
three years of sur ess. 1' Steins
guaranteed to misdeal es. I u f ores-
•Noa Pree.
C. 4. Fietttttto. F. C. A. J
Pr tneipal. G. D. F um,
4 SHOR HAND "glom taught evert iestaeetor:
at the
A. Milt.
Sted..d x. . eAtge
ie dram let
sects• t
hers. Ratty egg tint.
J W. M1.11rodt L R i
He came book from • tithing trio.
And ...id be caught a wbai r.
He then bought the be.,. salt In the land.
1- rout F red I'ridham. the Tailor.
Robert Gordon Pleads Guilty to Man-
slaughter Charge
Robert Gordon, of the township of
McKillop. pleaded guilty tow chsrgeof
manslaughter at the assizes ben nn
Wednesday and was sentenced hy
Judge Britton t•• see years penal se•-
vittade io the Kingston penile*
The grand jury bad brought in at=
ball on • murder chatge after
being nut for about six bour..
when Mr Wm. Proudfon:, K C.. his
counsel, requested the oonrt to reduce
the charge to man.langbttr io which-
este.the priecnerwould RRu�d�ilty.
dM.ttedley Rat C...nf
hanm the crown officer. is quieerd. e
*Meted that from bin knowledge nI
the /sae it would be drfttcult to more
• conviction on a murder charge and
deo be felt considerable diffidence In
ereeutsg • murder there,. With the
coeseat of for beach bw wenlaagrew to
baring the charge reduced. Mr. Jus-
tice Britton aa.ented and asked the
pe Inner if be had aeytbing to w
Mr. Proudfoot again rose and said
that the circumstances it. this awe
were extremely paints'. The very
feet that the prisoner bad killed bie
father was a cloud width wreiM hang
over bleu for the rest of bile 111..
Counted went .w explain that na the
day of April Ydrd the -father and
ems bad been picturing all aftereu(In to-
gether. Towards evOning they pre -
=to to gr, to the barn to put their
holm§+ away for the eight_ The father
resented the.r•ht. fleet and after ne-
beirne.alleg ham teem. wee/ up en tb
loft to put `oars hay down. In the mean -
thew the sow twee in with bre teem
err' - oe of ilh• borers notelet net
Di- . . pr•treseded to thrash IL The
le, •. .arab the oohs, end u
n • .• the loft ebeeed the era on
oft -.*bio, whereupon 'the sem Ptah -
ed •.p • ploee ofs etelsek
hie father over taee h Apoetil- w eauned
ham death. Me. leware•t fast
the most saslmi & rebolus W ed
i beettaest ws father sad t.a, with obs or t
I ed Y. sea *• thee eat
...b Of marsh •r.
swam wet jmeflty, the aatlsae /loot
e- 4-.. e.e,,.e...r .er..,.
b►.1•-M $6/..4•• Is. W ja.l mI•w...ly shwa *el
513 Jesse:ST., HAtat.Tort, OtwT.
"'Five years ago, I was taken down
with what the doctors called Inffamma-
tiou of The Bladder -intense pains in
back and loins, and difficulty in urin-
ating, and the attacks, which became
more frequent. amounted to unbearable
agony. I became so weak that I could
not walk across the floor.
My wife read in the papers about GiN
PILLS and mut for a box. From the
very first, I felt that GIN PILLS were
doing me good. The pun was relieved
at once and tbd' attacks were less
In nix weeks, the Stone in the
Bladder came away. When I recall
bow I suffered and how now I am
healthy and able to work, I cannot
express myself strongly enough when
I speak of what GIN PILLS have done
for me." JOHN IIKRMAN 176
GIN PILLS are sold ateocabox-6for
$a.5°. Sent on receipt of price if your
deader does not handle them. Sample
box free if you write us, mentioning this
Mosey beck, if GIN PILLS do
riot sads[att•ron National Drug &
Cbeen. Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto.
Chicago and Return
From stations K,ngston. Renfrew,
and west to Ontario
Good Going Nov.'3otn, Dec. !stand:ad
Account or In'ernat.onai t,r• erect e.t.a..
KKTt"RN LIMIT .111 unlet• ..ltd to iv
turn to reach Mgitul tsrtlua po1u1 ••ot
Tate: than midelete of h.cambrr nth. lel'!
Fret Gent end Feet Train Service
Full particulars. be: to. rein taloa. etc.
at (rood Trunk 1'toeet owes.
F. F. Lawrene& "on.. Town Keelson
and T..•kst Asses. Phone s, O.d.riok.
Coancal Decides on Railway, Question
Near weui.agton Street
A• the C.P.F. had previously, re-
quested the town o1 Godes ich to allow
it to 811 in ante t,a.tle work at the `
foot of 'Wellington -.hest, and as this
matter came up at the regular meet-
ing of council on Friday night last and
wan refer red to the Public Vt'orke
committee fur consideration a special
meeting of the council was held o0
Monday night to deal with the mat-
The committee visited this propene
in question on `.iatuuday and recom-
mended that the railway 'wallowed to
do this work, providing a space of b0
feet was left clear of the abutments
and that the company undertake to
make the opening wider in future as
the railway caalmissioners may direct. •
The committee recommended that the
present step* be left in good condition
atter the comptetinn of the work and'
that the plana and location of the con-
actuctinn be submitted and approved
by the council.
Tbr only businea of the council
was to consider thiel' question and it
voted nnaaninouely in favor of adop-
ting the report of the committee.
Mayor Reid presided.
The Victor Victrola will sat-
iety your longing for fine music
t tip limA.te esel•alL lee best
music in the world interpreted
by all the greatest musicians in
the world.
Remember that the Vicu-da
makes the beat of all Chtutmaa
gifts. Make your family or
your friends happy with a Vic.
[rob s this year.
Prices from up.
James F. Thomson
Bodies of Five Wreck Victims Interred
• is Maitland Cemetery
The bodies of tive unideotitled vic-
tims of the great lakes disaster were
interred in Maitland Cemetery this
afternoon in as plot donated by the
town council nt ir■ Iasr meeting on
Monday eveoiog. Rev. Geo. E. Rose
conducted the funeral and was gestated
hy Rev. J. K, Ford and Rev. W. K.
Hager. Rev.J. B. Fotheriognatu
was unable to attend owing to an
accident last week. The town council
attended in a body. At the same time
two bodies were also but led at Kin -
ear dine.
It is still a mystery that the bodies
of Capt. Cameron of the steamer Wex-
ford and Mr. Donald McDonald bate
not heen recovered. It is the belief of
aoene that they are incarcerated in the
hull of their ship at the bottom of the
Capt. Whitney of the Lske Carriers'
A.woci §tion left nn Tuesday for Detroit
and Mr. R. A. Haeriaun who ls still in
chary• of the week here, expects to be
here for three or ftwrs weeks yet.
No bodies have yet been recovered
from the Scott, but several have been
picked up north of l'bantry Island
lighthouse and identified as from the
Hydrne. Last week wreckage though:
to belong from the Scott was found
in the locality of Chantry island.
Rev. Geo' E. Rees Falogizes Medtcal
Profession is His Sermon
In thecuur.r of hie sermon on Sunday
evening la -t Rev. Geer. E. Ross paid
s°me very fitting tributes' to the naedi-
'al profession. eulogising the aricnore
believing tbat they were the sincere
friends of the suffering populace
of the world He said in pet: -
Ito ceinsidr. ing the life and eh*rarter
of Lnke, the heloved pbytiieian. we
Kindly avail ourselves .1 the oppor-
tunity to utter a word of appreciation
of the medical prof.eston. I doubt if
there is acv rime in the community
that gets • due expression of apprecia-
tion lee.. than our medical doctors'.
There ate ;-w, it any. wbo deserve it
I'n oobkr ``rofee.ion or wider field of
service for (Ind end humanity is open
todav thantb•tAfforded to the cbrie-
tiao pbysieisr•. it i' doubtless • lite of
hardship and sacrifice. more so than
any of us outside that honorable fra-
ernity well ever know. A doctor's
life, lite teat i1 ourSeviour Himself, is
lived sorry largely among the irk and
the suffering. going in and out ro•ttin-
utxwiZa►e hit ..ainistes 91 help and
healing to the wwk and -s►wavp the.
depressed end 44151 1ird. rilodied Arno E•
other is .n touch to the groan of pain I
and the sigh of dieteese. The draft
upon hi. srmpat 1V.od amorous energy
1* tremendous. the wowdet often is
that be meintaiM bis own health and
lives the allured meta Riving •a be
roust do ruutipnetasiy so much of hie
very self -ministate( to the 111s that
fleas i• heir to.
The physician Istm friend of all. and
in the hour of phy.k'al dist[ ma is our
greatest friend on earth. Someone
has truely Mid* That ministate see
people at their• hest : lawyer's see them
at their worst : but docent's em them ms
they are. The family phyeeian dewrv-
edit has our ens desesmore than any
other friend. le the borer of col•mity
or snRaelne we mead for him Arg•
Alas! when teetered or rarely titled :
over the day of aptlety we too often I
totg.t bias and how dependant we are
upno his devoted 4nl.
Too n(ten are ear mediae! men ex-
posed to the erltieMm of an Ignorant 1
aged IaenweN.r SS psblh. Bretbr•eu, '
it le easy to erstbbe eves nue dnrtore.1
Mut remember Whines', the temple
tion to do so le pewuted that by
yielding we are wee rely likely to he -
tray • depkw'Me Igneweace os oar
part hut oleo to ete.ke an advertisement i
of ourwelves as bob. woefully=
la ttttaaeea and • c
e _hatb dr tl*Ui should .sirs..•
twine • Wee tett sr ewe....
lvlas.sw.r f tre•r as s�klld
-e• 4 ..n •1 •••••• .`) .•1 ,-a.•..'•-.t
1 -. 1 .:, • 1. • '• • l .•• • - • d •,- t p e n
cat leer 1..t .aeiible be (w11•44)n,
seseresrer a" ens.
w r
Last 2 Bargain Days
10/co OF I9I3 0a
Next Saturday, November 29th, and next Monday, December 1st,
will be two Red Letter Bargain Days at this store and our last two Bar-
gain Days for 1913.
For a number of years past the people hereabouts have looked for-
ward with pleasurable anticipation to our Bargain Days. They know
that they mean the saving of many dollars to them. We know that it
means an actual money loss to us as an immediate result. But we are
not in business for immediate results only. We are in business on a long
time deal. In the meantime come and take advantage of these two great
Bargain Days and save money.
Space limits our enumeration of things on sale, but it is enough to
sly that nearly everything in the store will be at Bargain prices on these
two days.
Without doubt we are shcwing the largest stock of Dress Goods ever shown
in this store and on Saturday and Monday every piece on the shelves will be at Bar-
gain prices. Some t{ off, some 13 off and some 1a off and some few pieces
at slighter reductions.
Only fifteen Coats n•' v left. All this year's
make. Thirteen colonel, Otte, grey and brown
made mostly of new diagonal cloth, aad two black.
(jus quarter off regular prices is the reduction we
are meki•g on them.
There is no cloth no the market at the preeeut
time which is en highly favored u Velveteens. On
our two rale days everytbing to Velvets will be
reduced. from the plain colors to the fancy bro-
Plain color*, 8)c, for.... 800
Two-tone stripes, elle. for. 780
Colored Brocades, 111.26. tor $1.10
Hersey quality, two-tone
stripe, 81 36, for.... 51.20
%Vs. can save money for you on these goods.
A few Rug specials for Bargain Lays.
Two Tapestry Square.. 24x3, SS. (O. for. $8.88
Two Tapestry Squares, 3x34. 814.00. for 610.78
Two T•.pestry Squares, 3x4, 811.00, for 812.78
One Velvet Square, 3z34 8$1.11). for *18.75
Door Mat. et Bargain prices.
Come in the forenoon if yo;. can
and avoid the atternoon rush.
IVe are the Hosiery people and our stock is
ore flowing with Trig values at great bat gain*.
Black Llama, =re for 220
?:,c for 3Oo
.irk for 480
73c for 880
Heavy Worsted. 23c for 22o
35c fur 3043
40e tot 380
30c for 48o
Ill• Hose at Bargain prices.
Them are jolt • few of the many thing• that
vi.t will find asB.trg*l p n D.y' rice' on SaturdaL,
Novesaber SPOOL aid lgeaday. Lieceetber tatto
good. ehugvd at Itangaln p lay pacer
Newer were we in better shape to offer Under
wear value.. and our entice stork of ladies', men's
and children's Underwear ie at Bargain prices. 81)
Men's fierce -lined, . for 80o
Meo'e all -wool, 81 01), for .. 1100
Men s alt-wrrnl• heavy and
light weight, 81.28. for. 8Ladies'Ladlesingle and combination garments at
Bargain Day price,.
Sweater Coats
Eve. piling that cent.' toe wanted in Sweater
('oat.. it here. Plain and c•nrhin*tion colors.
Site*. ladies, sit Ie. boys and child's -or and every
one of thrinat B•irgain Day prices.
A nire warm wrapper for the .owing winter
ran hr Fought it quit" is marked saving un Satur-
day and .Monday. All the new .v.nihination colitis
in Mnken ehrcke and .tripes are here to chooser,from. Our special 5k for. 170
Winter Gloves
Plain black ebaruoiaetie linea cashmere glove.
in all wanted sizes are t1• lie found at sale priers
for our two Bargain Dave. There gloves are just
what ia wanted for the coming cold weather.
Don't fail to inspect these gloves on Saturday and
D & A Corsets
HIIc, Bargain Days.
liise. Bargain Doyle,
11.01). Bargain 'Myr.
11.01). Bargaln hays,
81.23. Bargain Day.. 81.10
11.50, Bargain Dap. 11.35
82 on. Bargain (lays. 11.75
r I:., ret
mod. Thesel•es sod (,.'everyreset pairareis Itnouardeantrrfrom t hd Gist Arnot
and unbreakable.
JH. C0LB-r
( a
We h.res tlIl en band a few
wbicb we are selling off and will
not he replaced. deo anything
twar retitlog*bows at very
close prices. Call and ems them.
Get our prises o0
Prompt atte.tian paid to alt
wiliest* irweb +Pert n wrlwr
Bur. however great or email. the
pr*ctetiooers reneeseratino :be chiles
tiao physician bas an abundant reward
in the Nervier that be offers. Pew, It
any. are so geoemta to the poor as be.
To be the- • ssewe- of **WNW Mak
of assuaging pain. of relieving
agony. of Isotilog awa8denees as
sacred ea lite itself and nfttbmve to
be the inemeatese of God to brbg
many a sin•etet •dol to Gm Brent
Physician. Thim are some cf the
prtvellges afforded by title high call-
Paul. the great apostle, was • matt of
mightyn ye M very ifoatet
that for many ars in ham
journeys ham dosatant enspewkiw
most intimate friend was Lake, the
physician, and a• he drew Rear the
end sed awaited the boor of exeseatlelt
tide is olio of ham last memos** to the
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