HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-6, Page 911 IlMamie, Nov. • Ma
Just in tante fot lhri't-
"laddie," by Gene Stratton
Porter (author of "Freckles',.
5i bi.
••rTemharon," 7 Fraocie
11,Aitrne Burnett (eutha t f
•'1'ue Shuttle"). 51.40.
"0-herwiss Phyllis," by •rs.
dith Nicholson(sutbor uf' -cuss
of a'fh.weaod Candle."1. •t.Jb
".Gulden Road," i.y 1. Dt.
Montgomery lsothor of ' Anse
of Gree. (iii" ), s" %'t•
"Hagar," by Mary Johnston
(auto, r of -to Hen. and to
Hold"i. f I .Lu.
a'lt'tr« Ifrokeo Halo," 1 y Piny,
enee L Barcisv lauthur of •'rLe
Rosary" 1, $1 1.
"Heart of the Bile," by Jno.
Fox, Jr. (author of • The Trail ui
the Loneepme Pine'), 11 :45.
•'A Fool and Hi. Money." by
IOW.. Barr McCutcbeoo (author
of drama .rk"), 11.16.
'The Story of Walt.till Bax-
ter." by Kate Douglass Wiggin
(author of "Reber c-• at Suony-
bcDok Farm"). 61.25.
"The Way Home," by author
of 'The Inner Shrine", $1.35.
"V. We Ryes." by author of
"•Queed", 11.50.
"Chief of the Rangers," by
Cody, 11.25.
"Woman Thou Gayest Me,"
by Hall Caine, $1.31
"Pollyanna," hy Eleoor H.
Pewter, 11.85.
"Iron Trail," by Rex Beach,
"Inside of the Cup," by
Winstuu Churchill, $1.3s net.
The Colonial Book Stere
cr,(1. 1'OliTKR, Prop.
Phone Ute Goderich.
1 1 have a qy•ua�ntity of good feed
Wheat. - Tboso interested call
• and examine BMW at storehouse
on Hamilton Street. Hag lots
delivered to town customers.
Special price -on ton lots to farsa-
for sale
Novrurher 7th 1013.
TUB -.
individual Instruction. Thirty
three years of success. Positions
gaaritoteed to graduates..-ilpform-
C'. A. FLrxn.u, F. C. A.
Principal. G. D. Flamm,
rr, �
t4 `
It's a
Fine Shoe
The Aartt Shoe is a
"fine" shoe. You can
see it in the choice
leather, in the dressy
finish, and in the ac -
Curate work mans%
You can feel it in
comforta))t Bt. a
irsd.nema. N. a.
Cessna's ass
k�Giti e
;, 1`ARTT
S4. c.�h n f 1
b... Agent. Oederieh
We make a 'penalty of
�.esrw sa's.r ya
-Mts. W. L Eliot visited friends at
London this week.
Mr. Atikel M.Quarrie, of Brussels.
. It • few days.
Mise M. Harris epest the week
with her Meter in Detroit.
-Mrs. J. T. Ooldtborpe spent a few
depths Chews last week.
-Moe, C. L Doolittle, of Listowel.
is visiti Mrs. H. J. Fisher.
-Miss I Clark is visiting her
brother a his wife in Kincardine.
-Miss liertrude Winnings. is whits
ing frieod. i• Chaim and in Hallett.
-Mr. rod Mr. Harry Hillier area
daughter, of Toronto, ere visiting Is
- Mrs. John F. Bates, of Toronto.
visiting in town. the guest of Mrs. fd.
H. Martin.
-Mr. H. J. Fisher left this week for
1'bessaloo where be will spend two
weeks hunting.
-Miss Dancey is in Sarnia in at-
tendance upon her aunt, Mrs. Mc-
Gregor, who is 111.
- Rebecca lodge will hold a social
and dance in the Oddfellow.' hall on
Thursday ensuing next-
-Our readers are directed to peruse
the American Road Machine Co. by-
law on page one of t bis issue.
- Mrs. Jonathan Thompson and
children, of Raglan, are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mia. 1). Plows-.
-Mrs. John Hain and her wother,
Mrs. Johnston, left for Toronto to at-
tend the tuueial of Mn. Bain's
brother- in•law.
-Mrs. Rees Price, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Walter
Turnbull, of Vancouver, bas recently
returned home.
--Mrs. James J. McEwen, Nelson
street, will be at bottle on Tuesday.
November l lth, and afterwards on the
filet and third Fridays.
-Mr. and Mrs. 6. J. Howell left ou
Tuesday for their home at Des Molnew,,
Iowa, after a two months' visit with
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Morris.
- Rev. J. Uro Stewart and Mrs.
Stewart, of Whitechurch, are visiting
at the home of the fornices parents.
Mr.• and Mrs. James Stewart.
-Mr. R. D. McDonald, C.E., who is
engaged in railway construction in
Alberta, is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel McDonald, of this tows.
-Mr. F. C. Gilchrist, of the Ameri-
cau Road Machine Company, has re-
turned to town after spending his va-
cation in New York and Philadelphia.
-A pleasant evening was epeot by a
number of young people who were
entertained by Miss Beatrice Pridham
at her residence on Nelson street on
Wedmeeday evening.
- Mr. H. C. Carter, formerly teller
of the Bank of Montreal here, now of
the Winnipeg bran2h, has been in
town fot a few days this week, the
guest of Mr. A. G. Nisbet.
-A horse :•rlonging to Mr. Thomas
Videau, flour and feed dealer on Ham-
ilton street, died very suddenly while
drawing a load of grain up the hill
from the dock on Monday afternoon.
-Mint M. Owendoliue Colborne is
visiting ber patents in Ooderich, hav-
ing at via steamship Pomeranian,
in Montreal, on October :10tb, atter
sending flue months travelling in
- Mr.Jack Gooch and Miss Pearl Far-
quharson, of Buffalo, were visitors
for two weeks at the dome of their
end". me. John L Aitken. and ocher
relatives. They retuned to Buffalo on
Friday last.
-The town clerks preparing a large
list of appeals to Use voters' Inst and
which will hi submitted to the easier
county judge. The date when Judge
Doyle will deal with them has riot yet
- On Thursday evening lest the
Misses Halliday entertained a number
of their friends to a very eojoyahle
house party. Cards, 'nude and re-
freshments .It helped to emote the
evening it pleasant one.
-The annual commencement exer-
cises in connection with Central school
will be held tonight at eight oalaek.
We rah rival the hest city offer-
ings in
Peaches, Pears or
We have everything in the -
Season's \'eg.tahlea end
if you want
Butter and Ergs
you can rely on. we have them.
Call or 'Phone 64
�t J. Young
Hamilton street
Jas. Cumming
Painting, Decorating
and Wall -paper
An w^. torte promptly. and
r u anode.
Ras. St.
T.ksisse Sla s1f.
10% Discount
Sale of Towels and
Pillow Slips, commenc-
ing Saturday, November
1, to be continued a few
days only. io% Discount.
LarJ' and Sall
Stamped and Plain
Scalloped and Hemstitched
Embroidered Towels
Towelling by the yard
Fancy and Plain
Wide Towelling
Guest Towelliog
Pillow Slips
Linen and Cotton
Stamped or by theand
Ordinary Pillow Slips
Also Now Dsy Pillow Slips
Come and Inspect our stock of
Fancy Goods and make a start
osour Christmas Gifts s
reinforce your own stockof
Mrs. L. B. Tape
The Singer Store
Next Bell Telephone Central.
Honor certificates and the Lauriston
medal will be presented. A good pro-
gramme wi11 he provided.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glenn, of
Spruce Lane farts. Stanley, announce
the engagement of their daughter.,
Mary, to Mr. Gabriel M. Elliott, of
Clinton, and Abigail, to Mr. W. Fran-
cis Saunders, of Ooderich. The double
wed ling will take place on November
They tell me theta's a pietvre show.
Its somewhere on the Square.
Where tie ventilation', perfect
Aad Ila Med with (Jodi froth air.
uks too are extra good.
ILwadt.own es plain a. day.
At 1 don't knew this myself.
ICS what the people say.
'eke drxlpg too to nun EM -rate.
The patrons think its sloe,
Aod tae lastramentel rtwlc.
"Now, that's well worth bearing twice.
The .ah•re too ate eourteo n..
And they -'re always smart and neat,
A. they flit about amongst you.
Just to .how you to your .eat.
Another tatsg I chanced to hear.
About this picture .kow,
Nakaatter what they advertise.
You neeeach time you go.
For the comfort of their patron..
In tbe Doming winter nights.
Yboy're Introducing something,
To make it warm and nice.
I wondered what the "dant" avoid bite
That they were puttied there,
The Grower to my question olio,
Not water. not hot air..'
There's where you get your mosey'. worth.
I've heard •It 'now a time.
flat the me's worth • quarter.
nut , hey only charge a "dime."
The next Um. I am oa the Square,
11 have to assk It out,
And find tet+lisle theatre
I've board so math about.
I think right now Ill take • gn.e,
Ju..t see If 1 am right
It t. the "Lyric Theatre."
And 111 meet you them toot/Olt.
Guy Bros., the meiry minstrels.
who always draw .e large house.
will again visit Goderich for one night
only, on November 17th. The Guys
are well known and tbeirshow is up to
the mark every time.
Theatre -goers will be glad to know
that Perry's Peerless Mayne. who
created such a favorable impression
when they last visited Ooderich, have
been hooted at the opera house for
the entire week of November 24th.
This high -clew company ie well worth
patronage and local theatie-goers can-
not make a mistake in witnessing
some of their performances.
Lyric Theatre
in the opinion of those who attended
the I.yric theatre for the first three
days this week, the show there was
the beet show -seven since the thetser•e
has opened Its doors The Jones
children were exceptionally ; o4 It
might he said that the boy is. Meow
and the girl like a heentiful doll.
Their singing, dancing and niudeal
act is an entertainn,e•ot in Iteeif.
The pictures were also high class.
"John Bunny in Ireland" and 'The
Governors' Double" are well worth
Star T Metre •
Rarely does one see such a Sae
asertm.nt of real good pictures as
was shown .t the Star theatre Inc the
first part of this 'week. While the
dramatic action is good, from a moral
and also an educational standpoint,
the performance is equally beneficial
I.ewding one hack to the histories) age
Is the film, ••1be aa6rb Anniversou7 of
the Landing of the Hutuesete at New
Roshelle." A haabfnl lover or the
value of a niekle ie en extrean dy fussy
scene to the pleture. -Proposal by
Proxy " Showi the quick ion d
a newspaper 0A!*i in a large y, sad
a or In se a Is
well portrayed in'tbs. , Jndge'e ♦Ldi-
catiod.' The 'bow theoogboet was
first -clans.
How's This?
ens Misr Ose1\andred curiae. Raved h►
Odt IM twat saeeac be erred M
l►.ltt n)., r
lake CNswh
w: t`iIs fr.m ..a
arrset!• every est nos sh jlsa.
• no, •' a lemma.
e- ala mespaYoie
-Suisse ibe t r 11e air.aL
vides la the bo obs Pialsand.bo5J � wweek
Mr. Chrome Cox, of Stratford, is
avendbt • few days as Mr. Clem
ewto. s.
Mr. 5teehl'( McPhail said daesgbWr.
Mary, aro *hating at tipple.
Coon. Buchanan relearned home os
Monday from an extended tint out
Rev. 1. W. J. Kllkpatrlck, of Bel -
grave, will preach at Westfield ou
Sunday neat.
A tittle son arrived at the howl of
Mr, a.d Mrs. Burwell (nee MI.de
Carter), .t Winnipeg.
iv kung up with the
uses, as rural mail routes have been
e stablished. Mr. McLean, of Bel -
grave, boa been employed to deliver
mall on route No. 1.
Mr. Barkleyand the Misses Bark-
ley, of Aehde, spent Sunday at the
home .4 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Camps
Mrs. Clemens, of H..peeer, returned
to her home on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Sevier returned
home on Sunday atter speeding a
weak at the home of Mr. Robert Buch-
A artecsosful bee{ was held on Mon-
day at the home of the late Mr. Her-
vey McDowell to take up the potatoes,
turnips sad mac olds.
Mr. aij Mrs. Mervin McDowell aod
Mr. and Mn. J. B. McDowell 'pest
Sunday at Mr. Robert. Taylor's, near
Mr. ♦.drew Heddle, .[Michigan, 1.
home to see his sick father. The old
ggsssstlessao is somewhat improved in
he•ltb ibis week, though he keeps to
his bed.
We have not had a dance In the
village for some time Ull some of the
boys arranged a partyin Newell's
empty house and despte the storm,
stow and slash 27 girls and 40 boy.
were present. All say they had a good
Mr. and Mrs. Pitblado had a narrow
escape from what would probably
have been a bad accident on Saturday
last when returning from Ooderich.
Their hone got frightened just before
it got to the Saltiord bridge and ran
away, atter pitching Mr. Pitblado
out of the buggy. The horse was
eventually got under control and o0
serious damage was done. Mr. Pit-
blado is not much the worse for Lis
Mr. Henry Dilling returned from
Scott, Saskatchewan, where he has
been helping with the threshing. He
reports a yield of 30 bushels to the
acre from that district.
Miss Lovina Cookston, of Exeter,
who has been mating her home in
Winder, was married io that place
last week to Mr. George Petty. The
youns couple came to Exeter on their
wedding trip.
Dr. Rivers. wife and two children,
from Lethbridge, Alberta. have been
visiting in Exeter for a few day..
They will return home next week.
The doctor holds a government posi-
tion as warden of the provincial jail in
Mrs. David Cobbledick, of Exeter
North, his disposed of her general
store business and poet office to Mr.
Steel. of Hay township. who takes pos-
se cion about December let. Miss
Annie Cobbledick, who has been man -
aglow the business since her father's
death, will return to British Columbia.
Per fresh .Tetra, er more cream remember
8aakstaoe's. Tfeae SO
The municipal council of the town-
ship of Colborne met in the township
hall on October 14th ; members all
present. Minutes of last meeting read
and on motion of Coon,. Hetherington
and McLarty were adopted.
The following account.„were passed
and orders drawn on the treasurer for
the ease :-Peter Fisher, elsaniog
ditch, 11; Signal Printing Co.. print-
ing acrount, $40.70 ; Daniel McPhee,
gravelling. culvert, team on grader,
83875; R. Sbeppeed. inspecting. 54.50;
T. Robinson, Inepee•.ting and spreading
gravel, 14 ; James, Elliott, cement
Iwid a at Sheppardton, 111111.40 ; S
Gardiner. drawing plank and Axing
bridge on Burns sideline, 5850; James
McManus, eatebbasin and tile drain at
Chisholm'., $69 ; John D. Parrish,
gravelling no 10th eon., 110: Ed. Hex•
oey, gravelling on Jones hill, 114.50;
Ales. Bogie, gravelling on lath con.,
115; Wm. Walter, inspecting. 11 ; R.
Bogie, inspecting, 11.50; John Bark-
er. f.eejng, fining at. Itio,-5schont, wire
sed staples, 113.81 ; 8. Potter, cement
bottom in culvert at James Young's,
511.81: Relate of Peter McEw.o.
.lank and poste, Kuntz bill. $21.80;
b Putter, planking culvert, 128) ; V.
M. Roberts, part salary as purveyor,
1100; Joseph Hetherington, hanging
lanterns and oil st 8 e
bridge, 15: John Taylor. at
el g at
Sbepperd's and plarking o0 10th one-,
. Moved by Cones. Thong and Me -
Walk -Over -quality is a
standard of comparison for
shoe dealers everywhere -
Walk -Over shoes are ad-
mittedly the "Leaders of
the World."
Downing & MacVicar
Seat Moms Oar Oedsloh
A Special Showing of
Early Winter Styles
in Our Millinery Show Room
Saturday and next week
Commencing Saturday we will make a special display of new Winter -
Millinery styles. Miss Reynolds has just visited the markets and brought
back the latest model Hats for late Fall and early Winter wear. T hese
will be shown commencing Saturday and there will be some very attractive
Hats on exhibition. While the display will not be on as large a scale as
that of the formal opening at the commencement of the season, you will
find much that will be attractive and interesting. Come and see the NEW
THINGS in Millinery. They are here and you are welcome to look thein
over at your leisure.
Ladies' Tailored Suits
Regular Values up to $25.00
Here is your chance to buy a new Tailored Suit and
save some money. A special lot ot 12 to 15 goes on sak
Saturday morning at this price. These are all high-
grade, man -tailored garments, made from new and
popular materials, cut in three of the season's best styles.
Lined throughout with good quality lining,emostly silk
or satin; black, navy or brown. Just a little lot we have
a chance to sell under value and offer you at a saving ot
from $5.00 to $Io.00.
Twelve Ladies' Suits, regular up to $23.ao• Seliglf�,
commencing Saturday morning, at each, only... $15.00.
Coats at $12.50
Ladies' Tailored Coats, plain or
curl cloths. assorted .tyles and color*.
Rix to eight in this lot. On tale Satur-
day morning at each c.
n1y $12.50
Children's Coats $5.00
We are showing a splendid collec-
tion of Children's Coats at this ,rice.
They come In navy, brown. home -.pone
and heavy cloths. They are nobby,
neat little garments and really exeep-
tional value at the price.
Handsome Plush Coats
New models in Plush and velvet
Ooata, just opened up this week. Plain
or brocaded. Very-styli.h and hand-
some garm.nts. •;aa.00 $45.00
to W
Good English Flannelette
We remind you of the excellent
valties we are showing in Flanoeletteo.
These limes are imported direct tont
England and are really exceptional
valise. Plain white, plain pink or fancy
stripes. All fast colors. Special, 121c
at per yard
High -Grade Flannelette ISc, idc
and 20c
Heavy -and doe English Flannel-
ette. Made from selected cotton
yarns. soft finish, very dutahie. A
quality that will give satisfaction
under all condition.. Plain white•nr
fancy stripes. Per yard ta0c
e, tae
i arty, that the halance of 546.00 due culvert, cons. 6 and 7, $it: W. F.
the Telephone System from the male Campbell, drawing till, i2 ; Jobn
of debentures be paid to the treasurer Rodger. drawing gravel nod putting
of the system.arried.in culvert. $4; Oso. Caldwell, draw -
A letter received from Meson. I ing tile, puiag io culvert and draw -
Proodfoot, Ras t Killoran re die -ling two sada of gravel. 510; Hooter
put. between Telephone System and Bridge Co., Anal settlement on extra'
West Wawaoosh. ton Marnoch bridge, 5115; Joe. Stooge
tMoved by4)oene. Mcl rt rind Clot= fiffttip, inspeedlig concrete work on
on, that although being desirous of i alarnueh bridge, 580; Cyrus Scott,
sett/ing the dispute we do not wish to onmmutat inn etetute labor tax in 1912,
doa.gtJsi.g uM lIwe end out what i.' 5o; Pet Gibbons, commutation statute
Iabor.taa in 1912. .22 ♦. Porterfield.
revising voters' lief', 0860 ; Wes.
Wigbtman. attendance at voters' list
ornate 13.10; for ravel -Wm. Pother.
ad to collect all rater that are den that Rize 16'60, S. YcBurn.y 57.4), U.
opbell 5190, J. 9. Scott N9e, B
Telephone System before next meet- kaytyo„ 5880 Wm. Wa'den 14. J.
leg and that we O.Oeult our solicitor 'rosary 51.40, ft. W ightosan 40e, Nee
se to recovering costs in the law salla Jaetstu 5A, J. McCollum 11 140. D.
t5al have been ahando..d. craft 5i 40. W. F. Vanstone 1150,• D,
Masers. Bisset Bros. made a request cook 5150, Thee- "'redneck mot J,
to be allowed to have the hydro-.lec- Redmond 16, S. Peddle $4 ; Dile'
tele system extended to their farm. Jenkinshovelling vel, 14E0
Moved hy Count Hetherington and Janine T. Bell. ebo ex gravel, 55;
Clietnh, that the r.gneet be granted. John Cook, shove og gravel, 51.
Noised by Cour. Young and Het.h- T'5e sun it t w
e rIUgtO. 1514 w. edjoaru tomeet on again a , No sober 101,5, at
Lite second Trunday in November at ear o'clock,
LAM p.m. -Carried. A. Potttfttetttrtn. Clerk.
B. Mcltwalx, Clerk.
required of is sad that we request our
solicitor lar As edit the amount of
costs expected from o..
Moved by Ooutae. Young and Mc.
Laity, that the eons elor be empower
Minces of eer.ell taaetleig hold
October Wt. MerebIrs all
but Coos. Suoha.rn. Misvi a dtL
meeNeig were recd a.d on nest ed
Comm.oand Irate wereaddjted.
irwif-Oerv4. -That the Mader of
EA. Scott for the peeebase of
. drain debentures. Wog the
be asseptea.-.Qsrsted.
On inotio. of Cosies. eten.bo.ee sad
Cowrie, the toaowlug soeo.ots were
ordered le he Mid t -The Musieipal
Wouldhaff rent,. amebas.
meb s,5$1 M t Aloe. Midler.
teen o. the 'w DI'Visa=
gwall t.i.
wn.t J. Cisabryn, Ng 4. a=
a• easter.
44 sN1'
tows sit* shoes se es
Mee. Iles 11.
Connell .1t .n Detainer 011, testae -
of OstoborI10th, es plrewloseely and
sotemeed M lai.ut.o of tieptember titU.
The rause of this was owing to Reeve
Bahl1. a Nei a. off Hoed and Wide*
▪ >reelEh
bevies bo
attoad a g
Illbesnee et
sod lest
�of l lsyn. read
11Ne. Da a reported the e.'nple-
tic t ed • r.rwey es the Toms drain
CSN sword le beams prepared.
Aeeosete to the i temat e[ 'OM
Nom Medd wedwere paned odd r modes
Reeve sod ?reepraree WON •t/beetw
eel M benew pts foe ese mew* be
atoolelpet Wawa re p to meet e. Ne.
stabs lith al n 641
W. A. Wielea. Oierb-
How w10 you occupy toe dia-
dems's time profitkNy dor isg de
le.g evestage of fall area winter'!
A pleasure toonnelf sad s
profar the children will Ms
fiord Piano.
If yea baves't all tbe elk
sewooery do pay down, we sri
arrange teems for the balmier.
Talk the Matter over. esti and
we ns and give the child/fa '
Quite trpoesuy W.I. ha"
d lihtJy need Fiascos and 0rgaer
at kaegal. prima.
James F. Thomson
Agent for
• __ a =tet
&weft �M� �H�msad/L
1LOi off' oldie
_ r CSM
mels. si
4 lit It+ A •