HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-20, Page 22 THURSDAY. Nov. 20, 1913. 1181s-o- MacEwan's COAL Rest Scranton Hard Coal --all sizes. Cannel Coal for open grates- -the highest quality of Coal that can be bought for the purpose. Empire Dome s t i c Lump Coal -- most satisfactory Soft Coal for ranges, box stoves and fireplaces. Standard Chestnut and Furnace Colne. abragilliS tonal A. 1: BRADWIN EDITOR AND PL LILI$lraa Tilt Snivel le tiabllebM *ow! Tbsr.dav boo the ors at in The Signal Buddies. North Street. t,oderl.b Onta is Telephone No ft. Sues, ntrrl.ry 11k111 floe Irollar and rfnr Cent• per year: 1f paid *tmm•tly is Myelin* Ole Dollar will be aonepted : to wbnxlben M the United Irate. the rate (e Om Dollar and Fine Cents .tnotly in advance. 8uberrlber who fall to receive THE HAS •t regularly by toad will confer a favor by acqualuu•g the publl.b er °fthe fact ata. early •daaa.po.dble L1' hen a change of adder.. 4 de.lred. both old and the new eadro+..hnukt be Wm. Remittances may be orad.- u) hank draft, enpre.• mote) order uo-r oalre order. or rerrleared letter. Sub -.caw ion. ratty commend at any tune. A 1' En read s0 TS. r<it, —Itat.. for display and contract ad*er"..uieot. will be giver. on •poll oat ion. Legal and other .dallier advertisement., ten rent. per bre. for Prat tn.ertton and four vein• pe, line for each yubeeitiiirtit lo.ertlon. Itea.ured by a deal of doll nonpareil twelve Hues to an Inch. Hu.lne-. card• of dia lined and under Flys 11.41.,. per year Ad verti.r u.cnt. Of Lo.'. Fonnd. Strayed. Situation- Tarant.tilt uation. Wanted. House.. for Bale or ro Kano, harm. for Sale or to Rent. Articled for AM., see.. .eteae.edl g Waist tine., To only nye lent. early lnawtlen : 1 (n. Dollar for Tied month. lino test, for each rubt..ouent moat h. Larger ad%ert&.oment. in proportion. An' nouncemant, in ordinary reading type. Trn rest. per line. No notice I.dd than Twenty nye Contd. Any .l notice. the object of which ie the pacuriar) bonen: of any individ- ual or *r.ocietion. to be eon.udered an adder tl-rmrnt and charged accordingly. To ('oastaritmu unci. -The co-operation of ' •nb•4Mber and reader i. cordially Invlt rlinward. matting THaMmsALawsekl) record of ell local. county anddh.trlctdologt. \n coin, muntcatbn will be attended to ustw it oon- talne the name a..d addled* of the writer. not I ecetarlly for pp ablkatloo. but a• an eridpnee of good faith. New• item. should reach THE SA d. office not tater than Wednesday neon of each week. All kinds of Hard- wood and Kindling. Peter MacEwan Estate Telephone SS CRANE TRUN&YS W M "Only Double Track Rail- way between Toronto and Mon- treal. and Tomato and nthe: princi- pal cities in Canada. Also Double Track and S•vlid Trans between Montreal and (lhicegn; also be- tween Ontario point... New York and Philadelphia, via Niagara Falls." SMOOTH ROADBED FINEST EQUiPMENT ELECTRIC LIGHTED PULLMAN SLEEPERS Full particulate. beetle rewcietoirs, ee�ta, from Greed ?reek Agent-. or write (. Horning. District Pa seueer Agent. oma - to. Ontario. F. F. hearten, v t ensu • . Town Paea,ysr and ticket Ageul.. 1'hwie & elimerwienervemeiNentowideurnightoneetiewardeelehig FARM MACHINERY • chert Wilson, Massey -Harris •it, has a full line of Farm •vinery always nn hand. We • we think the cheapest best Gasoline Engines on Market. Also wane h.aiitiful Steel Raves from Tudhnpe and And• engin of Orillia. Jti.tltbe thing for a fare see • kitchen. Vu a have in stock ('utter. • Hone Blanket. Pumps ('ream Separators Milking Macbines i)riving Harness And nne hundred and one other things. Canine in and see us at the Massey -Harris Shop Hamilton Street THIS ha HOME DYE That ANYONE DYOLA TH1 RSDAV. NOV'EMHER2I/ru. 1913 WHAT CAN THIS MEAN 9 Premier Borden of late has given Canadians considerable loom for thought -and has natut+.11y gone to the United States to furnish the material. On November let, it wad announced in the Conservative official press that Mr. Borden was exhausted with his tremendous labors at the capital, while his ministers had been joy -riding all over the country. It was stated that the premier was in ill -health, and therefore be had gone for a six weeks' holiday to the South- ern States. Tben in the New York papers of November 3rd it transpired that Canada's sick and disabled premier had gone straight to the Great White Way. and the very first thing he did was to attend s jolly Sunday evening diener of actots, given at the Lotos club in honor of Cyril Maude, the English actor —a dinner at which champagne was much in evidence, and at which a number of brilliant eters of New York's theatrical firmament made merry. At this Sabbath entertainment, Rt. Hon. R. L. Borden. premier of Canada, despite his exhaustion and ill-bealtb, found strength to wake a epeecb whose length was commented upon. and In which he made some startling statements regarding reciprocity. This is how the New York Herald of Moodsy, November 3id, reports Mr. Borden's .bare of the Sunday night jollificatioo--sod it is noteworthy that the New York Herald is recog- nized as one of America'a sate and Sane papers. while the article shows that the Herald reporter attended the dinner in cr,mpany with Mr. Maude and arrived just am Mr. Borden was in full Hsied of ontory. The *raid's report says : "At the Locme club it was learned from Mr. J. F:. Dodson. actor, who was the host at the dinner. that Mr. Maude had better wait until Robert Laird Borden. premier of Canada, had ended hie speech. Mr. Borden was not half way tbruugh. and after wailing ten minutes Mr. Maude requested that someone get him a glass ret champagne and a chicken sandwich. He got it, and nor the sandwich io • few mouth- fuls. . . . Melville E. Stone, general manager of the Associated Press, was toastrnaeter. He introduced Mr. Borden. Canada's premier, who re- marked facetiously that naturally every statesman liked to get the opportunity of speaking. "In regard to reciprocity ,Aertereerk this country (the ("nice Statear add Canada, Mr. Morden said that Canada had nu objection to such a treaty ,Lod that Canada felt that she bad door her fair abate towards It. He said that regretted that It had not come to pea„ but he added that -Canada will oonioet affairs seam 1) he • hood between the United Stat.* mid the British em pier, After the "No trade nor truck with, the Yankees" anti -reciprocity cam- paign of 1111, Canadians will he astonished at Mr. Borden's New 1-ork speech. ea his fellow snersb.rs of All Saints' eboreh. Ottawa. will also he to hear that when away from home to recuperate hie health he enjoys himself st Sunday evening revels with t.beatrieal people. THE t88GNLL : GOD&RICH t ONTARIO ”dome people have said that a war witb Germany would tome. He was not an agitator, but he thought what t be mutter with half the world waa they were tom lazy to learn to drill. and be considered the British people were living today in a fools' paradise. Germany wanted colonies. Let that be printed in indelible colors. She must have them ur iu another generation she will go under. Where war she to get these colonies? Only two fields were open, South Auretica or the British colonies. Britain would never surrender any of her colonies to Germany a. long as the flag waved. Germany inu.t 1 r taught that Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa were behind the motherland. Germany had been behind Kruger in the Sooth African war and it was the action of the British -ulontes in going to help in that fight that caused Get - tunny to call off. - Compare this with the following re- port of the Batu* speech which appear- ed in the Tomato Globe -the Ontario Litretal urgan-of August lith, 1912 : "They pooh-pooh the idea that the country would ever be invaded. 'Jetzt le- mrn, never underestimate your foe. . Our greatest curse at present is apathy and laziness. , . Gentlemen, we are no more than half civilised today, sad war is closer than you dream. The great peril is from Germany. R'hy' Because Germany must have colonies or sbe wilt begin to go down . . and there are only two fields where she can find the needed outlet for her sur- plus population One is along the South American eta board, the other is in BI nosh colonies . . Germany has to he taught a lesson. ard the lesson to be taught her is that Canada. South Attica. Australia and New Zea- land are behind the mother country. We know that Germany was behind Kruger, and that there was a deflniate scheme to oust Great Britain from !Mouth Africa, but the fact that the colonies epraog to arms and sailed frotn all quarters of the globe to the assistance of Great Britain caused the scheme to be frustrated." It would be absurd to imagine that the Conservative organ of British Co- lumbia and the Liberal organ of On- tario conspired deliberately to misre- port Col. Hughes. and'preserved such a similarity in tbeir concoctions. Similar reports appeared in all the leading daily newspapers of Canada. Conservative and Liberal. The speech caused considerable sensation at home and abroldr-sensation which was not displeasing‘to Col. Hughes' love of no- toriety. He did not repudiate the re- ports-natt'rally the press of • whole country could hardly have conspired to misreport him. It was only when the government feared that Col. Sam's flagrant indiscretion might infuse them that the Conservative press at- tempted to deny that tbe•Canadian war minister had made such a foolish apeecb. COL. HUGHES AND THE UERMAN$ Frantic efforts haw. leen made by the Toronto Mall and Empire and otbe• nt..-eative organs to prove Llan n be Hoo. Sant Hughes never moil oat -German speech at Van - sou• The Mall and Respire goes so far as 1 n Intimate that the whole thing le a Liberal Inve.tlon and dselaree that Col. Sam dsdee be ever made Sae\ a The Vaaae.vsr Dally New.AJv.r• war, tan oa.aa..tl.o argam le We - l* OalwMrb of Avow* 7th 1011 ••• p tuts 1 (sunsd'* si..wi es folio. • : FOR IEUCAIE A Mother's Letter to Mothers. Mrs. E. W. Cooper al Bloo�aeld, N. J., says: "My child. seven years old, had • had cold and was weak and Quite run down In health. Bbe had been in this condition for about six weeks when 1 began glvtag her VInol. it was a wonderful help to the child. breaking up her cold quickly and building up her strength beside. I have also found Vtnol a moat excel- lent tonic for keeping up the chit dien's strength during a siege of ithooptng cough " Vlnol Is a wonderful combination of two world -lamed tonics --the medi- cinal body building elements of cod liver oil and Iron for the blood. there- fore 11 Is a perfectly safe medicine for children, because it Is not a patent medicine; everything It It la printed on every package. so mothers may know what they are giving their little ones. Therefore we ask every mother of a wealth, sickly or ailing child In this vtctnl'y to try Vino!, on our guarantee. H. C. Dunlop, Muggier. ti(derich. Dot against the Liberal amendment to the Highway, Aid hill, which was design- ed t.. give the provinces their proper constitutional control of the proposed expenditures -in everything else the some consistent and silent support of the Borden government. - Macdooald hes reason to he aahawed of the manner in which Mr. Morrison weer elects.!. it bat reason to feel that Mr, Morrison'. conduct In parlinmeut was on a pet with the means by which be got there. RESULTS OF A CRIME Had the tiding of Macdonald iree') allowed to vote according to its proper convictions it is not improbable that Mr. R. L. Richardson, a capable and honorable citizen. would have been elected to represent that riding. That this was more than probable is shown by the extraordinarily corrupt means taken by Hon. Robert Rogers and his Tory election machine to defeat the will of the people. Wats: have Msc• donald and Canada gained by the in- jection of the Rogers -Roblin gang into the fight? For a year Macdonald has been rep- resented by a mann rot.fe(.eedh elected by crooked methods -so crooked that Hou. Robert Rogers dared not let him face the cootie. miring .dee of the most important .eseione of parliament eine. confederation. Macdonald was improperly and r•.rruptly repre- sented. During :hat session Mr. Ales. Morrison sat in an extreme hack leneb bleb bir seas not eaU(Nud will at he drew the butt indemnity d Bich he had uo right, be whole we..as Mr Mani - 'JINN Only enticed ne t� day tidies be .wee intr.d.sesd hey r1Ti 1 Spe,erw. firm Robert Regere, and'Ron. W J Roche. From that day be never opened hie moot\ to jean io dehate, naw diet anvtblwg in paetia• /seat si' eat He simply road Mimi• ly for the governmene. and aim $11 " for rbc job This i. the parliassenlary re.srd of Nr. Alez. M irrupts . ez-M.P.:--Opseeb- es, none : enotiose net., none ; voted agatest !lir Bid Lear, let's arltl.Odosest to the speech from the throe* eeesasring the Macdonald add ltiehdleU byrelertios corruption agalsst every Liberal anseeds.nt to the Bottles Nat.! Aid bin : for evert government motion regarding the Borden Naval AM hill :.gaunt Mr. L 1 Ganebles's vote of oemsare os Hos. Loots Uoderre reepaetiag the Hochelaga hyo -el etioe peeet.atlos paired agalast Mr. Olive'. motion of eyesore on Ron Robert Roger. In roneeotiow with the Prince Albert homestead scandal ; paired In rsptwwt of the "gag" rid t voted for the 918,- @monn subsidy gift to Messrs. na enst- Oh • Mush sad whist she Mural peepettle hi either stake tabs a le.n eft hei'teue•ww*nave vverrsnt'at ri•tnrn from ,be Otto'.lian Northern railway fur It t • No More Dandruff or Falling Hair I'arisian Sage Is Your Friend. Use It and All Hair and Scalp Troubles Quickly Go No pois000us sugar of lead -no sul- phur -no dye in PARISIAN Sate. The cleanest, daintiest. Mott rrfresb- ing sod delightful hair tonic in the world is PARISIAN Sage. If you do not use it you are daily 'Wooing a glorious treat. It Is Pimply splendid for oven, women and children. It is gold at ding and toilet goods c ountet. for only 60 cents a large bottle. Ask for PARISIAN Sage for your own protre.ion. The gitI with the auburn hair is on every carton and tint tie. PARISIAN Sage drives nut all daudrutf and stops Bair from falling in two weeks. It stops itching scalp in 12 hours It is a hair nourisher and promptly Puts life, lustre and beauty into dull, faded and ill looking hair. Hugh D. McKinnon, of Brantfntd, Ont , writes :-"i conaider.PARISiAN Sage the lest preparation for the cure of dandruff. falling hair and itching scalp that 1 have ever used. It it au excellent hair tonic and dressing and 1 shall always he pleased to highly reeranmend PARISIAN Sage." E. R. Wigle guarantees it. WHITNEY TO BLAME 140 C(JMPEN$ATION FOR LOSS OF SAILORS ON LAKES Liberal Leader Says that Women and Children Who Lost Breadwinners Could Secure Compensation Had Act Been Passed -This Statement Received With Loud Applause Make Sure of a Steady Income Put your savings and surplus profits into the be dividend paying security. The er Cent. tures of the ..waned Reliance Mortesyrs ( orDwatims are secured by a Pa - ep pit■leaf t20'1n.000.o0sadAt- sessei $S.900000.00. Thee d.- lettttrseS you a dePwdabis Maga RIM1 a ver-vraa,ta W. L HORTON, Gede ich Reda.. Dleem>tee Asthma Catarrh w_ _4 mot tOsdlrtr saw 11211110M1111 MOON CM eseaeaallmnee sew r* —s Maa -e.an.o waaar e. ` _. Ar ve orotsv.` ew_,rnfew pima ..r. well ewer 11~Ib, Mob. Aea.ro anew Amar weenie sheat W •••l•ta'•CseA loo rsa,naarw. wises. C'..dale w ae'-naso re wows* yaw aalabaa IGS Sr siessw ass. .rase raaarre►raails re4naae► At,l MVRMN.. T t�My■ sT r `� ME Volpe ti., t e. e.. 1+s '•.107.: r r da! At the East Middlesex Liberal con- vent.00 hold on London on Saturday last Mr. I\ 1l'. Rowell, K.C., opposi- tion tion landed, declared that the women autl children who hot fathers. sons and hu.la.ads on the great lakes in last week', stnrms would today be able to 'retire cuwpensation bad 1b. Whitney governwent, at he last ,.*rias of the °nta.in legislature, Passed the workman'* or'mpenaatiou act, for which the Liberals and Labor me., had so long pleaded. In many twee widows and orphans and mothers are left wttbo ut support, and Mr. Nowell made clear that obey cannot claim c uup•nsarion. As the law of Ontario stands :•.day. tie said. it a woo kroan ie injured be in entitled to ousuprnsat ion only in care his in- jury can he proved doe to the negli- gence of his employer. and he roust proceed through the court*. with the chance sat Iosoug all if fab employer bas the means • to carry the rasa ' through successive courts. The tame was tt sae of those depeudiog upon a workman for their support in the event of his meeting death. Mr. Rowell rtnpbarized the claim that the Liberal party stood for primrose, and that the Lilwrals, and Co.*erva- tives, too, in last Middlesex bad an opportuutty of protesting to the governtuent tb.t it war not moving tut enough. The Literals took the modern view that human lift was vastly more important than wear and tear on tttacbitiery, a eentimeot that brought forth gtwt applause. He Said that the Liberal position in the legislature was that a workwpti's oompeneation act Should he passed, whereby all that would be oeeeeaary to insure compensation to • workman would he the fact that be war injured. "They have had it workmen's com- peosation law in Eoglaod," •.id Mr. Rowel:. "Even io poor, 1 . •kward Russia they have one. io St' .n. and in the progressive countries of urups. They have one in British ColuEabia, in Alberta. in Saskatchewan. in Manito- ba, in Quebec, in New Bruoewick. in Novy Scotia, in Australia, New Zw- land and South Africa. Ontario is the one large country under the British flag that b•u not such an act." At the rear of the hall were Several city workingmen, and one of them in- terrupted with : "Who is to blame r •'The government that has failed to bring in ne legislation;" replied Mr. Rowell. •.id applause. The 1 -rat loader then outlined the annual wises made by Sir James Whiter) .ince 1907, wben a bill was introducer) by a private metntwr and withdrawn on the promise of Sir James. Nothing was done, and whoa in 191" the Liberals introduced • bill the prouibw. of • ;ntnwission wan made, and the hill withdrawn, yet not until the and of 1911. when a general election war in sight. had the cow- inissioo wet. In tpteriw report was made in 1912. and a hill definitely promised for 1913. out wbmo the sios was railed this year Sur James had not made up bis wind. The op- position offered ur prolong the session, to stay to Toronto until the govern - [meat could decide upon the details of a measure, in order that piot.ction l' Might be Ruin to the workirgnien of, Ontario. But Sir Jamey refused the Turn them cwt," came from the bask of the ball. (Applause). Continuing. Mr. Rowell referred feelingly to the wave of sympathy that was passing over the province for the widows and orphans of those lost iu the *torn' on the Great Lakes. "If they have no claim tocoot tense - tion today, why ? Because the gov- ernment did not put tbrough that merlons• of workmen's compensation at the list session of the legislature. 1f I were an elector in East Middlesex I'd want • chance to enter a protect on the 27th against a government that refused to do its duty." The hulk of the huge audience, one of the biggest gatherings of Fart Middlesex Literals in years. was com- posed of farmer•., and they clearly shown) their eywpatby with Mr. Rowell's endeavors on behalf of the in- dsetrial workers of the pruvidoe, greeting his remarks on workmen's contpen.ation with rzeerd i ogly heat t y applause. RHILUU TI>sbr Many people have it hut neglect it Until tory as-. rrippled and without hope of ever being coved, but t here is "Opt for all in Rheumo and no one bled have t heumetlso now. Itbrum° fh just what we say It is. We have re- ceived hundreds of tsetl.sosials tells I.g us that Rheum* has cured ohl steadiest rases of tbrumation and when as nibet treatments bind failed. Rhewo enriches the blood ,red drives uric geld from the system: Don't fall to gat a bottle tolay at V. J. Butlawd's and you will soon have your bealth and .te.ngth al M thenldes day.. Ir. I Butlaad sobs a large bottle tot one dollar, dR we will wsait you a Mottle ptepsM ea metre oftwine. B. V. Mar - IOU Co., Deldg b.rg, Ow& -The Liberals base protested the resent .issues f• C\atan gwy. Quo. DRUNKENNESS W. ACHESON & SON 1 Sixty Women's Stylish Winter,Coats at Special Price Ladies' Beaver Cloth and Kersey Cloth Coats Lined with heavy quilted fasters' Satin and neatly finished mad trimmed. Collar and revers of IVwtern $20.o Sable No. I. in sizes 311 to 44 Special price W Ladies' Fur Lined Beaver and Kersey Coats Collar and revere of 'elect gable. A very handsome ..mi highfclass coat. Fur lining, very Iles and sold s -ii alJ with u guarantee tor service. Sizes d0 to at1. Price Muskrat Coats Floret Canadian Muskrat Cots, s.tseted skins and besot! tulle wade in newest cul, full length. Lined throughout with Skinner's guaranteed satin. Sloes 31f to 44 s-ya Price.... t ... JAM Ladies' Winter Cloth Coats Along name Ode week about two dozen stylish sample Costs from one of the largest and beet oaken In out countrL Beautiful new rough clothe and many Hoed all through with satin, all sissy, hut we place /bow at .peclal sample prices. each 37.00. S.00 ac�1ttd W Men's Fur Lined Coats, fur collar.... $35.00 Men's 'Mack Dog Coats with As- trachan Lamb Collar, No. 1, at $20.00 Men's Coon Coats at ..$75.00 1Men's Bulgarian Lamb Coats at $23.00 Fur Robes, size S5x65, No. 1 Black and Brown Bear. Well lined and trimmed, at each. .$12.00 W. ACHESON & SON 0 CANAIJIAN PACIFIC BEST NEW TRAIN FOR WINNIPEG and points East thereof GATE CITY EXPRESS comnsncing October 26th LEAVE TORONTO - - 2.30 p m.) ARRIVE WINNIPEG - - 8.25 a -m. ( DAILY us.ased Das) THROUGH INCIPMKNT. CaaOsde.ssi Obesryation Cat Standard ' aping ar Twriet Sleeping Car. Dialog tar. I1s•t Claw Coached. fetlock: ! .r. VANCOUVER EXPRESS LEAVE TORONTO - - M•20 p m• l DAILY ARRIVE VANCOUVER - - !1 S0 p.m. THROUGH "'QUIPULS T : Cormier mems (1►wr,atien Car. Standard sleeting/ . s. Tout bit Shwrptag Car, Mlle, 'ar, Flet C`- - •'aaebnr, Coloo..t t dr. Gemini Change of Time a *toter Irma Particular, from JOB. KiDU. C.P.it Agent, w write M.O. MIrRPRY. 11.1' .Pati• Targe: 0 is a rumble disease, which requires treatsl..t. The OttRINR treatises& can he used with &Motet* eosddewe.. ie destroys all desire Inc whisky, beer, or other intoxlcsata. Cao be given 1. the borne. No sanitarian' *spews*. No lots of time foam work. Cho be glee. secretly. If ala* a trial yore fail to get ally benefit from Um an your smarmy will Ire ORRINR le prepared le two tems t Lea ctriS 4o. h pm Mpowder Ib' civet Omni. r wk. dadse w lake .olsaknry Umt- ata*. (Tarts owl.* 01 (111 a Nor. ems, iw •...1 .al& ,.v.. 4,14.• ,non pe •N1• A•k 1..t tootles. F. J. Bmwl.n', OW. skb. 1 1 "Famous" Base Butner McClary's Famous Base Burner has elabor•itelt carved, highly polished nickle trimmings. makingit a handsome piece of furniture for any home. • Every Stove is a double heater and warm air can be conducted to another room. This "Famous" heater is the most modern con- struction of a two -flue stove, having large flue capa- city and radiating surface. We have some good second -band heaters stock and we will be glad to show them to you any time. Our Stove stock is complete in every line. Colne and see for yourself. in at Howell ilardware Com 4111111112111111111111111111111111111111111111111/