HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-30, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO
THURSDAY. Olt. 11', 19IA S
Over Two Hundred Lives Lost st
Dawson, New Mexico
Two hUIIdred and thirty miners
were entombed in shaft No. 2 of the
Stag Canon mines at Dawson, New
Mexico, when an explosion shattered
the workings and caused thousands
of tons of coal and debris to fall Into
the entrance, thus blocking the work
of the reicue parties. Twenty-five
miners were rescued alive from upper
galleries, but moat of them were 4gr-
ribly mangled and suffering from the
effects of poisonous gases. For
several days gangs of men worked
in relays in an effort to reach the
entombed men, but wherever an
SOLD ON opening was made it was found that
THE after -damp choked every passage
i reached, thu■ precluding any pose -
MERITS O!' Witty of finding any more men alive.
The rescuers had to wear oxygen
helmets and even with this precau-
IINARIE' tionpertabed. two of them 'oat their way and
1, AY J
Officials of the Miners' Union claim
that the real extent of the catastro-
phe 1a being concealed and that mere
than 350 men lost their lives.
bound or repaired.
Allorder' promptly attended to on leaving
hoe a TIM SIGNAL. Q.der4M.
Olt, W. F. CALLOW . M. B.
thlloe and roadsides North strait. Ooderich,
north of t ounty Itegt.Iry office. Telephone IMI.
Dow and throat only. Hoagie sar•,.eoo.
Caw York Ophthalmic and Aural laetlwte.
tllok-,rl .t.i•t., Ear, Noeeaad 1 Wert Hospital,
Widen Nome, and Moorefield Lye Hospital.
iaaden. F;naland. Odes Sl S. Waterloo (Sweet.
tkratford. opptoite Knox Church. Hours Y.
:e12..m.9to1p.m..v7toep.m. Teleibous
11!! Hkll.gllaNN• osteopaths, specialists in
wameo and ctuldrea's dtuassr. acute.
lutrnle and nervous dl.otdera eye, ear. nose
sad thrust. Consultation free. Office North
-scot thud dour from the tonere.
97 3 mor.
toot UtuuT, HAYS do KILLUK•
1 t \. uarrist.ro, solicitors, notaries pablle.
oratos .n the Maritime Court, oto. Private
sad. to lend at lowest ratas of Interest.
dace. Last .Me square. Golerioh. W.
rtty, ofte I'. K. 4;.. it. C. HAY8. J. L
I F;R. .olicltor, notary pabgit. Omoe.-
bane:ton masa. Uodoricb. Wird door fro
K1 -T lilt. attorney, .nlPdtor. eta., bode-.
I wh. flout y W and e.1 loweat rater.
Box qt. tloderich. All instructions by mail
Ira at Signal else WW be prempUy ..
eudra to. ltwdeuos telephone 119.
')ii UI t0 PRIVATI FUNDS 1'u
G , V ban. Apply to M. U. (;All
,),.meter, Hamilton street, Oodericl..
FIRM AND LAG WINING : British, t:+radian and
a0.71.4NT, Ss;c Naas AND aUPLOTaas' LIAatL-
ITr: lbe Ocean Aosideat and Uoarautw
orparauun, LJnuted, of London. Eng.
FtDaui T AND UUARAMTa► 1 oNbs : 111., U.S.
F mislay aura u uarantes Company.
Ut ee at madame. northeast comer of Vic-
: fess and St. Uavid'r areal.. -'hone 1ie.
c 1 H A N C h; C,O.-• arm and toasted
.ow;, t•Ioperty insured.
OM, l. -J. 8. McLean. Pres.. 8eatorth P.U.;
Jas. ; ounolly, V toe -Prem. tioderich 1'. 0..
1 hoes.e w harry Seo.-1'ew.. 8ealorth P. u.
Luerturr-U.kS McUregor, eeafort ; Job.,U.Uttr Fe, V.wtn9vy; W Maimluau,Coostanuo.
Jona I&&Lrewea., 1Seodbarren ; James r•vaos,
ties, heart ; Jotul N aft, Marinol ; ALLOW",
McEwen, bruoenefd.
Arc.,w: J. v., You. aolmesvilte; R. Smith,
B • l t u c k ; \%1111am Chesney. SeaL rth ; a.
Him hief. beatornh. I'btaty-bosdsrs ors par
•.an.,WE1.W rnd ret Weir wow rsessiPed r.
It J. Marta '. Clothing Stere,Clintor, ur at H.
h• ,suss Grocer), tk04.4400 street. Godarion.
11 AL1KR E. KELLY, J. P..
°kinsKICH, urn.
Af nears This milkhnswn and papular stand
rug,,,.bares tae Mit sskravnfi/wksatsoa s�\eseaMv�sttrrg.
�appr.e1as< H. �B.
Both Quick and Permanent Strength.
I f you are run town or tired not.
(you take cold essily,bave so=
are losing Read or have other oe
nl lowered vitality, try war Mgslr'.d'e
system Renovator imago wlr an -
lee to refund e prise Il ta
Use e
palely alfails to Sive esWMlMsteetioe.
I -potent aids
iges11on. tossh uu3 khe satvoua
.anent and
( Seise 11 1"u"rne.
Manufactured by Maais.sd M itetne
i'o lioderieb. Out. Foe also kly IL R.
W tile.
Brophey Bros.
The Wan
Pt$Mrd Directors
sad Deehalmers
+�•. eaawAsay -,i--nod to
' all boom Welt fir day.
Heroic Rescue of Foolhardy Dane
From Niagara's Maelstrom
Peter W. 14ngaard, who claims
Copenhagen. Denmark, as his home,
shot the Whirlpool Rapids of Niagara
1n a motor boat on Thursday after-
noon, to gratify moving picture pro-
His trip through the rapids was
beautifully made, but when he reached
the great whirlpool he was helpless,
as his engine had become disabled In
the wild waters of the Gorge This
Made him a prisoner on the bosom
of the great maelstrom for three
hours. Time atter time the prow of
the little craft was sucked down into
the whirling waters and the stern was
lifted high in the air. 'fo the hun-
dreds on both banks it seemed he
must, surely be frowned. The fire
brigade made several unsuccessful
efforts to reach him with a rope at-
tached to a -float, but when the ad-
venturous man's doom seemed sealed,
Fred Preston managed to swim the
torrent with a lite -line fastened
around his waist, and clinging to the
boat. the two men were drawn to
Government and Ottawa BI -lingual
School Supporters in Controversy
in a speech at B- olton Hon. 1. B.
Lucas, Provincial Treasurer, declared
that the Ontario Government would
stick to its bilingual regulations and
enforce them regardless of the ac-
tions of the Ottawa Separate School
board or any other body. in two
Ottawa separate schools the pupils
walked out upon instructions from
the trustees when inspector Summer -
by attempted to carry out an inspec-
tion in English. Chairman Samuel
Oenest of the Separate School Board
Issued a eta'ement declaring most
emphatically that the famous "regu-
katton 17" would not be obeyed no
'natter what 'the result. He and bis
colleagues, he said, would sue the
Government for the educational grant
4rhtch the Minister of Education has
declared forfeited for non-compliance
with the rules.
Small Chance of Naval Holiday
Thinks Earl of Selborne
The Earl of Selbo- rne in toasting
the memory of Nelson at a Navy
League banquet in London, urged the
necessity of Great Britain nmititain-
Ing the "two keels to one" standard,
and expressed his disbelief In the pos-
lability of any naval holiday.
Walter H. Page. Ambassador from
the (United States, .announced that
the British Government had accepted
the invitation to participate in the
naval parade from Hampton Roads,
through the Panama Canal to San
Another Canal Contract
The contract for section 2 of the
pew Welland Ship Canal has been
let to the firm of Baldry, Yerburgh
knd Hutchinson. of London and fit.
Catharines, the lowest tenderers. The
Contract price Is slightly under $5.-
There are now under contract three
kactions of the new canal. and there
emaln six sections for which tenders
will be called.
Governor -G I Returns
Their Royal Highnesses the Duke
and Duchess of Connaught and Priv
cess Patricia arrived at Quebec on
the Empress of Britain on Saturday
morning. The Duchess 1s as yet tar
from being in good health.
Conservative Elected
Aldertpan 8. F. Glass of Loodos,
Conservative. was elected by • ma-
Iority of 368 over Mr. R. 0 Fisher,
E iberal, in the Mast Middlesex bye-
blectfon for the Commons.
• gift of four million dollars has
boos made to Cornell TTetversity by
Oliver Payne of New York.
Troops of all the Balkan countries
committed atrnelties le the recent
war, according to a report of an ln-
Iternatlonel Inve.tlptleg oovemittee
tort made.
The barge Ceylon. grain -lades, from
Port Colborne to Rtngsten. tound.red
to lake Ontario Tie crew wore
Snow fail last week In nearly all
lbs Northwestern States hove Meets
to the Rocky Mosstal5.
Canada wee gems et the etxtes
.weeptakes at the Dry remains Cas•
grim. li Oklakeesa.
1 The Pre finers or Cawede's state
are costarring et Ottawa
But Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound Restored
Mrs. Bradley's Health -
Her Own Statement.
Winnipeg, Canada. - "Eleven years
ago I went to the Victoria Hospital,
Montreal, suffering with a growth. The
doctors said it was a tumor and could
not be removed as it would cause instant
death. They found that my organs were
affected, and said 1 could not live more
than six months in the condition I was in.
"After I came home I saw your adver-
tisement in the paper, and commenced
taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. I took it constantly for two
years, L',d still take it at times, and
both my husband and myself claim that
it was the means of saving my life. I
highly recommend it to suffering
women." -Mrs. ORILLA BRADLEY, 284
Johnson Ave. ,Winnipeg, Manitoba, Can.
Why will women take chances or drag
out a sickly, half-hearted existence, miss-
ing three-fourths of the joy of living,
when they can find health in Lydia E.
Pinkham'a Vegeta
ble Compound ?
For thirty years it
has been the stan-
dard remedy for fe-
male ills, and has re-
stored the health of
thousands of women
who have been trou-
bled with such ail- Ls
menta as displacements, inflammatio,,,
ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc.
If you want special advice
write to Lydia E. Plnkham Med-
idine Co. (confidential) Lynn,
Maas. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
Toronto Grain Prices
The following wholesale prices are
quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade:
Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Nor., 87c;
No. 2 Nor., 85c.
Manitoba Oats -No. 2 C. R'.'s. 3dc;
No. 3 C. W.'s, 38c.
Ontario Wheat -No. 2 winter, 80c to
82c, outside.
Ontario Oats -33c to 33c, outside;
36c to 37c, track. Toronto.
Corn -No. 2 yellow, 7414c, c.i.f., bay
Peas -No. 2, 90c to 95c, car lots,
Buckwheat -No. 2, 57c to 68c, out•
Rye -No. 2. 61c to 62c, outside.
Barley -For good malting barley,
67c to 58c, outside; feed. 48c to 49c,
Rolled Oats -Per bag of 90 pounds,
82.25; In smaller lots, $2.35 per bar-
arrel; $4.95 per barrel, wholesale, Wind-
sor to Montreal.
I Millfeed-Manitoba bran, $22 to $23;
bags, track. Toronto; shorts, $24 to
125; Ontario bran, 822 to $23 in bags;
shorts, $24 to 125; middliugs, $26 to
Toronto Cattle Market
Representative prices are: -
Export cattle. choice... 87.60 to $7.75
do. medium 7.10 7.50
do. bulls 6.00 8.85
Butchers, choice 7.30 7.56'
do. good ... 6.50 1.00
do: medium . 6.00 6.50
do. common , .. 5.00 8.50
Butcher cows, choice... 5.90 6.25
do. medium 4.75 5.76
do. common .... 4.00 4.76
Butchers bulls. choice5.50 6.00
do. medium 4.40 5.00
Feeders 5.25 6.75
Stockers, choice 5.00 6.00
I do. medium 4.25 5.00
',do. light 3.75 4.25
Canners ... 2.50 3.75
Milkers, choice, each...65.00 90.00
I do. com. and med.....40.00 65.00
Springers ... 40 00 87.00
'-Me. Richard Prortnr, 14x collector i
for Mon•ie, h,s over 827,500 on hie Fill
this y-4 fir.
a �
No matter how ,I.rng standing yout
cn.,e way he, dont deslwir, gr it tort- I
I le of Rheum() today. F. .1. Rutland
sells it with a guarantee to benefit
you. Rheumo is wonderful in its
quick action, the pain cen-es, the -
cies and boned are rid of s )reueey and I.
stiffness and very soon ' a Rheumo
ieUt is a11e to h+ve the sante
strength and vitality of youth. Rheu-
1n(. builds blood to ii.h and thick that
uric acid cannot p-issihly exist. Rheu-
mo costs only fill 41O firs s Iuge butt le
11 mu F. J. 'Rutland 'nt Aiterr, all
chat ges prepaid. from 13. V. .I -talon
Co., Bridgeburg, Ont. '
- and Mrs. K -m. Buckingham. o
Stratfordcelebrated their grHen
wedding on Goober 21st.
5100 Reward, 5100
The traders of t Wpm per iwill be rleremd to
learn that thrrc i'. 1.'.-t ole dir d'1 di -ea -e
that science has toren able to cmr In all its
stages, a.,d that is catarrh. Hall'.: Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cyte now known to
the medical ter it l .Irnh beteg
strtutronal d,.eer. requires a constitution:,'
treatment. Hall'+ t'atanh Cute is taken n.ter-
nally a, tine directly upon the b'o•.d and
wocou- surface+ of the system. 'hetrby des-
troY'ing the foundation of the di -ea -e, .nd --
Ing the patient strength ny p the
constitution and aa-l.ti•,g nature i . doing its
work. The 1 roprirtur=have -o much faith in
its cnra•ive powers that they offer 4 One Hun-
dred Dollars for any case that It fails to cult.
Send or Il.) of ted( nuonlal..
Address F. J CHICNr.Y.4t t++.. Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggits.73.',
Take Hall's Family Tilts for con-tioation.
- Luckuow i4 going some. The rate
of taxation is 29 mills on the dollar.
Calves, veal 8.00 10.00
do. rough 4.25 6.00
Sheep; ewes, light 4.75 6.25
do. heavy . , 4.00 4.50
do. bucks 3.50 4.00
do. culls 2.00 3.50
Lambs, choice 7.45 7.75
do. bucks, 75c lower per head
Hogs, weighed off cars9.00 0.00
Hogs, fed rnd watered8.75 0.00
Hogs, f.o.b. 8.40 0.00
Farmers' Market
Following are the latest quotations
for farm produce at St. Lawrence
Market, Toronto:-
Fall wheat, bushel $ .86 to $ .88
Oats .38 .40
Barley . 68 .60
Rye .65 .00
Peas 1 .80 .0
Hay. timoth\', No. 1...16.00 17.560
Mixed and clover 14.00 15.00
Straw, bundled .. 15.00 16.00 Maass►
do. loose 10.00 11.00
Rye straw 18.00 20.00
Eggs, new laid, doz.40 .45
i Butter, choice dairy.30 .32
Chickens, dressed, lb10 .00 rr
do. each .70 .80
Fowl. Ib .16 .171-.11,
Old ducks, each 1.00 1.15
l Young ducks. ,b. .20 .00
1:). .16 .17
Turkeys, Ib. -.28 .00
Live spring chickens.18 • .00
fowl .14 .15
Potatoes. bag .86 .90
!Apples. basket .28 .35
Celery, bunch 05 .07
The Family Underwear
NOVEMBER is the month:that most people put on their winter Under-
wear and at our store we are prepare with an immense stock to suit
WatheJ Underwear needs of all the family. For Ladies and Children we
feature Turnbull's Underwear.
Turnbull's Natural Wool Vests and
Drawers, unshrinkable, a garment ...$1.0O
Extra fine quality women's a11-
w•oo11 Vests and Draw•et•, Turnbull's,
white or natural, per garwent. .11.00
Ons big leader. Women's Natural
Union Vests rnd ihawers, winter
weight. Turnhull'a, per garment.. .. 80o
Women's tine quality union Vests
in high neck and long sleeves, also low
neck and short sleeves, Drawers to
match, per garment . .71543
This season we are showing a
much larger range of Women's Com-
binations. We have these popular
garments in Peerless, Turnhull a and
"Cee Tee, per suit, from
We pay the same strict attention to the selecting of our Underwear
for children as we do for women.
Children's Natural Wot.' Vgwta and
Drawers. Turnbull's, Unsbr,nkerbie,
Size 0, 35o:1, 40o : ''i 50o :3.111543:
4, Boo; 5. 700 ; 6. 75o: 7. $So per
Children's Union Vesta and
Drawers, Turnbull's, a very popular
quality. Size II. 150: 1. ;160 ; 2.
Zoo : 3, 25o : 4, 450: 5,.300: e.
300; 7, Sao res garment.
Children'a Black Tights, Turnbull's,
extra heavy quality. These garments
are more popular each season. Size
0, Oso a 1, 300 2, 300 ; 3.350; 4.
Sao ; 5, 400 ; 6, 45o ; 7, 50o per
Children's Baby Buntin Fleece -
lined Sleeping Suits with feet. Per
p iir 000. The and 55o, also natutal
wool sleeping suits.
We have ittl stock a complete range of the best makes in Men's
Fleece -lined and Wool Underwear in Turnbull's, Tiger and Cee Tee
Our leader, Men's Tiger Brand,
heavy wool ribbed Shirts and Drawers,.
all sits+, per garment 11.00
i'Apecial, values in Boys' Natural
Wool and Fleece -lined Underwear.
Phone s6 Millar's Scotch Store illue 56
Suits to special measure -
We call them Special
Orders -for they are made to
your own choice.
300 English and Scotch
cloth patterns to select from.
30 different style designs.
East Buffalo Cattle
Cattle -Prime steers, 88.60 to $8.75;
shipping, $7.75 to 88.60; butchers,
87.00' 10 $s.35; cows, $3.25 to 86.50;
bulls, 15.00 to $7.00; heifers;' 85.50 to
87.60; stock heifers, 84.76 to 85.25;
stockers and feeders. $6.76 to $7.30;
1 fresh cows and springers, active and
strong. $35.00 to $90.00.
Veals-Calves, 86.00 to 812.00; Can-
ada calves. $3.50 to 85.50.
Hogs -Heavy. 88.40 to 88.60; mixed,
88.40 to 88.45; Yorkers, $8.00 to 88.40;
pigs, $7.75 to $8.00; roughs, 87.60 to
$7.76; stags, $6.50 to 87.60; dairies.
$8.25 to $8.40.
Sheep and lambs -Lambs, 85.00 to
$7.35; yearlings, $4.50 to 86.00; weth-
er.. $6.00 to $6.26; e\ es, $2.60 to
$4.76; sheep, mixed, 14.76 to $6.00.
When you have made the
choice of pattern the JIWt is
made to your own special
pattern in the Semi -ready
Shoppss..� �
finished the same week.
Tailored to fit you, too, or
you do mot need to take them.
Guaranteed ---for we
absolutely satisfy you.
*ES to$4.S
Cheese Markets
London --Offerings: Thorndale. 36
colored; Pond Mills, 100 colored;
Gold Creek. 60 colored; 196 boxes of-
fered. No sales. Bidding, 12%c.
fit. Hyacinthe, Que.-300 boxes of
cheese sold at 12%c
Belleville -One thousand tour hun-
dred and fifteen boxes cheese board-
ed; 630 sold at 12 16-16c. Balance at
Watertown, N Y -Cheese sales,
4.605 boxes at 1314c.
Chicago Livestock
Cattle -Beeves, $6.70 to $9.70, Texas
/Were. 86.76 to $7.90; stockers and
headers, $5 to 87.60; cows and heifers,
P.40 to $1.30; calves. 81.60 to 810.26.
Hogs -Light. 17.66 to $8.26; mixed.
$7J18 to 88.81; heavy. 87.60 to 8$ 36;
rough, 17.46 to $7.80; pip. 84.50 to
$T.I0; bulk of sales. $7.75 to 88.30.
aloes-lshitive, $3.90 to $4.90: year -
84.90 to $6 AS. lambs. native.
to $7 45
Cattle at Montreal -
To/towing are the latest gnotatloes
Oa live stock e.1 1h. Went Rio Market,
Prism beeves. 7var. medium. 6c to
oxo; common. 3%c to 41Sr. small
bona. about 4e stockers. 4c to 114e.
Calves. Site to 61,4c
Sheet, abut 41(e
Liebe. about $1,sc
Fogs- 4%e to 10e
Ater se.rty two weak.exaslf-
alra et wltaese s matted has bass
tend to Implants Mas .4 11.411.. 8s
the alleged "ritual tat tIar' eras at
Lam. Masala
Pandora Range0
Arctic Jewell
Steel Range, No. 918, reservoir.
This is one of the famous Jew, -11
line manufactured b' Burtow,
Stewart 1t Milne Co., Hamil-
ton, baa 9 -in. pot -hole and 19 -in.
oven: full warming closet; na
complete Range ; will burn coal.
wood or coke. Extra good
value at regular price, $40.00.
Special sale price. 184.75.
Royal Jewell
Steel Range, No. 918, reservoir.
This Range is made by the
came firm, is the same aim, but
a much heavier range.
Regular price, $60.00. Special.
has been such a success with us that we believe it
will, pay us to handle the Pandora exclusively.
We require the floor space and the money in-
vested in several good Ranges and Stoves of other
makes we have on hand and have cut them so as
to sell them at once. This is your chance if you
want a good Range at the time you need it, at
considerably less than its regular value.
Social Jewell
reservoir. Regular *38.00, special
Ideal Jewell
Double heater and parlor cook.
Made by same firm.
Regular price, $I', 8.1. Special
price. 136.50.
Champion Summit
Range No. 920
Thin i4 a particularly grad
farts Range. es it had a very
large oven and well proportioned
fire -box to heat the oven; hag
oven thermometer and reservoir.
Regular prise. $42110 Mpeciel
price, 136.40.
Ideal Range
with high shelf, No. 91a, has
reservoir. Extra gond value at
$35.(5). Special price 529.60.
Also several good second-hand
Stoves and Ranges we will sell
right, and a few air -tight wood
Heaters at 13.00 to 15.00.
We have extra good values in
working Mite and Gloves.
Buy your Christmas Presents
early and remember we have the
goo useful line. at the beet
price consistent with quality.
A snap in games. When our
buyer was lest in Montreal he
was offered a job Int of games
ata price. When we open then(
they will go like hot cikee.
We want you to shake hands with our new head
salesman, Mr. Buttery.
Mr. Buttery is an experienced Hardware Sales-
man, having both retail and wholesale experience.
You will find him and the rest of the staff on the
job at all times to serve your smallest wants to your
entire satisfaction.
Buy Your Christmas Goods tlere
The Jowell hardware Co., Lirniled