The Signal, 1913-11-13, Page 6• t/'ROgrb►Y, Nov 13, 1913 THE signal, : GODERICH ONTARIO ear-olir comfortable. sli/lsh clothes riMac Mesa tiveIR Nash " Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy " are wise Shakespeare's words. Not only on account of the opin- ion of others, but because of your own opinion of yourself, wear the best clothes you can buy. We know that we sell good clothes. You'll know it when you buy them and try them ; and you'll come again for them as long as you live. Bring in your boys, they'll like our clothes. You'll like our prices. WALTER C. PRIDHAM N'e ell "31,th Century Htand" Clothing and Stanfield's Underwear. ilrr' I:n,f-. birpen-r end 9 ,seri Dryer combined is tr:e- b,:h necessary in the k:tthn. Not •sc^rury to a range. but they indicate the consideration and thought that has been given to the " details of the Pandora. Impo-tar; feature leave beet given prapor. tionately great care and study. Has- the Pandora's many fea- tures cspla,ned to you before you buy your range. Pandora Ranges are sold every. where by good dealers who back up our guarantee on this splendid range- 3KCl.pr1 Sold in Goderich by HOWELL HARDWARE CO. Lumber and r. Buildj*ig Material for sal In Targe quantities TIE PAGET GRAIN DOOR Co. are now prepared to supply all kinds of build- ing material, havin a large stock of all kinds of lumber on hand, including Ontario White Pine, Shingles and Lath. Hardwood Flooring and Inside Birch Finish a. specialty. Call and see our samples r f Birch Finish. Soft and Hardwood slabs for sale bt- e cord. _"Tr- The Paget Grails Door Co., Limited GODERICH GIRL SUFFERED TERRIBIY At Regular Intervals -Says Lydia E. PillkLam's Vege- table eltable Compound com- pletely cured Ger. Adrian. Tezaa.-e'I pike *owe to adding my testimonial to the great list and hope that tt will be of interest to suf- fering women. For four years I'offered untold agonies at regalar totervab. Such pains and cramps, severe chills aadsickaesest stom- eat then finally hem- orrhages until I would be pearly blind. I had five doctors and none of them could do more than relieve me for a time. " I saw your advertisement in a pa- per and decided to try Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. I took seven boxes of it and used two bottles of the Sanative Wask, and I am com- pletely cured of my trouble. When I began taking the Compound I only weighed ninety-six pomdo and now I weigh ooe hun&ed and twenty-six pounds. If anyone wishes to address me In person I will cheerfully answer . all letters, as I cannot speak too highly of the !Inkhorn remedies. "-Miss JOS- MI Musa, Adrian, Texas. Hundreds of such letters expressing gratitude for the good Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound has accom- plished are constantly being received, proving the reliability of this grand old remedy. . It you want special advice write to Lydia Z. Pietham Medicine Co. (confi- dential) Lynn. H3ass. Tear letter will be opened. read and answered by a woman sad beld 1a strict ee*Meace. HOW TO TREAT YOUR TOWN Praise it. Improve It. Talk about it. Trade at. home. Republic -Spirited. Take a home pride in it. Tell of it business torn. Remember it is your home. Tell of it, natural advantage,,. Trade and induce others to trade here. Dont call your bent citisens frauds and imposters. Support your tocol institutions that benefit your town. Look ahead of self when all the town is to be considered. lielp your public office' s do the moat g,xd'for the most people. Dont tot get you live off the people here, and you should help others as they help you. Dont advertise in the local papers "to help the editut,' but advertise Cu help pommel?. Drunkennes*Can Be Cured Altura Will Do It 1 'Aleuts, the widely known treat- ment for alcnbolism can now be ob- tained at our store. It is guaranteed to cure or 1. sent, or money refunded. Remedy that baa been tried by thou,. anis and found to do just as it claims. Drunkenness Is a disease. Those who are afflicted with the craving for liquor have to be helped to throw it off. Ahura No. 1 can be given secret- ly in coffee or food. Altura No. 2 is the vnluotat y treatment. llelp your loved ones to restore themselves to lives of sobriety and use- fulness and to regain the respect of the community in which you live. Only 31.fq per box. Ask for free book let. E. It. Wigle, druggist. Ooderi"h, Ont. Sambo's Reasoning A hungry customer sealed himself at a table in a quick lunch restaurant and ordered a chicken pie. When it 1 arrived he raised the lid and sat gaging at, the contents intently for a while. Finally he called the waiter. "Lok here. Sam," he mid, "what did I order Y' "Chicken pie, rah." "And what have you brought me 'l" ^T1bicken pio, rah." "Mickey* pie you Mack rascal r the customer replied. "Ohiokeo pie ? Why. there's not a piece of chicken in it. and never we. " "Dat's right. hose-dey *int no ebtcken in it." Then why do you call it chicken pie ? 1 never heard of such a thing." "Dot's all Nltht. boar. 4Uey dou't hr e to be no chicken in a chicken pe. Rey ain't no dog in a dog biscuit. Is dry?" T1s s1s 1k.siAlss e W s seam cissa .mins de wowwAemen►trr.atewa Um ser .....t. wow . &ryWs • area wiwowbOwprlelmendor WOW, eeneaee WO W e.m.a ...wee NM ow, Isom. w eaal Aw- ,wa eser..s sea elm • etMsand torr := m semen etsaees M rte wed r► woks W wean d awl. owl O w .orb Y ,w ew V • scar deMli MIIM Mk de Irwria *Wm On/ Ow r OWN Its .i. t11 C. mm.n, a s•ee•ssm Oa 1l dee asset Sts► TIS LATEST MARKETS Toronto Cattle M Repreeeatattve prices Butchers, choice 37.34 toff. 60 da good 6.10 7.00 d. medium 6.00 6.401 da common 6.00 6.76 Hatcher cows. choice6.60 4.05 do. medium 4.76 6.60 do. common 3.116 4.60 Botcher balls. choice6.00 5.76 do. medium 4.16 4.75 Feeders 6.60 1.60 Stockers, choice 6.60 6.50 do. medium 4.60 5.00 do. llgbt 4.00 4 60 (tanners 3.00 4 00 Milkers. choice. each 60.00 90. W do. CO.. and med66.00 90.00 Springers 40.00 90.00 Calves, veal 3.00 10.00 do. rough 4.26 6.60 Sheep, ewes. light 6.25 5.40 do. heavy 4.60 4.76 do. bucks . 3.60 4.15 do. culls 3.76 3.60 , Lambs. choice 7.15 7.70 do. bucks. 7Sc lower per head Hop. weighed off can9.40 .00 t do. fed and watered9.16 .00 do. f.o.b. 8.66 .00 arks. gest- Toronto rst- Toronto Grain Prices The following wholesale prices are • tooted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Nor., 118%c; t Ne. 2 Nor" 87c. Manitoba Oats. -No. 1 C.W.'s, 13Me; No. 3 C.W.'s, 37c. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 winter, 80o to 32e. outside. Ontario Oats -32o to 31c, outside; Ho to 37c, track. Toronto. Oona -No. 2 yellow, 77o, cl.f., bay Ports. Peas -No. 3. 96c to 31, car loan, outside. Buckwheat -No. 2, 61c to 47c, out- side. , Ry* -No. 3, 68c to 700. outside. Barney -For good malting barley.. lido to $0c, outside; feed, 46c to 473. outside. Rolled O.ts-Per bag of 90 pounds. $3.1216; In smaller iota, 32.214%; pet barrel. 34.70, wholesale, Windsor to MoatreaL Millbeed-Manitoba bran, 522, bags. track. Toronto; shorts, 323; Ontir% bean. 312, In bags; shorts, $23; Old- dltngs, 326. Farmers' Market Following are the latest quotations for farm produce at 8t. Lawrence Market, Toronto: - Wheat, new, bushel....3 .84 to $ •.00 Oats .18 .40 Barley .60 .62 Rye .66 .00 Hay, new, ton 17.00 doNo. 2 16.00 Straw, per ton 16.00 kgs, new laid, dos.... .45 do. free!) .40 do. storage ., .33 Butter, dairy .28 do. creamery .30 Fowl, dressed. Ib .14 Ducks .18 Turkeys .20 Geese .16 Spring chickens, lb.18 Spring ducks Chickens, live weight Ducklings Turkeys Hens ...: .19 .16 .16 .20 .14 Potatoes. bag ... 1.00 Dressed hogs, heary...11.50 do. light 12.60 East Buffalo Cattle Cattle -Prime steers, 38.60 to 38.75; shipping. 37.75 to 38.26; butche•ri, 37 to 58.35; cows, 33.60 to 36.76; bull,, 34.76 to 37.25; heifers. 36.50 to 17.40; stock heifers. 34.75 to 35.26; stockers and feeders, 37.50 to 57.15; fresh cows cad springers steady at 32S to 390. Veais-Native calves, 35 to 311; Canada calves, 33.60 to 36.60. Hogs -Heavy mixed and yorkera, {8.10 to 38.66; pigs. 38.60; rough, 37.66 to 37.15; stags, 36.60 to 37.50; dairies, 33.25 to 38.56. Sheep and lambs -Lambe, $6.60 to r.20; yearlings, 34.60 to 36; withers, 4.76 to 36; ewes, 32.60 to 64.603 sheep mixed, 34.60 to 34.76. 18.00 16.00 17.00 .60 .46 .36 .80 + .32 .16 .20 .26 .16 .20 .20 .18 .18 .22 .16 1.10 12.60 13.00 • Chicane Livestock Oattle-Reeved, 34.70 to 38.34; Texas steers. 34.60 to r.71; stockers and beders, 36 to $7.71; cows and Maim 3'3.11 to 39.36; calved. 3t to $11.25. Hoge -Light, 37.34 to 33.11; mtzd. 34 to $6.36; heavy, 37.46 to 33.16; . 37.46 to $7.66; Nits. 3e -if to n; balk of sake. r•e6 to 36.11. bed} -Native. $4.16 to 31.10; year ils36.16 to $.46; Iamb, native, 34 37.80 Cattle at Mewtr at e eUawfag are tie latest quotations nee stock at the West Mad Market wealIlitittl.- Prime, 716 to 7%; menses, to .ear 7; comma. 111 to 1: MIL. 4%; stockers. 4 to I%. *ave.. 3 u to 616. Sheep. 444 to 4%. Lambe. .but 8%. tee•. 6K - Chasse MseinMs i8. Hyacinuw get. --110 boots et eggs sold at Oita s0a m.-O.e thousand toes bum .ad thlrfgr Maes °stared; wills 1,02 at 11 1-10.. Wooer .t 13e. N. Yi-Ohssse sated, Maas et 14x. boss siered tib dean. Masdewal4 akwise. Veld L.+teettda kali 1. L4eiw.y, LM OelNea MAW wMAWsaN diad Me. file. MONK a me aaJ sty crus'Heelers/ tdMr. 1Ssrras atideo1 that s WI Men sti4 et 'swept .ora 5.4 ewe wawa wore sad bit 1w.4 i. tetuate M1ass tete A Set of Dainty Aluminum Jelly Moulds An opportunity, like this, to get a set of stylish individual aluminum jelly moulds free will probably never occur again in your lifetime. This Free Offer is simply a quick way we've adopted to introduce sUkrith Jelly You simply purchase three packages of Shirritf, Jelly Powder from the grocer. He will then give you, without any extra charge, three of these jelly moulds. Or he will give you the complete set of six different shapes with six packages. Six packages merely provide a nice assortment of flavors - flavors that are fruity, well -pronounced. Shirrift's Jelly is higi,. class, delicious. You'll serve it often once you've commenced. And individual jellies -a jelly for each person -make ,ugh attractive and fashionable table decorations that nothing les, than the complete set will satisfy you. Especially will you want' the set, because the moulds are in six different stylish desie:,,. and because they are made of aluminum, which ever) .s.. ; informed woman knows is the world's best material for cooking utensils: Your grocer is probably exhibiting the moulds and Shirriffs Jelly in his window to -day. Call or phone him at once. roc. a package. 3 for 25c. 6 for Soc. One package makes nix individual jellies. Especially delicious when see%cd in combination with fresh cr cannad irt::t, or with whipped cream. too ANNOUNCEMENT ART CLAnexq.-Miss Kattina and Miss Jessie F,erd are prepared to give lesions on Saturdays in fine arts--; charcoal, water colon, oils, etc. Ap-' plicaota kindly make arrangmente at the Victoria street parsonage. Kis. Ford is • graduate in art of Alma College. St. Thomas, and bolds an art specialist certificate from the Depart - meet of Education, Toronto. An ez- I -hibit of their work may be seen ia,ir.' C. M. Robertson's grocery more, King- ston street, on Saturday, Novemll'er 16th. HEADACHE is csu,.d from the blood being tbtck- ened with uric acid roisoare circula- I ins in the he ad. Anti 1.:t it Pills rule all foams of kidney trouble. 'Try ate, to good and to sure, F. J. Hottest guarantees them. Be titre you get ♦nit -Us le Pally. B. V. Motion en every hoz. Bold c my at F. J. But land'/ , store. Facts in Nature PR eusturise !t1' lag beesbe sere Moms toe d le err Morton heats. Ovetrtiny Dr- ill Y. 1'lw.., dderrowdrist physician te rho Invade, Bate) da(l lsal at anile, a.T., wed 'bemoanedauuu u u vd r the Mewl* enmesh etsr ve manurial wsh as sekest sad Qs.+ s COMM Sod ani lbws rasa. Choy bosh and -1 for W curs of toss Mimeses. This pwwyeMa ss pel.p Is logia - utas ectad D. i 8 Golden medical Discovery Std bas ettjgsi atoms Mohr alt Mw yore 5 every dors is tie eMd. Tse ass new ekirig Os wire i sasarwMd tab etl tots of De. plmee'. Lvdiief lislsk>tti6at .5 vlfl Ms.504. tr' !M 1f.T, end tsbMes- mM ►se msSv ecps«ta6+ Tho "OslBe risme Dloand min and y" theses siss,,esti gel MoisMgsJe "estio Beer +6irsiss. b /iso ea sod d isgdsas--esseit eassteuve Wool try ibis eatr.s0--es Meson& wool. /r24).=11112:1=61=1=7....fr....cealget Ammon Dta.v P'',sFALO,LLY. CANADA Portland CEMENT U( ao s yea have facilities for es.6sat. Yea ata.. depend mea the emaafactunru for Ceram drat is rleCabls - Every car of Cada C orrat is drurvegbly !lest d, and oaks. it passes every test it is Dot allowed to leave die ma Yee MS Ierat% epos Glasi-Grmed. Be sure you get it. Canada Comm Ceta6paay Bailin d. Ms..sl 15..'aal Comm Oudot V fur migihesieai. jl sea cis ince maw Ma. ss1 ors Ir his mhos. VW* ear fiveylem G , • Ar rid map : ,.loll+. MAI "Aar