HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-6, Page 4THE I1IGNAL • ZODERTCH ONTARIO
WN1i 1J'3
bound or repaired,
gW . 6 es [swing
A T'A°YLf)i` e� r Teo n•
D -
E. W. F. GALLOP?, M. B.
Uous nal .1 see North sUs is eel
a.tl,,e yeasty .a.t, trpdid . Televises t:tLl.
'i'.kalaor t . Belem
steam�asig te.
rmai asw8 MMaI,
aide! Mists.
rarssies. McW�e.,ry. p
• ▪ U i'.. lirrite.. s� .. T to g psi �:disdoeimeaa.
BRILLMAN14. sNseeOMs. nseianite to
w ere • sae attWrea s sasses.. Boats.
Wreak. sed .anew otltwdna sells. eat. awe
W tart lo..tsi,atwg. bus Uiw Marta
. oat time as er Sem us Nears. Qa ..s
DK UCU1 UUp,T,,t iY8 a KILIA.Ittr--
wi.aee .t. the flaaltssas Ows4 gas. ear.
fart tt. led .t Lees ed
raISam 41110
U* umwyr L 0. J. 1:
TER. r.sls.r�.�y OAesa-
e.eihe. row s U_I..J.g�.YIPS Om be ..
LiiiitLiis GAIM W. Ld.A..16AkNeter ID hose at loweidi Sates.
1 AUt,•110611LIt
et elks will be Was et -
isms la Yrrnasttee selsam.ts tr.
2s)U 11(111 P&&LVATII rebel 1'u
/wb rWV Moa. Apo* M M. U. ccs
"ism. 'bantam. Manan .,n atestse, �a1.
W ld ROBait'AIOh.
bra: tee iwstratw.: 1000141. Chasmies W
as..nssa, LwowAva roar, swam saw
ITT . la. eight temesemee
yoitSrt utr taname an►xtleesu U.4
uws rte Mess sperm me ~its m et rev
oar ..e Si. Iaavta'emlwoat *few rte.
67tt1lU.Op llt'ZOAL Filth IN
.11 s G k •91 CS V. -Issas sea reMbd
vas gonsfaal.
Js. washy. sosile . s • 4.. Y.
I.an.. k M•Tveas.MP. V.
uss se. -T. . ,eas.. i *Be
a.times., M 5+Nlesea -MaeK
Jails Woo. rtst;
nrtwes, sorwwaim.
asst.. J. W. Yaw astmwr�i i } fjitAt\
s . t .. e L . wawa. clemeey, esasana ;
. Pall
'- 5-1 e
rte soar mem ems esseella Mee **
J. m•srw.ek. CMtai.g ieme.t.dasse.
o...it . Si..ae•r .a.aea . •nee. Welber"..
MAslIAes sits
uutseltiCrl, t►ItT.
trstc CR 111 MAta6AQi e'
Basun PAZ la
y Lo M4 oa swims visor.
gsrtm. use bow vine;
+baa. wenememem awl
6%▪ e itm . 8 -i pwMte.
loth Quick FFrmawawt areas*
if you are ,terser tired oat.
Imo take .. ewla/.hei» so Mitimium
e at hose same evtioa.ee
lay sear }lad ions
tee to res the opaid p atb.
It adds, fat u giver eatisfaetiea.
Nom She osteons
systtowitmet sea .884 Ones
quiet and per -
ON hdud* a boatls.
Manu arta by Ma.1.eod Medicine
Co.. Moder k. Ont. for maim by K. R
W Sit
De ss
phey Bros.
hogs. aist• lay.
IN A I krnsI1 Mink,
Mbar Dors et Work Hope Ahem-
►ao-dosed ef 'ladles More of
the Mee Ally*
After days of heroic relief works
i kept of rescuing more men alive
IBM the Universal Colliery at Ben -
1360•74d. near Cardiff, Wales, was
gkaadooed and the authorities were
forced to admit that of the 940 Hien
and boys who entered the ohne. 434
lost their lives as a result of the ex -
Mouton which wrecked It last week.
The disaster is the most terrible In
the annals of South Wales, which is
recognised as the most dangerously
fatal of all :Iritish coal 'fields. Most
of the victims of the disaster were
entombed in passages which were ut-
terly unapproachable, there being a
mile of underground ga ries in wblcb
IIrs raged petweon them and the res -
CW patties. ---
4a well as can be estimated, 372
bodes are still In the mine. This
bomber, with the fifty-one bodfis
brought up and rile four deaths after
rescue and the bankstnan and rescuer
killed. brings the total of victims to
434. Th. force of the explosion com-
pletely wrecked the winding machin-
ery at the main shaft, and It was
some time before rescue parties.
wearing protective appitaaoss, were
able to descend to make investigation.
When this was possible it was dis-
covered that tare had followed the ex-
plosion and that the workings of the
°ornery were reeking with deadly
after -damp. In ■pate of this formid-
able obatacie. however, the rescue
partes made descent after descent,
ted succeeded to sending nearly eve
kuadred of the miners to the surface.
gassy of them unconscious from effects
d the polsonov. gas. 'nerst.d by
the explosion. Fire follows* .."'ch
glade rescue w••:i imy.=•tole exoept
for those wowing oxygen pel...•ca, and
even with these appliances It was al -
Most impossible to accomplish any-
thing owing to the terrible heat.
Magnificent Gifts Showered Upon
P: ince Arthur and Hie bride
BABY sor
Mrs. Beck's Fondest Hopes
RMliaed-Health, Hap -
phases and Baby.
Upper Lahave, N. 8., Can., -"I wish
to thank you for the base& I received
Plakhem a Vegeta-
ble Compound f or
fetes* troubles
from which I was a
gest patient, so
that I was com-
pletely run down le
health. Other med-
icine did not help
me, but Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
pound made
me well and strong.t41 of=have a big,
hearty baby boy, and praise your medi-
cine for the wonderful lot of good it has
Moe me." - Mrs. latest. Bea, Jtt,
Upper Labave, Luneburg Co., N. 3.,
The darkest days of husband and wife
are when they come to look forward to
a childless and lonely old age.
Many a wife has found herself inca-
pable of motherhood owing to some de-
rangement of the feminine system,
often curable by the proper remedies.
In many bones once duldl.se there
are cow children because of the fact
that Lyda E. Pinkbaen's Vegetable
Compound makes women normal.
It you have the slightest doubt
that Lydia F Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound will help you.wr•ite
to Lydia E.Pinkka_ JedlclneCo.
(contkfentiall Ly>.n.Mass., for ad-
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict conildesoe. 3
110110& ROt•1.--IIO8M t.
Prince Arthur of Connaught. sen of 1 Oct. 11.3,Garni
raar G. fielder 97,
the Duke of Connaught and Princess } Atldub 7 J. Hods lid L John•trn (7,
Alexandra Victoria Duchess of Fite, ! J. Aemits 86. A. rad( 86, E. Bropb]
84. J. Mseliwan 114• E. McArthur 1M
eldest daughter of the widowed Pria- it Pr,dhatn Oa, 0 O'Connor 81, G.
time* Royal, Louise, w.re made man Porter 78. N. Hohrrts 77. '1'. Rose 77,
sad wife in the ancient Chapel of 81 ; 1. Cutt 74.
Mimi Palace. where both of them PORN It. -
had bean baptised. Qct. 4l18. History -O. McKenzie 62. I .
Fanner,' Market
Following are the latest quotatloos
for tare produce at Ht. Lawrence
Market. Toronto: -
Pall wheat, Mattel $ .16 to 9 40
Barley .60
. N
Peas .80 .00
Oats . $11 .40
Rye .63 .00
Buckwheat .61 .63
Walks, No. 1 7.76 1.00
ALlke, No. 3 4.60 7. W
Alalke, No. 3
New hay ton........ 11
Hay, mixed 14.00 14.00
traw, bundled 13.00
Straw, loose 9.00
Potatoes. per bag .80
Apples, per barrel 2.26
Butter, farmers' dairy,30
itggs, new laid, dot.46
Tartars. dressed, ib.24
Crosse. lb. .. .14
Decks, spring, ib .1t
Spring chickens, Ib.18
Spring chickens, alive.13
Fowl, Ib. .13
Beef, forequarters cwt9.00
Beef, bindquart'a, cwt13.00
Beef, choice sides, ewL11.00
Beef, medium. cwt9.00
Boat common, cwt8.60
Mutton. cwtt. 9.00
Veale. cwt. 12.00
Dreamed hop, cwt.. ... 12.51)
Spring lambs, cwt,13.00
Tomato Cattle Market.
Representative prime are: -
Butchers. cbolce .......37.30 to 37.60
do. good 4.50 7.00
4o. medium •.;,4.00 4.40
do. common 4.90 6.86
Butcher cows, choice6.90 4.36
do. medium 4.76 6.76
10. common 3.95 4.46
Butchers bulls, choice6.10 6.00
do. medium 4.40 6.00
Feeders 6.26 4.75
Stockers, cholas . 6.00 4.00
do. medium ........ 4.26 1.00
I do. light 3.75 4.26
Canners • 2.60 3.60
' Milkers, choice, each. 66.00 90.00
l do. com. and glsd40.00 70.00
Springers 60.00 86.00
Calves, veal 1.00 10.00
do. rough 4.26 6.66
Sheep, ewes, light 6.26 5.66
do. heavy 4.60 4.71
do. bucks 3.60 4.25
da culls 2.00 3.00
Ianbe. choice ... 7.26 7.66
do. bucks. 76c„lower per bead
. Hop, weighed off cars .. 9.10 0.00
Hop, fed and watered.. 8.85 0.00
Sags, f.o.b. 8.60 0.00
des King George, queen Mary, A. McLean 911, M. Grwba.a 811, C. M. •
Queen -mother Alexandra, the King H.bkirk 78, L. Wagner 77. A. Me -1
sad Queen of Norway, and other Keorws 76. G. Newton 73.
Royal relatives of the couple to the
somber of a score or more, the coo- cxmwtlrtRtaC1AL FORM
gregstlon consisted of members of 001.28. Ste rogrepby--A. Cos W. G.
the diplomatic corps, of the British l''e11. 1I• •H. Neelts"1411' 90. F.
Cabinet,and of the -loyal households, Ha•ebler tae W. Sutherland 8;. w.
and of a few distinguished persons
who had been especially honored.
Lord and Lady Strathcona and
Mount Royal and Lord and Lady-
adyMount Stephen were rtong the very
Saw to whom invitations had bee*
Premier es Coast Province States His
Case in England
Sir Richard McBride, Premier of
British Columbia, has Imposed on 81r
Edward Grey. British Secretary 0f
State for Foreign Affairs. the task of
recescliing Great BMtaln's pro-Japao-
sae proclivities alt► Hritlsh Cola
Nis determination -to enforce Its de-
cision to exclude Asiatics from Its
The Japanese Government has boon
beisteatly protesting against the at -
Made taken up la Canada. Th. object
d Bir Richard McRrrd. 's visit to Lon-
dom was to Impress the Foreign Office
with the fart thit British Columbia's
determination Is Irrevocable. and to
obtain the support of the imperial
Government for Its settee. Ha 1s now
ea the way home after leaving Blr
Steward Grey to and a way out of the
Pester Brother of Murdered Girl Pewee
[Had In Old hi hoe
1'le tragic d•atb of Mies gala hank
liwbleb cepa red in hulas tewnaktp uar-
yy $ month.go. bah .i'reballet by
the S'adlag of Use body 0f her $deplad
bream. Edward Freak. in ea .1.. -
domed Was sear Mabe Maim Os
the day of the tragedy the two were
st bens alma and woes the
returned In the eve stag the girl wee
tMuad deed with a bdMt venal la her
heart. The lad was ealseiki- mad by
assay be was sospsetet of bevieg sem-
WSW the ethos. An lager** ell le
1MM to deterslw hew he melt W
M7e/wy Ilhip Seem ON
A asve1V lays way of battleeldes.
Hs Quos /IiMtk. marrying am M.
imam arasae.t aN setae atl to-
1 as d et semi ter her elMJve power,
vas latemmbd at Psrtaam.tk Feat week
lbw tb. British Navysbe0M the ell
Peel prove swceeastai all large watt
ships et the Britieb Nhvy will a Its
tare am ft.
The sew veiled Y el as 4:.ldrefy
fresh type gad the Mee& et her
semetr..we have ler fast seem.
Rates Per Aural Psi*wu Curs
The Pe.tmeinsPOenwsl. Hen. L P.
Pelletier. with the aggrieved of the
Ooversoeet ksa da' k. *memo
tom 4algloss matinee d rural pseb.
treat :dw1Mper year. The
%wase- writ sleet several throated
new 3 J'L1aagA la all pteA e#
Mr.. J. iL POW Millie desist of
18rwemrpMa, w*ll M lbs Osu.rrwr, -
1 slaedard ower Ur rhe brosal Mks
Ib Pant.
McDonald 16. L. Ansi ret tits. B. B.11 77.
.Oct. 27. Bookkeeping P. Baorbier
NI. W. Mrposald iA A. Ctrs 94. L.
Austin 811, J. Hurley 83. R. Suther-
land 76.
7'0887. 111. w
British Hist.Ky-H. E Walters
W. Galt 79: H: Wait well 7t.
PORII 111. A
Oct. 29. Lite' •tuts --M. (7'.ark //, K.
Pollock 86. r. Johnston IM. 1. Cassia
81. 0. G. Maeewen en. C. Mies 78, M.
Glamor 7A, M. Ryan 76. M. R•dwsowd
76, h. Beacom 76, P. Demean 76, J.
Gervey 75, ti. Wilke. 76.
Oct. 27. Allpbre-N. Ral.i«io 93.
roan I'... Pair" t.
Oer. 3!. Literature -M. 1. Tris, gni. F
Smith 913. H. H. Mae Kay (Mv A. L
Wilk k Rt.
(Jet. 2'7. Tr:tr.nnwetsy-M. 1. T.
OU. P. Rsuith µl
m/01 IV.. PART 11.
Orr, 27, (:•rtnan-H. Pridh.m 86.
C. at. ('lark 7++.
Oct. 27. Mn,«t..l.'ar- J. McClinton
Ort. 200. R,nl.•gt' - N Pridharu gg. J.
MiChntnn Is'. (' M 1 hat k 7b.
The .tan.fingof the pupils of RR.
No :t, lad•'.'tne. f. r the monllir of!
Oet..trr ini l.. w - :-
Senior Fourth -Rosa• Lwin. R. Ye.
Poe, A. Shield.. R (uilins, %. Hans-
a l too.
Jnniow Fnu•lh Mari. Wat+rn•, V.
t Mambos. K. Levy, E. Jones. L Rat -
Soni, r lied -W. Howatt. C Hans.
',throat. tit. Ntlsingt^n.
H•rde. G. Yours. R. MrPMe
Jnador T ri A-0. Hawtll'on, J. Levy.
J. TNaa. P. 5hl• Id., A. JoeyR
Seder Raerwed-k. Hamilton. U.
I Haat... N. SUMN•. R• MEW Sawn.
roJunir 5...s.d-W. Clark. G. Oswalt,
M. Grant.
Part II -V. awranlee. V. Wll.on.
R. Orsst. T Ye aghlet. E. incr..
*sloe Part I. -CC lone. W. Tama.
J. Hardy.
feeler Tart 8.- A. Yos.g, 0
Toaeg, V. Hawlflten. O. Hardy.
I R BARxny, Teacher.
I. 14
Toronto Grain Prions
The following wholesale prices are
quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade:
Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Nor., 896;
No. 2 Nor., 87c.
Manitoba Oata-No. 2 C. W.'.. 39c;
No. 3 C. W -'s. 3754c.
Ontario N'heat-No. 2 winter, 80c to
12c. outside
Ontario Oats --32c to 33c, outside;
34c to 37c, track. Toronto.
Corn -No 2 yellow, 78e, c.l f., bay
Peas -No 2. 98c to 11, car lots.
Buckwheat -No. 2. 62c to 65c, out
TS VS *MAT. Nov. 0, 19111 Is
z -
At no other time of the season will we have a better choice of the
faiNew:Cloakings than right now. The higher priced line comes in individ-
ual coat lengths. Amongst the most favored materials are Boucles,
Matales, Diagonals and Reversible Tweed, ranging in price from $1,25
to X3.00 per yard.
Always re popular seller - our
beery weight Sorge roofings for chit-
Won's and ladies amort Coats. Navy.
taro cadet, cardinal, scarlet, 58 inches
wile, per yard $1.50
Blanket Cloth
Our Blanket Cloth for children's
coats, etc , is the beet value in the
trade, in all Wading colors, 58 inches
wide, at per yard $1.45
New Sweater Coats and Knitted Goods
A largo shipment of "Monarch" Knitted Goods just to hand. Ladies' knitted coats in all
the wanted coloriogs in almost every style that is muds. You are sure of satisfaction in buy-
ingour Sweater coat at The Scot_h Store because we have the largest and hest &motted
stock in the district
Ladies' Sweater ('oats at each $1.50, *4.00. *M•45. *2.r1i0, *4.75 to .. 1110.800
Ladles' Knitted Wool Underskirts, made from test yarn, all colors. These aro splendid
value, each..... * .6
Ladies' fedi( ed Scarfs in all styles.
Children's Knitted Coats
The best valuer, the hest styles. the largest stork of Chiidron'. and Mimes' Knitted Cosis
in all colors. High or low peeks in a style to suit all tastes, from each ..........,........., .*1.00
Fpecial line in Boy.' Knitted Sweaters. Extra heavy quality In cardinal and navy.
According to sire. from Soo W 756'
Children's Scbool Mute and Toque. in endless variety.
Special values in Children'. Smart Winter (oats, an exceptiobally large cooler to select
from. To suit ago. from this. years to fourteen years, from *6.50 to.... ., .$10.00
Special line Children. Hudson Hay ('-oat•, navy blue, trimmed with teed Hood and flash.
a very comfortable Coat for the little ones. To suit ages three yuan, four years and 8..
year'*, each 116Am
GitIs' Hodson Bay Coats as above, to fit ages six years to twelve year', at each $7.50
Perrin's Gloves
Kayser Gloves Turnbull's Cee Tee Underwear
P. and C. Corsets ' W. B. Corsets
McCall's Patterns and Publications.
� � Millar's Scotch Store Phi56
Epworth League of Norm Street is a I
?*sighing Condition
side. Perhaps one of the organ'swliors
whirls is doom more good in its war
Rye No. 2. 14c to 46c• outside. to keeping young poor& ,,f the chu. ch
Barley -For good malting barley. together than any other body in town
E8c to 69c. outside. feed, 48c to 49e. is IS& Krwnrth 1/'rytu- of tri North
t outside .treet Methodist church. kt'hiI.. p•r•
Rolled osts--Per bag of 90 pounds, Nape, the rnemhrrvhip is not as large
33.35. In smaller lots, 92.30 per bar- ascou'd be wished. yett;tet litt:e hod•
rel; 34.96 per barrel. wholesale, Wind. Is not "hiding its Tight tinder a bu.h.l"
sor to Montreal. but potting it tat a candlestick and tt
Mltlfwed-Manitoba bran, 111 to 833; is giving as marb bgbt as rvs,ld 1'e ws-
bmes. track. Toronto: sheets. 824 to peeled. Th. lift* hand. which was
Tactically organised Mr years ago, lo
637 nm
memhwhip of something over 9l,
' v, ., $22 to •.. ...le.,
aborts. 124 to 826: middlings. 134 to
kept together •rid now he •
'lire league wsieted prevbtas to MA.
but was in a disorganised state. when
Rev H. 9. Donegal), Ph.D., now of S•.
Thomas, took pp the work of re-
organisation. and really It• •undo-
ti,.n rosy t.e laidupow the ahosklers of
tLi• minister
Th. r,lllrwrs of the eagle. arr.rgw
r.rogr•awrnw and at .resting held
•ash week some impieties* to
the bairn• rrr IM eoh0011101ty is takes
i op and a rwwlitwM a dries* is held
neer the sohjee•t leader eoesNssu4iss.
The fifth anniversary was aelshraisd
i two wowbs last tMstd*y. when ods
peopri.te services were held In the
ek.rei in howrw of the ,. ce.4e.a and
flew. 1. R. Hont•r, of Dungeness.
ei lesssd the gluing motto.
The Monroe 1. divided into eous-
w,lttees and ib. officers Int the nett
iia. etsgatha. _ PAIR.. Aprk , pre.- or
*lbws : -
Honorary president, Rev. W. K.
Mager, B.A. ; president. Mies Vietaia
Mtt+oes : inn •i*. -pro d.ii'. Mi. A.
M 194►bwrtans t second viorpr.eidewt.
Miss finely Allis ; Ibird vice-presldest.
Mie. K (r.iborw.: fndrth sie'sprwef-
ds.r, air R. Pritchard : pianist. Miss
E. M.Oarteey t aaaistaat pianist. Mier
Last &Male Cattle
Cattl.---Prjme stovers. 38 40 to 88.00;
shipping. 87 60 to MIS; hoteliers,
17 to 83.34: cows. 83.36 to 11.10; bells.
84 76 to 86.76; betters. 94.40 to 87.21.
stock betters, 14.76 to $1.211; stockers
toad feeders. 1100 to 17: frail, mows
8840 sprlagen steady. 334 to 890
Veale---MaO•e eal•es, M to 311.60,
Canada salves, 43.10 to M.M.
Hogs --Heavy. 11.31. a few 88 46;
mixed. 35.76; porters. 37.71 eo 1124;
pips, 37.41 to 37 76; ewgfe, $7 4e t4
17JN, stags. 9610 to 37111; dalrles,
M is tali
Step .ad lamb-taabs. 86.10 to
000: /ea.rtlaP. 1410 w 114.76; wet/k-
N.71 to U. rwea, 3310 to 94.41;
r!e� 'lewd• '4 10 t. 34. . _
Coale et Mowarsat
hallo lag are Use West q etatlw
ea is.. sleek at the West 144 Market,
Prose beeves. 7e to 7%c; tmm,odlu-,
Ile ea 6%e; eoaglea, l%e to le; tau
bgetmora. le to 911 s; Mita. 3%. to
l%.; abehws, 4. Is t%.
(Moes. 814e to INN; ens, 1c.
Sheep. 4e w 4145.
lambs, 4 ib••
sage. 9 %e to 915.1.
Cih.s. Llae.b.i
dale --Bares.. M.M t. 30.70; Tema
_Rasa M.K tot P• O; .beams es.d
M1..s. M M 9'iJS: e.ws .0A.s.
maiu 14.18: �t•sg, N M
SASS to t10.N.
111l00'-• L t. "FAO al N.1/: abed
97.46 b MIA; bray, $1.46 le pug;
1111111►. 17.44 t. 11.4S: pies. 1416 to
PAC W184 of salsa. errs to sR.ls.
•w.g•-41 tt,s. 34 a 1s; 7eaitf.ge,
111 la M: baba. meths, M be 17.14,
Carnes IMawkels
Perth ---666 bass el white theme
eked 110 maws' hearted. Renee
gol plea 111%00
iritis.• -Toe bsMM sad twe.tF
WI hosts 4tard; se saki; *deanarm 134
ttw tiwtll;s traiair w'7t4' 1 WNarrewa, N.T.--Cheese salsa.
Ifni m 1 4.606 lease at 14%6,
a..s. r stair .r�.ar
Qi mats ern, oar E1.erd Warne flevereassst Mea
• (la es amsst u reapa
d la the mend eleettee
eau !. $_01Uss- -1
A sea b* olio berated* Dal Soot
Poonawarner. Sir aakart and Lady os.
Lama Elliott.
Committees : Prayer -meet log -Mr.
A M. Nobrrisoe. eoovenrr : Rev. W.
80. Hagar. R A , Mies Vietcrlr Miner.,
Mr. Walter Hera. Silo Berths Barrie :
Lookout- Mir Marjoriw Aitken. eon-
*ger 1 Mia Vienne* Minora, Mies
Evelyn M•Oartney. Miro Rud« Allis,
911.. Jess* Vargnts, )1r. Roast
Pritekwi d ; Mle.ir+ttwy sued Trs�re.
setae-- Mise Stade AUtn, ton•ee .r : 111w
Annie Deeldeas, Xie. flee%
Mise Retry Material. )Ir. E. PritchMS t
Literary and 5uelesl-)Ilea Nath.
Oolbnrmw, ens•ewer : MMsem E.afy.
Me(srtwey, Laws Elliott. Pearl=��t�Eehsl
beth. Earwig. Masi *recess.
Weaves : 8rteial-Mho 9reee IMMR•
fess.s9n....r ; Mimes ld*h61 Oberman,
Ilkaaha Hem Swish armee.+, nor -
ewes Wouilau. Lanka Oi'sHwnMrr.
Delis *.paw 1 011hweehl.-Mr. N T.
Agt*er. .Mer oar 1 Sir. Waiver 0.r,,
MOM Ogee a Herten.. Marjorie
Aitken, Itiios a Mason.
I'-� ♦ "1 • "g"s.t amp�prsai M
M w. aerktlR �A/gr. of Mers 14 tw11f1s•
ly. M was sheaves d
ea the �.Mbj table et a ilk
glaahkr, when a dens was th.An
but tot ey8wior, atebb10 Moa ,
we1t le fearctl w
d the lej6astla
You Get Bilious
*' Beedhuse Your Over i. Lally
You get a onions attack when your liver refuses to do Ito
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