HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-23, Page 44 T v aDAT, Oclt, 1M, ala THE SIGNAL : GODERICA : ()NTA itationc I of Dodd's Iiadwey Ms are legion. The bot ie imitated. the outside coating and shape of the pills are imitated and the nam.—Dodd's Kidney Pills 1. imitated lmitatious are dangerous. The original b safe. Dodd's Kidoey Pills bars a reputation. Imita- tors have sone or they wouldn't imitate. So they trade on the reputation of Dedd's Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived Then is only owe DODD'S. Dodd's Is the original Dodd's is the name to be care. fol about— KIDNEY PILLS C Electric Wiring Electric Wit hag of rem y dee cription done on short notice. Repairs a *per bony. All manner of supplies kept. in sioek—Diy Bette' tee. Flash- light Bic teriea, Tungsten L&Mps. Shades. Hot•point heat- ing goods, sold at bottom prices... W. J. HUDDART Electric,.1 Uantrar•tur. North 'troet to, or Signal office.. open eveonic, This Lady Knows How to Keep Well SU allfafs keeps Bis Pills is tin Bees GLENELLA, MAN. "I think GIN PILLS are the finest things for the kidneys When first I came to Canada, I suffered with dread- ful Pains in my Back, that made me quite ill. A friend gave me six of your GIN PILLS and after I had taken one dose, I felt less pain. I then got myself a box and before half of it was gone, I had lost all the backache. It did stem a treat to be rid of the pain. If any one tells ma, what a pain they have in their back, I say "You should try GIN PILLS." Mae. J. PiCKRELL. Take Mrs. Pickrell's advice and take GIN PILLS. They will cure you of every trace of Backache, Kidney Trouble or Rheumatism. soc. a box, 6 for $2.5o —sent on receipt of price if your dealer does not handle them. Money back if GIN PILLS do not give prompt relief. Sample free if you mention this paper. National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. Manga-Tone Blood and Nerve Tablets correct Female Troubles and make pure, rich blood. soc. a box. 206 E. R. WIGLE Dirriadsr I suer of Marriage Licenses \ViGLE'S'PHARMACY Goderich, Ontario POWELL for GROCERIES PURE FRESH and GOOD W. J. Powell Gror'er On the Souses Phone St LOTHIAN Miss Chace Mcl eau spent Thanks- giving at. her home at Muted,. Mrs. Kelly, of Teeswater, is visiting ber daughter, Mrs. R. E. Gilmore. Mies 140A Hendecsou, of Winghaw, spent the holiday at her home here. Miss Hannah Bogan. of Listowel, Is speodiug a couple of dey. at her home herr. Messy.. Mike and Billie Hogan have returned home after a month's sojourn in the west, Mr.Alex. Barnby, teacher of 8.8. No. 3, Cando tie, spent the holiday at his home here. COLBORNE ,fr. Andrew )Milliarn since thesellieg 01 his tarot ha, been actively prepar- ing for retirement in town. Mi. and Mrs. Stevens since the fire h„ve herr' living with their sou, \Cilli uu, but they expect to take a toms( in town shortly. Our Thanksgiving visitors have been quite it few. Among them we noticed Lonnie Oke, Mabel Bean and Nellie SU/weber), of Toronto. MICK AND INJt'RKD.—The sick list includes Mr. A. Meddle, who is in bed with a severe cold ; Alden Allen. who last week -end was in a poor way hut has now almost recovered, and Mrs. E. Walter. at the store, who has been very unwell for a week or sr. Mr. A. Mugfor•d's little girl Lucy is recovering from the injury to her leg which happened a little while ego wheu the wagon accidentally slid on to her..... Ham Vanatone hashed his left hand eerily maitned. While working his cutting box last Saturday his baud was fearfully cut, one finger beings cut off at the second joint. LONUESBORO Mrs.. T.O. Lcttnabelyspent Sunday at her bouto in Delhi. Mrs. W. J. Jenkins spent a few Jaye with Dsolirld friends. Miss H. Young, of Brantfori , speut Sunday at hes home here. Mies R. Brogden and Miss E. Mains spent Thanksgiving at their homes here. Miss R. Lyon has returned to Mount Foresr, after so olding a few days at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Riley returned Monday.after spending a few days with London friends. Mts. Hogan returned to her home at Rockwood, after spending a few weeks with relatives here. Mi. H. Longman, of London, spent Sundae. at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Longman. The anniversary seervicee of the Methodist church An Sunday were well attended. Rev. Mr. Anderson, of London, occupied the pulpit morning and evening. The fowl supper on Monday evening was well attended notwithstanding the inclement weath- er. The proceeds of the anniversary nwounted to over $250. W ESTFIEL D Miss Helve Campbell spent the Thanksgiving holidays at her home bete. Mr. lames McClinton, of Goderich, spent the holidays with Westfield friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Carter, of Sun- shine. spent Sunday with their old neighbors. Mr. nod Mrs. Holloway, of Blyth, spent Sunday at the latter's home, Mr. David Carter's. Quite a number frotn here took in the fowl supper et Loouesboro on 'rhankeggiving right. MiseJosepbice Woodcock, of Blyth, epeut the Thanksgiving ;holidays with hersister, Mrs. Alfred Rardiaty. Dr. J. W. Campbell. of St. Louie, Mich , has returned to these parte to secure more cattle. \Vatch the price of beef go up. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell spent Thanksgiving Sunday at the home of the Itttter'e parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barkley, of Ashfield. The Women's Missionary Society held their monthly weetiug at the home cf Mrs. B. H. Taylor on Tuesday, October 21st. The hosteae served tea at the close of the meeting. The ladies went home feeling that they had had a pleasant afternoon. fire Westfield church anniversary services held on Sunday were a decid- ed success. The Rev. Harold Willans of Nile, preached two excellent ser- mons. afternoon and evening, to very large congtegatinns. The music furn- ished by the choir was expellent, and the solos tendered by Mr. A. E. Cook and a little lad from Toronto and Mise L. Clark, from Sr. Helens, were much appreciated by all. BLYTH The coogregetioa of St. Aodtew'e "burgs bad- the leasure la Boaday of hearing Muter George B. Branton, Toronto's greatest bo soprano, whosinging of " The Chil- dren's dren's Howe," " The Lost Chord" arid "Tbe Perfect Day" was the Met musi- c -al treat that the congregation have bad fur many years and it is hoped that be will eye beard here again in the very near future. WAFERING News or THa WEut.—"hire. farces Thompson, of Nile, visited friends Ione last Sunday . .. Potato miming was the order of the past week ...Mr. J. C. Stothers, of Fero avenue public School, Toronto, and Cannata. of Winghatu high school, spent. the Thanksgiving holidays under the par- ental roof Misses Mary and Ada Helm visited friends here for a trw day. ....Mts. A. D. Culbert and Miss Ida Rivett are visiting at James Cul- bert's at present.... \lassie. Janie, Culbert and M. Sherwood are loading their bay messing outfit in a car to take to Petrolia, where they have bought a quantity of h ty...Mi. Isaao F. Stutbers visited Lochaleb friends over Sunday. ..Mr. Jatnes Webeter has been build- ing au addition to his house M r F. William Blake is vi.iting friends in Goderieh at present. Me. John Geary and family, rat Lucknow, epeut Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. Anion Finlay. LANES LANES LOCALS.—Tbe ploughman will hAve comfort ploughing from )(ow on. Some have almost flni.hed Thanksgiviug Day as very quiet on account of the rain which continued falling all day .. Mitt. W. H. Reid is spending Thankegivirrf with tela tivesetTeeswater....Mts. W. J. Lane, son Walter, and Mrs. Jas. Hackett are visiting friends in Detroit at present.. Mr. and Mrs. Hi'ffinan, of near Chatham, are spending a few days with the latter's father, Mr. J. C. Bald- win ... -Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lane were Ripley vieitots last week ....Mrs. Philips, of Mateting is at present with her daughter, Mr-. Tho-. Ferg- uson .... Apple -packers have been busy in this neighborhood during the past week Friday of the present week will close the beef -ring for another successful season Mr. rind Mr, Henry Mullen are the proud possessors of a new girl baby. PORT ALBEHT ,Vise Ethel Bell, of Lurgan, is a guest at Mrs. Jane Drennan's. Mr. L., Burrows was home from Godetich for Thanksgiving( Day. Mrs. Thos. Wilson, Jr., is visiting her daughter in Goderich this week. Miss key Dickson visited with friends at Lucknow and Lanes last week. Mre. Jane Drennan was a visitor with telatives in Millbank over the holiday. Mrs. J:,bn Burrows and little son visited with relatives in Stratford over the holiday. Dr. W. Y. Hayden. of Goderich, spent Sundry with his parent., Mr. and Mr.. H. Hayden. Miss Grace McKenzie and Wallace Cunningham were home from the G.C.I. for the h diday. Masters Harry Carey and Willie Dickson visited at Mr. John Schoen- bal's at Clinton on Sunday. Mr. and Mr. A. E. Colborne and Master Ambrose, of Goderich, were Sunday visitors at Mr. W. E. Mc('on- nell's. Mrs. M. Carney, Miss May and Mr. Lincoln Carney, of Goderich, were guests at Mr. William Brindley's on Sunday. Mies Bertha Brown, of Detroit, is visiting at ber home here. Her friend. MI.. Alice Stowe is also visiting at Mr f'rown's. 1CIisa Richardson gave a most et , 1e dance to ber many friends it locality.last Friday evening. Is ...vire for Houston, Texas, on 1, .da Mn. K. Jones, of Toronto, Mr. and Mn. Norman Ooklough and Muter Cecil, and Mia Iissie Martin, of (lode - r1 -b, were guests at Mr. Wm. Brind- le] s on Thanksgiving Day Orormunbnn will he adminis\ered in St. Andrew's obaroh on Sunday after- noon, October With, at 8 o'eftoak. Preparatory service will be comanatsd onlitridey, Detober 94th. at a o'clock. KINTAIL Mr. Charles Mecfiregor, of Sebriog- ville, was home for the holiday. Miss Christens Cowan. of Stratford normal school, spent Thanksgiving at her home here.. Mise Mary Hackett, of Lanesvill., spent it few days with her friend, Miss Olive Ma.:Murchy. Thankseiving service was held in Ashfield Presbyterian church on Mon- day, October 30tb, Mise Annie May MacDonald vi-ited at the home of her cousin, Miss Lizzie Stewart, in Lochalsb, last week. On account of the inclemency of the weather the concert under the aue- picee of the Woweu's Institute was postponed 1i11 Thursday, October2.'3rd. Muses Pearl Drennan, Hermena Griffin, Liella Cowan and Anna Mac- Kenzie. of the Goderich collegiate in- stitute, and Misses Jessie Johnston and Marguerite MacLennan, of Luck - now high school. sp-nt the Thanks- giving holidays at tbeit respective home.. 0 BRUCEFIELD Mrs. John Grainger and young .00 are visltieg Mn. (iraingers father aqd wotfaet here. Then was no school on Thursday and Friday last .rat account of the teachers' aaooiatiou meeting at CIio- tou. The public Libra' y hoard wet Tues- day evening for the purpose ut buying new books for the coating season. About $75 will he expended. The rain which has fatless lately was badly needed and will do a great deal of good. The pastures were scorched and bare and a Dumber of wells had gone dry. Miss Maul Teener, organist in the Presbyterian church here, gave a arty to the arewbers of the choir on Thursday evening list when • very cu• joyable time was spent. Dr. McNally, of Owen Sound, dis- trict health oNeer, was here recently 1 in consultation with Dr. Roger,, M.H.O. fur Stanley township over a p'eoe of open ditch in the village. Two local young teachers are at [present engaged in Ripley, Miss Hazel Elcoat as assistant in the high school, and Mr. Leonard Smillie as principal of the public school there. There will be no service iu the Pres- byterian church here nest Subbial evening on account of the anniserse!y services held in the Methodist church, where the Rev. Hall Woods will preach in the evening. Mr. Bruce Bos-enbury, wife and family motored up from Grand Bend on Saturday and spent Sunday at Mr. D. Mclotosh's. They were accom- panied by Miss Emma McIntosh, who has been on a month's visit to Grand Bend. Mr. Walter \\'.rtt., accountant in the Dominion bank, Seaforth, but who has made hie home here, bas been transferred to `•Mirmora, where he will act as manager. Mr. Watts was an obliging official, and will be missed in this community. At the meeting of the young people held in the Presbyterian church last Monday for the purpose rf forming a young people's society, the fo lowing officers were elected :—Hon. president, Rev. Hill Woods; president, Mr. John A. McEwen ; first vire-president, Mr. Frank Aikenhead ; second vice- president, Miss Gemmill ; third vice- president, Mr. Walter Watts ; fourth vice-president, Mr. Wm. McIntosh ; treasurer, Mr. Allan McKenzie ; aesiet- ant treasurer, Mise Alioe Rattenbury ; secret'try, Miss Alice Swan ; cor- responding secretary, Mr. Earl Kaiser. The first meeting of the society was held on Tuesday evening. ST. HELENS A I kind,. of live Cowl wanted at Estate it. K. Miller on Wednesday afternoon and Thuredsy morning of each week. Higbepriors Higbee bits. T. Phillips 6 home from Listo- wel. The anniversat y services at Bethel were well attended. The teachers and students all spent the holitays at their respective homes. Rev. Donald MacGregor, of Toronto, will give a lecture with magic lantern views in Calvin church, St.Helens, on Tuesday evening, 18th inst. WOMEN'S 17ISTITUTE. —The October meeting of the St. Helens branch of the Women's Institute will be belay,* the home of Mrs.Jarnea Ctnrpbtli 12.h concession, on the afternoon of Thar.- day, 30th inst., at 2.30 o'clock. Sub- ject : "Useful Chi istntus Presents." ttoll call to b3 answered by receipts for Christmas cake. A11 the ladies are invited to attend. VISITORS.—Among the Thanksgiv- ing visitors were Mr. and Mre. Robert Murray, of Lucan, at Mr. A. Stuart's; Mr. and Mrs. John Mulvey, of Bel - more at Mr- W. Cameron's ; Mrs. D. McDonald and Marjorie, of Toronto. at Mr. D. B. (Murray'. ; Miss Patter- son,of Wloghani, at Mr.R. Woods ; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clerk, of Hamilton, at Mr. Clarke ; Mrs. D. McDonald of Wiogham. at Mr. T. Todd's; Mies Turner, of Teeswater, at Mr. Turner's, New Convenient Train to Winnipeg The popularity of Canadian Pacific service, and the excellence of that road's equipment, have been so greatly appreciated by the travelling public that it busheen found necessary to put into .etvice en entirely new through standard express train be- tween Toronto and Winnipeg. Commencing Sunday, October 28:h, the "Gate City Express" will leave Toronto at 230 p. m., and will run daily thereafter, arriving in Winnipeg at 8.25 a.m. second morning. The train will consist of the highest -class modern egnipient : Observation com- partment car, standard sleeping rare, tourist sleeping car, dining car, first - claw coach ais I colonist car. This will be found the moat convenient and best train between Toronto and Winnipeg on account of the daylight departure from Toronto at an early hour when the Uoioo station is not badly con- gested, and also on account of the ( early hour of arrival at Wionippeegg IThe present -Vancouver Expos." wall continue to leave Toronto at 1020 p.m. daily and will consist of the carne euipment as the "Gate City Express." This train Is the best to take for points west of Winnipeg, but tor Wined�tg and east the ''Gate City Express is the right train to travel by. Full -particulars from any Canadian Pacific agent or write M. G. Murphy, district passenger 'went, Ter. nto. WE HAVE THE AGENCY FOR &Levine Heir Tonic, Anti -Urfa Pills, Rbeumo fix tb.owatisae. All gsSutsae B. V. Marion pnparmtbm bear tbat MIN Lad we ori gladly roachsea and g"aramtaa tbse. P' J. Artrysrto (ADVERTISEMENT) Huron County Busi- ness Men Organize to Oppose Scott Act Favor License and Regula- tion Representative business men in Clin- ton and in other towns in Huron county met in the town hall inClicton on Friday afternoon, October 17th, and formed an organization to be known as the Huron County Business Men's Association, with Mr. John Hansford as president and Mr. Win. Jackson as secretary. A declaration which explains the object of the organization was adopted as follows :— \Ve, business men of Huron county, having no connection with nor in- terest in the manufacture or -sale of liquors in any way, shape, manner or form, are opposed to the application of the Scott Act or Canada Temper- ance Act to this county. Experience has shown the Scott Act to he it failure wherever it has been tried, and it has liven tried in vatious sections of the Duwiuion of Canada for over thirty yearn. Local option and the Scott Act are prohibition under different names. Clinton bas prohibition through local option. it is proposed to extend pro- hsbitlon to Huron county try weans' of tbe Scutt Act. Prohibition has Doe promoted tem- perance in Clrntoo. It has not done what its adherents claimed it would do. If the Scott Act should carry in Huron count y,lbe disregard of the act would engender disrespect for law. It writ d benumb the mot al sense and lead t o evasion, subterfuge, hypoc- risy end lying. ..hlighting effect on the material prosperity of the cdunty would be strongly [narked. It would cut off from the county the revenue derived trout the liquor business with- out lessening the evil, of intemper- ance. It would largely ir.ereaee the public expense in a vain effort to enforce the law. it would add seriously to the burden of taxation. it would depreci- ate the value of teal estate and throw many out of employment. It would discourage investment. Capital has learned to shun prohibition com- munities. It would interfere unwarrantably with the tights of the citizen. It would be destructive of moral welfare and proeperity. Believing that license of the liquor traffic. with proper regulation and control by the government, is Netter for the moral and economic interests of Huron county than attempted pro- hibition, we )espectfully request all citizens of the county who feel as we do to take a decided stand against and join with us in defea`.ing the Scott Act. The Huron County Buaine.s Men's Association propose to immediately fuadgurate a campaign of education in the various newspaper,. published in the county, and later on in the ranipaign public meetings will be held in every section of the county to be addressed by able ereakere. The voters will in this way have an opportunity to hear both sidee of the question. Beginning with next weirs a aerie. of articles will appear In the county ppaaper. oontendnderinat license of the Itgnor traffic uthe law ie letter for the people of Harem county tbaa attenipted prohibition by nteaas et the Scott Art. II HURON COL ectfuIIy 'It BUSINR88 MHN'8 A88'N. Joint RaxsPOPD W. JACIJON, P-+ttlHwt BsseNery. THE CO1,BORNE STORE First Class Dry Goods Assortment Every corner of the store is loaded down with the very best ano4 most useful articles that go to make up a First Class Dry Goods Assortment needed by everyone for their fall and winter supplies. We will give you good honest goods, which you will find reliable and at Bed Rock prices, too. Read over our special items for this week. You may find in them something you are looking for. Rugs Our stock of new Rugs for this fall's selling 6 plow iu and ready for your inspection. It is a pl, asure for us to show these beautiful ttoor cover• .ng:, because we ate certain the patterns and tsttutes ate the latest. It you are looking for a Rug let ase have the pleasure of displaying our beautiful assortment. Price low, quality high. Underwear Now that the cold weather has come, Under- wear is something everyone needs. You can easily find what you want at this store, Children's, Girls', Lilies', Boys' and Men's. We never had each values as we can show this season, pertic- ulerly in ltao, 880 and 800 Vests and Driiwer' and in large sizes. Coats Just now Winter Coats are in demand and ours is a g.lorl stock to select from. Bought direct from the makers and every one wide for this sea- son's selling. We can show extta value in prices from 1111.00 to *18.00 in two-tone curl strip weaves very stylishly made ani known as tbe Rodger Coat. Linoleums If you want a covering for your kitchen or dining -room we can do well for you, 2, 3 and t yards wide, in Bowe of the world's best wake.. We lay them free of charge. Hosiery This store has been and is today head- quarters for hosiery. Our 2550 stocking 6 a marvel of cheapness, sixty per cent wool, seam- less and fast black and will wear as well es many all -wool wakes at Bao and 400. Sweaters and Sweater Coats Our stock is meds up of selections front the two best factories in the Dominion. As we carried nothing over from last season our stock is all new and you can depend on our prices being right, ranging from 780 to *4.80. Furs As we did not carry Fun last year we have no old ones to offer. Every Muff and C&,llar is new from the factory and we buy from the maker. We can offer extra values. If in need of a Mutt or Collar let us show you our collection. J. H. COLBORNE BRUSSELS Several cars of apples have been shipped to the Old Country from Brus- sels. Wednesday a good many went from here to Teeswater to attend the fall fair. Ax -c • ucillor and Mrs. Dames are away be west on a trip of a few week! Mr. • orge Robb, of St. Catharines, was 11,.tid/eying here for a week recently. Mr. Alex. Stewart, an old resident of this locality, 6 yet quite ill. He 6 KS years of age. Twenty mills on the dollar is the tax rate for this year in town. This L the same rate as last year. Master Ernest Lott has gone to the Institute for the Blind at Brentford. This is his third term and he is doing well. A fine roadster foal has been pur- chased by Mr. D• M. Scott, of this place. front Mr. Alfred Baker, paying 150 for it. Second crop fruit and flowers have been noticeable is various gardens owing tc the unusually wart weather and fine sesson. C Poultry is coming to the East Huron produce emporium at a lively rate and ate being killed, dressed and shipped to outside markets. Considerable criticism has la evoked among members of the lode - pendent Order of Foresters over the raiaiag of the rate,. Rev. Mr. Scott, a Baptist minister, from Illinois and Miss Margaret Scott, of London, were visitors with their sister, Mrs. P. Wats •n, recently. Holidays were observed Tbnraday and Friday in the public and high schools of East Huron inspectorate, owing to the teachers convention at Clinton. Communion was observed in the Presbyteriaq church on Suhday morn- ing. Rev. D. Perrie, of Wtngham, assisted at the preparatory service last Friday afrernoon. Mr. Charles McM.11an, star hockey player, hal gone to Stratford, where be has accepted it position in the dry - goods store of Mr. D. M. leer g icon. He may be on the line-up of that city's bockeyites. East Huron Agricultural director,. society met here Saturday vi close up the business of the fall fair. Treasurer Bleck will commence paying toe priz s nest Friday morning. A hand.nme surplus is figured on again this year. An interesting lecture on India was delivered in the Presbyterian church Tuesday evening by Dr. Margaret Paterson, of Toronto, who spent ten years there as a medical missionary. The thank -offering totalled over $60. Mis. Page and son and the former's sister, Miss Benoit, all of Montreal, arrived here recently. Rev. Mr. Page met them in Toronto. All are now getting nicely settled In St. John's church rectory. Mr. Page 1. the new incumbent. Dr. Ale*. McKelvey has removed to Toronto, whore he opens piactise as a specialist. He has spent the p tat three and • half years in Boston, where he hold • good position In the hiegest infirmary in the 'world. Ur. McKelvey has been named as one of the lecturers in the new Toronto hos- pital J.F. Rowland, of tbe Standard bank, rut the cord In his right wrist quite severely by the gipping of a knife,sad has been quite eaMad far as wtit- ng is roneerneil. Division uoart el tali Wilson bed a rib looks. by the jerk of a hor 's toot he was Vg At the Aaeset factory, Me. As, Hark - mak an employee, Indic. ed a Basb on the first small air iv sof aw rittgbt hood by a AUBURN Mrs. (Rev.l R. Miller's sister is with ber over the holiday. Misses Maud and May Ferguson were home for the Thanksgiving holiday. Howson & Lawson are out looking for timber for their mill for ;he winter. Mr. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Patterson, of Galt, are visiting at Mr. %V..B. Patterson's. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Straughan are spending the holiday with Goderich township relative.. Mr. Wm. Ferguson and family, of Chatham, are visiting Mrs. Ferguson's mother, Mts. Thos. Lawlor. A number of our young people at- tended the fowl supper at Londes- borough on Monday night and report a good time. HOLMESVILLE Miss McCormick visitra in Goderich last week. Mr. N. W. Trewartha was at L,n- don on Tbttrttday on business. Mises Amandeana and Emma Holland were bone for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. George Henip, of Mit- chell, visited at Mre. Holdsworth's this week. Mies M. Martin, of teafotth, spent Sunday with her . sister, Mrs. S. Tehbutt. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Lindsay. of Lon- don, visited at Will Jenkins' over the holiday.. Rev. R. J. and Mia. McCormick and Mts. Holdswcrtb, of this village, at- tended the silver wedding celehtation of Mr. and Mr.. 0. Potter, of Potter's Hill, on Monday. T BUSINESS AND • SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert i. -rat: ucto: at the Y IL C. A. BLDG.. LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session front Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free. Eater any tune. J.W. W.dirnit J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Pdic aldsessstsst 17 COD OYER 011 ANO IRON Two Most World -Famed Tonics Combined in Vinol. Cod Liver on and Iron have proved to be the two most successful tomos the world has ever known—Iron for the blood and the medicinal curative elements of cod fiver Mil as a strength and tissue builder for body and nerves, and for the sncceesful treat- ment of throat and lung troubles. Two eminent French chemists div covered a method of separating the curative medicinal elements of the code' livers from the oil or grease which Is throw," away , but to these "ssdlctal elements tonic iron is saw added, thus combining la Thal the two most meld tamed tame As a bed>MuOder sad strength a► ator for weak. rundown people, fur feeble aid people, delicate children. Is rester* strength after ddtisss: and ter chrome eft/Ms, adds. WSW g to cis ebltls or pdnsmary trembles wa ase .e tors seeDrsu M try ykssl with= ttlwutsma fira'i" ..« 11 et >� t� MstmatlN ��• -wawa. -mom. SHAW'S SCHOOLS aloe courses In all l u -ice.,. .0 t,ett. leading to posit.ewe as Bookkeeper. or Stenographers. and tee UI.il Service and Commercial 8 at1.t.' examine Dona. )'hers ecboda include :he t sr teal likideese College of Torontosite four city branch SchuoL+. Students may enter any time for thews mune, No vacations. write for Catalog. W. H. SHAW. Pradtlent, 30-Iti Yong., Street, Toronto. TALK IT OVER `WITH US and get our estimate; betore you install new plumping or have the old repaired or re- modeled. We can also furni,h t.�u with latest modern improv'e- pents and newest approted inventions in PLUMBING SUPPLIES FRED HUNT HAMILTON STREET. GODERICII 'PHONE 135 COAL Having purchased the bow - nese formerly conducted by P. Barlow Holmes, we pur- pose dealing in Coal, Wood Lime, Cement Fire Brick, Etc. We will handle Scranton and Lehigh Valley Coal. Iwo lines which are recognised as the beet, We wish to giv^ the people of Goderich and vietaity Ins best service po•- sihiss and shall he glad 10 hear from all of Mr. Holmes' customers and any others who wish anything In our lin.r. 111 orders left with Ja. Yates, W est etreat, pron'pt.l, attended to 'Plasms Na 1B Yards at O. T. R, Ne!.oe Street