HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-6, Page 8OMFORT
It's as Pleasing as Its Name
(.t?mftmn Soap- • 1
Leal Clergy and Laity Will Crvaaa Cardbtal Clibleses lisp= Merger May
Hen en Friday Pusey be Ille.ght About
Perhaps ',ever before in the history Cardinal (Abhors', the recognised
of the Comedian church bee such a preheated the Roma Catholic church
gi,eautic scheme hero launched foe the In America. has given Mr views 00
furtherance of missionary esterprise church unite probably the firm time
as the Laymen's MissionaryMove- such views heave been expressed by
ment. Euibr•ciog all the prof...Mot Roraau Catholic prelate of Um st•nd-
drnowin•tion., the tuovemeat a al- log and influence of the cardinal.
mootundenowlo•tlooal aa all religions "You want to know about the uo-
nnd creeds are welcomed. The trove- tenet all cbrietian churches r repeat -
went was started by the Anglian ed the cardinal when be was • h-
churcb originally. the Canadian branch ed on • subject so delicate Chat the
being established in Toronto About five majority of prelates have refused to
years ago. The movement hos had discus" it for publication. He answer -
phenomenal success and has even
spread to the mother church io loos- "The royoion of the nattered
land, where it was established about brooches of Christendom Is • con -
two years ago. Besides remchiog out summation devoutly to be wished, end
W other lands it has reached out to 1 would gladly sacrifice the remaining
other creeds or they have joined forcesearn of my life in lending a helping
and now all, or nearly all, the pro- hand towards this blessed result.
testant religious bodies in the prow- 'The first essential requirement," he
ince have taken up the movement and continued, "1.
of sure
only quite recently it was decided to sovereign pontiff,
bold • series of conferences all tbrougb censor of St. Peter, is the divinely op -
the province of Outwits pointed bead of Christendom. Every
Having arranged to hold the local orgaataatioo, whether religious. civil
cooferrnce for the county of Huron in or pdjtical, needs a bead for its peace
(ioderich, on November 7th, extensive and security, ,as well ae for its very ex -
preparations are in progress. As so Miaow. tion o/ the pope
evidence of the good fellowship which -Once the proper d Po
exists between the religious 'bodies in is recognised, I do not believe that the
other controverted doctrines are as
formidable as b commonly imagined.
When a proper explanation is given
of the various dogmas upon which
christianity is founded 1 am persuad-
ed tbet the logical sense of the people
would prompt them to accept.
"And if the various cbristian de-
nominations of the United States
were once united, working with one
heart and one spirit. a bat a wonder-
ful influence our cbristian forces
would exert in the civilization and
the christianising of mankind ! tsWbat
for socimowinety h
tyand humanity 1 be done
"But devoutly q we wlsb for such a
union," continued the cardinal 'we
must wait for the 000seience of the in-
dividual to bring about a statswbere
union becomes possible. There are
three courts—We civil tribunal, the
criminal tribunal and the court of
cone -ionoe . And until the last of
these acts, until the soul demands.
until, in a word, such a moment ar-
rives. the time is not ripe.
"The uoioo of the churches would
bring about ad era of civilisation un-
koown in history. You and I may
sot live to see it, but it will come, I
eVand them the one uodiviaed
ch will fleseieb ani triumph."
tfss.,sis sf sa _!uses > • kgs"
MM..tt pur smww _ Y --
iss▪ eirsessidessesto
ervssl . ishet wA raW at
.r am it. to m
L hater taltalla a7-7
rkirtJ"'` *psi . Lerma'
mews s ,o Canada neem edam&
mtgawnsickloP er
. ,fr_1 Uaaa-
.1001mco] VAW C e
R4at ,, browse • Updtes% Hudson
Carte- lmedee-
c ins Beninese Cellete
pm Ir rr.0 R. Y. WMID
Privates t. Premise!.
for Mumbles. Heating. Wiring.
and All kinds of Metal Work.
Always. j Stodc
Get our prises. Tbey are al-
ways right. coo+leo/et with good
material and honest work.
W. R. Pinder
Hsmilton tit., Ooderlch•
Hunters of the Delectable Root Find
Many is Heron Ceenty
Mushrooms are divided into four
main classes—black spored, white
spored. brown spored and put plisb
spored. Nearly all the poisonous
varieties are whits spored and 'Amy
should be taken in gathering any of
these. But among the wbite spored this town, thatmorningand afternoon
v the ies all
e a tastily sessions of the confereoce will be bald
',(four five varieties all edible. The
color of the spores is shown under the
IN the white -spored mushrooms the
Amanitas are the • most poi.oeous.
One good-sized Amanita will kill four
men. Then are three or four species
growing beer. some in the fields and
some in the woods. Outside Use Am-
anitas all poisnoous mushrooms are
tougb and would suggest indigestibil-
The be.t mushrooms for the table
are probably the common field mush-
room and the horse mushroom. Both
are pink -gilled and have rosy or brown
spores. There are no poisonous mush-
rooms like theme, but caro must be
taken that they are fresh, for mush-
rooms, like fish and some other articles
of food. in decaying produces ptom-
aines, which are very poisonous. Of
these the field mushroom has the mote
delicate flavor. The horse mushroom
hes a strong mushroom flavor. It is
such larger than the field mushroom,
and u tonally found near stables.
besides the edible mushrooms which
ainplen y of puffbaw in this lls after
lls willbe found
growing in the fields. Aii puffballs
edible and ere very fine food.
Puffballs should only he eaten
while white when broken. The large
pu1bell is common these fine days.
Cut into slices. it is fried like pancakes
nod is deleotable.
There is no more enjoyable autumn
pastime than mushroom hunting or
puffball bunting. Puffballs vary in
sine from eight to ten inches in diam-
eter to the size of • smell washtub.
Some of the best tuushrooun belong
to the black -spored families. The
shaggy -maned mushroom grow* in
troops Along the country toad.. It is
six to eight inches in height. It is
tall. white and conkal in shape. At
fleet the gills are white, they turn to
pink and then to black. The old mush-
rooms become trout and inky on the
ends of the gills and drop away. This
will indicate their identity. At Del-
wosL o s and other fashionable New
York restaurants, they ate a favorite
and expensive dish.
The Joky ooprious, also found here,
grows in bunches. mod is five or six
inches high. 10 England mushrooth
catsup is made from this variety. The
micaceus ooprinus grows at the base
of stumps and is used to flavor soups.
The marasmius, or (airy ring, mush-
room grows in rings, varying in diam-
eter from three or four to thirty feet,
They are supposed to spring up out of
the toeprinla of fairies wbo daoced in
the m000li ht- They are yellowish
white with white gills. They are
among the best edible mushroomea and
are highly thought of in Europe.
They can be dried and strung o0
strings and kept until wanted for use.
Soaked in water. they become quite
fresh again. They ars dried and grat-
ed t0 France and used for soups.
The coral mu*broom grows in
swamp•. There are three species of it.
It ems long coral -like twining stems
anti is ith little
tenth, which furnished
he appearance of
oersted coral.
'Bus, Livery
and Back Stables
Pissengen called for in
any part of the town for
all trains at O. T. R. or
C. P. R. depots. Prompt
..,re ice and careful atten-
Our Livery and Hack
service will be fouod up-
to-date in every respect.
Your patronage solicited.
Phone Ii 7 Montreal Street
In the North street Methodist church,
while the evening session, taking the
form of a banquet, will be held in
Knox Presbyterian church. It is ex-
pected tbat every clergyman and min-
ister of the gospel in the county will be
present .and if he does not take part in
the discussion be will avail himself of
listening to the addrewee. While all
the local clergy will lake part to the
conference. special siookers, such as
lir. (fillies Eadle, of Henan, China ;
Rev. C. E. Manning and Rev. Canon
Gould, of Toronto will be present.
Other notable ministers from various
parts of the pro• i.mce are ales expected
to give addreo a here. T'• ',tire
progratome w" published Sig-
nal of last we
Nat Extravagance
Think of s Shapely Foot En-
cased in an Usabapdy bbos l
Sash Shoes Des mot to be tetrad
Hare t Yore are Perfectly Jwtl-
lied In
When prised Iisaaae-"y.
Aa Oen ars Prised 1
C.P.R. Men Oat Prises
To have smoked the distiantlon of
bevies the MMt beautiful station'
Um as a w eek
l@ tie -
sioo of the C.aadi•a Peelle railway
is to have woo the admiration of every
ststioomaster as the company's limes
rwchlos from cisme to ocean. This
honor has just bees awarded to Yr.
P. A. Nicol, station *Rent at Jack
n -
modest'. pause u fthe twenty flve dollars.ral
Moos the O. P.R. iom surated hetation rya -
as cad rya -
tem beautifying
round -houses and section houses by
supplying Deeds and offerintt Peirce for
the best gardens, competition has be-
come keen among the officials at var-
ious points of the ■ystenm. Each year
has Mt -tight forth better results meth
a perfection has barn reached, and now
the railway station, which was ever
unsightly, assumed the aspect of
the Swim chalet. Each property, by
the individuality of its respective dB -
cid, has disown unique characters. and
Clothing for
Men and Boys
Reliable Home Treatment\
The ()BRINE treatment for the_
drink habit can he treed with abeolota
cooadence. It destroys all desire hof
whiskey, beer or other alcoholic
stimulants. Thousands have success-
fully used it and have been restored
to lives of sobriety and usefulness.
Can be given secretly. Costs only
11.00 per box. Itou fail to get re-
sults from ORRINE after a iris), your
money will be refunded. Ask for free
booklet telling all about ORRINE. F.
J. Rutland, 0odsrich.
—Mr. Wm. Freyne, who bad his left
eye so badly injured a few week. ago
while working in the quarry of the
Rt.Marys cement works, has bad to
have it removed. The operation was
performed in the Stratford general
hospital by Dr. Forster.
is Artistic and whollybeautiful.
The other Prise-winDeo a of the Lake
Buyer for division were as follows :—
Mr. W. Cbttedler, locomotive foot-
men, first poise for the beat round-
house garden. 110.
Mr. A. Detect, section foremen.
Kama, Ant prize for the heat section
house garden. 510.
Mr. F. 'Lane•, section foremen.
Craigs, second prise for the eectioo
bouse garden. 15. agent, Cache
Mr. W. J. Summers, ager
Bay. first flower garden on dwon by
No. 1. 110: second prise, 15.
Mr. N. W. Vansycle. agent, Clams -
District No. 3, first prise 110, woo
by Mr. P. Barr, a6ent at Pearl ; se-
cond _ prise. $6, awarded to Mr. J.
Nicol, at itoespsrt.
Harriseos Mao bA Arbe rested on the
Way arried
Captured while en route to Prince
Albert to -be. Mel-
colni a tr
an ex-employeeof the Wm.
Davits Company 01 Hrriston, Is ly-
ing in jail at Regina. weattliigarhd trial
to he
brought. back to Ontario
on a charge of making away with
several hundred dollars of the com-
pany's money. of the
Rae had been in charge
company's store at H•rriston and dis-
appeared tollowiog the di•coveVy that
he was short in his accounts. The
provincial polk'e weer eoi*munieeted
with and iovedigatioa. showed that
Rae had taken a train for Prince
Albert, where be was to he married.
The Northwest moousted police at that
point were comouoiceted with. but
Rae apparently was warned. Tbun-
day night Superintendent Rogers re-
ceived • wire from Prince Alpert
stating tbat Ram had left the train at
Regina and that the pollen then bad
been asked toned him.
Friday last Superintendent Rogers
received another wire that Res was
order ate-
Ieepeotor Boyd left Friday night for
Realms to Wog the prieoner Lark for
Muscular ebetowitlans exists .n
n two
totoadt Aden end
mnseeisr rhesm•lbmthe xis Ono
agreed a dell a In the
whisk' gtadMll y teereasss This tris
odes skiffs from owe motscle to so-
uther, shed the of those-ttitmen-.
.fes- nine- '!M, re ' ee'e,e.
lin'ctrlar rheumatism is • Mood dive
eem Led ahead stet be weeded.
should IDDIRIbef braw-
aaMmemd T >M• M peoplewhen benaimee it &ha ell wrier=
Odes grout the Well and enelehes it
so that the wean Le enies
MA tree thein the stets es et rhymes-
1pas eat ■heems
asigawl rM eseell et
rte t♦eissle" ssb i *gig seem
Sallow' Complexiop'
Indiaatee indige•tinn. onnatipmtion
or liver trouble. FI0 PILLS will reg-
ulate your system and build up the
nerve forces...1 that you can sleep and
enjoy life. At ell dealers 26 and 50
cents or The Fig Pill (..o.. Sr. Thomas,
OM. Sold in (3oderich by K. R, Wigle.
—Mr. Hugh Russell. of Motherwell,
has received the sad intelligence a
the death of his brother, Rev. W. G.
Russell, missionary in India. The
message came as a shock, as the rela-
tives el Motherwell were not aware
that Mr. Rumen had been i11. A letter
was received a fortnight previous but
contained no hint of illness. The de-
ceased was born end raised at Motber-
well. He was 42 yearaof age and has
been in India for the past twelve
A Cure for Drunkenness
Within the Reach of All
That alcoholism is a disease is now
recognized by science. No mac in his
sorer brings disgrace and ruin on
himself and family through choice.
Alcura stops the craving for drink,
beilde up the system, stesdiee t be
nerves. It is guaranteed to euro or
benefit or money refunded after ea fair
trial. Alcura No. 1 can be given
secretly by any wife or mother want-
ing to restore a dear one to health •od
usefulness. Alcor* No. 2 is the volun-
tary treatment.
Can be bad at. our store only. $L00 bpi l be sent LO any address in
per box. Ask for our free booklet The Sinal
about Alcorn Ijranada t0 Jan. Int, 1913, for only
E.R. Wigle, dtvgRirt, Ooderieh, $1.00. Send in your subscription now.
This is our specialty, and we believe we have
the best selection of Men's and Boys' Garments in
the county.
Just now we are selling a good many Hats.
We have them in great variety, stiff and soft styles,
andlcan please the most fastidious taste.
A complete line of Gents' Furnishings.
The Square, Goderich
Agents for Carbartt Overalls, Stanfield's Underwear, FitweU Hats,
Arrow Brand Collars and Cu..ff
Ts Wo111C Stl'eri h
- Health and
For those ills peculiar to waren Dr. Pierce
recommends his "Favorite Prescription" as1111
III` A ptepaTed by regular graduated physician o ems- ■
■in treating woman s diseases—esrefdb adapted
Ay o in harmony with the meat delicate resides istitati•s• N
AU 'medicine dealers have mold it witbitla .,L ~ to etas- ■
■ touters for the put 40 years. It b now i d a
■ tablet form at the drug store —0. Med MMa-e•m
stamps for trial) bbyox, to Buffalo.Ihri imam M
lsrafli' HAW and write Uy ••a r.. s3'. N. _
■ ieetl s nut Des e saeientlal
a dist Isar taws that
receive will b. rives
Happy Thought Ranges
Guelph Couple Wed by Roman Catholic
and Methodist
To be inerried twice in one day is
an exceptional thing for anyone, but
when the ceremony is first performed
by Roman Catholic pried. and then
a. few hours later a Methndist minister
ties the noatrimonial knot, the situation
becomes in many ways unique. Tbe
couple in question were a different
He was • Roman Catholic, but love
stops not at religioub differences.
Rouser Catholic ceremony, end their
demand eras complied with at 9.30 a.m.
at tbe Church of Our Lady. The par-
ents of the bride, however, urged tbe
At. 12.30 a Methodist. minister arrived
at tbe bride* house, and here Again
the holy bond was solemnly proclaim -
cannot be bigamists, though toTba
ed. How do they "tend now ?
were married twice. How will they
stand under the ne teem» decree
Them are ticklish good/ans.
VVben you ask for Bagels* see that
this girl's picture is on the label. This
is a truarantee of quality and excel'.
woe. Sageioe is the worla's foremost -
hair tonic. Sageine is so good we
guarentee every bottle and if you an
not satisfied that Satteine le tie beet
scalp cleaner, dandruff eradicator and
hair beautifier you have ever used. we
will retried your siooey se cheerfully
as we take it. F. J. Bothusd is sole
agent in Ooderich for Swim ao be
were to go to F.J.Butlriod's drug store,
other storm don't ha» it—only 60
emits a large bottle. Dos% forget the
New Train to Wintopeg
The popularity of clasedian Pecific
service, and the excellence of that.
road's equipment, has beim so greatly
by the travelling puislic
put into serviette an eztirely DIM
through stooderd express train be-
tween Tov oc to and Winnipeg
Coomeoeseiog no beedity, October
2111h. the "Oeta City Hapress" leaves
Torouto at 2.30 p.m., amd will run
daily thereafter. tuniving in Winnic
at eight a.m. meow! seorning.
train will etwalst nf the highest -doss
seedern equipment : Compartment
Ilheary riteervetion oar, "tended
sleeping care, tourist sleeping car,
=gatear, first-class catch and
ear. This will be found the
mist couvesient and best train
hotness Tbrooto and Winnipeg on
eseeent of the daylight hy departure
tram Toronto at an hour when the
UM., station is not hadly coneeeted.
sail deo on account of the early boor
amival at Winnipeg.
The presest "Vanoceiver Express"
will continue to Wage Toronto at 10.30
p.m. daily and will caught of the same
equipment as t **facto City Repeats."
The teen le the dm to take for *dote
west of Winnipeg. bot for Wind
and east the **Oa* City It
tbe t train to travel by .
partienlere frees any Canadian
agent or write M. _G. Morpby,
Maria peeesamte Mash Toyama°.
an ileusik thin and
ow* named. deep door Net
refresh end der system troika -
aft usimatevis horn Massilicient
n ervousness by it! bre. of con-
centrated meant nourishment
--it restores the healthy action
of body cells, enriches the
rzt.d.shsices. centres
by trietributing smorer sad
power ell over Abe holy.
Don't resort to akolsohe
minnow or drz concocdone
for peer
er comperes
bet Insist
de soar..
wow 1111111111/11 end te
—Mrs. Odle Smith, of lieneall. wireet
so her way bolos from Ls:lidos lent
week. where ehe had bees visiting her
daughter bed the eriefertime slisonty
after getilejpeft the evade( trate at
Ezeter to and la &Aka' books bet
nein as well we isstring her fare quite
badly. bet wee to rerare to ber
beam ow Wolooder ,
—A sharking seeded Deterred sear
Or. Seem Wrightson, me of Kr
Timms Wrightson. 4th sofa, Ilinetr.
wee lasteetly tilled Ile bed bees ar
reogiug the hogs hen es me merles
of the thresher. wheel en tondos
ems whiled atoned the ay -wheal,
111"imbehisylst eimmalawse =1171*. asp
In Brantford there's a hrm
With thirty years' experience
Who mike the "Happy Thought"
Of very neat appearance.
We're agents for this range,
Which is no doubt a dandy.
It has so many useful features,
That's why it comes in handy.
A really good contrivance,
The glass door has proven
It is the best by years of test
This illuminated oven.
I n well cooked meals without trouble
You'll find the happiness you sought,
There is no room to grumble
In the home with a "Happy Thought."
Now when you're going to buy a range
Don't hesitate a second—you ought
To buy a "Happy Thought;"
The stove which has no fault.
It's the sensation of the hour,
To bake is just a jest,
So purchase this of ours
And you will have THE BEST.
Hardware, Plumbing and Steam Fitting.
Best Scranton Hard Coal, Soft Coal, Solvay Coke, etc.