HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-6, Page 3• T vu.lt•au. Nev. f► 1111.
Whooping Cough
Ilrtllwwt asses MOM Its
eswssaarr. ,w
• M.r4. et.. sod .ikon. •.sonar Oar brew
rue a.eM.. .e.l.y rivet theraeMevrMre
w ere who ee•s••vame •r whew tye.eM W Mame,
.e•weee . Ger er aria 111. ■ BOON le weletere
tee. .tear. Tee ••••741111 Sloe as---jtavamw.
.. •relies .nae lower beet► ache areetetas met :
...ter tri ries Weer* mad awe Y..e..tA•meriy
.-.Wel •.crewa hie a...rwe te write wise
roes. eadere.. Sed /metal ter ..awned.. boatla.
ALL 00110SIST $.
TT.rr, CegsOL000 F
1 OL*T$ kola..rr.a•t.e
s. May ....,..re..
• .ca,.a W
4 r•,•••••a, OM .t -
...a •
Vapl. Cee•0i•as C..
at Goths" et, S.T.
Lamont sow &mono
n.eemes. C..
That when you put a
salve onto your child's skin,
It passes through the pores
and enters the blood, just
as surely as if you put it
inti the child's stomach ?
You would not put a
coarac mass of animal fat,
colored by various mineral
pelmets (such u many
crude salves are) into your
child's blood by way of the
stomach ? Then why do
so by way of the poxes?
Tabs as risk. Um always the
peas herbal assocs. provided is
ZaasBuk. manias
se h•m of any animal ell or fat,
and so penman mineral coLor-
1n matter. From start to finish
. L purely berbaL
It will teal softs, elk n, absc-
srs, srwplaoos, varicoc sl:•t+a.
ta+ks. burns and bruises m_n
qul;kly than any otter k. own
preps rat -on. It b a -U ept1C,
quickly stops the smartl .1 of •
a at w Cul. Cures pIl s, (tfamid
sore. and b'oo.. poSrw.n , It .s a
combine Ion of healing puwtraad
scum, se purity. Ask those who
have prov.d 1..
• n ....re. sad Marr los lee or
r... e.. C... rore,w, Nr pro..
Rest Scranton Hard
goal -all sizes.
�-Lannel Coal for open
grates- -the highe't
quality of Coal that
can be bought for
the purpose.
Empire Dome s t i c
Lump Coal - most
satisfactory Soft Coal
for ranges, box stoves
and fireplaces.
Standard Chestnut
and Furnace Coke.
All kinds of Hard-
wood and Kindling.
Peter MacEwan Estate
Tdsoboee N
A. lt. BRAD W IN
Teta published Thursday
trona. ■ti71eta1 North
Street. Ondrricb OazNn. sol
$Uanatertux Muria
Oa.I and flR!
Cent. perear: U paid alrlotty fa vten a On
Dollar will be eooepted : to ea In the
(nited Staten the rate Y Use Whit and Fifty
Coats .trletly to advance. "shorthorn. wbo
tall to reeelve Tam tltuxat te.akarIy by frail
wattmeter a favor by acissolothis for publish
et of the tact at read dateaspe. Ws
• change of drel. • possible. Wisesdeelmd, both eta end
the new address should boatman. Remlttaoc.m
may be made by blink draft, s:/gen+ mosey
order. po.tamee order. or registered letter.
Subscriptions rimy oommenoe at any lines
ADvgaT•1NO Tarter*. -Rates for display and
contract advertisements will be given o* spoil
cation. Legal and other .Imllar.4settlements,
ten Dente par lire for Got Insertion and four
mein per line for each subsequent lneert/an.
Lra..0 red by • rotate of solid nomp*reil t moire
lines to an Inch. liu.lpe.. o*rd• of els lime
and under. Vire lwdlar, per year AdverU.e-
weet. of low. Fouod. Strayed. Situation.
Vacant. Situation. Wanted. Hauer. for Sale or
10 Hent. 'term. for Sale or to Root, Article.
for Kale. etc., not exceeding sight lln•e. Tweet)
five fent. each In.ertlon : Ons Donor for Gro
moons. Fifty I'cant . for .aebeubseoueft month.
Larger advertisement. In proportion. An
noune.meot. In ordinary roadInd type, Ten
tent. par line. No notice ler than Twent7•
IIve Cents. Any epode' notice. the object of
which la the pecuniary beoedt of any lndhid
u.l or a..00fatloo. to be oon.lderOd an ad ver
tl-.•ment and Mounted accordingly.
To Coagmei�grltmocarTw.-This re operation of
our .nb✓-riber. and reader., to rordtally invlt-
e.ionward.making Tii $Jose Al. n,. oakl1 mooed
of all tonal. county and d'tAttic( doing.. No none
monteation will be attended to vole... it 0011-
taln. the n•mr and nddrens of the writer. net
nere..aril> for publication. but se
• an vidence
roach THE
Ia mind Siios 1. foatre notaaterems thane Weednenda7 nam
or earn week.
THI RSI)AY. NOVEMBER thru, 1912.
Literalism and reciprocity still live
in Ontario. This was shown in the
bye -election held in South Bruce on
Thursday Inst.
At the general elections in 11111 the
Conservative candidate. Mr. J. J. Don-
nelly. bad a majority of 11X3 and at tbe
previous general elections his majority
was hilt. During the past gummier he
was appointed to the senate. This
appointment was the cause of the bye -
election. the candidates being Mr. R
E. Truax for the Liberals and Mr. W.
D. Oargill (son of a former member for
the riding) for the Co lives. Yr
Truax won, his majority being 12i.
The result in South Bruce and
tb sresult in the recent bye -election in
East Middlesex. when a majority of
71(J was reduced to a little over :apt
give heart and encouragement to
Liberals everywhere. Both bye -elec-
tions were fought on the reciprocity
and naval issues and the verdict in
each constituency was a pronounce-
ment strongly against the H)rder.
In the South Bruce contest every
effort was made to hold the riding for
the government. More than half of
the Borden cabinet took pan in the
campaign and held meetings every
night for several weeks The well-
known Bob Rogers gum oboe brigade
were also there The cabinet argu-
ments were not arguments. nor prin-
ciples. and tbe "gum" returned to stick.
A reaction against the Rorden govern-
ment bas set in and from now on they
will he connpelled to fight for their
political lives
A few .pore victoriea like '4 -tub
Bruce and Canada will soon have
reciprocity and a Canadian eat y built
by Canadians and manned by C.n.-
(" .I. the Hon. Sam. Hughes and hew
party of twenty-three officers. a Icor+
or more of ladies, a brace of lady
secretaries and other attendants. have
returned from theft invasion of
I'.urope The expenses of the tour far
exceed Cot. Hughes' famous SPOON/
epeeist train jaunt strove the c)nt-
neat with Lien. Sir Ian Hamilton The
results seem to have been pleasant for
these military -Innocenti Abroad.'
Col. Hughes went to (iermeny and
found a kindly feeling towards Caned•
and much more amicable ere aliments to
wards Great Br 1' Bio. He aloe d .^overed -
that in Great Britain considerable
intermit was taken in Canada. H. was
asked to preside, in full uniform, at •
dinner. and was treated quite nicely
hy • number of dukes and ether tril-
lent personages Attended hy his
"brilliant stats' be *leo visited various
mann.1erre In such ronntriea u offer
the most interesting tourist advant-
ages Wherever they went, the gold
plated brigade was properly tbrbisbed
up to ev.Ilect the glory of Canada sed
her war minister. There can he little
doubt that the chancelleries of Errops
have hewn Impressed by this peaceful
bot glittering d.nsonetr•tion of Oaa-
&da'. glory.
From the Canadian termer . point
of view the d.moeetratioe does sot
work out so eatrtaetorily. BOM*.
his trip across the er*sti.elet with Ges.
Hamilton sed a numbed of favored
friends. this circus /helde seoeed
s.,ope with hes sparkling rami, and
f ma). 'steerage &.d other little
jaer•• CoI. Sass Hughes. as Cassia's
wa "'latae, has travelled over stow
en, I toe sow ..d hes meet well
o• 1(10.000 on three tiilsly veiled
pl.. . e trips.
Toe ordleary farmer with 100 acres
of land does as seesaw a preen of
more them Mm a year. thil. Keens
has "blows In" the anneal resift of
SOS terms en his saves r woman
&vary press of whose la de-
b& wagtail .@t •*13.d 50 ..mm. a
bushel. Canadian tarwsss heti W
to grow some 1IO,M) bushels of when
this year te pay foe 081. Heigebes'
spectacular extravagance.
Thri net visible result 0f it all, apart
from perilous) s.joymeat. le a repuri
from Geo. Hamilton resossnesdieg
the purchase of *Gorgeous amounts of
muoitions of war, a large iuceeass of
Canada'. military army and the *st-
rolling of every man in Canada foe
emergency calls : also souse fa ley
pictures of Geo. Hamilton at a picnic
of the Tcronto Tories, wearing a bugs
Conservatie• badge : "Borders and
our empire."
No doubt Col. Hugbee ha. enjoyed a
pleasant ►unarm. 1.1 the result worth
the price to the farmer who pays I
The salient features of the bye•
election in Peel for rhe Ontario legis-
lature, held on Mcaday of this week
were Brampton, an iatportrnt town
which swung into tbe Liberal column,
with a Conservative majority of 130
turned into a Lihernl majority of 21
and ('binguacouey, • township that
changed trona • C'oo•ervativR majority
of 3t to a Liberal majority of 101. At
the last general elections Peel gave
Conservative majority of 710 mad cin
Monday this waa reduced to 37S.
Mr. A H. Milner was the Liberal
candidate and Mr J. H Rallis repre-
sented the Conservative. The result
in a d. -coded encouragement to the
Liberal party. and coming as It does
oo the heels of the Scutt) Bruce victory
strengthens the growing opinion that
Ontario is becoming • Liberal prov-
ince again
The vote in Brampton is most sig-
nificant It was here that the hottest
tight ( the campaign was waged.
Hon W. J. Hanna and Hun. W. H.
Hearst, hacled by the Conservative
organization, strove to increase the
Conservative majority in tbe town.
Instead of that the Cuo.erv*tive ma-
jority was wiped out and the Liberal
majority substituted. Tb. r.•.u1t [*-
fleets great credit on the Liberal can-
didate, who evidently received the
support of a large number of ("miser -
Canada is suppo.ed to have a demo-
rati•- government that is • govern-
nsent by tb. /.opt* for the people.
For fifteen years previous to 1911 it
bad that_ ('oder the regime of Mr.
R L rden, every po•slble effort has
been utreetad towards s.erlring gov-
ernment by government for the gov-
ernment by securing coatrol of the
expenditures withoot re.poosibility to
in his Naval Aid hill Mr. Hordes
demanded • vote of e.96,901),(10) to be
spent by tb• govsrnas.ot when and
where it pleased darieg • term of
years -a practice abandoned two buo-
dred years ago i0 Eastland.
By the Agricultural Aid bill the gov•
_retirees( secured unfettered eowtrol a
iiimuou,ttoo to be expended during the
term of ten years
By tan twip. rejected Highways Aid
hill tbnt government asked for another
fltl,t ottuisI, to be expended as it p1.•s-
.d on highways throughout the coun-
Isv.n wiJer and mere irr.apo.sible
powers were asked by theGov.r.•nect
Railway Branch Lines bill. Had this
bill passed, tb.guvern...ut mutt bsve
Israel icall y bought or built as, y branch
Zine for the Int.ra.lonial it pleased.
without the leave or control of parlia-
The same iot.ntion is apparent i0
wavy mtoor measures. Had it not
been for the Liberal opposition in the
commons and senate. the Borden gov•
ernbi.et would have secured control
of as massy millfoes as 11 wanted, to
he .p.o' wherever the iateresta of
Ilon Robert Rogers, the "minister of
elections.- domande!. It is 001 Mat -
prisms that the Bord.n•Rogore outAt
demanded the closure to aid the gov-
.reseot in its attempt to secure en -
preen, P,w.r.
In • recent issue the Oaoadian Miller
of Moetreal say. editorially :-Aa in
all matters affecting trade and tariffs.
opinions as to what is beet diger very
widely and this particular ease is so
uzr.ptiom to the general rule. W. ors
teethed to the belief that Canadian
millers have nothing to fear from the
removal of the present duties on what
and flour. Canada grows the Saes
milling wheat Is the world. We have
ample water power. natural gas, sad
a. eompeteet aged cable milling taen
w are to is fouled south of UM border.
It le h..onabie to souse then Roue.
mills tossed aiseg0Ya their row
tutorial apaa wwfutsre sure elm*.
ly than mills which are forme to hard
their raw products • e selderleiM dl♦
tame* mid thea .hep out their Mer. A
parallel Las. 1. fowled Is eoweeseloa
with the pales sled taper hjwseay. Is
thin chatter Maeda posamme4 the pulp
ass, ahusdant water supply sad a
plentiful empty .f worn ss. U01s 4
Busts paper mss bead tine ear
araalli.a...p.ldosse wad mod*
WOO mane _ p1 thea Whey wow rhes
t� Inti ewtrg " tae pret;imlty of Stet
Oa.adias mills to the caw ma4eaMa
They toned it to be 1as.h cheaper to
. up est the $.i.hsd peadast than he
peg ihalshs sae... btu p.apeuI
hessibi hoes Quebec forests to paps
i he the Upend States. Another
ushers why Dwells millers have
• ethlse to tear is towed in the tact
that try they •wholly siespete
with Molted Sepias millers is foreign
markets.y reset their Dotted
tastes cosmpetitore in /loath Africa.
the West ladies. In Newfoundland sad
other places and that they are swore*
NI le shown by the fact that Canadian
•sport. of Sour into these countries
are oontiuually on the increaser and
are largely replacing United State.
flour. There is also the fact that the
United States is becoming more and
more of an importing country sod ex-
ports less year hy year. While it is
true that ibis may be partially over-
coats by inteasive cultivation and the
iocream in the crop produced, there
can be oo doubt but that the United
States people will shortly become an
importing Ochoa. This opens a hew
an important market to the Canadian
miller. 1Veventure the prediction that
in a *bort time the energy, foresight
and enterpt-lae of the Canadian ruiners
will enable them to establish branches
throughout the went and that they
will more than bold their own with
their Visited States competitors if the
duties on wheat and flour be removed.
The time will eventually come when,
isetead of a great string of elevato.•s
stretching iron. Winnipeg to the
Rockies, we will have flour mills where
Canadian wheat will be ground into
flour, aod the bnan, shorte and other
I.ye-products will be utilised for teed-
ing purposes by the Canadian farmers.
Canadian millers need not fear tbe re-
moval of the duties.
Commenting oo the result in South
Bruce. the Montreal Mail, the new and
leading Conerrvative paper in Quebec
province, contained the following the
day after the election :-
South Bruce ban justified the con-
oo-fident expectations of the Liberals. aod
Mr. Truax, their candidate, hal be90
returned. The victory is a notable one,
because ita result is so very different
from the general treed in bye -elections
which generally fall to the government
*Mr. The conetitoeocy went Comm -
retire In 1911. and w it coostitutes a
distinct gain to Kir Wilfrid Laurier,
oQeettieg the loss in Chateauguay. The
result would leen) 10 beer out what
Conservative experts freely admit -
that it is bard to reduce lbs present
Liberal representation from 0o)/trio,
and that it will surely climb again,
lacking a momentous Metre such as re-
ciprocity. Wtatever the local condi-
tions-. German vote hostile to the
naval contrihutjoo-a Scottish vote,
hy heredity, hostile to the Comer va-
tives-the result will make the Ottawa
authorities "alt up sod take ,00tioe."
And this will do no harm -rather will
benefit follow. The fret that Sir Wil-
frid bas goon to the sister province
and lifted • Tory scalp will give him
more prestigsio Quebec. Next byr-
electloo here we may expect to hear
the rellyiog cry of "1)o as well by me
as the men of Mouth Broom."
Make Sure of a
Steady Income
Put your savings and surplus
profits into the bed dividend
laying security. The
�er dent.
.l tae Stead• d Relies• Mo
ties nsss eredbyaP•id-
0t. alef 1 a
segs $3.004 A0. These da-
heasa a awe yew • Lpeaible
lose.. of S% Pae •roans, plied
heli-y.•rly, p_rn.-Ry a she tlw.
We haw r • Arr• ' _ _ d lasweM•
ta.rmere.e� emit-
ei. tl.i. Wa to shore see
Fin..es.pie Dio..e m• -ried e
Standard s.w lana
Mel lens IT "Wte/011011TO
W. L HORTON, Coderir h
Resides Otreels.v
Sighed beast hica 11r
P...ere Weft Orson es sell
daring Ib. tit/ 554 *taw
taeeabls ansa semis hent reedits
!.y a ip iegr stn the walMens
AB spas' alum p
les es.iy walgr
kit MOM die
ti p
A Binds Enc a Vint
lit AMC
Now The Hawk would Ube it to be
distantly t.ndmstoud that be dose not
believe in the new-tr.Rlel daaiss.
soh as the •• urkry-Trot" sad the
'•Bossy Hug," although he little a
"hug" la the proper way .os.isimss.
yet at the sane time a good old -cash.
looted waits appeals to him. 1. hwor
of Hallowe'en. Miss 8p•rrow, whew
residence le i. 0t►s nSsld (oe st least
he does Got know whether that le the
n ame but knows It sods in '41014), in-
vited him to speed the evening. It 1s
a strange thing, however, that wheel •
trios young lady with a thrust like a
swan and a voles like an angel puts in
an appear.00e, The Hawk can always
tut his band into his mouth and touch
his bears. When his hostess, Miss
Sparrow, entered the spacious drawing
room Drs the arm of bar father, be felt
a vacuum songs place in his chest, be
did not exactly know when. It is said
that hawks and sparrow. do Got agree
well together, but this was an excep-
tion and soots both were discussing
politics for The Hawk always be-
lieves in talkieg over Gational ques-
ting". o0 occasions of this kind. In
the course of the evening. Mr.Gobbl.r,
wbo by way of explanation was an old
Same of Mine Sparrow, arrived on the
scene. Here it must be acknowledged
Chat the Gobbler wag a little rude and
overstepped the shark of modesty
when he called The Hawk an, elongated.
armour-plated, double-breasted. iron -
chested, two-faced conglomeration of
pompous oonceiL This oration of
wrath was % regular avalanche almost
bttwllderlog the brains of The Hawk.
'Get next to yourself, old boy,'
thought be to himself, and drawing up
hie chest (even if it was double), adjust-
ed his ".pees" -tor be has had his
eyes tested -be told the Gohhler to••go
wily back and sit down,"as 1.•• w*. 'in-
toxicated with the exuberauw of his
own verbosity" and that bs was •
vasalating, voluptuous' villain, bat
hoped that he would feast on his curs-
ed rarcass at the coming Christmas.
The mention of death .0t tbs Gobbler
thinking and therefore be said a hasty
"Good alert." After be was gone,
The Hawk mentioned to bin valentine,
as they both sot on the sofa together,
still tn'king over questions of state,
that I-. 'ad some Sootcb blood in bin
and j e r. sough to carry Sandy's
motto, . bieb 1. "No one assails ma
with impunity."
• • •
The Hawk is always getting into
trouble. One night recently when all
the attest lighta went out be wag
walking along Victoria street and
pawing Elgin avenue be ran into an
old post there. After be had pro-
noueced the benediction oo the post,
or rather those who bad ban inetru-
mnest•1 in baying It left there for his
special beoefrto bump up agalost o0
dark nights. be continued hie journey.
But in taw there should he any mis-
understanding. he wants to tell his
friends tb•t he had nothing stronger
to drink than water, as be bad been
down to Clinton that afternoon on
The Hawk baa peen reading the
article. in Th. Signal concerning the
market question with a great deal of
interest. ''By all means le: us have
the matk.t." he gay., as be believes
it wouitbe a good place to pl:k up
• • •
"$hut the door asel keep the flies
out," is the amwser proverb. tint The
Haw's- was wondering If It appli.e the
year around In Oodericb. He hoe
soloed that some fly door. are .till
doing duty amused tows.
• • •
In the mind of The Haw* Goderich
is a very ela.ele•i plies bat begot his
eyes noshed white he hosed that .ever -
a1 of its residents bad dramatic aa..a.
8e w.. mended of the good old play
"David Garrtek" w be rues the per-
sonals la The Miguel alma week. -
• • •
Uafortaaately ie• hum. perhaps. The
Hawk M otllleswhat of "a ladies' was"
but witness arwmd the serest is as
abase. s•...e. The felt ones, how.
ever, do set eves to apprseiya hie
ped q -arty. hes brae kill, for in-
♦Naas*, W e:e-Mt lashes sad his
tar sad twangy MOIL He ae.s_ge fee
this by the bat that he was k.es and
bread* up is 1. bs.i whew
mvorylletly is sew wa 4.g er the
aid p••veh is wreak* true that "a
peepheelMb se Mur Is Meows seas -
1•y." low....., he had • gra assn hue
lost her. The unpile. of Iris boars
g at the best of hint se he asked her M1
she woad join bases with hien for tbo
sopenets at e1m WOK ltf ill[ oh.
}wiles to O•wae Oar ghat wall hie
. ousel. wee tbwt he yr ane • MW.
tails 'Thai le ase..rf wa4 ray
= 5rrowts h•..
- ask the Idea and
!Ue mei t " Where was Norm
p.b"dm*0 wme
.st wt r was te
issil Alm aRstlila
mot mod dl
5ass�is be ant...
•tang •M •Steer• *p.m M. •b•-
Me M amid„ "hoe 1i is heeler a
'wlrt J r elr.lr vtrghe• r IM ane batt
Wool Rugs
About twenty Wool and Union Ruses, we will
clear out this week at considerably under maker's
price --all this season's buying, but to clear we offer
positive bargains.
Unlet Russ
1a .eat boom and genu
wits 11: NriareguisrScuta► toeprise ea.00�tori
Wool Filled Rugs -
Misr Ind yards, MAO, 4. Ness
8 )et ail -wool, Os Ils3i-yards. , toe $7.70
Boat all -wool. also 111.41 yard.. 11110.00, for $111.00
Under Price Lane Curtain Selling
For Saturday fnd lMoaday, twelve pairs only west wim
°.bels.. ane pwuera.�uevory dal.tyeiperasesone whits,
full i yards ��gg MOO and $3.00
Spacial 1?aye selling •i per pate_ �•e�....
. Ladies' Coats
The 1•ageet and httMcomest singe ht east@ we have every
presented. Latest New Terkel/rise sed materials. The sew -
•)t are to thence 1. bss tMfd rough Ouri
Cloth• and Bouoie.. **74°. tM� 000 ad 4�Z.W
Kid Gloves
Fifty dos.. of our guar•et@ed quality Kid elsyse. Two
dome fasteners, gummed S end ot.oft
Lige kid, in tens, black sod whip. M
pat per 75c
air, .
... ....:.
Five pieces poly of late arriving Llamas's i. Sorel and
petters, 4 yards wide. Regular Me a yard, at per 45
.Snare yard.
laid Lunules -Patience rfftht laro.g5 tun theback 1.75e
2 yard. mid..' Regulaz pries l0n at per .wars yard, very ..
.pecisiInbugjn .. .
Inspection Invited
Watch for the big Demonstration
of the
Ideal Bedding Company
of Toronto
the Furniture Man
NOVEMBER 6th, 7th and lith
Everything in Its Favor
MoQLAZY'a rhl0DOS4' RAMS '
For a cofnhination of hi h -grade Material and
workmanship and bor.ea nvi g facilitidnitbe fan-
ilom talus !alumnae place iii art rater.
its splendid system of oven vents
special flue construction which forces the
amend the even, eta] the patent Ibis sew
totes WO& deaiatid'the ateeaden of every
W1tI W •someil/Ae sale exceptionally other
values left,.
API 1111lifliOt#1 /ATOM Daft Raft Ors
on, the
t twice
Howell I1ardw e