HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-30, Page 5'fiHE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ON'rmuo Tnuaas•lf, Cirr. f+o, IN EAST STREET GARAGE gees EAST STREET GARAGE have been appointed agents for the County of Huron for the famous HUDSON AUTOMOBILES and bays now on show one of the 1914 64 b.p. sirecylinder models Price. SIMS° f.o.b. Toronto or Detroit, duty paid. Early in nett year • small six will be put out to retail at `4400. If you are In the market fora good machine at a reason- able price it will pay you to get full particulars of this line. Huron Gasoline Engine &Machinery Co. ALWAYS OPEN GODERICH ONT. 'PHONE 243 sr "ILOCAL TOWN TOPICS Tl1E Star Theatre at Right is r o What is ? The Price of Admission not the Programme As we give you the ;awe show ab before. Four Reeb of Pictures. the best that can be re- ceived, two and three feature pictures each week along with the comedy and travel pic- tures iatures assures you of a splendid entertainment -- over one hour s show. A lig show for little money. ADMISSION 5c J. A. CULVER, Proprietor. Nl New Time Table A change of time table took effect no the C.P.R. system do Sunday last. Tains now depart and arrive at Gode- rich station as follows :—Depart, 7.:1U a.m. and 1.55 p.m. ; arrive 11-50 p.m. and 9.10 p.m. Price Too High In last week's issue of The Signal, in quoting the schedule of fees as drawn up by the Hydro -Electric commission, it was stated the price for from one to five outleta was $11.50. This shouLl have read 50 cents. Lights Ahoy I Mr. Fred Gould, street superintend- ent, of the Hydro -Electric Commis- sion, stated to l'he Signal that before nett Saturday the Square would be lighted with Hydro lights. The cables are now nearly all laid and the flnish- irg touches are now being made. Tough Travelling A journey from Toronto to Godericb, a distance of about 135 [nibs, may be a pleasant outing in the summer but at this time of tbe year, especial) in rainy and wet weather, it is anything but pleasant. Such wits the exper ience of the proprietor of a local garage and another local gentleman last week. Although the rain came down in torrents and making the muddy roads lite • quagmire, their machine, which had recently been turned out by tbe Hudson Automo- bile Co.. ploughed through with very little difficulty and the journey was a made in good time. Lyric Theatre Extra Special Attrac- tion. for one week', commenc- ing Monday,. November 3rd. A return engagement of the iii ones Children" These clever little artists need ro introduction to tbe people of Goderich. Sufficient to say they are better than ever. Admitted to be the finest juvenile team appearing on any stage today. Complete changes of Pro- gramme during the week. Don't miss seeing them. Also Special Feature Pictures of the very best quality during the week. This week's programme is without doubt the best ever placed before you for so small a charge. Adm. as usual 10C -5C Note • This Theatre bas just been equipped with a modern and up- to-date Heating system and will be found extremely warm and comfortable. O. BUOOINS Yaueget. ) M ly Meeting Th regular monthly meeting of the Lad(t l}lss Auzaiary ot the Y.M.C.A. will he he d on Saturiay, November 1st, at four o'clock in the Y,M.C.A. par- lors. As important bushing, surfs as the election of officers and making arrangements for their annual tea end bazaar will come up, every member is requested to be present. Marine Notes The damage which the steamer A. J. McKee was reported to have suffered in entering the harbor last Thursday was not eo serious as was at Hot thought, and after being unloaded she managed to proceed on her way to Fort William without any extensive repairs being made. She brought • cargo of wheat for the Goderich Ele- vator and Transit Co. The steamer Turret Cape arrived this morning from Fort William with a load of grain for the same Him. The steamer Ionic is being unloaded at the elevator. Last Recital The last of the Saturday afterncon recitals given by Mr. J. B. Hunter in Kuoz church vas enjoyed by quite a large number who gathered in that church last Saturday afternoon. These recitals have proved most entertain- ing to the music -loving people of Goderich, and now that the recitals are over they will be greatly missed. During the recital Miss Hildred Mc - Cull sang in a sweet voice, "I Know that My Redeemer Liveth." Miss Mc- Coll is a young lady of exceptionally musical ability and is fast coming to the foreground in the rank of Canadian singers. May Investigate It appears that a 1050 fined in the police court a .butt time ago for stealing a goose gave his name as Edward Tout. I n , ase there should be any misunderstanding this man is not Mr. Edward J. "Pout, the C.P.R. en- gineer running .•tween Goderich and Toronto. The • ally man is employed in the gravel t near McOaw station. The police k w that he gave his name to ill, as Edward Tout but will love -fig- e to see whether that is bis right ',acne or not. if St is not bis right name but is an alias, action may oe taken against him by the authorities here. Besieged by a Drunk A Costly Sleep ,Reclining in the doorway of Brown's dry goods stere, a well-known charac- ter aro and town attracted tbe notice of Policeman Moore as be was doing his nightly vigils. Afraid that he might catch cold the constable invited him to try the bed clothing at the police station. The drunk objected and growled out that it was healthier to sleep out in the open. The con- stable insisted and after s tussle be h d h' d the incapable was The trials and tribulations of Andro- meda chained to the rock were nothing compared to the anguish of a pretty young lady besieged in adoctor's office by a drunken man lying at the foot of the stairs on Saturday- afternoon last. The doctor was out on Madness and the stenographer was lett in charge. Now it had. been arranged that one of her girl friends should call for ber when she got through with her work. Closing up the Milos the young lady looked down the stairs and beheld the drunk Tying across the stairway. If her friend had not come on the scene in an instant after, she might have died of fright or attempted to jump oubot the window. Resembling Persue, but minus the wings. Chief Postletbwaite, who was called, was the hero in this se caand started the drunk on his journey, and also the t-vo ladies rejoic- ing. a to way an a finally lodged in the cells. Magistrate Celebrated (ioldeh Wedding Kelly the following morning decreed that he should enhance the public treasury by one bone. He had not the wherewitball and will work it out in- etesdat the county free boarding house. Judgment for Plaintiff The following item of loral interest appeared in the Globe of Saturday last :— Porterfield —Porterfield v. Hodgins—M. K.Cow►an, K.C., and C. Garrow IGoderich) for plaintift. W. Proudfoot. K.C., for defendant. Action by plaintiff for declaration that he is entitled to rank against insolvent estate of Goderich Wheel Rigs, Limited. as a preferred creditor for $1,2119.82. Judgment—Let judgment be entered for the plaintiff with costa declaring that be is entitled to be paid by d fendaot as assignee out of the a -sets of the Goderich Wheel Rigs, Limited, the rum he claims in this action, namely. $1,269 8;3 in priority to the ordinary or general creditors of the company. Stay for thirty days. Fined for Shooting in Town Limits Mr. Noah Gewrnett, an employee of Mr. J. E. Baechler, had a narrow escape from having his eye shot out on Monday en- gaged ing nhandlinalumbee near the Grand Trunk siding when a spent shot struck him near the eye. Invest- igation proved that a couple of men whose names were afterwards learned to be Harry Bates and George Framp- ton, new snivels in town, bad been hief Postleth- write was notified and at te. Cwithin half an hour the two men who did the shoot - lug were fined 111 and costa by Magis- trate Kelly. Their gun was taken from then until they paid the fine. They paid it later and had the gun re- stored. The charge was shooting within the town limits. The injuries received by Mr. Gemmett were slight. LET US POINT OUT where you can save mosey M hav- ing certain tinning_ work done now sod by us. e can show you where • little work done at onoss will prevent the oeose.ity of a bigger job later oe. For Tinsmiths to Advise such savlaga may he unusual. But that is our way. We believe [bat if we ems save you money yna will apsasslate both ss and nar work b to give 151 yner future orders amid to reooesmesd no to your Meads. FRED HUNT NAMILTON $Tlts*'T, 000Saica TIMM 1 as RAILROAD MAN HAD TO LAY OFF Uttil No Toot SIN PILLS Buffalo, N. Y. "I have been a Pullman conductor on the C. P. R. and Michigan Central for the last three years. I was lard up About four years ago. with intense pins in the groin, • very sore bask, aRa /dfered most severely whim I tried is senate. MOW hffamily physician for Mtbe or Gravel la The libel — batt did so nee** any benefit. About flat ties, I met soother railroad tits* else bad bees similar) affected Mhellhhese mind by 01)1 PILLS, sip by • pro- vable* bees Mailed him for fib. eared. Ns streast y Ile in sew remain ea the !1 Meg sm. b advised seele GIS TILLS which 1 did—with the remits that the pale' t me aetisely." MANX 1! 11)2 6 for $o free From the Vancouver World of Oc- tober 18th we take the following of local interest:—Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Cnn ie, 550 Powell street, celebrated their golden weddiog yesterday. A number ot old-time friends from Hur- on Bruce and Winnipeg called to pay their respects to the aged couple, and complimented them on their excellent health and youthful appearance. They were married in Souhampton, Bruce county, on October 171b, 1863, by Rev. Andrew Tolmie. Three children were born to them. The eldest, Annie, now Mrs. A. N. Mouat, wife of the city auditor of Edmonton ; Rose, the sec- ond daughter, married D. H. Urqu- hart, a barrister in Winnipeg. They both died about twelve years ago, leaving a son, Harry, who is passing through the high school. Kate, the youngest daughter, lives at home with her parents. .7"-t% yi 7t ithSk erie rail iiL.rl; 4" il 4111 !.ti Though Blocks Away it will pay you To visit our Ice Cream Parlor l he delicious quality of our Cream and comfortable surrounding. Will compensate for the trip F. E. BURDETTE Balmoral Cafe The Sgtu.re 'Phone 64 Poultry Show Mere in January At a meeting of the Poultry and Pet Stock association of the county of Huron, held inthe court house on Tuesday evening last, it was decided to hold s poultry 'show here in the town hall in January from the 29tH to 28od inclusive. Preparations are now being made for the Name but nothing of a definite nature will be arrang until the next meeting. A fair oft is nature, no natter how small, will be a great tbiug for this town at that time of the year. Mr. Jan s Shaw is president and Mr. J. H. McClinton is the secretary of the association. Former Resident Dead Mr. A. Challenger, who was an eye witness of the unfortunate accident which caused the death of Mr. David McBrien at Edgerton. Alberta, on September 271b, gives a graphic de- scription of the accident. He stated that Mr. McBrien was holding a team of horses near a threshing machine, when the horses took fright and bolt- ed, one wheel of the heavy wagon passing over bis body. He lived one week atter. Mr McBrien, a popular and well-known figure of Goderich township, moved with his wife to Alberta about six years ago. His wife, formerly a Miss Montgotuery-of Gode- rich township, and one daughter, Miss Dorothy McBrien, of Edmonton, survive him. He has two sisters liv- ing here, Mrs. Robert Davidson and Mrs. Elliott, and one brottg, James, ot Gilbert Plains, Manitoba. The de- ceased was • prosperous and progres- sive rancher of Southern Alberta. The funeral took place on Tuesday, Octo- ber 7th. Interesting Lecture CHURCH CHIMES Next Saturday will b. All Sainte' day and in honor of the occasion Holy Communion will be celebrated In SL George's church at 11 o'clock in the morning. The regular monthly meeting of the Eureka class of Victoria street Methodist church will take place at the home of Miss Lucy McCracken on Monday evening, November 3rd. All are invited to attend. A meeting ot the finisnce committee of the Victoria strieet Methodist church held last week found tbe finances of the current year in an en- couraging condition. The new budget system is working well. On Sunday evening next Rev. J. B. Fotheringhani will take es his lrub))'ect, "Phe Relation of the Church of Eng- land to Other Christian Bodies." As this will be an interesting subject, no doubt a large congregation will be present. Rev. J. E. Ford went to London on Tuesday to attend a meeting of the London conference special committee, which is composed of the chairmen of the districts and five laymen. This committee is given conference author- ity to deal with contingencies arising after the bolding of the annual con- ference in June. In the Victoria street Methodist church the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed at the morning service. 1•'ellowship service at 10 a.m. The subject for the morning will be "The Characteristics of Jesus as a Friend." Tee pastor's Bible class at three p.m., in con- nection with the Sunday school. The subject for the evening will be "Christ's Lowly Victory."' The Pastor will conduct a children's service at 4.15 oo Friday afternoon of this week. The Sunday evening services in Knox church are being made especi- ally attractive for mea. Rev. Geo. E. Row will deliver a series of discourses on "Representative Men of the Bible," beginning next Sunday and continuing until the end of the year. The subject for Sunday evening will be "Caleb, or the Man Who Dared." special music will be provided for each Sunday by the choir under the direction of Mr. J. B. Hunter. The morning sermon oo Sunday will be on "God's Law of Compensation." Retiring Member Remembered On Sunday night after the evening service in Knox cbut cb the members of the choir presented Mr. W. H. San- derson, the local agent of the C. P.R., who bas been transferred to Galt, with a beautiful volume of • Book of Praise of the Presbyterian church. Mr. J. B. Hunter, the choirmaster, made the presentation, expressing the regrets of the choir to lode such a valued member and bpoke of Mr: Sanderson in the highest terms. Mt. Sanderson made a suitable reply and said that although he had sung in eieren choirs he had never met with inch courteous treat- ment and kindness as he bad in the choir of Knox church. Y.M.C.P. Meeting A meeting was held in the Y rooms on Monday evening last to re- organize the senior branch of the Y.M.C.A. and to elect officers. They were as follows :—Hon. -president, Mr. A. M. Robertson ; chairman, Mr. J. H. Lauder ; secretary-treasu4er, Mr. Ernest J. Pridham • convener of ath- letic committee, Mr, Eddie Cowen; convener of programme committee, Mr. Lorne Young ; pianist, Mr. Harry Barker. Monday evening was ap- pointed for the weekly meeting in the Y.M.C.A. rooms and Thursday even- ing for gymnasium exercises. All those wishing to join are requested to attend the opening meeting on Mon- day evening next. The fee is only $2. Seal -fishing in the ice fields of the cold North was one of the chief points of interest in • fine lecture given by Adjutant Smith, of London, in the Salvation Army ball here on Wednes- day evening. Owing to the incle- ment weather there was a small audience, but thost who were there thoroughly enjoyed the lecture, as it was most interesting to learn of that once great Canadian industry, seal fishing. In the course of the address the speaker said that the killing of Seals waw a most pathetic task, as the Seal stied like a child when It was being slaughtered and men were otttimes loth to commit the deed. The sealskins meant $150 to each man and the captain of the ship realised from' each voyag^ which some times lasted from five to six weeks, about $3100 The latter part of the lecture was devoted to • [metal*. "the sinkieg of the Titanic " This bee rt -reeding see disaster. wbleb le atm peen in the easels of the whole world of today. wee Meds retnn►Si by IM views es shown. oety the awful teles of welter - leg as depicted In the newspapers were .list noted Limit. Porter. of B.sfnrth. nperatad the machine. !oat Monday was a special day at the hall 01 isnasa pid frlse. xsse Msia Query and Answer The Signal has received the follow- ing note from oue of its subscribers. It reads : "Dear Sir, -- As our neighbor's 4.30 p.m. Discussion. chickens have pothered us for two 5.00 p.m. Address, " Securing Best Re - WILL MEET IN GODERICH County Conference of the Laymen's Mis- sionary Association The executive committee and the local clergymen in charge of the ar- rangements for the county conference to be held in Goderich on November 7th, under the auspices of the Lay- men's Missionary, Movement for On- tario, met in Knoz church on Satur- day evening and transacted a consid- erable amount of detail work. The programme, as outlined in Tor- onto and completed here is as follows: MORNINO SESSION, NORTH sTREET METHODIST CHURCH. Conference Theme—"The Problem of Missions in the Local Congrega- tion." 10.30 a.m. Prayer Service, led by Rev. W. K. Hager, B.A., Godericb. 10.45 a.m. Address, "Missions in the Life of. the Church. Rev. C. E. Jeakina, M.A., B.A., Clinton. 11.00 a.m. Address "The Development of a Missionary Atmosphere." Rev. C. E. Manning, Toronto. 11.30 a.m. Discussion. AFTERNOON SESSION 2.00 p.m. Prayer service led by Rev. J. B. Fotheringham, M.A.,, Gode- rich. 2.15 p.m. Address, "The Missionary Committee—Its Organization, Pre- paration and Duties." W. C. Sen- ior, Toronto. 2.45 p.m. Discussion. 3.00 p.m. Address, "Missionary Liter- ature for Men." H. C. Priest, gen- eral secretary of the Missionary Education Movement for Canada. 3.20 p.m. Address, "Some Missionary Experiences." Rev. Gillies Bailie, Honan. 3.45 p.m. Address, "The Every .Me - ber Canvass—Its value." Rev. . M. Langford, Listowel. 4.00 p.m. Address, " Every Member Canvass—How Conducted." Rev. A. E. Armstrong, Toronto. lears and other neighbors in the ocality have been similarly botherd, will you answer in your paper what we can do with them?" The best way to deal with matters of this nature is to see the owners of the chickens and get them to shut them up. You could, howeverlegally kill the chickens and throw them into the owner's yard. Do not eat or dis- pose of them in any other manner or you can be prosecuted for stealing. The best method is to impound and charge poundage fees if owner will not abate the nuisance. RANILTON.-In so October 1011' to Mr. and Mr.. COOP smilton, a daueb ter. HT_}.OP.--1n Oodmit , en October 88.b. to , asd Mn.. D. J. rasp, a son. ELECTRIC FIXTURES All designs, All Prices. See our stock before you de- cide. Old Irene or metal oil lamps' made into electric. We are adapt at this work Three exchrive designs in table Lamp Obese are a treat Headquarters for Electric Supplies. Fixtures, etc. Fla.►URbte. all .lace. Famo's. -Meek Oat" kited always in stock. Agyut for Hotpoint Electric Heat les Goode. W1ries of emery de script los demi se short metier W. J. HUDDART • eet rim I Oors trsrter. mess Stresitlaverwa1 OMNI e sults from this Conference." Rev. P. K. Daytoot, Toronto. EVENINO SESSION, KNOX CHUR. H 0.30 p.m. Supper for men of the coun- ty. Hymn- "All hail the power" Speakers—Mr. (Sillies Eadie, Homan ; Rev. O. E. Manning and Rev. Canon Gould, Toronto. The morning and afternoon sessions will be held in North street Methodist cburch and the supper and evening ses- sion in Knox church. The local pastors will arrange with the Women's Missionary societies of their respective churches to billet the visiting delegates during their stay, which in most cases will be from Fri- daynoon till Saturday mornin(p It is calculated that about $75 will be required to meet the expenses of the conference, and that will be raised amongst the local churches according to an allotment agreed on. The programme has been printed and mailed to clergymen and laymen all over the county, and it is hoped that at least two delegates will be present from fully 75 per cent of the churches of each denomination in the county. 1_ This Beautiful Pearl and Amethyst LaValliere for only $4 Other L•Valheree for as low as $1.75 A LaVailiere will please her A LaVaniere of dainty design mak :he nicest kind of a present, and one can - ob- tained at a very modest price. You w find a large stock of LaVallieres of the vet, latest pattern on display at our store. Come in and wake your selection now while there is a large stock to choose from. J. S. Davey Square Goderich Belling Agent. for SOUTH BEND WATCHES Break Whiskey's Grip On Your Loved Ones Drunkards will tell you with tears of sincerity that they do not want to drink The envies coming from the inflamed membranes of the stomach drives them t it.. Altura will soothe the trembling nerves and remove the coving Usat is ruining your home and stealing am otherwise kind husband or father from you 1t costs only $1.00 per box and if it does not cure or bssts/t atter • trial tbe money will be re- funded Aleewa No. 1 is tasteless and cats be given secret) in tea, cnffse or food. Aleuts No. 11. taken voluntarily by throe willing to help themselves. Aieora can sow be obtained at our store. Ask for free booklet telling aU shoot It and give atcura a trial. E. R Wigt., druggist, Goderich. ilea are seer: to.. w. t each Item. Ms .n eaarSet seer: ss rr. PAWL tiM west mamas le PAWL w Tslf 06 Lumber ' and BuildingMaterial for sale In large quantities THE PAGET GRAIN DOOR Co. are now prepared to supply all kinds of build- ing material, having a large stock of all kinds of lumber on hand, including Ontario White Pine, Shingles and -Lath. Hardwood Flooring and Inside Bir, Finish a specialty. Call and see our samples of Birch Finish. Soft and Hardwood slabs for sale by the cord. The Paget Grain Door Co., Limited GODERICH Watch for the big Demonstration of the Ideal Bedding Company of Toronto at 1-IOUMEIER'S the Furniture Man NOVEMBER 0th, 7th and 8th PHONE 89 A BRONCHIAL COUGH is epe • and dangerous because Me inflamed, tubes interfere with breathing and the masala-FtBad fresh through that tissue. air pasties unhealthy Probably no other remedy affords such prompt L and permanent rehef as Scott's Emulsion; it r t checks the cough. heals the linings of the throat ,1 and bronchial tubes and strengthens the lungs to avert tuberculosis. This point cannot be empha- - .t'' sized too strongly ---that Scott's Emulsion has 4 been suppressing bronchitis for forty years and t s will help you. i t Be carefea to avoid saimetheses wad iadst on SCOTT '3. AT ANY DRUG STORE. .I 77 LILO Watch for the big Demonstration of the Ideal Bedding Company of Toronto at 1-IOUMEIER'S the Furniture Man NOVEMBER 0th, 7th and 8th PHONE 89