HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-11-6, Page 1Sixty Weeks for One Dollar. The 81gw1 will be sent Lp any new subscriber In Canada. or Great Britain from oow nett' January 1st, 1916, for only One Dollar i1TY-101.1RTH YMAM--Milne ionat. 1 11CONSIDER EVERY DOLLAR you put Into good advertising not a dollar of ez ase, but a dollar invested upou which you will receive higher div ideods than from any othet investment. The Bel Is lbs best adverthel Mt tlnediue in Hurn County ameraerame GOUERICH, \ ONTARIO, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 6e 1913 TuE STERLINGBANK1 OF CANADA AtenIlMbliaorniP SAVE, because No. 57 Prosperity is largely a matter of visiting the bank lin pay day and making regular deposits. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch-ANDKEW PORTER, Manager STRONGEST FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES are represented bt' A. G. N I S BET Insurance and Real Estate Agent List your property for sale with me. ,i1-'Flt'E NEXT CANADIAN RANK OF COMMERCE. [ODER!( H 'PButrlts : OFFICE 211: HOUSE 150. P. O. Buz 381 PUBLIC noir* TOWN OF G1)DERICH 1 TAXIS. 1913 Taxmen now doe nod payable at my otaee. Town Heil. Twofer tent off if paid by lith November . One percent off It paid by Nth December Two pet cewtadded atter IS h December . Five per cent added after 1.t Janeary 1914 Pay promptly and get your discount. WM. CA3IPBEI.1., 71121 Collector. VOTERS LISTS ()COURT TOWN OF GODERICH \oUoe to hereby gives that h Court will be help pursuant to Ttse Ontario 'Voles. Lisle 'tet' by Hia Honor the Judge of tri County of Huronet the Court Hooter. Ooderich, on the eighteenth day of November, 1913. at nine lock a.m., to hear and determine compplatnte of error* inn 01.100.00e9 In the Voter. Let of the Municipality of the Town of Goderich for 1113. Dated at Goderich tufa Sri day of November. LLKNOI. at., clerk of Town of Ooderich. aDJOURNED SALE OF LAN D FOR TAXES The kale of land for taxes is adjourned to Wednesday, the 1919 day_of November, 1913. et •_a, p.m. at the Court Roue In the town of t, odench. WM. HOLMES, 30.2t Treasurer County of Huron Nov. 4th. 19111. re ANTED A R M HELP AND DOMESTIC r SERVANTS. -Peewee requiriter farm help should apply at poop 10 WILLIAM MWU11.- LIN, Dominion Uovernmeot Employment Agent SL Helens, Ont. Order. left with H. D. WUOl)d. St Helen.. OoL, will receive prompt ..tt noon 911tf LOST OR FOUND L08T. -ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 214, a gteinc of sewn rowdy' bead.. etteward at THE SIGNAL UFF1I E. It L�0UNL.---A SUM OF MONEY. M. P RoniN'8- jit--1-.r--..-y • Me a�ubllfc 2(ctiice To the Citizens of Godench The Water and Light Com- mission neve just received a shipment of Electric Irons and Electric Toasters and will sell same at cost : "Hotooiot." best grade,161b. Iron, $3-35 each "Hottoint," best grade, Electric Toaster, $pas each j . These are rrecommeuded by the Hydro -Electric Power Oom- miseion of Ontario es the very hest goods that can be purchased for the money. Apply at the Treasurer's Office, Town Hall. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED. -A GOOD GENERAL servant. at dere. Apply MRS. F. J. H v r. LAND. Were drag. tat WANTED. -A GOOD GENERAL Servant by the let Dare/ober. Apoly 10 MRL HOLT. North street. Goderich. tf•-1t. SPECIAL. -SOMI IXTELLIGEN'T laborers wanted for all year workto our different departments. men who may grow yuiekly into better than common laborer. pay. Kn01101 for eartic.lar. rind sold quaildca'len. to tis (Y)LLINGWOOD LDING O M PAN Y. CoUtiglirood, IRL WANTED. -FOR GENERAL hea•e week. apple to. N$8. A. FAR - W W a• of l M stM•. 6 U dp FOR SALE 09 TO HUT `STOVE FOR 8ALE. -- HAPPY O Thou�bt Stove will be sold cheap for quick odaAlrPty to a- CALDER. opposite Knitting tractor,. Teat street. 30 -it STOVE FOR SALE. -BASE BURN. TR wit* oven and bot.alr chamber. -in al condition Cheap for sear. Apply to AtRP. A. H. CORNELL Kowa street it, FOR MALE. -IN THE POWN OF elodir ich two desirable lots being. half an acre °e land in a good location. on this property u a small borne and stable. ' Will be sold cheap Apply to JAS. YATES. 79-2t f110 RENT. -HOUSE, BARN AND 1 market harden of 10 acres on the blink of the Matti/arid river to rent. 81tcntad near the Grand Trunk &tattoo. Ood.vic . Four acres of fruit trees on the prermisee.FrOwell watered. Apply to ALEX. RO SRTSON, Britannia road. Goderich- 7 -lm [j OK YALE. -TWO-STORY HOUSE 1' on Keays street, containing tep reome. bre medium bathroom. furnace and elbotrle light* ; thoroughly ropolred from cellar to roof ; full lot and small barn with some fruit Apply 10 W. R. PINDER. sl-tr. REAL ESTATE FOR SALIt. ' ' We leve for sale about thirty town 1aa price. tonging from $50 upwards• also three cottages end other dwelliegi ant a yew Meme. PROUDFOOT, HAY( It KILLORAN, (lode - rich Ont. 444f HOUSl4S FOR SALE. -AN EIGHT- HOOMED HUt • s E on Victoria street and one *even roomed house en Anglaise ettoet : both with all modern oonvenlenoee . stable on each property n y corner build Also one choice a an apply to W. for fiber rtla 1 lot. P to DD 7 Ing W ( T.gPELWW. Moder doh. Ont. 74•tf ( 80•3t By order. 1 Water and Light Commission. GODERICH 'BUS LINE iTwo hoses meet all trains. i'rivate ealM hays prompt and careful aMNgst.. Iw IIret4la 11vs't7 e40111s 8.1 all thew Resrohaf k /glees. 1 -Ha DAVIS LiVER'S' T. M. DAVIS Propeirper t bells Street 'Flees Ilse 01 1 J 1 1 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FOR HALF. The residence. with four lots fwrmerly known a. the A MrD. Allan property. Weer Cameron and Reglan tercets. Good brick houee. two etorder. In flrrt.rl•w repair modern convenience.. Grounds planted with variety of choice fruit'[. One of the best prop: entailIn (loderieb. Itessooable terms. P. J RYAN. Goderich. 7241 LiOR SALE. -!FIVE ACKE.S OF r land. part of lot t. L H. W'_ Colborre township, county of Rerun. On the property are • frame dwe llna home and a work atop St acme orchard. Chow to school, one-half i Mille hem church,p..te smeNiro for • retireKSsodn- farmer. Tfs pOPSrt7 be co Mra D. Ca.slrytn, cbk+sta Tares can be tad from A. A. WILLI Amis. Dunlop Ont. FARM FOR. KALE. -THE EAST bait d lot one in the fourth rower sees. eastern Divides of W townellhal iref Ash isle, • frame e 1a awl frame ban. 1 MoD te a s • of • frame rosea appy Aa aatallel oro�rad•PRUU FOOT. H A Yb s WRalr. /iOdKlor. Hit'lY•u MUNCH AND FARM PROP - POI[ oat c --i have aplee alywsat.w gyp ori Dat. • sfw Asd s19nM y mar figarMigaill-mi Aeawta 1417,1/• WEST WAWANOSH C FIREINSURANCECO. 1 One of the beet is the Rev- 1 Ince. piled rate of aewf_OaeL Live Stook impered at Its this value whether os the fares ee not. No trouble be make ed jrs► 1 [nests. BYLAW NO. sato OF 1913. OF THE TOWN 01 OODYRICR. A %it•w To AUTHnazi 1 GuanaNTsa et' Vial (.osroMOTIOO .v Tna 'rows or Uutkttwa OW TIE ROMA Oa UMart*Tuasa or tRe AIe1IUC4M RO11, 3,i/teams (0Mr1MY Or C•MODA, L13.1IT160. Whereas The American Road Machine Com- pany Of Canada, Limited. herc,iwtu'r malted We Company. bad fur wove year. retried on bu.l- nee. 10 the Town of Clods, o6, and now find/ it i heee...ry awing to m.creaeing beamed.. to OC - quite new prewf.e. 911.1 a larger .ud more modern plant in the .and Tow. of Otbenob which will be whim connote ed and equipped of the value of at least se...w,9.. And wbereaa the sada t out tang haw through 41. direc,u,. roque•led the l uuuut of the Town ut lruder[l.h to re the raid l uwp+tu) lu 1a 10O- ward ropored notary), tee by gu,.r.ataelaa Its hood. to the 81100('01 $2O,u1.0 upon the terme sad we. Moon. sod ,u .rte ,limner ba4n0her. et forth, by granting to the aid l'ourpauy for a pens ot (e0 years a liked r..r..tuant upon It• hew Mod. of 81.tAyd for all purpu.e., ooepL .obool a tee. and by owring up puruuu. of Napler and Monttolm Questa rod tot. toying to the .aid l.uurpauy the portant. 10 tl"ee t.stetdte, with lar,. running numbers ail and ties now owned by the (Or poral duo. Aim wbe,tad It its expedient to grant the rata aid .00.4,01 to the terms and Quads on. OrI*tnatter put forth Therefor: he It tweeted and it 1s hereby en- acted by the Municipal t own. il of the I own of 1udera:u .s fellows 1. 11 .hall be lawful for the Mayor and ( lerk,.iu the Orme rad oar behalf of the (or pe,r.t.o, of the 'l own of Gottron. and under it. corporate Qeel, to execute 0nd deliver as the alt and cued of tho raw l'orporauot, the wrinen or prlatod guam..tee or guar0uu'ua of 1110 aid l;orpuretiop guara,leewg the du. pay went by the ,talo Town of Godenoh of the prin- cipal and u.4re.t .t the rate of dve and a hart per 0001 ler afi00.0 or lite ba„d. and dation- tore. of The Awerlean 11004 ala.htu8 1OW, Lin, 0(t each, Limited. up to. but net ex mediae the .ult. art So0.tr110.o. for principal, re- payab.e to twenty equal auuua i(,.talute114 of principal and luterc.t. veld guarantee to be to the effect that novo default tang made,by amm A he American Road Machin tau y or C n- ada, Limited, to pelmet' art the erinrlp•J or Intern -A .4Cared by the rad bood. or ache t use, .0 g1fuaramle0d, the (uru0ranon of • 109 Iowa of Ooderic 9 w.,l pay upu, demand to the I binder, of the Kali Cosa, the amount in respect I of the payment of w htch default Oras been made. erica ar.nte•s to be ()hein ouch I gu form and to -coutatu rook other or dditioual provislune am shall be approved of by dbe Mayor and Solicitor for the raid forth. omitted. bow -I ever, that .arch proviauee eau`uudtuune do not It wit the obligations of the .aid town to I pay the a.ouut w iia def suit upon deu,aod a! atore.aid. 3. The necemary and proper .repi to tate three mistime of Napier sttett and Mout. am street In the I own of Ooder.eh lying between t'awMrm road And Alb.•rL ,tree t, shah be Lek w } by the raid ( Jep,noon. and 11.0 rad- po.1Iona su to be closed, togeU,er w.tb lot. rumor*, number., Ail and tett already owned oy the sae corporation, shall be .• eiveytd h thee/Lid Cum• I Deur by a conveyance to be delivered c..ntew• ppooraaeoody with the deliv. ry of the mortgage be the company to the Corp,nton hei'e,nafter referred to. 3 Prior to the execution of lite guarantee or 11001001091 of the bond. of the .and Loin- pant. ompang. or any of them. by t he said I'orpurwUon, and as a condition precedent thereto, the said Company than require by purchase std shall t have oo,rveyuaw a to fee strove. the necessary site for it. proposed new bmldiug• and plant, aid Nie Lo cumPrl.e approxtma,ely 100t and we -hail acre_o. and to lndudo nil the Canada Company Toa in Inc three no, t hods, blocks be- tweep 4 amb,ia rued and Albert .treat. being Park Lou 1. 2 and 3. in the staid Town of Gide rice, and to be of the value of 81714 re. 1. A. a further medium' precedent to the exeoutton of the .aid gum rantre. or guarantees, by the said Corporation the said Company sh011 execute and deliver 1., t he raw (brpors aro . a mortgage in triplicate upon the said lands .oto be acquired aviator e.t.d. and upon all build- ings. plant. machinery, tools and patterns, erected or to be erected thereon nr to be Omen therein. or used In connectio•, with the bu-i nese to be carried on by the said (. uwp•auy, and upon the lands, building and plant now owned by the raid company. on twist street. In the Town of Uoder,cb. law mos wage 10 br casco' - ed with the necessary approval of the ehanr holders of the mato company duly given in a meeting called for that pore ose and LAI con.U. tate a lust charge upon all the said preper- t except g010 to the-splant on c stn+e[ afo112rere-raid as [o whtcApreethet Cor per ation already bolds a mortgage. rhe said mors - gage shall contain the clauses and provt.ione uauolly found in mortgage. given b com- panies to secure bonds. and shall bp settled and , approved by the eulicitor for t ho &aid Corpar' ation : and raid mortgage .hall secure anti pro. vide for the Immediate repayment to the said r orporatton of all moneys, which may be paid by it in respect of the said guaranteed bond.. and for the insurance by the raid Company of the said mortgaged property in 1si or of the , said Corporatlon 1" case uf lore by flre or tight ning. In such companies as shall be approved of by the said Corporation. and by policies con talninO w'bay w known to, the "mortgage clause. and for the continuance of such laser once during the currency 81 the said bonds. said tnruronce to be for vt least the amount of the bonds so to be g'barauteed es alor•esall and such mori4s4, shall .1,0 contain suoh , further or other prof kion. fu, therotection of the said Corporation as In he opinion of the Solicit/1r y If r for the said Corporation may he deem- ed nete.snry for that purpose and said mort gage anal' also include 0 covenant on the put of the said Contpe..y 10 maintain and keep its present plat on Kort ,.d eel ,e the Bald Item of Goderich in °venation daring the oarreoor or the bonds of the s0td Company. payment of which the raid l;prporatlon guaranteed node the Provision•, of rte B)law No. 24 of 19K, amp also a covenant to the effect that in saw the Company makes default in respect of tri pay went of any of its bonds so guarantad under raid last mentioned bylaw, and In aoaee90ellee the Corporation I. obliged ro pay the .aek the said Corporation shell mi... the MIMI 10 rMM to the sande about to be acquired sad to the buildings. machinery and plant to be enema thereon 1u the same manner and to tri mom and plant were actually extent as .f said land.. bail/Capp.4.01.4 d le. Dever td by the wiertg.g, aleea/y 1914 ti tho said t;0rmotsr . scalu.t t.M ormesers property oar asst alewr. S Upset the sad land, belne acquired and the said mortgage belt executed arta delivered as aterwaold . the Me Tor and (:ark .hall execute a gear•atee of the bond. a. aforesaid. but :he *eId bedda shall tbersaftor be Mid by the said Career Ilon in its mkt nos trot ondl dlepowd of ata pries a ' l'fattofy to ib Cea•al ••d Cc i u.►. wad Me peooued. Wad shall when sold bet .11001tb departed is • reartered haat In the Teem of Oedema* 4. amens' aewnst to the credit of the said Coepstat1Ds. sad *sail be p IJ oat a. herein - fl. C=ICtenparly wUl peened to erect ap.M2 the said nate *, to be aegeta9A lir Mao - amt. sad with ell Few .•8N de-potor, a main NIIU.7 tmmevsetad rt .tnetstwl steel wash tw4ea sr amortiet elide' awe gond deal aid in greet 'a nag and bavlws eetrlseete I11ee4. .109 .bele is be el tun dtarneloe . M teat ami M M of tri valve of at 471.0 urban . platM. and *hall and applanose R. McJLWAIN, ji Nile. Agent for ;.olwee.. teen seek, W saes roses lad 0wen1 etas,/ •r a tr.vaitui elss�7als•�macaw. Male. . carrel mai 048 alwato otbot wooly - Mt ilai ewer et 1114 0 the tiomptatod awl aqui t with the 1•wM .• ge Mi agal,M wi Menrmw. art q.L Iuu d was eeeirw loser M tri (en- pes a reseksa lt••o mess to M or me rates of es law WM@ ..N vela* to M preyed to 480W�ajowe to. fv)e•eslI•f tesTow• f Ojjasss.ya, ••ad to he YSM•d at be • valawer Um OtaisMi. •Rid molls a bail v1 mithoWa ma 1. imatti hem Laillthus es *thiprositmaektimato of iiii iklismant 0 wadi sal la lb) 117.20. rrostt Ilee./wrwdeseraMat t�/riisayY se 1 00110111•11 elp •Msa ahold s to the glit� eppres•1 af,i• e•Mgala ( 7•Mia•a71te'tM« of the Corporation is satisfied that the progress Nsd tettbd °ata eWaaeiibuilding are weth co•dd Opueritiette a ohnrge upuo the same, or open tae said keds. lar priority to the sari _W batauce of the said proceeds ever the iple art 01 uy amid and stensaid C of the mid pop e•Ildlig t or bereiubeturo • sovided, and ease whole ben., town l In the manner hen•u*ator• sdeotiueed to be of the value of at teat $00,000,W, freed and Mach/aged from all veadure or meebanlo: liens or charger of any Mod, and subject only to tae raid wortg.4u w the .etc Corporation. a It leforayerscrawl in the event of Oils bylaw receiving the approval of the Deoesear7 majority ot thewthat at the acid building w toe erected as afew+.d Quill be proceeded with immediately upset the final oration of the said bylaw. and OM be reset for and will oommeuos operatloa within one year there- after. and wlal eo•U.ue to operation thence - tort And nd by way of timber ald w the said Compaoy It Is hereby declared that the lands, building., plant. machinery ►..d other weer, able property of the said t'ompan, •ierted or Ileum upon the sale alto shall fur r period of ten yeah bealnuns( with the year 1914. be valved sod a..e.red for all purp re., except ..boo! rarer 01 t he mm of e16,AAA,QU. Ie. TM. bylaw raid tate effect on 100 data of the naval pa*un1 thereof " • Prov..ionoUy pawed at the Council Clam ban,. at the Town of Oodtncb. the 519 day uf November. A.D. 1913. L. L. KNOX yearns l Werk. 1100 Trus NOTICI that W0 above M a true copy of a proposed bylaw winch has been takeu tato con.)deratlon, rd which will be anally pa..ea hi the Council of the Muuiclpahty lin he event of the asset of the eleotora being obtained thereto, after One .no:,th from the arae publication In the Oodencb Signal naws paper the date of whirb publ.cation waw the .nth day of Noce/Jibe. 1113. Asp Yt'iTaxa rams Nome that all letse- holder! qua:: Sod under the pros iriooa of 34 ora V. (h toter 43, Semi uu *Li. 8. Id. 3. aro req.atred to day. before the day of venue to ate with me a statutory dec uta inn of gtrUA- ,wu otherwise their name. welt Out appear o0 the i,•uter. List for tush . etting ANP FCMTRaa T•ga NOTtCr that Oho rete of the eta:tore of tae mid Town of Uodericb will b • token on the said pr.•pored bylaw at the following tim r ad 11a2es. .bat u.• to say. on 8aturda. , the SMh dry of November. 1913. rommenoing at the hour of 9 o clove u. the (Mamoru and ooncuuing till S a clock ,u 'the afters mu of U.e aurae day, by (he fallowing Deputy Hetnrtuog Udicen.. Pulling eualivr4en No 1. at Thompron, w ood Shop. by John ii. Kdward. Deputy Re- turning OI1oer, wad Joan B. McKay, ppm • 1era. Pulluig subdivtaton 1.o. 2. at W w. She, tsars'. Repur shop. East Street, by Charles Saler, the sly Returning Orator. alb Keri. Sturman roll ('ark. Foiling *Dbdivbtion No. 3, at Town Hall by Edward C. Belcher, Deputy Returning vthcer. nod W w. Knox. Poll Clerk. Polling rubdlvlMon No. 4, at Start her.' Rood Shop. by Huton A Telford, deputy Iteturniig (Mins and Wm. btuthera, Poll Clerk. Polling .ubdivirion Na S, at Mrs. W9ltonb Store. it em street. by ties 1'. Bleck, Deputy kteturoloz ('810.?. and B. to Sturdy. Poll (ter k. Polling subdivision No. E at Brophey'. *ton , West driest by H. L Wst.on. Deputy Heturn- InO Officer. and Wm. Tait Poll('lerk. Polling subdivides n0. 7. at Dennie Neville. hour•. by UonaJd McKay. Deputy Rpaurolo1 Office, and Rubt..1.11. Pull Clerk. On Krlday. the Seth da of November 1913. 10, Mayor of The mid Town w ill abuse at be Council 1. bombers of the .old Town at tin o'clock to the forenoon. to appoint person, to attend at the various VOIDS places afore said, and at t he float summing up of the votes by the Clerk. on behalf or the pervon, later- anted aterentad in and promoting m mpeaee,g tate peeing of the said propoatd bylaw. re°pectively. The clerk of the Council of the said Town of Ondelith will attend at hie office on the Town Hall. at. ten u clock In the forenoon of Monday. the Ist day of lhcemter, 1913. to . um up the number of votes fir and aganat the Mid proW.ed bylaw - L. L. KNOX, Clerk. AUCTION SALES Mnsn•v. Nov. 1&Kh.-AOotion sale of farm -tock mud implements. property of Mit. MURr4Y P1TgRMOT. spare itne litems Atabu rn .latlunl. Tito,rin Gl' NOSY. auctioneer. • Fs/roar. Nov. i4. -Auction sale of a carload of 0004 and hewn, at the AObnrn hn el, Auburn. J. K Foaot'noie, propngfor ; T HOMAe GUNDRr, auctioneer. AUCTION SALES ' Lt3ARING AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS MR MURRAY PATERSON vitalise by public sanction at bin farm. the first lot tenth of the railway crossing on the Rare line their Auburn Sta- tion'. tstlonl. on NONE/ Ay. NOVHMBER IOtb, at 1.31 o'clock sharp: Mare, .5 veal. old ; Mere, 9 years old ; driving Wore. Oyears old ; 7 Yearling..; 2Calves :Caw. due theatre January CO: Cow. due to eelee April : Sow end Litter of Pig• . en Hens; quantity of Orin: Lumber Waggon; 6•foot Mt('ormlck Mower: Hay [tate: 1tlDtao Har- row: 3..'eetlon Drag Het tow; Farm Waggon, nearly new; Waggon Box and Seat. Sleigh, Hay Rack, itey Rork sod Rope.. Met ormlck Bowl cell FanningMilt le„ (' L . dMrp ream Se o- wratnr, Plow. UanR Ihcw. bnegd•. Cutter. Root 0144 tar. .et Irani TraHnrn.r., single harne•.. Teems. All .oro• of 810 and under. dash' over tune amount. eleven months' cr•oit will be Riven on farnlshln, approved joint notes, A discount of ave p.cr ce-.t. allowed for Dash on credit amount.. Everything most be dlrpneed nf. The implements ate all practically new and in good ebape. HURRAY PATERSON. THOS. GUNDRY, Pro )Motor. Auburn Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE of w reroute ot (iWD DAIRY AND STICK COWS AND Hainaut MK..1. K. FEROUSON will ee11 by public auction at the Auburn Ho41, In Aab•rn, on FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14th csremencing at 1 o'clock scarp : *5 hied of young cows. Most of them young mid doe to calve to wood time In the spring. Amongst the lot are moria extra goo.[ Oracle stork r :tors bred I 0 registered Shorthorn Ball., and some well -brow yyounlf Heifer.. Irene -Six months credit will be given on ?tarnishing approved Joint notes. A dieeount at tare late of 7 per cent per annum allowed' for 8059 On credit amount& Thew will be no reserve. J. E. RLROU$v\ THOMAS OCNIRY Pro/tleter. A uottoeeer. -The marriage ref Wilbelmino As nee, daughter of Me. arid Mrs. Jame* McIntorb, of McKillop, in M) K. 01 Iver, of Hih9ert, waw solemnized at noon ns October Nth at the home of the bride's parent.. and in they preerncw of the [mined let it relatives and friends of the contracting parties. Rev T H. Larkin performed tit. ceremony. The bride was beex).nin,ly attired in bro- caded *ilk, trimmed with shadow knee and carried a handaorn. bouquet M -s, nation.. She woe given away by her father and Miss Ella Turnbull, coeds ot the bride. furnished very pirseiet Iwlroil as .he played Loiter) e- V'� krNal march on the piano et Happy hone .peat around a boeibelfel Iaism tante. therein( couple Met eh IS Sftersoes train for a bossy - mein rip is Detroit and either paint.. Tow thele return they will take up Iletmaapieg n. the groom's fire farts le Dlleert township. •0 t'L PEOPLE TO DECIDE i ma:hines was the suhject of some Ratepayers WW be Asked to Assist Local Industry After bring approved of by the special committee and ratified by the town comical, the American Road Machine Co. bylaw will be voted on ie Goderich on November ::9th. The by- law appeal's in its entirety on page one of this issue of The Signal and the con- cessions asked for by this company have been published in precediog issues of The Signal. As usual the seven polling subdivisionts will be brought into commission and the town clerk, Mr. L L. Knox, will be the re- turning cmcer. His deputies will likely be the same as on October 4th when the organ bylaw was voted upon In case 1 he public are laboring under any mire, prehension and are led to believe that the town is under the expense of .ubmittiny this bylaw, it is well that they--sbould know that the company dears all this expense. At a special meeting of the council held last Dight all the councillor., after the bylaw bad [leen emended to suit them. copr•eesed themselves favorable and it passed uoaniwously. The Sig- nal hes no hesitation in saying : Vote for the Bylaw. A. R. BRADWIN, Ppauslso. little discussion. But before any are boug of it is the intention of the com- mission to inspect the ones now em- ployed in this wort at Woodstock or (salt In this way all the water used in the town would be pumped by hydro power. At the present time, however. it is considered advisible to have the lights first and make the water pumping question an after consideration. All the members of the commission were present. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD Many Children Now Attending Centra and Victoria Schools There are Slit children Intending the 'public schools in (3:)dorlch at the pres- ent time. This was made known at the meeting of the public school board held in the hoard norms 113 Victoria school on Monday evening last. Prin- cipal Long, .,f the Victoria school, re- ported I hat 372 pupils were enrolled with $ daily average attendance of 8'L4, making the attendance 147 per cent. Fur the Central school, Mise Sharman. the principal, stated in her report that 212 children attended her school with an average daily attendance of 196 and a percentage of 92 daily. There wan very little nusiness to be discussed and the session was a short one. The treasurer's report showed that the pay roll for teachers and caretakers. etc., for October was $809.01 and the accounts for the month were 1115aSt17. These amounts bave been paid hy the treasurer. Since the beginning of the year the treasurer bas paid out $9,7:065 for school main- tenance. l he chairman, Dr. W. F. (i'allow, presided and Trustees R. H. Cutt,H.E.Hodgens, John Acheson and J. W. Craigie, also Mr. Alex. Straiton, secretary -treasurer, were present. AN VUAL MEETING Membership of Horticultural Society is Fast increasing One of the societies which is per- haps' doing more good to beautify Goderich than any other organization here is the horticultural society. An evidence of the growth and pro- gress it is making here was illustrated at the annual meeting held in the court house on Tuesday evening leer, when the sectetal'y-treasurer, Mr. Will. Lane. reported that the member- ship bad etowu front 91 members last year to 112 members this year. He also reported that the receipts for the past year were $307 and the expendi- ture had been $i r2, leaving a balance on band of *5. The government grant this year bad been $130. This grant varies from year to year. it was stated by the sect ataxy that the cost of distributing peonies in is manner that every member got three flowers amounted to 5177.66. Messrs. Wm. Coats and James 'Mit- chell were appointed as representa- tives from the local auciety to attend es delegates the meeting cif the prov- incial 8-'ciery hold in Tomato on Nov- ember 18th and 191.b. The society have decided that due Ing the winter months thee will hold a meeting on the second Monday of each *moth for the purpose of dis- cussing horticultural m'atters. The n d directors err alsoa+nei wring the hold- ing of Hower show* during the cowing season. This matter, however, will come up later at, one ut the monthly meetings. Thor a was a fail IT gond attendance and the election of officers wale the principal business transacted. Tbo,.e who were elettrd were :-President, Dr. °allow : vice-president, Mr. \Vm. Coate; secretary -treasurer, Mr. Wm. Lone: directors, Meters. Wm. War- nock, R. C. Hays, Janlee Ltithw*ite, Jame* Mil cheli,B.Morn ingatar,Charles Wells. Asher Ferrow,Uermot McEvoy and D. J. Naftel. GUOD ADDRESSES Oratorical Contest is a Feature tof G.C.! Literary Society The semi-monthly meeting of the literary society. in connection with the Goderich collegiate institute, held on Fiidey evening last in the assembly roost of that building was a great nor, e.R, I he chief feature- being an oratoric,l contest and the speeches given by the youthful orators were exceptionally good. Miss Floren3e Smith. by the excellent way she die- cus.ed "The Life and Wort: of Rud - yard Kipling" carried off the laurels. "Patriot 'an" wast esub act of a good *speech tnade by Mr. Hector McHa . Mr. Worthy Ryan made a good at- tempt to discus the horrible. of "War." lie gave many useful illus- trations of the usefulness of conflict, instancing the recent war in the Heiken States. ••The Irish Question,: a burning one at the present time, was also interesting. The judges. Rev. J. B. Fotherineham, Mr. W. C. Prid- ham and Mr, A. E. Bradwin, decided in favor of Mi.. Stnith. Mr. James McClinton, the president. oncupied the chair and introduced the following prog�rantne :--1o.trnmental piano dnet, lines Aunl. M')ss and Mr. J. ('. Moss; instrumental sola, Mise Florence Smith : vocal sulker Miss (Jol- ene Cleo k and Mr. Herbert Cutt reading, Mira Mary Tom : mandolin solo, Miss Elsie Galt, and .elections by the (Mee club. The r.adiug of The Journal hy Mr. Wilfrid Daccey was very amusing. The evening was a pleasant and profitable one. PRESENT PLANT SUFFICIENT Hydro Engineer Says Town Pumping Stauo° Will do for Awhile. For the purpose of meeting Mr. .1. H. Csator. the hydro engineer who is in charge of installing the lights in town, the Water and Light oommis- sfos met in the council chamber on Thursday night. The engineer re - that the work was going nivelyy erward and the commission seemed to be satisfied with the progress that M being made Several matters were disouseed but nothing of impos'taais was d.eided upon. The geeation of tboi present plant supplying eiestsielty to the town, which Nome t9.m ago wee said would he insufficient whoa the hydro wee fe.talfad, came un. M.. Calor after Inspecting this pleat gays It as bis oploion that the plass wee large enough for all present weds. The buying of electrical pia eg SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL Local- Orangemen bbeerved and Honor Guy Fox Anniversary. November 5th. known as Guy Fox day and the anniversary ot the exposi- tion of the Gunpowder plot, was lo- cal! observed by Victoria L. 0. L. Nu. 182, when a most successful and enjoy- able social evening wart held in the Oddfellow. hall on Stanley street. Gathered around the festive board were the members and adherents of the Orange order and invited friends. The ladled (the wives and friends of the members uf'tbe lodge) supplied the refreshments and eatables. About 240 sat down'to supper, which lasted from earlyin the evening until *thorn 10 o'clock. The supper was followed by a short musical programme, when songs were nicely rendered hy Messrs. C. E. Belcher and %Vtu. Golhy, with 'accompaniments by Mr. G. H. King. Bro. J. H. Million presided Ms chair- man and introduced the programme with an appropriate address of- wel- come. As there were some strange faces present he hoped that they would make themselves et home and every- body would have a pleasant evening. Rev. J. B. Ford, Rev- Geo. E. Ross end Mr. A. E Bradwin .at the request of the chairman each gave short and terse addressee appropriate to the occa. cion. At the close of the evening a vote of thanks was tendered to the singers, speakers and ladies by Messrs. 1 homes W. Nicholson and David Sproule. The national anthem closed the evening's entertainment. LANES Our little winter hos again left os. The snow in this locality measured eight Inches good. if this rough weather is s forerunner of floe days many people will be busy at their root and potato .;rope. Mr. W. P. Reed returned home on Saturday iast after attending aSunday school convention held at Owen Sound last week. Mr. Wm. Ball, we are glad to report, is eroun . d Strand Mrs -lames Lane and Mr. and Mts. David Alton attended the funer- al of the late Mr. WM. Wellwood, of Wingbam, last week. Mr- and Moe. David Ferrier and daupbter, Luella, of St,Helens, were visitors in our midst last week. Mrs. Charles Anderson and sno,Rex, left on their return trip for .fohanneR- hurg, South Africa, on Saturday. November 1st. Mr. Anderson intends meeting her in the old country. We wish them a safe and pleasant voyage, AUBURN Rev.and Mrs. A. Laing are visiting at Kingston and Beltimnre, their former homes, for two week.. Rev. J. 8. Vellowleee. of Toronto, will occupy Knox church pulpit on Sabbath. His subject will be "Canap Life." Mr. and Mrs, ,fame. Webster and Mr. and Mre. John Listen returned hotne after a two months' visit in the prairie provinces. A number of our citizens attended the wedding in 8eafortb on Wednes- day at the bonne of Mr. Wrn. Sellers, when their daughter, Clara, and Mr, Edgao;t.aws,.n were united in wedlock. We welcome the 9,-ide to our village again. and best wishes for a happy Ottani for the bride and groom. May's moving pictures are drawing crowds in the Temperance hall this week. Mr. Robert Medd, jr . bas purchased th .farm of Mrs..)ame. Symington, ,n Co thorns, for his sow, IViJHam. A large crowd attended Mr John Yount; a sale last week. Good prices were realised for 1 be stock. Hones ata tint se1Msg es high this tall as for- merly FOR SALR-Baled hay and straw. all kinds ofehlekeo feed . alen poteltoe•• We have a hull line of the best broad of Hour Goode delivered to ell parte of the town A, J Cexerts. Hamilton dried Phone Sr TO THE MEN OF HURON COUNTY A hundred year. ago Huron county was an unconquered swamp. By sweat of brow and strength of arm the land was vanquished. To us it yields the fruits of conquest -fertile fields, happy homes, honest industry. Our fathers were victors in a toilsome fight and they emerged from it strong in body, clean in Rout, hopeful in spirit. Ours is a goodly heritage; we enj•'y that for which they struggled. Prosperity has come to Huron, and it is curs not only to conserve, but to extend it. And in the work of that extension what counts isnot so much the obstac- les to be overcciee lie the type of 03112 that meets them. We need men with clear brains and stroug souls. Every agency that will produce cr help to produce such mem is to be welcomed. This week -Friday. November 7th, the. Laymen's Missionary Movement comes to town, and we welcome it be- cause o-cause we believe it will help the coun- ty. .What is it? It is an endeavor to extend the proepetity of Canada. It enlists every man who wishes his coun- try well. It contains within it alae beet brains and best souls in our land. Itis worked by men wLo have a share in the material welfare of Canada. It does not contain men of one church only ; it forgets the number of the regiment and the difference of the utriform in the heat of the struggle for national prosperity. Every minister in the county is in it, but, it is not a movement by ministers or fm minis- ters; it is by men and for men. It is virile in character and bustoees like in method. It battles for efficiency in manhood with as much seat as for effi- ciency in business. It is a call to the men of the county to unite for the in- ;tereete of the county. To make Huron 'prosperous we Deed men-allround men who believe in manhood in relig- ion and religion in manhood. Come. then, on Friday, 'hose who wish our county well. and join in this move- ment for national prosperity. -J. B. FOTHERINGHAM. GEORGIC E. Roes. W. K. HAOER. JAS. E. FORD. CHURCH gelIMES The sermon was listened to with a great deal of interest. This subject will he further continued nett Sunday evening. Rev. J. E. Ford will preach at both services in the Victoria street Metbn- dist church on Sunday next, His sub- ject in the morning will be "The Way of &stets" and fo the evening he will speak on '•Violated Vows." The service of praise at Knoz church every Sabbath and at the mfd-week ser- vice is most inspiring. Mr. J. B. Hunter is certainly to he congratulated on the excellent conditws of his choir of 50 voices. Tojsear the Psalms of David sung as they ought to be sung and to the good old tunes appeals stroogly to every Preebyteriah heart. To hear Knox lburcb choireing••St. George's," "Freench" or "Uoleshill" is swelter than honey from the comb, Servicer in Knox church last Sunday were very largely ettend.d. Rev. Ueo. E. Roes occupied the pulpit both morning and evening and delivered the first of a series ot Sunday evening discourses on "Representative Men of the Bible." His subject on this occa- sion wag "Caleb, or the Man Who Dared," and the features of this hero of old were graphically portrayed. The greatness of character of the MAU was shown to consist in his daring to be faithful, to have the courage of hie convictions and to trust to God to the hilt- The large congregation was deeply interested and this course ex- tending to the end of the year is des- tined to be most popular and helpful. Next. Sunday evening the theme will be "S.ul, or the Man Who Might Have Bken." A broad-minded and a most instruc- tive sermon wan preached by Rev. J. B.Fotherin ham ' g w St.Gro e'schutcb on Sunday evening last, when he cors- ntenced a series of aertnon. on "The . Relation of the Church of England to Other Christian Bodies." As hie sub- ject, the preacher took the test, "()Ober Sheep i Have but not of This Fold." He used this passage of Holy Scripture to illustrate the attitude of Christ to hie various folds. In dealing with tbie subject the minister said "that we, in thinking of other bodies who called themselves Christian.. should use the greatest charity. But there were some in the Anglican church who thought that the church mak too exclusive and 01ne whn were not. memhere of that church accused the church or the rime thing. Of course, while the church recognises other bodies she has. right to stand up for her rights and rites. Frons * historical standpoint she has had then, for the last ..1WO yesto and because bodies who had refuted to observe these rites surely haaste not the right. to Nor that she eboeld hot db as she lilies." 0ODERICH MARKETS. Tetrwae.v Not. nth I Vali ariseeat, par beats $01116 MOO a, Reek *heat. Me* ' Barley bar o LS to s 0* iw MI •tl 4 11 M peewt trite 1•» drwe'Om 1w pR east III A m 9i ee 3/41 Ian 0 M to »» 7.•et MM. wow 13 la es tfo NM Ted. Mr mgr lb ..• S M to • ON 9ei le i i td� Now •she 5 Elam hook ger dor n b 0 lc IlwNrressswwww) pRiswwwr bvrei.. 0~0 s 8 71 .lsse91 Moe•d- per cwt 4 ,w to s w M•i.pw1911 •10.0 a per sin JMM 1 1 .341;t • rIs a sp hmlwYtsrswt 9 M M 5 CO