HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-20, Page 15,xrY.r. JRTI TIMM---+I. tan 8'ODBBICHS ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1913 CONSIDER EVERY DOLLAR you put into good aieeetision tet • dell•. el *sere, but a dollar invested upon which y NSe will meat.. high.. di. ideeds than from any other investwaat. 71a Mw•1 1■ kiwi best advertising' m...s 1• Hasty l.oe.t7 A. 8. SIULDWIN, rvetastem. {1118 STERLINGBANK SAVE, because- No. 59 The man with responsibilities must be prepared to meet them, even during financial reverses. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager l i IF YOU HAVE INSURANCE OF ANY KIND TO PLACE 00 TO A. G. NISBET Insurance and Real Estate Agent 1 OFFICE NEXT CANADIAN BANK OFOOIIMERCE, OODERi('H 1 Piton= : Orrice 20: House 150. P.O. Box -964 1 .d► .-A-. - _ - - -. __,.J`i..J-rJ .. _ _ - _ J RTIATIONS VAcLDT. IIIFAI)H11it WANTED. -9.8. NO. ti. J. tiedode& town.Mip. dotter to oommeraos reaI7 Sly / Mate experiewer. ivaUtsea- tl.s.sdre 1Mrya 'pay to CHRIS. W.JOHN- STON. dereeter7- ream/., . H.1.1). Na 2. Oode- rkh. • wt. elft T TANTE D. -TWO PUPIL NURSES at the A20xead1. Marine sod Otiweeat he-Ntal. Uraerica The eases. 1a two yin eel enlarges tuwereappkd- AMUR es .00. 1! M1.• CMe'yLma t. a.perl.mdeet. esti W ANTED.- A 43000 GENERAL It .•seri ter the let Aenmber. Ascii tin XIV HOLT. North street. O.d riek. eLtt T.ARZED Posuc .NOTICE WN OF OODERICH *kip wake thief. the asesioll council of the .s.psratfee of the Sews of Ooi.rfeh Intends aeimet rent a ..weir en Ormaesea .tree.. In the and iaar. lodoress Batman read end Heldwiealba geed gad theme, epee trect. ad ie resetal aprooppaserty he he bemedletely heesdtted 114•.1•. trestles w upon Canesren snort. sanw•Id. htre+wa00 re said poise. ad {{o kw? such flood mot a..erdle to the feaalegs 'theft twenty ..mewl special atenm,snte; and et •seri mite( •sawing to Wade liable to and w.. -Real a M rpudnRy Mr the +aid .. ilaze (M the Damm ewemw Ifrom he m Midttlaallu js, and } eaS f daring ►Dara The estlmaW mess the wwt loot eee■twf t I. eeSr 1■ t teeth of the uOAMDERS• WANTED AT THE p if mitered* Homer, West street. Apply a auid. rof which .33/34i. te be pwv,eed out Mat IIKUYLK s WANTED. -GIRL AND WOMAN 1 for laundry work. Apply to YR . MILL L1., %ea.4eet. 14 WANTED.--RTORAOK ROOM FOR • warms and .aiytt g Apply to LN RICAN ROAD MA- C141N1(0. 114f ASR M HELP ANDB11101 1WII0 'BEA ° at mei to awILUA1 7fA& u.. Uev.rse e.t 16aideru eat Agent, et. Orden UM with H. D. woone, et. OWL will resolve =apt st1sties. tf 9ublle Mice To the Crtiaeae el Gedench , The Water and Light Com- itussion have just ,eceived a .hiptnent of ric Irons and Electric Toasters and will sell same at wet: 1 "Hotpoint,' best gradyNr. Ires. ;1gS eack Hotgoiat," beat grade, Electric Tease., $3.-S emit • • There are r.eosaaeoaded by the Hydro-Electrls Power Com- ,i„veion of Ontario as the very hest good. that can be p.rob•ged for the nosey. Appy at the Treasurer's Office. Town Hall. • at•It By order, 1 War sad Uglit 1.1Mndeilia. wE - W&tJ NO U FritleilliNTEME tri.. Stash Iessn.d Ila lIs tire Alinas f*t Col orsw - - Oso td thalami le the Prow- S I fames Med arta et aeememert. vales whether ea the farm or cwt•. No Mashie te make adjust - meats. lliciLWADt. Nile. will bee A mind g•sersl rad. et Ure heewld tfii atamindmindet roved*roved*• dry of Yevemaer, 1513. at the hour of eight idea* In the mooing. at the osaadl eherher Ile the it eau el saderkk. far the *mom a hesriag eegWots ammo the proposed ammem et or the acmm.eey a hostage mes* rssseeea es may .tier tamgWK wiWO the Mee* amenable enablideey(rt to e t. aid tau 11th day eKarromber t i L' Y\Ox• Mitt. FOE SALE 4/1 TO sun. &s • R RALE.- BRED -TO -LAY BAR- ►tW reek oo1kwa.. apply to H, K. Itiil.L. s1-tf. REALE.-A LIMITED NUMBER moored wake lhpi.gten eesml. ae. O.A.C.A.strain. 141.310 said. Apply P. A. B AYURN. sk.pp.rdtea. 5(41. L'0R SAWS. -TWO-STORY HUUSH i- se Reaps nine. asnalaise tea ream.. ham tanhmdsxr. bblse be root ; tall ist awlathroom. tereerim ..amit date* lights asmall berm writ • mems Oak. Apply to W. K. PlxuLR, w -a. RKAL ESTATE FOR SAUL. we hove ter ads a wet 1140, taws Wta, pets inmates bow » . 1.ap(w .Ire three 0114r4aw•l an Wader sada w tars... P . M A TI 1 1LILLOR. N. Om. • tial. Nit TO RENT. -Bo JRE• BARN AND y1AKK►T O.tRDEN .4 hi eery N bank et Ye Madame river to rest. pear the Grand Trust roar ewer et melt neon no theer. ap.well wavered. A Iv. astnes. Mtam .■le re. 4. * I] OCTRES FOR SALL -AN [IG BT - LS MOt►MEL/ MUUaEon vsm •le mama sad Ohs OMNI .sowed mum e*.a alaeagr.gW,es sse 111.01: pads hen MA dwl edeeAre w 10014 masse pseip/7atr w feeti W. U d.rioh. (10t. 74-tt apply ' ' AL TRDlMRiY FOR eeet .. w en 'r ad A lOne w t•wGM dais mar ; Feel.** d Owe them he. rt. wish r terser P 7 ▪ Alt, Oedese.► 7s a It At et ha VIE i. W.. ( OF WK.pgmgtt eteflst 1. L ` w_ ( llama. Ws the Where* M • dweRl■gny sod •• were e. how » free ti" 86 sed trews l fs• test, l'7141Ar 71. b► FOR SALE. -THE EAST Wt .ae o the ggbwwassrs.1b aayg. neo dwMea4ey, 71w'e les tll QD1iIr011 AND FARM PRO" - SAIL L-ldhp• yW pplasd wylpRJ Mims W Yedaie. • eiw ee11. • menet Weems* et . OS. If 1 y YU . MNlet vire, onExIcg 'BUS LINE Two Legs meat all twine. Prima_ avN l vi. prmMtpitsf.r d IF e y :vemmapoeil a0 time Tx' DAVIS LIVERY tii.Dup)s r %siir swot tr. low as JJYLA W NO. cls, OF 1913, OF THE TUW N or OOI/)RICH. A Rri..ew to AOnux.ixe o Uv...&,1 g or ran t. °eras arw,s or rag Tows or trouoacr or rag bonus o* Daaasrusm or Ino Amerman loon Maex7tse Course'. or °neauo, Llei ra4 WheitiWika Amines Reed Meeker new pars of Ca•ede. Linke& hereinafter armed the Ciseepsey. tem ter Form ., j-$ d on 14.4- 101.21. Tows of, mrd Dow Iris 1t Iroise Se lnwss0.g 211.20... a QC- medico Oaill st la the said Tows a Urderleh, the value et at least J sill. and equipped at AM whereas the mala tSsmaaa7 bee Ihrolig► dd4i.occ ,* en rerl.Med the tltnae.dl a the Tat w 6.1. 1021 a ■20121. W ODmpsgs 1e W oro- ae setbtor:t i"1def 1 .fin the elorslto booed. to ..thee. Dad is owe awrserMM0•her,et forte, by irsatlsg to the rid C.wpeey for • period of tee mares aged ereeeem- 1 •pea Ibgmdw t.xr, andk51eop earthier .4 Napier sodp at aidall purposes. ap M.oteelmand °envying to • •.d t'um the mortises doeiom • [mother with wag •amhess 611 and ie Dow oweed b7 hod whereas It M expedition to grant the re old lUhhtd to the torso and toodlt' cane . i M n esseeted ad It M hertlr ee- {he Municipal ('oast(l of the Town of as &,hews : 1. it Mall be Metal for the Mayer sed clerk. le the me and se behalf el • et the ter. ol, 10 ex id.M a.eadd delver dwse i l Awed of the said the &NM gleli Mt b7 Oe she n 0. tie ern - Il.' opal sad ples end at ties r, d II Ivo anal het* vane s f 1 h."' ge mel' f Mead Jtibl« CCaws- re - may et Caead.. I4 0 tip b. k.t Ire eimel g. theakes istswe as a ter re - 10 iaa se•neMs to be te rho ties ■ bona made by 1 ha merta e ltesd Cempedy of Can- lull6 IJm0M• le Payees* et the principal or *toren mimed b7 the veld bowl. or debe.- tame Ire the terowa es d the TOWS Of paew6dow .e wW pity optheen . Melled to the MYl.er6[ yWmwat ebt which 1011 w bees armgrovite 04 he 451.00 other00 aNtee to bo whermieemolt by Me Mare see 00001sT rr um~s•id 'Tows, provided ssea glm sa.b wed esedltesae do net Munk the d the ..w tean to py the r la default upon demand .. 2. The meermary see proper steps. to close tear amtiihsef :Nearer greet asd Yeah alai =briethe 1 owe of Dederick lytn between CaMbrereeditedAlbert-deet,.allbe tall o by the see C000est.o•, and the said portions es to he doses, smother with lots running numbers 611 • ed .talo* Ay owned by the .a.4 Carpet •Uc .. Jeb he miaowed t , the said Com- pany by a eoeveywrtaa be de/vered e..num- poeseeoanly with the delivery a the ioortgaire by the l'ompre7 to the Oerperadoo hereinafter referred to. X. Prier N the exentlthe 4uaraetee er guarantees d the en a e hada el the said CorD- pawy. er .07.1 lass, leg theCerp°rao, sad et a esdM ltpremeds* Un. the said Company shall .egal.o by purchase rid Mali haw. 55.0 4ed tau la the dads, the D.cersrry tike few its p.spesed now bMdiag• and plant, sed i(e tin wmprir yipaafwa.ely fear and ew Wt Company koala the tante Northerly blocks be - styes. adie Sedum all the Canada two* Cambria rod tied Albert street. being Park Loa 1. 7 ad 1 he the rhe Tows a (lode - AWL awl w he ef the name/ 01740.00t t As • farther condition precedent to the ezeemhea r tae odd guarantee. or g•araoteew. by the sad Corporation the .old Company shall egesate Yd &diver to the Tadd I :orpera' Lo, a mortgage le triplicate epee the said Weds sot o be manned aaforeaW, sad epee .11 build- ings. plast. Dacblaery, Weis ad pattern.. mecum or to be emoted t.seme or to be place.& herein. or wed le 0050.0thet ebb the boo. sew te es carried M by the sale Company. and ■ poo the lands. heedingd 'dam eplano. owned py the told C y. coo East street. le, the e'rompp oft0he.1e.as5e21. old epe°rpmtgyvd sow tbhee .see lamn'- bolder, a the 00l Company duly giver to • meetleg oiled tae that to and a eooeU- tou a gM.barge epee all the Mad gasper, is. except In rammed to the pte.oit Mem on Kart .tr.a atsio M as to whim the carpet - atlas already holds • nortmore. The ala mart ta1ly fu..4 * 1 the' Nieeargl *0pear/Mose ,anter to weare sonde, end eefl be *'.stint aad approved les the .oMa.or ler the ..id Oorims - .Nee ; sod own mortgage .m.9 r ere add pro - VU. fin the immediate eeey.en1 to the said t xsorMMs a W •Nose trlllb may Ism*: 071 ID a Sr .w tSr.nt..d Mdr and tin the Wssr es by the said Compaq at the .old property as beer of w said C east et Wm b tiro w 0(20 - of by Ub▪ e« earwemlw imY iw•ggee°Ma- pbtapylIwthet wast is kasws r "moey e Nsaso,- sgi tar the .weistoop e a merle leer _ass 4.A.g the 1seresee err the and b.ab. ✓ eed 2.ser•ees to be tor et Wart the emwwat or the heads .e to be yea00Meed as ab.wli; sed stab mertasgs snail dm •.scala .melt Ombra sr Woe, prevision. tar the lewewflw et wr . s.M uwesw b p•tes the mint* .K{ iM ftWhdw ter tie mid C.rpwanse mos lie eMeddd netimeeer for [het perp.* :sed rd mot g•gerk•H alis(. ed. a eenmeet el the pert a the rhe Cemess7 te mtlnmlo •ed kes►pre-a. wrm orteit l n Met oporat ostreet lest tthee the esm leers et the bbends oaf the and at (Aagaey. tm*us* e p akin 01 5shtier\ the d Its tt1 w i jems tee nonthhee mpllef ens KM.ammA g1Mesgl.MI the Gepsatienl twswipyf Ytgbe oiwea ameW be LN Isiie Fest be he~eseOmM and (5114 hiwmr eM plass self the he 4 m peneeles pYms .ed ewer entire r the tag * WSmw said flt 1 pwawt s eat thet ess.the seem biass b si - dreg0g9ees.et p1..rei erstam Y.lheylsywaoC:Mak.2arionstrane mes4 tir'abadr y Ms esp- ear *WI a►00 is he tho end the Maned whin be ler* aVadwpabtilirldil th.the o week et tea . be p d ern as eere/r siftlitiZaNielpear win peered a .wet epee4e00Y6•125a a a= es - 4 .t bre..v..ea.sl nal soybo - '*04411 Ase11wI}eeetalaig .Me whole mhe• t Lir .est aced *be et trews esµ les.[ 4000. when ewspies e. sod small e. erw ewes with mrd dhow web le be of the maw revel te .f w Tows et a rhe year a ll>Rfet the FOR SA LL --A 0000 FARM slam a. lashiVeresedo.ss ed Mdse tin. essyssdwt ! d oarysigiumays=g lees Ibe p.m.. w°"e.'reamrt :y fsitmm.,er ruit ey_theee. l. i Wsorsa t= b11.010Lg. emelt •Yeas N./ Seem is the •.rise maimed te be et the wales et at f15,aettey `•red alld_ sen ell oyer we.ia.la. f1l..allos er et ..r k aid Oirgan s/err• esteem way M the mid 'mortgage to the t le telpher moved be the owed et ►lei. Lc= re..rrthe the ype•al a the a par7 m.ijwtty of e Weetora teat the +.M MrM tri en te he 'remodel alor..ad dial be fMwsMed with lmmedias0y u tae dada moil* .all brow art will be mots 1m and will tit opeostion entitle nae orae Were - atop, and wild mot** la aomsUls theme- ,o Ada by war el Mother WIs lissaisres _ t. the sae .01. 4o rsr. ala 5* 1 .then t.1lOspthe . lawasi ages*le property re g Poet NOM* K.«( tem pears begineing ethos year 11914. ialasi Vol &Ye.lrt fx all *00ept *had axe. at the sem et 10. 1111+ tgswedict oe the d aro of the deal eerie, tJtMp - Prevt.lwus mama at • Council Cham- bers. at the Tem. or Ooderr•lee. the S(L day .f November. A.D. Ill L L KNOX, Hem Clerk. Taac ]tomes that the shove Is a tree coos of a .wavered \glue width boo liege take. late c seeederatleo. ad w will he 1.ei17 wowed by the Cessna M i 5 al "ai da the erect of the armed lho .Frere. betas obt•u,od thereto.iter mis smith ftnii the limo publication In 11e fil.ie.eeh aged sewe- p•pm. the date of whk► e.mlleestoe wail the oath day of Nov.mbei, 15* Ago roarnga Toa. NMTloa teal an 1.... hoidens C(oley under the meenlas. .d 34 Ova. V.Chepbr 43. 00011,00 WI. tl- 4, 1 are no -Mid we day. before the clay .f mutes 10 elm with M a .tatutory dealers len at s■014- ton otherwlee their miaow* well sot anew oat lbw l/ pp a •L1d garb voting. Asti neon= Toga Mtrrtca that the pee el 'be .10.4. • of the mail Town a Ileileirleti will be betes ea the nerd 9r.od w OI .4tl the INIs.g m • sad 1.1 9m a_e.. 1 bet r to ..y, ee sitmea., the ..ti d.7 a November, 1913, aemremelaa est •the alar at s &deme la Lae testesa and o.seni•11111 til l **Mork la :be enemas, of the times day. by the following wk ,M l • IN . t, o 1'bem..en'. WI Jake Il .1. at Dept] tern4,g ael *MIL MeK■y, Pell a'1a1. Po&11iny e.M arinse w Eat w ,,. she. wee's Raper resew feet Itmes. b Chafew Cherie. He, Deputy Returning Odlers% aad Keet. Sharman. full ('here. PolilhR eubdlvIdon Na 3. at, Town Hall. be Edw.rd C. bth,hw. Ilewty !determine View. and W w. Knox, tell tltk. Polling .ubdtv1bo No. 4. at Steiner.' Wood Shop. by Hoton A. T■Ibss, Deputy Hetareleg 1).eow, and Wm. Welbe,,, loll Clerk. Pohlog.ubdlvWen Nn/. at Mrr Waltee'. Store. Wewt prom. by Oen C. Bleck. Deputy Retuning I timer, sad H. U. Sturdy. itis (.'tat k. rolling wbaly/don Nn d, eit \rupee y'- wart . IV'tet .iota, by 11. L Wallop. Deputy Itetun.- Mg deicer. wed Wei. T+It toll Clerk. P011114 eabdtvt.ton Na 7. at Donut. Neville'. Nesse, by 11eo.14 ]l¢R.y, Deputy Rooming tide.*. and 1tobt. felt. Pell Clerk. .b r'rlday, the OM day_ of November, 1913. tet Meyer of the .aid Town w1h1 sues' .t .(.0 4loom!! UMmbere of the -.id town at we o'clock to the forenoon. to . ,.•••Int persons a attend et the Parlour 'pulling plare..fon- ✓ ld, and at the deal wmmles up of t be vote* by the Clerk. en behalf of the person@ inter- ested le red promalpg or of p1e off 1'.e poi 2R of the rid preposed bylaw, terpstay.ly. 'The clerk of the Co.nc*l .1 rho *old Town of U derbb wan attend at ha office to at the Town Hall, .t e o'clock In t he 1eerwuu of Monday. the 1st day of Ileoember. *183. to pun rip the somber of vote. ftr 1014 0(4.104 tee. rid proposed bylaw. L L KNOX. Cie, k. EETINO OF HURON COUNTY (MUNCH. The council of the oorporetloe et the county of Hurun will meet le the -ounce, chamber to the rosin of Ooderfea, en Tuesday. Dece,nb.r Sh. awl. at 3 o'cloet. All amount. again.. the eeest7 must be placed with the clerk bef.wu this date. Dated at Ooderlch. No.. tats LW. W. LANG Clerk. LAST OE FOUND LOST. -ON THURSDAY, NOVEM- HER M. a pone oeealsieg • pm et amid + ver.! rseoip a A Manual Of N b ar the nailer no the more baht left at THE a10. NAL OrrltiC, It. AUCTION SALES Faiooy, New. MS►-A,Mk,n 0020 of douse. bW reassure, horst, mow. eta. as thetabrelles U. M. osu.. .m.prmtar; Nantas UUntitaL, auotleeoir- G.C.I. LITERARY >iQQETY Collegiate lastibts Pupils win Give Deamebc Per bestow* The assembly ball in the Ooder ch collegiate i•rtitute was aga111 toe stone Olt Friday night fart of a pies• - set gatherieg, when the owl-ih.metbly 00.04.01 of toe literary esrndrty vete held. As 0.tlal, the president, Mr. Jape*MOOKawo. occupied the Masi!" awl awl paatal and i4stoae, s's'- Rreadini'Was given. Ti.. tr.•+went*tt„u of the oratorical prise, woe by Mien Vloteoes Smith, and pie.ented by 1». M. I. Strang, was one cat Lbs MI5( emery. of the evening. Dr. Strang made an appro4Nate *ddre■e °Le.waat- ul•tiag Mies Nruith nisei her efforts. The paves was • book of K. W. Rot• vie*'s poems. Foorbaprr of equal Im- pp preventi 7 of the FNIr Day prises, wbroh lid was pub- lished 1. 11e Usgnat a few rewires ego. Mr. A. M. Roberson' presented those prise and made w appeal uu behalf of the O.sa4lan wheys of missM»w. Thle .44l .4 we* vary lenes'.stieg. Mise Rode, who had the pleasure d a trip tOuou b the Y.dIWz tes•b t his .U05 gave the asenes the Lents ell ell Mbar travels, when the aneavellei the mystsri*e so( the deep Her shoat Nature twee Inte..e1hg aad t•due•t.tr.' The Oks dub again ItselfN•erit rd. • Moti.ra 4 il 0. y wMMe Now." Mdse Iia en 00.05. "Send Bye, Reset" Mise AMMO 'lastedet+ u eadses4, "At UM Gate of the Enloe, of Dttecum .t mid '*The Land O' the Lear' was aostribwt•d by Miss Reek/ }teem Miss (Madre Feld Mee gave • pleas mein. ?les rwdl.g of the Jeanie* Is always ameillmr wee toiled by Mies Mary '17m. ittatiee.l salaams amoeba thefo r • Mo. wiM libel tenet mit tlP he ghee will mkt ars se stent, tit y" i oarsIM i Must perterwswees se be Ogee soar ▪ wiles She dal. said pose et pee. 1....w.r 1.1..eweeed later, the f MEMORIAL SERVICE 0ODERICH PEOPLE PAY TRIBUTE TO DEAD BRETHREN Clinkering in Knox Church on Sunday Afternoon Join in Sympathy with Relatives of Lost Ones --Eddie Filled to Capacityr-Fine Sermon by Anglican Minister. It was an impressive right to see about 1400 people gathered from ail creeds, oocup•tioue and dMUwlna- tiuttr, assembled le Knox Prrsbyteriso church on Suod v afternoon, In re- sponse to • procl.mation toned by Mayt.r Reid to attend a memorial sen- esce. n- vlce. bow tbeir heads in prayer, as the g,.at organ pealed forth the funeral dirges from the "Dead Match in Raul." While this was being played the *n- th. congregation rood, and it might not be an dxapgr•ativa to say that many a noble end newly bears with wosid.rablte difllculty suppressed the ready tear. The scene wits most afectine and w whisper could he beard all over the church. The edifice was filled to capacity and the eager worshipper's desirous to pay tribute to the dead crowded in and ear on the steps of the sial... Mayer Jteid and all the members of the council and town officiate wear' seated in the muddle of the church. They at• tended in e. h:.dy. The county officials also attended int a body and lie.( space allotted to thew. All the (rational societies in term &Untitled in a body the memorial service for 1bdir dram brethren and it le eetitneted thvt *bout 411) were pres- ent. The ...cirties which were rep- resented weir : '1'Ile Masonic order, A.F., & A M. No. b3; Huron lodge No. ft. I.O,O.F'. ; Maple Leaf lodge No. 27, A.O. U.W. ; Victoria lodee, L.O.I. No. 182; Inverneai camp, 8.0.14., and Liverpocl dodge, M -O 11. UNITED CHOIR To the strains of "Father I ko3w that all toy lite is portioned out for err," the united choir, nnwherinpr about 10) strong, toar.•hed into their place.. Sadly but lustily the choir end congregation then rang, ' O ad Moves in a Mv.terious Way." The pastor of the cburcb, Rev. Ger. E. Rose, opened the arrvice with the Invocation and acted io the capacity as chairman throughout the service. The Lord's Prsyer mos repeated hy every member of I he r:ungreKa' lots. The Psalm, '•Uatn the Hillx," was sung by all present. Rev. J. R. Fool. pas- tor of the `icto.is street Jfrtl,ildi.t church, then read the Scripture brown takes tram Hebrews xe.. >ti. As a fund hes elfe.dy been t om- tusuced throughout the province for the benefit of bereaved rsictives, known as the "Lakes Disaster Fund of Ca mole," to which Mayor Reid hoe co,.rutrd to sot am local Li -morel treasurer, the offering taken lip, amounting to 4241.22, was put into the hand• of the town rirrk mod any future donations will be received icy him. Te.•nyson•s ►•eamliftil ••Crossing the Bear" ins. sting ae an snthew by ermines u.ru.hels of the choir. A healdicul pita..r't•king for guidance was otter. 1 hy Rev. N'. K. Hag" . K A . p ..dor .•t the ,North et1•.,•. After "Eteru..l Fat het' wit. sung Rev. J. H. Fother- lugbsm, lector of Mt. (;curgr'm church, preached this .et mon. THK SERMON The lex', mire ed from Joh xiv„ 10, w...r.,,at plpr0p. gate ,n the occasion. It w as : ''Thr waters wear she et Ones : Limon ,....heat awry the thinge which glow out of the that of the earth : thou dertroye-.t the hope of mon." •' W e stud at the open grave and we gather at the tont of tbv eros.,' ,•om- u,eotrd Mr. Fwbrringhen,, "1 . look into the grove and *peek .ympathy to the ones that at .twinning the lose of their loved ones mod we are cat the font a the Cross t0 commit their eon!. to Him who died for the stip/ of lb. *Ota. This has been • dark week far God.r$eb,' Tor MW coon *hie previews and the whole D It hubelie norfate towalk 4t shores of L..*e Hurons • sec ,the moults of the winds, T .rw woes sitrl wreckage, timbers and fur.lehi of ships which were thought to he keel riot for the waves. And there we have picked rip the Wallet of shoee who have perished in this awful .tort'. la 00ssequence many a bewildered mother with her child will walk through this world slam. "This day a• we gather within the house of Our God, we mourn for them and our trate are tributes to the lost. We believe in • world of os -der, hat when we .w the forces of fiat OM whkb to the observing eye alumni err.' to he 'incontrollahk we for a tins are Apt to cry. 'Whet• 1s the God wbn rale f " The reverrwd restleman went nn to show that It wow op, of the laws of the snivels/ that death preesedsd life. and de.truetloo was ..memory to. progress. He exhorted the tion sot to leek ow the blIkerlitCritlit life but rather to weigh the eestut•les instead of the hors. As .o Ieatas.. he ,'ted to the \let cry of t.M trerf4, wbieh he laid was a series of weir %mph* . *4 y he hei4 op the Preset rere4Nivie. the deet mason of the flptaleb Arrma4s. the (Aimee revoiethm .0 said whole melt at thee* was aortal to this* et.: yet It seamed ora myy ter 11s prowessei the lbw et lbs- sslsar eser d w1k! V be eseddmed le be the sswglsA of bilta 1. t ego •burs breabse ear ---• faired sews Is wee bis spline drbreams, sod haber .gisskisk 4 MIR WILFRIO LAURIER The Liberal Chieftain - 74 Years Old Today He is in the beet of health and spirits, and to ell appearance,' ea ten years younger than he wags len year,. ago. He celebrated him birthday fly working all day at hie of0e. in the Hone of Commons huiidhtg. Ottawa. th st a nation ear• bound together when soiree fors threatened her lite. Out of al there 'roubles there arose a e chrieti.n sed purer life. Mr. rotherinrhsni contended that paid W014111.0micenaary.lolife. ••What can -rill Hoe error Dominion of outs but !he cru fur tread of the people of Europe which clir'r• the amities of our laridlo ct•sus the seas to supply empty bands outstretched to her froth h tr- ope." h- asked. In closing the speaker Hittite 'Led a beautiful picture and one which w tin comfort itself to the bereaved Hues, when he st.tad that when we gat h -r -d at the open grave and we rejoiced the deed on.-. are io a shodnw, behind which sbadaw there was a shore amt beyond that shote there WW1 a sea, beyond which was an outstretched band end where there was lie farewell. The les-'. hymn. "Josue, Saviour, Pilot Mr," was sneg, after which the benediction priinn'inced bj Rev. R. J. Row!.nil....f that Baptist ehureb, with the dead march played by Mr. J. B. Hunter brought the theider•ial service to a doer. After the service. 11e council gath- ered in the town bell and posed two resolutions which weir: -That. the town council express its .empathy to all families rod relatives of those who bort i heir lives nn t he (creat. Lakes in the storm of Suoday. November gibt that. the council express ita thanks tot the congregation of Knox church and it,pastor, Rev. Geo. E. Roes. for the ase of the ehnreb. and to the Rev. J. B. Fotheringham for hie excellent PerlliOP. ti VOTE FOR BYLAW People Will Question on Sane - Decide day. the November 39th "Whose rensoins .lid the gener.l e ,1T. -r,. 1211," might well and properly be applied to the present situation in tegsnl to the Aruericen Road Machine Co. Evety voter in Go lrricb knows', to should know, 1 hat a bylaw to give this company A fixed assememeot of 4l0,0)0 for a period of 10 years and also to wooautee if. Mrndr for 46(1,010. will be voted on 1'v the electorate of the town of Goderich on Saturday, No- veU.ierSN(b. It fa a well-kmiwu (.tit that the tenses the coropan is asking for thew',meseei,n. land they are nut out of the way) (e to enable it to In- crease .lNltl/lit In quality and yuan - tit y. The size of the now factory, lo- cation, etc , hive been published be fore, but In case this prop mil ion is not perfectly clear In anyone, the officio) of the comp my wiryd he glad to light.rt1 thetas on the matter. Th -ie is nae thing which mai.' in revue of .be American Machine t o. and that is that *•e, ens .•1 t hie kind employ a .I.R in the Aatualer when win plroliful and laborers few, w ibis company try aa moue:\ as o keep their hand. uniform* the tori. Mr. C. L M' or►, the memo, stated to The Signal believed in arepisg the same w tee ..d seen. ,. fie t r led as proofhle w indte a theta to own their uwu hem... The me•10)0efafactory es is nobtempbLed,would req 2E9 extol .tarn for .h a.t tbr+ Thi. woald s•e».tt rdditlo.*1 W the town who seirtht Na take p►rwanest .ituatlna.s aM.psuy. At say rate, Isar. to 14 beanies" been boarding bels.•, and the • 11 its resident* .Boers ly would reap the l.euwnt. Rnret Ill mint he ty that Lbw Brad. 01 *hiss .2.. men or the tom not have grown se it past throe years. Thai 1. a staple ease end nee to Inere..e in .aka as =roadie k goat roadie to s farmer evanaeet hike takes will eertshly spend Is n - tray t,e some *see k is beeves peel bio year enteral bat div en win - sews+ nag buy and here, su:b airy rdxout mouths W icemen y bore wed with the they would la nt ole and town and r isdirwclly 't to all rem are prom or- t •sane done In the r 11,.. of grad• wbieh is hound the .outbid y 'M- eows the wales M and the I0v- the matter up and a large mousat Ow the. p.rgeeeAs Maebiw. On. I. y Seel is meda tide tied of am - raises that o... - will be enemies fletdy this le here want .ad If elk. to vete for the by- . lfteinieitere !Mk. sad w Ao4Mrldt. obs seseery /ai aras e k stee& Nitresssewerde s e: A wise theOwl ros• ha fhatneday thee dobe a Arum tows/ seer Pert speamer ay. SEARCH CONTINUES BODIES OF LAKES UISASi ER VI(L TIMS Pt;,KED UP OAILY Lake Carriers' Association Here Are Doing Good Work -Bounties Are Offered for Bodies Recovered - Theatres Give benefit to Fund an Everybody Helps d The work of searching for the bodies f the dead tat litre is GILL befog carried uu with great eagrrIter, but on ac- count of the deny* fog which has bung over the lake fur the past Coup of days, the seatcb parties have not wade .the prier.'..* they expected. However, the cloud lifted this morn- ing and the prospects are that several bodice will be found today. Teeter - day for goverowrntete.mer Lenitive, baring un Wald Capt. Wbitney and Mr. R. A. Harziaon of the Lake Oar - ries.' association, made a trip to the mouth for 11 distance of about 12 miles, but on acc ant of the fog they were unable to fled any traces of budies or wreckalre. 'I hey experienced the same difficulty the day before. The tug Horton, the Lambton and a Reec- ho. launch •rut out this wording up- on investigation trips and cne body was krona! near Black's Point, identified as Calvin Smith, chief engineer of the McGean. 81X STILL UNKNOWN At the present time there are six uni- dentified seamen Tying in Brophey's morgue. Three are thought to belong to the steamer Carrutberv, and this afternoon Mr. Frederick Maw, •fro was • member cat Hist crew cur two months 'met summer and who now lives in Collingwood, will arrive to see if he can pick out any of his old ship- mate.. '! h.: butt ident.flcation was made yesterday when the remains of D. 111. Bette, of (timid. Pennsylvani.. recond cook of the McOEan, hecawc known. It was made as the result of a description and a pboto furnished by his relatives through the Lake Car- riers' aooci•t' Him remains mese sent to his home today. • OFFERI By an ere ang N. t.ewis, M. t let •. as.uCi:tut being offered f The r.lieI ei with the Lok have fn.t411 along the I'd about i50 m ,,It 4, `inn tipding ,,f a the heady[ of the assn, The .tea ret Cape, Oodericl rived ..n C.p'iiin of it d:. J. A. Ind is T O BOUNTIES rtneut between Mr. E. and the. Lake Cor- o, a reward of 410 is or each body recovered. wnhittee, in affiliation r. Carrier: •Foetation, ted :.11 persons living e t1 out for 0 distance of flee, extruding from :ttar- Lbs.up'on, la report the ny bodies or erteckage to t1-terl hese at„ the riga... i. ti ori . men Kaminist'quiaand Tur- with cargoes ,.f grain for the Ei,veto* At '1'rQuoit Co., ar- Sialurdav rind 8uiiday. Tbeir Reported a very rough time ring the storm. The steamer cKee *l.t arrived lust week 'again espect.4 tomorrow. HEATRES HEi.P CAUSE Lent night the Star thraUe gave a henrflt for the local contrilulion to th.• Lakes Disaster fund, and the Lyric theatre will .lu the wn.d tonight. Lo- cal people .hi.%ed thou sympathy and tarred int in such large numberr that the es1rariLy u1 the theatre wee over- taxed. A 911r program*,,.. apart from a good p clot int olYrring war given by I eel talent. Mr. 24, J. Reymulds sang Heck 1n the !tartest- ,.f Home Sweet Home," Mr. Harry Sturdy rendered •'11•own in Deer Old New Orleans." and Mr. O. L Patrons creat.d • good deal of fon with him comic Piing "Toper Morley. ' With the addition of Capt. Whitney these three gentlemen gave a quartette in flee ha y. A hand- some contril•ution was raiwd for the local fund. Coroner Hunter states that be has received valued amistanco from some of the farmer' along the lake above of A.bfleld, in the ,erovery of bodice He mens Ino. p.rticulai ly Meagre. Jahn MeiCay. Floe pore McVmnt. tend Joist 'endpoint.' and °thee* undouMedly have dom. everything they could. MURDOCH McDONALD BURIED Large Cortege sad the Sight was a Most Impressive One Although the days .hf (errgge tu*','ale have peard• yet the ( general .nil Mur. doth McDonald. flee of the wreck victim.. whet' took place aiisataiday a(trrnoo n was largely attended sad the cortege a. It ►10.1J moved from Um family reside.ee auw *Win .trent t.. Maitland tweet eey seat a gloom over the whole town. Ms le oar risme* were in 111e pt oeeewlow. Rev. Oonrge 1!w We.. pastor of Knott chnreb, wtieh the derea.wd •trended. conducted the tuhleral rah view. The deceased was 96 yeas. of age and wsa a son rf the late Norman Met)npatd. Hs was barn and brenwht up here. A .boot time helve•et the et"t m he west (ions here to Fort William with a Nereid on o please,. trip en th'• Turret 0212.1 and was re- Lnreine front thin trip on *be Wes- ton. when the store raters up and •reeked the steamer. Has mother, owe skater, Pearl. sad his %intbsri all • 0.