HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-20, Page 7JZ!O soap The Easy Way of Doing a Hard Day's Wash with Comfort Soap POSITIVELY THE LARGEST SALE IN CANADA i UOLLEGIATE EXAMINATIONS COLLEG E ; HONOR ROLL-FoNM I. 1 Oct. 27 --Literature. ti. Pinder tel. R. Worrell 78, K. Jones 76, V. Kudoh 78, AT HOME HoOct. c! -d -Lel"` 3J ►Acatery licirnee, 1.. Johnston 1rt, V. Kudob 87, J. Bogle Mt. O. Black tle, 1. ('uta 77. Oct. 31 -Stenography. D. Howie Pp. L Bytes 117. E. Jones 96, H. McLeod it. E. Hicks til, L Adatus 71, T . Ru., 75. • FORM II. Thou.•aads of timbales. sauna remit re fbt preparing is their own emit to occupy lucrative positions as .t/nos tyten.. book kiepsro. tel..raplorme civil -errant., in fret every sphere of Bust. is.• Actl.itle.. You ,�.ay� &deb ai oat- h..•. if you w wed. Pealtlsns swan - teed. Enter dollops coy day. Iedt 1 tuatructlen Alpert teacatere Thirty years' osperienooto newt - t r►I,,.r. in Canada_ $.sen colleges. 'metal ooare' ter teesherw- A�A.aoa:+t,aed k of need.. INuumumr -. Lool at faeou. Booths* B..In.r ,11.ge. Loudon. Clinton Business t:dlege Li t. ararrox B. V. WA•p President. Principal. WHY KEEP ON COUGHING ? Here Is 1 Remedy Tiaf PIM Shp It Irl you realize the danger in `a reelected cough? Then why don't you get rid of it? Yeti, you can shake it off, even though it has stuck to you for a long time, if au.n go about it right. Keep out in the fresh air as much as sou can, build up your strength with plenty of wholesome food, and take No.Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne. This reliable household remedy has . broken up thousands of hacking, per- sistent coughs, which were just as tmuhlesose as yours, and what it has done for so many others it will do for you. Na- Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice an.i Chlorodyne contain' absolutely no harmful drugs. aud' so ran be given safely to children, as well as adults. Your physician or druggist an confirm this statement, for we are ready to send then on request a complete list of all th agredieuts. Put up in age. and ga,c- bottles by tits Natwaal Drug and Cheufical Co. of Canada, Limited. J17 T. Swans' 'Bus, Livery aid flack Stables MONTHRAL STREET JUST OYF THE SWAMI Cs BUSES MEET AiL TRAINS AND : PASSENGER = BOATS Passengers called for In spy part of the town for pa traits at G. T. R. or U. P. R. depot,. Prompt 'service and careful 'atm, - Our Livery and Hack service will be found ep- ee -data is every respect. Your patronage solicited. TPhone 107. SWARTS Montreal Street r i Oct. 27 -Algebra, L. Bowler 144, J.G. Bowler91: M. Graham VI, A. McLean IMI. O. McGee OJ, D. McManus 8N, fe. Dunnedge 88, S. Atntstrong Ml. N. Whitely 84: Clementine Williams lel. B. McManus lit P. Sullivan ilii, O. Mc- Kenzie 77. G. Field 77, A.McKeuzir 76. L. Wark 76, G. Wotton 74). Oct. 30--Klementary Science, A. Al -- Lean ilii. L. Bowler 82, E. Home KA M. Sullivan 82. O. McKenzie MI, E. Mal- lows MI, L. M. Wegner Ml. E. M. Hah- kirk 78, G. Hatikirk 78, D. McManus 77, Clemeotine Williams 77. E. Dun - fledge 73, Graham Roes 73, G. Wootton 75. Oct. 31-Mp.11ing, L. Bnwier 100. A. McLean 100, O. McNee lull, P. tiuili.an 100, L. W atrtnn 100. J. S. Bowler ilii, L. Howatt 116, E. Hume 88, D. McManus 88, M. Sullivao, 88, Clementine W.1- liarns 88, M. Graham bt. E. McNi %nos 84. C. Dalton 811, C. 11. Hahklrk eft L Macklin 80, V..McOooaeb 80. B. Ciatt 76, A. McK/reosl.76, K. V. Williams 76. O0MMLRCrAL FORM Oct. 31 -Writing, J. Hurley 7s, H. Griffith 77, L. Austin 73. A. Cox 73. Nov. 3- Literature. E. Watson 83. Foam Ili. B THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ON'FABr0 MINN* WORKMEN 1Radway Final Craft of .111 Prepared by the Government's Cotmnlselon 81r William Meredith. special com- missioner of the Ontario Government 0a workmen's oompeusatlon, has sub- aultted his final report to the neuten- ant-gover•or and the cabinet. The new Compensation Act will be founded along the lines of the Ger- man law, and provides for the creation of a provincial system, administered by a Government -appointed board, em- powered to usess industries by g roups, wltb provision for Individual liability to case of certain public utility corporations. The principal provisions of the draft bill are: Compensation for Injuries tuts as long as the disability. Railway companies will not con- tribute to the accident fund. Industrial diseases re put on the same footing as accidents. Employers must contribute towards the expense of administration. Employers are not unduly or unfair- ly burdened by the provisions of the tau The Provincial Government will make a substantial contribution to the compensation fund. Contributory negligence L eo bar to 'compensation, but shall be take& into account In the settlement. The common law, by which an em- ploye takes upon himself risks in- cidental to his employment, is classed as unfair and is abrogated. Telephone and navigation compan- ion must commute weekly or periodical payments to their employes, and keep their workmen insured against acci- dents Farming. wholes& and retail es- tablishments, and • mimetic service are not Included 1 the bill, but pro- vision * wade to ' ing them in whey the board sees tit The new law defends workmen against unscrupulous employers. No litigation will be necessary in order that an Injured man receive compen- sation. The board's decision will be Anal. but the crown may state a sae tor en opinion from the appellate oottt. Oct. 27 -Ancient History. H. Griffin M. full' 82, M. Welsh 80. E. Nees 80, E. Pridbam 76, M. Galt 76. Oct. 30 -Algebra, E. Pridbam 87. L. Cowan 80, 14. Curie 811. Nov. 3 -French. E. Galt 85. M. Galt R3, R. Mioddart 83. H. Currie tee, 1. C Young 81. H. Waiters 80, E. Pridham 76, H. Hartwell 75. Foes 111. A Oct. 31 -French, R. A Bradford 87, O. McDowell 85. L. Garyey Ml. M. Johnston Mi, M. Rowerwno *4(, M. Gilk- inaon. 78. U. Jones 76, R. Bisset 73, E. Pollock 73. FORM IV. PART 11. Oct. 30-Ft+meb. H. Pridbaor 8r. Nov. 3,-(3bemietr•y. J. M°Clinton 79, H. Pridbam 76. NOTISLE OiTBEBINI of Stylish Shore is audio way .t our store! o,/es the Mot to arrive west the Derby Shoes for lien of weetatb sad awes - fort ttlleeeariog erdd weather. Sams of this softest dyke Mr ladles In tits well-ktaown Smardon Shoos tam is. Um, woe Moms se. Horan Rot.L--Foes I Nov. s-Arithluetic, G, Pinder OA. E. Cut 71►. Nov. 6-0wgtraphy,.1. Kelly Al. B. titgCu.s, but which make It look to me Longmire 87. A. Clark 93. A. Brandt eery much more favorable." 81, P. Beattie 80. M. Pridbem lit, G. - Pll.der 79, I. Cutt Wt, K. Hick. '76, R. TELEPHONE LEGISLATION Worsen f e, I3. Lee 73, M. McNally 75, W. Weebingtoe i5._ Independent Companies Want Exist - Nov. 775. coition, G. Pinder ,5. Ing Lave Changed R. WorrellellJ3 Foam Ii. Nov. 3-Goolhotry. J. G. Bowler tee Several new stops In the campaign S. Ariustrnsi91i. N. Whitely 89, L M. for Independent telephones were de- Wagoer 88, B. McManus 88, L. Bawler I tided upon at the annual meeting of 87, E. bunnadtte 87. A. Mclean 86. A the Canadian independent Telephone Moss tb, H. Shackleton en, P. Mullieen Association. In Toronto. *46, C. M. Habkirk fee B. Hume rte. O. + 'tae Legislature is to be asked to Wootton 83, G. Newton 80, L Howatt amend the Ontario Telephone Act so 79.l u to transfer jurisdiction in certain Nov. 6-Lit.reture, J. Row 90. A. ' matters from the Provincial Cabinet McLean 91I, q, Armetrobg 88. A:" Mc- I to the Ontario Railway Board and Kenzie Si. G.Newton 85, B. Dtmnad.e , the Ontario Rallway Board will be 98, G. McKenzie 88. H. Sbackletnn es. I abed to pass on all agreements hom- e. Sullivan 88 L N. Wegner KL M- atter signed between Independent coin - Sullivan 8Y, el•wientine Wlllie.U. tlS, mulles and the Bell Telephone Com - L. Bowler 78. M. °titan 78, O. Field Saar 76, M. Graham 75, Win. Dalton 73, N. Whitely 76, G. Wootton 75. I Liquerypwetion le Quebec Qat 90-tiwgrapby. J Hurley 83In the speech from the throne de• fleeted at thg opening of the Quebec Legislature t week the hope was expressed that the License Commis- sion report would help the legislature to And a so4tlon of the very cow No.. 6 -.chemistry. N. Orem A7. N. plead and difficult question of the ruin dui. B. priahmn 76. M that 7fe sats of alcoholic liquors and the plague H. Hartwell 73, B. Nairn 73. 1 d Intemperance. NUERTA MUST YIELD Waatiwsgton Hopes For Peace Wt le Firm M its Demands John Lind, special envoy of the United States In °Mexico, left the c pttaJ for Vera Crus after the failure of Huerta to carry out the suggestion of not convening the' Congress -elect. He said: 'i will not set my foot in Mexico City again until this Congress 1a dissolved." • This practically breaks off all nego- tiations between Muerte and Waebtnj- ton, wbtch will not be resumed unless Huerta yields. Although the Washing- ton government remains steadfast In las determination that Huerta must a orated from office. President Wil- ms seems hopeful of a peaceful solu- tion. In a statement given to the press he said "There are elements In this cane which I cannot at present Tawsesav, Nov. 80, 1013 7 'ewedv 90 MOTHUR AMD DAUtsIITER F. Speedy Reheat* Permanent Care m Deli's KidneyPinePine Qady Point w: Elavil. Ial T at t)odd'r Nov. 17th. -(Spar )- and old Kidney Pills cure young fl'nellef alikemIs dhoun aw& in her t r dcaaarg►se of ter of Mro. Jtn. the Dwaednd place. to an interview ilrs. Deentse- doo stye : -Leodd's Kidoe Pills have given roe the best satisfaction. They ate just as represented. My littledaughter Caro- line, seven yeas of ewe, suffered from kidney disease end ooe box cured her entirely." llodds Kidney Pith only cure dis- eased kidneys. They cure it nu natter where it is found, end They cure it quickly and completely. It is by cur- ing diseased kidneys that they cure rhe tutu, heart direaee, dropsy, diabetes, Bright's disease, backache, urinary troubles and other ailment- Prank Mat*. 43o Pk et... New Tort. welt..: "11. w.t. •u.IJ. :.0 r.•11 very ase ..ib lain- ••••. 1 ..tn.-0 las ibe .Wcl••r, tart M• fail.d to hrh• her a 'tv,• Lore bo Unto to W .let. 6.. 1 L..• awe t tv."t dart at .ail with aad- nac'e 10 4.1. 1L ,i.1 .ea Pili.. 1 fal. bar - r..nt:ur ,. itbl., t,‘ . dlreet6.^a, aid .ie went h..a to work lw.. d..)• later." COLDS AND COUGHS Apply tan Relief to Our tbrrwt sill chest 1,MF•.rt.•nd • Aldose. ,.oath >*. 1'11 In d t �f • ea''t.-n rrdd tak•• a late. d...e Itn.1 ar'. 1'111• , ... a t.-.sprdni of Nenl.•f with a 1, a•nuottul .1' mots..., to s tuu.11.' a ie.r nater. Retire a1 tree 1e bed• IsRADN AY a (0.. *L.,treat, eC..eaasore. -There are theca written applica- tions W Sheriff vas tet Braotfor, for the beagiag of James Taylor. -Angus Mackinnon, aged nine. of Guelph, was hit by an Auto and ha • brnben arm and internal injuries. -Wen. Boyd. who died in the cella at Stratford shortly after bis arrest, was victim of alcohol poisoning. -A Second cargo of Irish corn was imported from Lllelfeatbeing_brought to Montreal by the Bengore Head. A DVS.:RTISEM ENT-YURTH ER ItZMARKn. nN THoiliBITION-••APER :e.1,_>♦ The Scott Act Would Not Make Men Better. Men Cannot be !lade Righteous by Law. QowwzRt IAL. iorut H. McCluskey 76. Nov. 3 -Literature, B. Watann R9 Nov. 6-Cnnino.ition. L Price 78, W. McDonald 73. A. Cot 73. Foam III. B Prohibition is a slhemr 1.0 make men good by law. 1t cannot be dolt.. There never we. a time when it could he. The apostle Paul recognized this feet nearly two thousand years ago when he said if men can he made righteous by law then Jesus Christ ie -Welland i. to have a new Sal•ts.l sebo:el. TO WAI;E WAR IN SCHOOLS Anti -Tuberculosis Campaign Will be Ex- plained to Children As evert of the widespread tight against consumption in Ontario, the minister of education has Issued a cir- cular to the schools of Ontario recom- mending that on Friday, November • •loth, special erercisee be arranged for, to irnpfess upon the minds of the pupils tbeir duty in combatting the spread of tubetedosis. This particulate movewent ie part of the educational I campaign now twine carried on by the National Sanitarium a..ociation, and the indications are that many promin- ent men will take part. Printed in- formation is being made available to teachers, on application to the ofcee of the National Sanitarium aee<xia- tlon, 347 King street west, Toronto. An effort will let made to school the children in the simple hygienic re- quirements which they must fulfil in order to contribute their quota to the crusade which ham made so pouch headway in recent years and which promisee to wipe out the terrible an- nual toll of consumption. In most eases it is expected that addresses will be made by the principals and teach- ers but hi the most enterprising com- munities the cervices of trustees and dead in vain. The preposition ',pure other public officials and of prominent fantasy. Neither temperance nor vie- medical men will be secured for the It v Inv i0p ri- a.eu cue is promoted by ' B- ad p on. onto eitbt• it arouses /mown passion. Instead of reducing drunkenness it tnuluplies hypocrites and lawbreak- ers. It bas no just recognition or be- longing in the ec000my of govern- ment or the autonomy- of true relig- ion. it ie in its essence ignosant, tyr- annous and dishonest. Every real man believes in freedom and the right to regulate his own con- duct. Prohibition legi.Istion proceeds on the theory that those who patron- ize licensed hotels or take ei drink are weak or irresponsible and need a gnardtsn. If you are to pa.. •Itch laws R. to drink. where will it Stop? If you permit the Dominion Meitner to have their way in the matter of what we shell drink their next step will be to tell us what we shall eat or smoke or wear. The principle is inset the same. Our con- ception of free government is that men ere assumed to be responsible and are guaranteed their freedom until they abuse it. We deny that the people of this county. who stand for a decent hotel, have abused their free- dom to such an extent that they most now he placed in the custody of the Dominion Alliance or its agents. In the matter of this guardianship idea. we challenge the voters of this county to take • look around them and consider the character of some of the men who are in a self appointed wny attempting to set themselves up as their guardians. The hest test of a man is how does he owe power P That ie the supreme test of manhood How does he treat those within his control? The greater the man. the grander the man, the ogee careful be is in the use ofpower-the t.ndeler he is the near- er just, the greeter the more merciful, the grander the more charitable. Be- fore be finning to i uhmit yourselves to the control of another man find out what nuenner of a man he is. Ascer- tain how be treats his wife or his children. his neighbors, his poor debt- ors, his servants. and you will be able to form an idea as to whether you would like to bare such a man for your guardian. This association is against the ring in the now idea. It favors the liberty of the individual u long es the tights of others are not interfered with. Respect tnll HURON COUNTY BCRINBEIS MBA'$ ASSOCIATION Jotur RAMS1011D, Ws. JACIuo%, PIMidMt, . Secretary. Foam 111 ♦ Says Smothered In Grain Noe. S-Ptgeiae. G. S. Mae Ewan tis, W Varney 88. M. Johnston 98. Y, Haney NCCbdloch and Jobs Me - Adam. 81, It mew 81. M. 11. J. Ryan QrWor. seven and anew years oN. 7S C. Heron J. Garvey 71. peapeetively, were suffocated lb am Nov. 6 -Geometry, O. G. MaeKwan alo actor at Kincardtae. They ware 96 W. Denary M►, q Beacom 79. P. playlag hi a ten of wheat aakaowa Ureeeu 7A 0. AiJieE 78, M. 1i, J. Ryan to the warinaso who started to rum 19, .1. Garvey 76. It tato a ear, the lads beteg drawn *owe Into tate spout. Pham IV. Page 1. Nov. 2 -History, F. A. Smith A!. H L. MacKsy W. M 1. Tem tt0. N. Grit - IL 73. A. L Werk 73. Nov. 6-Utetwtare, F. A. Smith 1110. R. H. Mee[ay W. A. L Week 91, k. Grins SIL M. L Ttrm 6a It M ?sty gr•.tltytatf to See new pyoprty .nested dutslde thus prow. Wass oss.ering In thew b000v Hi" 'M g. •My will Mesa • lora of skeet Mom Nine to time. Tie full mend of sue•e00 a Tsar to Ontario. gommissadoes 1..owrpletad this week, cad this rup.wt for this period swains I ewvSe Wedowee Drowns/ Nome hemdith will he made clef with- 8evp .s�loyM of Mostwal egos delay. Req hi rer♦emhraaee the G.C.I. droiisR Heat and Power M4 were .ataraee.wnt ezaScfwi D.rrb e..r od when a smallt 1n which I May w.r•e frogging the Coital pele.d. tight Mem were messed OLIIITtJN Rmessedby people as t%. beak. All eke Tiat pedes af tjke Jobs O. 11Niott !rowed mos were. foretgnwrs. sonata pet up fee $.edea ea taatoeday last was dlgr+d .f. Zia Pyne nil Ook1 prodsetlon la Outer% for aloe bona .4 *4*. 1!YrM44,'O 4 .. O• Meath. shows an lace -sago Is varae cased by Mr. meWM. awni tM•rr!il R 14,143.11el. Slime shows .n lacrosse Nott Moak 1a tetra wag booth by Mr. deme 312. W. T. (Y$.31. t •Ir stn&My Bseka•eter, Llewl Rye ldlawebe 11t.Alll.w. who was was wNeld m fife Hak Aetna. el e�.Arll'- yam. yaensasett with tj1. Olio= beepitat sed we. far n nos& I `ip�a.aa albram lf[aolrgeb.. esptwr0*.64 , rsr"1'rMA4 ", let esidstsepti et 7 res oa Mi'or6ty sad 44 m.a Wit • lir9hi tAN1bo, RAW, .f shoe - Previews Loses Revanw The Privy Council had reversed the judgment of the Supreme Comet of Canada and deciawd that .see.s.bm duty tray not be levied om personal It 1wlde M wail &sed • °Wm' Zlarvill u Reward ... a......w. >r•, who bas bees I e am _g from a •tierce rill b% base 04111111111111114. �1► Wastes • will roe as llbs al WINTER CLOTHING You can't watch a hockey match with comfort without wearing one of our sweater coats. We have all styles ranging in price from $2.5o to $4.00. Be sure to get your hockey clothing at this up-to-date store. McLean Bros. The Square, Goderich SEMi-READY TAILORING /heats for Carhartt Ustt.Us. SCS Id'i Underwear, Fitwell Hats, Arrow greed rs lied A -WONDERFUL REMEDY Orange IJIy I, dilly curing ,t.s most otetinate t.. -.-n . f F.•n,n l.- 111.- urd. r. f'.-.1.11 a 1 t L. \Y e... 1 1.. 1011 boon. Prantui ...0 :•oLl•• n..,4 Menstruation, etc., etc, are all lot tbem renewed from th. etarl ts., and a. few week le ur tau. •hi treatment accomplishes a complot. cure. This remedy u a poelUra set.atlec preparation. and 1n *,.lend os the discoveries of Pasteur and 1Js4sr 11 Is an applied treatment; that is. It to net lakes :oternally, but M applied direct to the suffe.tns parts. mad it. therefore, arty with all lire certainty of the known Iowa of chemical action ♦ As It comer Ie direst nontacl with Ike atea- 5 Hamm, Its receive ttt.sNttiiosand nerve -food properrtie�, e.nnot help have a beoeSeeMIsthmuses. speaktag of the benefits .ad nurse It is performing, mod so sure am 1 that It NM Se wsshat 1s claimed for N list 1 will send. absolutely tree. a 31c hex to every aut- =o.tba' treatmemen nt. Address. MRS. PRwin write it ANCES lr beta. l. GURRAM which 15 eufficlent for W NDSOR. ON1. •y For Sale by Leading Druggists Everywhere AFTER SICKNESS 0 ' RATI It is pathetic ndefehe to (scegd draw or sk. ho& pRlxtar.s when nature craves 1seO►iehrroorst to repair doe fsneted body end remote the vigor of health For forty years dee beet pby- &Muse have relied es tlkesebeie- sane peechgeeted nourielune to in Sedt's ferehisswbickiatelay free Areas aioo`el er epintoM- Setet t's Easuideie sherpaaa the amedM-raesw iie.th- eoarieboe serves -evwmRbwta Image esti reamer doe eaetrege of heat& to make life bridk lases lisehise 5.h h settee fir way forme prem.!. bride doh e ash. ts/9 Hotpoint Electric Irons Purchased From Us Are Guaranteed THE Hotpoint Electric Iron is the Iron with the hotpoint, dle and at ached stand. When you buy from us cool hen you get a SIGNED TEN YEAR GUARANTEE on its heating element. You may buy Hotpoint Electrical Goods elsewhere but you do not get a signed guarantee. Without the guar- antee signed, if the filament breaks or becomes defective it will cost you $ I.45 to replace it. e' i ELECTIjCAL Ito is- q1 %1 WiC ARE THE LiVL WIRES 114 THE ELECTRICAL GOODS LINE. JUST COME IN AND SLL OVR GOODS. THERE ARL MANY WAYS TO ECONOMIZE. SOME DO WITHOUT i SOME 'IVY INFERIOR ARTICLES t OTHERS MAKE BETTER VSE OF THE MONEY THEY SPEND. IT PAYS TO BUY GUARANTEED GOODS Tungsten Lamps We have Teegsten Lamp fres 441e to $1.50 tie very best we as bey, wittlo wire tbawe filament et straight mate arcked glass s inals. We tarry the mast tospiete stack is taws, i ager'sg loath heeled sad Oslo is 'oar nae s'kelre aka fes. Chas. C. Lee plumbing, Sadist. Eav a«tgkiag ani Ei.ctric Wiring Staves. Ranges anti Oil Ileatan Ev rytkiag is Mariware