HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-30, Page 70 .80.4E You'll Know Its Qual"ty Some Day. Why nbt next Monday? POSITIVELY TIE LARCEASALE IN CANADA COLLEGE AT HOME Tbou•nnds s e se s see xu l Ve e rart sw..bbook servant, Ta 1'sat see hal, Allah m ha* if . n so !� I,. Joe WOW aol m.traettaa MO) Mari la te1at coma AdU4ted woo tori hoof:Mg/ t ✓ taeot st MOMS Calker. Lorisa. Glom BOWS Celine 6x0. si.orem P. r. Wast 1'ra 1lNt Peinsi si. GALL ON for Plumbing. WI, and all kinds aNetel t Always in Stock B R A NTFO RD ROOFING '4VIAL ROOFING. all kinds ,EWER TILE GARDEN HOSE ,and NOZ. 7.LES OIL STOVES ORANITEWARE and TIN- WARE. Get our priosa. The ars al- ways right, oo.Msteet with good material and basest work.. • LR. Pinder Hamilton Sts, O.derial. T. Swans' 'Bus, 'Livery and Back Stables NIONTRgAl. SrIaRT J OST OTT THE SQUARE 1 0 0 BUSES MEET ALL TRAINS ANi) : PASSENGER : BOATS Passengers celled foe in any part of the town for all trains at G. T. E. or C. P. R. depot.. Pr'orapt service and careful atten- dance . Our Livery and Hack service will be found up- to-date in every aspect 1- our patronage solicited. T. SWARTS 'Phone 107 • Montreal Street EASTERN TEACHERS (Continued from page b) garden so that the pupil can thus know what hest to plant and what to reject, the knowledge (thus gained couldbe carried hone and turned to good account. Dr. Field expressed the hope that teachers would take greater interest in the [natter of teaching agriculture and take advant- age dvan - ageof the very generous indlucements offered by the government in fitting themselves fur the work. Mr. Thomas Amatrong then read a very interestiug and instructive pa r on "The Story in the Public Schools." Thrilling incidents were always inter- esting to chiLlten, story telling culti- vates the language and the powers of composition. Storirs of history and of adventure were not only a means of education but did much to relieve the monotony, of school life. It was a guide to reading and all school librar- ies should contain a wide range of good story books and the reading of them tie envoi.raged. Stories were useful as a means of explaining pm - sages of literature and stimulated the imagination. A definite purpose should always guide the teacher in ibe choice of a story and the chase should be encouraged to not only re- produce it orally or in writing, but to improve or to add to it when passible. The presenting of the financial re- port prepared by the auditors, Messrs. Sbillioglaw and Horton. was the first item on the progr:mine for the atter- boon session and on motion of Meyers. HoUand and Postliff was adopted. Mr. Emery then took up his second subject, "Hidden Beauty in Animals and Plants." The key note of Mr. Emery's address was the lessons of God's providence over all as manifested in the things of nature, birds. animals and reptiles. We shudder at the impatiens's of the common toad but its warty. earthy skin shows the care of the creator in so creating it a to preserve its life. All anim'ds and birds nog of the goodness of the great Creator. The child must be taught to read nature iu its ugliest mood as well as in its beauty. Toe whole truth is not taught when we trach that God made the fruits of the fields, etc., for man's use, they were made as well for themselves. we need to study at these (things to know properly the breadth and greatness of God'e goodness and care over all. and while we must "��r j destroy noxious weeds . and blood- thirsty animals, yet we must admire their beauty and needs and purposes of creation. At the conclusion of this address the secretary expressed 'his personal ap- preciation of Mr. Emery's excellent address and voiced Ste feeling of the Association by moving a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Emery who hal won the goodwill of all by bis kindly and very instructive lessons on the two subjects chosen. The vote was given with much enthu=iaam and Mr. Emery expressed his acknowledgemeoie. Miss Chidley, of Clinton, then dis- cussed, "Jommon Sense in Educa- tion." dealing principally with our tnetbols and rules and their very rigid and often useless enforcement We waste the time of our pupils in teaching useless things such as long problems in reduction and other things of a ,very impractical nature Teach them aomethiug useful anti more in keeping with their every day needs. Such as taxes insur- ance and commercial transactions. bliss Chidley thought that the disciplinary value of arithmetic was very much over estimated, more time should be *pent in music, bath vocal and theory, and instanced the fact that Amettcan pupils were taught to read music and ►housed much skill in it. Children should read story books for the dory's make not so much for composition pOtposer. This latter m-tbod looked too much like tusking .tart y readiog a task instead of a pleasure. "Literat'tre in Junior Glades," was the next subject, introduced by Miss Gillespie, of Heafortb. Literature properly taught carried the child into the realm of the beautiful and they can appreciate nature all the more, it helps to cultivate the emo- tional nature and assists in promoting an appreciation of the thoughts and feelings of others). The knowledge obtained bad a strong cultural value and helped to a better equipmentut Into with which to send our pup" he world. As the, time for adjournment had ibis arrived Mr. Naylor very briefly Ntlind bis address on Physical 'Allis�g i• Public Schools." as taught 04 Lakin aed t the chief 1111111111111111111111.tr ors/ nelr course rd earsesod the good Meant It wenn bay. In correcting s�sti. in habits, was` that )mss. Poo byMr.and ie asev. n be NoyIen.a �N _seer- es winfoe bt. of sees ot the e el sbe iarlito. tor the bona lbe dewiest abs esai Bb R IM ...s se the _ onni11u ,lye of risers was the_s wkb aced ._.slim es let• :–Pr.rwr.a r►• R• 1I.d )isesk l gl- en sS=1.110:66.1:::: owe .dlb.R p_+ admen ashen t 109 SHOE STYLE Nat Eatravagauce Think of a Shapely Phot Ea - cased is an t iaeha*dy Sheet 'T WOULD BEA SHAME Such Shoes ase dirt to be too.d Here ' Yo. sin PMfs_tly Justl- fledin BUYIPia STY= MOB COUPLED lq/i'TIN COMPORT ARO sum% Waw went •l.swably. Aa Ores ars Pu4.sd I N. SNARMAN THE Si teal -_t the town council of toe the tees use of the towo to the teachers ot the 011oton for their generous services in &.Mating In out the prottra _stmt and tsrMtn the edsy evening e0 meet to urog who took part in reading papers and giving addresses ; to Dr. Field for his extra work in securing talent and arranging the programme of the meeting 'The members of the association wishing to subscribe for The Can- adian Teacher,' 'The School,' and 'The Farmer's Advocate' be allowed a bonus of twenty-five cents on each of these periodicals out of the funds of the association. That this aesociation accept the offer of the education department with regard to physical training cen- tres and that Dv. Field be asked to forma class at Clinton." The association tben closed a very busy ccovention by singing God Save the King. (Teachers wishing to take advantage of the bonus will order their papery through the secretary). NAL : GODERICR : ()NT In THURSDAY, Om >1D, 1818 7 (an V ERTle1YKNr) Huron County Business Men's Association Chal- lenge Adherents of Prohibition to De- bate CLAIM SCOTT ACT WILL HURT NOT HELP HURON COUNTY 13 The Huron County Business Men's Association are as damply concerned about the welfare .,f the county as those who want to carry the Scott Act in the county are concerned. This as- sociation is just as anxious to do the things and stand ° •r the things being done that hill t ..e the standard of morals and itni ,ve social and econ- omic conditic. :c Huron county as those who et • ,;posing it in the posi- tion it takes t ,n the proposed Scott Act for the•. c•• .aty. This association opposes the Act in Huron coun- ty because it does not believe it would be a good law for the county, Exper- ience ha. shown the Scott Act to be.a failure wherever and aohenever tried. Instead, of raising the standard of morals it has lowered it. Instead of improvio social conditions it has de- graded them. Instead of making it easier for boys to grow up to be good men and their sisters to be good wom- en, it has made it harder. Instead of at tracting business and making business better it has driven business away and made business worse. Instead of abol- ishing drunkenness and the drfhk habit it has iocreased both. Why is this true? It is true be- cause the law isnot a good law. This Taseociatio0 does not ask you to take its word that the law is not a good law. It asks you to read the law for yourself and judge for yourself wheth- er the Scott, Act would or would hot bring about the conditions in Huron county this association claims it would bring about. Section 117 ot the act is in these words: "From the day on which this part comes into force and takes effect in any county or .city, and for so long thereafter as. and while the same con- tinues or is iu force therein, no per. son shall, except as in this part spec- ially provided, by himself, bis„ clerk, servant or agent:— "(a) expose or keep for sale, within such county or• city, any in- toxicating liquor ; or, '•(b) directly or Indirectly on any pretense or upon any device, within any such county or city, sell or barter, or, in con- sideration of tire purchase of any other property, give to any other person any anoxi- c eating liquor; or. "4e) send, ship, bring or carry or cause to be sent, shipped brought or carried to or into any such county or city, any intoxicating liquor; or, deliver to any consignee or other person, or store, ware- house, or keep for delivery, any intoxicating liquor so sent, shipped, brought or carried. "Two Paragraphs (c) and (d) of sub- section one of this section shall not apply to any intoxicating liquor sent, shipped, brought or carried to any person or persons for his or their per- sonal or family use, except it be so sent, shipped, brought or carried to Ile paid for in such county or city to the person delivering the tame, his clerk, servant or agent. or his toaster or principal, if the pereon delivering it is himself a servant or agent." A public debate upon this question would be the best and quickest means of giving the voter information upon this grave problem. An opportunity ta hear both sides at once would be in- teresting and instructive. Those who are favoring the Scott Act ur Canada Temperance Act in this teounty are favoring prohibition of the liquor traf- fic, so far as thee traffic relates to the sale of liquor in the count3r. This association topes they ere doing this because they believe prohibition is right in prioclple, cbristian in charac- ter, and a remedy foe drunkenness. This association is opposed to prohibi- tion because it believes it to be wrong in principle, un-christian in character. and power less as a remedy for drunk- enness. The assns_ is $siol, This at.ociatioe LM..Iuis those who are tabs Stott to 1- the fol - =1 revolution ties be isskss t This asseent'rsieswsil •ease a naaa es itnngg_bssrplw sed own hey w bav- AYlae_wr tto M MM Dentate. of Ow the sed spry voter Is seamy.COMITY seamy.Tss M1 111 rl7f'S ASSOCIATION J.so►lk. , �I.gItMet W. J. —I- * .di_Il.wt.Ty. old). Yrs. o roar .iNow !wk Mr. writes: I e�ob St.. 1 aso4.w' ass MttM or roar a iesa7 WO W1Ia woalerhl to I also fecal it seta like a etarol tar see. MOW. 1 *sad /t with ennui bsselt for snaisi aliments atisil ea Yee n hat sal rymtaY It to aV ftl,sst•" NEURALGIA !'M its51.1 is the beat her Softest [sews, sal theistic* CM Met moa that as he tested. la See algia' mks the t�part oa- the seat at at the pals saes ear 11 .afaYK weigh will usually le ta the course et era M duces .Tastes. RADWAY a 00.. Rostral. Cas. EXCITEMENT 111 SEAFORTH Present Postmaster to be Sacrificed for ScrasabliaR Tories Intense excitement prevailed in Sea - forth last Friday when it became known teat the executive of the South Huron Conservative associ..tion at its meeting in Hensel! on Thursday rec- omorended its president. Mt. J. Wil- liams,of Zurich, for postmaster of Sea - forth, although no fault whatever could he found with the present post- master, Mr. Samuel Dickson, who is also a Conservative. litany of the ul'wt prominent Con- servatives in Seaford' ' •were unaware of the executive meeting, which is raid to have been called hurriedly, and they were exceedingly wrathy, and are sending a vigorous protest to Ottawa. Some thus ago rumors of a change were noised around by souse patty workers anxious for the position, but the member. Mr. J. J. Heiner. when in Seaforth two weeks ago, gave an em- phatic denial to the report, saying there world he no change. The hur- ried meeting of the executive and its decision are causing hundreds of Con- servatives to openly state they have cast their last Conservative vote if this dela goes tbrou h. Seaforth people were againstac�ge and were entirely satisfied with the service given by Postmaster Dickson, who is on daily duty and hoped be would be spared many yearn to enjoy the hew postofMce, which is ready for occu- pancy. All UNTOLD BENEFIT New Brleawick Woman Praha Dodd's Kidney Pills Porton, Carleton Co., N. S.—Oct. 27th.—(Special).—'•I find Dodd's Kid- pey Pills the best kidney medicine I have ever used. They have been of un- told benefit to me.' Tte speaker is Mee. John 8. D.ckineon, of this piece. She is entbniiastie in her praises of the great Canadian kidney remedy,. and not without reaSOT . "Fluttered from kidney troutle that started in a cold, she continues. "And for four years I was never free of it:. I was treated by a doctor but he did not seem to be able to do me much good. I bad rheumatism and neuralgia, and my joints were stiff ; my muscles cramped and I was always tired and nervous. i perspired freely with the slightest exertion. I was depressed and low ipiriteo, my limbs swelled, and I bad a dragging sensation across ,the loin,. Nine boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills made a new woman of me.' We Saha s nnen len week. berm hes brea,sist thea _..r•(W the _t ... Mang eijlgsil d Ir IirY1uM RI MILLION DOLLARS POR ROADS Essex Calmly Carmol will Isspr ve les !lies el Roadway One of the most important of the many road improvement plane now under wayin various parte of Can- ada. is tt just launched in Besse county. At a meeting of the Ere" county council on Th_tedey, October lath. a bylaw was drawn up for pres- entation to the voters next January. This bylew sails for the raising of a million ♦ails,e to provide for con- crete roadways covering no lees than 150 miles, and couosatin all the im- portant co•nneiti.s of Essex county. The proposed! roote of the concrete roads willly circle the coun- ty, and afford he finest type of high- way connection to the farmers for reaching Windsor or any of the entail- er IOWA*. With the assistance of Engineer Huber,- of the Ontario government, the committee appointed at the last session of the council, went cver the different roads proposed for laving. 8s his recommendation upon the tact Iltai the route will be used for slosh heavy borne. Hr. Huber made hie nowt In favor of using concrete An feature of Six plan, as outlined, is the provision of a con- tinuous rano of good roads. There have bees b stsoees in other commun. Ries where Pherrerise excellent road development Yese were, in *measure, Wiled by faders to have the good road a oontinoees good road. The Essex souoty soused lave shown their wie4oet sad farsightedaese by providi ss for tbs complete connecting up of the proposed egoerste stretches. so that In the completed project there will appear no interruptions of unto - proved or bad roads. While not in a e traigbt line, the completed series of roads will be, in effect, one long con- tinuous highway all of concrete, and taking in practically the whole of Essex county. There would seam to be a peculiarly enterprising spirit in the vicinity of the Detroit river. On one side of the river there la Wayne county, Michi- gan (the county of which Detroit is the principal centre) with approxi- mately 100 miles of concrete county highways. This magnificent series of highways has been a model for other communities, and has attracted visit- ors on inspection tours from all over the world. Now comer 13wsx comity, a sister community, o0 our side of the river, with a plan which bids fair to fully equal that of Wayne county, and wl kh will psbapa eventually eclipse the splendid road system which is the pride of Michigan. The building of 500 miler of eoecrete highways such as Essex county is tohave tneans a model county tram the view -point of inter-eommuoi�stioo between towns. Doubtless we will find depute tions of municipal caldera visiting Essex county to obtain' 'pointers on bow bat to link together the- farm communities with the market places. The eyes of all North America will tarn toward Essex county and watch with growing interest the completion of this project. GOOD HEALTH Vim and Vitality A re assured if you will cls [nee your stomach of undigested food and foul gases • the excess bile from the liver and the waste matter from the intes- tines and bowels by the use of FIG PILLS the great fruit. kidney, liver, stomach and bowel remedy. At all dealers 2band 50 -cent boxes or mailed by The Fig Pill Co., Ht. Thom- ag, Ont. Sold in Goderich by E. R. Wigle, druggist. Clothirig for Men and Boys This is our specialty, and we believe we have the best selection of Men's and Boys' Garments in the county. Just now we are selling a good many Hats. We have them in great variety, stiff and soft styles, and:can please the most fastidious taste. A complete line of Gents' Furnishings. McLEAN BROS. The Square, Goderich SEMI -READY TAILORING Agents for Carbartt Overalls, Stanfield's Underwear, Fitwell Hatr, Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs. shieneetureeesteWeinevoolvoirWeitiereerWMIMOSIMMetelesatelesseiessetWeesseinievissteneefese "A_ II is ;R1eII T -at' Ends Well" and gio- .ed -10.1 . WW1 Dsasw s homed'�wdses setpanda he had le bearth feted sad serried te he bleed. Oa he ethery�� he bleed 10horsed with embeds *he eswe item tailhheldiswtbssed heib«e m/t .s stem he aaevius bresare �biwa It is�net bead red heed het dim its, sbet pst er ews* week. With peer the bleed he b. Y est ',rat b.+s`a>`.::sot Il - • Da. 2.111.111311111 'Golden Medical t Discovery • • es�ast aataw nsiaW tt>•tats, I�Red Istel Asa to •LY. PIao esw�tsssmN► theism res.. f ossa f!wrpa..�ss�4 s}.4t •At' CANADIAN PACIFIC BEST NEW TRAIN FOR WINNIPEG and points East thereof GATE CITY EXPRESS commencing October 20th LEAVE TORONTO - - 2.30 p.m.�l DAILY ARRIVE WINNIPEG - - 8.26 a.m. J (Second Das) THROUGH EQUIPMENT: Compo edit Observation Car, Standard Sleeping Car. Tourist sleeping Car,nDt log ear, Tint Class Coaches. Colonist Car. VANCOUVER EXPRESS LEAVE TORONTO - - 10.20 p.m. DAILY ARRIVE VANCOUVER - - 11.30 p.m.f THROUGH EQUIPMENT; Compartment observation Car, Standard tlecping Car, Tourist Sleeping Car. Dining Car, Fleet Class Coacher, Colonist Car. Get oral Change of Time October SRA Particulars from JOS. KIDD. C.P.F. Agent, or write M.G. MURPHY, D.P.A.,C.P.Ity., Toronto hat Smile of Satisfaction 1s common to every owner of a Happy Thought Range. Get one— Say Good-bye dull care. Makes you slag while YOU week. W!IATS NIGER T';.HAflNENLW RANG JVST ASK YOUR wilt ilf SHE WOVLDN'T LINE TO HAVE A NEW RANGE. IJf YOU WANT YOUR MEATER SET VP OR YOUR mimics OVCROAULED. LET VS DO IT BEFORE IT GETS TOO COLD. We have a complete line of Heaters. Radiant Home Crown Brilliant Washington Grate Daisy Oak of all sizes sed Prices. CHAS. C. LEE Hardware, Plumbing and Steamfittinj. Best Scranton Hard Coal. Solt Coal, Solvay;Colton. Etc. 1