HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-20, Page 8e
S..aMasar►a*. l4ov !e► LJs
Uleariug sale of our
rutire stock of high
grade Uut Glias. prices
ranging from 1 to 1 off,
in order to make room
f•.i special Christmas
Similar reductions in
many of our other lioee,
including odd lines of
thins. children's toots,
hooks of fiction, etc.
A splendid opportunity
t,. put, base Christmas
Vat4 h show windows
for specials.
The Colonial Boot Store
Gala. POLITER. Prop.
'Phone 11xI Goderich.
S.uhjocts taught by expert instructors
at the
Y. IL C. A. UDC.
9tadents assisted to position. College
is session from Sept 2nd. Catalogue
free. Enter any tune.
J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt. Jr.
., i rlac*pal .-Chartered lb
..tudeotr may enter our claw.* at any
Uwe. 1'ho.e who enter now will bare
tan advantage over who.. who cannot
motel till tar. New Year. Our courier In
(Ion merelal. Shot thand :.ndTelegraphy
detarttne.nt. are thorough and prartr-
eat We otter you advantage* not
oe'wred el.ewbers in the Province.
tan our tree catalogue .i d .es If It
U. A. M• LACHLAN. Principal
— Mr. R. J. Acheron was to Toronto
thin week on business.
— Miss KvsllIa McDonald hasraturs-
ed from Romancer.
— Mr. Hilton Schuler, of Ki.oardlse,
was to town 00 /Sunday last
- Mr. Bedewed McDonald
turned from Red Deer. Alberta.
- Mr. P. J. Pridhaas made a sb.et
business trip to 'Formate this week.
—Mrs. Wo- Proudfoot found ie her
gerdro the other day a beautiful roes.
--Mrs. V . M. Roberts has returned
from • two weeks visit to lett. Oath-
— Mrs. J. H. Williams has returned
from • five west.' visit to her daught-
ers at Cleveland.
—Mr. Knalow Aitken
ft teat eek
for Los Angeles. California,
will reside in future.
—A lady in (iederich received re-
cently a =nail package from India. the
duty on which was 12.
- -Mr. Dave Marks, of the Bell Tele-
phone Co., spent the week -end with
his parents in Stratford.
—Mr. Thomas Legg retuned r
Mondayevening from r
where e spent the week -end.
--Mivs Annie Campbell, of Chicago,
was visiting Mr. and Mrs. .1. W.
Taylor, Easel street. last week.
— Last week Judge Hut trade a trip
through the northern part of Huron
county holding Division courts.
—Miss Olearibue, missionary horn
India, was the guest over Sunday of
Rev. and Mrs. Jame. Hamilton.
— Mier Hildred Mc oU. who has been
visitirrg relatives sad friends in
Toronto, is expected home today.
—Mr. Walter Taylor left on urs -
day for Pasadena, Ualifornia,wbere be
will spend the winter. He will aha
for Plumbing. Heating, Wiring,
sad all kinds of Metal Work.
Always in Stock
METAL RWFiNG, all kind*
Get our prices. They are a1 -
ways right. consistent with good
material and honest work.
visit Vratt..atler. fll.MUll and oma
fleas ettele.r erraielnewievish.
--Klee Mese Fear eineW • with
typhoid lever. She h.s I. sympathy
of bee many tristarl. is Iles slaws
—Mr. Behest sere lett lest aatiasday
for New Tort and the meelrinse arm -
Moen whets by will spend IM winter.
—Klee Matti. Ooueies left the week
for Wham atter visiting for six
weeks w, friends In Oaderich sad
—Mrs. Many Me0m. of Auburn,
was • •indole during the week with
her pati. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
—Mr. Edgar Batten, left on Wed-
srede7 for Stockton, t alitorni•, to
join has brother. who he has not seen
or live years.
-Why do our lover, of good roads
not put some gravel around the Square
to 101 the muddy spaces made by fall-
ing rain and melting snow P
--1n a game o f basketball et the
0.0.1 gymnasium last night. the
Y.M.C.A. team defeated the G.C.i.
teem by a poen of Ili goals to tote.
Tuesday night Huron chapter of
the Masonic order welcomed Mr. L. C.
Jackpot►, of Be•forth, grand superin-
teodint of , district No. 0, who •d-
d,eesed the gathering.
—Inverness camp, Suns of Scotiasd,
wail attend their annual church ser-
vice. al Knoqx church on Sunday
morning. Noviimber :10th. A full at-
teudaoce of meruber& is urgently re-
— Mr. A. K. Hannah. weatern repre-
sentatlie of the American Road
Mtacbius0o.atCalgary,was to town last
week settling up his year's business.
He reports the prospects for next year
as excellent-
-Mayor Reid and Reeve Munniogs
went to Toronto on Wednesday in
connection with the Ontario West
Shore railwaytrouble, wbieh in being
taken up by tOntario Railway and
Municipal board.
— Fast sheet is in a disgracefully
muddy cooditioo. As one of.tbs prin-
cipal streets of the lowp, it should re-
ceive special attention during the open
season and should never be allowed tp
get into the condition it is now in.
—Mr. Ed. V. Lawsoo,of Dunlop, left
on Friday to visit his sister, Mrs. M.
K. MoQuarrie, at Revelstoke, British
Columbia. He will also visit • other
points on the Pacific coast and will be
away for several months.
—Mr. P. A. Vaonorman, provincial
detective at Webbwood. and Mrs.
VanNormen and children. who spent
OW past five weeks visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Kennedy, parents of Mrs.
VanNorman, returned to their home
in Webbwood on Tuesday.
—Mr. Robert Craieie, who has been
employed in Mr. 0. 0. Lee'. hardware
store for a number of year. pant, bas
left for Sherbrooke, Quebec, where be
has accepted a position and when be
will in future reside. His friends here
wish him all success in his new sur-
Hamilton St., Goderich.
rm.mm' THE
One Great Sale
of the Christmas Season at Harrisoe's
still continues with Wonderful Bargains never be-
fore heard of in Goderich,
We have exceptional
values in Regina, Wal-
tham, Elgin and other
good makes in both la-
dies' and gents' watches.
It will pay you to in-
vestigate before going
elsewhere as we can save
you money.
1tear duality
Our 'tuck of Bracelets was never Netter. We have all .tyle*,
Maio rod .tone set. All marked at Sale Prises.
Ladies' and gents' Watch Chains are all marked at Special
Sar Prices. We have some tine deelgns.
New i)e-
signs in Sil-
Our Silverware Go all of the ver hest quality. We have just
received poor Christmas stool of le Pi. Rat... Baker'.
Ibminn sugar Holden, Pero Bowh and other useful Christmas
mints. Out prieew on these goods are Very Spacial.
Our Ckri.tioas monk is ospaslall attraetivs with maw ea/
tip -to -date novelties ba Silverware, t at ti lase, Art Ware, Braes
floods, Clocks. Rbony floods and Sterling Silver Toilet erosive.
Reoevnh.r all our goods are marked in pais levees no pm
will bag D. trouble In see the imemese values we are Mferbyr
• his Ohtistmas mason.
The Saha will continue t111 Obrieta hes but It will pay you to
call now while our .took is so toll of Christmas eeggeslloas sed
creak, year eholee, as oaa brew It laid aside few you en a pay-
ment e1 • email deposit uuatil (Jbrio mss.
Walter H. Harrison
Amstar sad Optialaa
Finest to be had
Orme and see our Christmas
Novelties, such as Handkerchiefs
wad Glove Oases. Boudoir Caps,
Umbrella Oases, Knife. Fork
and Spoon Cases, Collar Bags,
Ladies' Shirt -waist Omen Shirt
Holden. and other articles toe
numerous to mention.
These articles are all made
up, stamped for hand embroidery
and make the handsomest gifts
A full range of stamped
goods, such as Waists, Night-
gowns, Combination', Corset
Covers. etc., Centres, Tray
Cloths, Pincusbion.. Work Bags,
Laundry Bags. Pillow Slips,
Towels, Aprooa, Collar and Cuff
Sets, etc.
AL articles in Baby's Wear,
Newest Neck weer, Bows, Collets
end Oollar and Ouff Sets.
Ouimpee, Yokes, etc.
We are going to offer for the
next two weeks gee Sewing
Machines,th•t hair. been slightly
used. at bargain prices. Call
at once and see them.
No trouble to show goods.
Mrs. L. B. Tape
SEA gin"
OF anon- QUALITY, Ahi)
Weran rival the tient eity offer -
Ing. in
Peaches. Pglrs of
We have everything in the
Season's Vegetables and
if yon wast
Butter and Eggs
you can rely on, ws have theta.
Can or 'Plosewb 12
S. J. Young
M APL$ MAY 0 tOC*R y
EMBOSS lihpet
I ‘1
Meat Westin is Heas•0 Will Joie
Fereige sad Hems Branches
The Mures presbyterial of the
W.P.M.*. mot in Cavan church,
Beeler, on Tuesday. the nal incl at
10 o'eloek, with the pus d.ot, Mr..
Larkla. inn the chair.
Owing to the very leolement weather
the attemdenee was small road some el
Nese oe the progw •maw were unable
to nae* their nearest railway statins
made, owiim to blocked ads, so that their
Poses had to be taken by others in
attsadanee. particularly was this the
cess is the.ubj.rla to be taken by the
members of the Smith's 11111 auxiliary
but Rev. Gillies Eadie. returned
miadooary trout Honour, filled the gap
most acceptably. gtviog a talk on
prayer basad on the call to the
chastity world by Ohio* tor prayer
fur that nation. Hs said in part : " W e
in China didn't just understated Ile
meaning wbeu at came to us from
Pekin. What was the significance of
the request ? Was it a political move
on the part otthe Chinese government
to gain the sympathy of foreign na-
tions ? Thew questions were answered
in a Pekin paper tbL. 'fhecbriatlane
in Pekin were obwr•ving a ay of
prayer and some one present su
that a request for a general ob.erv-
ancs of sueh a day be presented to
Cee Cabinet. This was dune and the
cabinet seat on the. request to the
president who issued the order that •
day of prayer be observed through
the country.' This doesn't meso that
these high officials ate christians but
that they an wiltinghto test christiau-
Mr. !Sadie was ttstened to bolt
morning and eveniog with close attar -
tion and his addresses to the different
congregations be visits while at home
on furlough, cannot buttgive new Tight
on Chinese problems.
The various reports presented by
the secretaries were most encouraging.
Fgmondville again is the broiler
auxiliary as regards amount of looney
contributed. There were ten life -
membership certificates taken out
which helped to make an increase in
the funds. this year the total amount
contributed by the auxiliaries and
mission bands was $23117.21. Serra -
teen bales of cloturng were sent to the
ludiatos of Round Lake school sad
The afternoon session was opened by
a Bible reading hs Mrs. Tamer, of
Blyth, taken from Humans x..IY.13,
wherein an found the marching
orders of the christian church. Front
the viewpoint of heaven there Is
nothing more beautiful than the
preaching of the gospel. There is no
difference between Jew and Greek :
there is rue difference between the
Chinese and ourselves : were is no
difference between the Hindu and
ourselves. The Bible is just full of
"whosoever.," so the necessity of the
missionaries work is more pointed
than the beefy of it. In conclusion
the speaker cited a conversation she
had recently read between an atheist
and a pt•oferiog chr•irtiao. The former
said : "I don't believe in foreign mho
pions and neither do you or your con-
tributions would amount to mon than
they do. I've known you for years
and I'm safe in saying yon paid mon
for your watch than you ever gave for
the spread of the gospel."
The president's address followed
and was a review of the year's work.
She spoke of the gain in individual
character as noise -lora workers. Are
we realizing more fully that we ars
God's stewards ? Are we learning to
pray more intelligently and earoeatlyP
If net, the Summing up of days and
years will not mark progress which is
the world's watch -word. No matter
bow poor we may be the intercessory
gate is open to us and that is the
secret of successful work. In closing
she urged each mission worker to be
& temperance worker in the coming
Scott Act campaign.
The address of the afternoon to
whichall had looked forward to with
expectancy Willa that given by Mira
Olearlhue, of India. She bad a map
of the section of India given over for
evangelisation to the Canadian Pres-
byterian church and sbe took her
audience from city to city felling in a
moat interesting way of the work done
in hospital. school and ones. There
ire 17001) villages in that district, so
Wears easyto see bow inadequate is
the numr of workers. fibs made
a most earnest appeal for the young
people in the home churches to con-
sider this work and their obligation
toward. it. Her whole address was a
g rapbic bird's-eye view of wsrsen's
work for women in Central India.
Other subjects uoder discussion
were the amasgamstion of the home
and foreign societies and mission band
work. These were dealt with by Mrs.
Smith, of Hensel', and Mite. Roes, of
Goderieb. The offiosts w=e returned
by acclamatloo, by request from the
to [ward. owing to a cheogs to
be made next May la the eo.stitutioo.
The closing words wore given by
Mee. Ooliu Pletcher. of Thames Road.
than brlaging • roost helpful meeting
tea Bloss. Heron prasbyteriet of the
W.P.M.B. will meet next year in Hen.
sail aloeg with the Herm presbyterial
of the bums missless, when it le ex-
ported tbey will become nue society
known as the women's missionary
society of the eadiaa Presbyterian
—t yOr.eatrae Mei what r tetiya 1Waaoso t it Is oat
skeane ale le Y.Yyaw t Team swam
fia1/ row Moore ersea•Ol
.Neaa .ovelt
ae was wattiMala t* tussah IYa= A
T1 the CWmm. d US.Lrieh
A fend has here emend 1.'Termite,
knows as The Iakes Disaster Fund, in
aid ot the widows and Mildest' of
sailors wee Snot their lives in the
reeeat storm ea Lake Huron i have
egemeited 10 act es Honorary These-
ruermer Ins Yederleb sad will be pissed
be teeetve whsa•iptiese to the above
lead et the Nee ebltrk'e asses.
The to/lewbsi beta revel el date P have
Pwle ..rale, Silt ss
Who Slats
taut tth.derbe..r.., sn 10
QO.ddsi e11 11 '
aMvater *Waft Oe.
A PANIC Tarsale... 11
sdiee Beat of O.meree
e.1Ni+.rii~ a seleend sebseelptiee •N1.R and
Mier ar..wma y Wove%
A Big. Showing of Christmas
Ri b bons and Novelties
This week we are making a big display of new Christmas Ribbons and
Novelties for the gift season. You will find shown many pretty and useltd
articles, many of wh.ch can he made from the plain and fancy ribbons in our
stock. We will be glad to show you these novelties, explain how they are maty
and the quantity required for such, or we will sell you the article complete.
The showing of Ribbons and Novelties is by far the best we have made and
you will be heartily welcome to make use of any information we can give you.
More than ever, this is the Ribbon store of the town. You will find ever
wanted shade in plain silk or satin ribbons in practically all widths, with
splendid range of Novelty Ribbons of ail kinds suitable for fanny work. See
the window display Saturday and the first part of next week. Ask for any
information at the ribbon counter.
Ladies' Trimmed Hats $4.90
This is really an Extra Special. 'Phase .
Trimmed Hat• are wort h in the ueua) way
• from 117. 01.1 to $9.sJ0. They ars gotten up in
the very beet style our milliners know
bow to trim. They are the latest shapes
and moot popular styles shown for Win-
ter wear. A fortunate purebeee of both
•hapes and trimmings from a wholesale
firm who are overstocked, eowbles us to
offs• you your choice of Rats that bad
we to buy and sell in the regular way
would cwt from 57.00 to Se.00, for now
Viyella Flannel
This is a very popular English Flannel for
shirt waists. it he guaranteed Itnabtinkabie
and is of beautiful "oft texture. We show it
in half dozen good designs at the maker's set
price, Per yard . fiOs
Waisting Flannels 4Sc
New waisting Flatnnels, neat designs in
waitf make & ttltored
ssnSoft isounshrinkWePer yard dao
Navy and Scarlet Flannels 50c
Beat quality Navy Flsnnel, also imported
English Scarlet Flannel for tailored waists.
Guaranteed all pare wool. Per yard.. .... ape
An Exceptionally Good Lot of
Children's Coats to Select From
Our stock et Infanta' and Cbildren's Cates
is big enough to give epleodid variety to pick
and choose from. Flom the little Bear Skin
Coate to natty Tailored Coats for girls of six _
to ten year., we show what is undoubtedly
the best assortment' anywhere hear here.
Values are good. Styles are right. Prices
exceptionally low. Von can get thea, at
tram.-., . *200 to *10.00 each
Dress Serges 33c
All -wool Dress Serge., splen -
did for winter dresses forwomen
and children. Navy and brown
only. Really worth btk. Per
yard only 1*0"
Suits That Are Exceptional
Ladies' Tailored Sults that are really
sxoeptinnal value. Made frum high.
grade diagonals and sergre allpurs
wool, silk or satin lined, ttillorei Inth-
best manner sad out la the season's most
popular styles. They are really ve,
at trectl ve Barmen ta and selling remota lel v
woald have to he 1160.00 and itt2 5tr,
Navy, Brown or Black. A special little
lot to sell at your choice only *1 6.00
Stockings That Are Good Value
We remind you again of the really exrel•
lent values to he had at our Hosiery count,'.
Buying in quantities from the English min,
smokes it possible to giveou qualities at eat h
of the popular prlees, much above the ordinary.
For example we are veiling :
Ladies' plalu nr nblwt: eaahuiete 11,....
Pee pair ...• 2 S
Children's plain tlhhedwnnl H.re, pet i,,,,t25a
Boy's heavy worsued H,w, doni•I. k. •..
An esus gond Stockist./ it per rair Soo
Eidson Llama cashmere H,.se, per pair
or a tmir. hot 51.00
A g«.d all -wool ribbed stocking at the ...rue
Ladies' fine Ci•bm.s, Hoer, plain .•r ril.-
hed, English make. Would herr U, .ill ,,r
more woney if bought In the uvular w:r,
Our special price per pair 50o
Penman's lemon. “no rata" How. knit r
fit ied do at. •t per pair fit
Min's fin* Englbh C.ahwerr .yo,•k-
Standard Mc to 51k per pair. Selling at. 25o
Men's heavy woollen Mocks. Guaranteed
every pair pint, wool. At per pair . 260
Comforter Special
Imported Comfo,t.es. standard size, pure
white wadding covered with art aateena ..r
turkey chintz. Very special at each. . *1.75
Hodgens Bros.
.a.., .+ale
for sale
1 have a rluantity rat good feed
Wheat. 'Those interested call
and examine rare at storehouse
on Hamilton Street,+ Bag bb,
delivered to town customers.
Special price on ton lots to farm -
Novemh.r 7th 1918.
--Mormons resident in Canada will
contribute $70,(01) in tithes to head-
quarter* In Utah.
—Hon. W. T. White will prnpoee to
parliament that Maeda erect a plant
t0 refine silver ore.
Another senntiooal sellingevent tbet emphasise. the
leadership of this "tore. not testy pant In Ixese,ang correct
.tyle., nut only tint in valtrs-giving, bat fret In offeriog
seasonable milllnny at reduced proms. Toss are fresh.
new production+ in the season's latest Paris and New York
sty les.
in this .ale we are giving the was • of Goderieh
practically at the hsinnn.g 1,1 tit. 35550,. enoppoetunit%
which has never beton tern oustedo
until far a ie Jaauary
or in Febtwty.
Miss Campbell
Kingatna Me -set
Direct From
Factory to You
Save $ 5 to $40
on any bed you buy.
sat `s C
moble .e w. — est Da t►f r ane• onw ram ss1
ION true tea amble at 1----- widawase. Mem ant *+page sari
em rsa 0 haw awe&
Ow swam gamisal. biro Mw ►alarm • mer tar
Sol Oyes sue • ahs of no wick arm aS least saws
Ora it sea mass bible obwbs - la esrlcsi f"`
30 Days
line one tar _door bbl se .tar
PAW flue bop. 5 rue w sal
lb.ss.salr =ibbaL ..tem. So
mob of ass memo and w =.=a
via maw
>r. b ear hiss t Tes Prolog be ear fess 2:81,11:616°
Ark Ile tea-dss'
e•d{f ist is rtlrr eer ~ir(t-
sad !ssr asc.aL btM
360 I uys _hoc
Your ?'inal
$1,000 Guarantee Bond Protects You in Every Purchase
inti ` War b IIIMO M W • Imre i ... 01 0.TM N/ hsa/sl ls WtfaMPOoll•1 « atria
r•a,, Coo; se gat, •.. outs eve
rasiX adIZIr puma,ak amps
Wart - he fdt.sslf)♦p mill _- file a MI/ tlettkt et ii1M.q WIC Tag Utile 11 eft ked Ire Ds wet I11/q
Quality BedeLimited; w.ii.nd, Ontario.