HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-30, Page 1Flfton Months for One Dollar The Signal will be gent to any new subscriber its Crusade or omit mimes from Dow until Jgauery 1st, 1915, for only One Dollar SILTY YoURTH Ysut-na.arte GODERICH. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1913 IICONSIDER EVERY DOLLAR you put into good advertising nota dollar of expense, but a dollar invested upon which you will receive higher div Weeds than from any other investment. The Masai U the beat edvertlrlalt meal um to Heron County A. E. BRAHMIN. Puttsrataa. rTHE STEIIUNGBANK SAVE, because --- If you find it impossible int; beyond your means. No. 56 to save, you are liv- Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager STRONGEST FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES are represented by• A. G. N I S BE'T Insurance and Real Estate Agent List your property for sale with me. OFFICE NEXT CANADIAN RANK OF COMMERCE, GODERICH 'PHotas : Orrice 20 t Hoose 160. P. O. Box 364 PUBLIC NOTICE � T. ANTED %YOTICE -THIS 18 TO CERTIFY 11 that K. J. Tout. C.P.R. Bagtneer. Ir no the F-dward Tout whe wee lewd In wart In-' week. 79- t. w� A R M HELP AND DOMESTIC [ 1' SERVANTS- -Personsrequiring term help Mould apply at once to WIIAM Mtt,IUIL- LIN, Itominion Government Employment Ascent, St. Helens. Ont. Orders lett with H. D. WUODd 81. Helene. Ont., will receive tempt u, . Woe, TOWN OF GODERICH TAREB,1813 Tape- err now due mild payable at my ounce, Town Halt Two per .ent off 1t paid by iteltr ovember One per cent off if paid by 12th December Tato per rent added attar 13 b Deoember ; tt.e per cent added atter let January,. 1911. Pat promptly mud get ourdisnnunt. "'M. CAMPBELL, ,.•:t Collector. •A NNUAL MEETING eTMortise outruled Act governing Horticul- tanl8ocdetie-, their anneal meeting* most be held during the and wrek to November each War. 1 he annual matted of the 0014 RR H HORTICULTURAL SOCiy;TY will therefore be held os Teenday evening. Resemtier lib. at 8 o'dook• le the neeneary.5 Igoe, in the Court House. An ntnkara are requested to attend. ary� Goderich. Oot.I * LAKY Bectwt 7621 NOTICE TO CREDITORS le nes J.arAy.g o,DOXALD MCKAY. Dw IAego NcUoe b hereby elven pursuant to 1 Deo. v. can, 0,. arc. SS. t nal all per,one naving claims against o he agate of Donald McKay. tate of the town of Goderich. In the county of Huron. lab- orer. des -eased who died on the 17th day of November. A. it. 1911, are required to good or deliver to the undersigned. rotdtor for Angus McKay. of the town of Goderio►, admintetra- tor of the estate of the Bald Do�al� McKay, de- cewed, on or before the 81.8 yr of Ontober, A.D. 1013. full particulars of t olattna and and the Ilion after re of h such Wit, if 1Msd date the sell administrator will pressed to distribute the a.-et.of the said decanted gem the per- son. entitled thereto. haying mart only to the claim. of which he shah rbcs have received notice, and the said administrate, will not be liable for Thr asset,, Or any port game to an per*on or pentons of whose 01=1 � not have been re* elved e1 this wte Wage t4M [Mut ion. Detect 0ARRh dayOW October, lag, Ontario. Solicitor for ANGUS MCKAY. VmtnM,rstor. 77at TOWN OFOODERiCH Take notice that the munlolpel council of the cot p.tation of theof Goderleh intends to mn,iraet a ry eeocrote sidewalk on south .ids of Ola road, In the said t own. between UUam street and McDon Maw net, and Intends to meas • portion of the final cost tbwss( 44nos� the real y to be immediately btgwlKtsa menial,. ting or abutting apse )Eliiaral• towel, afore- said - leyl can tea said gNpte. and to sorb cleat roe twenty acro diap yy t�kssswhrsat�sfea0giee thereof by 1(atemeet showlet the wens •W - gal egaadthAto Fried to be names f esasaaw* far the saki tar as ca be names of thw Owaane wane Ise tar ma cant roll • hem -" -- �gy,swd the otic* of the the M Mw $Ird kt Is open Inc Inspection der,air� mutilated_ cwt ate ww.- le sC iMeffwide l 1 M to be A court of reelable ail be bald re tbe Oh der of November,�M t t g�kaweY� .ya °ritthcet too the reit dedweMb, fK tY �w'�Mf mant ere le the yj M beRtioN os- me1.t•. oe ear *tis riaiia e.7sty M.ab ted vrhkb 1"OT law D•ted thw dap io xl . Clerk. 7ft It (ODERICH 'BUS LINE r rer'hum 'hsmeet all train. t Privets slt� have and livery First- se Res aosewle prim all times- ) I tit DAVIS LiVERY T. 11. DAVIS - .gveekee South Street '}best Ira 11 �,. A FOR SALE OR TO RENT L'OR SALE. -IN THE TOWN OF 1. Goderich, two lots being, halt an acre of land, In • Ion. On this property to a small house a . stable. Will be .o14 cheap. Apply to J AS. YATES- 79,2t STOVE FOR SALE -BASE BURN- ER with oven and bot -air chamber. in .1 rendition. Cheap for crib. Apply to 1'. W. WU4ISELL. residence Kenya street, or at Fred Hunt's Hardware store. It. FOR$ALK.-AN ART SOUVENIR beating stove. used only one season and to Just as good as new. Have no further use for it oo amount of the one of a heating system. Ape/SIGNAL OFFICE. It LIOR SALE -A HOUSE AND 1 quarter -acre lot, with stable on Cambria road :also six lots and s•natl hnose on Britten - e ta road. Apply to IsIHS PUTTS, Cambria road 78-2t. r�lo RENT. -HOUSE, BARN AND marke. garden' of 10 acro• on the bank of the Maitlwd river to rent, HltcaLd near the Grand Trunk station. Goderich. Four acres of holt treat on the promisee. Property well watered. Apply to ALEX. ROBERTSON. Brit aceta road, God erlch. 77.1M LtLOKSALE.-TWO-STORY HOUSE 1' oo Kassa et est, containing ten room., hoe mod irn bathroom. furnace and electric lighter ; thoroughly repaired from cellar to root ; tub lot and small with some fruit. Apply CO W. R PINCER. 67-tf. FOR SALE OR TO RENT.-HOUSt. on n.lo aveone. near South .tract. Mod• era veaMucee. Apply to W. R. ROBERT- SON. Victoria street. Rte EBrATE FOU SALJL. We have for sale about t4ist town tote. priers ranging hum *.10 upwan also three cottaxes and other dwellings soda few fern*. PROUDFOOT. HAYS titILLORIN, Gods - rich Ont. 4611 HOU81 S FOR SALE. -AN EIOH1'- ROUMED HOUSE on Victoria street and one seven roomed bouae on Angleor' street: both with all modern conveniences ; stable on each property. Also one choles corner build- ing lot For farther partioulare apply to W. T. PKLWW', Oodeticb. Vot. 7411 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FOIL HALE The residents, with four lot. formerly known se the A .MoD. Allan property, corner Cameron and Raglan street.. Good brick bourse. two stories. In end -class repair ; modern 000venienoes. Grounds visaed with variety of choice fruits. One of the best prop- erties In Ooderlcb. Reasonable term.. P. J. RYAN. Godertob. FOR 8ALE.-FIVE ACRES OF land, part of lot R L. R. W.. Coiborre township. county of Huron. On the property are a triune dwelling hoses and a work shop ; M aerosol orchard. (lose to school. one-half I mile from chorea,noshes sad store. Nine ppetsaooss for • retiretanner. The property be- C erms ( .me 4. so Mrs. er A. A. [a LULM8. Dunlop see be Lad from A. A. W1L Ont- 42.18 ARM FOR SALL-TRH EAST y�taf lot one la tt�8. fourth Masters Disliked The Wyss. oboe link. eeaWateg Igo area lbere ski M a tewase GCs. wens frame abwap.plT tbIs aarateleriohrtPRUU ID 'OOT. I8AY4 s rl4 12-48 p111T10 1AND FARC pinrePROP- Son Mn th IAL t-1 kat d with esus swvwsl d14raW. rroperu... *sad .4rMts la God xle1; akeo note whale a cleat daesas. of town. it fax wra<a 11 kayo MC ger w. 1- WEST WA AW NOSH FIREINSIIRANCECO. floe of lei suss$ (• the Teev- isee. Med ream of a_eesee.tmt Live Stock i1mmM m Iia fell value whether we the hewer not, Mo trestle i• make adjust - smote. li AMiLWAiN, Agent for Oeiberne AUCTION SALES FRIDAY 0o(. 310Lal -Auction se of cedar �..b paridbraoes at the Haw Mill in Bay*. Id. W A. MUSTARD, proprietor; Trios. UONDay. • MONDAY, Nov. 3rd, -Auction oda of -term hock, inspl em•nte and household husker*, penpeny of MR. WM. 1.BRIM Lay, eon. l,God. - rich towsahlp. TxoMas Gustier, auottwteer, TeeeuaY, November 4th. -Auction sale of furor and farm stock at lots 11 and T, Id. and Ind 00000' lore, Goderlch township. bowie ALDwowra, proprietor, Tonins Ut SORT, aunt Mime,. WEDNESDAY, Nov. Stfo - .tuotleo .ale of farm stork and Implement. et for lit, Hurou road. Jerre 0. Rtor,oa., prot rioter :Taos. Our. - Der alletigaser. TillkiDAY, Noy. 6th.-Tru.t•e.'anis of farm stock. Implements and household furniture at lot 12, coo. 4, Bast Wawanosh.ronerty of the late H.Mvav McDowi1.1- Tnoa OUMttty. serttoneer, MOND.' v, Nov. loth. -auction este of term Wek and implem.ut.. property of MM, M VORAy tarieeoX, Bar line moor debars. stat lou t, - TRONA/ O V roar, •netiesw. SITUATIONS VACANT. NURSES W ANTED. -THF. TORON- to NI'ED.-THK'1'URON- to Hospital for In,urable. offers two year,'yyoo.trhinlrut; complete course io rna..age; hospital, Ne York. Applications Appllications wd ill Allied received by MISS GREEN. Lady [Superinten- dent. 130 Dunn Avenue. Toronto. 76-11 SPECIAL. -80M,. I NTIt;LLIUE N't laborers wanted for all -year work. In our different departments, n,eo who nosy grow quickly into better titan common laborers(' pay. enquire ter perllc ilea and .end quelilleetgea to the COLLIN°WOOD Sillt'Butu:usU COMPANY, Colbnewoud, rent. 78.10 AUCTION SALES "LEARINO'AUCTION 8ALE . OF FARM BTOCK AND IMPLEMENTS lilt MURRAY PATERSON will sell by public auction at his farm, the filet lot south of the railway craning on the Base line gear Auburn fits tlun), On MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10th. at 1.31 o'clock Tharp: Mare, 3 yeark old ; Mare. 9 years old ; driving Horse. 9years old ; 7 Yearlings; 2 Calves ;Low, due to calve January 21; Cow, due to calve April 2c; Sow and Litter of Pigs; In Hene; quantity of Grain ; Lumber N aggon : 6 -foot alct'ormtck Mower; Hay Rake; 16 -Disc Har- row; :L,.oction Drag Harrow; Farm Wawgggon, nearly new; Vaggon Hex and Seat. Sie Hay Rack, Hay Fork and Ropes, McCormick Seed trr11L Fanning Milt, Hhaaples Cream Sep orator, Plow, Gang Plow. Hussy. Cutter. Root L't(,tter, .et Teem Hereto%, single harness. TRM&-AU sums of 810 and under. cash; over that amount eleven months' credit will ice given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of eve per crit. allowed for ca.h on credit amounts. Everything mt ust be disposed of. The implements are all practically new and in good shape. • MURRAY PATERSON, THOS. OL'NDRY, Proprietor. Auburn. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMK:d1S MR. JOHN D. RODOEH will sell by public auction at Lot 10. Huron road* miles Rowe of Godedch., on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 50. commencing .t 1 o'clock sharp: Pair of Roans, Mare and Golding. 6 years old, will weigh 300 lbs: brown Horse, 8 years old; heavy filly, rising 3 years old ; heavy Gelding, ri ing 2 years old ; 3 wood mlk-h Cows, oppos- ed to be in calf : farrow Cow, 4 at -era, Hiring 2 sears old : 3.pring Calves, new D ening Bind - new MvCogmick Mower, Sled D ill. gond Ha 1 order, nearly now; Hay Tedder. Hay hake, Marney -Hama Cultivator, Die Harrow. Roller, Plow, McTaggart Fanning Mill, Cut- ting Box. heavy Waggon. combined ?tock Rack, net of 8ielaJs ; set of double Harness, 2nets of single Harman.. 2 Cutters. covered Buggy, • quen,tty of Hay. Forks, Chains. Shovels, Whimetree, and nu nerous other articles. TERMS. --All sums of 310.00 and under. e•eh over that amount, twelve month's vredit will be given cu furnishing approved joint notee.' A diseount of S per cent allowed for cash on credit amount.. Everything mud be sold a1 the proprietor has sold the farm. JOHN I).1101141hai. THOMASUCNDRV, Peop'letor. tnotIOneer. 111R1.'STEEM' SALE 1 ov FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS ANDHOUSE- HOLDFURN 11, UBE The Trustees of the Estate of the late HARVEY McDOWKLL will sell by public auction at Lot 32, eon. 4, Feet Wawano.h, on THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 6,h commencing at 1 shock, sharp: 1 aged Mare; 1 brotd Mare (registered) 11 years, 1n foal: 1 brood Mare. 5 years olo, In fold ; 1 brood Mare, 4 years o.d. lean be regis- tered) ; 2 91411.,. rising 2 year+ old, one can be regi•t-red ; 2 spring unite, one tan be register- etd; 1 Driver. 7 years ed ; 1 miloh Cow, In calf, due Jan. 1st; 2 milob Cow:, supposed to be to calf; 2 Steers, rising 3 yearn old: 5 yearling Steers ; t Heiler,. rising 3 years old ; 3 yearling Heifers: 1Craves ; 3 young brood Sows. have been bred. IMPLF.MENT1 1 Massey Harris Binder. newly new-; 1 Mower, Home Rake. two -furrowed Plow. single Plow, Roller. Hrumer set Harrows, Orsini Seed Sower, Lumber Waggon. Rubber T1ed Baggy. nearly new Top Buggy, set of Sleigh*. Cotter, Hay Hack, Turnip Sower. Fanning Milt, Turnip Pulppeer, set of Hale.. capacity IMO lbs., 1 set double Harness - 1 set single Reenter', about Pe Hens, 15 Turkeys, en tons Hay. 50 to 000 b:nsbela than and • quantity of Harley. Buck- wheat. Ensilage, Turnip-, Mangold and Pota- toes. Moo some Hou-ebokl Furniture. Tenon.-- t he Grain and all sums of 110.00 aid under. cash; over tantamount. 12 mouth credit on approved joint notes. A discount of .i per oent allowed for each on reedit amonnta. THOM AS OL N DRY, Aunt loneer. ei l'ION1 SALE ARI[ STOCK IMPLEMENT$ AND SOME or HOU6SHOLD rURN11'URM MR WM. 14. BRINLEY fat eorwasetea Ueda -lob Township has instructed Thos. timothy to soil by publl, •UOUo• on MONDAY, NOVLb( BIER Sed . commencing at 1 o'clock. the fallowing . 1 grey Mars. cream wild : 1 bay Mere, 12 es r1 old; t ha! Mar, 9 years old In el : 1 Rowe. 4 yeses elb 1 teal Hone, a yam 0M ! , moot ba old : 1 cow. n t to naive to Apel) ; 2 Cows' .apposed to eJvs the 1M of May ; 1 Cow. sapeeted 10 ealve 1e row. - sty ; 2 rood eeriest Calves ; armee ►tore pigs 1 good How ; shoed to haw . 1 7-h. la 44- 44-ar riaMalar, oe•rly new; I i(.•.ar Marr« M'ow.r • 1 set Massey Harris, Due; 1 1141. Dull, Memos, Hamel. 1 ifenew plow art : 1 send tidier Plow: I geed waftiniig� new; 1 • sets( tree Harrows : 2 rusk, Mk; 1 set of MO lbs. Scales ; 1t!e eMtavr w 1 oft al 1 1 • .y ■ t geed $ 0. ., Des. t Yelper. 1 Crate. t Cstsaw 1 lRes�d Gable eattev, f sew ; ! oe now •IfireLlilarnaraesses; AI stwaes; 1oat of , . .1 • t «w eft1 t MARKET ENDORSED SOUTH BRUCE ELECTS TRUAX BOARD OF TRAD$ APPROVES OF THE SIGNAL AGITATION President Cameron Says Scheme Should be Resuetitated-A Plan Formulated to Increase the Board Membership-Rebuiloing of Furni- ture Factory Discussed "That this board recommend that th town council take up the question u establishing • market." Tots w.w th DPnt.cipal resolution passed fey th Mowed tet Trade at a meeting held i the b. 1 surd rooms on :Monday nigh last. It w•aa moved by Al r. F. J. Prid haw, and aecueded by Mr. Georg Hubweier- 'fbe question came upas the ream of the president, Mr. M.U. Cawerou etaung that be thought the scheme which came up sono years ag, when he term mayor of the towu should be resuscitated. At the time a bylaw asking the people u vote $41100 to establish a tuarke wee submitted to the people and defeated ' by a slight uutt•gw. Th president was glad that The Slgu• bad taken the matter up. He gav quotations from newspapers to sho Writ a market had greatly benefitt Sat nia and werchattw there bed duo an enonuous business by many ferule' cowing to town who otberwi.e would not have wine. Mr. Cnnieron bald that he thought the council should be asked to take the matter '.p arid prepare a bylaw W l�i suuit the question to the people, for at times like this when prices were so Ligh the 'producer and consumer should be wrought as close as possible together. Mr. Pridhaw stated that frow what he bad seen in The Signet he thought the merchants were in favor of a market. Mr. . Morningstar Was of the opinion that the people sbould not, be asked to vote on a money bylaw saying that he thought the old market building could still be used uutilitwar. seen whet her • market would induce the farmers to bring theit produce to town. AAlia matter of information Charles C. Lee ruled if 0.. market would be self-sustaining. The eecre- tai y, Mr. James Mitchell, said that all depended upon the rules for feet, etc.,, which were wade by the couneuuiiy governing the same. Mr. Win. Cempbell did not see any trouble over the collection of fees but the location bothered him. Victoria park was suggested. :lir. F. R. Hod - gene did not like that pert of the tow+. and suggested it site nearer the Square. The president thought that people would not object to walking 100 yards Bout the Square. Mr. Hodgens said that people were obliged to go for law but they would not travel too great a dietarce to n market. "It should be near the town hall or Re near as possible," remarked Mr. B. C. Mannings, Previously he did not think that people would attend a 01111 ILK, but wince some farmers had „Epr•essed therrtselyes tavorahly with the idea he had changed Ka mind. Owing to the fact that larger funds and a leiger membership would be acceptable to the Boatel of Trade at the present time. it was decided to formulate a canvassing scheme. the fres have been reduced to $1 from the p.esent time until January 1st, 1915, and different members of the board have agreed to ewnvas9 the Lown. A question brought up by Messrs. J. , P. Hume and Ales. Saunders received the apptoval of the board when it unaniw..usty passed • resolu- tion of sympathy to the Laymen's Missionary• Movement. Both these gentlemen outlined the great work which this organization is doing at the present time. A hearty invitation was Issued to all the members ief the board W be present and to allow tis many of their employeeeilso to attend the sessions on November 7th. The president said that there should not be any &dyer, e discussion on this point and the motion of Mestere. Jamey Mitchell and F. .1. Ps idham was un- animously carried. The matter cf iebuileling the Ken- sIogtun furniture factory, which was destroyed by fire a short time ago, was diseased. Plomoteri of the scheme wee. present and explained that they bad so tar been unable to secure stock to the extent of 11211,0110. the necessary amount to enable theta to rebuild the factory. As the members of the booted believe that the factory sho'-ld e. be rebuilt, it was decided to st with it es much as possible. At p s- ent the industrial committee is deal- ing with the matter. The proposed factor when built will be three storeys high, 160:00 and will employ about 75 handy. It is possible that the town will he asked w.1844 continue the old loasrtlf $25,(X)) on the property and it Is nndentood that it this is asked for, it will he granted. The question of the C.P.R. carrying p.ckage freight through this port tea., ddiseusn>'d. Mr. B. C. Monologs said tbat he thought that companybad not united its contract in estahbhing a transfer business at this pot t AA 1 hey armed to do in their contract He held that the company wore get ties a good thing trout (odet ich, hot were giving nothing in return. No beams was taken in the matter. There e e e n t e •t t e 1 w e1 a I lsasa large attendance and the meet - 1 Carrie! slew ( , f eft ins was vety tinthuaieas/s. al.e Ds e. f WlBromf mesa Ca= --$ 14t ears of cattle were shipped Aaw. ! llama t (Nair. ksOraig recent Iy to Frankfort, taaasseg M I___ asd two to Toronto. r se ani ie veer 1w a► tsmea. 01 a -Y. sur t two: ?OM i• est e( 1 errsNIT v cis". h rw t w�irtaw oat. �Oelprt�rvlieaoesit, (x -mesa TMoa olJ:DsirMiiter•. BiseM as Tfms m!(3� r Tit iw' � A 11 !) Liberals Carry the Riding by Over 125 Majority Latest returns received tonight (Thursday) from the bye -election in South Bruce give Mr. R. E. Truax, the Liberal candidate, a majority of 125 over Mr. W. D. Cargill, the Conservative candidate. The result of this election will be a sad blow to the Borden government. At the general elections in '911 the Conservative candidate, Mr. J. J. Donnelly. carried the riding by a majority of 103. A few months ago Mr. Donnelly was appointed to the Senate. This appointment opened the riding for the bye -elec- tion. The hand writing is on the wall, and the result in South Bruce gives the Borden -Rogers -Pelletier alli- ance the first real notice to quit. DIED FROM INJURIES TO VOTE ON BYLAW Resident of Colborue Township is Fatally People Will Decide Regarding Guarantee Hurt in Accident to Machinery Co. Mr. Nixon Dougherty. aged SS years, Froui the manner in which the spec - died at. hie residence, near Sbeppard- ial comtnittee dealt with the matte r ton, in the township of Colborne, of granting the concessions asked of about 9.30 on Tuesday night as the re- the town council by tbeAwetlean Road suit of injuries received about noon Machinery Co. at a' meeting held on the same day, two wiles distant from Friday nigbt last, it is likely that the nia owu house. The deceased, who ratepayers of the municipality of the was a prominent farmer, was bring- town of Oodetich will be risked wheth- ing a Targe hog from another fartner 8 er this town as a body will guarantee place about four miles away. Appal- the bonds of this company for 150,000 ently everything went all right uutil and give it a flied assessment at $10, he was about half way home, when 000 fur a period of 10years. the pig ruauaged W get out of ice Al this meeting Mr. C. L. Moore, crate. As nobody saw the accident the local manager, and Mr. J. W. itis not drflnitely known bow he got Kate the secretary, were present and hurt, but it is thought by his friends gave the committee an outline of what that either in attempting to hold the they intended to Jo. Tbey explained erste on the wagon he lost con- that at least an outlay of $80.000 trol of the horses, or thet the escaping would be espanded on the erection of pig (tightened them and caused then, a more suiteele .building and in the to run away. At any rate they were neighborhood of $44,500 would to re - seen running by Mr. John Bennett, quired to buy the necessary land.' who went to investigate. Mr. D,nugh-. They stated furtbermote that there erty was found lying by the roadside figures were only an approximation and later iernoved te his home. Drs. hut they would furnish ones more def - Whitely and Emmerson were Sunt- inite before the next meeting of the w oned but despite medicel aid he sun- council. numbed to his injuties the same eyrie There was mach discus -ion and log An imposes will not he held. finally on motion of Coun. Vaoatter The deceased was born in the town- wed Coen. Graham it wan decided to ship of Colborne and, with the excep- have a bylaw drafted which will be tion of a few years sp"-nt in the wear, confirmed at a future meeting of the he lived 'the most of his life there. Ile committee and then read At ,a specie) was a Methodist during the latter meetiug of the'council, the date to be pert of his life but was an adherent to decided upon letter. the Anglican church iu his early days. ! ---- -- There ie surviving hien a wife and live MASONIC BUILDING daughters -Mrs. Wur. Kilpatrict, of -_ Swift Current, Saekatichewan, and Fine Structure Will be Ooeoed Early in Misses Eleanor, Mildred, Florence and the New Ytir Evelyn, at home. ! Tile funeral will take place from his It is A well-known fact that the first late residence to Colborne Protestant thing that visitor, look at in a town is cemetery on Friday afternoon. Rev. its public buildings and in the mejority Harold Willem., of Mheppardton, and of cases a town is estimated by them. Rev. J. A. Robinson, of the Anglican Wbile the new Masonic building on church At Dungauuon, will conduct West street can hardly he flailed a the funeral. I public building, pet it is a good ache - j to Ooderich. Built of solid brick WILL NOT BUILD BRIDGE ( three staueye high, end at a cost of about $20,000 it has an inlposipg ap- Counties' Committee so Decide re Mait- pearance as the visitor passes from the River Bridge 1 dock or the C.P.R. station to the cen- landteal part of the town. And it first "this committee let tet the opinion, impressions are lusting ones, the tour - that it is not necessary to build a uew i let carries away with him the memory bridge at this place, and maintain It ; of this progressive and enter prising and approaches flt for public traffic, 1 town. but before fully deciding in the matter, Judging from the way the work is that a joint committee should be ap- progressing on the building, it is ex - pointed to consider the whole question, ' petted that it will be opened by the reid rep .rt to each council at theVecew- oegineing of the New Year. Mayor bre meeting. "Such was the resolution 1 Heid, the contractor, was epoken to made by it joint committee for the by Toe Signal and ea:tl that he counties of Huron and Wellington thought the building would be ready which met on October 10th on the i for occupancy then. boundary between the two ':.,unties, I As stated before, the building has for the purpose of exemining it b. idge three storeys. The ground floor con - spanning the river there. tains two stores, which will eye occu- Huron was represented by Warden pied by Mr. James Lloyd, wholesale McKay, Cc ty Engineer Patterson I fruit dealer. On the second floor these and C..uoe. Reis, Bailie and Living -1 will be four large offices and a num- stone; Wellington,by Warden McAr.h- bcr of club roosts which will be occu- ur, County Eogineet Young and two( pied by the Menesetung canoe club. weriber • of the county council. Their appartnlents will consist of a Air. 3lcArthur waw Appointed chair- 'large leading room, a billiard room than and Mr. Lane secreta t y. The an two small i eceeees which can be M idge is an old wooden structure 1 used for card rendezvous. At the back about 55 feet. long and 'pane the main of these rooms there will be A comfort - cream of the Maitland river. The able suite furnished for the janitor. toad, leading to the bridge, is only I The top or third storey will be de - very little used, in fact there were no voted entireiy to the use of the Marion - signs of any truffle, and the road for' is order. The lodge room at the back ensue distance north has never been will i e elaborately furnished and opened up. To the rent and west equipped with a caoir or orchestra there are good toads. which are con- loft Leading off from this room are tethered sufficient accommodation for smeller rooms used as preparation the public, rooms, where the ••*teen -horn" is Outside of affording accommodation made ready to "ride the goat." In the to two men, wbooe pr perty bon buth front part of the building on the same �sides of the river, the committee floor a the banquet room with • weat- . greed that there wan 0.1 necessity to ing capacity of about df11) petrous. lo maintain the bridge at this place and the centre theta will he lergs folding considered step+ should he taken to doors dividing this hanynettlog hall in o,. it up. two or three compartments. The A committee was appointed to pInmblog and heating •pparates will further look int, the trainer The be Rrst.clase and up -to date in every members are Huron - W. r 'en Me- respect. Kay and Reeves Bailie anti Living- lite building is a floe one and will moos , Wellington - Warden ?leArth- 4.0 doubt • d very materially to the ter and Reeves Mor field and Young. beauty of Godes ich and the Masonic Mr. McArthur was appointed chats- order am to be oosgratoisted epos Mgt of tete committee and Mr Bailie erecting it. Its e.setelest en wag secretary eommenced about three yaws ago. -Mr. W. A Ussery. who has tired i -The tatepay.ve of Exeter voted on the London toad, south of gaiter, almost esaalsaorasl N favor of a leas ailhieMer nett . W Mea I..t. lei- j d t!* t• abs �le.r Irnrietr le f/a areas Falb lag may. a wow 1t1Nt�y e�eMl. 01 nos "es bees ',ate tae farm i.e Mar wf.1i lead 2 law .. ' es a er l of SM foe WIL a t1,�T tr" Sunt.. The neer ltfllle.lry M lag= Ii M dam. a Iseench ef a tinned Aunt company. MARKET AGAIN ! BOARD OF TRADE ARE FAVORABLE AND PASS IT ON TO COUNCIL Moat Decidedly Say the Merchants - The Mayor is in Favor if Schema Can Be Properly Worked Out - Opinions Given and Others Wanted -Could be Carried on Cheaply. Now that the Board of Trade bat passed the ►uarket question over to the town council, it looks as if the matter would be thoroughly threshed out, and whichever way it goeir, that is the proper solution of the problem. From the majority of opinions ex- pressed at the Hosed of Trade meeting it was apparent that a market would he welcomed here. Of course, some people can see difficulties in the way and ale afraid of the "Hone in the patb." Some have said to The Signal that the town is -rather too small, but are a rebuttal to this objection others bsve remarked that all towns and cities have been this size nate and Canadian cities eepeclally have had small begit.ninge and have not grown lu a niy>;bt. Then as to the cost of es- tabliahtng the market, some have shuddered wben they thought of the extra cost the towu would be put to. However, this seems to be an easy matter to get over. Could not & market be established in the open and have an empty store to use es a weigh house? While many towns and cities may have a good market building there are just as many that have not. It seems to people interested in chie problem that until the experiment proved a success it Wright be well to start a market as'bheaply as possible. A man told The Signal the other day that a market could be established bete tor less than $200. Of necessity, a collector would have to be appointed to look after the fees imposed, and he could nt the same time lultil the duties of an inspector to tree that no unsale- able produce was offered. For the Ulna being a street leading off the Squire might be brought into use for this purpose aS has been the case in other towns. Then when the market requited to be enlarged it could be re- movtd to wore suitable quarters. The in syr was queried by The Signal on this matter, and while be saw email troubles ahead, he stated that if the peoptpsttion could becarried through he was btrengly in favor of having a rnarket. "1 have reed the opinium. giv. n in The Sigra! v. i1 h a great demi of interest," void His Wor- ship, "but 1 hardly think the fanners would ptttonize it. Owing to the scarcity of help the produce is mot grown herr. The buyers go through the country, buy the stuff, and then ship it to Toronto or tome other centre." he / ffrtued. But on the whole he would welcome env proposi- tion for the good et the been. "Push it for all yeti ate worth and boost it most elecitiedly. dr -Cared Mr. W. Hrophey, of t ne til in of Mesetr. ilt•ophey Bae-. • That is a que.tion which should be thieve.. d out and we want one the worst way. I am greatly in favor of a kat," tie concluded. "There ie no gUesti about it, a market would be most desirable. There is nn reason why a market should not 1.e esiahtished here," was the v ew Mr. S. E. Hick, druggist on the Square, took of the matter. He continued : "1 certainly think that if it could be brought about. it would be a great veneflt te, the town. It ought to have the effect of establishing a uniform price. It would be a place for farmers to bring their produce to dia- pose of it." WHO WILL BE MAYOR? The Present Incumbent Will Likely be a Candidate Again Now that th municipsl elections are within the radius of about two months, the question has arisen' in the minds of many resident* as to who will be mayor for 1914. TO ease their minds, however, The Signal hes been making inquiries and from what it can learn it believes that if Mr. Charles A. Reid, who has served the town cf Goderich in the capacity of rneyor for the past two years and which position he still holds, decides to again offer his servi.-ea he will be without the shadow of a doubt the chief magistrate for Goderich neat year. His Worship was approached one day this week by The Signal but refused to say whether he would enter the field or not. When Asked if be would run if there wan ally opposition. His Worship info.nted the reporter that if he decided to offer hie services he would nen no ma:ter how much op- position there was against him. From the opinion- The Signal has been able to get, all bays expressed themselves as tieing Potirely eetiefled with Mayor Reid and hope that he will continue for another year at least as chief magistrate of the town Several rumors have leen going around K. to whether there will be any Changes in the ^ouncil but as election day is two months away . there is nothing !wily definite yet. It is hollered that all the old council lore will again seek office this.vewer - -- Lal. on Wednesday night a heavy thunderstorm struck Leek now sad vicinity. Durivig the ba8Rht et the storm the barn Mr. Jack Meffsao- arm wbo Hoer ver EIstafl. wee stew* and burned to the ironed, with si Me seeker' •, laeleding the threshing marl watch woe Olill is UN burs after ho previone day's las d oars wee parially 0011111111111111.3 Onimst.ra The storm Wer teteur• WWI t w two hours, bee.? Merle sea ball being daring tit time it warted.