HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-23, Page 8THURSDAY, OCT. 23, 11i13 THE SIGNAL : GODIRICH ONTARIO e' October ,ale of High-grade Cut Glass cut Glass Berry Bowls, $3.50, $4.60, $5.00 and $7.50, re- duced W $22.35, $2.75, $3.35 and I $5.00. Cut Olass Oresund and Sugars, $3.50, $4 '), $0...J and $$.00, reduced to $2.35, *2.75, $4.50 and $5.50. Cut Glass Ttimhlr' *8.00 and $10.00 per dozen, re :.ced to $5.50 and $6.75. Cut -Glass Vases, I' m Bons, Knife Rekkiteetc., ..c., sante re- ductions. CHINA SALE Arranged on tables at the following prices, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.511, $2.00 and 83.00. The above lines_ must be cleared in order to make room for Uhrietutar goods arriving shortly. The Colonial Book Store (i EO. PORTER, Prop. 'Phone 100 Goderich. vwrtisay. HAVE YOU made provision for employment dur- ing the Fall and N later month. or do you wish 'Steady remunerative vem k the year through? Write i.. and secure our Agent'.+ term,.. we oiler the best In the bu.ines.. Pay weekly, free outfit, erclu'f'o ten icor y. OVER 000 A('RES under cultivation. Katabli.htie over thirty five years. A regtutation for high-grade stock and fair dealing. A salesman can make money selling for u.. We want an energetic, reliable man fur Goderich and vicinity. For terms welt PELHAM NURSERY CO.. Toronto. Ont. N. IL -Free catalogue on req ALL THE SEASON'S FRUIT OF BEST QUALITY, AND DA.LY ARRIVALS Wt rnn t iv.tI the 1 est city off-•t- ings in :'caches, Pears or . Plums We have everything in the Season's Vegetables and if you want Butter and Eggs you can rely on. we_lave thecal. Call or 'Phone 52 �a Jo Youn Ill • MAI'LI•: LEAF GROCERY Ilamilton street Jas. Cumming Painting, Decorating and Wall -paper Hanging. All work done promptly end in thorough manner. 1,i',iinwas lasso. re. .o ate: seta4.. 141 a, n Walt tw.,masti.. Wil• W Ss Is. a ws wittiest ac]�s,,s Me lt.ee baa ea .be,.:ate•. 1!e Owed Troia Fame Railway y tis. •Sestri= t ,e,ee bt...a aYlaatRolL. "tri M =sr t ie. �"ia 1 lit, .fie.. „mei Residence --Albert St. Telephone No. 2R7. GRAND TUNK.Y'S"'M t10MESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS OCTOBER 14 21-28 re Man loo. Alb.rte Mekatch.wan vy Ch,eaagn et Paul and Duluth se Mrw,a and Northorn Na. Co Winnipeg and Return. S36 00 FMmeetoe and Retain 43 00 o • ET TUB HEST 1 LOCAL TOWN TOPICS —Mira Franca, Wiggins spent the weak -end in Toro.W. —Mr. Cyril Caret*, of Toronto, war howe for the holidays. . —air. Reg. Platt, 01 Toronto, was a holiday visitor in town. —Mr. 1'. H. Ruthweil, of Toronto, spent the week -end in Luria. —Mrs. 0. tlobweier volacd ,n New Hawourg over Thanksgiving. —Marr Ella L Goldthorpe, of Marsh- ville, war hone for the holidays. —Mr. W itruu Wylie spent Tttaoka- giviug with oar pareuts at Clinton. -Mr. Earl Eluott, of MoLeaWoiLb, was r 1'uauhagivwK vrritor ill town. —Misr Dot 1.3Jvair spent the holiday. witb her rioter. Mrs. Elbridge, at Dun - da'. —Mts. 8. J. McKiuley preached on 8uuday morning last ill Uie Victoria street church. —Mr. and Mrs. A: E. Colborne, and Muter Awbro.e veined at Punt Albert over buudey. —Mr. Campbell Griffin, of Toro uta, spent Thanksgiving with his mother, Mrs. bleu. Ottani. —Diss Bertha lirt•vey, of Toroutu, spent IUe holiday vertu her cousin, euro, A. E. Colborne. —Mrs. 1.10011. of Arthur, was the guest of her -rioter, Mas. Butrowr, Nel will siic•et. IDOL week. —Mr. Dave Marler, ut the Bell Tele- phuue Co., went to Stratturd and Sea- torth tar ,tae holiday, —Miro. J. D. Long, of Loudou, is visiting her wuther, Mts. Ellen 8s1lows, Bruce s.teet. Misr Margaret Barret, of Toronto, and Mr. W (n. Bisset, of Guelph, were house tor the holidays. —Mira Little A. Polley, of Sand- wich, tris among the visitors home for tine Thanksgiving holiday. Mar. Cesridyand Miss Morrison, of Ayr, wear gums of Mts. Buriows, Nelson street, over the holiday. —Mrs. F. T. Egener and sons, Don- ald and Adolphe, of W oodstock, virited their i'elatryts iu town over the holi- day. —Mr. Russ Goldthorpe and sister, Mrs. Awy GUtblie, of Pott Credit, visiud telativrs ill towu and vicinity last week. —The monthly meeting of the Board of Trade will be held in the Board of Trade rooms, North, street on Monday evening next. —Mt: and Mrs. Albert Straughah and son Maitland, of Sapulpa, Okla- homa, are visiting at the Dome of Mr. J. T. Goldthorpe. —Mr. and Atrs. A. J. Mackenzie, of Toronto, spent the Thanksgiving holi- days with the lady's parents, Dr. and sirs. J. B. Whitely. —Mr. Harry Colborne, who is con• nected with the hydro -electric radial staff in Huron county, was ltonie for the Thanksgiving holiday. • -Miss Delphiue Halliday, Victoria street, spent Tbanksgiving Day with friends in Stratford. While time she vvas't be guest of Mrs. Robt. Legg. —Mr. and Mts. J. A. Ruwball have taken apartments at the Hotel Bed- ford for the winter, where Mrs. Rum ball D ill In' I leased to receive any o her fs iende. —Mrs. Hector McFadden is recover- ing very slowly from the effects of the ar c'ollcnt she :net with last month. Mr. McFadden is in town this week from British Columbia. - -Miss Cameron .has returned from a visit to Toronto. where she secureda number of select millinery novelties at a very- rea+unable price. The ladies would do well to call and inspect these. —Mrs. Chas. A. Wallingtiin return- ed to her horse at Vienna, Ont., on Monday after visiting friends here and also at Por: Albert, having been called to the letter place by the sudden f11- iles. id ter father. Mr. V. E. Mc(lon- nell. Mi. McConnell is recovetiog. COLLEGIATE EXAMINATIONS Examinations are being held weekly at the collegiate institute and it iv the intention to publish the navies ed these only who obtain honor We trust that many of the atudet..s will be striving to get their names in the honor fist anti thus please their ft lends and giat.ify themselves. Erten I.—HONOK ROLL Oct. S. History—O.O'('onnorSO, A. Brai dt 78, 1). Howie 76. Oct. 16, Algebra -0. ()Connor 97, L. Bates 9(1, (i. finder 95, J. Mac - Ewan 94, J. Bogie 113, E. B.opby 9.1, K. Worsell 90, B. Longmire 90. D. Howie 88, 8.. McArthur $7, J. Kelly 80, L. Adams So, L. Johnston 8s, W, Washington 84. V. Kudob. fid, ' H. Mut ney N1, 1f. McLeod 81, 0. Porter N1, A. ,'lark 80, H. Brandt 79, 0. Sault, 79, E. Lee 77, E. Jones 75, P. Beattie 75. Fonts 11. Oct. 8, Atithntette—J. 0. Bowler 100, 8.. Dougherty 10U, D. Hays. 90, A. Mc- Lean Nit, L. Was k 88, E. Dunnadge80. 8. Armstrong tri, N. Whitely 80, 0. Wootton 80, A. McKenzie 78, D. Mc- Manus 70, 0. Newton 7e. Oct. 1(1, French—N. Whitely 95, J. 0. Bowler 91, E. Dunnadge 110. J. C. Mansell 90, W. Babb*, M. Sullivan 87, 0. Field 88, L. Macklin 80, M. Outten' 86, D. Hays tea, R. Hamilton 81, G. Newton 81, J"Rose 80, L. Wark tin, E. Williams 78, Cleruentine Itrrns 78, A. tlwnders 75. i OMMt*c'IAL FOAM. Oct. 8, Arithntetfe—F. Baeebler 111 B. Hell 81. Oct. ie, Oomnrerciel Law—H Mc- Cluskey 81, R. Watson 174, J. Hurley 76. FIRM 111.--B. Oct. 8, Llterawre—J. U. Y.wng Wt, L. a* Mi, M. Galt OD. K. F. Joys 8Il. B. Nairn $11, J. Nair* tit), X. Prod bast M►, H. Hartwell 78, 8.. Porter 76. R. 8tindart 76. Oct. ld, Physics—E. Pridiam 91, M. Gait H. liertweit NI, 0. Came 1M, J. C Youag et W. Ouz Rt, N. Glees Su, M. Nauru Nit, R. 8tiudaat NO, K. W. Cunningham 7rt, K Potter 78, X. Galt 77. .1 Nairn 77 Y Welsh 77, M. Y•UI 71 Vogl( lit. --A Get al, Ube=Latry- M. Ryan tib, W. Gamy 7a test ea, History -]b Jebeston 11, 1' G6kueaa. 'Ica. Foams � c --PAW t. Uet A - ee—F, A. /soil b Ti . cera -111. 1 Tam lig. R • , • L Wart 711 Vosat re —Pane it tar =1.Lellirairw. liOct a, Liths—J. Malin tea $$, O. THANKSGIVING SUPPER Successful Social 8,e..t Held in Victoria Street Chard The annual Thankagivins 'upper held under the auspices of the ladies Aid ut Victoria. street Methodist church on Monday night last proved a decided sucoess and despite the un- favorable weather there was a large number present. The ladies served TAM fO the baseme t of the church from six to eight o'clock. Au excellent concert followed in the main auditor- ium and perhaps the chief feature of the entertainment was the preseuta- Liou of a life membership of the Women's Miseioaar society to Mrs. 8. J. McKinley, of 'Toronto. Mrs. Mc- Kinley has been associated with the church directly and indirectly for the pact 20 years and some years ago she labored in Goderich an an evangelist, ' then known as Miss Williawr. The • preseuwtion was made by Mus Kate I Ford and her father, Rev. J. 11. Ford, the pastor of the church, made the address, referring to the good work Mrs. McKinley bad done for the Ii church. She made a fitting reply, thankiog her friends and associates for their kindness. Later, in making a short rpeecb, she told the con- gregation of soave of her experiences. She lamented the fact that the desecration of the Sabbath was on the increase. To prove her arguments she gave illustrations of individual Sab- bath -breaking in Toronto. A good musical programme followed bringing a very enjoyable evening to a ,lose. Those who contributed to the programme were : Vocal selecuons. Miss Ada McClinton, Miss Mary Scrimgeour and Miss Bowlby, of Windsor ; wale quartette selections. Mr. E. C. Belcher and his two sons, Messrs. George and Sidney, and Mr. W. Drew ; recitations, Mrs. Huchison and Miss Madie Armstrong. Rev. W. K. Hagar, pastor of North street church, and Rev. John Pollock, who recently retired from the pastorate of the Baptist church, each gave short sod terse addresses. As there was a large quantity of provisions left over the ladies gave a dinner on Tuesday when they fed about 150. The proceeds arising from the efforts of the Ladies' Aid amout.t.ed to about $110. Owing to the fact that the church and adjoining parsonage is free from all encumbrance, this amount will be epent on general church work. ANNUAL SERVICES Epwotth League 1...brates its Fifth Anniversary Sunday last being the fifth anni- versary of the organization of the Ep- worth League of the North street Methodist church, appropriate ser- vices were held. At both services Rev, J. E. Hunter. of Dungannon, oc- copied the pulpit and the pastor, Hev. W. K. Hager, assisted with the ser - vises. Large congregations favored boll' set vices and they were ruoat in- epiring in every way. In the tuorn- ing the preacher proceeled to ex- pounded to the congre•tation the necessity of suppertingsuch worthy or- ganizations as the Epworth League end showing that it was n strong factor in churchs life. Lithe evening his address was along similar lines. These anniversary activities were carried over until Tuesday evening when a social and a debate were held in the basement of the church. While a gcod programme was given. the chief feature was the debate. Misr Nellie Colborne and Mr. James McClinton affirmed"that the influence of Environ- ment is Greater than Hereditary,"while Miss Victoria Miners and Mr. Ernest Pritchard contradicted these state- tnents,upholding the doctrine that her- editary is greater than environment. In the opinion of the judges, Rev. W. K. Hager supplying the place of Mr. W. H. Robertson, who was unable to be present. and Messrs. H. R. ♦.r Long and J. W. Vanatter, the nega- tive side presented their arguments a trifle the hest. Those who kindly contributed to the success of the evening with musi- cal selection. were : Instrumental solo, Miss Lacca Elliott ; cornet eolo, Mc. C. W. Kerslake, who was accompanied by his son, Victor, on the piano; duet, Messrs. Leon and Frank Adams. The entertainment was highly suc- ceisful. r —Mr. James Park, a proa.inent Lucan merchant, died suddenly Satur- day night, following an operation for appendicitis, performed about ten days ago. Up to within a few min- utes of his death Mr. Park's symptoms had shown every indication of s rapid recovery. He is survived by his widow and three children, also one brother, Mr. John Pat k, of Biddulpph township, and one sister. Mrs. D. Jamieson, of Galt. Highest Market Prices for CREAM Farmers having Cream to sell during the fall end winter months e.n secure hest result. by shipping to the Walkerton Creamery. All express charges paid. Everryy can carefully weighed a•d tested. Semi monthly payment. Write for cans to the Walkerton Creamery, Walkerton. Bruce County. Ontr nr CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STR&1P0.O. Oce' O.rnogI..trede• say p!•,a.te year. ear ese.sde that et orglitierbe dem M+ or vs d. Shorthand tom soar yes .d Asewhen Mar ,else .4 i,a tow 11.e ressi ll.. at sae. D. ♦ $t, a,CILAla,• Prkatpt Month-end for October SATURDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY, 25th, 27th, 28th Here is a big list of Extra Specials to make it pay and pay well to come here. Everyitem Sale on the list is under usual value and the attraction of bright new fall merchandise at special saving prices should bring you here Saturday, Monday or Tuesday next. Children's Coats $4.5o Children's \Viater Coats, brown or navy frixe, nicely trimmed, neat, nobby littla garment,. Very warm and serviceable. Four size,. Saturday morning, each only-. $4.50 $25.00 Suits at $18.75 A special in ladies' high-class tailored Suits. A little lot we have a chance to sell at very saving prices. Tailored in best style from high-g-ade ma- terials, the best of lin- ings used throughout. Made to sell at $25.00 and worth it. Six for you to choose from. Sale Days at each only . $18.75 1 Specials in Fur Coats Two specials in ladies' Fur Coats. Splendid garments we can strongly recommend. Rat Coat $50.0o These Costs are made front choice selected natural Hat skins, thick and nicely furled, +oft pelts. Best of lining.. cut in the season's newest styles. Very special, October Sale Days ... $50.00 A Fur -lined Coat $42.5o IVe stand behind these Fur -lined Coate. The lining is of good quality thickly fluted Mulokrat. The shell of high-grade Austrian broadclnt h. 1'. iI to and revers of Western Sable. A coat of style and lots t l o ear. Sale Days Special $42.50 Cloth Coats With Fur Collars $15.00 These are splendid Coat. and extra special value. Quilted lining throughout. Good quality collar and revers. Warm and serviceable garments. October Sale Days each. $15.00 11 1 Rich Black Pailette Silk $1.15 Thirty-six to thirty-eightinches wide, rich, glossy, bright Pailette Silk, just parsed through the customs. Will not cut. Suitable for waists or full dresses. Our price per yard for Octo- ber Month-end Sale ..................... ........ .... $1.15 Embroidered Pillow Shams 39c Just in from the Old Country one hundred fancy Embroidered Pillow Shams. Half dozen patterns. Regular 50c. Special ... 39c Black Wool Mending, 4 cards for 5c Four hundred cards Wool Mending, English mate, imported diiect. Regular 2 for 5c. Sale Days Speciel...... ...4 cattle tor 5o 2 Skeins Mending 5c Three hundred skeins Hne Cashmere Mending, black Drily. Eng- lish snake. Regular 5c. Sale Days. .2 skeins fur 50 Fingering Yarn 5c A big shipment of black Scotch Fingering, I ply. strong, service- able, will knit easily. Sale Days, per skein • 50 r-------__� Work Aprons 25c Work Aprons made from good quality English gingham. fail size, complete with pocket. Neat check:', fast enters. Just in from England and a decided bargain at each only..... ... 250 J' =d Some Splendid Coats at $l�.00 Vve are making- t sl).- cial showing of ladies' new Fa!I Colt:, ,at this popular price for Sale Days. There is a splen, did rants:: of liat0 ens, materials .and styles. Every one right un to top notch. Between fif- teen and twenty to chpose from if you are hers on Saturday. Reaily ex- ceptional value 'worth coming for. Materials good, style good, work- manship good. Pout choice of the lot $15.00 Ends of Flannelette 45c Onehundred endsStriped Flan- nelette thirty-two totbirty-thr'es inches wide. A firm, strong cloth. Put up in five -yard ends only. Salt Day., choice of half dozen patterns and one hundred end., at per end only 450 English White Flan- nelette I21,C A big shipment of epecial White Flannelette just out of the customs this week. Pure, clean cloth, snit finish, thirty- four inches wide, English make. Sale Days. - 124o Large Bath Towels 29C Extra large and heavy Bath Towel', assorted fancy stripes. A splendid ,wearing T.,web. Sale Days each.. . 290 Baldwin's Wool Ioc Just in frons England, a large shipment of Baldwins Wool.. 2, 3 and 4v, In blacks and color'. One of the best qualities of this famous flrm. Our Special Sale Day price. per skein only sae Large Wash Cloths 5c f.•rge size cotton terry Wash Clothe. Extra heavy weight. Mperial leads Day,, each only 50 48" Lawn 18c This lawn is regular 25e qual- it y everywhere Very ane and sheer. eInaely woven. Note the extra width. Special Sale Days. per yard......... 190 lac Safety Pins 5c To introduce a new line of Safe• y Pies we will sell two bun dyed or three hundred cards either solid or awnr•ted else. on a card. sesall, medium and large .1..s. All going at the same price Tour ehoie. Rale Dave, Pure Wool Serge at yoc This l• not an ordinary 110e Reese Mat an extra speed. 1. I t M *lade from selected Imported erost s. It will and d mo esti hard weer. Imported rstNii. R%M I tar Special. per reed IND Grey Diagonal Tweed 45c Diagonal Tweed Suiting, nice grey effect. Suitable for suite or skirts. Sale Days Special, per yard 450 500 Pins for 5c Five hundred Enblish Pine put up assorted Siwe on a paper, neeile points. Really extraor- dinary' value at, pea paper only 50 Dresses 69c Eight or nine Cotton Dresses left to sell. Pri^e is no object. We only want them out of the way. Regular up to $200. Sat• urday, choice 590 Children's Dresses 39c Eight or ten children'," Cotton Dresses, nicely trimmed. Regu- lar up to 41.50. Clearing the last Sale Days., each only . 300 Corsets 79c These Corsets would he good value as $1.00. They are made from good quality coutill., heavily honed, four hose suppor- ters. Special Hale Days . 790 Sweater Coats, $I.90 Ladies' Sweater Coats, white and most colors. Regular $250, Month-end spacial, eanh only $1.90 Plush Vests, 39c Sixty only Indies' Plush knit- ted (7nderveets. Thew+ are ',pe- ntode and ars regular 50e line. There is not enough the matter with any one of them to in any way effect the wear. Saturday morning each only.. ago Satin Skirts. $2.5o ladles'cnlot'ed NatinPettico•ts, wide flounce, made from good duality ltls.11eh Satin. An ex- nptionally good garment. Each y. $9.90 Wrapperette I24c Nsw Wrspper,tt a just in Mem d Specie' weave in sty of • d nicespatterns. In- trados/den prime Batnetay morels., per ward. 1I s White Quilts, $1.39 New English Quilts, 70 in x 9t1 in. Nice soft weave. Very • Special Bargain Days, each $1.39 Glass Towels, " for 25c English Ola'+ Towsle, full size, Aniehed complete with hem. Ail ready to use. Saturday morn- ing 2 for 25o Persian Lamb Muffs $7.75 Persian Lamb Muff., Empire shape. These are pieced Persian but will give excellent wear. Rich, glossy cull, well made. Saturday morning, each only 117.75 Neck pieces to match, two styles. One at $7.75, the other 1110.00. Large Black Muff$5.ot) Large Black Muff, thick clone fur. A. very dressy Muff. Month-end Special, each only - $5.00 Mink Marmot Muff $7.50 This is *beautiful Mud, nicely striped and rich appearance, very @inrilar to the genuine mink. Decidedly special. Katur- dey morning at only .. $7.50 Stoles to match the above at $7.50, $11.00 and $15.90 Chinchilla Cloaking $I.45 Chinchilla Gloating, fawn or Copenhagen blue. Very snit able for children's emits. Rego lar $800. Special Halle Day., ,ler yard 51.45 Ends of Towelling Ioc Twenty ends Linen Crash Towelling, plain or striped edge. One and nee quarter latch in each end Special Rale Days, per end ........ 10e Lace Curtains 98c Nottingham twee Curtain., neat Tae. devises, t•tstteebni.A edges. Very s.rvlee•b4e sed williva ete.11eat wear. RSM Day Special, per pair. SOS But galow Net, 22c One end only real Bungalow Net, Paris shade, 411 inches tvi le. Really a nito'ce ilii•. '•11,1.t,!sr 35c. Sale Days, per wars'. 220 Flannelette Blankets $I.15 Fifty rails white Flannelette Blanket,, a epeddel porchase at a special price. Some ,are sfielltly damaged but, ren be easily re- paired when they will le as good as ever. Sale Days, psi, pair . $1.15 Tapestry Rug, $11.75 Tapestry Rug, size :3j x 4 yards. Ex.eptionally gond goality. Green or tan. Regular. $15.00. Sale Days, only .... ... $11.75 Chintz Comforters $1.75 New Comforters. English make, imported direct. 1•,.vered with extra quality fast colored chintz, Mversl gond d.sign'. Size 5(1. x 5ft. 6 in. Filled with elean pure white wadding. Sale Days special .... .. $1.75 A Cheaper Comforter $I. to Medlin. weight Comforter, light .ilkiline cover lltreclal Sale Days $1.10 Velvet Rug, $22.50 One only Velvet Rog Pig. ahx 4 yard.. No "earns. `Dice adsr of fawn and Er .11 mixed. Regular 0100. Octoher Rata Days $99.50 AxminsterRugt $25.00 A epe•elal colleetke Axm'e- liter Ruje. Shop. 1 yard•. lti.re ars n' • sae id greee ebedi da. Wen infa1 M aWilttigs. 1141. Very spieled va.l*. / n, e4 sees cooly 41111'011 HODGENS EROS. II+