HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-6, Page 6TBunartee, Nov 6, 1918 $
ru.pageenger, 40 horse power Auto for long or short trips, by
ase, ,reek or mile.
Huron Gasoline Engine & Machinery Co.
Star Theatre
Cut Right is Two
Vat is ?
The 1'rice of Admission
not the Programme
A, we give you the
.mile show S. before,
Flour Reels of Pictures,
the hest that can be re
. ri vavl, two and three
feature pictures ' each
weeit along with the
c•.medy and travel pic-
tures assures you of a
splendid entertainment--
.nrt one bours.bow.
A hig show for little
— Proprietor.
Robert Wilsons. Marey -Harris
Agent has • full line of Farm
Machinery always oo hand. We
bare we think the cheapest
sod het Gaedin. Engines oa
the Market
Allo some bewail* mead
Reap., from Tudibepe sad Asda
eivema of Oriilia JtastfilM thing
for a tamer's Utilise.
It a bare is sunk
Cia ms
Beres •etsiMs
Orem l agawMae
IrSffiisg >Msstilet e
Dr1- ma
Aad one hawked !Imam
MA els
sthw things. Ossa bin god ass
esu eke
Mammy -Harris
nonoses hum
Little Sickness
For several days last week the Alex•
andra Marine and General imamate'
Imre was without a patient. At the
present time there is one patient there.
At this time of the year, when there
iseonsiderable sickness arising from
colds, la grippe, etc., it is considered
that the small amount of sickness in
Goderic2speaks well for the general
sanitation and health of the town.
Found a Spider in His Paper
When Mark Twain. in bis early
day.. wee editor of a Missouri paper,
a superstitious sub,criber wrote to
him saying that he bad found a spider
in bis paper, and caking him wbetber
that was • sign of good luck or bad.
Thr humorist wrote him this answer
and printed it: "Old Subscriber.—Fiod-
ing a spider in your paper was neither
good luck nor bad luck for you. The
spider was merely looking over oar
paper to see which merchant is not
advertising. so that he can go to thet
store. spin his web across the door.
and 1 • life of undisturbed peace
ever afterward."
Sett Manufacturer Deed
' There died In H•rni*, on Sneday" an
e#meside and ore*nset business
tease. Mr. Maw J. te+-. who ler
many years was coarsened with the
salt producing industry of western/se and omit a .fMet done ago was
president of the [beisios Salt Com-
pany, rettriag frogs bosieess •bout
three years ago He took • keen in-
tsreet sn matters of aide -mica and es-
tablished tbe-Carter .eholsi.bips for
several counties in western Oateno.
Re was di Teem of apo sad was •
satire of Seatoeth. when We remains
were taken and the funeral held front
the Greed Trunk dept t about poen on
mods Pentataa lair agirmsat mor
ms uas 1.5 404 • enter st.s rem re de
we era *waft r�*o work the
Seth.. W 4rrr an aid aware oar
Aust. Nm& We sem w tree la
breamsthe est wakb. res .stat.
(Iris is. AMIN
sulfa, ret lrailda. BtgshYd .mer
*Ma are pm A e far
=re wade awl Mk A
u. ale. far
R M'e east ass
esierlea Sad rams.1,w'm.woe welt.
vr1.RAir Y URP1:RV M.
tare sa. W
Q -Fns emt
boremees sewer.
Banker Promoted OusMwa flaunts 1
Mr. Jack Robert*, teller In the Soca Ilia remit d hasioart transacted
branch of the Hurling bank bee been!O� t e eostoa s bogies, *bleb Com-
yjrlj \a eetures fitto111 Qoderleh and
to eatpart .
for the oath of October
le an Increase of
The JM over the osth of September.
/wee but month were VS/ .Th.
transferred to the head office at Tor-
onto. Mr. Roberts hes been 1. God. -
rich for the past three years and his
many Mends greatly regret his de-
parture from town but wish him suc-
cess la ►b new t1e1d of activity in the
Queen city.
Hattowi.n !arty
Miss Evelyn McLean was the hostess
at a very enjoyable Halloween party
given at the residence of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McLe.o, Klein
avenue, on Friday evening last. The
early part of the evening was spent in
playing cards. Two handsome primes
were won by Mr. Reginald Blackstone
and Miss Jessie !prosier. A .bort
musical programme followed, when
Mims Hildred McColl delighted the
gathering with several old tune moose
and Mr. Blackstone and Miss McLean
gave instrumental pieces on the piano.
A short dance followed by sumptuous
refreshments brought a very jolly
evening to • close.
Drunk Again
"You are charged with being drunk
and disorderly," 'erg forth the bugle
of justice when an old sailor, who not
heing content with sailing Lake
Huron, tried to mail on firewater. con-
sequentially saluted His Worship the
Mayor vtbo presided at police court in
the absence of Magistrate Kelly, who
was out of town. "I was drunk but
not disorderly," argued the prisoner.
L'hder the scrutloizing gaze ot the
mayor the drunk quaked thea trueb-
fully acknowledged that be did not
know be was drunk till he hit the
boards at the coop. "One more chance
only." pleaded the inebriate. "You
have had leveret already and 1 bad
made up my mind to giveyou mix
months, ' re-echoed His Worship. "I
will give you one more chance and i1
you ever come before me again, Tor-
onto you go." 'While Robert (tor that
was his name) ted the Queen City,
be much prefer. .1 to live in Goderich
or isil the let and therefore made
moment pr..:. -• w far the future. One
ianalembewsweiiernvoitsil ffi
taunt tq ttfes.•-t a dying condition by
the chief of police the olgbt before.
When be paid his floe be pulled out a
roil of new tC bills fresh from Use mint.
Action ter 22000
An adios. indirectly arising out of
the defeat of a radial railway bylaw
by the people of 8tr'dtord at the last
•rsstt{pa!*kitties..ettieos. bas been rom-
nested et Osgood* ball, Toronto.
Meagre. A. R. and H. E. Shaver are gu-
lag Mr. P B. Deacon. of V•beauver, to
recover NOM. balance alleged to be due
cps the porches► o! • Nock of bu.inee•o
property in Stretford. l'be defendant
charges the piaotiffs acted in bad
faith. as they were suppocsd to have
!wide information regarding the en-
ttaner of the railway company into
tie town. and that the propaeed line
womb; be sear tee property. The
aatltaiset, whc was la Vancouver at
the time. did wet know of this fact,
mai at the seggettlar of the plaintiffs
be !fire them • quit claim in S.pt.so-
ber, 1912, which they repudiated in
time fsaowlae January.
erre Merame MacAulay Dead
After en Illness of *bout two year+,
partly tbe result of a fractured limb
and partly from old age. Mrs. Norman
1M.eAalty tare Margaret Campbell). in
bre Iliad year. died at her residence on
Wilson street on Saturday night last.
Mhz uses born in Glasgow, Scotland,
same to this country shout 42 years
age, wee married in Bayfield over 40
Years ego. and for the past 33 years
lose hers one oe the most highly res-
rswdeete of dnderich. In re-
sM was a Pr..byteri•h and was
as etteedant of Knox eburcb. As she
feed need fa (ioderich for so many
yeew she was well and populMly
biome hen and bee demise will be re-
gretted by aLege cirri* of friends.
Bre besb•ed. Mr. Norman MacAul•
aa�y. nes deter. Mire. H. Hasttogs, of
'roeento. sad three tons. Norman and
Alien. of God.rieh. and John, of Buf-
falo, survive her.
The funeral iconducted
day aR.ruooe�Raren
es Wilson street to Matti/mid come -
tory. R.v. Geo. F, Ko.. o e Most•
The bearers were Capt.
Y��. ((r�pptt James Inkster. Capt. John
Doaffii aed Mears. Wm. Waitron,
Moms" Fitseimesone and Colin Mur-
ray. . Th. Sorel tributes were beauti-
ful and meay•
Underwent an Operation
Friend* in Go diffI; h of
hR Ramsay
ashima. the we
player. wed regrettoo learn that he
recently underwent
Montreal for impend hails. iate.t re-
ports are that he is progressing nicely.
The Motreal Telegraph says : "Ram-
say Raskin. last year's captain of the
McGill hockey team. is IN the hospital
suf erieg from as attack of appendi-
citis. Rankin is looked upon to play
for the Mdli11 squeal &tale this winter.
On Tuesday last be was striation with
appendicitis. and berried to ^bo.Pi
where he was operated
d.eision to operate was very sadden.
Fat • report from the hospital dates
that the hockey pl.yer is progressingRem-
as well as could he expected.
Roos -
say's illness Will hardly keep him 'oat
of the minis of hockey this winter.
but It may provost him from fguetw
in any of the tattles before tbe middle
ad January.'
Worse than Preachers
An ' editor is supposed to be '.be
most criticised man on earth. bio •
parva has just been putting in a word
for clergymen, claiming that tbey
are the moat miserable of all the sons
of men. He says:
:'The preacher has • hard time. If
his hair is gray, be is old If he is a
young man. be haven't bad ex-
pert/mop. If be bas ten children, be
has too many. If be has none, be
ebould have. and isn't setting • good
example. if his wife sings to the
choir. sbe is pre.utoing. if she
doesn't. sbe isn't interested in her
busbied's wcrk. If a preacher reads
from notes. be is a bore. If he speaks
extemporaneously, be isn't deep
enough. if he stays at home in bis
study, he does not mix enough with
the people. If h., is seen around on
the streets, be ought to be at hoses
gettlog up a good sermon. If be cells
on tome very poor family. be is play-
ing to the gallery. If be calls at the
home of the rich, he U an aristocrat.
What ever he does, some one tookl
have told him how to do better. He
has • tine time living off dosatioss
which never come in, and promises
that never mature. Next to be.iog as
editor, it is the most awful life."
where you can save money hy hav-
ing esrt•in tie work dose
anus oath by as We lea chow
you +bete a little work dote at
once will prevent the nelemlty ef
a bigger job baize oe.
For Tinsmiths to Advlaa
sooab savings say be sseenak But
that is our way. Ws believe that i
f we can seteeefate both as MOW
new s
"met to
orders awl week
h~reeeie eii ee as ewer w�
Me heads,
Ripe Raspberries
A rather pbenoesesal oe..urreaee
was reported to The Signal on Wed-
nesday when Mr. Oeoelte F.. Jardine.
of Piper's Dam. God.rich township,
brought a number of ripe raspberries
into Signal office. He said that
he picked about a quart on the same
da aR this bush. The berries were
wild noes. (ioder{eh township is
surety becoming productive when two
crops of fruit can be raised yearly.
tioderkh Illumined
A visitor or stranger in town aright
easily Imagine himself in the streets
of Toronto or some other large city if
he saw Ooderlch for the first time on
Saturday night last. The new hydro
Lops had been turned on •ad the
illumination was a source of much
pleasure to the residents. The bril-
liant effeet was very good and it was
the g 1 admiration of the pedes-
trians and the topic of ccnversatioa an
the street.
Lecture Course
Under the auspices of the General
Brough chapter of the I.O. D. E. a
courseof lectures wed be given in the
court house on the second Monday of
each month, commencing on Monday
next, November 1011, at 4.40 p.m.
sharp. The first lecture will be de-
livered by Rev. J. B. Fotberiogbam
and the subject will be "Universal
Peace." The tickets for this course of
eight lectures are only 50 cents and as
the proceeds will go to the furnishing
of the semi -private ward in the Alex-
aodra b cal, the public are ear-
n estly invited to help the ladies in this
good work.
Electric Wiring
'every des-
erippt bus does as shaft notice.
a "Welty. in
tY rssisr l
waseri`N Hoarse
t 1leatls1
eeimia OM at helves prim
W. f}ersDOtte ART:teeth Ir War ‘4.1.14 0004
Pretty Wedding in Toronto
The following account of a Toroate
wedding will be of interest to rosy
readers of The Signal, the bride been
a former resident of this town :—
A pretty wedding took place ea
Thursday evening at the bows of the
bride's mother, Mrs. Sarre A. Eagle.
Berkeley street, when her daughter,
Emily, was married to Mr. Edgar A.
Bent, of New London. Conseetieat.
The house was decorated with white
and yellow chrysantbemure. palms
and smilax. The bride, who was en -
Attended, wore ivory hrocaded satin
with shadow lace overdress and carded
a shower Cnuqquet of orchid* and1� 1
the valley. The : Lobengrin welddlagt
.march was played by Mrs. P.O.
of Hamilton, who aim played softly
during the ceremony. The beide wee
given away by her brother, Mr. D. A.
Eagle, and the ceremony was per-
formed by the Rev. T. W. Neal. Later
Mr. and Mrs. Best left for their
honeymoon to Boston. the betide tra-
velling in • pure and black suit with
taupe bat with ostrich triegsiag.
Among the out-of-town gamete were
the Misses Greta and Nita Batt. of
New tondos, sod Dr. and Mrs. Oaring -
hell. of Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. Beet
will reside in New London where Mr.
Bent is president of the Thames River
Lumber Company.
Mss;vied in Winnipeg
From the Wlasipeg Telegram we
take the following account of the MF
stag. of Mies Jeanette Floreeee Ferri.,
niece of Mr. Frank Elliott sad Mts. A.
S. Cry.•I. and whom paresis were
foamier residents of Onderiob :—
A quiet bot pretty wedding took
plate at the rwldenoe or Mr. aad Mrs.
Wm. Ferris. on Wednesday. October
22nd, when their third daughter. Jean-
ette Florence, was united in marriage
to Mr. Donald M. Fraser, repre entn-
tive of the Weet.rn Canada Muir Mille
l ompacy. United, at Saskatoon.
Rev. Dr. Sinclair officiated. TM
bride entered shedrewhig-nx+m en thea
ore of her father, tot strains of
Mendelsohn's wedding march plsyeid
by Mist ♦nolo McLean. The bride
was beautifully (nosed In white lib-
erty satin trimmed with pearls. the
train being greoefully caeght with
resume blossoms. The beideamsid,
her deter Belly, was hsautItdl in a
gown of butterowp yellow sato. with
overdress o( chiffon sad cosies of
brocaded satin She wore the beide-
groom's gift. a pendant of amethysts
and pearls. The bridegroom was sow
ported by Mr. Martin SotberlaM.
While the bridal party were Agates
theMr. Messsng •• belease.
The �k
ti gift to his beide
wee • geld wttee sad chain, !Lit
haat seen, a signet ring. to the
s set of beauty pins. The Ilse
meth/ were* tweetlfel dress of srelb-
d Hold .*Ola,. 1h sed with h esedcd
velvet. er+oss'ttemple wee/ as
114231101411 of mnor
shaiMot this
>< norlety fr'nr" the
Water and Light Commission
At the meeting of the Water and
Iii comeimios held on Tuesday.
fif? glifie'le lit')! for over 9700 wee re-
ceived from the Hydro -Electric com-
mission. Tbis was @opposed to be the
charge for the, services for their en-
gineer, Mr. J. H. Castor. As this
engineer, in the opinion of the Water
and Light commission, did not render
service to the town to'that extent it
was decided to hold the payment of
the bill until the Hydro- ectrio
mission or Mr. Castor co
A large shipment ot electrical goods,
sash as domestic Weevils, rte., have
been received and it was decided to
advertise them In the local papers and
give the goods to the public at cost
Fite Car
Moet people are not very particular
in whet kind of a rig er eooveyaeos
they rids to their kat resting 1y41'sMse
but as • rule thele friesds are. lruser�
al drippings for the dead have been
called relict of barbaritTT yet *t the
sore time people est aaadera times are
just se asxios0e to wire their friends
and dear °ear a 'dee.et burial," as
wen their aseetora Messrs. Bropbey
Bow., the progressiag local wnolerrtak-
dArm. have meentiy purebseed one
t e most op -to -data tawny' an
that eau be ppeneeL The hearse
was bought from M.ssr % Glamearhare
lase & 0a.. oPitte�berg..�aTbeshaker
t e MwiIfi enterAstros enhpnisal
drepOags. time
time wind hrab e. rte.. al gas te awake
time vehicle am+tt the best of rte lulled.
The arm bow aim Mier eitai ar eaten
Sara their equipment is ea,Miste la
Hallowe'en Primas
For certain depredations, hat meth-
e -fog of a very serious nature. the police
are ke.esppl1og oa the outlook for gee
boys belonging to the town. Colons
the damage le toads good o"t iss
that the will be brought to the
court. A mail box was damaged and
several bods pulsed down on Hal-
lowe'en night. Otherwise everything
was quiet here
Crown Officer Appointed
Mr. Dudley Holmes, Y.U., of Wiese
bun, has been appointed crown of tosr
In connection with the King vs. Robert
Bordon murder case. This ease will
name up before Mr. Juetlos Britton at
the fall &seises. opening bore on Nov-
ember 251h. All the evidence and
details of the case have been prepared
by Mr. Charles Seeger, K.C., county
crown attorney.
Commencement Exec hies
The annual coewocement exer-
cises of the (ioder'ich oollegiete insti-
tute will be held on Friday, December
19th, when the diplomas won by the
students at the midsummer esawisa-
tions 1912 and 1913 will be distributed.
An excellent musical and literary. pro-
gramme will be promoted. Friends
of the institute will kindly keep this
date in reotembrsoce.
Sick Engineer Stuck to Engine
/Mr. Wallace Norris, engineer on the
C.P.R., took a hemorrhage. west of
Weissenburg, while taking his train
from Ooderich to Guelph on Tuesday
morning. However, be gamely stuck
with the throttle until be bad arrived
at Guelph where he was relieved, the
train being taken on to Toronto, in
charge of another engineer. Mr.
Norris. who was operated .on emu,
time ago, was taken to Guelph generic
hospital. His physician states that Le
has a splendid chance for recovery,
Young Merchant Married
HLJosepb's church, Stratford, was
the scene of a pretty wedding et nine
o'clock on Tuesday morning... hen Miss
Maude O'Grady daugb ter of M rs.J times
O'Grady, of Downie, was united. in
marriage to Mr. Daniel M. O'Brien, a
amperage yowlers eseeb•nt, of Goa*
rich, son ot Mr. sod Mrs. David
O'Brien, of Stratford. The bride was
attended byher sister, Mies Etta
O'Grady, ile Mr. Frank Ooonae
was groomsman. Mr. sod :Mrs.
O'Brien left on the afternoon train for
Toronto and other points. They will
reside in Ooderich.
rs Elected
At , sir annual meeting held on Sat-
urday afternoon last in the Y.M.C.A.
parlors, the Ladies Auxiliary of the
Y.M.O.A. elected the following officers
for the ensuing year :—Hon. president,
Mrs. James Hamilton ; president, Mrs.
Carrie : vice.president. Mee. Geo. E.
Ross ; secretary, Mrs. 1. T. McKim ;
araistant, Mea. Wart ; Mies Edith
Wiggins, Mrs. H. E. Kick and Mrs.
Magnus Hwansoa The report, as
=ted showed that body to be in s
13y and flourishing state. - Ar-
rangements are now tinder way for
their annual bazaar which will be
held on Thursday, November'lltb.
Rough Voyage
Some days ago a story mother] hese
that Mr. urnock Ross, of Bayfield,
bad started from that village to go to
Kettle Point by water, a diatom.* of
about 40 mile. As no word had been
ressived from him siace be lett, it was
faired that be bad been drowned, ash*
wee r•kiog the trip in a,gasoline boat.
However, a friend of bis. Mr. Daniel
Harr;sos, of Godericb. telephoned to
3syiel4 none recently and found that
Mr. Boss bed reached Kettle Point in
safety but could learn no further de-
tails. It is thought that Mr. Roes bail
a,�p�� aesey and perhaps acrd con-
is making hie der
Lollies Aum it levy Manu
Seery regsat-
Lyric Theatre
Extra Attraction
Monday, Tuesday,
November 10, 11, 12
Court and Don
Two clever "Scotch
Comedians,' direct from
the Majestic Theatre, To-
A scream from start to
IIon't fail to hear thein.
Also Special Feature
Pictures during the week.
A first-class Pro-
gramme guaranteed each
You would appreciate one of thele t'ie"em,
It seta off the table and adds notch to the .tet
nes. of your tervice.
Anti then, to-,, some favorite viand when ser 4
from a dish like this acetas to h ler added flavor.
('orae in and pri, h' ui. Yom: will find that they
are u lung way. ft, t being as expenhive a, you
might imagine
Corner ('uilorne Street and Square
nrvUBTana -ZoBT [SLY
Ufa Sold t Pr Stock in Britain
by Fair Promises._
The fosses sustained by British In-
desios. as the result of the collapse
el the Delon IAfe Assurance Company
was taken up at the Government in-
vestlgatioa at Toronto into the affairs
a the defunct corporation. The cam-
paign of the Union life's brokers in
the United Kingdom in 1910 resulted
In disposing of stock to the value of
4785.000 by the use of a glowing pros=
pectus. Of We amount the greater
part will be a total lose to the In-
It was stated that when the inqulr}
Is resumed on November 17 evidence
of an important nature would be ad-
duced showing that the balance bad
found its way Into channels which
Mr. H. Penman Evan., the company's
president, will be called upon to ex-
Itis eictson of officers was the
prle pal business transacted by the
Ladies Auxiliary of Sr. George's
shore►. wtto met in the &today school
of that church on Mesday afternoon
last The °MMee.rs clefted were : —
Freeedest, We. J. B. Fotheriogbun ;
nee president. lite. H. W. Ball ;
serstsry-tress ser. lin. R. C. Hays.
WW1, K was the annual meeting of
the auxiliary, ao reports were pre -
seated bot will be given at the
asses) meeting of the Women's
Rebid. which embraces the auxiliary,
sad which will be held some lime next
taotatb. After the business of the
meeting bad been disposed of the
retiring salters served tea.
About Bl member. were present and
a pleasant and enjoyable •ftsrnoon
was gest. This year the auxiliary
ah;ppsd a lags bah of clothing 1n
(iordoe eebool in the diocese ot Qu-
Appelia. 8askasehewao.
Adm. as usual 10c -5c
Tkiads yiea l�►sri�t,ssZe
wear tM ra wrw Trv. Otte eesr.ar
ase hue emaal.N alas .n tr b
4eas,nr fes
D. A. > .15Wk. tiled
Ottawa's Bilingual Troubles
The proposal that French be taught
In the English-speaking schools of
Ottawa was given its quietus at a
special meeting of the ' board last
week. The question was referred to
flee Ilbetsh esetion of the board.
;which means that 1t will be dropped
galirety or adversely reported on.
11 7yysts.s lrreeiand and Armetroag
ilea* of the English trustees favored
Ole proposal, and two Peewit tree -
clew bald that the l ingllah section
should have control of its own schools.
Criticism Fair Firs Fighters
Judge Denton who conducted an in-
grsptiatttion Into the manapemeat of
IMM Tomato Fire Department, issued
ra deport severely criticising Chief
(aespon for failure to preserve
Smosp lne and for not maintaining a
gamer fling system for ofboial nor.
Megeedence. He also foetid that the
Maggetsaat kept no maps silvering
maw [suns, hydrants and .4m1ar
fttlprta<nt details pertaining to Are
Masan Bell Buried
The tumoral of the late Mason R. Bell,
well and popularly known here, who
died is Saskatoon about a week apo,
and whose madam_arrived here on
Mosdaf {set. took Pam from the reel -
dime of bis parents ova Girbri% road
to MaiNaed cemetery on Tuesday
afternnon. There was a lame number
of friends in attendance and the pro-
fusion of Moral tributes testified to the
high esteem iu which the der meed
was held. Huron lodge No.fhl.1.O.O.F.
turned out in a bodyand the funeral
was conducted uner their auspice..
The deceased was in his 36th year sed
had only left God.rich shout three
loars ego. Previous to this time he
ived with his parents herr. Until a
short time previous to his death be
was employed as a clerk in Ralph's
grocery store in Saskatoon where he
comauded the highest respect.
Mr. 13.11 was a Methodist in religion
and while here was & .ember of the
Vhite is street Methodist church.
Surviving hien .re his parent.. Mr.
atsdltw. P. B. Bell, and one sister.
K ra. W. B. Davison, of SI s.katoon.
The born were Metiers. Harry
iblerarde, Harvey Tiebborne. Walter
Moore. W. Millar. Robert Oraigio and
George MaeVieer. all embers of
H ersh lodge No. Sill
4e floral tribute. received treat
friends here and elm In the west wen
beautiful. A•nnag those who cassette.
toad were : Ladies' Aid of Victsria
street MetbodIM ebereb. spray ; ..-
pbyses. of Ralph's. Limited. b.ska-
'ooe. wreath t Meads in Hanley.
Saskatchewan, : Mr. and Mrs.
V. Yresasest. of ftsekaMew, ere.oa*t.
Discussed Public Health
A general endorsation of the: move-
wa st now under way for legtslative
Mina to prevent the pollution of all
aavlpbie water supplies was given
11y the Provincial representatives who
mot to conference at Ottawa on the
Invitation of Hon. J. D. Hamm to dis-
owns the questto.. As one step along
,this line the oonference passed a
Pessletlon urging the creation d a
Federal department of health.
—A amara la wrwel wealesd as
sad coals toe sat.riag a home 1a whisk
Mare lalliVISwee
a of Scows fever oey
ptieshelem et tle MOM
"Only Double Track. Rail-
way hefwern Tot onto and Mon-
treal. anal Tnrnnin and tuberprinci-
pal cities in rainda Alen Double
Track and Satin Ti wine between
Montreal and Chicago ; &leo be-
tween Onterio pointe. New York
and Phihtdelpbie, visa Niagara
Fell particular.. berth reservation., et+..
from Grad Trunk Agents, or wnt. C. R.
Horning. District Na•-euxar Agentroma
te, Ontario.
mono,r. Lawrence &
and Ticaett Arent', Town peiw�etuer
hosa 8.
Barge Cornwall Slake
Th. barge (:ornwa'l of the Montreal
Transportation Company was damaged
sodas down the Cornwall canal, and
afterwards sunk in 9ergia's Lob.
Bee carried 40,000 aeSbslb 41i- wissL
and will be a total is00... .--• - -- • -
Sad Flr. In Quebec
A Are in the dry goods store d
Darond Belanger & Co., Quahog.
,wrought damage to the extent et
11160,000 Le solely■ newspaper plant
was put out of commission by the
mty Takes a Rest
Premier sore has gone south ter
six weeks' rest. on tbs order of hia
physician. Hon. Oesd E. Foster 1s to
1M actlag Premier 1d kis absents.
Is made doubly enjoyable it, dur-
ing the reading, frequent
reference is made to
A box of our fine
They add to the romance I
B.lmotal Cato, .. .The Squire .
'now 194
Mn. Jeanie May Dalton who lees
tibatged with having poisoned her
neared. Rear Admiral Joeepk O.
1tls11m, was acquitted by a jury at
Manua. Masa
Nev. 1)r. A. Brun. Taytor of St -
Paula Presayt.rien Cbereb, Marts.,
sae of the !detest paid ministate l•
.Lyda, has bees stricken with throat
testable and will take a prolonged rest
le Dotage.
Tb• Deeming Howes, Lsaalagiose
sleet banding, wee damaged by ire
Sept week to the .:teat of as. thaw
rend dollars.
Two prlsoswrs Alt. Schaeffer sad
P. Mohan.* wtto escaped trots the
prion farm at Oasls& were r+eapta'M
attar tw.Mty+teor boars .t Ubart7.
ragas ma Roes carried Halle►
slectr% by -lows, per/slag to epsaa
re.Pe'tleatt 41.010 ahl $1I ISS.
1ht. (lard Trade habil* ole le at
St. C, tttraelsls w toe Wheal bIklit
gags were b.resd, lase W.OSK.
Lubbers sad
All la One.
Easy to put nu awe
take .4' PH welt --
Look well—weer web.
An [Maas for wNees
a.d tiller**.
bay tar. .edpsete.c.
yourself ...t fault,
forma whet., in..
All bed€3•