HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-6, Page 2Sixty Weeks
for One Dollar
1'he 8lgusl will be or" to
ssT new subeeyubar to CaOa%a Or
lire^, liritals fro- now maul
3"I'ary let. 19161 tot Only Or»
,*M!k 'k,Mi� � �,��,����������������������,��l���,�l�,���������������� =11 "' N
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per_ - I _- � -- - . 1913 - -
-------- - - - _ -_-- -- - - --- enw:hlwse case the t besot -_
-- ------ d w Owporawe d.M"Ud that w /rsrae++ I PHOPLQ TO D[3CIDE I Iltdo dleow•loa But tyeftltn any arca
I omrtiaanr r eorrse., see that ia•n ■lar woar- to Aesist bought Et is the inksetloo d the cow- ♦hundred )fare s Huron countye"
I O:Ewa 90.rews a�Itr,e tis b+lldtatt w►►�'b Ratepayers Will M Asked cared roam B eweA
,',a°y �Nry,talrestlelrttl u w �atd Local Iwdutr7 mission to inspect the Dome now es- was as ancon) mu
�` a0ztis W.ew s1 u+ ■ate renews+ ploved In this work at Woodewck or N w Y nohw ;• the
7 After beim • roved o[ b the l3wlt. In this way all the water used
UYLAW NO. tl, OF IL13. OF 1'HS t Ye ���°rili ■ s cal oommlRtteepand ratified D the D boom d 001011,11sones, industry
11 de.happy
1) n aro pow". P"� y in the town would be pumped 7 poo•et tnduetry. Our ht isle
iu\\'NUFu(rLKRtcd. ►•IbtesRa�d cv c time, bones,
THF/STERLIM;BANK -__ ane moss ire whoa mulct to the waw t4wr ooumcil, the ♦mericaa
Road hydro power. fisc _
..���.�.wMacblSl• Co. h law will he voted on to lame from it rtrong it body,
A sTLAw To At:TN.rarrs A (iwAhulrf[a H' T.s hwe•sbofbte wtimad w be of w Val" e4fU � y. s• the fllgbueeii'eu sod�makee the they victors rgedin a WISH
some fight wad
l (JUPOKaTlr)r ,Ir 711+ row -R 4/ I:UIrILhLh•tl rant 0111 0b0.fl0. hlasd MddyMv.b",C: al &n, Goderich on . ovember Ef1tb. The D tueetlor an after clean Eo soul, hopeful in spirit. Ours
Or TYa bu ais OH VKSU,%TUMM w Ila win •r M•bYl•e'u�ssidnenewi■� law ap abs in ill eotiret] on pwge0oe water pumping R,� y w• em that
AMLIUCAX NOAI) ALAIrill■ lu)rr•■y Or Ned NI1%aOserb 4° Rnal &ad the con- q tit
CAlo.vA, ur,Twr. I w '- Cayporatlo•• J r us rot d for of this isime of The St ounsioentioo. All tis• mem ben of [� wee td l� �RRled. ProiPRFic7
a It t• braise! ePM oewiort• ••ked for by this company the commission were Present' Aron, and it is (are not
a\'bores.Ibe Aw•ricull Road Machias car- pyaw ,aoairleft t&r approval (sof lbw weear.■rr published in Ing one to conserve, but to extend It.
pa^r of l.assda. Limit b.rwwtur called w'. aiWWIW of tis e, Lbat W +ate veldt have been
SAVE, because- . Pit Y w fur .,H.. ye.,• •,.raced un bane- '° left=---- r issues o[ Tt o tlignal. w. r.�al the PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD A� In the work of that extension
No. 57 I ascan w LA. Town u.dar sad eve fall 1t I stub We .-.a, •�•e w Goal us of Lbw seven polling subdivisions will be what counts is not so match theobstac-
Lesr.eery °ware v, IlWV%QA g bm.ilrw a ae- aYd bylaw, &ad ^111 be rw•I for ••e will Many Conn New At�ag Contra
,,,afro caw tgewl.e..nd . I.r¢w nand ,.ore "e„°r oe�atys ^tubus one year there- brought into commission and the town a� Victoria Sf•bwMe les to be overeeme as the type of man
ra pro tun IM .Lid Tuwn of Uodsr1ah� atrr,s&d w(rl .0 .oe 1a optr.ttoa tb•.ow clerk. Air. I_ L Hoo:. will be the re- that mesa them. We Deed men with
Prosperity is largely a matter of visiting the bank _.=%, I ,urbancomwe ada""ulppedof ton, warning cetcer. His deputies will
tr valve d of lseet•11 •. RN.a'. I a ♦Gra M way d terur aid to the =Lid g� clear brains and stroll souls. Svc
tau pay, day and making regular deposits. And wrre••,h•rw(.,rwbr bar Wrmagh Cempanllir &oDknvdis"Lbe red., likely be the same ors or October ♦tis Then are68lcbildytsrl►ttsrdir r g
U Ito du•e•,w. r•a«-ted lbO vum a sf lr Tows Comrwe., s be wailwry cad over when the negro hyla^ was anted public school' in t3�derieh at the ao known atpgrooducto enuy that will produce h or bele to
Lit laalwr4b lo.rl LM low l,e.rparr 1r Lica Ira► sale propeny at Ibe at" U•eP•ar u n. In close Iho public are laboring eat time. This i b as Wilt
public dechool board 1'h wer„k-mFriday, November 7th mth
p.e•d eatwp.I.. by Ru�nrataolaa Its bond. a beset ants w rale tine ahaU tw • cad e( Po
{{mad Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto the extant or Woo°upw. the L.rm..us °"w trTeen�yH al.GWkkthe year rMi,b ;�1 nosier any miss, prebee•ion and can cbe.meetinR Pu hymen's Missionary movement
'ahem. smw in ..,e a, U", the for lid. rt teeth, a- .e.nraend r: aU pperrtI�ve��rm�� led to believe that the town i• tinder held In the board tvom. in Victoria
by grasonetothe .W tvwPeor fur a estrum lase utrewmai rl6AGOD the ezpense of euhmittJo` this bylaw, school oo Monday
Victotti�IswC Dol e ro mest0 town, and wl Welcome the it be-
Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager 10,
Lia Tsen• ■awd ..r -•.as■' chem It. sew I Ill TN, bylaw dramas@ adoot on trdau Cause ws helirve it will beep the or to
peau, of rt,.uu fur .0 purigre..,twpl .ebool „f tam tWl pse■ilie ta•r•Sf itis well that they should know that cipa,l Lona.
u:... eIt
nd by «,.Inca up ,"r :tt ampler nasi I t". .01 Pay pa.ebe at the cooe°u chain- the company blown call thio manse. porttd I bat 37a pupils were enrolled ty, What P��It � an endeavor to
M ...I_ amental .a.d -1,a, Wit tow .am car., u tba Tewu d calcis, lbs Soh day of At w special m.esting o[ the council witb A daily average attendance of Sli, extend the rib of tees hills.
t. unlpa#,y tis porta^. a Dana Wath.rl wiLa I Norember. A.D. IVIl enlists If man who wishes hie aver
rudWart ermb.r. all and rkct °use uwowl bf L L. KNOX. held last Slight all the councillor. atter fnakirg lbw wttsrdawce 87 per amt. lay
in our land.
the runpin• Ian. .M.Yw. L,wrk. the bylaw had been amended to suit For the Control school, Mise Sharman, try well. It �otalns within it LM
And .bee.« It I• ,apedient to grant w Ill• them. expressed themselves favorable the principal. stated in her report that Iia• worked by men
t brains and best wLoshave • ehaew
,caw sad eubje•L a the t•two end ,nand,, ow, I T.ca NOTsca that w abeam M •taw Dopy card it passed uownimousiy. The gig- 213 chlldnn atterde0 her school with
her els.ner.et tar.h of a twupwed bylaw wblob w bomb lake doll attendance of 196 and in the material welfare of Canada. It
Tren.tOt , he a ouaoted and a 1. hereby so- I■lo consideration• and wbrb will be ebally nal has no hesitation in saying : Vote an a of 9J daily. does not contain men of one church
STRONGEST FIRE, LIFE AND arteQby the.MVe,lasw, t , nen t.c Lr 1 Vwll of I pamea bit w Coomd Of tae ltuatSifaaiuy uta for Bylaw- - __ the
touder•ira as Nfilows . I be event of LM &.neat of the .Lata+ betas Then was very little basialis to be only; it forgets the difference
I. It .hall be lawful for ties star« sae I obtAlamd tb.taa stow ons .ao„4 tram tis dfecuwd and the session was a •bort regiment. and lbs dlReremce of the
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES ( Lie, k.,,tMnlaeand on behalf w LM lid petit p.w1� whickoderiob. t.salwww- ANNUAL MEETING
port. I., t tis Mown of be rice. arca under l ^esu i ^herb ►fcle- ; seer the One. The treasurer's report showed uniform in the beat of the struggle Or
t[•t corparetltl eOi si attcOte and
delay" M Lien dal of Ne+orb... ttiei that the roll for tentben and panoral prospetfty. Seery mlAiete[
tis wt &,A dead of Lhot vela ('urpera/IS— tba Allo haTRaa 'I'Aza V4yres that aU le re- Membership of Horticultural Society a caretwker )etc:, for October caws in the county is in it, lett is r- not a
dr(' sol' resented b\ urittenorprieteaRrrrwLL..tIr mUWAI'Lea• of nottle" *us"&"wear the p,wao.loer of lA Fast Increasing movement by ministers or for rnlnis-
11 tan wood t etporrrio,o gu.rwntecln( thrJu. nay Ono V. l h•vrwr i3 tiawoa 11a r.'li. & w gtll19.U4 and the for the monthis
Intent, by the sold low#, of Uoderuh of the pnn• rvq.,Md Los "IT. before, the day of valug to ()tie of the societies which is per- were Ifk>i'J•!Y1• Those amouru have urn: it is by men and for moo. It n
A. G. N I S B ET c,p•l and inters, ■I LAC rate of eve and • halt file Vesta me a atALGIA)" debies foo straits- „(,d Io b>Pwutify ,leer paid by the treasurer. 8ince virile in chwr•etrr and brslpees like In
per cent Qe[.a•u s Lir Ing tarn,. and deme lilies eth.rwle thou nada• will nuc apvear d.a hope doing more K
wco,t of Tie American Kitten ll ac Ill" nom- , u. i,~., u -t for nm -A .acing_ Guderlch then any other oritarisAtfon the teginninK of the yrwr the treasurer method. IC battles for efficiency o
{+auY of ,:•sand&. Untitled. up to. but not ea "L, Fca•ress TAas .NOrrws that the vale manhood with as much sent as for efb-
aesd,n f. Lhe sum y •io.tl.,,w for pInAal■1, r.- or Ibe erutw. or I" +sld Town of Uodericb hero is the horticultural society. hu paid out /B,chai S for school main- clency in business. It is a call to the
Insurance and Real Estate Agent pe)-ab,a w tw«sur nVna1 annual io.wuHwu VeIll b - taken un the e.ad prApu„d bylaw .( An evidence of the growth and Pru• tallow,. The chairman, an, Dr. �. F. men of the county to unite for the in -
of principal and inter -t. Mut saaranU+ w be ,he (allowing um a ad 1 -lane+. ,hat w to lay• Kress it is making herr., cars illuetratrd Gallo^, Presided and Trust„. K. H.
Leat your property for sal! with tar to the enact that baro derealt balnte rade by on the L1wJ1 day of Nw•mber, twin at the annual meeting held in the Cutt,H.E. Hodgens, John Acheson and teyests of the county. To make Huron
i he Amef&C&n Kidd Maobl^a ('amp any of i an- ,. r• ,imoeoinm st tele leaur of I o'crew lit tore
,rFlt'E NEXT CANADIAN HANK OF l'UMVERCE, (,0DERi('H ads.. m..eY� b�lbensof the Principal er fa.w«.° alas oocUolUng tilt a oclolk In be (court h„use un Tuesday eveniuK la>+t, J. W. CrwlKie, ale air-Alez. 8traitoo, prosperous we nee(, men mull eon
'YHuxRe : U►Fu ti dh: Ho(•"r: Lip. P.l). B(,z aril ono.,,,,t `r.rwntey t tis 1urlwmG- ala utter Deputy
Lb• sane day, by the tot owing when the ■ecretars-treasurer, Mr. secretary -treasurer, were present. men who believoin manhood in relig-
cow■ a ilod.rlve .'I ply upas demand w the I ire li Kewrnlas lrslorry I tJn,. Lane, reported that the member- SUCCrsSSPUL SOCIAL ion and religion in se h(wd. h Our
bolder, Lit[M r,d wow+tis .mount ,n t►P•r:c i'uiu8 r°bai•t'l°n :.o 1. at Thomwona'+ ,heti, on Friday, those who wish our
of LM p.yh,ent b which amodelaa1L n b«n \` Nb °y Jii°O H• uwud. lbputy He- •ship bare ¢r�,wn fro nl 91 membe lar last (;Dunt) well, and join in this more-
. of Lha bca guar•,,,, w Oe o.barwue to lou tdraing U�dr.asa Joao H. ]teKsy. YuU,'br4 pear Cu i IY memten this year. He oom Observed and Honor
oqb6 I Pd4mg rubdart•Itw No. !. r W,y. Ilse, mason I • Local Ora.g went for national prnsprr 11
- I turnr end to tvowb .00h other w addltloaal Rwp Jr liboP. EA+t �e4 M Crrkrw rs.rae, AIsO MPortxd that the l+•wei pt• fur the I. B. FOTHLSRIN09A Y.
provi.luus alt ;ban be aupro.l-dof by the .Mayor n. , Year erre >X rand the ezpeodl- Guy Fox Anniversary.
PUBLIC NOTI%L SITUATIONS VACANT. said W.I/rltw mor the low ruwn. provl.t,d. bow. 11►.i1rty KeturntbR Vlaow. a.w Rein tlaetrtola ince y GsORUR E. Hoes.
ern coat .acs prur,.ue. a,w lurraw+na do' 1 pit (.arrt. turn had been R#r�, leaving • balance November 5th• known na leuy Fox W. K. HAOLtR.
`� Edwayd C. H iviAlo, Iltcyuty Hol .ening �Akr. on hand of IfU• The government grant (lay and lire anniversary of the expos,• JAS. E. FORD.
,1\,, (IF (,ODFRICib - WANTEU -A 0(K)Ir (.F:\}:K.\I, otxua.tttse uoharatlw,• of Lb. +Lia caw° cal 1'olUrg+nhdfvb.bn\u 7, at Town al y barn $13tf. This rent
1 1'
,. - lar ,,r, atu" Apply >t N. 1 J It !. I I pay tis an"ruot w „s dd•Wt upon dauraoa ", and ww. Knox, cher Clerk. this year bed R tion of the Gunpowder plot, war 1'3-
�- - ._-_------
TAX[-.lnu LAND �•L,w lar«t. ■ fOf"iW Potting .undivistim No. 4, u tjtotMr wood varies from year to year. It caws call observed by Victoria L O. L. No.
__ Tb. nelew.ary and proper.ta V• to o.er • soh by Huron A. Tdlbrd D-Putr It.•turnlne Ptated by the ,rc,etary that the cos[
o. dor and Irr•ble •I my othra. - ase PO"t".•ter "sole .,,Rt Anel Yuma nam (fir. \Tm...Ahw.. jou CI.,, It3•l.. when r most successful and enjoy- CHURCH CHIMES
IIS.' ��'ANmi) --A (i(N11) tiF:N}:KALI.tr«tItsLM Iownof Ooderwh Irlug bel^«n able eo.ial evening was hold in the
7 It ;,.• . -t off If ,weal by 1x1. \oT •n, bar .wT. e; by the Lt Ile •emlrr A;",�• 'o t .m bele rd.d ant, All. -It etre. t. .bah be t�k Mullis`` .obdiv$.Io■ Mu b. a[ JI r* \iaaon'+ of distributing Il,Onlro in I manner
Mfuf H,rLT North .trs'...oden• n t1 tis aid 1 x n.,n", and use r d po uun.I NtOR. K'rrt •VeN. by l:au ('. ItlAak, lrepetr that eery nlenlhwr Rot three flowers Uddtell3ws' hall (N1 Nuarley street. The sermon was listened to wish a
. ant ort It by trio December I i", �. ^s, ttotar•niaR (raow.sr H. (xtSturdy.l•oll('Ir,k.
r.�-,at .f1,r Il h heeembar .0 to b• rlu.; d I, ut,r wah lot• rurn,l Youinlo .ubdlvtwlon !lo. R; at Hropbe) -.tor.. amounted to j177.(ki. Gathered around for festive board Krewt deal of interest. This whject
,ant a,Lfed after l.I J►n.ari IV1/ `1PEC IAL.--�(/)It r. I\Tf?LLII;}:\T nun,ben fit, 00•l•e.df owned by t°e+a Edi µ.ms afrkg( br //t. L Walston, Dew(y.ttetura- Messrs• Wm. l'urte wu(1 Jame alit- were the m.-mhtn and Adherents of will tin further continued next 8unday
:"I) a"1 rel e,:r dla.•,-tn' , I,bw-n wanted fa all rear .art aur , yr pu, wo...h.11 tY• � wIv >,d w the .aid r.um I ID Ularer. sad Wm. Tait t'oit Clerk. ('tlrll were eDPninfetl wa a��r�-enta-
Z\')t l'ANIP10A.L Allrer•nl AL - 1403. Inco Thu IA ."ow ,e1r by a p,n,ryw•r. •u Ila'1 .1v rel c,,,Ltln Fo111nR.obdi•l.i•e ,a. •. at Upanb Neville• ( the Urange order rod InVllef friend^. evening.
d4 tor. 1treco Ina better -L-- wl,nn•h .t war-- Gal I. IT +llh the -1-n.• lay of Lhe mur4■ae hou r. by tlnurW ye K+ lNpj,ty Ke.urWoR tivem from the i•KAI aucirty to attend •ate ladle+ (the wiveo And friends of Rev. J. R. Ford will prew.:h at both
_ y+ b )' ors delegates the meeting of th, only• ,dgrl supplied the
�; I H� 1.1 M"I�S COl'R f ICny uln for pectic lie r• and . ',a ,r•unar,•,�• . y ter, oTr tl■•V to the Cure aratgn Mre,nafter ; I,tRre, and Kobt- left. Yell t.1Kt. Lute meml,erb of the l• P a!r•icre it the Victoria street Metho-
1 I., tis , nLLINUNrM,II-illr'NIILi'[" mfrmd t4 Ila YrlAair w meth derr of No,enlber. inrial Ft ,rier)heed in Tor( nit) on �InT-
"M t'A� \' ('olllagwale. -, �� I. t Prior a the ,oeeut n of U,e ruarsaLse ' 1917. IM 11.Yorof ties rid Tewn caul .Iter^ art, erhln•nla and se La Wer. About dist church on $muds) DCII. His sub-
s ,N Ill, tw11r.Hf• H w ■Liu. -tee. a u„ a...d- „t It. .,,d ( o,n rmi,er 18ill And Wth. ppm ject in the morning will be 'The Wa
K,.... maraca r,vw ort a (',suet ^111 u l a IRL W♦NIED•-Fl)R I.F:NF:I{ \ L i pane. or any of t> In, and t orP•.rruun, an ue�K'ttt-'ria-e�o. of bepia,d °yearns. The soviet)' have decided lhet slur 'rioeat down to supper, which tawlee
\ ae,. �• la. stare ft,)rn early in the evening until wMxlut of `3lmtet)" send it the evening he will
, ,Lina, a TM lletarw I G I.. ...... ,poor Ill M,,. t i ,ai: 'ice"' • ndloo"o•u� �J� 1 tb�t Mtssa .0 1. nil w at, end .t the various potting vis' inK the winter months thea will to o'clock. The supper was followed speak on "ViolAted VOWS."
�t., • I1,. Hoes tis J.1due of tis ('opetl Of ibnN w'.I, rloo •trams s"' p1e1r .aid ane at the ffmab "lnmisa rP of tis ,ate. hold a meeting on the second M(, do)
H u 'Ibe , our/ itae... if the (' b, bt i.btc h.,e ouuveydl a, In ter ample, the neos■ary by tr (lora oo beau of the Per•oru War of each month for Lhe purpose of die- h7 A short mwiowl programme, when The service+ of platys At Knox church
.. 4•y of N.'ember, full, aat1 anese It• for it. wo(aa.ea new• b•.11dinw• 91 plant, +,Ice to and Promeum or oseameg the paH.1 w sten a were nicely rrndrred by Mt••sn. _
• ice hatb acre at the MW wf peter-
. . , ,,, son bar and" maxi near lAnt� lrog SALE UM TO NEXT said .eta u emwprte appy"), lona'■IF fair era � uta wW ,a,pd.•d bylaw, n panive Y. comity horticultural rtlltLer.. The gq every fib i r.
aroe•bslf sews. .eau 1■eflrse JI Lbs l-'a•aca g C. L•'. Belcher and t,V lou. Gulhy, with v' la moot inspiring. M J B. ter
„ "... a,.., '. beer
In tae Cet re,: of (•°o"f In t tkr to not .11 t e ca ic.I Tse (1%4 of the Ciereal ed taw acid ��etnn •low al•ocoomiderinor the hold-
. Ir ,, none^) d [h• few° of (l•derlre ter I L----- - - _ -be' Town of Uadetlrh au .toot" at his Saco- In accompaniments by Mr. G. H. King* !. certainly to he congratulated on lbs
�TOt_ Ft)K !TALE HAYPti two" I arblt. road end Alfieri .a«r. being tis Town Han. a ton oclork in the f«e•nt"m in,t of flower show* during the coming Hru. J. H. Million Pre•fded ors chair-
, ,derich thin lar 1 day of Noreaatwr ,•.sok Iau i. i and 7. In ,he •.M Tow. a God. I of Monday. Ir I -A day of Lxixamter. IoW. to Kayou. Thor mat tar, how"'I, will fxeetlent conal{law d bis choir of 50
( Thu tete,• call taw lode rM.,p mor ,'u< a 'etre....• to M d tae , a,u.. f til:'b m. .cam u the weer at ,notes kr aed •■sauna nlwSl and inutds:old the Petygramme voices. To ~Lica IPrw1.1e Of David
L L KX(1[ rte. At T to A. , w, IIR1: opptrl a Qr nes ,_ A. • (ort A.•r rordlunn w.,s,dent a the bat,.. come up later at one of the uwutbly with an appropriate address of wrl-
.lar.•• •' I• r:censea f ire rant gillwntor. w Rwnnlew,, ,Lir• pp.nod martin w. sung u they aught to be sung and to
, feet of Tow,. "f Gad-e1,h , of t 1.r 1. L KNOX. K come. As there were some etc•ng« d appeliml g Yto
- - by Ibe sand GxPe•� hors rhe -•,o Cumpeny .ball i C1rrit. Th -1 r was w fait ly ¢`r,Sod wttendwnoe faces present, he hoped that they would the y P of tures •LrTro 1 w
„I kNKD4A[.EOF'LA\1)F(IK, �tTO�'k FUib�AI,K HA1,E Hl KN' -a lt•-4.1" v,rt.Ioe 1 (orp•>ra'au, a _ send the rl►Nlun u( o�7n wA. the w^kotbameslveo•thnnoe end came)• evnyPre+bytlrian heart. To hew
.k I IJ )% club t)R .^A no, Lir ,►.m Amu l•. 1 more g,g-,e tr.plrr.,e u,wn :tw.ew Ia„d..o(rI -- - Knex church chcir sing"8t. George'•,"
I' oo..dulnn t bmwp nIr rale \ppv a1 Kr' rt . In rad at..rvtt. and ultom dl build I AUCTION SALES prin,ipsl hu•ln..w uao.acted. 'Chole body would hAVP A pleasant evening.
I{ 1,, ii rl•nm- Irara-,1. ,Ansi. .rid ,i.11lrrw. who erre rlettvit were : - Pirnident. Y •'French" or "Coleshill" is sweseer
sof land (lar lav- I, sA�a resod to A H. t v1Nvrine. Rear• •I~ __ II I rrem,a° w w be a.e[•ted L.,e,s,n -,In be JtaNa I Rev. J. B. Ford. Rev. G•o. S. Koss
•.e., , lad f dar or �o.srber I•I t. .� - _ _ - _ rnwe,n .w a-eA ,n ,vn n.,,l•n, .elan U• bu-I M., -n., Ueh. -Miction -.Is of farm Dr. Gwllnw : vier -president, I �Vm. r.nd Mr. A. E Hradwin at the tryuret
than honey from thecomw.
, ,ne I Burt N..r-• .. the awn aUH `(A I.K - I � 'r it h fuN' � OF•' r,.. to «..rrreA u• by tn, -W I orepa..y and .conk .uA I•aber,l•. prorrty of MR. t•„wtr ; .ecrrlary-tre.Aurer. Nr. W m. Services in Knox church last Sunday
1.N (:�..k-n - , �wsrit I,,,. W r. n.lr Lit„", ,M inure•. battdtne end ulna, ell. ownna HcwAAT ✓.*. ..;/ N..• I ne (near Arbnrn of I hid rhrtrwar lath R•t a wort and
111 it L,ene : director-, .Mere, W m. \tone- were very largely •the pul Rov.
M'M HUfJI aP .n ✓and UM ,n , rrr,T1 la+tun., ,n. :ns• n, tM.•W I ow pan T. ..- IL...t .U••.. t■ the I.,atlwlt T,."r RP•r,ext weer. nock. H. C. Hays, Jwm.w I. uthwa(e, LerHe IIId,1 atom •ts ■f1�r(priale to the OCCA lay R Y
Tra.tcrw.awalof Her r'� P,v,•rr,y ,a. •anal, b,tu.e •n1i.'Able 1A ill I., I own of lloAerrh. r Ison •",gat•,.. 1...a«r1 FRtl.dv Nov la Ita"iw axle of a esu load soon.
leo. E. Ro.•'UCCupietM the pulpit both
anis rne.e t,•VIT J AK \ a iI' cad Venn son• 1..r•..ary •vpr••r•1 d the ,n►nr of I--- -M bet$. at the Auburn bm ,1. James Mulchell,H.Nlornmor%twr•Ch&rlr+ At the (Ince Lit tis• evening •vote of morning and evening and delivered
I r Ill. - n..ld,r.of Ln. lay t«I.pauy duff gi,eu In a ,.,ten. J K Fra". t.. proprietor: TH„rra Wella. A.h-r FArr,Iw,CernIt NcE•oy Lha first of w vales of Annday tl•In,OR
Y.AXTED Irlp) liF.NT Hot KF:. RAR\ A\1) rbeatiu,-ll.dfor that w-rma, •maarow.0 a(•.nRr •o•Laeeee, - and U. J. Neftel. thanks was teodla o ha the • eeturw f
vt,,nnet,h_If,. "pan al, ,be said carps diwouF.eHmnn 'fie resent n t Men o
market ■trde, or n• ala'.• n „!K f.."a ,d � etreakrrs and ladles by Mewn. P
N Man l.rA r ... to .•n, It, ,,.(,.I ne„ --pt 1" r.f.rn a lobe car. ,tr plant "w AUCTION SALES 7 hnm•e �V. Nicholson i theand David the Hible." His subject on this OCs.
t /t N HKLP AND IM)MF-%T1(' ,,,andTr..nt m"' to ,,ed,.ce hn.r.•.•••.t ►taw' •'^ '•ler-.•Mu'n .arca lbs terser GOOD ADDRESSES Sproule The nwtidral anthem rl(sed •ion caws (laleh, or the Man Who
, Kc avis i • alai fore erlp Prolr,ry .,l1 al can et r•.Ay h,11,f•. rr.a iga.,. rte P -I mwf -
�rooa req Ul fr.r roar, Ir tn, It"nes •• X. game.h.n,-tor Iite ,la..- .list pm,trk,n. •LKARIN(F AI (iIl)N BALE. the rvening'e entertainment. Dared,' and the features this hero
uply at *see to p'11, AA rltJl'11, I w.I,ri.r, ,,,ply •n A J.1 F(uN1.Kr rOeuy ,Diad Io mnnS•,rw- �f.sn bL;o Ili o. Orwhimel Contest is a Feature of G.C.1 ------ of nl,l were ¢rAphic(tlly portrayed.
Ir -^Mise /1 "Mmewt iitrt■ya'ent N,1,.nnu r...A (:r"1eri,h I^, Oa., lent a a areae b~- .nd.M I be sett .ad FARM WINX K AND Jy PLL]I[vT+
+,.. lisk~, I,et (Masse^ ,ori Veru H I, - - ap _ro d by the ..itenm roe rho and t o►p- I _ ► LK•nry £octet) IJLNE3 The greatness of character oft r daring to
` .I,.. Ill µ•1•w. pet.. willr.eai.ebr'er a V)l,'+.LLF: TW-wSTVKY Mot `tF:I•los acarid rnortg.aw.h,u.eCalre.m•(pro can• rhnwntonoveishin hissof his
. .. t�1f I L YR 1eLRRA• PATi7Yl07. be t,ltbtul, In halve the courage
I o„ ;; ,y..t,..• ."'. cats, ,In nroco- nu ,Ve r,r Lir.Imml rU t• l- .nick to ties aid i Vew MU by orbits.ectwHlet The redo-ttty it, y m•ltIDR of the Uor little n latae bar Again t (s.
,wed caw baLsrolw. fur,..,, and ek.•trie I gh•.. .►porftAon den nra•,es• mulct ray °i Paid 1 /ere tis• .rot lel meth Sf the --.twq Il terar. eo(eery m conne,•tion with the Th- *now in ,isle locality measured el "I a-icflono and to Croat Ln God to for
LOST Ot FOUND ,ho-edrblr-v.1,..i f,o.n,eU•r rormf f.11 sex I n) a in ra+Pect d ,M rad au.rantewA and•. ► • G("fetirh r„i&r•ttia•w inatit(l.. held (loo ro¢ht in Roocl. If this rough
.cad trail b.rs wi� h ._n fr..'. AaPlr '.I w' ,.d tow tis t ... r eac. n, IIr real t'omp-" •( r.ow.ens on the setae Nee rc- .. ashen wtr• bill- TI,e Ilted d this
- Rill Ir ih.sam mort�w•.d m-P.•r•r. la ,« d t!" t1"eI, m Friday -venin Last in the •losrn.W wew(her is w forerunner of flus day■
c si:fc y iluvD\T. �uvEMssH (dais. R Y deeply inure+ted send this OOnyN ex -
1)N TUXaDAY. (N'TOHFK I Iradt,reparation1.1I- ala.-, syn «sight , s,eeitwk .r.rp rvtlm of that huildinrr was • great many people will tole bully at their r("lt tending to the end of the year In des.
�1 . waAttw,¢g M rewary b• 4- IJ NAL F"I \TE FY)K YAI.F. nlwg In .ren mewl. 1.-... anal tram •.•.r 34.n, .ty�. or ]farm •rase, null. drl,to .w,«■, Ihr• rhi-t IHIUM (Klee( an and pu Ut a, :rope.
..: 1'Na rllt)V • , uF y1, [ Ir. Il by La. .aid , wv"•'.,^ sant ny pet (� Ham. syMneld: i r�ritwe': r (ai,ct..tw.. ,lard to tv most prpulsr and helpful.
w'• bars for . 4 fr..,• intra ,, tot., I,.Imus sal ,. kau.I. r rM I, sees•, dor 1•d.• lames N. Cow, sine 1e ^teas ornt,trlr,l renitent And the spe"chile aur. W. P Reed returned On Nrst.}lurday e•ening the theme will
•�I, A MGM(hE'M(I�IF.S' M IP,y,aa,'. f fear.•V.np..rd- Liao tare. ciao.•. ae• rtn.cna,lne•,1,wof.It.*lasar iv.n 1. the rltbful nratnr■were 9aruydnylastaiter•CterHling•Sunday be•'•Su11,orLbeManWhoMighLH•ve
• nl� w ,alas Wb•r A, &w, lf• sad, re. annus. ....,sairlaf the earrw..,y d 1M ma ►seal.' Apef11 flaw .cad LNw .r ►'ts•. v, R.... R y y
as a,
d Desk. I.wmbrr w'aswas •xcrp•innally gond. Mins Fifteen -4 syhc,ol rnnvenllon hel.1 at Owen B6. n.
U Dr(wrt. H aYs • Iif .I/IK t� ,and• Ther le d..,we �n w rte •r a- lbw anaorntml Vc<�ar/ak Mower. Aly lune 4t fiwritb. �y tier eze•llenf wwa she dio- t),.und last week.
- - _ I rsen Iyer µu tis• bend• . ro ti r.•rwntwwA ., a►enst..N. anew: sotto e. t1,eg lfa,mew .i.,ba a'�ss� TL A broad-minded wCA a moot Insttvc-
--��--�•^-_„ -y. y, red ansa mer se- -haH •'an e.S(Ara rah I wSw. wagons a -r .sof seat ^says eoe+•d •LII• end \�'ura of Road- Mr. Wm. Hall, an gird to report,
Ipp nd .. w ren„ wS,t.bull fo u.. .f five vrmon w•- preached by R*v. J.
[~� ` l),( (d l )1 teasel Ft)K c:A1,F: A� KI(iHT tis •aW t.r•rret .w e• ,. '►w ori...( lr Kar . •(•r L..r sad Rw+• Ilse seer, •nasi Kipllep cane(! off the laurel■ is wr4(nd. H.Fotheringhwm ill 8t.0"o-Re •church
�1[bilf' �(C1iee I1 M"IflEDH(Il +►: « c,ntw,a'onat WA IWbdtj� b, W rM ( ,,.Pnr,trrMOT be Wer" nese tMtl rewnlrcg Mull, (•barn, (',sew sm" ••Pstri.,lisr• ^antis whj«t of a R«d Atr.►nd Yrs.Jwmwo Ian- wad Mr. and on Sunday evening last. when he P.(ive-
ser seven,vs...•i boor « A,gisse, .mallet mac ne,..a.■.rr� fel that !•role.+ . and soy ecru ,sash^. New. W Row wn.owkint, craw. Leet h made by Me H►ecor Mrl(•1 Moe David Alton aturnded the funer-
bete w1t& vl wed•rn _ Va■Laor •Liar ea aieouseless, a ae.,nast sm are ,mat o l ,Mica. set T"'aw Y.ew"•. "Mr Wtr•'a Ito nlencrd r ■mew (f sermon■ on '•'I�s
, the Cltassws d G•Ierick i avis prer!•(T Ale mw• Jade^ e,tre.er bolls el the +H ('n P"? a wetutAr nasi k•w w Taus ♦ I ^r• '.t GIM seed 'emcee swab: aIle W(xt by H) an made • g� at sl of lbs I eta Nr. W w. tVellwood. of
iaa K .,.r,. penrtt,an •PPIF In (► pr•.oat blew, en R.a.t .b sat le tis lay lava be newt 1 •Nero Pilon' w-slr caw tespt to disclose the bet@- bles iDingbwm, last week. Il.Iwtioo of the Church of A land f b
Tit^ Wuev and Light Com T Pet 1/laa (i.,e, inn 'mt v u of e°do,*It r ww••Ire darose the eo,v»ay `..�vw. e. rw.wtsrlwe neerw..d�w )asst Dar` -War
- He ave roan tewfol ,Neon- Mr. and Mn. David Frrrier and Other Christian E3odie+. An his mute
I Dion hid •o )wet rerr/••d a I of w eaaem of tr saes (]sea■y. paytr.st d A lases of sae r•• ,Sit r(err e•J oe g 1 jest, the preacher ,Celt the text.
n puna, of Rlwetric Irons and ! URSif)F.NTiAL PHnPEitTY FO}t wMeb ,A,, .aio(•rearatAoal trarssrd lens• I, Rts mm.,- to &.10" cot t►• unefalness of .eheAlet, d•ueDur, I,ttrlla of St H.len•, wore ,y rRlterp 1 Hays but exit of This
1Alt "ALR Tia r.+dew-•. wan tune leu w%mb •se adia. of it. rt low Na. f/(d H!..•p fL r•^thiwe ww,t b. •t ptimd we Inostaneiws the rout yr� in Ibe visit (mein our midst lest week.
Kl.rt n, TrretoTo soul wig sell nthe Tr lmermeet. v..Y IprsrUe•llr •w aJG t�MMrR,r musk•• ..ly-refs. Vtrertloe.� Mrs. Cbarlve Anderson and son,Rez, Fold-- He used this passage of Holy
to, .lob known a. 1r. A Mef) Al,.n Mntw r. alae • ,-ivoeest t- Ir emom tont N err tie. I la assn •hump.. - Scripture to illustrate the attilode of
I vm. at root Serum re,were. "A Rae_ atrweu ,;coal (`,�paay waeea d,farek iw ,e-a,ea at tba pal • humin mint al the pre sporit timer. loft on their return trip for Johanrirw- pp
Hoeseieh, beet gradt.Idf1 Mirk hews^ tw..ter(a.. 1. ant( ,I.- r•pefr . root of ser sf It. blinds so gvmamansd 01•doe MVR T PATERSON. tlgrt�VlrOttT R Cbri.t to br vel imifte folds. ie dMling
lee&. b dere OeerMlma,w• I.,owed. plan, Vd with ,Vey ism ewend.we• by%.-. .ad 1■ snemvrw« I Pest *tray. Asthma/ Aoeslo"o". was 01.0 leteraatiwg TM j.rdRwo, Rotor hurg, South Africa, on Saturday, with tble suhject the minister Did
olatf rariasy at closet" from.. ,le. of the bra w (erywarl•w ratMr,era ro P.v w Awa- the l B. 1•coth•vfw.bam, Mr W l' PT id November let. Mr. AnAr»nn fntrndR oMat we. in thinking of (ether bodies
$3, IIS �v��as r (let/wVe it...,1..e1• ,,,a,. ", ski t erperstiwrb.It M•,,n- rig.t u rearm Atl(T110M RALB rale .mrd M• A. R. Rrndwln decided Iaeeting her In the old country. We R
Houser, but itTek• Rinles+Ig NTS. oeawsea - /_f to lar ,acne by.�T1 0- be wan+. saw u the of a-se'vee of - - wbo called themselves Cbristiarv,
Ts•rw, ihs wet - binding- mvtkr-lar and prat LS b• ereoud I (+uuD Rot[RT AX r) s�_tC: ('()sea AeD in fear of lttw Mraith wWu Item a safes and pleasant voyffv. should nw Lhe greatest charity. But
Tows^ an r'•eoumm •deA 67 R ISALF. F'IN'R AURI[J+ f)F rn«+« I" the •ere /..•Hier sad 1a w mer I Km/r_�s ]f r. Jwswe McCllnrmw, tis• peartdenl.
rlaad, pan .f tat 1. L K. w' (o11gR• ernaet w bage. UM= $. = I occupied the chair end letrodured the AUBURN thele were *owe to the Ar hunch
ho Hydro-mr•rtr•f Poww (loss- I t wemya,ear•rr) or Wiesen. tn, tor. rty and pias Ma i C row •,IDV ebwreb who ,bought that lbs church
.�tpe R R wall too szebmWvs and snow who ,fete
,n,awi„ts of OAtalrfe M the very ale a traare awelliw. hoar .ors a wore .sop "d M the Hnergs" •lmwodr b vs r n I wsa at M t>•Ms •waw se I •rNee Br•l fdtewhg pm•rtft m* ' Inatr•mletal �v.aed Mrs. A.Isle an •GHltfn •t
�e .\.s,,erear,.It. cone( eve•ba�f aaln-t Lie Cwe.•T • rnwsen►er 1e A.k�r eve f.lstne d1a.t. Mrs An,I M i•s &ad Mr.
Let Ie,ra• Mat can M /eesbease M a,Iwol abor b F sad more Vk• ural yens(- PAL*JDAT. NvVZMJDI R Sub J. C Mom*: tn.tro w.et&l sole. Mica Eingntnn and Baltimore, their f(xrraer tons �w,herr (sof that ebureb aeewei
pontes. for two wewkr. the church of tis• swse thing. Of
fur tis Hwy. i sr i •o t� arca^ T►. r•aa+•�/ w the �� salts wmi.i�...aieSd ''st•"rewnM r f n)otem novo ruwoaes dwaltb : wasal sokle. Mica Ool- Rot. J. S. Yeltowlfw, of Toronu►, �tss while the church Disse
1 nlr.gw ere.+ �..d a1��wr,& sew e� a �f ui«o yaw¢ will rreenpv E nn: church polo,, rrrt other btldiro she has a rigbtr te) eland
Apry at tis }�eswlwr' I a2 east r r� w end taws r the r� ewe Chas k and AI, Herbert Cntt
•(fuer, fate^^ [%t(sR. o ' tea r W ham A` -w Vel LU AMM. I,,Oru en at...wy. tae M.ywr uA (W .oJl Oeseu
(w »J a recuses of tae used. r al\wrlwr. �rr/.t eoe y as +ors sad lwdt Miss M 7t •w : eaedolin
_ _ - bet (k. .ay band• +sn tbffwjbev w' bwtl w� sea Rat.lvtb. )its nrhj.ct will b! 'Camp up leer her rights sed rites. Prem a
., (t /! ^,duce. - - bels bf the Vey I;wewYre r a. err low- i 'tie'. ,• baser tofu•, Miss liar Oak, •cad ee1•etfwos by biewilleal etandpdwt sbe bas bad tblo
y ARM FOR NALR -THR FART we, stela dwo" a of u a prem. Is.wassery r ' T ~a M drSe • lbs l)tre Blur iti► rsadiuR of The ufw' -l�0
WsasT fdlwd Light C+ssie.re { r w prst•th sane` the (1st`•"i and fwr..wr ad w fa v h.iM.hwf lair sow& ♦ eb at Jeourn•l tl Mr. Wilfrid Der.(•e we• Mr. send Mn. laLThls Webwet and tw-tis• last yip std brewaee
=11.11.171.z. of ea t w �i of ab uncles( r„ii wo.s,Isld b. ssbolta •w.riW y y Mr. and Nn. Jahr L-IRan returned bodies who had ee/ured is pbesrvs
lea sees•, ►,trek Ica GIN w• .f O.Mr as w rase 1 •w Seat a� sense nRnwe v &t=win The •vocal wall •
-� - - - �. - - - Ary, ,wwoun � r r a otssmswea I ase oar& w ere" ..Desna = war be w s*y g• rM I home after •two ennuis' viNt In the these rata• m ♦ pot tit right to
dot at a home a" f"•me to •tee r a opeow &dean" r Ir went of eM mass w�.�. Pleasant awd profitable omen provinces, r
soma Cwpmatlew. and .anti be p fA sot as uredo ' ," tt &MIOW-II T*AMASOUN1►aT _ prairieDr'o y that sb1 int i� ase sN
I(x xi► ais-'d ah^ Limned IPrseMw. A¢swe.ew. ♦ ^umber nit aro elttis ormscm attendedes. likes..
_ __ It be.aia(erpen wtli p+ e a vrrw-r------ -- - P2129XT PLAMT SUFFICIENT the w•ddtnrr to �(>rtb (xt Wrdnle
D�ttDelfOKAEL111 __ .v w ort lar 1r to ►..craw+ r atrw. los d Ibe Mow of Mr. Wet. 8elarvt
AIrD FARM PRt1P- -da. and w" ON poema.mbsjo•pdr&. • anln -'Nle worple le at WtHwimima As- 1 a00ER10N MAAKEM
D j1 RTt1e alfa RAt e t �ra(•ee•abWad sporssdstrw.se.a w` w•wg mese•.^ wrwew.i wad ^lair I am r�R of Mw ass Mrs Jamwe Rydn Register Goys Towe •►caging wtsw their ""e*tw, 4, and sad Yr.
ter e•rwe, Awl afn bring •- a•-••wr. GpM ass stems■ etwl sal Mej.Ne■b. d Me[i1M* to )lar. R d- RA 'Unca• ,n east^ united in wedlock.
w euwsrA la •ei•b , afi saws bre roe+ I¢_ w -V, Daiwa tsAss f11Ya1tW Wig b br Awbiia gar. Tmv mmv Nov. !\
r axis wftAr a �t alar a.." 'r toe. e re w ^hula r r the I•se, d Hlrltwet, woo eSlleseltwed at We ^clean• the Made to color village eft .wwa pw bolo% ...... IF • M r G • r
�k• y aas0. $.a t ffs erg r be of thin slam of sa sweal ala Oetohrr flth at tis base of Per lbs pa of meetlwg Mr. J. aR•Iw, send beet wlebf•s for .happy •ref, w • r •
�ian-T r �easr•ea �"( i [ wow .robed. .wG rnR is Awd t= tis prows*@ H. Castor, tbf b loo fwg[eser wbo is bt_ • Ir t►61
,.m..wh ww•ett.w..Ila brbfieh pwn'n 3M tmtan for lbw brill• soul Ryo()m. • be em..s sr f d t►• Is .Pa=• twlwttvee Lied fil10 fe e11+r1jjm loaf twaantng the MRRr In xI '• Nov twt've we era .
- - - - -- - w.wrr� v.air� plc fast.. • r
- Wwtb mor•.•���L• t'�'r+G 1 nt tis awtrartJng pedes. Rev. T. It. t(ywe. eN Wells? awd IAfbt eosfwM- erO�i in the 'hspslasre ball tis gsr'ww ::':.:::::.: ! to
I GODERICH /a--- ^'�"'Y"'"r'� ll"oon" to merough vak..&-$* r� Irtrti= Perfeees•d IM eer•sowy. The ebA exec In lbw errwtell ebamb•r as walk. pw cwt ...:::. f M
r ` s • t>w nab I to We wine bmow &I tired to eve• Tburwd• aiRhL T1s "gig s► re
t 'BUS LINE ► WEST WAWA NOSH S � .rat a...ral�t logy y the Mr. Aor•rb Mrs.
i j• , awe p�ekaeelt R w .... ... .. j 1i
,' :' .. r w w«mi�.ttsw�wq�i�a see ended etlb. Lr4rw� Witb ebwdow ksse ported ,,scat week wv ttdwtt tis rf•rs d l/n J•tuss G sMIR1oa, Ica w.... M
FIRE INSURA :�i CE ,roe it -*oil +el any ag.ter•nI raw 1n Ibe b avid (lme a taAiewse Malsgerlet d ierwarA sled IM tx+waWOra Cb Itrovwl, foe tis •ow, W tM is~ ••w.:::.. • :»:' t� to
�s •miss^ r b tis to b modelled with w that
Tan lmsee sect lar tawlwa 5 .�'�i..+s+�js . anis wa we 1e tt w+ss t• rvti.tlr+rw GM caw+ ��{{.en awwAA�� Prrag� ♦ lar R! crowd atkfnded Mr Jobe
Private ealb baits peospt and J w set of two ovemw of w •'t 1 ber fetbo lr word Mine cella TwrMwlt. M bMW meds. Ss►s W =s""" wars � pee
111III TtwwR • male lest wast. fined slfewlf • gw�::......::::..... Ie
oareflhl a•tssum. Pb'tst4dow Osie art tis Met is tis r"v- I ..ra t� eresese of v Mt.sw 1 evwlla Q tie bade. furddaid very Abowwrrd but wethisl of 1om___ � wen nwlbrd Mr the stoat. HoorNa Mr �.............. �tao
I1� ims M an shies NWW Ply date u•' la w .gid vim" sllete as obs playful IAA OG- wore dsdded wpam "Ae o � d -0 not self e Y Yg1 tW &a as ! '"............ i
prism. r as �o furl arch ea tt a Vk- tis pewwt f}I•A! .wppf7+ori bt7 seely. �.... .
It .•!ors whether ewe the farm r. y etrai� !w ttlin► W wed, • to iia t(Dww. wldeb esaM tlttlre aRs
1 eft DAVIS LIVERY taeL lfe trowhis be make «est �tiers.t sM� sal gr GR/M�t 70eaG 1, wsG will world b hwiai=A wbww I Pisa GALiL-Sl" bay ewd M/ww, ° I�¢sats. Its nwowat etc+ M on ass oR-roomtww flu • p the \eulogy wms MGtal1eE, sole lir. cam tlwAs of SMAOA filed: &lee Potatoes, _e'er.. .'•. * T. 1r. DAVW' IL Mri1LW Ile. w cwt I1wMa f1Glp iia Detreiltrltd dbsw'GlafbOwesar wfk•r tW'1Gw�pvs We.... s flt.B Yves of tis ...• r1 Ase/
Nile. ffke.be tae w tae GIs ate l M dwk ro tAnl 'tis fisiG N K me bla +IalsA lib" lbs Plod, was # d Mwr. 006& 60 iftsd b all part . «� sass...
�,11 Owltosrm>• under �1a1 M tuba p 260 %M Iflrim saoamll flu all pewrwu awed•. ' of Lb ors. ♦e L OloMMM namillosa ••r••»�..:..
8-0 tor* Mme i1a. sg Ad•at • M• kovraeblp. Tbs be, be of dssomew O�ag streets, 1PbstM !f ... ..ae«.etc•.»
JJ a- ."•,
- a
_.. -
-.r. .r - _:-al.lt•'.,_ - - � A.. , '_,L,.0 4�„ -i -Joe aka:.."l-- . I nr._� t.e�`:-_ _A, .•,.- � - .-.... lli!....�w-J