HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-20, Page 6• rim 1'aar.%T. NOV 90, 1913
brings piusperifr
Resolved to Dress Better
When you first meet a stranger
do you not "size him up" by the
clothes he wears? Yes, and when
strangers meet you they. form an
opinion of you by what you wear.
Travelling men, professional men,
business men, all kinds of men
simply cannot afford not to dress
well, because it is money out of
their Pockets if they don't look
we soli "Prosperous Clothes." We fit. %Ve sat -
.t . Ask our customers. We charge you
what our clothes are worth.
The Signal will be sent to any address in
Canada to Jan. 1st, 1915, for only
$,.00. Send in your subscription now.
a- • s.ed every,.
obese by feed
.4 Aker... ho hark
r, our gaann•
tee on this
• •.1 ••vfd ra,-e-
Alt the l.c t red
smoke mist 1, oel
er the tip of IFF
os el, down the ha -•k
and ur.le- l'w it..'• : ' aK \
rem rw:cc let/ •.1 "t-_ -. - s • ..
carping into
ole.. -
rhisney-mei". t`
twice slit cooks n: [-+'-"-
and baking pow^r. t•olnthe ..i-.!:... ,,_,.t u.
given by the ne, inary ranc-
s..I.,, awe, -d I•a,.r-..h.....,., , ,..; -
r,....ee ones bele, i•...ng r•v ' " '
!taut 'vireo Futon Mat.ee: 1':: esmc
il. Jets Ls..: C21:71 .:alb:► q .•e'i
SO1d in Goderich by HOWELL HARDWARt CO.
Lumber and
Building Material
for sale in large quantities
are now prepared the supply all kinds of build-
ing material, having a large stock of all kinds
of lumber on hand. including Ontario White
Pine. Shingles and Lath.
Hardwood Flooring and Inside Birch
Finish a. specialty.
Ca11 and see our samples of Birch Finish.
Soft and Hardwood slabs for sale by the
The raaet Orais Dor Co., Limited
Toronto brain Prices
The following wholesale prices are
quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade:
Manitoba Wheat - N,.. 1'Nor., 90130•;
No. 2 Nor., 119c.
Mauitoba Data -No. 2 (' W. r 391-yc;
No. 3 C.W.S.'3K5i,c.
Ontario Wheat -Mu. 1 winter, 82c to
Mc, outside.
Ontario Oats -33c to 34c, outside;
27%c to 3854c. track lorunto.
Corn -No. 2 yellow, "Ke, c.i.f., toy
Peas -No, 2, :.8c to 11.00. car lots.
Buckwheat-- No. 2, 68c to 70c, out-
Rye -No. 2, 69c to 70c, outside.
Barley --For good malting barley.
120 to 60c, outside; feed, 46c to 47c,
Rolled Osts-Per bas of 90 pounds.
132.2314; In smaller lots, 52.214: per
barrel. $4.7'1, wholesale, Windsor to
Millfeed-Manitoba bran, 122, bags;
track. Toronto; shorts, 123; Ontario
Man. 821. In bags; shorts, $23; mid-
d11ag•. $26
For Years, Restored To Health
by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound.
Canadian women are continually writ-
ing us such letters aa the two following,
which are heartfelt expressions of grati-
tude for restored health:
Glanford Station. Ont - " 1 have ta-
ken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound and never
found any medicine
to compere with it.
I had ulcers and fall-
ing of womb and
doctors did me no
good. 1 suffered
dreadfully for years
until I began taking
your medicine. 1 al-
so recommend it for
nervousness and in-
digestion. " - Mrs.
HENRY CLAIM, Glanford Station. Ont.
Chesterville, Ont. - " 1 heard your
medicines highly praised, and a year ago
1 began taking them for falling of womb
and ovarian trouble.
" My left side pained me all the time
and just before my periods which were
irregular and painful it would be worse.
To sit down caused me pain and suffer-
ing and I would be an nervous some-
times that I could not bear to see any
one or bear any one speak. Little 'peeks
would float before my eyes and I was
always constipated.
" I cannot say too much for Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
Liver Pills, for there are no medicines
like them. I have taken them and 1
recommend them to all women. You may
publish .this testimonial." - Mrs. STE-
PHEN J. IIA/TIN, Chesterville, Ontario,
Toronto Cattle Market.
Representative prices are: -
illatchers, choice .......17 .30 to 17.70
do. good 6.5u 7.00
do. medium 6.00 6 40
do. common 5.00 .76
Butcher cows, choice5.76 ad 35
do. medium 4.75 5.50
do. common 4.00 4.50
Butcher bulls. choice6.00 7.00
do. medium 6.(u 6.76
do. eommoo 4.16 4.76
/'ceders 6.7 6.60
Stockers. choice 6.50 6.05
do. medium 6.00 5.25
do. light 4.60 4.76
Canners 3.x6 4.00
Milkers. choice, each...70.0) 106.00
do. corn and med....50.00 65.00
Spriagers ... 46.00 100.00
Calves, veal 8.00 10.00
do. rough 4.60 6.00
Bheep, ewes, light 6.26 5.60
do. heavy 4.60 4.75
do. bucks 3.50 .4.50
do. culls ..... 2.76 3.75
iambs, choles 7.2t 7.75
40. bucks, 76c lower per head
Hogs, weighed off cars9.25 .00
do. fed and watered8.85 .00,
do. f.o.b. 8.45 .00
Farmers' Market
Following are the latest quotations
for farm produce at St. Lawrence
Market, Toronto: -
Pall wheat, bushel $ .86 to $ .88
Oats .38 .40
Barley .62 .63
'Buckwheat .70 .00
Pye .... .70 .00
eas ,90 .00
ay, timothy, No. 1:.117.00 18.60
'1toed and lover 16.00 16.00
Straw, bundled ..16.00 16.00
do. loose. 10.00 11.00
ye straw 18.00 ..00
eggs, new laid, dos.46 .50
do. fresh. .40 .46
do. storage .33 .35
Butter, datry .28 .30
do. cream ry .30 .12
Fowl. dressed, Ib. .14 .16
Ducks .18 .20
Turkeys .20 .26
Geese .16 .16
Spring - chickens, Ib:18 .20
kering (111, 104 .19 .20
('hickens, live weight16 .18
Ducklings .16 .18
turkeys .20 .22
liens .... .14 .15
Potatoes, hag .•••••1.00 1.10
East Buffalo Cattle
Prime steers, 18.60 to $8.75; ship-
ping, 17.75 to $8.40; butchers, 17 to
58 25; cows. 83.50 to 16.85; bulls, 54.76
to 1126; bolters. 56.50 to 87.50; stock
heifers, $4.76 to 86.25; stockers and
.feeders, 56.60 to 57; fresh cows and
Wringers. active. $3 and $6 higher,
141 to $100.
Veale -Native calves, $6 to 511.50;
Canada calves, $2.64 to $6.60.
Hog. -Heavy, 18.16 to $8.26; mixed,
58.16 to $8.20; yorkers, $8 to 18.15;
Nate. $7.76 to $830; roughs, 57.26
to 57.40. stags, 86.60 to 57; dairies.
14 to 88.15
Bleep and Lamb. -lambs, $6.60 to
$7.25; yearlings, 54.60 to $6; wether',
14.76 to 15; ewes, 12.50 to 84.60;
sheep. mlted, $4.10 to 54.71.
Chlcaao Livestock
Catty --Beeves, $1.66. to .$8-66; Tens
'teen, 86.60 to 17.60; stockers and
feeders. 54.86 to $7.60; cows and
heifers. 83 46 to 52.10; calves, $7 to
Hogs -Light. $7.41 to 17.90; mixed.
17.411 to $8; heavy. 57.20 to $8; roegk,
51 to 57.46; Nga. $6 to 17.16; balk of
sales. $7.61 to $7.61.
•oboe, -Native. 82.60 to 54.20; yeas -
Rags. $6.40 to $4.16; Iambs, motive.
$8.46 to VIA*.
Cattle at Montreal
Pollewing are the latest gaotatlsssi
a live stock at the West Ned Werke[.
Prtnieheaves, about 7%e per posed;
P.dlw.. 63.c to 71de; ooatoea, $lie
le Mc; bulls. 4o to 4'Ke; stook e%
6e to 1%c.
Catena 2%c tote.
Sheep. 4 %c to 6b
Labs. 71Sc to lo.
Rocs. 916 c
Chee.t Market
Lender -Offered. 14 [loess; ao sake.
B0ddlag, Ile to 12%a Neat nark*
ht'rday Ne.vetrsber 26; acme as Md.
%nevi ' e- Ploarded. 420 white, 114
r11 c(c. 8.lase. refused. 11 alk,
ad)twrned few the ssaeoa.
A treaty of pesos ham bees dgaed
`etwe.. Turkey aid lessee.
'17. obak a aid better makers of
feaaty lave ammo a deb
okeellesal and cooperative buy.
KW. a Termite street ear
Enke. hoe bra 'Drilled of a fer-
r4,N4 t.4 to 8t by as
T.bercuissis seedily Will be Widely
Observed to Ontario
Sunday, the 30th lost., i. tubetcul-
aria nuuday let ,t,be churcues of Outer-
io. lu tr.pun.e to ohm •nggestiuua ul
s hone eog.g.d to the cruade against
the greet white plague, trp.eeenla-
ovee of all the influential nuuietrrial
bodies, ea well se scores of prominent
layout°, have given their bratty en-
dotwatiow to the proposal that the pul-
pit ►bould lend its servicer to the
work of stamping out coo.un peon in
The fleet tuberculosis Sunday was
of moved a year ago. and, although
the movement wee new, oriole .4t,
clergymen participated in i 1 ben
year the number to cbutcuesi enlisted
Will he .nore thea doubled. The day
will he made the occa.lou of art moos
dealing with the wutk which la twine
dour to relieve needy sufferet,. the
uselMode of treatment and t tis urgency
of the educatuui.l camp'ign which,' is
now being tarried on. Many of the tuir -
tsterswillalsoattange that Wirt .d-
1 dresser t.e deliserrd by laytueu inter-
ested in the work.
break Whisky's Grip
On Your Loved Ones
Drunkards will tell Ton with tears
of sincerity that they do not want to
drink. The craving mooing flout the
inflamed membrane. of the stomach
drive. diene to O.
Aknra will soothe the ttemhling
nerves and remove the craving that is
t uiniog your horse and .[riling an
otherwise kindbu.I.aod or father teem
von. 1t eros!. only 11,00 per box and
if it floes not cure or benefit after a
I trial the money will he tefiioded.
Alcura No. 1 is testelesa and can be
..liven secretly in tea, coffee or fond.
1 Alcorn No. 't is taken voluntarily by
1 those willing to help themselves.
Alcura can now be obtained at our
1 st.er, ask for free booklet telling all
a11o13t it u..d give Aloure a trial.
E. R. Wigle. monist, Guderich,
-A reward of 510 will he raid for
, each sailnt'e body recover:d along
Lake LIurcn.
I-Rev. W. L. Howand of Sr. .And-
draw'r church. Str.tlard; resign rind
bo abroad.
Isn't this the Salt you have always wanted
-a Salt that stays dry and free running.
&a11 the year round -and especially In
damp, rainy weather ?
"Regal" Salt is the finest grain of
Windsor Salt prepared by a new process
under perfectly hygienic methods making a pun
and perfect free runatng Table Salt. 126
Why Women Have Nerves
The 'blass' a of pain and dies
Ulla are sent Bids nonsa �f be ar oussg tkro°�ont body and
Palm Mal se ass M by backache or
beerbdie er bearing The loaf Aberdare awl Inhanwation, a there
k any, Shenk, be beaded gab Dr. Pleats Labia Tablets. Then the
serum mask and the skim weemely teakl►tlp feels the tonic effect d
when taken systematically and for any period of time. it is nota 'cure.all,"
but halven uniform satisfaction for over forty years. being drn
..ie,! for
Moss a purpose of ruing woman's peculiar ailments. C
Sold is liquid form or tablets by
druggists -or send S0 one -cent
.tamps for a box of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription Tablet..
Ad. Dr. R.V. Pierce. Buffalo, N.Y.
LIIWt ..+e.f. ...,N .. ,+,.,r I r
PeadoIrs 11•1444w Conroe v oi..,s• 1.1 U /;..,y
0.01. k ser..u,.w d.s-
.8id ....4 w•,. it•1.s...
raft ..,••r ►.... awn: .b.1
morgernot 41.4•114 le
..- s
FqR� *i.�
WE ARE the wire fence pioneers of
Canada. We put wire fence cn the
market and were the first to make a
• standardized high-grade reliable fence.
Since that time our enormous list of satisfied
customers, greater probably than all other fence
companies combined, has been built up by hottest
fence, honest wire, honest weaving, honest gal-
vanizing. Page galvanizing is special and is the
best that can be prptiuced.
OUR customers see Page fence give 15 and 20
years of service. They willingly pay highest
prices to get Page fence because they have seen
bargain fences" sag, rust and break long before
an honest fence should.
TO -DAY we say buy Page fence for cash, at fac-
tory prices. Fence will be shipped quickly,freig:it
paid, to your nearest station. Order from the Page
warehouse nearest you, at Walkerville. Toronto,
Montreal, or St. John, N.B. Page fence is easiest to
get and has a greater choice of styles, and gives better
service than any other fence offered in Canada to -day.
PAGE Wire Fence uses specially made steel wire.
This is no empty claim. We actually use it.
This wire has a high per -tentage of carbon as
compared with ordinary hard-drawr. wire and is
therefore much more tough, springy and strong.
It costs more but the Page fence must wear best
and it does. Our prices for cash to -day are the biggest value you
have ever seen. Only experienced fence men will appreciate
bow big. Send your order to -day. These lowest cash prates
are subject to change without notice. They include freight, ac-
cording to territory. to your own railroad station. We keep big
stocks at Toronto, Montreal and St. John.
The Page Company 11 noted for its fair dealing and liberal
guarantees. NO matter what year experience has been b buying,
by mail you can trust this Company tsnptiehly. We always
have and we always win guarantee every rod of Pags fence to be
satisfactory and exactly as represented or we will take back the
goods, refund your money and In addition pay you for your time
and trouble. That's because we're absolutely sure of Page fence.
Remy trouble point in ordinary fences has been perfected out of
the Page -every wire Is the same length as the wire next
hence, when the farce is stretched, all wires balm equal tension
there u no bagging or sagging. The locks ab*ofwsely do not in-
jure the wires in the least and are a moot lecke fastening. The
whole bate is a true, taut wall of steel protecting your crops and
Meek, petting big money in your pocket every year.
"The Best is the
Cheapest "
301 22 110'.10; 10
,M... •a=. w. TH
lrrewawe .t In 70, 10 and 40
t. a Rolfe. Freta', raid •
!paella .f Nora.wtals in Inches
O/ S'4 •
id 'tor
5r 3
37 22' '8,9, 10,•10 ,.., ..19 .20 .21
6 40 22 sy-. 7, gin:., 9, 9
.21 .x31 .24
71. 1 2r 15, 512, 7, 7, 71Y..., 8 .23 sal .9I
7 481 22 5,, 612. 71,:.„ 9, 10. 10 ' .23 .21d .26
S 42 22 I6, ;L 6, 6, I;, 6, 6 18 " .281 .29
8142' 161/20,6,6,.,4:,6,6 .28 .301 .31
ft -4'V -22- j4 .5, -5.14,, 7,-4%,9,9 :261 :21 .29
8 47 .1 ..4, 5, 51,x, 7, .81 9, 9 r. -re a .29
91 `2 i6, 6, 6, •6, 6, 6, 6, 6 s. .29 .31' .32
9 4a11f 111336,6,6,6,6,6,6,6 .31 .33
9 51I 22 4, 4, 5, 51/2, 7, 81/, 9, 9 39' 31
9 51 161/. 4, 4, 5, 51',. 7,'31:. 7, ,9 .311 .. •1
10 48. 212 3, 3, 3, 4, 51-2, 7. 7, 71•., F •
door.31 .33'j10 48 161/2 3, 3, .3, 4.:11 _ 7, 7,' 72, 8 .33, ... l
1 51 161,-:.3, 3, 3, 4, 51.,, 7. 81_, 9, 9
1 51 22 :3, 3, :3. 4, 54., .7, 8t.• 9, 9 .31 3.'
11 5::i 16', 3,3,3,:1,4,51/.,7,81/.,9,9 .36
(Maritime Province prlcew rat 3Gldlwri We1g1tti a
Special Poultry Fences. Include palatine.)
;tnl9 Top east Bottom, and No. 111 Huh Carbon
Horizontals between; Ne. 11 ;'°rights; No. 11 Locks.
51 36 161418, 8. 10, 1®
6 36 161/.6.7,7,8,8
6' 42 161/2 7, 7, 8, 10, 10-.7
7[42 16%6,6,7,7,8,8
26 8 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6
81 481 161/3 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 9
12 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6
91 501 161/•2 3. 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 9
l No. 9 Top and Bottom. Interned les. No, 13.
Uprights t Mena apart.
18 48 8 ban •
20 60 8 Close bars
Ib. box, freight paid
1L. rolls. freight paid
Complete gpor.eaving outfit. ft.. pd
48 10 -ft. opening
48 12 -ft. opening
48 13 -ft. opening
48 I 14-tt. opening
.70 .78
8.001 8.801 9.00
ver, of the quality tend* to advance. ally while we HOW TO ORDER Above Cash Pries' inelnds freight to your mill "Y
ern make u1e.e "Pay*
on this pretest comma. It is ".eel r station Off lots 20 rod rolls Of fence Or over 0 '
yet . Ott your neighbors to join with
vssgrow ori. cants rod off thele proal for e.4ers, T shipments _- •„_ ... _._.. _.11 .••-_ Arnett - -- -- -- --
ere sure of eve fest. -hs strength, its privet lie �tY..1 .tote two "pt3121try • fences. which 6o, a in 10 sod roils. Stake rap lir order. in
hs "Meta -when" *ted maenad, and las lo.owewi. eluding fusee, staples, braes wire and dates. If you wanted your fence
new, direct or through yourlocaldasiev ler Deet delay. palmed white ee greeny we will M glad lode h ler you et a east of Ss. a Pea Med lir ..110 tomwoo
neereett Pap wer.b..a- Y.w gN th. sew .t elan ee leer tT1a'ad "WI W ilew
FOR OTHER PAGE FENCES dile le.. ted fit, lit vow °eller M orderthroeg8 him. Ret'k obi 7 b •�41'm K
AND GATES AT THESE RE- °'d" of •'rk-
G1?7' THE
The Page Cm/germ shows ttl"kinds of ear °roto r n fent- 1170 nag St W., TORONTO )t R9 Ni.6NDere St. W.. MONTREAL
1.tg, r wall r rows been tis. la thle e emcee. 5 0 . Street. W .
Toile le the 1aFgs�t eboiet sn a ereee •
ekows it .Mels et all P.gt v►asshetseea �e t=1Tee Ae66w the wartbesse nearest yes attd leis tom.. Tis rot 118 adeur�1011/4
shows Pagegaeoline a og es, b.j tsa8. weed s.wlag` sa.cblo.ry. tl.ltemo }leeus wtrN M erMr Ursa owd ss.�.. h w1� �wr 8tser st.sebeblt
°liales SSW a o port ,tried se ase- weer. braasb to-d.y. Ott T88 wdr safeeaiee. >tei.r Mdrlo.Sy rad Piss iib s •t't e+
tr. iIg Page Catalogue 5•"••'
, .. .. WEAR