HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-13, Page 7Ok?
Mr. John H. Mustard 1. building
sheds ales* to the railway track to
MY sod end o.ssesL.
?he poldie library board have per-
cales'shoat 11190 worth of we books,
and they wnl be oo the shelve@ this
wee. All the latest fiction has been
Wight, beset** books in scieece, tra-
vel, etc.
The village is very quiet. as the
farmers are taking every opportunity
to Salah up their tall work. There
• lot to do yet. wed it winter sets In
now there would he • lot left undone.
Anniversary services will be held In
the Presbyterian church ou December
r. 1 Problems of the Fruit Grower
t:.� ..rad. of an
u r Vr' r to
raphe.-.buoktact every terms. t Huai
set slit in 1.d .very sssebn at o.1
r �.e. Yee �a�
Iv▪ es .r you .o W. titettttssa ea,a*s-
tred. Latter college oar lay. terser..
u41 tn•cruetloo. les tw o.. I eh.r .
rho*, /ran .xp.r
trainer+ In ('ands Wren soilage•.
Spode' co rag for 1.5 0."
Alllt.+ted with (bsn.rotal Glues
tog, A,eoc...t;o. of C.nadt. Summer
lebnnl .at ransom.. Sp�ttoa Fhvioe..
l 01. 1•. Loudhxm.
Clinton Business College
Gr 9torr.,.r B. F. W•ao
1`re.ldeet. i'rtoeto.l.
f., Plumbing. Heating. Wiring.
at. 1 ,ill kinds of Metal Work.
Always in Stock
METAL ROOFING, all kinds
Get our prices. They are *1-
rr tys right. 000%isteot with good
u.tierial and honest work.
W. R. Pinder
Hstttigs IN, eodericb•
the select stand-
ng Coin -
I ( committee of te Hones of
Mobs on agricultui a and colonization
a few months alto, it came out to
evidence that many apple grower.
were lest year unable to secure mors
than Irum 75 cent. to 111 per barrel on
the tree and in some districts build -
reds of barrels of good fruit were
allowed W fall to the ground and rqt
because no profitable market could
be fouod for it. It came out also that
in the western provinces consumers
were required to pay 'oral $5 to $5.50
per barrel for good fruit. Mi. J. A.
ilia lick, d-liry and cold storage com-
missioner, in giving evidence on this
queeio0 pointed out that about $1.71
per barrel was received in the
Lake Ontario and Lake Erie dis-
tricts by the members of co-operative
associations while independent grow-
ers received about$1 per barrel. The
commissioner in referring to Lha dis-
crepancy betweeu the first imd final
prices of apples estimated tbst the
unavoidalfle expenses amounted to
about $.&..'.t per barrel made up ea
follows :—barrel, 45 cents ; picking. 17
centr ; management expenses or coni
mission w a local buyer, 19 creta ;
. freight to Winnipeg, Oneonta ; broker's
u.mwiseIon, 12 teats ; and retailer's
pont, SUceota per bsrtei,
- The question of marketing was but
ousel auaay-dealt with Ira the +Deitei
committee w::o had as witnesses be-
sides the dairy and cold scorer) corn-
, Messrs. Daniel lohn*tos,
i S. Forest ; 13. Chute, B -r -wick ; W. S.
Foggo, Vernon, and Jamie HsrdweU,
As evidence of the value to the
grower of co-operation Mr. Johnston
►ostansed the case of a woman who
was offered. by a local buyer. $12h for
ber crop for which she te,sived
through a co-operative association
Mr. Chute who represented 1500
farmers. as manager of the Coifed
Fruit Companies of Nova Sadie, ex-
plained that througb his organization
5000 tons ut fertiliser bad been Nought
!rens the manufacturers for the mem-
bers who had benefitted to the extent
of about $15,1x10 on purchases of fer-
tilisers, spraying machines and mater-
ials, farm implements, seeds and other
Equally interestt'og evidence was
elven by the other witoes*ee, all of
which appears in a pampbet of 116
rages that has been printed for public
distribution by the publications branch
of the depertsnsat of agriculture at
During a sitting 4132
License and Regulation of
the Liquor Business
Better Than the
Scott Act
The members of the Huron County
Business Men's Association before or-
ganising to oppose the Scott Act in
this county considered the situation as
it is at the present time, and as It is
likely to be under the operation of the
proposed law, if 1t sbould carry.
Leder the license system, hotels and
shops are licenced to sell liquors.
These licenses are issued by the gov-
ernment. Inspectors and commi**ton-
era are appointed by the government
whose duty it is to see that only fit
and proper men get licenses, at.d that
they live up to the law after they get
thern.Theae inspectnrsand commission-
ers are well-known and responsible men
to the counties in which they live and
represent the government, and are men
of high character. We frankly admit
that mistakes may be end are occas-
ionally made by these inspectors and
commissioner,. and that uddesireble
men are vometimea granted licenses
and possibly are permitted to continue
In the business far oo long. Many
of the men. hose•. . who ars Oren
licenses by these • ....els are good men
sad live up Lo th• ..w ; and we con-
tend that it is • necessary to vote
good men out o. *senses to get rid of
• few bad m •n v ..o are in the business.
That ieetbed mould not be applied to
any other line of businw, and It is un-
j!ust and unfair to apply it only to the
Norm heroine -in. • No ttsiatinR pe son
would advocate doing away with all
banking business because now and
then a beaker commits robbery. No
seosibk man would suggest getting
rid of all physicians becwee some
doctor. are convicted of malpractice.
No r•easooable than or woman would
join In a movement to prohibit all
preachers from preaching because now
and then Isom* stray from the
straight and narrow path of rectitude.
To do these thiogs would be unreason-
able and wrong, but is not equally
so the proposition to vote all the good
men who are In the liquor business
out of ir. in order to get rid of the bad
men who are in the business The
inspectors and commissioners are con-
stantly dropping the undesirable
license holden out at a rate that l+
rapidly reducing their number.
Let us enumerate some of the things
a law -observing hotel -keeper and shop-
keeper does.
He doss not open In the morning
until the law says he may, at eight
He closes in the evening when the
law says be must—in villages and
townships at ten o'clock, and in towns
and cities at eleven o'clock.
He closes in the evening at seven
o'clock oo Saturdays and keeps closed
until eight o'clock Monday morning.
He does not sell to a boy under
twenty-one years of age.
Ile does not sell to a known drunk-
He does not sell to an intoxicated
These are not all the thing. the law -
observing liquor dealer scrupulously
does, but eoougb bas been motioned
to indicate to the tbinking mind the
kind of orderly drinking place it is
possible to have, and the kind the
law says we must base. Let that law,
we say, be rigidly enforced, for in our
opinion it could not be enforced too
rigidly. it might not be inadvisable
to bring pressure to bear upon these
commissioners to pierehre every pre-
cauUoo In their pottier to avoid grant-
ing licensee to an but those who will
keep strictly to the law. and if a bold-
er of a license breaks the law his ten-
ure of his license ought to be serhlusly
imperilled, if not forfeited.
It Is unneoeuea+y to Iodulge in spec-
ulation aa to what prohibition doe. for
a community. Many places have fair-
ly tiled it and turnedfrom
T. Swans'
'Bis, Livery
u4 lack Stables
MolrrwZAL STssErr
Passengers called for in
any part of the town for
all trains at 0. T. R. or
C. P. R. depots. Prompt
.ervion and careful atten-
Our Livery and Hack
service will be found up-
to-date in every respect.
Your patrosageeolicitedL
Phone 107 Montreal Street
—e .-at
Nat Eatravagaace 1
Tirlak of a litrarely Fool Bo
rale in an Usabapely Bboa I
Seen !limes ore net te be treed
Here 1 Teas are Perfectly Justi-
fied la
Mass reined Reeessably.
As Oats ars Prise 1
L : (N)DER[OH 0
IllmeiM MNection
After 4r lutes of maUa I had
bassi ems lest flay It w• !orae*
fiats there were quite a number of
e4alY T oweers wb•, Utrough oar ap-
?og the value d the act, or
\ Leek of ietorseation did out
have their stallions presented for ln-
ep�etW. when the inspectors were ue
Z.C- t•usates in the fallA eueeiswni-
ary impaction was held In April to lo-
t stallions owoad by such awn.
pada the isepectioa very tbor-
oegb. but, besides causistt additional
e=prose. It in some cases caused some coo-
Mr. and MeJ. Rllpetrick called
ea Mewl/ 1ri.ade on Sunday last.
Mie. Shads. Jamieson of Laurier,
ie eOwing to ar the Aun.form (on Bundy
evening. the shore\ service wag wita-
dee wat Blokes
A very mei air? 0o MSuuoday
vy wiod storm passed
last. *crass
Deer this partet
daataag a to fencer and
Some of lbs youo4 men who were
salllog on their t Orly on Sutoday
eveales did sot return bowie a
• k delay Is having the ..rid- an
Monday morales/ of DuR-
meet certificates issued. To overcoats
Mr. Oliver Goldthorpe,* Don-
ate necessity of a wooed inspection gamma, aocvwepasied by Miss of Ku Lang-
!or the season of 1914 It was decided ford and Mir Hasty' spy
tat a meeting of the stallion enrolment
board held in the secretary's office.Parliament building-, Toronto, o0
September 22nd that there would only
b., one inspection of Manion,
the year ending July Slat.
inspection will commence •hoot.Febru-
ary 17th, 19tors
14. The Inspecwin
visit each stallion owner et his stable.
provided that be makes application
for inspectionthe secretary,Mr.
R. W .Wade. on or before Feuary
1st, 1914.
To cleanse the system of undigested
food, foul gases, excess bile of the liver
and waste matter in tbe bowels will
impair your health. The best system
regulator 1. FIG PILLS. At all deal-
ers 96 and 50 cents or The Fig Pill
Co.. St. Tbom's, Ont. Sold in Oode-
rich by E. R. Wigle. druggist.
An eminent scientist the otber day
rove his upinino tbat the most won-
derful discovery of recent pears was
the discovery of Zeal -Bak. Just
think! As Donn as a single thin layer
of 7an*-Buk is applied to • wound or
a sore, such injery is insured against
blood poison! Not one species of
rnictohe has been found that Zam-Buk
does not kill!
Tben again. As soon as Zam-Bok
is applied to a sore or • cut, or Lo
skin disease, it stops the smarting.
That is why children ere such friends
of Zam-Buk. They care nothing for
the science of the -thing. All they
know is that bun -Birk stops their
pain. Mothers should never forget
Again. As soon as Zam-Buk is ap-
plied to a wound or to a diapered
part. tbe cells beneath the skin's sur-
face are so stimulated that new,
healthy tissue le quickly formed. This
forming of fresh. healthy tissue from
below is Zam-auk's secret of bealiog.
The tissue thus formed is worked up It Other
to the surface and literally casts o are still giving it a fair trial.
the dummied tissue above It. This is peopla of this county want to
know the truth about It. As an earn-
est of our good faith, we suggest that
the advocates of the Stott Act name a
gentlemen, and this association .tame
one, and Obit the two visit certain
places agreed upon and ruake a
quiet Invest igation of coeditione, the
results of wtech will be published over
their signatures In the press, for the
met of lbs vole'', In this county.
and thus in some degree as 1•edat eaglet
them in making np their ruled. as to
hew they should cast their votes.
This association offers W pay ~-
half of the expeeeee incurred by the
'enthuses in making fibse iaysdlgs-
tioo, desiring •hove alt to eseerteia
the actual truth In regard to this mime
time Respectfully.
at Mr. John Blake s-
Some of the high school students of
tbia burg were unable to meat' Luck -
now on Monday mornowing R
the state of the roads.
The service if the Metbodlst church
next Sunday will be held in the after -
soon at three o'clock. Rev. A. T.
?limb. of the Evangelical church, is ib.
preacher. A special offering is to be
taken for the Temperance and Moral
Reform fund. Sunday sebool meets at
two o'clock.
Mr. A. Heddle has recovered con-
siderablyfrom his serious sickness.
lyes. ttraugban is reported es being
in bed.
The furious wind and snow storm
that raged on Sunday eveaiog put
some of the roads in bad shape. Tte
.now drifted badly ora the way to
town. Les* damage was done by the
high wind than was expected. The
service at the church was abandoned
as a result of the wild nigbt.
Mr. Will Miley is away on a week's
visit to Wiogham_
A Simple Remedy Which Favors
You act as though yon just won-
dered bow you ars going to gat
through this trying season and do
your work.
You may be overworked or hams
bad a bad cold which has lett you
without strength, ambition or much
Interest to life; la fact you are all
Let us tell you that Vino', our den -
mos sod liver and Iron tonic, is just
the remedy you need to rebuild sweat-
ing tissues and replace w.akaes*
with strength.
A prominent Boston lawyer says:
"My mother, who is 76 years el age.
owes bar good health to Vivol as
since taking It she can walk farther
eat do more than she hsa for years.
i ee0Ner it • weaderfal blood
making and strength creating Ureic
We have such faith in Vlnol that
if it does not quickly bulk* you up.
rector. your stre.gtk and make you
feel well again, we will return your
mosey. Try Visol cm our guarantee.
H. 0. Dunlop, Drugg • Nodericb. Oot
Mr. John Wigbtmen and Mr.
Charles WIgbtmanconvention
stb lLay-
Godwrieb on Friday last.
Mise Bina Kirk and Mise •Maryy
Townsend, of Londesboro.
Mrs. J. L McDowell last Wednesday
and Thursday.
Mr. Robert McDowell spent over
Sunday et his borne in Uoderich.
Mise Lilian Clerk.
S'. He Mc-
her sister.
Dowell, os Nuuday.
Visitors et the' borne of Reeve
Campbell on Thursday Wt were Mr.
and Mrs Jansee Elsley and Mr. and
Mrs. D. McCallum, of Hullett ;
Robert Hoover and miss Lixaie Hoover,
of Brussels.
The &melon sale of the estate
of the late Harvey McDowell,
held last Thursday, was largely at-
tended, everything selling high. The
sats emoented to over 631100.
Mr. T. H. Taylor fie purcb for tbe
farm r•f Mr. Ed.
sum of $9500.
The funeral of Mr. George Woods
took place on Monday of this week,
Rev. R. A. Miller took charge of the
funeral service and burial took place
at Weetlield cemetery.
?lvamoay. Nov. 1$. NY 1
Clothing for
Men and Boys
This is our specialty, and we believe we have
the best selection of Men's and Boys' Garments in
the county.
Just now we are selling a good many Hats.
We have them in great variety, stiff and soft styles,
and! -n please the most fastidious taste.
. complete line of Ger ' Furnishings.
The Square, Goderich
*gists it' Csrbartt Overalls, St•nfield's Underwear, Fitwell Hats,
Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs.
No more trouble with the
Salt, when you fill up the
shakers with "Regal" Salt
"Regal" Salt
never tits
damp — never
clogs the
shaker. It is
u Uwe finest grain
,tit o1 the famous
Windsor Table
.1 ii 5.1 blooded
1111 131 with leu than
it env percent
Ie' Carbonate.
! A Your Grocer's.
why Zam-Buk cures are t.ermaneor-
Only the other day Mr. Marsh. of 101
Delortmler Ave.. Montreal, called up-
on the Zam Hak Co. and told them
that for over tw.oty-flue years be
had been a martyr to stemma. Hie
beads were at one time eo covered
with noes* that bad �was
sleep le
gloves.. Foury age- s
Introddded "to blew and in a few
woonths It
three years after Today—over
his cure [a dieea**
be bad for twenty-five years --be Is
.till cured, wad bas had no trace of
any retsrn of the eczema 1
All droggbts sen Zam-Buk at We.
Sows ed this adv d rtf nteial box if
t and a lc..
stamp Ito W k retiree
dress Zo-Bs*
—The auditor -general warred sever-
al cabinet ministers in regard to ex- Jots Rmiliaowo. W. JAcemoir,
peoditures. 1 President. Reeretary.
AU Growing Children
stns des omtla■S eta wisbo owit liar �swda.
Their _a`rwtm��t Inessablbbirhml>/
11 __ b rmt�tli$ Brink Ilwtf wheel *tars, •11�
• wII ecta/l�, o1;1� ;le,
g~mss elle rlr lid rola M draiglhg
IItorro /agorMeesoadis*.
work r am .. vie lienar sa'pstlls►tlltlsa St .MIs
eh. bsaf111.satee •vas sumtfas sages mug lensilino.
No tllrlsl es false la is leers i■tlliitise int anti► sell elroglk
food Tools and flacflines
are Necessary to get Oood Results
No matter what you
do, you must have good
Tools and Machines to
carry on your work.
Good Tools and Ma-
chines are essential to
good workmanship. We
have tools of all kinds
tor farmers, carpenters,
gardeners, for every per-
We aim to carry all
goods that properly can
be listed under the head
of hardware. if you
dont see whatyou want,
ask f- or. If we do not
carry it in stock, we will
get it for you.
With this early fall of snow, it looks as though
we are going to have a long winter. Now is the
time to get your stove and enjoy the comforts of a
home. 'We have a large assortment to choose from.
Just arrived a large assortment of heavy Mitts
and loves at price?to suit every person.
We have a fine assortment of Library, Hall and
Stand Lamps to choose from.
Special sale this week of Washing Machines :
Easy Washer, was $S.00, now $4.00
Champion High Speed, was $lo.00, now
New Century, was $10.00, now
Pastime, was $ l o.00, now
Rotary Vacum, was $lo.00, now
$ea o0
Do you want a snap on an up-to-date Gasoline
Engine? We have a new 4% horse power National
Gasoline Engine, fully guaranteed, for... $I25.00
Tungsten Lamps. 25 and 4o Watt Lamps 40C
6o Watt Lamps . , ... 43C
Let us figure on your Plilmbing. Heating. Troughing, Electric Wiring. All work promptly
attended to And fully guaranteed.
PHONE :—Store 22 House 122.