HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-13, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ONTARIO EAS T STREET GARAGE FOR RENT ��,�R• 40 roti pip Auto for 4w{ or short �riy�. by J�1. week �r y tturon6asoline En�ineBMachineryCo. ALWAYS OPEN 11UD Rlt'll ONT. 'Pima 243 syewn-pg er, bores power for long or ti'p.. by day, week ter nta S. Huron Gasoline Engine do Mac hinery Co. AL\VAYB OPEN OOD RI('H 'I'no i I� B THE Star Theatre Cut tight Two W hat is Che Price of Admission not the Programme As we give you the saws show as before. Four -Reels of Pictures. the beat that can be re ceived, two and three feature pictures esch che wee' along with comedy and travel pic- tures assures you of a splendid entertainment-- ocer one hour s show. A big show for little money. ADMISSION 5c J. A. CULVER, Proprietor. 1 GUY BROTHER1 Victoria Opera house, flonday 17 November 17 One Night Only GUY BROTHERS GREATER MINSTRELS Entire rbaoge in company and programme. 35 PEOPLE 35 Watch for the street parade It noon and bear free concert at 7 p. m is froot of Opera House. Sesta now selling at Edwards. Prices -35c -50c -75c Secure sesta in advance to avoi1 standing. LOCAL .TOWN TOPICS —Miss Gertrud F x, of London. is visiting at her home in town. —Mn. 1. B. Wallwin, ot Toronto. was a visitor in town last; week. 1—Mn. John Black, of llunganncnt is visitin,t her son, Mr. S. \'snstoue, of Godericb. --Mrs. Major, of Cleveland, is visit- ing at the ho,ue of her parent., Mr. and Mee. A. M. Pulley. —Mr. Neil C. Cameron, • former resident of Goderich, is in town this week *baking hands with old friends. --Mrs. Farr and Miss Farr, of Stret- ford were in town yesterday, and were warily greeted by their many friend.. —Miss Mae Laundy, of Blyth, was an over -Sunday visitor ai the home of her uncle, Mr. M. C. Moore, GI )prester terrace. —The regular meeting of the Ah - meek chapter, 1 U.D.E., will be held on Monday. November 171b. in the court house, at four o'clock. -Mr, C. E. Thompson. who for the past three months bas been a member of the post office staff herr, has receiv- ed an appolntruent as railway mail clerk. He left for London today to Mid out what his run would be. —Mr. S. Work and son Lawrence, and Mr. Wm. Chisholm were off on a hunting trip last week in the Parry Sound district. returning on Saturday. Each gut his deer and their frien have been feasting on venison. —Mrs. A. E. Bradwin and children arrised in town it few days ago and the editor of this great family journal is ouce more a happy man. They have taken Mr. F. Y. pridbanis former home on Newgate street and are now busy getting settled. At the regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid society of Victoria street Methodist church, on Thursday last. it was decided to install electric lights in the parsonage. ibis met with the unanimous approval of all Use rnembers and the contract bas beau given to Mr. Fred Hunt to do the work. —Clothes line thieves are abroad in our town. The reel that does duty at the home of the editor of this great family journal was visited last night and nine pairs of hosiery stolen. two pain belonging to the editor himself. \Ve will forgive the thieves tot their naughtiness if they will only return the two pairs belonging to tbe editor. 1t they are not returned. the editor will tae obliged to go somewhat sock - less all winter. which will not be nice during the cold weather. Guy Brothers Minstrels ALL THE SEASON'S FRUIT OF BEB1 QUALITY, ARID DAILY ARRIVALS We can rival the best city offer- ings in Peaches, Pears or Plums We bare everything In the Season's Vegetables and Ff_zoo `esti Butter and Eggs Masonic Officers Maitland lodge, No. M, A.F. k A. M. , held its annual election of ()Dicers on Tuesday evening, with the following result: Master, Dr. A. C'. Hunter; S.W., F. .1. But.lasd; J. W., W. I. Millar; chaplain, R..1. Megsw; treas- urer, R. G. Reynolds; secretary, J. Steelton ; tyler. J. Tenoott. Ordination Service Postponed Owing to Bishop Williams of the diocese of Hugon not having all his arreogements complete, the ordina- tion service at St, Georee's chute's. as announced last Sunday will not take place nest Sunda but has been post pureed until Sunday, November 90th. rhis is the tint time the ordination service has been held in Goderich for Bowe year.. Four Thousand Five Hundred In a recent issue of The Signal, in- advertently, it was stated the Amer- ican Road Machine Co. intended to expend gl:,.iJJ tor the purchase of laud to erect a suitable building for their proposed new plant. Untortun- etely this should have read 1114S00, as this land is situate in Goderich, not Toronto. The Signal is, however, hoping for the day when land here will be worth the figure stated in error. Enjoyable Dance In honor ot Mr. R. C. Carter, DOW of the Winnipeg branch of the Bank of Montreal, and formerly of the local branch. who is in town for a few days, • very enjoyable dance was given by a number of friends on Sat- urday night in the Oddfellow's hall. There were about .4) young people present and a pleasant time was spent. It was unfortunate that it was Satur- day night, as the gathering broke up immediately at midnight. Music saw furnished by the Rlack4tone orchestra. David Horton Buried The funeral took r' o r this afternoon from his father'. r.- 1 --ace, Mr. James Horton. co the &. I1 road. of David Horton, aged 20 e, who died at his borne in Niegar 1b on Monday last as the result ,•: ;urine received by being kicked by . ,corse. 41e was go- ing into the -te' ,• to teed his horses when one cat th--m kicked him. The remains arrived on Tuesday from Niagara Fall.. Tbe deceased, until be moved to Niagara Falls a short time ago. where be was employed as a teamster, lived nearly all his lite in Colborne and Goderich townships. Besides his father be is survived by a widow, two children. two sisters and one brother. Tbe sisters end bro:her reside in Colborne township. This is the oldest wiostrel organizs- tion before the public today. and Geo. R. Guy, the proprietor and manager. was blacking his face in minstrel- sy years before the preeeet man- agers or performers thought of it. ar u be is not a "bas keen" yet, but a.•orar- dian up-to-tbe-minute. The show is as goc•.1 as any and tetter than most. and it is patronised by the elite every- where. Thi, ie the thirty-ninth seas- on, a record none of the others can .how. and. to tell the truth. this is a minstrel show that you can take your whole family to see and not be offend- ed with anything rougb. The orcbes- tr• is fine, tl.e singine elegant, the dancing great, t h" acrobats wonderful. the scenery superb, tbe costumes pretty and the electrical effect; beau- tiful. Go and see the only flet -,la -s minstrel show next Monday evening at the Victoria opera boner. Popular ;niers. Seats now on axle. Two and a Half Hours on Operating Table ap.el•11 t Geed Net Netnews Seeete In The SUdoer Call or 'Phone 12 J. Young MAPLE LEAN GROCERY Hamilton street GIN PILLS PASSED IT Jotrttrrtt. P. Q. "Daring August 1st, I went to Mon- treal to coosnit • specialist es I had been suffering terribly with atone is the Bladder. Ile decided to operate bat said the ,bogie was los leer to remove and tee bard to crash. I returned home and was rscommead.d by • friend to try GIN PILLS. They relieved the psis. I took two boxes and went heck to the specialist. He said the stole was smaller bat be could are name, it although he tried for two beers and • half. Isretareed hoses andbo.tlsued to take GiN PILLS, sad to my great surprise and joy, I >� - GIN PILLS are the best medicine in the world sad because they did me so masa good, I will recommend them all the rest of ey life". 170 J. Atetat Lnaaa* roc a beer -6 for 13.3o—at d1 dealers, Yd money beck i they 1.11 to give ratter. Smog& free. National Drug a . Chase. Co. of ca tach. Limited, Toronto. TO ORGANIZE HERE Local Retail Mercaaab Will Likely Form a Protective Body For some time past the need of the local retailers handing themselves to- gether in some sort of an organization for self protection bas been apparent. However, until last Thursday night when it number of interested ones gathered in the Board of Trade rooms tor the purpose of 'Stetting to ad- d mem given by Mr. E. M. Trowern, sectetarof tie Retailers Association of Canada, and Mr. J. A. Challis. of Toronto. nothing of a deSnite nature bas yet been accomplished. At this meeting • resolution moved by Mr. F. J. Pridbam and seconded by Mr. Fred Hunt was passed. The mo- tion was that all those present at the meeting express their sympathy of the movement and that steps be taken to have an organization started Gere. The parent body was started in Tor- onto no November 71b, 19116. and has since spread to ell parts of the Domin- ion. Both speakers urged upon the gath- ering the need of organization and having a protective society. They showed that as a rule the retailers controlled more wealth than tiny other class of people in any city or town. Tberefore, it was up to them to see that their rights were not trampled on. Tbey further illustrated that the farmers were begioping to realise that they must co-operate if tbey are to be protected by tbe government. The merchants should do the same and join together to secure legislation for their beoeflt. Both speakers scored the bad practise of rivalry. and carried to a greet extent was only ruining trade. They held up this motto, "that unity is strength." The publication of a 'dead beat" list was also suggest- ed. This may likely be done here later, as it met with the general approxi. i TOWEL SALE 10 Discount Sale of T'wels and Pillow Slips, commenc- ing Saturday, November I, W be continued a few days only. to% Discount. Towels l.ar,e and Small Stamped and Plain 4ca loped and Hein*? itched Embroidered 'rowels Towelling by the yard Fancy and Plain Wide TowelUog Clue 1 Towelling Pillow Slips Linen and Cotton Stamped or by the yard Ordinary Pillow Slipp.. Also hew Day Dillow Slips Come and inspect our stock of Fancy Goode and make a start on your Christmas Gifts and reinforce your own stock of linens. Mrs. L. B. Tape The Singer Store Next Bell Telephone Central. 1 Ttetetternes% Nov. 13, 1913 al TO VOTE ON BYLAW RkSIDLNTS TO DECIDE QUESTION ON NOVEMBER 29th American Road Machine Co. is • Live Concern and a Boom to Goderich— Their Policy and Trade is Staple -- Many in Favor and Bylaw will Like- ly Have a Big Majority A well-known axiom of commercial life is that the factory is the unit around which the city grows. It bac been said that the growth of a town or city is due to three things. first the prowess and success LI its industries, the farming community in which it is situated an.. the enterprise of its mer- chants. What made the great cities ot London, New York and a► thousrtod other plats/. which are well-known in the comwerciel world, but their Indus- trie/111N, might be asked of anyone who telt inclined to oppose the pass- ing of the American Road Machine by • law. Progressive citizens, for it is the belief of many that those who are not. doing all in their power to taelp tha measure through, can only be classed as such, ,argue tbat here is Godericb, the county town of the fertile county of Huron, situate on one of the most commanding positions on Lake Huron with a population ot 5000. Now, everybody toows that as Cao- ado—without any reflection on gov- ernment or municipalities—is only in its infancy as a nation, therefore it stands to reason that being • new country, of necessity its roads are not up to what they sbould be, altbougb it must he acknowledged that they are far better than they were a few years ago. The government realizing the stm portance of good thorougbfares has appointed • cornmiseion called the _ -- — Good Roads Commission of Ontario to CHANGE() DATE OF VOTa look into the nutter ot roads in tbe province. Thus anyone must of nec- Oe Canada Temperance Act — anima essay see that as the American Road Cannot be Learned Machine Co. are practically the only Arm in Canada who manufacture all A short time ago information from kinds of road machinery, Goderich by Ottawa stated that Welland, Peel and sesieting this concern is not fostering Huron counties would vote on the a "broken reed" but one which is des - Canada Temperance Act on November tined as the country grows to become 24tb. Accordingly those interested one of the main industries of this Lair comu.enced working for the campaign land. having been told this date was dello- The matter before the electors of rte. Goderich, is not that they are going to Monday they were surprised to hear be suok deep into the mire of debt, that the government had changed the but all the American Hoed Machine Nate to January 27th, 1914. In Welland Co. are asking is that the town ball the temperance interests were success- guarantee its bonds for 1160,000and ful in having the government at Otte- give it • fixed assessment for a period wa set 5 date in November ; the liquor i of 10 years, placing the assessment at interests. however, want • later date. *10,00). Surely this is asking nothing so that it the adoption of the act car- lout of the way and no one can take ries it will not go into effect until,any objections. It is sitaply asking the atter next May. On receiving advice town to "endorse its note," it the from Ottawa that voting would take a suction sale phrase may be used. The place on November 24tb. the Welland I town could not lose in any case. it temperance workers met on Friday ` the company went under, the fact - night to make ready for the campaign, ! ory and general equipment would still and on Bandar morning they were in- ; be hen. formed that tie contest would not beConclusively in the minds of the pro - held until Januaty. i gressive people of Godericb there is no •'What le the reason for the date j doubt hut that this proposition is a of tbis contest being changed. Do you ; good one and one which should be know Mr. Belo: 11. Opener', of the t strongly endorsed. Dominion Alliance, was asked. "Yee, I know the reason," he replied. PRIZES PRESENTED •' What is it?" -- ' FALSE PRETENSES ALLEGED • Accused Comes Here on Police Parma - mem cad is Fined Pleading guilty, by stating tbat be drove a beset l•sabee than ba hired it for, Lock McDonald, cf Parkhill, was allowed to go on suspended sentence when be appeared befcre Magistrate Kelly on Monday in police court. The charge was obt•bsing a horse under false preteow. it was alleged that McDonald hind this borse from Mr. Thomas M. Davie' livery to drive to Dunlop on October 27th. As the horse bad been for • Moe drive that d• , the man In ebarge of the stable did not want it to go out.' Mr. McDonald in- sisted on baying 1t, asng be was only going to drive to Duo He Rot the boneAfter. After arriving t be decided that M wanted to go farther and ae- cneding to the al atioe of the prose- cution. McDonald drove to Binge- htedge and before be got hack drove Use animal about 25 miles farther- ties be said be would. Tao ereswed explained this action by saying that be put the horse in Lbs stable of • man named Shield and there blanketed it. The IOW p.Rise Yaw «•....well with the pollee at Parkhill when Mo- Doseld arranged to lose ben wahine agElkal IBM= OF CANADA Ready fey As YNl Need it —In any cIty—is yours for the asking If you carry OF CREDIT Issued by tits Unless Barak of Ctaoadn. 'It Is as stay for you to obtsln funds with them as It lsAllioulibr.iLuggiaboftzed_person to do so. Goderich Branch --F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. "i can't say. i can give out no in- formation. It is a very complicated situation. and i think the temperance interests are negotiating. That is all I can tell you." —Mr. James S. Cartwright. K.C., master in chambers at Toronio is dead. FEED WHEAT for sale i have a quantity of good feed Wheat. Thom intereated call and examine same at. storehouse no Hamilton Street. Bag lots delivered to town customers. Special price on ton lots to farm- ers. November 7tb 1913. P. T. DEAN Pupils of Central Scbool Remembered for Tbeir Good Work The annual commencement exercise• held in connection with the Central pu blieeebool on Thursday night teat proved s decided ruccees in -as -much as • large number of parents and friend. were attracted and everything in connection with the event went off very satisfactorily. inspector J. Elgin Tom occupied the chair :and in- troduced • real good programme. While the programme was • good one, thechieffeatureswere addresses given by Rev. James Hamilton, Dr. H. 1. Strang, Rev. W. K. Hager and Rev..1. B. Fotheringbam. The addresses were mnet interesting to the children as well as parents. The chairman's address was of con- gratulatory nature to the scholars and teachers of the school. Those who kindly assisted with the programme were :—Piano duett, Miele Rata Clark and Mr. J. B. Hunter ; vocal duett, Miss tilde Stoddart and Miss Agnes Macdonald ; Meg, Mise May Stoddart : instrumental solo, Mr. Wm. Alchurst ; recitations, Mia, Ride. Stoddart and Miss Marjorie Jones: vocal solos, Mr. Jamra Thomson and Miss Adelaide Nairn. Dr. W. F. Gellow, chairinan of the public school board, tnade the presen- tation of prises and honor certificates. Rev. J. 13. Fotberingham, who spoke on net, presented the art *edela. The 7oilowing medals, crrtiieateei. tate., were made : —Victor Lauriston, medal—highest marks at the entrance examination in the (*steal school, Miss Boa Jones; second highest, Mise Thelma Ross; amend highest marks during the year, Miss Jean Bogie (tbis prise was donated by Rev. Otto. R. Ross); for Bn51Mh. Miss Evelyn Bropbey ; art. Miss Eva Joeee and Miss Nina Roberts : writing, Miss Eva Mnrrbb. Prises donated by the Goderich Hor- ticultural society :—For • Miss Maud Darrow and Mrd I Macklin ; for growing pansies, Mr. Gordon TMMwO, •Miss Mary Darrow, Mr. Arnold Brownlee, 111.. Isabel Brownlee, Mie•. Mary Oeden, Mise Bvelyn Clark, Willie Brnwnire, MW Lola Here, Mi,p Louisa Mussing, and Mr. Maitland Reynolds. r -- - -Meke your appointments nosy or sobs for your Christen•& photos before the mei eo that we eau do justice Le yswr week. New Hese of holiday mosntliys�ga now in stork et The Bro- pbey 7tudIo. J. W. Treelike. proprie- tor. Phone 1g7. 1 STERLING SILVER HOLLOW WARE OF SELECT DESIGNS Y , t W,)I1 t app iecIa's ons of these pieces. It sets :sii tb + tale *tat al.ls mach to the attractive- ness of soar service. -3A c 1 tha-e, tm. limbs fay.tritta viand when raved fro n a dish lik + Or s *Mtn a W bare al led flavor. ;^ taw in as f p -ice th enc. Yad will And that they are a low ways it•.,.n beide as ,osplosive as you tight imaginta. J. S. DAVEY Corner Cali, ,rne'4treaf and Agnare tioderich S-11ing Meat for SOU ru BEND WATOHE3 Mersa thpet tufo eestodMWhe451 e aybe was met by the chief and ppitied M t court room. Ou of tbs p�reess.eeeuutlon, Crown Attorney Swam bsMMd tie eeeta. as .tattad that as this growth* W h ese going es hese foe souls slew. It wee the intevttlos to bare It stopped and that was the meson flee pseseent- w this swop. The acessrd agreed to t make sII eeuti.n and was allowed to ge by playing the sesta of the court wWMl answted to a14.g0, Mee, Mean/nay and daughter, Bar-' hese...tinea from Benne to 'For- osober* tbe ohs, plb1 Ierr•seee M rias A Great Variety —0P— Choice Cssfections await your '.swoon low. e.ch one laving a delightful flevnr ell Its owns. You Can't Go Astray Yoe may not want them all— HUT CERTAINLY. SONS F. L. tuURDET1t noisiest Cao The $psis 'Phew 54 Optimists always—we expected more fall business, prepared for it—and we're getting more! We started with the biggest variety of patterns in our history, and we've been adding new patterns every week. Overcoats, Top Coats and Ulsters—the finest selection you ever saw—every garment with that Semi -really hauteur and grace in its lines of art beauty. $15 to $35 and 1140. As good as you can imagine ' Mostly English; some Canadian weaves. McLEAN BROS., GODERICH, 0 ITARIO Slack 8toye, PolisitKnght mAicet.o. ERIGHTERAND OIL IGI1TER A PASTE Imt f f DAu1IvOi l No DUST No WASTE IiAMIUo,s. CANADA No Russ 4 OOMMEINNAI MOON 1001$0OL A es sTelel' night reboot will he =Lha 1be neons neer Dwlep'e ee ea Ttlosenb.e 1 fit h ; 'Nee - day .ad Thursday nights, 7.1111 to I$0 Instructions wM be given In sof tttsw.lel ani st..ogr.phie depert- ente by well te+bted irtraetoes, wbe have bed Vege expsrtssee towline, the eseansereMl work and will give the anima every addvpaln�tage. �e Pee �Mthe `haiatbt SeAnrdny. leev«uhhee 01.1111B. Ad. Wearing Apparel for the Working Man THE WINTER HAS ARRIVED. Are You Prepared For it 1 Haveou lots of O,od W rm Underelothang? Heavy Sox ; a Cap with fur Hoed hand to eover your eyes ; a bear Tweed Suit ; a Pea Jack.t ; Corduroy Trouser.: heavy Whlp-(oral Tr esu heavy Tweed Trousers ; warm Glove, and Mitt.. lined or unlined Mitts. and one or four.ttngered (iaesetletMoven; Cetdigss Jackets; Sweaters ; Sweater Cuwts ; L' Mon made Cottoned? Pants ; Overfills and Smocks • W orkli g Shirts ; Ulster O: er coats ; beery working and fine Boots. Special Five Dozen Men's $1.50 to $2.00 Fur Hats for 79c Spedal Five Dozen Men's Wool Shirts, Elastk Knit. Regular $1.25 for 63c Man's Braces to clear at 19c M. ROBINS OPEN WV ENING' TiLL 11 (MACK • 1 ti