HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-20, Page 4i 4 T m t' ase & T. Nov. 1N1. 19111. -_= BACK- ACHE w •r• ram,bow Backache yen boor IG i.•y Deems If yea asgiect aaekschi k will develop histe wmethieg wires -Bright s qw. one sr Diabetes Then is es ass rubbiapt and dome -mg= back. Cakidneys. n t. It only see kidny medicine bee it ares Backache every I - Dodd's Kidney' Pilis 4 The Old Bachelor says: Don't care how stout you are -- There's a Semi -ready type for you - We fit the hard to fit -and tie physique type patterns are faultless. Note too that the graceful lines and the keenest craft of fashion are incorporated in the Semi -ready Coag. If you like "something dif- ferent" it can be made to your Special Order right away - in a week. Semi -ready means real money -saving and the higher form of clothes service. McLEAN BROS. GODERiCH ONTARIO Headquarters for Hot Point Ileating Goods Electric Wiring, Sup- plies, Fixtures, etc. Flashlight Batteries W. J., HUDDmt,T nes• s•eatee•. frift LUXURIES are of many kinds, hut we make a ittinry out of • necessity. iN BATH ROOM we nee tbe greatest promotion to install roily the latest tied md mo BATH TUBS AND ALL PLUMBINQ from 484s snap le this trot (Anal* able. Retleinallegy mellinat.s ne p.w oe asps& week. FRED HUNT 11111111SILTIMMI R**T• OeMagaiClt •p•1110111t 114 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ONTARIO ANNUAL MEETING CHILDREN's A10 SOCI(TY W1ttt1S UP YEAH'S BUSINESS Provincial Superintendent Speaks - The Purchase of a Shelter Urged Society Will Ask bouncer fora lam- ar Grant Next Year Uood Reports Given by Officers The annual meeting of the Howe County Children's Aid and H +nr ancien y was held in the court boll -r on Monday Tart. An eeiden.•r of the interest the I..ral rr.irlrut. are laking in the work was m..nitrrta*t by the large number who tunnel out mud r het rt.y showed their opine. loll on of i he tub- jret. In the 'nurse of hi- i*trminctnt y re- marks. the pre.•.dettt, Mr. .ramie Mit ch.lt...lid: '•t'Ve eel/mune you herr tonight. There wt'.1 hr laid before you a review r -f the work done 1,y Ibis so- ciety for the past year. The met its of the work is weir known to you a1', and the knowledge weh*vel o1 v.•ur hearty eo epor*• ion *.ed eysnpahy gives u+ joy. The iesul:. mrr ruust.mtiehictrry laud meat ble... d.- He tont• d hit. audi- ence to keep an eye open for the dates of the meetings and their at tandoori. at the same. 'tire president hoped to spend the t+•ut*ining vers- of his life doing this work herrn*, of the greet satisfaction and joy st sttorded heirs. TRE.%SUHER S REPORT Sheriff it eyu.dde, the ire*. u. lar. re- ported that thea: hot horn a gratify- ingiorr•eaae in the tonttibettkons of 1.43 ovet the p•evi:sus year. He re - Hnetted that the mtir:eip.lilie. of uron, as * whole. ill view of the hen- rficisl •rsults attrtn.d by the . filcient sect entry in the rescue work of chi, - dive. did lo' take .e noose liberal view of as-istiog the goof wink. He show- ed that t of 26 •tiunicip.lit it. his the county only .tic male di, rct emit ribu- tion d• ►-i+•g the year. As this n.et•e- sary ork hes he.n prreecntrd by vol - un sohtribut' he hoped th.re, would be smote I,hral respassr dur- Iog the rouriug year from this source. He prevented his flnsnciel statement wbich rhowod an expr•tditsoe of 1644 22. and t.e.iptu ..1 1102.83. le*ring a *door, $8.125 on hand. The item- ised stalr.menr 'sits follrws:- Sm.-ripts-Balance on hand howl 1412, 18.70; Huron lodge. 1.0.0.P , K; McKillop township. *Ill; Hallett township. 43: Blyth s•rer;ch Children'. Aid society, 4:30.415: Huron county. for maintenance of wards, 148: Utiles ill) township, 13; London Children'.. Aid society. 161.21: Moues u.wnahll•. ll23: Bruisers Wururn+ Institute, *10; Ethel CO1.*di*n chit. Oki; 1'. 1). B.•urk, ('lintun. fit: Hsu. -et+ hraorh Phil- dren'. Aid soci.ty. SSU; Huron roomy councikgrant. 42)0; town of (lode -rich. 130: frieod of the society. $.'i0: tower of Clinton, $10; \V. E. i il•.,t•. Lon- don. 43 : e;o t.o i.•h to *u. -Ir %Iv ldren'e Aid .oc r v. sa5.1r2: S..tor•h 1.1*nch Children. Aid .oci. 1y, $35 73; \\'irg- h•m hn*n.•r. (hil•hr'. Ar society. 448.23 fnta1.1653.8.5. Exp.od.tor.. - C. nn+y *erre:sty f•.1*nr. feta -t. Yew. 's •a Ary. 470: al4 noel report*. SA; printing *nd ofHre supplies, 12t30; t.one por•atiun char• gee for children, $1S.'i: county e.•. r. - tnry'u postage, 114.75 ; med.cal fie- 44: •e- lls; We. is*1 oI.eI s in' f.,r woo 4 01 w- eir. *211: 1•vrr'y. $3: .• i -to-. ICJ: clothing fort hill. en. $34 1n ;int••u- ante of ward., $05 72: ph.n r 4.a11-. 425.40; cate.uk.- . SI ; b.,.a ex.Mto:r• loc. ; coon ty0..Iy'Pt. v.-.It.ty, *34.1,- bslaoce on I•ati•t, *8.73. T.tmh *4",2.83. In moving t h. adopt...r .•f • br, t .•r*- nrera repot,. Mr 1'. meager. 11..'.. crown *ttorney.cmlled *'Irl.• ion 11. tl e eel ..,le ..t the work of the ...- Ci.iv. ••Tire. a i+ eon letter- invest loi lit' Of 11104(I.52o1. even .•f v •:h lvtg-r' amount. The coat of adniini.,rwto•ti. of justice i. eery giver mod 11,i. work • les.eus i h- c-•+1 . A few year. *gip , lie coot of ud r.tion rwa cou.idel- able tit •'O iI.c'i• n ooh j .vem1e ot- fend.rs hot 1.1., se., these wr. s..' ,• mingle e...• t.r tat 1md-r the j,lv.nit. Offending.' act. rt foo• which r osis du•• in * Jorge Ole. -urn t0 the w. -I k •'- he t -y the Children'. Ai.. r•1de•The w•t- ►e*ty'- eep.wt ... ,q- -- n••.' n•}- John P, lI.vk w.- r...fl, mei a.o. adopts... In t•1 r -en• tog r , he ori i •'The w••rk .•1 erre s -w -ie y 1n8" •1.e carr year I.aN bee.* • Wile fly ..1i.l*e•Ors. We fled * .l.el'er i•.t•••rot h•. twin taken its the work of the sort/4y *,ret rosoifset.ng 1 ..lf in a•. noes -est to * greater knswledrre or the no le th- soeiety i• dui••¢. T e w•.rk ha. 1*rn shwcr..ful. With ply *...lar .noel prhlr we ► ep••rt i het a 1.. ...'tet l has ro. tiled in tuts oe .4nel • .nisi alp a *seeng e l lbs eaa►+r it -baa I.,anu t -ti. ' . Tti[i. is ray, more ►al l•ferr.m•v • h 1. wr M's..ti,hrr that we h•v- I,*n.IL,I - •..• hardc••e•. More wort. I -a• sae.. Heiler -token obi* 71.01 th.n 1* t: yrs e. h.ve e t umd.rteten all the wort. the, 1• to Iw don, in rat • h ...•••' ,•• lib, •furry- nf the *r..• • th*• •he nor* '•NI' -es hr over until the foe I -t-•tel- ,•ael•.vl Th. need of a • 8.11. ern'- eh -Ir. r .- 1- - Oonlitig more end ae.M 1•r.'.ring wsi NM, a••••• .•n ' b:LECTIOK (W OFFICE/14 Th. f .11.•win•• •Tn • • w..- eke,rd t - Hot orate tere.r 8. H • _-_ ' Judge Doyle; president. Mr. James M.t.cbell; secretary, Rev. John Pol- lock ; treasurer, Sheriff Reyolde. The chief speaker was Mr. J. J. Kel- so, proriQoiel wperiat.ndent. He congratulated the society upon the wort it was doing and spoke of the progress it bad Wale ill the 21 years of eta existence. He called the 0101- dreu'. Ptot•ctior. net the hand meld of the,goapel, for whru pleading and per- suasion folie. the law steps is and com- pels better condition. being given. The b••use should be kers intact and should be sanitary. The society should *taud for a living wage. and not citify a livinl wage but shorter hours. 5\'r should have *tapestried How A Clover Girl Helped Her Motes Dttt,o*AIHI, MAIN. 1 must tell you about my mother. She thinks there is no other medicine, as good as GIN PILLS, for Backache. She tried a lot of other medicine for her back. Sometimes she would get a little better, and then be as had as ever. Then a frierid advised me to get GiN PILLS. Mother tried them and has not been troubled with backache since. EL*Axon lista. Backache is the surest signet Kidney Trouble -and GIN PILLS are the sanest cure for weak, sick Kidneys. If you are troubled with backache, don't hesitate a ememte.t but get GIN PILLS and you willget relief. If GIN PILLS do not de all that we saythey will -let u. Anew, and we wilcheerfully refund you your money. 5oc. a boa. 6 for ,ts-,Sur If your dealer dose not handle them, write our for free sample box. National Drug and Chemical Ce., ol Canada, Limited, Toronto. : o. "termai w New Nems -lis Cried ort Asssemsi1 _ • cows.. ler I.sw.lb, e..s.t w Or erg w Libel M grip .e44.1 Mee 4u, weaeulecowineed AY./. Revel EJweed C..f. tMsi Cease* kelt bele we seises bees.. Oa ere b amm..i sonstae e.v.r• to and ra.••asw- •. t r. -o . X &cc. owlets.. L . ll..tree. elle. Lr. Dr{rtol, Cy. t1et.13....Royal Edward .. Nos-. 1 Nov. 1.. Royal reword Nov. to Nov. It 'tarsi George ..Dee 3 4Mlr t. lar .rss*Yp arwt ' H. C. D arla r. Cereal sew. Talars, Os,. COAL 11.ving4p*rcbse•.I t In• busi- • r« tor...etly • o •h,. ret tee F'. 11..I. .- 11.'...'..'.s pow - Coal, Wood Little, Cement Fire Brisk, Etc'. AVe will ham t the S.•r.ntr•w .aur Irh•rlt Valley (`owl• two lm-• shill ase h••r•.•gn sd as the hest. Ws * 1.11 t.. gee= 11.e pe •Id- . f Grrlenrh •nil ;vo-nosy he Ir+t Y ..,. ,lerli -MvuPIn beer fn•o• .•1 or Mr. I1o1mae r•. -•utile.- . roil why .0 hers w 1.n oath nn. (AMA u, our All o..1 ••• left trots. Jae. y*...., it • el Nile .r, 1.r..n.Ptdy ate►n.1.d s..- McDoliagh&Gledhill 1'11••• a \o. ♦B Tari+ at s; T. R . Nr . •n Weisel Aye • y••ie ry•QT.r•-tg ^'11.1f1\ with ferry's berms hyen, Vittoria opts Morse seat wets • • playground% M. weaker emphads ed the weed tor socL1 metres for 7000/ pimp*. OLEAN AMUSEMENTS "Let to clsarrand purify the loaf/• ing hail, the tbwatre. tie moose elbows, for human patine doomed. sa- tortalnmeut and that entertainment ought to be the heist. There ought to he In our community • ,ommittes to study the need* of the community and g ee that they are provided," be said. EXECUTIVE MBETS In the afternoon the executive met in the office of Mr. Wm. Lane, in the court douse, and thump present were, Mr. Jame. Mitchell, iter. J. J. Kelso, provincial secrets' 5-. of Toronto. Rev. Uro. E. Roos. Rev. J. E. Ford. Dr. H. i. ittrsne, Sheriff Reynolds, Mr. ti. M. Elliott, Mr. Wm. Lane, Mr. W. K. Kelly, Rev. Jahn Pollock and Mr. C. Seager. Presideut MItcbell oreaided. The report of 'the secretary was re- reived and adopted. A ropy will he (new*, dell to each muhleip*lll y in the county. BETTER HOME CONDITIONS Mr. Kele b-ing asked to make a few ',markt, stated that the last tires he visited Ooderich was on the ocea- .inn of a murder trial and in his opin- ion a triode( this nature was most ex- pensive to the (ounty. He believed the eon ranged from 430.000 to 1100,- 000. "In the, particular rase," hes raid. "the evidence went to show that the murder arose from a neglected home." Frons an economical standpoint, he pointed out that an immense amount of good by the Children's Aid society was being done. It might justly be said that the vet y fact that there bad not been a single case of juvenile crime before the courts of this county in the last year was pet -baps due to the Children s Aid society.' The speaker did not approve of sending away children to reformator- ies units,it was the last resort. "Keep 'bent in their holies and improve home cottditwns." be urged. "A go eat deal can be done by bettering the home.' the spe.trr continued. "The eburebee. Mwrrolrot *mistier. togeth- er with the aid moiety should work, together for the uplift of the eommaw- it "1 hope you get *shelter. If you had one you would find that your contri- butions would increwe considerably. People them gee something they think is practical and money would be left in wills, etc., and given more freely," be declared. Mr. O. M. Elliott, the count mere- tary, presented his report which *bow- ed : - Complaints investigated, 76: number children affected, 179: letters received, 487; letters seat out, 786: meetings attended in the interest of children. 30; visits made, 391; inter- view., 4/31)4,Jlourt eke," attended. 21 ; applicatbaefor children. Ai; children made wattle of the moiety, 22'; wards pinned or replaced. 30. Next yser the society will sok for a larger granrand a rnmtnittee compo. - ed of Rev. deo. E. Rose: Meters. G. M. Elliott, and C. Seager. K.C.. mod Sher- iff Reynold* will wait on the county Walk -Over quality is a standard „of comparison for shoe dealers everywhere - Walk -Over shoes are ad- mittedly the "Leaders of the World." Downing & MacVicar Sole Agee* for Go4ridl HAVE YOU nnrJm w area his eraebrsae.t dor- ies ter Volt sod w Inter amoeba ,r d. . Poo w`blswliseIbtfeloorrym,,� ease sae work the vow ire less We sew the Wei ti Its basic- t►ay wtmkiy. tine .stat. easl%A,_ tw,Maly. •VE$ SOO A( ail :: `�ream� in me maim MOO WNW far es m waist asimieremle. reliable etas ter fll...4 r1.t mod me �'45. N y. PiIrkirLaA>r Ifl7pERT CO.. teseeee. the. x. d -Free eesatu.ere en r%s..••. 000000 •I . -49CowTHE COLBORNE STORE -ape THE WINTER We are rushing the biggest winter stock this store has ever offered and at the lowest CAMPAIGN prices that new and up to the moment merchan- dise can possibly be sold for. We have hund- reds and hundreds of dollars' worth of fall and winter goods going at a good deal less than first prices. Read an enumeration of some of them in the following items. Dress Velvets Still Velvet Suiting, to cords and brocades are a novelty fur mite, dresses sod skirt.. We are showleg some of the popular colors In two-tone effects. They are tight for nobby wits ar.d dresses Coats Our fall and winter Coats never were as satis- factory as they have been this season. We have now just wveoI.In left and we will oomutence to clear them out at one-e-uarter off regular prices on Saturday morning next. All these coats are thio eeawn's make and some of the latest Rodgers de- signs. Furs Now is a good time to select Fun. Our stock is all new• having hosts ►ought for this year's selling. N Furs carried from last 'season. We tuy from the maketk. Hence the low price we can sell new fresh Fars for. Give us a look if in need. Fancy Linens Imported Battemburg Embroidery and Crochet Linens in Mats, O.ntree, round and square. In 3 row. Tray Cloths and Sideboard Drapes. These are sgceptionally cheap. Made In Japan. tut arrived here this week. Suitings (ler stook is loaded with esms of the vett nes. est colon in bodtord% diagonals ad sera*, U. to 66 inches wide, So to eros a yam. Anyone wanting an up -to -data milt should et tbew Children's Bear Coats I Nieete.o only to NIL Colors, whits. red. gray' and brown, amid in four Saes. We will put tkf, lot on sale on Saturday atone -quarter to one-third off our marked prime. Corsets for the holiday trade. Always wear D .\ .\ if t..0 want the beet. at from Sot: to Win. Handkerchiefs Two shipments of our Christmas H.D.F.B. are here, wbbh put' us in a position to 811 orders at all pekoes from a 5 Dent linen to some of the Aiwa entbrridersd made. Extra Values this year. Byes and folders for eachseinr them. Hosiery and (cloves Our stock of tows Reeds ie now at its best. We bees the beet that gooey will buy at the prices asked. Our Noehlage at iH cents rec- ommend themselves Uel all buyer's It will be easy to do your Christmas buying Ifyou some early. An elegant showing this year. J. H. COLBORNE council at the January session in re- gard to lithe matter. DONATIONS Towards the...no* of the Ineetinf which was largely attended. the an- nouncement was atade that a friend of the society had bequeathed it 4230. This w •. received with much rejoicing. The d. trona received for November were : A. M. Robertson, S5: Mies M. J. Rs . min. il; Mrs. J. H.• Leech, 48: pt.,. Janie* Mitchell, 41; Mr. Wm. McCrea' h. $1. Contributions of good wearable clothing have recently been reesiredfrom Mrs. F. R. Hodgens, Mrs. Jubn sit -anon and Mrs. James Wil - IOW • During the general meeting in the evening. Ma4sr Wilfrid Ackhurst gave selections on the mandolin. TEMPERANCE SERMON Clinton ISusisets Man Speaks oa Condi- t noes in Tbat Town Has local option proved a failure in Clinton ? This was the subject of a fine adder* given in the lnlerests of temperance in the Victoria street Methodist church on Sundry evening by Mr. A. T. Cooper, of Clinton. Mr. Cooper delivered his address after s abort sermon fwd been given by the pastor. Rev. J. E. Ford. The speaker touched on general husi- ne*e, education, real estate. pleasure, growth of lbs cbun-he., and in fact evil ything el.. which could affect tits town a• is whole, and showed that the sale of liquor tieing ptnbibfted was a great improvement in every way either than a detriment. 1a the first plate he pointed to the rrtflatiate in- stitute and *bowed that it Wed not been affected in .my way. Then as to the g.oersl mercantile bonne* of the fowl.. be illustrated that the merehaots were dopes a far Letter trade now than they ever had done be- fore. Orme* and other beeieess wen, whom he could rely %poo. were the authority for the reatement that their bnairwes were better now, Mae before Weal option came *to force. The streaker t oght that the ver y faet that there was err y few vacant booms in the pias* was .1.0 a Ha at mrd thou- the Argon. ' wow better in esvve%egy� way and offered better eeeomodatioa to the tr.velNrta paddle. Of eourns by the prohibiting of liquor is had naked the tease of the Sege a.hast peon =2; a Ie lase of 1Mr thea were moos farmers .omlmg to • toss asd twist home ether that be- fore. ••i'bs eery drunk 1 law its OB. - toe was a man w d►M from Gode- ricb and he wrest beak is eomtry with a poli w said. Mr Cooper had anth *Live information from ministers sod eternities that the chard*, were snaking itt'eater peewees which Seed bias to m, "1 Heim that the her teem is one of the worst seeasisa of the ahem* at the present time." it wee Ida apish* that the 'Hite whkhtd arises 1a hockey between Omderleh Metas Myo was doe to hotel taw QM,m to the rink Oa then denature too freely. Nowthes was glad to w the erection of a ae sew rink, sad ah m he wars ono et a till.- Ina estittlOillli hkttwwl1bo rmuld rather see =weir:: ep a «sthe how • 1s aweless- he herd tar the day when the whole...stir will be bin from the eines of liquor and so win 1t for (:Arlt. During the newtse the els* swag as an anthem, 'Ail Han the Power of Joe%•• Name." . ENTER ANY DAY AT THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE owl's ..000. o's7Aaro Iwdivid.tal Inn ruetion. Thin y - three years of mentor Positions gvara.teed W grodust.,. inform- atlos Free. C. A. FLExtwo. F. C. A. Pti.cipal. U. D. Pi. iy., asevetat•y. SHAW'S SCHOO LS mi ve .seer r ea b May w ,.. w . mar '>•w.I T.t j: t�Lrssi. llw a The Largest Yet That is what our Holiday trade will be. if you make your election from BROPHEY BRQ'S. Stock of FURNITURE We have at present a full line of Leather and Rexene Rockers and Students' Chairs - the largest in years. Also a new line of Ratan Rockers and Chairs, Couches, odd Parlor Furnfture. etc. . . Any of these articles would be a very acceptable Gift for anyone to re ceive. . . Or perhaps you anticipate a nice China Cabinet, Dining Table, or a set of Leather Diner's. . . Or perhaps you have been building on a nice Parlor Suite for your wife : if so, we have them in Silks and Verona, three and five -piece Suites. . . Odd Dressers and Stands in /-cut Oak, Mahogany and Empire finish -from the cheapest to the best al- ways in stock. . . Our line of Fslt Mat- tresses are in great -demand by the tired ones who desire rest and comfort. . In fact. we keep in `tock every line necessary to furnish the home from cellar to garret. Cail and inspect our stock. No troubl ishow goods at the OLD RELIABLE Brophey Bros Uadertaksre aad Embalmers MEM mad Day este ,.remptly mended M Sten Phew 180 llsehlesus Mee itonotmoga Meet me' Huron Des8wapww' aetltoiatlie held Shale am --04t• 4*. I . tine sewed ehmmher wIsola', two siselese lhtw40pi t.. 04 tl The - esteem of mgmbere t1 tweet parts el tM; ad�tirttwrwe these y' aw4ik, ' std fir. JMOml. OF fxI erred, who la nor rM 1 Me esus .t••w- atve bask -epees is tA+ tewMy. wee ,.hosed .eer••taey-•ow. ewer. et at iv - dent tithe t seaaM ♦griieedawe.l ad IMO IA !redWa4 lamas p sediest, B. WE, am f es1 --Jerk, r O.dehothers orates east t et .4ses a muted itis tellorwisa em IMrilh. '