HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-13, Page 44 TY U aaDA V, Now. 13. 1/U.
is Rbees:atimen of the ba.
The cause is Uric Add
in the blood. 1f the kid-
neys did their work there
would be no Uric Add wad
no Lumbago. Make the
kidneys do their work. The
sure, positive and only
cur. isr Lumbago is
Havingpurchasrd the bust.
nes. formerly conducted by
F. Ballow R.Iuws, we per
pane dealing in
Coal, Wood
Lime, Cement
Fire Brick, Etc.
we will handle Scranton
and Lehigh Valley foal. two
lines which are recognized as,
the beat. We wish to giv
the people of Godet.ch and
vicinity the beat service pos-
sible. and avail :re glad to
hear from e11 of Mr. Holmes'
customers and any (Abets
who wish anything In our
All order• left with Jar.
Yates, West street, promptly
attended to.
'Phone No. 75
Yards at G. T. R.. Nelson Street
'How will you occt,py tne chil-
dren's time ptofl•ably doping the
loog evenings of fall amu winter?
A pka•ure is yourself and a
profit for the children will be a
good Piano.
If yau haven't all the cash
necessary to pay down. we will
arrange tempter er the balance.
Talk the twitter over, call and
ape um and give the ehildren •
chs rare.
Quite frequently we have
slightly used Pianos and Urgaus
at bargain prices.
James F. Thomson
Agent for
I ::r of Marriage Licesses
6 .derich, Ooterio
000 D
W. J. Powell
Oree'er On the Sonars
'Mose. •1
The Presbytery of Huron held •
special meeting at Exeter on Tuesday
of this wawa M tbe.aobool-room of the
Main street Metbndiet church. Then
were present : Mews. Sharp(moder-
ator). Saultb, Jobnetoo, Larkin.
Woods. Richatdsos, Fletcher, Turner.
Reid and Hamilton, ministers, and
Mr.sr.. 11.11, Moir, Summer., Ander
eon and Holton, elder's. Visitor's to
the Presbytery were: Dr. Riddell, of
London : Dr. Wallis. of Niagara Falls;
Rev. Gillies Eadie, of Ronan • Rev. J.
E. Powe%', of Main street Methodist
chuteb and Rev. D. W. Collin*. of
the Anglican chin h, Exeter.
Dr. Bidden seas present to' explain
the pilo for a social seryl. -e survey of
the county to be undertaken by the
committee on social service and evan-
gelism 1)r. %Vales urged a campaign
on tphalf of greater efficiency in Sab-
bath ',chords" and Young People's
societies. Memory. Powell mad Collins
brought kindly greetings to the pres-
The report of the presbyterial treas-
urer of the WV.F.M.S was presented,
showing receipts of i17, an increase
of ^tout 81.7 over 1012. A resolution
of congratulation was heartily adop-
The treaatuer presented en estimate
of expenditure for the coming year and
asked for an ttsaessmrwt of I. cents per
The remits from the general engern-
bly were all approved by the prrshy-
tety and no amendments were properti-
ed to the basis of church union The
reduction of teprerentation in the gen-
eral assembly from one-etxth to one-
tenth WWI approved. The apportion-
ment of 322.(U) for the budget was
accepted. 'The committees on recruits
for the ministry and on Sabbath
schools and Yuuug People's societies
are to make arrengeulents for a visita-
tion of every congregatlot. in the pres-
A hearty cote of thanks was accord-
ed. to the authorities of Main street
Methodist church for the use of their
building. The December meeting waw
cancelled and the next meeting will he
held at Seaforth an February Lird,
1011, at eight o'clock p. in.
Ycung clan
It's the Little Dandruff
(terms chat are Causing
Your Bair to Thin Out.
Parisian Sage Stops Falling
Hair and Does Not Contain
Poisonous Lead or Dyes.
The clever young man of today -
doesn't take any chances on losing his
hair. A man who is baldheaded at
Si books like 45, end is placed ata die -
advantage when seeking employment.
1f you bave
dandruff it
means d o nvn
near the toots
of your hair an
army of dan-
druff germs are
attackiog the
hair root and
destroying its
Then Bair falls
out; grows thin
and baldness results. Yours man.
put your faith in delightful Parisian
Mage, it will stop falling hair. kill
dandruff gent abolish d.rdruff and
itrhing scalp, or money hack.
Parisian Sage is only i>t) cents a bot-
tle at E R. Wigle'' and dealers eve, y -
whet,. (iirl with Auburn Bair on
every carton. Ask for Parisian Sage.
Mr. Jack Gardner spent yesterday
in Clinton.
Mrs. James Walla+ has been ill for
esveral days.
Mr. B. Mus+.ard is staking some•. I
teretions to tis mull.
Dr. Smith and Mr. T. J. Mark.spent
t•esteidav in Gaderich.
Dr. and Mn. Mitchell, of Detroit.
are spending • few days in town.
Miss Helene Brownlee. of Gorden -kb.
is visiting her grandmother. Mrs. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Wig!e spent Sunday
with her parent.. Mr. and Mn. 1.
Mt.. Fisher. of Londesboro, visited
recent) with her parents. Mr. and
Mee. Wallis.
Mrs. Davin McNaughton is recover-
ing from the operation which she un-
derwent at the Clinton hospital.
Wild duck shooting has been very
good owing to the stormy weather,
which drives them in for sb.r.
Metcalf' came from i troil to
attend the council meeting when it
considered levelling the square and
fencing in the same. Nothing definite
has taken place as to what will be
done. •
Mn. Godwin. of MweaswrrR 1. vlalt-
ing ber daughter, Mr.- McOor.tick, at
the parsonage.
Misr, Hattie and Edna L•vis. 01
Clinton, visited at Mr. Will Jenkins,
ttla week.
Mr. George Holland returned from
• business trip on Saturday
Ilia) Carrie Walter visited at her
brother's. Mr. S. T. Walter, last week.
Mise Hattie Co.irtice, of Clinton.
*peat last Wednesday at Mr. A. 3.
Mr. W. McCormick. medical student
of London mediral college, •pent the
week end with his brother. Rev. R. J.
There was DO service held in the
Methodist church on Sunday evening
on account of the bad weather.
Rev. R. J. Mc('o: wick attended the
Laymen's Missionary convention in
(iowlrrich limit week.
Mr*. Alcock and Marion were in
Girdle ich on Saturday.
Dont forget Men's Sunday. Novem-
ber 10 b. and the fowl supper on the
following Monday.
Another Splendid Care by Dodd's Kid*y
Stephencille, Nfld. — Nov. 10.h —
(Spec "ala. --Loud in his praises of
Dodd's Kidney Pills is Mr. Luke
Benoit, a well-known resident of this
place. And there it a reason. For
two years he suffered from the pains
and aches of kidney disease, today he
is a new man, and six hose., of Dodd's
Kidney Pills rffrcted the transforma-
"1 cannot praise 1t. dd's Kidney Pills
too highly," Mr. Benoit says in an
interview. •'I suffered for two years
trona headache and pains to my back.
My sleep teas broken and my appetite
failing, and I thought the trouble
must be in my kidneys. i sent to
Thomas McMurdo, St. John's, Nfld.,
for six boxes of Dodd'e Kidney Pills.
They helped me almost from the
start, and now 1 alt a new person.
1 recommend Dodd's Kidney Pill* to
all my friends if they should suffer
front pains and aches as i did."
So uniformly successful hes OR -
RINE hewn in restoring the victims of
the "Colo! Habit" Into sober and
useful citizen,. and en strong., is
our rooAdenee in its curative powers.
that we want to emphasise the fact
that ORRINE 1. *rid under this
positive guarantee if after a trial,
you get no benefit, your money will
be eefueiad. ORRINE costs ally
�•fbox. Ask kfree tx►otlet.
/► �/i�� HE1t$ALL
Betwttwftter and Ave o'rlo-k Monday
afternoon ars was discovered is Mr.
R. " 'toldMu One horn about a quart-
er • 'tstlthe village Mr. Softies
Is-.. •, w'o'oed Into has Mie house os
II • r ISM week. He had tie been
fe . rod SO le was eonsidered era
el .... eery Nit around. Only on
Sat ltli�ht was the wiring or the
dents• te esse$latsd. There Wee
• h1A ..d the Mrs ad jdeisg
was b.eeed, fro. Mush sympathy is
e s ler Mr. k ems
a mom.
swum .I the
eel.. et the are r�m�rwsap.
Is events
Walk -Over quality is a
standard of comparison for
shoe dealers everywhere—
Walk-Over shoes are ad-
mittedly the "Leaders of
the World."
Downing & MacVicar
Sole Agents for Godench
mote pro% Woo for employment dur-
ing the Fall and Minter moths or do
you wish .tesdy remunerative work the
year through/ write o. .rad secure our
Aapnl'. term.. We offer the beat In
the busine,>•. Pay weekly. free outfit.
exclusive tannery.
OVER 100 ACP. 2.8
under cultivation. F.atablishet' o'er
thirty-five rear. A reputation for
high-grade stock and fair de.Jent. A
.ale.s.an can make mow y selling for
us. W. want as esergetk. reliable man
for reoderlch •rad vkidly.
Forterme write
1 cronto. Uor.
N. 11.- Free catalogue on rest oe.• .
SHORT s i AN!)
Subjects taught ty expert instructor.
at tze
Y. Y. C. A. MPG..
9tdest• a/MAW to positions- College
is srttstsioe hem S -pt tad. Catalog,.
'Ilea Bator any time
LW. Westeredt J. W.Westervelt. Jr.
Mimi i rCICIMeenlemt
Individual Innrtretioe. Thiry -
three years of success. Positions
guaranteed to graduates. infotm-
ation Poe.
C. A. FLRYtxa, F. O. A.
Principal. ti. D. Planet PM.
A •er�psetty wrrddltrg was
iced at t home of Mt. and Mre Wm,
Sclater, is tleaforth, on Wsdoeeday.
when their daughter, Clara Ano. was
milted in raarvi.ge to Mr. Edgar E.
Lawson. of Auburn. The ceremony
was performed ,.y Rev. F. H. Larkin
et high noon in the presence of the
imatedl.te relatives and Intimate
friend* of the contract tog pallia..
The bride, woo was given away by ber
father. joined the bt idegroo.t in the I
parlor. beneath a beautiful arch el
vines attd ant leaves. She was','
exquisitely attired in a gown of i
hiscque ratio uintnted with shadow
Ince and pearls. She also wore et pearl i
necklace and sunburst brooch and
carried in her hand a bouquet of toles
and maidenhair fern. The gift of the
groom to the bradwas a handwrite ,
art of Persian lamb furs. After their
honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. Lew.on t
will re..ide in Auburn, where Mr.l
Lawson is engaged in the lumber and 1
milling business. The following guests
from e distance were present : Mr.
acd Mrs. Jaiut►s Sclater and Miss
Meister end Was Robertson, St.
Marys ; Mr. and Jiro. Kruse. B., lit► ;
Mr. and Mrs. Moore and family. Oode-
rich ; Mie* Robettwn, Constance ; Mr.
ami Mrs. Howson and \lis. %%ionic.
Mr. and Mn. J.:hn Robertson, Mr.
r.later Rubel two, Mie, Hannah
Mole, Mr. Joseph Lawson, Mr. Hel-
wig and Miss Cuter. of Auburn.
Just Arrived in Ooderich
The Sageine girl is to he ween in F.
J. Butl.ind's drug store and on every
bottle of Sageine hair tonic that tt
aenuioe and sold under a positive
guarantee to stop falling Bair. eradi-
cate dandruff and to grow the most
lifelem, coarse. dry hair in thick. soft
and luxuriant. Sageine is a clean
scientific Bair tonic. composed of
the most modern fair producing and
beautifying agents ; it is tree from
greasy substances, is not a dye and is
daintily perfumed. Sageine is a tavor-
ite of particular people and is sold in
Ooderich only at F. J. But land's drug
story. Sageine is only 50c. so as to
bting it within reach of all.
Misses Stone. Ward. Bell and
Rartliff were hostesses cat A very jolly
Halloween party.
Mr. Wm. Sloman bad his thumb
badly cut at McKenzie's factory co
Monday. A surgeon'. services were
Mr. John May. of the late firth of
Dunford & May, has bought the Mi-
nt bit*fl'e'a of Mr. A. J. Me-
urrav and is now in posses.tnn.
Mr. James Livermore has rented bis
house in the 'south end of the town to
Mr. Arthur Wooley. night watchman
at the piano factory. and has bought
Mr. James Uunfota's house co Station
Under the sup t mtendence of Mr.
W. J. Paisley tt,e work is being
rubbed aheadain the new rink. and it
expected the iron roof will be on
this week. Mr. Hiram Hill made a
yynilk and good job of the cement
Dr. Merchant, inspector of normal
and model schools. pail an official
visir, to the Clinton model school on
Thursdsy and F.iday. He found
everything in a very saliafactot y con-
dition and the class acting excellent
work under their printmaking and
enthusiastic principal. Mr. C. D.
A meeting of hockey enthusiasts
will be held In the Council chamber
Monday .• ening for the purpose of
organize. With the big new rink
and the good material evaltebie it is
expected the coming season will be
one of the he -t yet—teat is if Jack
Frost favor, us with • good season of
• ' W INQM[ M
A number of Wingham citizens ars
wearing smiles as a result of receiving
their 2'7 per trot dividends on the Me-
t:toy machine) patents.
Miss Ro-y Brown. who has accept-
ably filled the position of public
librarian for 18 months, has resigned
to accept another position. and the
board has had to obtain a successor.
Police Magistrate Morton has a
difficult case to decide. and it Is all
owing to the caprice of Sarah. w prize
ben. the propel ty of Mr. Harry
Brown, whn 1• the plaintiff in the
ease. fiarab recently took • notion to
ribthe nights on the tenets of Mrs.
Heodert.00, rather than in the
coop. In an attempt }o put a
to these ramblings, Kr Brawn
to tet the fowl. bot. before he
conld get hold of it, Mrs. Henderson
seised the bird for met of bet fence
for sleeping purposes. This action
caused Mr. Brown to put in • charge
of theft, with the remit that the matter
wee traesferred to the police court.
Tw,ntyo.a witaee..e have hese tense -
mooned in the case. It suss eall.d Fri-
day. but awing t0 the plaintiff's
eownw.l being out of town it was
postponed until Tuesday.
There passed away at itygham wen
mei hospital one of the old reddest.
of this seetioa. is the pemxr of Mr.
John Elder. He was horn In the pro-
vince of Quebec about 71 years
bet removed to Heron event early
ff n
Mrsermines, eine to Wingham from -
mem about a quarter of . eantery
mut ulnae that tiroe bad been erlgntr(bd
tetrW was
Www �
ewpiesl many p•�e`ttnee eV tense tit
-gyp a Tf E COLBORNE STORE -app.
will be found in our AD. this week. To those who wa
to the RIGHT
000Db h
INTERESTING we would suggest a close reading of everything we have to
STORE NEWS say About our offerings for this week. The must of
CrIRISTI'iAS GOODS are here already, and we can
a larger and better assortment than we have shown in former Christmas seasons.
Read carefully our Christmas items.
Two sbipPntente of our Christmas H.D.F.S.
are herr, wbichput.s us in a positron tL fill orders
rat alt prices fiom • fi cent linen to some of the
finest ,mb,cidered cued,. Estee Values this
year_ Ryes and folders for enclosing them.
Another shipment of wide rih Bedford Vel-
vets in brown, wistaria and two-tone grey.
Tbeso are the very 1st rt make4 in hedford dregs
velvets. Heavy. soft finish and feels like Bilk,
Ladies' Crochet Silk Ties
00 artily Lather' Ties. Black, Cream. Blue.
('ardinrl, Purple end Tan, Some teaselled and
some fringed end.. Herniae price Sac They go
on s.le on Saturday at joat 25 cents. Pure Bilk.
Hosiery and Gloves
Our stock rf these goods is now at its beat.
We have the be -4 that money will buy at gie
prices asked. Our Stocking, at 25 cents 1fe-
ommend themselves to all buyer*.
Fancy Linens
Imported Battenburg Embroidery and
Crochet Linens In Mate, Oenttrs, round and
square., In 3 •tzee. Tray Clothe and Sideboard
Drapes. These are exceptionally cheap. Made in
Japan. just arrived here this week.
Although our fall Coat sales bave been Int gr,
our stuck is still in good condition and we still
have some d nearly every styk we had at the
Cott meseama.t of the eroaaon. Cisme h.v.• and
get a Rodgers style and get it cheap, too
Now le a tnod time to select Furs. Our stock
is all new, having been bought for this year's
welting. No Furs serried from hest season We
buy from the snakes% H+nos the low price we
can sell new fresh Fars for. Give us a look if in
need. •
it is not too early is it to think of your Christmas purchases ? While stock is
new and selections good, you can always select what you want with comparative
ease and avoid being in the crowd. Our offerings are. well worthy of your
careful consideration.
the town coaoeil. He was twice mar-
ried, Nest to Mies Clark, of Hallett
township, who predeceased him sever-
al years ago. leaving two children. I
Mn. M. Lachlan, wife of the principal
of the ('baths^ business college. sod
Clark 1 ' ler, now treated in Montane.
and w •narvied later to Mr,. Richard
Wall. .f East Wawanosh, wbb sur-
vives 1 The funeral took place
from 1 - residence on Souter street
and was cnndurted by the 1.O.O.r, of
.wbieh order be has Men a member for
Dearly 50 Imre. Mr. Elder's death
came ae • Pell prise to many, be haying
been nick only a ebnet time, and naafis
regret is felt at his demise. His daugh-
ter, Mn McLachlan, e as present when
he died.
ar, of many kinds, i.ut we teak'sa
lulus y opt of a freeness, .
we use the greatest precaution t0
install only the latest mod most
►anitary appliance.
from this shop is the best obtain-
Satisfactory estimates on new or
tapas work
'PHONE 135
•featIDBS. OMT.
sto. t(m my se weer dare at *ay
tan mese wee serve sew w II Wave
eaa•�eMem.s«ull �_t�hwe who seems
4�esawsa�l �1k��.rtk.�.i mil01111
iMsow rpmre rs.tdise. est
same MKewsgw e le�t es ase me 1t It
D. A. NeLACSLAN. Prbeipsl
Dr. Morse
Indian Root Pills
are flat a seam sad watrld
our gr.adi•tben seed ts>tteh a
asetwry ago. hien G•A/g odes.
theyweseea sale r seat
er general crass le the
day, and cress the
'homemade ef Intim kr
ted -k
a.d klame sad I.Mr Ttstrlss
dap Lieber an j..t ae alewives as
as elespott wit Os •
Ci V M C00110 0116 111.
The Largest Yet
That is what our Holiday trade will he
if you make your selection from
Stock of
We have at present a full line of Leather
and Rexine Rockers and Students' Chairs—
the largest in years. Also a new line of Ratan
Rockers and Chairs, Couches, odd Parlor
Furniture. etc. . . Any of these articles
would be a very acceptable Gift for anyone to re
ceive. . . Or perhaps you anticipate a nice
Chita Cabinet, Dining Table, or a set of
Leather Diners. . . Or perhaps you have
been building on a nice Parlor Suite for your
wife : if so, we have them in Silks and Veronas--
three and five -piece Suites. . . Odd Dressers
and Stands in i4 -cut Oak, Mahogany and
Empire finish—from the cheapest to the best al-
ways in siock. . . Our --line of Felt Mat•
tresses are in great demand by the tired ones
who desire rest and comfort. . . In fact, we
keep in stock every line necessary to furnish the
home from cellar to garret.
CaII and inspect our stock. No trouble to
show goods at the OLD RELIABLE
Brophey Bros.
Usdertaken sad 1uwlmars
Night wed Day pas promptly •Handed es
Ilite Plan ten wasiwr•Philos 277
taster fi :ay1ane� eras of the greatest
reel estate Acs It .vee had
Iiir B. W. F. Deaver hes pereb.wd
a lot on Main Menet nett to his devil -
Mr. C. 4. %.a hes Aso purchased
inc iwttlAlr.gair lot. on
Allows attest heir :se Delia
Mr. Thomas Osititlawm a we so
Mrs y:•=1=1"."16111."mud by
Knees This,
■ tacit weSt
mems be
~tart 7 ••
�s. "id kiwi.. Trim 401
.p j.srsses u•e•1tr'� :010
le wase/ eM 'LW