HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-20, Page 5EAST STREET GARAGE d FOR RENT •ieveo.pasynger, 411 horse power Auto for long or short tripe, by day, week or Huron Gasoline Engine do Machinery Co. ALWAYS OPEN • GOD RICH ONT. Puttee 243 nr th. hint TME Star Theatre • ••i F' M. tiers the this Three Feature Pictures every week. Four redo, over four dummied feet of pictur- es shown each night. Pictured change three times a week.' MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRI- DAY. Special for F. iday end Sat- urday Nov. 21st and 22nd. A splendid Kay -Bee pie- tnre sodded A big show for a little money. w.t. the ret'• J. A. CULVER, Vum0rt Over Shoes S>• v Rubbers and AR la sae. Lor 1. put os ed Mk* of. .it well.- Loeb ell-t oek wen-w.ar well. AD does for weenie aad cbildrea. and protect yoe rsete them family from whaler ill.. tss.eres o.m+wd t accesses. u.asd. Yews& her '8 - tan ler cies re n ice of lave 'Jur Is te TS ;1ni1 al- lat• ,nes the the All bed QCS LOCAL TOWN TOPICS Wedding in Clinton A pretty house wedding took place at the residence of Mrs. Margaret Pickett, of Clinton, Thursday evening, when her daughter, Erultla Margaret, 'rHE SIGNAL GUDERIOH : ONTARIO Will Give Concert At a recent osetlng of the teachers of the Victoria street Methodist church Sunday school, it was decided to bold tbeir annual entertainment oa December sod. There was a good at- tendance and the reports received showed the school to be ice excellent ahem. Enjoyable Dance Oe Thursday night last the Rebekah lodge gree a very enjoyable nerd so- cial •nd'denoe in the Oddfellow. hall. Progressive euchre was played until about 11r:refreshments were served. i ne honeadistoe, with music s by Blackstone& orchestra, hrougbt t e sntert•innient bout 73 ycuog to en early eloar. people were present. Voters' List Court The rourt far the revision of the voters' list for the town of Goderich was held before Judge Doyle on 'Tues- day morning. A large number •of 'mutes were added to the list, and sev- became for bride of Mr. James F:mnk- east were stru^k q1f. The liberals lin Tyndall. Moo of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Tyti ell, of Hullrtn. Mier Effie. sister were represented by Mersra. J. L. Kil- n( the bride. wee bridesmaid. Mr. loran and W. Proud[oot, jr., and the conservatives by Mr. Wm. Campbell, The proceedings were quite amicable and the loeg list of appeals was dis- posed of quickly. Birthday Party Saturday, the Olt inst., Mr". J. Si Fred. Tyndall, brother of the groom. Wold OPAL wan. Tbe ceremony was per- formed by Rev S. J. Attie. and was witnessed by only the immediate relatives. Bazaar and Supper Bed[.actir auxiliary '[ the i ford entertained twenty-eight lit- TheY.M.C,A. intend boldin a tea and the girls and boys hn r. nor o. the bolding birthday of her daughter, Gladys. The bazaar in the Oddfellows' hall on the afternoon was spent in music and afternoon and evening of Thursday. game.. prizes being won hy Miss Lil- Novewber 27th, for the benefit of the Ilati King, daughter of Ore. Robert Boy Scouts. There will he a sale of fancy work. home-inade candy, bread and cake. Bazaar open at four o'clock ; tea served trona five and musical pro - anemone to evening. Admission and ing her friends to the Lyric theatre. tea l3 rents ; everybody welcome. Cone and give the boys a helping Perry's Peerless Players Coming hand. Local theatre gets will he pleased Basketball League to know that t1.•• can attend the King, and Miss Jean Murray, grand- daughter of Mrs. Fred. Davit.. After a sumptuous repeat the party was brought to a close by Mire Gladys tek- Victor Victrolas Tbe Victor Victrol• will sat- isfy your longing for fine music by briogiog to you all the best music In the world ioterpreted by all the greatest musicians in the world. Remember that the Victrol• stakes the beet of ill Christmas gifts. Make your family or your friends happy with a Vic- trola this year. !'rices flour $20.00 up. James F. Thomson Music Store Square Victoria opera t e.e for one solid A seri.* of games have been amtng- week beginning .. ,ember 24th, and ed with teams of the (i.C.1. sad e sean exc,'ilr' r . epertoire ..f .tock Y.M.C.A . the schedule being as fol. plays presented ' . the Perry's Peer - lows :-li.C. L and Y. $enlor A. Nov- lest Player- c. ination. This com- ember 11th and 23111; Y. Intermediate psny visited 0 erieb some time ago and Y. Senior B, November 20th End and left a 1 .rot .ole impression. They 27th. Finals between the winners of are improving and are comiog hack thew games drill be played oft in Dec- , again bigger and better than ever be - ember. Tbe garner Will be played in fore. Their repertoire consists of The the 0.0.1. gymnasium beginning et Travelling Solemnest. A Royal Privon- etght o'clock. A limited number of er. Just Plain Molly. The Girl From spectators will he admitted al pay- the Circus. Wife in Name Only, and anent of a fee of flee cents by students& When the Harvest Days are Over. and Y.M.C.A. members and 10 coots The company have been playing by outsiders. tbtoughout Ontario this treason and Shover for Double Wedding have pleased their audiences with A very jolly gathering o[ young their clever offerings. When such people assembled at the hone of Mr. 'plays as The Travelling Salesman are sbown in cities like Ottawa and Tor- onto. people here should not tad to see this pi eduction. For full particu- lars see ad.. on another page. Fowl Supper at Dungannon Tbe fowl supper and concert in con - several members of the conger/Paton anion nection witb the Erskine church. Dia- metral cannon, scheduled for Monday night, and also a number of other friends of November 10th, waw held last Weidner- the eidnerthe young ladies. about 30 in a11. The day night on account of the weather. tiffs included china, linen and numer- Owing to Mr. J. B. Hunter, the leader of Koox church choir here, being In Toronto, the choir did not go from Godericb to Dungannon and other talent had to be secured. The pro- gramme was given by Mr. McMorras, the inimical genius, of Lucknow : Mr. Dsve Mcliill. the famous baritone, of Kintall, and M is' Lau:a Walter, elo- cutionist, rendered *elections which were highly appreciated by the aud- ience. Appropriate addressee were delivered by Rev. J. E. Hunter and Rev. J. H. Robinson. From six to eight o'clock a supper Inc the Scientific American. The consisting of fowl. salads, pastry and and Mrs. W. T. O'Neil, of Clinton, on Monday evening, the occasion being a "shower" to the hridee-to-be, Misses Mary and Abide Glen, whose double weddingtook place on Wednesday of ibis week. The fathering conflated of the members of Willis church choir. ous articles both useful and beautiful. Public Library Board The public library board held* meet- ing on Saturday evening November Scb. There was • good attendance of memhers. An account of TheSignal Printing Co. tor :M for printing and advertising was ordered paid. The naag.zine end newspaper list for 1914 will be a liberal one. To the list for 1913wers addeJ the Canadian Pictor- ial, Canadian Home Journal and Canadian Copier. The Scientific American Supplement was substituted librarian reported the receipt in Octnher of 18.48 from floes and cards. and an issue of 900 works of fiction, in- cluding histories'', 431 juvenile. 104 other classes and lir) wagasines. 1891 in an. 11 1, Deal Amyt- I went tO the club yesterday. All of the women were discussing what they wanted their husbands to give them for Christmas presents, and do you know that everyone of them said "new furniture 1 new furni- ture ! " I think they were sensible, don't you ? I wouldn't live in anything but a nioely furnished home. This makes Christmas time merry. Ta, Ta, Lou. P.S. -All the olub women yesterday said _they were going to buy their, new Chrlste- George Hohineier other rich delicacies was served in the basement by attentive waiters. Tbe attendanee was most gratifying and the Dungannon Presbyterians are to he congratulated on the succeed; of this event. The proceeds amounted to about 1107. Young Business Man Married A quiet wedding was soletunized on Tuesday, November Iltb, at the home of Mts. George CaswNl, near Aber- deen, Grey county, when her second daughter, Marie, was united in Wed- lock to Mr. John Southeott Davey, of Goderich. The nuptial knot was tied at eleven o'rloek by Rev. W. H. Hart- ley, of Durham, io the presence of only a few Immediate relatives. and the serious way in which the questions were answered showed a full appreci- ation In the tnind of the contracting pertiee of the eolemoity of the occa- sion. The bride looked charming in a neat, tailor-made navy Woe travelling suit. Both were unutesded and after receiving the warm eoagratulariose of all present the company sat down to a surr.ptuous weddiaig Manse, pre- paratory to leaving os theatres -soon train to visit friends la41a- cardtne and other.p1aw b. 11i6ride is a trained nue, baviog gredusted three years ago front a Toronto hot- Fiat.The groom is a prosperous weler here, and ferret present 1.- oatioos the happy temple have a bright taunt before them. The Signal extends best wishes and hopes they may have a full nsasreure of prosperity. Pretty ooubie Wedding A very pretty house wedding was soleminised at Spruce Lane term, Stanley. the bonne of Reeve Wes. Glen. when hie eldest dautbter. Mary. wee Halted le marriAgs to Mr. Gat Hee M. *Gott, see of Mr. Jobs Elliott, of Clinton. and bis younttwt dau,btr. Abigail 1., to Mr. W Fn.nels (hank) 8aundsrl, eldest son of Mr. Alex. Raenders, president of the ritiodeeieb Organ Oe., Useited, Ooderieb. The 'Waal was decorated with ee.r- gRr.des and obrysastbeesuse. The l 4dea were gives away by their f•ther and mitered the ps to the Mralsa of Leiwegsis's wtlldlmg mase', played by Miss west* GNO, slater of the brides. Wills the resistor was Ming elgsed, Mies Agstss 7.nnders sang yery sweetly. "1'M Dawn." '!1e brides were dressed hs Madonnas goose e1 Ivory silk hdomdsd rspp*, with bridal wreaths and veils. sad eniried boluses of owes and my et LM Only the immediate relatives r1 !t ri 001.111401114•191119891* kW* 1110010, a tic,L, «ce.e.'"*r'sd by Attlee esisylait s adghNrgy arms. end 1111r. somi 11111att es their asas 411110110.dr tAl.t ih I OPERA HOUSE One Week only starting MONDAY, NOVEMBER 34th PERRY'S PEBLESS PLATERS wit h Dan Malloy and Havel Corinne The Company you know pre- senting new royalty productions with all special scenery and ef- fects. Each attraction cnlhdlete to every detail. Vaudeville between acts. See Lhe great opening -produc- tion. • THE Travelling Salesman' No waits All fun Special prices, children zee, adults sec and 35c. Reserved reatd now on Nle at Edwards'. 1 When going home why not drop in and try- OUR ryOUR FINE CONFECTIONS and end a day of work or play with our Caadiliea Perfections ? F. E. BUIDETTE lishneral Cafe The Squ is 'PMas 24 POWELL'S for FRESH 'MEATS BOILED HAM JELLIED TONGUE MINCE MEAT FRESH PORK SAUS- AGE WEANERS BOLOGNA SPICED ROLL BREAKFAST BACON ENGLISH BACK BACON LARD AND OLD CHEESE +raikp k..., reverDAv, Nets. 10. 10131 • NEW PARSONAGE. OPENED Pits Structure in Maw !beady ter North Street hoer Amid the scene of ttaaaral rejoicing. / the beautiful parsonage North e tzeet Methodist church whirlswill • occupiedRev. W. K. Hager. B.A., aswhicch has been bulldlog for the peel Uf mooLhs, wag foonerly opeo- e d with a social gathering, bold in the church lecture roost on Thursday D ight last. Fine weather smiled upon the event sed everything went off sat- isfactorily. The pastor, Rev. W. K. Hager, occupied the chair and opened the proceedings with dedicatory prayers. A Moe musical programme was giv- en by local talent and refreshments followed. Tbuee who kindly motet - bated to the suocees of the evening and the entertainment of about dIJ present were, Miss Ada Mel linton and Miss Nellie Colborne, who rendered very nicely two excellent vocal solos. Min Beateirp Pridhaw gave a reading which was muck enjoyed. Miss loess $lliott played a piano solo and Mr. R. J. Megaw gave a brief sketch of the life of the parsonage. A poem coat - Kited by Rev Alfred Brown, receotty pastor of North street church. but now of the Queen street Methodist church, Kingston, was reed by Mr, H. R. Long. The Ladies' Aid of the church provided the refreshments. In his deecriptiou of the parsonage. 127. Megaw stated that it had been completed at a cost approximately of 118000 aad had been building since May, 1912. The building is a fine structure of red pressed brick, two and a halt 'thieve high. It is trimmed with polish- ed cypress, with oak Mooting.bas the latest modern up-to-date conveniences and is one of the finest houses, not only in Ooderich but in :hie part of Ontario. It would be a good decor- ation to say city is Canada. The hoilding committee, composed of Memos. R. J. Megaw and H. E. Hod - gene and Br. A. T. Koraysrson. are to be highly coogratulated upoo the ex- asllast way they ♦,have carried out k. taisarteed upon geollelestbority that there is only a mortgage of about SSII00 on the church and the boom. Theis property is at least worth 80 $1O. 0. ibis snows the loss.. of the eowgrogstion to be in exc./lest shape. Mao reflecting considerable praise ea the custodian' of the people's tsetse - old pereooage which was town down to soaks room for the new ane was an old historical building and its erection dates in the remote past. CHURCH CHIMES In Koox church Rev. Geo. E. Ross will continue his series of dt.coursee on taco of the Bible, !Shiite as hie sub- ject next dunday evening "Luke, the Berloved Physician." In the 'asoroiug his theme will be "Can We Know God r In the Victoria street )letbodi'it church next Sunday will be observed as young people's rally in the interest of the young people's forward mission- ary movement. Miss Bailie, of Nile, 4 proatioent worker in the District Ep- svorthlAegne, win give an addres% in the morning and the pastor, Rev. J. IC. Ford, in the evening. Mu• ct for the evening: "The Necessity, neer and Benefit of a Change of Le ship." In Knox church, Ree. George E. Ross bad as the subject of bit dis- couree on Mundsy evening "A Workf without a See," Rev. xxi., 1. lie made atouching reference' to Use recent dis- aster un t be lakes. "The sea to the mind of the exiled seer on Patmos was a harrier of separation from his home- land and the ones he 'loved : the per- sarification of restlessness and rebel- liop • and unacquainted an he was with maritime life a great and •ppwlling mystery," said the preacher. In hie vision of the world to cntue he beheld these factors wholly eliminated. Th. old order had peered away. A new heavens and it new earth had appeared and there was no more separ- ation, no more restlessnee, no more mystery. In that hatter world the in- scrutable providence of the present will would be made plain. Sywpath- etic reference was made to the loss of two gallant young men from Knox church, Donald and Murdoch McDon- ald, cousins both of whom went down with the Wexford, and special prayer was offered for the families so sorely bereaved. Wke MI Tam Save 11 yea dsa'I Save NM? Though yourotalary or Income will no doubt increase, so will OF CANADA that the latter more than keep pace With the former. Nov is the time to start a Reserve Fund -and the Savings Departtnent of the Union Bank of Canada Is the piste to keep it. Deposit the extra you have on hand now -you can open an account with any sum, down to one dollar -and draw interest orbit. your expenses -and many find Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager. C.P.R. and the Waterfront To Tux Itorroa or Tits $nate*1.: Dear 84,-1 see in last week's Star a paragraph which hints that the reembetts of the Lown coursed were at fault in not heeding a *bort-notirs summons from a l; P.R. man to meet him on hie arrival} in Goderich on a recent evening visit, Asa in het greet- ing forthwith to the C.1P.It. all the privilege* that corporation dem. nde. It strikes me very forcibly that the tows mown is to he approved, not eamiwla1 for refusing to act as •jjtaa_ltg-istek for the C.P.R. The lig Ion et doing ice best to gosh that is left of oar water -front, sod le sly humble opinion it should W t have been allowed to get emelt a bold as it already has. At any rate. until it marries out Its promises in the matter of increasing Its husinises at this point it should be politely. but firmly. told to keep its hands of. Tome u cel A 1 1TtPAUA. -Make your appoiotsni nts sow or stun for your Christmas photos heifers the rush sn that we sae do justaim to your work. New knee of holiday mountings now In stack at The Bro- phey 8libdio, J. W. Trussler. proprie- tor. ropRtorr. Pbooe 1S1. SORN LINOels November 271*. te Mr WE Obis x 1111%.Ona IL'Enf. • .tra. w rsiNtitcyl to en November rto Mr end Mir florisreek • see. ris. eleeirgf„,M0 •Noreitt= IOWA This? w• sow Noses newesel we ewe Of ammo Its sowed be bo alty at POWELL'S The Grow On the Square Ii JUST look over these specimen values which we are now oferiog And please remember :bat every piece of jewelry is what we claim it to be. It it isn't, we are right here to make it right. These are only a few of the teeny h*rgaios we are able to often you now. Come in - you will find just what you want. No. 1 Solid Bold Ring lJepWoo full cum y gaw t w yewta/i e. 4 Eau and Item Finish Locket for two pictures. - $7.73 No. 3 Belt hold Rine wick (ieoulne Rubies. Own work deign . ..O&M Na 4 held P IDed Roman Fluisk Locket tette AAA Pearl .12-5o No. . -gelid (laid Plain Flole► Locket with fins Pearl .g1.00 No. s--!blld Odd ICardlab 14egraved Blgest- No. 7 -Held F'Wsd Rotuma rleirk crew. for...111.75 No. $--Neild Gold Engltsk MUM Rine with llenuin• Wok Vend Cameo WOO J. S. Davey , (lor•ner Colborne Street and Square Goderich Store Open Eveoiug• Ladies' Shoes in Latest Styles l Artistic designot trent up-to-date manufacturer,. Fine appearance. Improved lasts ensure cnwfort. Extra well built shoe. Service unequalled. Bound to satisfy. Every feature pleasing. These facts may enlighten you con:erning the qual- ities of our Shoes. J. H. McClinton Wearing Apparel for the -Working Man i THE WINTER HAS ARRIVED. Are Yeti Prepared For It? Ha.rou lots of Good Warm Underclothing 1 Here floe ; a Cap with fur -Hoed hand to cover your eyes : a heavy Tweed Snit ; s Pse Jacket : Corduroy Tronsere1 heavy Whip -Coed Trouser%; heavy Tweed Trousers: ware, Gloves and Mitts, lined or unlined Mists, and one or foof-tiagered Gauntlet Moven; (antigen Jackets Sweaters ; Sweater Coate : Union made Oottonede Pante : Overalls and Mmoek.: Working Flbirts ; Ulster Over coats: heavy working and fine Boots. Special Five Dozen Men's $1.50 to $2.00 Fur Hate for 79c Special Five Dozen Men's Wool Shirts, Elastic Knit. Regular $1.25 for 65c Men's Braces to clear at 10c ROSINS tiles ralante The Signal will be sent to any addreup ia. Canada to Jan. 1st, 1915, for Only St.00. Send in your subscription now.