HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-27, Page 26 TYCZ<•OAY. NOV. 97. 191& THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTA RIO MMLLCE 1RAT r -'.•d: est inntsetc..—paiectly Ira: owed—ready to U. Saves endless labour. ) MacEwan's COAL Best Scranton Hard Coal—all sizes. Cannel Coal for open grates --the highest quality of Coal that can be bought for the purpose. Empire Domestic Lump Coal — most satisfactory Soft Coal for ranges, box stoves and fireplaces. Standard Chestnut and Furnace Coke. All kinds of Hard- wood and Kindling. Peter MacEwan Estate Telephone DN "Oaly Doable Track Rail- way between Toronto and Mon- treal. and Toronto and other princi- pal cities in Canada. Also Double Track and Solid Trains between Montreal and Chicago: also be- tween Ontario points. New York and Philadelphia, via Niagara Fall.. SMOOTH ROADBED FINEST EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC LIGHTED PULLMAN SLUMS• Fall particulars. beets nmorrattons. Ott.. hada (WWaad Tnak Agent, or writ. l'.1. Horning. District'.'awug.r Agent. foroo- to. Ontario. F. F. Lawreow le Mon.. Town Pae.eoaer sad Ticket Agent... F-hoae & FARM MACHINERY 1: '•ert Wileoo, Mersey -Harris Ae •. has a full line of Farm AI • ,very always on hand. We b we think the cheapest a. best Uaeoline Engines on the Market. Also some beautiful Steel Ranges from Tledbope and Aod- ereon of Orllia. Justlthe thing for a farmer's kitchen. Rs have in stock Cutters Horse Blanket* Pumps Cream Separators • Mitkfns' Wsebines (hiving Harness And one hundred and one fiber thioge. Corte in and see mat the Massey -Harris Shop Hamilton Street THIS ism HpO EE ANYONE ionat A. E. BRADWIN done away with Mr. Borden arrived in oMee the Laur- ier gyve lament had put the Inside ser- vice envice under a commission, so that to this extent the patronage evil was Eutr)g a.eD safest trwsx After tbeel.ctins of the Hordes 'pov- nt, civil o•ervice reform not Tun •WAal M d naellehevert Thunder frees the sem le The anal Building. N.. rh Street. llederich Oataris tot's., Meru -pm Titans. Ona lar and fifty Cents ter year : If paid strictly In advance One Dollar will be incepted : to sub•erlt.ere In the United StatesStatestie rate 1s One Dollar and Fifty ('ent..trle(ly 10 advance. dubeerlben• wbn fall to revels THE Nessa regularly by nail e will confer a favor by riotusting the publi•bo- er of the fact at as early a date ss psible. %Chou • change M address l desired. both old +.nd the pew address should be given. ftetaittances may be made oy benk drag tees ..p....ne) 1)01)0.4nrder. ooak.. order. or rede .tnd letter. :(l* u..•rlpt loan rosy:ooearoence at any tiros. Autcartstrt: Tan M .—rates Ins -display sod contract advert helves*. will be! e'en on sppll- cation. Lcgalatd other .liner ad vwrttentents, ten Bent. Wet line for flat ir.erttnn and four rents per line for each subsequent ln.er0nn. Mea..rre.1 bi a sade of solid 1•001.111141 twelve lines to an Inch. Bushiest card. of six Imes and under. Fire !intim.. per r retdcerti.e• Hunts of Loot. F' nd. Fttrry.d. ditua.lon• scant. `'Iuaue ns V. anted. Reuses Incfor ale or barna* Rent. bara for dale or to Rent. Sulfidefor Sale. etc.. not exceeding eight line... Tagnt) fire tent. each Mustiest • tae Roller fee first hamar la Fifty (eats forsrob.ub...anentmonth. eu. Larger advertisements In proportion. Ae- nou•oent. N ordinary reading t . Ten ests per line. No notice Ire, than Twenty flee Cent.. Any special settee. the Wert of which Is the pecuniary ry benefit of any Ind yid• ual or aesoeiatlua, to be rronsldered an ad%er- tl.ement and charged anoordinei y. Te (o so., NDEST,—The eo-op•rat,on est one rub...ether, and reader. 1• eordially Inylt. e.l toward. making THS tltr sAi. ... eek(y record of all local. county and district doings. NO cern - munlcatlon will be attended t.. unless It con- tains the name and address of the writer. not necesearil) for Publication, but as an evidence n( good faith. New. items should reach THE siuxAIoffice not later than Wednesday noon of eecn week. TUI RSI)A1'. NOVEMBER 17TH. 1913 WEST SHORE INVESTIGATION The progiess of the Onleti., West S hote railway inveatigati .n heft re the Ontario Kallway and Municipal board is esgetly followed by the people ot these IaLe shote municipalities whose money has Ire. -n filched irnrll them by what looks more and more like a de- liberate swindle. The performance of Mr. J. W. Moyes in the witness stand is one wore instance of the unolushing disregard of truth and honesty which he has shown during his connection with the railway's affairs sad has in- tensified the feeling of resentment and detestation felt towards him in these municipalities'. We have no idea that he expected anyone to believe the story of his ghostly dealings with the late S. C. Smoke. "Dead wen tell no Ulm" and so long as the real facts can be kept covered up the story of the realynation and of the division ion of the missiog papers will serve as u good - enough excuse for Mr. Moyer to hand out to his dupes. Mr. J. SV. Mayes is a clever men. He fooled the men with whom he was first aseociat.ed in the railway project ; he fooled the people of four munieipal- ities; he fooled the lawyers ; be fooled even those lynx -eyed guardians of the public weal. the newspaper editors. It hie resources of cleverness were not at the point of exhaustion be would probably hope to fool the gentlemen of the Ontario Railway and Muoicipai hoard. He is too clever to adopt the tactics of transparent deo •ption before the investigators except as a fast re- sot.rce or as the only alternative to a deliberate return' of testimony. The duty, then, of those coecerned in the investigation is to continue by every possible and legitimete.ueens to dig out the truth. The people of Code - rich. ref Ashfield, of Huron township and of Kincardine want to know—they have a right to know—wbat teas done with the stoney for the payment of which they have become reeponeihle. if there is any chance of recoverit:g any portion of the money. they went to know it. 1( there has been any ctiniinal wn.og-doing they want the responsibility placed at the right door. They want the investigation to go 00 to the hitter end. LETrrifE LAW TAKE ITS COURSE It will be interesting to watch the efforts of the Tories to prevent bear- ing of the Chateauguay election trial. By invoking every possible legal hint draoce to the courts of justice they de- layed the Macdonald protest from No- vember Nth, 1012,untII November 11th, 1913, with the result that`be'MI yes Use sehog wawadt represented with • men sent to parliament by such no- toriously corrupt utethod, that even Hon. Robert Rogers did notder* defend them in overt. Tb. eam. "Minister of Huy -Elections" had charge of Chateau- guay. tsiniiler methods were practis- ed by the same mem who bad worked in Macdonald. Will the Borden -Rog- e rs outfit have the cynical audacity to follow the Macdonald precedent throughoutt it may be possible by a system of Sling objective and appealing techni- c•/ decimal's from court to court to de- lay the Chateauguay protest ustll • general election is In eight. Will Prem- ier Borden dare again to flout public operon in this wey after hie prr.lec• time prom lose - • To asped i to tm hearts,/ of .leetinm petitioee . . and to pro- vide f •• the thorough invelrtl[atine of eves , e arum« r t V[N Taltss TURN ermine mere- ly stopped, it became civil Device de- form. Never was such a mad scramble for office known. Never has the coun- try seen suet a rush to dismiss every possible Liberal from the 'evil service. During two years of Borden rule the civil service has been tampered with as never before. Doting them two years not *move has 'listen made to re- ; form the outride service along the ' lines adnptel by the Laurier govern- ment ler the inside service. So great has the evil become that Messrs. Fripp and Chabot. t he Conservative M.P.'s for Ottawa. huse published en earnest demand tbat the outside service he put under a commission, with the in- genuous rider that they are**favorable to appointment on a basis of physical and technical fitness.' That lest re- tuark will probably email their case. it is political fitness that the Borden. Rogers cotubieation require*, and nothing else. PRAYER CF THE HORSE What He Humbly Amb of His Master for His Valued Services To thee, My Master, 1 offer my prayer: Feed we, wa.er and care lin sue, end when the day's wink is done. provide me with a shelter, a clean. dry bed, acid a stall wide enough for fur to lie down in comfort. Always be kind to we. Talk to um. Your eider often means as much to me re the reins. Pet we sometimes, that I may serve you the more gladly and learn to love you. Do not jerk the reins. and do not whip me when going up hill. Never strike, beat or kick me when I de not understand what you want. but give me s chance to understand you. Watch me, and it I fail to do your bidding, see if some- thing is not wrung with wy hat nese or feet. Do nor check me so that i cauuot have the tree ties of toy head. It you insist that 1 wear blinders so that 1 canout see behind me,•s it was intend- ed 1 should. 1 pray you be careful tbwt the blinded stand well out from my eyes. Do not overload me. or hiteb me where water will drip on me. Keep me well shod. Exaaune nip teeth when I du not eat. I m iy have an ulcerated tooth, and that. you know, is very p.I:nre.l. Do not fix my lead in an unnatural leonine. or take away my best defence against flies and woe4uitoes bey cutting off my tail. I cannot tell you when I am thirsty mo give rue cleao and cool water often. 1 cannot tell you In words when I am sick. so watch me and by signs you may kno.v my condition. Give not all possible shelter from the bot sun. and put a blanket un me, not when i am working. bet when 1 ace standing in the cold. Never put st frosty hit in buy mouth. Frost warm it ry bolding it st moment in your hand. And finally. 0, My Master. when eny useful strength 24 gone do not turn me out to starve or fre-ze, or Pell me to some human brute, to heelowly tortured and starved to death ; Met do tbou. My Master, take m)• life in the kindest way, and your God will reward you here and hereafter. You will not consider me irreverent if 1 ask this In the name of Hien who was born in a stable. Amen. A (lure for Drunkenness Within the Reach of oil 'fbat alcoholism is a Mariam is now recognised by 'wiener. No rout in his tenses brings disgrace and ruin on himself and tawny through choice Altura stops the c+ ring for drink, builds tip the system. steadies the nerve.. 1t is guaranteed to etre or benefit or money refunded atter a fair hull. Aleuts, No 1 wan hr given a.cretly by any wife or another want- ing to restore a dear one to health and usefulness. Altura No. 2 is the volnn- t.ry Lreatmen. Can be had at our store only, 01.11) per box. Ask for our free booklet about Aleuts. E. It. Wrgls.. druggist.. ()WV' rich. — Montreal i■ to bare a new opera hour for the 11'14-13 season. —A body with a Hydros Iifeltett was found 14 wiles north of Southampton. —The Montreal Hippodrome Com- pany has been incorporated• with 51.810,0110 rapt, II —The new Reline pro.cathedral was dedicated Sunday by Bishop Metbiw► • .. r If you have $1001 Thaw mere is he Srae. Seat r 1 ter cwt is fy�ie,� meq; a i. ser alma. Iasi .a•uru re world. Pry Ares a..a•asee was. e.�q wige�rs Cal'! • y.. t....: i. rM . per Cent. DeDtures oAs•eIei(/+.e s.•re. Tin 1ire.N..aea ase/e-asy and smile timeline Cep tel - �,,,aaa.OMM=.714...11•4011ara Msec Meese wow r ss. in his Hellfaa platens Pretnkr Borden ser r "Wel will favor • thor- eel& amid resapiete totems of the laws ieiatl-g Is the Nell uarviee en t hof helms asepsho nmere obeli 1.e mode by M�' «fie. autism =ice ellM m A Birds -Eye Viet, `3y THE HAWK The Hawk may not know much about etiquette, but he will still ding to the opinion that if it etas not. bed form, it them showed a lack of sym- pathy for two dancer to be held in the Uddfdlowe' hall on Thursday and P1 i - day of lost -veek, just following the terrible lakes' disaster. While their. may not be any harm in •quiet dance land he has reason to believe they wee quiet), it seems to him that they might have been postponed until a later date. • • • Have the days of thralldom .ref urn - ed.' asks The Hawk. It seems to him that landlord, in (loderich, if they have not, been able to slip over the beads of their tenants the silver, hraa• or iron collars, have nuowged._to in- scribe their names on the front of the hour's in wbich the tenant resides. Cut Mu* onrr can satisfy themselves by walking along certain streets of the town and look at the pavement aa they walk. * • • Of course, he hopes lkat it way be e. long w.v off, but whenever it 1 conies The Hawk desires that when he goes to the ethers] blue for good, an Angel of Death won't visit his home and waft to "the heautiful home ten high" his spirit, but simply that he may die without all the journalist trimmings. As to going on high, his desire is to go there himself and see everybody else there, but in a11 rever- ence, he says, that it will be some other process than being wafted then. • • •be band tha• t 'frocks the reedit rules the world." may he a good motto but The Hawk skinks it would be a good idea to rock it • little harder some time to prevent the ••kid" from yelling He was passing up a certain street the other day when his attention was at- tracted by the melodious sound. which children ruake at midnight. He is in- forused that the neighbore in that lo- cality wish that the cradle would rock a little harder, au this noise disturbs their peaceful *luumbers. The Hawk was staked : "Why is a clock like a Flushing girl r Wben be could not answer he was informed that it was because it bad its bands al- ways before its face. He looked at the town clock and said it was two- faced. The Hawk observes that if Oodericb harbor can tee fought her "two fifty," he would not mind buying several et that price. Capt. Baesettir idea of Uoderich is certainly pretty low, that it, from a financial as and nnint. I AD% ERTI$EMIYT.2 Huron County Business lien's Associa- tion. Articles oz Prohibition Paper No. 5. Read the opinion of one of Canada's great states- men in REIINiSUNCES By the Right Honorable Sir Richard Cartwright, G. C. M. G., 1'. C. "Ibe pars ng of the Scott Act, as • goeernme1 Measure, was a very serious political blunder which we (m.ght sewer to have eoeamotted-and • very eomspicuuua Ireton*, of THE FOLLY OF INTRODUCING A DUBIOUS PIECE OF LEGISLATION TO PLEASE A CLAMOROUS MIN- ORITY." - • •101 mew oar rettbd Yew instances in which Ur. M•esenxieallowed himself to he Influenced by a PEW NOISY DEPUTATIONS, largely composed of his political opponents," "1 DOUBT VF.RY MUCH THE WISDOM OF ATTEMPTING TO ENFORCE PROHIBITION B Y LAW... "ouch enectntents will oev.r be suc- cessfully enforced unless there ie qt'ITE AN OVERWHELMING MA- JORITY of the rt'idents of saga given section IN FAVOR OP THEM. Where such • state of opinion .a- ists, legal penalties are hardly mess - ear v." .'Not a few of THIS °Raw CERT SCOUNDRELS i HAVE KNOWN, and myexperience has been ersesmlve, HAVE BERN VERY ARDENT TEMPERANCE ADVOCATRS." ''they IMMO Rot to leers the diMeslh lemon for nve♦ earnest pbllantbeo. Diets to realise. that MORAL RE- FORMS, to be Meting or velsabls, MUST COME FROM WITHIN, AND 1tiOT 'OM MUM 'RNA&-fi'• M ItN78" 1treere,ttieNy. R UaO1a COUNTY 8USIMIYelr Matra MIMOOLILTIOO. AMU E/drvel2t Wm. Jammu. Posdhatste Oustimer• dOTH SIDES SIMKO Natlerallsts Org•nlsl.g as Armed iorgo In Inland The Marquis at L•aadow.e, le • speech at Brighton. meld that what- ever kind of • Home Rale BIL 1s wally passed Into law It will not be eke present bill He added nkat he was not attracted by tie scheme to exclude Ulster for • term of years tram the effect of the bill. but that the Ualoolsta were willing to exam- ine any proposal of the kind. The proper solution. he added, was a gen- eral electionrallies that the Union- ists are ready to consider special terms for Ulster. It both these plans are rejected the unionists would give Ulstermen inside and outside Pattie - lomat every encouragement to realest the appllcatb• of the Act. la view of the fact that the Orange- men In Ulster are forage's an armed .volunteer force to resist Herne Rule. the Nationalists have decided to adapt the same tactics. A circular has been ..at to all members et the Nationalist ergaatsatloes announcing that it Was 'been decided to form a national volun- teer force "to secure and malntale the rights and liberties common to aL the people of Ireland..' STUDENTS OPPOSED Lel Riotous Seems le Leaden M Irish A jIltiiirs Find Appearance - The lest appearance 1n London of J aime Larktn, head of the Transport Wolters' Union of Dublin, led to wild gooses of disorder at Albert Hall where several thousands had gathered ;to hear him. A large body of students itrom the colleges connected with Lon- don University made an organised attempt to upset the meeting. and eleoma rioting both outside and Inside the ball occurred. Maay persons were injured before the aesttag was able to premed. for tle students successfully stormed the oattamoe and galled admise4oa to the toot of the hall. There. further fight - tag took place, aid sticks aid umbrel- las were freely used and &reworks ver, let off amid sasses of pande- monium. When order was parttally restored Larkin went os W • ) kis speech which was =aloft devuted to a deawaefatloe ot the Oovernmeat In sousectloa with the Dublin strike. TWO RIO SWAT= Mraan Cathodic, teatldrtlen. left Generous auras by Wealthy Men The late Sages. O'Keefe of Toronto. ArMem will fess been Med for probate. half It as estate of $TS.000 of which a m loin dollars to bequeathed Re Ids dr ter aad 'madams aid the Mlaaee ' -heritable and religious t:ttic One beeeaciary under well is Pope Piles X. who is left =TO,tM. Another will metaled* big be - 'peseta to pdblic institutions was that made by Hoa. Jobs Sharples of Qum 1.s• The legacies aid dominoes mentioned In it amount to 11.5N)000 of wide! 1111.000 goes to Roman Catholic tastltutioaa sad M.000 to the etivatfoe Army. 3RITAIN BEDS WILWEIPS Will Protect Her Subjects' Intermits In Mexico tI The British cruiser squadron In .West Indiso waters has gone to Ven Cr.*. Mexico. There are three ves- sels 1n the squadron. Great. Britain decided to seed the warships to Mexleaa waters from Bar - taboos In order to protect British sus jeeta sbomld tie necessity arise. The decision was arrived at by the British Oovenmeat as a remit of the general saws published la ale press as to Mealtime preventag In Meslco. sad of tap advance of the Cosstitstb&al- tits la rte vicinity et tie Ven Crus Railway. An Act el Provide/see "The vletia• of the Great Lakes aieaeter elan 17 their Math betimes New. 1 and 11 by Mwsllag twins th. 'defeat Nara as the .set seat of lake Mores. erasing the wreak M Mn Weider& It wag se art et Prewt- isaee rad so we wee iegsrr0 . se- wsdles to the evidence giver.' Tl1. � wee the verliet misread by Cereal, v pb01wa Jury et Betel, who N. yeleeil Oto the wreak d m the steaer Vpipri.illtdessoll Allowed Yeoal sounds. bet rat m test weeds. haws bees trso.oifgst b ~was ems= the Afloat% Ogees Die Oe kat ie Glace tial. N.S., areeelleg be • Meiseseat ado Is Usage ay WM. Meisel, tawnier et winkle lab MMIb• Meru wradlerful ,t11S. a Ole• epee a see s sty (Wm Ile bmw tees` pealed meshes verde by waw haw `ewer le New )..teff, a dlslsses et 11.110 Emma Dealer /nlftp of Seepow Dr. W. M. bele wee �a et Wetw y at isM. fie Met his lent wile W Muetl2. 1 M jet a Owens. yes will be ens -wheel la s few leers, 'h. Lleakae e----- demes elf gee - bite reseemead sersssleget ..serol et 1,e awe Male owl Mg nstbgNhpe eM abhor .t Oem= h eeibi. tb Majedy SUB Oawge Me Lord SldNheaas eaM.4 eisspalialkori M entitle L000ler. tuba edoloatud hr fds1 hMf I , Isar Thole.. Itl,tlbler a.w vela ails *dry teal M Oho Ilbelabel 14,. Nadi way et Ter, Mr. Asfetera Maybes. Miler K�"We Omedleie" IMesseemese 100. lips 4 Mi1Ms la Me ramal 11110414Mies. se a 'Thomas PWii aid •mem ea mom tte0leaea I M/rst.' . Ur. lobs M.r . (OgeawwMws) bind ee >.IM.er Oibeist Imo top W. ACtIESON a SON Colored and Black Duchesse Dress Satins Colored and Black Duchess. Dress Satins thirty -.1x and thirty-eJghl inches wide. chole. eolnring• in day and evening shades, with deep dyes In black. per yard.. ... . Black dress satins at $1.W, thin y-si. to thief y- rig 51.10 inches wide, Bonnet's guaranteed ducheaw satin, et per yard Women's and Misses Stylish Winter Coats $7.00 Heavy winter Crate, styles and qualities that odd up to many dollars more all -wool tweed., boucles, rever- end* woollen., chinchillas. cur cloth; beau'ifttlly trimmed. Sale special. each . .. ........... 67.00 Blanket Bargains • Terrnly five pahs beautiful white wool Blankets, perfectly scuut-.d and nicely whipped large double -bed size, weight B to ( lis. dale price, per pair I{i.11f0 Kid Gloves Guaranteed quality, gusset ted Sneers, 2 dome fasteners and perfect fitting gloves, tan., white and black. 8ises Se to 71j, special, per pair.... 7114e Linoleum, and 011 Cloths Floor oil cloths in wood patterns in 1 and 2 yert:r wide. at per square yard DeoLinoleum• io a la patterns, tile and floral, and 4 yardchoice s wide, K pee yard 4$s Our entire stock of link, Sable and Persian Lamb Furs at reductions Muffs. Scarfs. Stoles, etc., at special price*. The weather ie responsible for our eplendiJ price cutting on these Rotalin W. ACHESON & SON "Blue" F wage yes led der wadi seem Se be egebN yes —leafs —111 tI- yen yaleft ae asedm tf W SIN)ar 1"1"Wiliseede NZ. ft m4 be that yew levee is eked and rotas. ea week, er ass j. digestive mem bare W tee tease is de end sand sera Tw sY Maher hws_ hsea ea/btt the nese kind at feed. end lewd is w Y�h.�i Whoa yes need le s tlsafs, sr- nines Golden Medical Discovery es glue ale r. 4 ed . Tease else esters erdase TIN weak seemed is mob srusg. Tie Seer vibrates elok •w life. The based le swased of d hope mee sed maks reamed bald tie every ver sed eerye sed attends sed mos of de hely. No ewes eteleam the 's.' Lias bosseward weat Uess h ogee. sad bops lakes plass of dageir. leeiet es Pettlll/ Dr. /lames Sall ti i_.L.e M...m. 1►mf4el aisle. Diapmeerr leder Aer•w•w D Oak x Y. Useful Christmas Gifts Always give the most lasting pleasure, Meth to giver and recipient;. Why not make it a rule this year to give your friends presents that will be tit real sertice to them for many days to come? There is no better place to purchase sensible Christmas Gift, than at an up to -date hardware store. Our ,tot k i. very complete and includes a wide variety of nett goods that are well worthy of your inspectiot Here are a few suggestions that may help you. • .� - For a Allan Safety flexors. Gillette'., Auto Strop ao4jv.i midy Si .00 t.. Halsor Strops i 4,00 Ra ops i n Ulu int lass nears $1.00 to M-00 ken is hard to select a RH% for. Me wants are few. but •11 men need shaving material. amd we are offering • wile wketios tog ynitr cuoaiderat ion Fora Woman Manicure Beta in leather mese `1.00to$7.o0 carpet ttweeeprrs, a dafieht to every hoseuwife 41111127:114::: oos.so Rise(rk ires., neething more mood 54.70 to N•SO oa.•0 to Ss.00 Oak. and Bread Trays ........ Fora Boy or Qirl Jack Knives and pay Keltes xis to Sl -00 Hockey Sticks fee bon1 IIs to 10. 11.0000 Hockey Skates. all ... Plittle gide.. . lite K.11.. Peek and Mpon. sees tow to .1.7s If you have never tried !hopping early try it this year and you will appreciate the many advan- tages- HOWELL HARDWARE CO., Limited TMS MST PLACII TO SOT WOwALI*. 1 a