HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-27, Page 157 Weeks for One Dollar The Mlirs1 will be fete to any new wb.criber is Caved* or 1. rest Britain from now until January 1st, 1915, for only One Dollar. SIXTY•YOURT>! 1IA14-N. t.0 Aionat. OODERIC8, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1913 CONSIDER EVERY DOLLAR you put into good advertising oast a dollar of expense, but • doper invested upon which Iou will erosive blither div dends than from any Mlles in vest went. rhoatlrsel t the bort ad ve rtisiag 40001000 1• ll., Const, A. 1. BiLADSFIN, Pvt• i THE STERUN6BANK OF CANADA • SAVE, because --- No. 60 To spend all one earns signifies very bad management. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER. Manager rA. i G. NISBET IS AGENT FOR All kinds of Insurance OFF1OK NEXT CANADIAN RANK OF COMMERCE. GODERiCH Peotvee , (1errh a 2111: Hoose 150. P.O. Box 964 Nomoimirr MIX 1t0?LC1 f AUCTION SALES RON V(WNTY11 Wim'z.uar.tree. S. - Aaetton Ale of tare, COUNCIL stork and trepletatats sA rim ,Wm eater. 400000 -_- - 1.4 north et Ambers. WO.? W awoa.4.- Mum FRANCIS M. Moor,- executrix: Tato Oc*t.sy *mai neer. wrosno.T, Dent( Aar Auction •Ale of (m stock 1gpMmw10. frown' of ]tae N mos D e.ewve, Mw who wow at akaa•rtoa. Evart Wog air will be •tet TMUaaa Oce PAT, Wog wap slew, Ti,rmss&T, Doe. IL -Aeon. sale of farm stem. hg iea --ts mrd glob ill of He ISiTtlATTONS VACANT. sv ereg r, epe f gil:tturd : ruow- I • The e11sesp of the corporation *Ma to Mat tr of Name w1y seat in tae eunuctl obwmbr In he We arW,81.3 tfoladb.•ou eyowe dity,ma s Deceam err i hspo ie motle MiesdOWith the clerk behove I10$s date. Nor. Mb 111>t W. LANE. (lett DRE14KMAK1NU.-THS UNDER- •tgned wee rws0ly, oder. for ro.r,n•kfne FOIL BA l.E t home. A0atle.ea ,tease M1t4M r?LVi R 8AL6•-BRED-TO-L&Y BAR - U. seek o rmseele Apple to H. K. TEACHER WANTED.-$. NO. e, si-tf- O.derleh tnwndtlp : diet to commence 1{{rooee.sl,arndwbian to IN IS wyJOg!(. ere*. $dentary- treasures. R. D. No. Y O.de Neb. t -et. Vin WANTaD.-TWO PUPiL NVR KS at the Alexandra Marine rad Oman.' Iteai(I•derfca. 7'ae ovoree 1. two yearssod Mira. ars .n Apt* unc es to Y C11ANDLtiMt, daportnt abet. wet WANTED.- A GOOD GENERAL Aminby tM 1a Dseoaber. Ap9*T to elm HOLT. Nona strew. Os4orieb. 10.0 t'ANTED TO RENT. -ROUSE, BARN AND WARDERS W• ANTED AT THE MSItK0T'OARntr( of. Ieseree on the beak of pas MahI.nd rarer to not oder( ed Eldeesde 11...,. West caret. Apply 1a tear 11.e Orood Trunk 401 00. Oodert,h. Mt 4 i$.YLI•:. .1-0 Four acre.. of fruit tree. on the pre mir,- Prom en) well watered. Apel • to AUC%. RH- O W ANTED. --STORAGE ROOM FOR tiltnem f)rltanu(a rued. Goderich. 02-!t. *anon* and sprinklers. Apply to AMERICAN ROAD MAC411NILCO. .t -u OUSES FOR SALE. -AN EIGH1'- - - - 11 Nth)1lP,D Hv( 4E on Victoria street and w Avon homed home 0• Aselw► '11001; both with all modern rocvenlemoas ; stable o0 .ch Nope ty. AL.o one chafe, aerser'tta1M- Ing etc. Few further pertteulan apply lW. 1'. PELLO , ctoderlen. (Mi. 7i-extf Rt38ID1*NTIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. The rehdeote. with lour late. termed, known a. Oa A . MeD. mon property, comer Cameron and Waled" µhelve. 'nod brick bou..e. two .furies, la .ret -cls., repair : modern coore0lesces. r: found• planted prop- erties 'army'ar, of choice fruit.. nue of Tao prop bast - erties 10 lioderich. Re..00able term,. P J RYAN, Oedertok. rr tf FOR SALE OK TO KENT AOR SALE -TWO-STORY HOUSE A ea Kaare tenet, eoet*tnfeg tea r0o4., ►•a Pied we bathroom. terrace end electric ligbt* lberesgbb repaired from soils to root : full lot awl *1(44.... e fruit. Apply to w•. Ittotetbleft. RUAL 13RTATZ FOR SAL& • Ws erre for aa1. *boat thirty town tot.. primm% tapering from In /towards. also three emp1oawetIlaics awl * bee hGads plDiother & LU)AN, tf Mltf 1st A Kse M HELP_ AND DOMaSTiC stravAsmi-K. tri feria tape LLwAddlUIL- IN. Dendrites Orneor. m t its woe Mond .i owes M M %swot ht.t rot. orders ish with H. D. w , At- lisle', Oa L. will rSoNve garmpt At sow,- Wit AUCTION BALI 1-(TION HALE ,ARM rime e AND 1M PLKY k V T9 --- Men MANCga M. SCOT, will rex by Mate *44,1400 at her farm. the • r0.4 Mt owtb ar Au4ern. West Wawsno.h. ori WILDNittDAIfDKCt1StRIed *l amidst* : i rood If, is foul to esgMed a peeserl aloes. •go f)) see . breed erase. In foal M Oar- ioep as Yrs. D. Cummings, d •h4.0go. arms nerd. 00011: Pass. eameawd to be ie Mt: FUIy, o b04 nee( A. A. it ILLI AMO, Imolep rt.,ne I year. a AAA11ir Meet bsw ; (Jaw. deo (Rewire _ • sex Mime wmtew,rlf. 1 years: s'.11w Film FOR KA LE. -THE MASI' rtty4rl 1 w l'alf. o,•etlt4ggto•rr ''0 drK Fleet it Weed newer. w. .,n. las lf at let one 1a the ttwrth oimo Truck-Arwaoe, tori .4o Rate, Ys4 (sienna Diviefo. d the township d A.h *aloe, tolela rdoR sgerrat ot MN lles.t.g Rw4. n acres. Tee be114....s- tebw. nimbi (low y IpSeaS- vim frame boom sod Rasa been. 1 bees Ie s et. Hareem. Ntws.wl Jr. ...- r I • o Mo40td. Jor p0tt at0r. a t to Ohr Slone bear. DIA pans* rook. ltarbet aMe4leaei PROCIrFOOT, HAY(! t It II, ('ream flewasehle. sites, H•04Y1.. i.OttAN Oderieb. It-tl mime (*. Porter. eater, sad. i /tp K A U FARM Pain- lelseew. esedi . ever 1/00 *AL RA ban bed .i tb•t Whin . e enol s•lw s ars 40+11 wvw.1 dastntY. tJ PIT Mt atom •. Kewr.Mag es boom* la Ood•rtc4' Met. Mille 4et beef *wall. a .bort 4.... of worm. if M> i1AYQ:R M. It p. txo11ulrle of theyre whet Mr er 1.• a0T is I. Mt meknow- asateotwlat. a iaitt ytiioMu ouNut , tJ :n -U TYtms, w4 lttt!!!' ., A.u...e«. OEBiItADLt- 1DKDICB FOR y RAM ITe UCTION.-I Mee received M- CLisw RiNG ♦U(1TiON BALK to ren b taeonsnat my rams (( M •1At, ieieele se dmt•ed•y. use FARM aFuor iMll.g ii rTSANft 1Eei, m1. late •tnwt :err O issa J7 sed !'t no the eotow of MILJ MO b i eed.!!1 l .Vtapebt effort. is tee tem of mit ma bee - _ ea t4,* a t:a.. I Ode w+•e+R Tse• mramy el b•. f s Meat - mem mai wOOMIli 11s bb.y rl*ad free ••, a,wsee eeofwUle rale. NDRT. 9eistish. •xI w 7talffl AY0-Mwsef orrostruffrry '!OR 11fVa8T0*s stIlloolMyMsiadsro will b rs sees tee eat e eel lvv 4 by the wMr- D11- jr. Ie , tatat pjee11isallpp y, Um 1110 . p. Nue s 411 q an team : ■ie4/cp'ro ectal anew tam. ptL OMR MtiVimaptio Om ser port .r hew of WOO rotl I wL rrae•alrt- rue part40tlen rig.g ins( f. OedssM Nev, 11. testi. ARM FORIIALB.--A 900D FARM et • lee Mak qwe te LiOR BALK. -FI VK ACRES OF A` Need. 1aK of Mt 2. L h. W.. Colbert* bwssalposoaty of Huron. Os the remote ere • Mem de Aline house ate a *ors .bop ; fi eerwd orchard. ( low to school. one-b•if ttf1111 tram chutes. ppaasetoalce sod scan. Nes tore mitred farmer. The b - Many Suggestions Made For Goderich ilarbour Present Facilities are Inadequate Consider Many .Mar- iners at Probe into Death of Lake Huron Victims -More Witnesses Will Still be Heard Before Inquest Closes. Alter 4fari/K the testimony of nine witnesses covering • space of tour bouts last Friday afternoon, the cot - otter's helmet over the body of Them - a. Steens, picked up at Bayfield and afterwards Identified, was adjourned until Monday afternoon of tb s week at 2 o'clock. Coroner Renter presided. Crow* Attotn.y Seager conducted ther inquest and Mr. J. L. KiIlorao appear- ed ppeared on behalf of the Can•dien Mercan• tiles Mario. association. Mr. J. B. Kel- ly was the Mot wituess called- He stated that he went down to the water -works plant on the Sunday afternoon of the big storm. At two o'clock it was hot blowing very herd hitt when he e.we bask between four and Ave o'clock it was blowing harder with heavy anow it was his opinion et that Umue that a vessel would t* able to see the harbor. The tog born had not blown while be was there. He beard it during the night, u it kept hew awake, but be did not know when it started to Now. He thought it alight he about 11 (.'clock. After that tirm it blew conuououaly mullet least three e; clock nn Monday morning. "Who has charge of blowing the born," asked lbs crown attorney. "Well I dont know. 1 know 1 blow the born when I an told to blow it," replied the Moues. Mr. Kelly further said that this had been the cuotom under the regime of the old lighthouse keeper btu witness had not received any instructions from the government *ince the new light. house keeper, Capt. Wm. Robinson, hau been in office. 1Jp to a abort tins ego he received persons' instructions from tbe prevent keeper blmself. Ask- ed if be ever blew the horn without instructions from the -lighthouse keep- er, Mr. Kelly said that if any person asked him to blow the horn be used to do so. He denied having any reepoxt- eibility aw to blowing the horn. On the Sunday in question he did not think about it but was occupied with his business in looking after the town lights. He stated that hie aseistteis were Messrs. W. H. Bullard, Harty Stowe and Benj. Evans. The electric- ian bad given no in.true.tions to hive the horn blown that dee. He did not think it world have been heard far if it had been blown. Wit noes said that so tar as be knew, lbere was no tele- pbunic communication between the lighthouse and the power house where the fog horn is kept. WORST STORM IN YEARS. Capt. Reginald Bassett, a .on of Capt. W. J. Bassett, of the steamer McKee. on examination stated that he had Phi led the Great Likm for the past 17 year.. He had wiled on the Wexford ;end left her in 1907. He told the coroner that she heti heen built in Sundt.' lend, England, in 191ili for ocean teethe. She had water ballast compartments and had on some occasions carried tbem full in a storm. Witness had heard about the Wexford losing part of her wheel but when he saw her here about six weeks ago, he thought all the flanges were complete. He considered that she would make 10 milwspwr hour end should bar. reached Goderich about one o'clock an Sunday, provided the reports were true that rhe was 9n miles from port at 16 o'clock in the morn- ing. Capt. Baa.ett thought the store, ores the wont that he had ever exper- ienced. Croweexrn,ined by Mr. Killoran, the witness said that from personal ceper- ienof be had only known the Wexford to he aground once in sit yet**. He thought she was aground *bout two months ago. While be was on the Wexford the life belts ,end boats were inspected every spring by tbe gervern- ment iuepectot- "Frer your own knowledge could you fay that any captola left the Wex- ford became he considered her uor see - worthy," asked Mr. Killoran, "No, 1 could nut," cane the an- swer. Mr. A. M. McInnes, engineer on the McKee, shook beads with the coroner, being en old friend, as he pissed to the etand. Examined by Mr. killoren he said that while be was o. the Wer. fried there bad not been any pre drill. He thongbt that there hod net hem c•relesanees In providing life Loot• and general equipment nes the later. A salt or a sea &Debor would act do any good as 'easels carried an extra aachor, be contended. The 1Fgbtbrwat keeper, Capt. W.,, Zilesson, teetIAed that be bed tees- Uses position for the Mound k batt years. Be was at hoses. nes the ahernonn of the day a quwtlon and fewest to t on at o that prodtleted a mon wing t4at tttt~orn Th at 1 4& been is tv on •lesoo showed that on Sunday at MIM e. .. the wised was blowiest atseet i• 104(10 t at two p, m., In muffs at lane. 44 saifss tat 10. between 110 and f boor W elves .thecae .• on Mems *!nnong It bed Its limit Monday n miles This wee nese Jing aisebbb " . slate von bo Iostrwettese s11404 - hoe t.lee bi m% rd he pN Mt• Pare* Wil, bap..i., d .141t Atlp, who. wheels a telspholse, ties It we' het het sawe that et the Tetrawftlit difficult to keep mug *beet there are w.s0OV excursions to the west," ne Isaid. The jury then adjourned the; eo le hearing until Monday afternoon. MONDAY'S 8E8810N. After examining four witnesses end necupyiog a period of five hours at the afternoon and evening session oo Matt- i day last the tbird"wd'ournment of the in(,uiry was aeain adjourned until Mon- , day next at the town ball at tau p.01. I Mr. L. E. Dancity stated that ba repre- I voted the Chicago A St. Lawrence' Navigation Company but he did not esl any question* through the iogniry. There are ten or wore witneweb yet to be examined. Capt. Wbitney, who is dock superin- Company. told about tbe same story tendsnt at Ashtabula and *as here in re be did at the Bret hearing. the capacity as chairman of the Lake Mr. Harry Stowe. eouployed by the Carriers' egeocieation. being sworn testi- waterworke department affirnfed that Bed that he had /seen sent here to look *ben be went un duty at 12 o'clock oo after the reepve• y and ideutiflc.ation 8nnd*y trsoeoing mad off at eight of tbe bodies of the victims. He plac- oclock the horn was not blowing due- ed the toll ct the storm at 273 lives and ing thattime. as there was no oeee.- 42.500,4110 in property. dry for It to blow. He had been se- As an improvement to the harbor cu•tomed to blow it when any riled he would eug*eet dredging it inside on thes street told hien to do it, He tbe breakwater. He had exatuined did glut think that it WAS anybody's the fog born and es be eonsider.d it duty to blow the Morn in particular. insufficient and inadequate, he would The town clerk, Mr. L L. Knox, read not care to *tempt to enter this part an extract of • letter dated April 13th. in a storm. He vuggested Lbat ore 1101, front Mt-. Wee. Smith, deputy shoukl he placed on the end 01 the minister of marine and fisheries at Ut- pier and operated by compressed air, taws, wherein Wet department made similar to the ones in use at the Anim- a proposition to instal a tog whistle if' ican brrbors of refuge. Her gave it ss the town could furnish the steam to his opinion tb•t light Metope at porta blowit. Mr. Knox went on to state I of this kind abould have in stock w that since be hied been in office for tbs.! couple or more barrel., of fish oil. past eve years the government had al. i From erperieace he knew this to be ways maintained this whistle. beneficial. Capt. W. J. Barestt, managing di. i Mr. Seeger asked about the signal.. rector of the Western Mte•uubip Co., !The witness replied that if they were which rornpany owned the Wexford, ' up before the storm be did not think gave evideoex. "Time harbor here ie 1 they were au fielen1 to keep captains like many other+. 1t lee. politirnl 5Y 30 in. ss be wodkl ho. gone out himself. barber, just good 'sough 1.o bold the' Tom signets were eimnply used as vole," be rensarkod, guides to navigation. He affirmed Crown Aturney Seeger told ^hie that 0.. eapt..in. 14.4 0flCOU4. *1 their thet the busier.* of the inquest was own risk and they elope were respon- not to diming matters of that kind. foible. A bruad,srsile went around the Capt. Bassett further declared that court room -when he sail that sailors if there bad heen a proper fog horn, hung their hats over the barometer sex the captains of ve•eels would have they could not see it going down. In trade for the Godero-h harbor and cuocluding Copt. Whitney could not white they might have Leet their ves- err that sails would be any advantage tel.§ they would not have lost their but ecu in favor of all vessels being crews,- Asked what he considered a equipped with wirelree proper horn he suggested a fog horn no Cept, M*Icolett C. Cameron, of Col - the end of the pier which would guide Dogwood. mere evidence. He ie the vessels coming in, that is if it 1- to he father of Co t. Cameron. of the ill -fat - a, harhnr of refuge. -'It is a h.►r"or of ed steamer Wexford. He thought .he iefnge," said tea Brown attorney. 1 could not throw any light un tee sub- -In mane only." ejaculated the cot-- ject, as there were marine engines v one,• and others wore qualified in 'waiter* Cape- Mimeo*mumto say that net' of that kind. He neld, however, that one occasion bis son had tried t - enter it would bean expensive job to make this fort four times and failing wept, Goderich .t harbor of refuge. over to Sand Bench. C*pt. %V..1. Bassett at the afternoon -if 1 4od a c.pt*in that came into gestation was on the stand foe nearly the harbor when the water woe rim- three hours. He explained the state - wing neer the piers I would not keep went he made at the but session biro," laid the witness, when he said that Goderich bad e "What theory 4sve you for the "two-Rfty harbor," that it was being loss of the Wexford r Mr. Seeger built by piece meal and ibat it woe asked. "None, only the gale wee too Inking tbe leoveroment 10 years to do much for her, It might hove beer. what should be done in one. "It's o poesihle tbat she canoe here and find- delusion to new skipper•rs at the press- ing she could not get in, her cept.in amt time," he raid, end be held that we turned and her cargo shifted The it wee the only putt on this side of only excuse a ceptain has for trying to Lake Huron, it should he inside one of musk" this port in a storm is that 4e refuel-, He rteied thet a heftier of cannot Mand the gale and captains this kind was mor. necessary here take big risks," answered Capt. Bite then on Georgian Bay where ships sett. were more protected. "Und•t pres- Tbe wont of the storm struck Laic" enc c.nditione I would never attempt Huron, end I think there ware a tidal i.. enter Goderich in a Morn.." he Jr - wave whleb pursed down the. (-entre Glared. In reply to a question put hy and did the damage. On the way from the coronet, if any vessel. had been the Soo to Goderich there is no oleos wrecked in -Wet locality. the mariner a mariner can get his weether report stated thatoue out of the 1S had gone. exceptofrom these signals," he declared, down t herr. 111 view of the fate , hat Mr. Seeger minted to know it there storm Menials had been mired, asaffirm. eras any wey for wort to be sent *need ed in the 'tew.pmet P. Cruwn Attotnre to protect anal warn the senors to get Seeger celled not understand why gall. into shelter. Witness did nct t.4ink ors had left port and also would like to 14i. would have been pos*it.le o*Nng tr. find out who wits responsible for it. the felt that the morn *04 sosudden. Having the consent II t he coroner Capt. \Virelese telegraphy would perhaps Manley stated that Hon. 31r. :`font, have orcompli.h.d this purpose hot ex-Mimi..t•t of Peblic Works,once said Copt. Bassett could net say with any that he hung blhp head in shame when degree of rert.inty. "I think ',casein he passed up the wart coast of should 4.e egnipnstd with wireless, its it America and saw the fine edemas there might help swims to call for eosin- and then (scampered them with the ones MVP. A new boat. is more Hattie to in um in Canada. The examines- then tweak down then an old one," content- *Anted to know what Capt. )3a+sett ed Capt. Bassett. thought about this statement. "fie "Yon dont .uppnwe i would pay hoe not leen any lurcher tbao i haw., 110,000 or 411,11140 and •,and for her hut i think the signals air. better there leaking, do you," replied the wiener. than here hecamse they ate better to a qq.*.tion put by she minnow if the looked Idler," was the witness' answer. Wexford was leaking. He told of her The whine.* stated that the Doinin- gning on the ,nets when ahe hod dem- Ion Marine usoci*tion bad objeeted to aged 16.0141 bushels last summer het tn. government proposal to compel all Mince that titre she had leen in the vessels to have wlreleee equipment so de ydoek at Ootanttwond. the- a.oeietlon rrnmidered owner, of She had never heen in collision ex- small vessels c mold not afford ft: v dept when .he bad run into the piers Capt. Basest t cobteoded that Lewin - or dirks. About four or Ave years ing ships equipped by the sovernetNnt ago .he .trunk s pier, the captain wooed be u good .save, wttbougb vas - brought bee here, then took ben to eel owners .'mold get slang without it. fk>ltlogwood, put her into the dredock, He thought I bat !eke ..,,el, went went Into the hospital birmelf and into the drydock tne often, wtoept dam• when dam*gs,l, ait these wee hardly 'The Wexford." said 0.p•. Gossett, any corrosion from lake water. The "has hem in the irydock *bout six wheel n1 the Wexford had only four them in 10 years. She bee only ear- blades but on a oeeaslom she bad rigid about two cargoes of ore. *ewer made a round 1$ wits three and again may pasta/. ?Mehl, and never earned ann(her with nN two. deck leads," ewe wltne.. Witnems did n know It WWI *galip t Heeiplalned that • ser anchor woe tbs. lase for vwesefe to0 to sea with- Mtwply ea Improvised drag, which out a evil .en hoar:(. did net think throwswwewlr.et*( mend All with 'b. Wexford bad ca any .silo ne weber r and prevent a .hip Glomdrift- rd slum he owned het. lag. In the case of the Woleford, a, • stated that Mr. 8. D. Asdrewe, tree amelsof would have Wee Ste nee, as vernment inepeclne. had in.peeted her anchors e*n4 ba.e easily reaobsd Um Wazfoed last *piing. Witness the bottom of Lake Heron. was ent present then. Wben he had him wee Ineered for bee foil value. boos present et the hespect*nes, Cent. Witness *tared that the Wexford bed it•esett never saw an Mepeetan mass - lad sane bet sinew they had hews des- lee all the life belt* *bere thee* were trays& they bed tat epee resiesel. 400 or more fest In the Mae of a small = This wee dor to tbs old thnepthledles member the Inspector Awvnslly (coked through, the boles in the canvass not modern statue and soiree pretarred the over half or were. but set all the life brig Wiese, b tics .agleg rweert- en. ' Weald you Must a espeals tie Nay 'Too roe mem to as that Mf. Manley produced 44 in poet for a •tools, bow . roes dotal, * 1.44 • alts r trove tall piece life .igwal}" gnarled Mow chewy life hefts a vessel *bleb M aAlrttsed was r phstcst of Ith tia,ixa odally" lawyer. "1 mega treat sbo144 hewer apt. Manley asked. bet frons the Wexford, and had been Alta to Ink. the .Ieps.1 sofa's' rlwr f., *titehe.0 Lawe one for welsh man hr neht from the lngneet at T sd ford. else sad thee tree Me jtttAbttttggh veil 1 meld mese positivity est tie, It was put' iii Mail nd was One you ley Sense trey to Weeford had U." of these OatsrsAfmtsus beet mew, sway keep (bps. Man_ ley exhibited s life pelmet- "One r e .• (t would sot float and enter tab net their wrew le order that wore with inns canvass and bob* Is MOW d.edared It world, Cbe- bsell=. myrl►t li goer ..dil, ideas(- N . L.. t' Cr . Ms.ett It Il. cerci, 1ltteusm Isiaepoe*d and 041 tM •silt testy ti)tr,..ssr 44?,,.., wiry M 9FMsoi le sur s fft and pr q*m% 4014 IM waw w M 0Mtli} bgM a /h. trsteer et .ht tense ?esu s vessel Ire eatery. ( itarf t we a meld trews eget et rite t ! ' -es It ft_ right is the etrtt states tee/4 sot get the waw,. .d t,Kasslp.4 *is task end said It wao all this Me wwY s epp.-t beau Ate lo Ratepayers antee Will Decide Question on Saturday Are the Urged Bonds Company Majority of and to Vote for the Bylaw to Guar - American Road Machine Help the Town - the Measure the Thus Favor The bush drag, the buckboard, corduroy road, the snake fence the tall culvert are all relics of t put . The story of the pioneer carry Ing • bushel of wheat on his should 10 mites or more to the mill beam the roads would not se aLle 41s ox-ce to traverse them, ie more no* a nu w ry rhym. than a reality and t4 days have passed. When the rural goes to town today. he goes in his rex ber-tired buggy or drives a load grain on tbe best wagon procurab with • fine span of spirited steed From the foregoing the observing ma at once sees the progress this count is making. It iw said and held by We beet speakers that a wonderful f Lure lies before this fair land, a poets slog of the time when Caned ehall rival her United State+ multi in population and'wealtb. But itis declared that like all new countries Canada has one drawback and that is her roads. Soria of them might properly be .called "LWo-flfy" roads. The government haw reallted the inportan.'e of Looking foto this fustier and, as stated before, a Good Road( Comwissioo will endeavor to make the t.hroughfar•es throughout the province of Ontario like the old Roman roads which have to some ex- tent made England famous. Surely any person can see the truth of thew words and how the American Head 34 .chine Company being the only firm in Canada which manufacture this clam of machinery exclusively as the country ezprnis itself this Arai will reap tbe tenant ar.d wbat benefits it, benefits God.n•icb. Old residents will no dnaht remem her when the liawy llanufactttrin Company moved from Newtutatir, bm*ll village iu Durham county, to Toronto it was a small concern to what the Mosey -Harris Company ire et the present time. Toronto offered inducements and was benefitted by the growth of the Ann., There are many other inatances where towns or cities ba., helped themselves in population and financial growth by lending a helping hand to their indurative. A's • proof that this company can do !mainsail if it bad the facilities for manufacturing the goods, the manag- er, Mr. C. L. Monne, a .head i usin,•se men, went to London last week and closed a deal with the International Harvester Company for *31 order for hotween 40 and 50 complete road-tuak- ing outfits. This order would amount to approximately $100,000. When Mr. Moore took the order he knew the, he could not in*nufeeture all of these machines here, but bank it on the understanding that wbat could not he furnished from tbis plant would he shipped from the United States plants of the Oren, in the hopes of tiding over the busineob until the new plant here could be completed. It is obvious that heal the new factory been cn,sipleted this large order would be filled or part ly tithed tide winter then employin pet haw' 1110 more ,nen in Goderi.b. People -who think that the company .ire *eking the cnrporetion for a loon ehnnld *t once dispel 1 hie idea trout their head.. They are simply asking the town to 'guarantee its bonds and give it a fixed asees,gs*nt for 10 Meat•., The position of the eompony is this It Moles and sells its own bonds after being guaranteed hy the corporation, and the holder of the honds whets pay. went is due looks to the company for the payment and does not bother in arty way the guarantor, unless the. said eoenp.ny neglect* to inert the payment when dun. In the prefect bylaw, the hnnd will he issued Ay the American Road Machine Oo. of Caned*, Limited, wbich bonds will be guaranteed by the corporatiow of the town of (lode - rich, the same es byte* Nn. !)ref- 19(10 Men the company located io Gode- rich. The town will be secured by a mart - /age covering both the new plant end the East street plant. •This wilt in- ehrd, the real imitate, buildings and equipment, all machines now In use as Sell as equipment and enwchlbee which may rte added in one or tLe otber ',tants from'tinse to time. Under thio arr►tttement, the town will bare seeuritylto double the atnouut of toe bond issue asked for The comp,ny bas asked the Le en to give it a flied aesseso»ut of 5:'1,000 par year for a period d ten Morrie Tbe property which has been *cgnired by the Amer- ican Road Mathise Oo. of Coad*. Uwlted, has, sines the founding of the town of Godsends, beet. owhed by the Canada Co. and omelets of 'seam, hied. 4s park lots this property has been assessable at • very low rate, the the taxes derived therefrom amounting to and about 4108 per annum, whereas• the be company's.eesenl*nL Axed et 51(1,000 - for the Doming ten yarns. the yearly er taxes vr111 be approxirnatgly 5650. The se company .will pay the school tax as rt cording to the actual aseaseed slu- r- *tion. The exemption covers only the nee general tax, not including the school let tax. By this arrangement the corpor- b- *tion of tbe town will he tn. gainer in of the way of taxes to the amount of le *542 per year, which will reduce the is. present tax rate proportionately. n Ever resident of Goderich should ry remember that be lives iu this town. aila- nd a DS 4 a not for *hat be can get out of it. but for what good he can do it and hie/ - self at the- same time. Remember tbat each and everyone owes as a religions duty to the town in which be or she resides that they do *11 in their power to make it a bigger, brighter and more succeeetal city or town. The Signal has no hesitation in saying "Vote for this bylaw by all memos on Saturday next." \Vbeo the following list of promi- nent citizens ha*. pledged their sup- port to the canes it must be a good one and The Signal says again that it hope. "that every man this day will do his ditty." The list le composed of the followstlg: W. T. Mutmwy, Phomas (sundry, A. D. Mclean. Rob- ert McLean, R. H. Cunt, W. H. Robert- son, Mayor Reid, H. T. Edw.rda, Walter Pinder; Coen. Graham, Alex. Saunders, Coun. Moser, L. E. Dobeftv., J. W. Smith, Reeve Runnings, A. E- 1ledhilt, J. 1'. Goldthorpe, James Be- c4annan, H. J. A. MacEwan, W. T. Fellow, Police Magistrate Kelly', M. 0. Catnen•n, Joseph Kidd, G. L. 1Sar•oo., Andrew Porter, H. E. Ilodgens, T. M. Devil, F. H. Martin, W. C. Pridham, F. E. B..rdette, Wm. C*rmpbell,J. W. Cr*igie, C. C. Lee. 0. A. Nairn, Elijah Drinkwalter, Goun. McClinton, J. W. Fraser and many others. AUBURN The members and friends of the Au- burn Baptist church ere looking for- ward to anniversary services on Sun- day. December it.li. They expect a good tins*, as Rev. W. D. Mabe., of Spring1eld. one of their lata past -nor will he the preacher. A good musical programme is being pl•epated. There will he * grand concert in the Temperenee hall, Auburn, on Friday evening, December 12.b, under the auspices of Knox church choir. The programme will consist of choruses, quartettes, duets and solos, ,and piano *o1,, and, duet.... Miss Mona Walter, of Carlow. the well-known elocuticnist, will also take part in the programme, and violin selectione will h. given by Mr. R. Redmond, of Weetfleld. Gen- eral admission. 25 cents ; reserved sesta, :ib cents. VOTE FOR TIM BYLAW - VO'TI; g 1.•›? • f NOTICE Mr. W. G. Lu- ruby. having purchased the toneerial parlor and h*rher shop in the Bedfned Block occupied .and conducted by Mr. H. B. Boebn,.r, welcomes ail old patron.. Satiefaclioa guaranteed. WEST WAWANOSH FIREIN R.ANCEC'O. •-r,.• 0ror of the hest in t hie Par- lice. Fixed rote of aeeeeeoxnt, Live Ktoek insured et Its full S vas. whether an the farm or not. No trouble to make adjust - meets. R. MCILWAIN, dile. Agent for Colborne. GODERICH 'BUS LINE Two 'boson meet Private wile e4sle%) Sorry llesseeebie Tur DAVIS LIVERY T. M, DA VIII Proertesor is 'It aline 'tea Yee S.__,...Jl•,.`1l -. r-,...'.-4,;..........''