HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-23, Page 1ached i, too, ;how - week. icated from orrect llette, )th and loth;, y and value. 1 dif- 'r pair, t. rely 1. feet, a ti cons- 1,1r by the regular Renally tin etti. ind. • in 'lad• de p. Pet- 'act- IL 'er_' ct-IL 7•. t I in all • engtbs any of yard, of l id rot of res are r pair, en• ng. est nor net :711. ren - rou• gh A p- 1 • ich DAY d LEGE 0 Thirty - Positions Iaform- LIM t .rel, Ieertltar . Fifteen Months for One Dollar The Signal will be sent to any new eubseribsr In Canada or r,6re•t Britain from now until Janua:e let, 1914 for only One Della. .I%TY FOURTH TLAI.-$..W1 G O1►EB ICH, MUMMY, OCTOBER 23, 1913 CONSIDER EVERY DOLLAR you put intooud advertising not a dollar cif expense, but a dollar invested upon which you will receive higher div ideuds than from any other investment. The dIRwa is the best .d ". rt, sins twalum In Hueco County A. it. BRADWIN. Poi Liaises rTHB STERLIMiBANK�� There is a very close connection between a sub- stantial savings account and a comfortable old age. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager PLACE YOUR INSURANCE IMMEDIATELY WITH 'FFII'E A. G. N ISBET Insurance and Real Estate Agent NEXT CANADIAN RANK OF COMMERCE, GODERI('H 'PelONBB : OpvlcE Eft; HOUSE 150. P.O. Box 3114 AUCTION SALES PUBLIC NOTICE FRiuAr. Ootob.r 34th. -Ariel too male of farm store. property of INR. FR=S MVoroku. eon. 3. E U. t:olboree. otoximencing et 1.3. o'clock. IHUMA&GUXDRT, aUCtiOoeer. PAT!. glint'. October ?Lith. Montage rale of farm propetty. lot 1. eon. 11. N.D. . olborne. at Gundry. auction rooms. Hamilton .trout. rin•R.s(t'Nukl'. •00110neer. tutu. tang r. Oct tb. •-Auction rale of farm tock. implements and household furniture. Prept r:l of M r. John liOrnatr. lot 31. coo. 1. West Nawano.h. TIIOM.aOe&DNP, aUctlon- Fit'i' v. Oc'. MAL -Auction aller.of cedar pests and braces et the Saw Mill to Baia. M. W. A. Murrain,. pegls4stcr: Twos. GL'NURT. 'actioneer. Moto ir, NOV. led.-Anctioo sale of farm stock. implemente and household furniture. property of 119. We. H. Rijttir. coo. 1. (lode - rich townebip. THOMA. Itemises, auctioneer. Tut+DAT. November 4th.- Asa ion sale t farm and fees .toes at lots 37 and r. Lt and 2nd ('onrc.eion•, Goderich township. Loots At.t0 ,RTi. proprietor. THMAAa 0UNURr. tnetrofeer. Tut ReDAT. Nov. eth.-Tra.t-e. isle of farm .tock. implements and Wambold furniture at lot :L' earl. I. E..4 wawa ..b. prOOlrt., of the :ate tlafva, MCLMIV IL T'Hos. ll l'NuKT. Auctioneer. 11m30.1Y. Noy. ukh.-Auction .Ate of Cur seek acd implements. pr.rperty of M9. MIt'RRAY PATtIIION, Asa line (near Auburn elation. TH"M&$Genene. wort looser. i ANTED • ▪ ARM HELP AND DOMESTIC 1 SEHVANT L-Personsrequiring term help -bould apply at once to WILLIA: Mc 4U1L- LIN. Dominion Gereromoot 1 tployment Arent. St. Helene, Ont. Orders lett with H. U. WOODS. St Helens. Oat„ willffrmeive prompt .tt 'non. ecit SITUATIONS VACANT. 111AN WANTED IN 'J locality to mail or distribute drculars and take order, for Cot -Rate Grocery Mail Order Hoe e. Position will pay 313 weekly fnr few boon' wort erenfnge. Outfit free. NATIONAL S►'PPLY CO., W icdeo,. Or.t. It. NU MRS W ANTED. -THS TORON- to Hompited for leeurahfei offers two f){'n0Lar+' training; complete course l0 manors: o hop tale. NewYork.ln Bellevue laand wAlliedlb d�.s'ed by (88A!GREEN. mee. . Lady Rupeerigd.n- `PF:OIALINTELLiOBNT 13 laborer* wanted for ell year work, In oer different departments, men who may crow Ltckly Into bettor than cottamon labotarn° par. nits for verde ears and send qualification. to the COGLiNGWOOD SRI!'BUILDINO r1134 PAN Y. Cdliegwood. nut. 73-41 t WEST WAWANOSH FI ftE IN 3II $ANCECO One of the beet in the Pro-- ince. Piled rate of *Rssaament. I.ive Stock interred at its full value whether on the farm or not No trouble to make adjust- ,'rets. R. McILWAiN, Nile. Agent for Colborne. GODE RICH 'BUS LINE Private loam meet all trains.oris t alb have pm ropt and c Phrst♦ta'ss livery Bub of all Omega. Reasa. *l hisser. 1 He DAVIS LIVERY T. M. DAVD. Propekatee South Ste, 'Pb..wNo 81 1 1 ANNUAL MEETING L oder the atuended Act governing Hoare ul total tbcirtie-. their annual meeting mu.t be veld durtog the tart week In November each year. The annual meeting of the OODEItICH HORTICULTURAL SOI 'IETY will therefore be hekl on Tuesday evening. November th. at . to clock. in the Secretary office, In the l mart Hosier. All members are requested to attend. WM. LANE. Secretary. Goderich.Ogt. a 1911 71L T21'SiNESS TRANSFER. - THE 11�J busine•s carried on by me for the past 211} year- has been tray -ferrel to Mr. Jas. A. Mar - Kendrick. my nerhe'-. who ha- been n-.oeiet- ed with the bas -mer. for the pa.t eight year,. in catr.eltyof clerk. Tt e be -ince will -tilt be ponductcd along the same lines a. heretofore., All aocuu0' 1 due the retiring firm milkbe awe to me IA. R. Finlay -on, and all unlebtneas writ be duly paid on •erntuts being presented. 1 take thl. opportunity of thanking the .nr rounding community f.,r the .hare given me of beu- kind i.atroonge. and hope the .acne .hall continued to the young neon now taking the responsibility. Vont,- tr-ppxeretfully. ' A. It. FINLAYSON, Lochalsh. Oct. 1:1h. 1913. COURT OF REVISION Notice is heretw ireen that n reurt will he held. pursuant to the lhitario Voter,Lits Ate. by Hi. Honer the J'idge of the county court of the county of Huron at the town.hip hall, l'arlow. oo the Alth day of O_tober, 1413. at 331. p-rn. to hear and determine complaints tf neore aid omissions in the Voters' i lot of the Municirwl ty of the town -hip of .'.uborne for the year 1913. Dated'ictob r IC h. 1913. It Mc ILWAIN. Tawrebip der:. 1)UBLiC NOTICE To THE CITIZENS- OF GODERIrH RE CARD!\(; ELECTRIC WIRING in order l0 proteel you in the matter of elec- tric wiring the water & 1. grit commission wlah to draw your attention In the fact that they here eloped the Hydro klectric Roles and Iteirulatiats for the ir..4allNtion of all wire. and dxtur,. for 1 sb'% heat and power. No connections will be made unless thew rule. are strictly adhered to. and we would advise all customer. to retain w pert of e.t,tract price until work is insi•ecied and pa. o d. Intending pnrrhaeere of electric motor. should con-utt the Hydro -Electric Power Com. mieslon. WATER A LIG HT COM MiSSION. Town of (;oderie h tITIt'E TO l'REDITOKM -- TRa EaTArt Or DONALD McK AT. DICtA*JD Notle.. le hereby g'sern pers,tant tot Geo. V. chap. 33, . c. 3i, that all per.ont baying calms against the estate of lioneld McKay. late of the town of Goderich. in the matey of Huron. lab over. deceased who died on the 17th day of November. A.D. 1911, aro required to send or deliver to the urdendgned. ropeitor for Angus M.Kay. of the town of Goderich. edminietra. tot of the estate of the maid Donald McKay, de- ceased. oe or before the 31.1 dayof Vetobet. A.D. 1913. full particulars of ther claims 0 d the lettere of the mecarity. If any held by them. and that after finch last mentioned date the maid administrator w111 proceed to *fermata the meets et the mall dowered anions (9. pee - sons seeded thereto. having regard :ally to the dales to which ha •hall thee bare received Rothe, and the mild administrator will not he Babb for the emot.. or Any pert tberme( to any psmoo or persona of whose el*Imo notice.9.11 net have been received at the date of seek 4... tribal too. Doted this 14th day of oe'ober. A.D. 1911 CHARLES DARRO W, Uadet4oa, Detente 8htidtev far ANdUd lick A Y. Adr(a14 ate. TO W N OF GODRRiCH Take unties that lin municipal ooaao8 et the w1 pee.tisu se 9s (ewe et ooderie9 homes se esma set a Cvelleet ereerete aMewa1k ea wage siege .1 Britannia read. le the aid tows. between William street and McDou- aid sues. and hotrods to atoms a parties of the Seal mc.1 thecae epen rho eel Weer? to be YtMdlatal/ baweued thereby, treating Of gee Brlta•m1• wed. steer wet "mss idles the a (me heli.I. s thereof Eby tndsase tdieer the Wein se and pme M sessleals (fie weats seenai wisedtoe the P aMp emit. std the mawbs .efM brassies M mod s(W lis m (M AUCTION SAL CLEARING AUCTION SALT; vv t'ARM STOCK • KR. F'KiD MLOIURD will sell by public aectisa.d hl. hint. 3:1 cob.. r. D. Colborne. s. FR/RAY. U(7OR Jtrick. 0wmmencies at 1.33 u moot 5 head ut Hume.. -1 is. ad of Got :e. a good Soot of Zoomed a uamber of` said then. Mr. Mutted will .sal .verythaeg aderteeo, as hle lease ham enpt red and he 1- seavtna 141 farm, TH'MA8 GUNDKV. Auctioneer. 'LEA RING AUCTION SALE FARM 3T.LK ANDIMPLKYENTS MK, MURRAY PATERSON n dl esu hr peblit section at his 1.rm the ars( lot south of the railway tem. -deg on the Bar boo tsear Auburn et s- lime on y1/NDAY. NOVEMBER 1.1 9. at 1.310 cluck •harp : " Mare, .5 yeas. tea: )tare. 9 years old : driving Hore. a years old; , Yearling.: 2Calve. :Cow, due so calve January et. Cow. due t0 also April 7 : .ow and Met of Ha• : 4' Reds: quantity of Gnu,.: Lumber Waggon afoot Metes wick Mower. Hey Kake. 16 -Disc Hat - row; 3-.c Una Drag Ha,tow : Farm st'wagoo. nein) new, Wataoo Box sad Seal Sielgh Hay Hack. lay Furk and Koro•. Md "mirk Seed ural. Fanning Mill, mortes- ,'ream Nep- erator. Plow, Ga t'ww beset l utter. Roots Cutter, set Teem Rarer -seeped. harem-.. nesse.- All roma ut $io aud ender• a.b: over that amount, eleven month. creuit will be elven on fund -hind approved joint note+. A di.count of tate p. -r ce t1. allowed for cash on cr:dst amour,•. Everything wu-t be di -p -ed of. the implement- are all practically new and in 4.-ood .haps MURRAY PATERSON, THOS. GUNDRY Progenitor. Auburn Auctioneer. MORTGAGE SALE X1!!11 00' FARM PHOPER'l Y [NIA ILBORN E l'anuan to the power of sale in a ctrtain mortgage. which will be press vl a: the time of .ale, tilers wig be offered for sale b, public ■oc-tion, at UCNIORY''S AUCTION.Ri9331"1 Hamilton itreer, Gudcrich. ou SATURDAY. OCTOBER.:3. 1913 at 2 o'clock .0 the af'e•n•rori the following veluab:e tare, property. 'seemly' 1n the lown.aap of 191borne in the county of Uoroe. being compo -ed of lot one in the 11th roe.. w'. U. of the -ai.1 town -hip •ate and except the pat. thereof heretofore -old 10 McV it tie and other.. containing .iz'y-two acres of land more or le... This lot i• ttuaud at the Nile. nine mile. from Goderich. on a good gravel road. The bu,idi can't -t of a frame boat and a frame hare. There na also an orcbud :n fairly good condition. The *tele. a good clay- loam. Tract. n/9aut - fen per cent. of the pai- chaee money "n the day of sale ani the balance within thi•ty dry- thereafter 'I het roperty mil be offered -abject to a re- rerse Farther Ia-ttcular.' and r)0Aition- will be made toow u tinder of al.. or mad, be had (tem Robert -on a McNah. Ministers. vVelker- too. or from the under -toned. Dated at Godencb tit 11th day of October. 1913. 1 PROUDFOOT. 0.1 es n GILU•HAN. THOS.UUNDRY. Goderhb.i'o'. Aoetiobeer. tolieltor.: tr Ven tor. TRUSTEES' SALE or FARM PTOCK.IMPLF:MEXT.t ANDHOI'SE- HUL) FUitN t t UriL The Trustee. of the Fixate of the la:e, SARNIA PREACHER HERE Two Forcible Sermons Preached in Knox Church Last Sunday -in everything give tbauka" was Ole sul•ject of an wterealing serwou pr. ached by Rev. J. K. H.1', of 5 r- ife, in Knox church► 00 Souuay even- ing last, The parlor, H -v. G.J. Ruse. went to Sarnia and excbauged pulpae with Mr. Hatt. Despite the fact that the lights went out at the beginning of the service and the greater part of it had to be conduct- ed by the aid of lamps, it waw Might and lospuing. It being of a thanksgiving nature appropriate music was rende.- ed ter the choir. Tue preacher had been attempting to impress upon his congregation the absolute necessity of bieugm•g grati- tude and thanks toJesus in His home, and went Go to ab0w that the /spirit ot indifference of this present age was ruinous to true cbri•tian life, It was his opinion that 1t a ould sooner or later end dtsaau ouiiy, it continued. He exclaimed, , '' %Ve never shop to chalk Where we are going to spend our here- after and if it was revealed to some of us it would cause us to faint." ,.rhe great trouble," he continued, "is that v'e profess to lead a chribtiau lite lint ate working for the Devil." In closing he uluetrued that in the eyes ot the creator, a pure, devout and simple life woo tar wo, a accept- able than one. of scieuce it accowpaui- ed with sin. -The C P.R. will h•eeef er no'. em- ploy any perrun under It Yeats of ag•'. Arc FIO\ SALE ti GF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMI N IS - MA JOHN YOUNG ba' instructed Thomas Gundry to a l by puts lie •actio", *t Lot re, Conce.oloo 1, %Vest w-awimeels, on 1VED N ESDA Y. OCTOBER :"tt h at 1 o'clock p m . the following -:xk and im- plement-: Mare"a years old. heavy, supposed to be las fo)� Mare: 11 rear.old, heavy'..-uppo•sed le to 4,4! : dart•.: years old, heavy- supposed to bs in tutu: Howe. 4 year* old, general pin pow: I ions. 4 y'.:ar.: o d. light ; Hor-e. two years old. hackie)-: Horse. '' years old, heavy :''ow. 6 years old. supposed to b, in calf; a ow, 3 years Int ; Cow. 4 seen old, .uppo-ed to be in calf 4 Helier. 2 yew-. wr-• old • 4 Calve ;pose B-rk-hire Sow in Fig: 4 young Nerkshire ....w•; 3 young Heck• -hire Hoe.: Binder. 7 -ft cur, nesr'y new': Linc Dela, 13 dice, nearly Lew; Met..rm'c' Moser: Nay Loader; .iledelivery 1aka : Hor•e!take; Cult ivat'r; I.:.c; 1Vt•tder: rid- ing flow- ,' uble Plow ; twin flow ; we.kieir Plow; 2 'icuttteri: Wege'..; -et truck 1Vhxls: mauure Spreader: hay Rack rani! stock Rack.: Pea Horse -ter with H,.ncher; F.,nnin¢ Nth with Bagger; Maple Leaf Chorine-. l0. -inch: "single SUOIrii:.; Democrat: Cut t•r; Sugar Kettle ; set Settles, _Air I10. capacity ; errant Se r•uor iMelottei 4.4) Ib.. capacity trnery Grleder ; Hey Fork and tiling,. eomp:e•e •i.h Ii! -It. rope . ;r1 tiny PAHA with Spee. ; 2 Led- der-: t'o.t Hole Digger; Root P..lper; 1Vheel- bw:roe: 2 set hon Hari owe ; Gras. Seeder: Lawn Mower; Auto Spray Pump; Black- smith's \lee : Sun, s33 ft. high. 14 0. acctiss, pine: acre M*ngels; 100, bushel. of Oat.-: 3.r bn.hel. of Rails), ant (tat, : 1 .l b i•hele of 1y heat : 10 ton. of Hay and a quantity of Straw HARVEY M, aril ELL• Forks. Chains, Shovel- end other article. too numerous to mention. A gnantily- of Hone - will ell by public auction at t.yt 32. boa. 1. b ld Furniture, a. Hen=. Tnrteyo mrd Gceee. Last F:,c:ything will be .oto, ae the proprio; or has rented his term and ,a removing to the TERI,,.-(;rain, Tiny aidStraw nod all •n:n. Under 3141, ash: over that amount 13 month N'►war.o•l' uo THl'K.+1'1Y. NOVEMBEH*.h eommeocing at 1 o rIo.1..baro : I aged Mare: l broad Mare ireg1.-tered. 44 yen-, is fo d : 1 brood Mee. i year. ores in foal: t Orood ]tart. 4 yenta nal hewn be reg:•- credit or a diruount of .5 per cent. on crelit tereai; 2 Fillies reins 2 ye.r owl one cut be amou0t� regi'( -red ; Y.pnrg Colt., one eau tie regi.ter- Ji i 4X YOUNG. THOMAS GUNDRY. ed: 1 Driver.: retire old : 1 mdch CO.. in calf. Proprietor. Auctioneer. nue Jae, 1.t : Y mile' Cow.. uppep�oo. d to be ill calf; 2 Steen. nein, 3 year, oi4: 3 yearling -- steen: I Hatter-._ wee 3 rears cid: 1 leer:toe FOR SALE OR TO BENT Heifer.; 4 ('leve.'( 3 you0e brawl lbw•. li ice _-_- _-_ bon bred- IMPLEMCNTIS o RENT. -A GOOD HOUSE ON 1 Massey Ham. Binder nearly new; 1 New"gnt r street. with all rnoderneenven- tower. Hone l',ake twe-fon owed Piow. single' iener•. Apply to N. W. NOTT. Newgate .feet. Plow. Roller. 9. aMer..et Harrows. Gres. Sod lL c)wer. Lumber w adr..n. Rubber Thad Baggy. nearly new. Top Boggy set of siel{h.. ('atter. OR SALE -A HOUSE AND Hay fact. Turnip Sower. Fanning lire Turnip j quarter -acre lot. with table no Cambria Pnlper. pet of B mist capacity Y 4) Ib-.. 1 wet road :also .4. lo". and snivel hon-. on Hr.t'an- donbteHetee.r:1 set single Harem.. about nim road. Apply to MISS PUITS. Cambria 1•0Hena.l3Takrye, 3ato0. Har. ee) to 670 roved 78.2•. b:.ahel- taus 0144 a quantity of BSI ewer: IWet- wheet. En -Rag• Temp-. Mengel. and P,nta- ton, ono nese Hoa ehda Feer iture. t,TOY E FOlt SALE. -BAS:: BURN- toes. - • Oe Grain and nil sups' of vn.0e 1 ER with even and bot -air ehamb(r, in � 1 a Id under. cash: tater thou amount. 12 months' condition. . ersp for ca.h. Apply eo''. 1a. e, edit o11 approved joint nO:M. A discount of 11 UKP ELL. rc..1.leuce Kelp. .user. ur at 3 per cent allowed for cods on credit amount'.. #ted Huht's Hard+err miner. 11. THOMAS GL N URi0. A u'K rot. Yr. AUCTION SALE or FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS AND SOME HOC39H),.D FLRNI[URF. MR WM. H. HKINLEY D,Ko0aos.•we Goderlca Town -hip ham IUnrseled 19 dt Windt y to ,ell by pobli- auction on MONDAY. NOvEMRRR 331 COmmeodag at 1 sorest. the tdiaw,og' l greyMare. spears old : 1 bay Mar.. 1f year. oto: 1 bay Mare, 9 years old in tom . 1 black Hero. 1 your', oto ; 1 Oat Horse. a years old : t Colt-. 3 meet8. aid ; 11'10. suppose , to .-ale In April : t C .we' appewd to calve tbe let of May ; 1 Cow...apposed to calve In Febra- as y ; 2 good spring Calves ; Ines noes owe. : 1 deed sow ; shoat le hem: 1 7-1. Yu Bar- r4a Binder. merle sew : 1 Ma •oy Hants blower ; 1 ret Mom" hunk if* . 1 tidier Drill.Money Hassle • 1 t -berme prow. war ; 1 good riding Phew: 1 Wee/ maples Plow: ret of leen Hans..: t Iaawleg 31 til. ; 1 sot M Su n Iba See le.: hem Waggons: 1 set et Weigh. 1 H.y Reek. 1 Mel Ur..04 Boz 1 hent Yelper. 1 Phg Cest •. 3 totter.. 1 road daebk Cutter. 1 .sally sow : t Niue .heat Remy, r qo. t Harmer. Ixarft new ; t IMO Of eleigM - 1 est et double Chivied Barmen 1 set of Hew Hates: 1 Oam.�tM1 Bad 50 S hese.1 Y1y Ne(• s.thrly Mew ; :re5h she' dMble teen. eh.r. sherd,. ReM• Urlsiar. 14 deem Chairs, 1 Ian Lest i Bed. and 3 31a1. temente, 1 Chloe t stews Table& qubwtlty of 41eee Jae.• s bt of nave. 1 Coal toll Same. 2 Tabs. 1 �ah� LaMar, I tend Ketches tatter. 1 Cap.aeaw awe Mee* tutee'. some Sas* Pipes. 1 Oetwod at O w. t Rend tinea I Crew - bee. 1 C mibseh. 1 atsr Trees3. op- =islet Tst*l ins w sari-111ee�s.04 ('ea11., (aide, meth: emelt oft hr esr hese ~� nie liese b fd taruktare elrletfy . M WM. 31. 1MINLBT. TY01 (4UNDRT. Pr*prleee. Aeettw*1t. LOST Olt POUND �= leMora UND.-1N SALTFORD. A PAIR elev •ss sI know seldlla•t1,...1°,...,./1•111.= . `•ort ht wide) wAKWghM.KT Kort ARplyte la evldMl , 9h*eesr „,1161 e((g�t(h. (T ORT -B it W URN THE IMAM) E» the se tea strewth eh.aa.. f Trask• = 's�drug t steer. a �� s�a�samp tba�flr.. peweeM 1 t•• fg.es 1 M•-TNi M s eine. tge se ICK l4wsaBs�tRw'n.w 1 so man and wideb ` U.. ON TUMMY. OCTOBER Ieriw p'T/iseh �w tt . eIL �r.erser v� Caere es iB�s Oill10B. • sr; Bal.b lblE io IiVO RENT. -HOUSE, BARN AND 1 market garden of 10 acres en the bank of the Maltiend rlrer to r nt. Sheafd nem 14 -- Grand Trunk .tat inn. Gadeeloh. Fuer sere. of fruit trawl on the prtndoe. Property wej( 0.1ered. Apply t t AI.E1. KOtll'>AitiOC: Writannta novd.Ooderich. 77 -Int FOR SALE -TWO-STORY HOUSE on Keays.ttee(, c witaining len ennui•, has mod ,rn bathroom, furnace and electric Iig9Gt thoronghlr repaired from cellar to rev ; full Int and small baso with roloetraht Apply to W. R PINDER. Irl-tf. FOR SALE OR TO RBN .-HOUSE. on Elie ermine. roar South -treet. Mod- e m conveniences,. Apply to W. R. ROBERT- SON. oletor4astreet. RllAL I{.91'ATE FOR SALK. We hers for eat. about thirty town 1ota, priers raging frau fin upwards, also three and other dwellings and a few es rmr. P I'OO T, HAY8 te KILLOR ales O ede• 'Ph INV. 41•tf NOUSE'S FORSALE. -AN MOHT- KOUM KD HUU QE on Victoria. wires( and me serve roomed boas on Aeslenow street : ~con 6 modem ae• Mepwty Also on Mls COMO,belie- fs( IK Ire timber pariloeWn apply to W. T. PILLOW. node, ieh. 0e1. 74-t1 GUARANTEE BONDS j ; rote and Deputy nof lteeveoClark t be ( LIVE INDUSTRIES SEVERAL CONCESSIONS ASKED FROM TOWN COUNCIL Local Industry Wants Its Sonds for 150,000 Guaranteed by Council - Electrical Inspector Appointed - Cameron Street Sewer May Be Built -Bylaws Passed "That the town ot Goderich will guarantee the bonds of the American Road Macniue Co. of Canada for $50,000, all of wl icu sum is to be ex- pended in the 'arches, of land, the erection of buildings and the acqui.i- lion of new equipment tor the manu- facturing of their variuur lines of 'machinery, and nu purl of which to to be expended In operating expenses or the expansion of the business. "That the town i.f Goderich deed the American Road Machinery Cu. the two lots, 'mutely Nes. eel end 65:4, as .hewn on the town pen. '''That the town of lioderich annul and close for defile Napier atree(from Crubtia road to Albeit street and Montcelnt street from Cambria road to Albeit street. Alsu that a right of way be given by the town, to allow the Grund Trunk &away et siding to cross over any street or streets that may lie between the land of the Awelican Road Machine Co. dila rue Grand Trunk. That the property mentioned and disc,lbtd above be,ts.e-sedat a flxed,assessment for a petiod of teu 3e.u's.' These were the iequesta embodied RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FOR BALK -Tyre re"Idener, with four lob.. ttrwsrty hews es the A .MoD. Allan property, ease Cs. ,sa and Raglan streets. Good Met brae. tee storks, le ar.t-^tan. repair ; eredee esmvs3weea. G"esa4ri planted eltb variety e1 Andes freta,. Owe et the best peon 1erritle. r Osdsrie8. Reasonable term.. 1'. J. RYAN. Ostle4eb. VOR RALE. -FI VII ACRRtg OF E bled. Mpert tlet let t, L K. W., Cpeels.,0rre • . a dlradinRet Hhome •wl a tweet Moyy Maeeet eb•rd. (low to *Moot, see -half i0aatr1tree shoo* po.,otlee bel stens. Nlee ewe lar • mitred tonna,'. The propert, Dr WNW a We. D. Cummings, Chloaga To r.. elle he ted teem A a WILLI AXI, i►wnl p (Mt- 42-u ARM FOR MAILi .=t'1 ti diArif INA VII i b W�l� awn- stetaf • barns and free 9.,.. l7'baw b etraB'Mt►�i4A « DIVOT.pecrelealaritMAYO t4KM. , tea•IItsa 11-tf rules and regulations of the Hydro - Electric comwiwion of Ontario were ; _- adopted sod approved. This bylaw GODERiCH WILL GET TWO INDUS - provides for the appointment of an electrical inspector and defines his 1RIES IN PLACE OF ONE duties. Reeve Runnings brought up the question of dealing with the Crmeron street Newer. It is alleged that the present sewer there being only equipped with six -tech the is Me sufficient for all needs, The council ewe time ago decided not to lay any sewers this season, but owing to the pressing need of having this wetter dealt with at uuce, it was referred to the Public N'urks committee. it is likely that the work will Le com- menced this fall. Reeve Mu.'uings drew the attention of the council to the walk on the Saltford hill not being lighted. The mayor instructed the clerk, Mr. Knox, to request the hydro employees to have a I.ght plee-a there. As usual Mayor Reid presided and all the counet' is were present. Councillor Venal' 'r after his long ab- sence was weleo.ued back again and was in his old place. MEDALS PRESENTED At Y.M.C.A. Concert in North Street Church on Thursday North street Methodist church was tilled on Thursday evening last with a deligh;ed audience, which manifested warm approval of the programme presented under the auspices of the Y.\1.C.A. The entire programme was of a high eller order, but the chief iutereat centred around Jessie Alex- ander, the well-known elocutionist. Worcs fail to express the admiration one feels foe this gifted artist, as the in a cowwLlnICa:l°U made by the elocutionist brings. Natural scenes be - American Road Machine Co. through !fuer him aud the characters become their vice-rne-idents Mr. C. L. Moore, living realities. Transported to the and read to the cuunca by His I scenes surrounding the coronation of Worship Mnyor Reid at the serol- the present kine, the audience heats Monthly meeting last Friday night. t xpreeslons and dialects appropriate the mayor explained that the 1 -iter to.the cccas:o11 fluor the lips of this had been given to nim and he had tllleuted wuuein. Coining to her sec- had asked to feud it and bring the and number "In Covenanting.. Rays" matter beim e the (teemed. Toe letter the Scotchmatee blond thrills "with intimated that the plescut plant was emution as the days of persecution el- oat ',tree enough to,eccoowodate the brought realistic before him. The story of the bairns as told > i. - Jessie which has trade ot the eycablithwrnt h Coin - been growing vety rapidly. Mr. Alezander•ie limp ' brantiful. Cum- Mo..re In his letter stated that the reg from the sentimental M the hwti- an Lrincb of this business bid orou,, it A evi lent that Jessie Alex- -emeticgrowu fr•oni small (deck -with sh 'p ender is equally at home and in her in Pennsylvania tee four feetotie. in thirdpiece,"Should Women Proptse?" didrrrnt parts of the United Stairs. she brougmt down the house on many occasions in t He wag desirous of a siwiler ex''uu- ' Ming of carious macs of Bion for the Canadian company. ''Popping the question." Pure mud tit1DBNOK AND VAR -a Thi - as FOB *3.131 1 va tree bbd "d w4M el e1M •Yo side *avast dse(r *9 1=rtihsi streets Ili �s�d Rteb • lafieeee assn •sM�tp et W m. It `T rahlfflot♦ Mt me twee. . lift After reading the let trillis Worship brought. siulpli:ity of the child wag said that he thought the tow u should hero two out in r torcible Child's Ter in 4.ys1 the company, as he believe 1 the her last pieces, "A Child's recital 1i01i' and a lullaby, which was 4911 scheme web a 900x1 one. He uncles- imitation of a nrgl'u mu: her rutting staled that the cuulpeny w•°u,d move her child to sleet.. Her pet'furw*nce all iLs pre'etut 111 ichlnen y int° A new all through the evening was highly baildiug 70.4010 which it woe proposed delightful. to build on the site near the liianid Pelham; of ritual impurcancr ens Trunk; ala, to use exclusively the the presentation of medals for life'.-av- fac'Aay now• occupied for the 'nano- u,,: given by the Royel Canso E:u, tacUue of galvuutzel iron g'od-. He Huwaue Assn-iationi end p4re.ented by thought that f hr (,10.11 should I.0 con- \lsy..r Reil to Moores lirahs'i and gyetulated upon getting twoirdu.uiee .fanee Kos-, sone of Rev. Geo,. E.11 we in place of enc. tether towns were fur their valut'ous action i^ saving the ieecbing cut After industries and he I,fe of Ralph Pearce, of Toronto, near felt that Goderich shupld :.mist the 13av6.l.!, un l.take "liuruu, Inst Joh. company. Ne.uly nil the cauncillur' F,1r 4his part 01' the programule '4r. similarly exptes.ed Iheniselvee. 'i he A. M. Robertson acted as chairman. [natter was fivally iefeiteti to tee to a short and ter.e address he said Specie' columetee. tb it i1 had mite' been mated that the Tor mutter u1 s.11ing the 11:":"" human rice Wile deveuerating. He electric debentures was laought up. wits glad to be able to dispro.e this As %V.A. Mackenzie & Co. of 'lurl'nt" statement by showing that these boys have n,a.le a goof offer, it was thoneht had placed themselves iu the class by some that the debentures should he with stet), a of the ;as:. , Prioripal sold. Too Finances cowwittee will Heine. gave a graphic desciiptiuuut fn, the:total eal with tie: ha ptopositinn. tbe',lucky rescue-. Che yu..n: raised the p tin[ of issa- Irl 'making the presentation Mayor Mg dcleoit111(5 10 pay for the cost 01 Reel eulag•zrd the mot hers for their putting down 1 .cal s'ne'ers, Coup. plucky rescue. Eueh ep-titer regret- V..u.uler s.ggested th 't this money ted the fact that Meta \I minaret Mc - be meld t.otn Litt• sinking fund. Mayor Daggett t„ of Clinton, who assisted the Reid i ,1st tined i that ilia sinking Ruse boys in the rescue, w,te not pros- fund was about exha.ue, ed. [.aline ent. tier pate/its thought it better McClintur.thought that the debeutures ,hit the pleseo;t,atinn should take should not he issued et too low a Hgilie. place iu her own town. Rev. Geo. E. The ter wasictetred t0theFinan3e Ko„ on brhsll of his Sons repaid Columrie,ee froth the %Vetter•ttn01 Light (uIIIwlseio^ ...` thanking the officers of the Royal mendatinn was received Cansdien Humane Society and el -o the ep,rnkrrs for their kind remarks. He asking that Mr. %b. H. Bullard be maid that the boys only felt that they a ,potuled as els:tiicwl Inspector fur had dune their duty and would have the town of tioderich. The iec°m- been cuwerIs if they had not door medation e• WI Rduptetl. Reeve aeat they did. In closing he said that Muunings said that he had intervirwrl be theugbt a boy who should receive Mr. BuUsrd, who lull diol 4.e was tecugnition by the Royal t'an'dien willingtoac . •1'he questo aur eatery Humane society was 'Lira TulTnrd [or of the iuspec:or was then brought up, hie rescue of a luau from drowning when it was explained Unit he would off Atte ill's print last aununer. receive the tyre as psecclibld by the rbc rest of the prog,Rm,nr being of Hydro-..lecttic commission, which are a musical nature was inert, entertain - 10 cents per single outlet. Coun. ing. All the performers mer, Inc.! Vanatter held that this was rather people and acquitted thetn•elves in too high. Mayor Reid said it was the muco a manner teat Oodet i -h may be price set by the Hyd,o-Eledric cone- proud to peewits such talented artists. mission and the people would hate to ,the orchestra composed of Messrs. put up with it, as it was on for statute Benjamin and Diver W'itmer, Geo,ge books. Coon. Vanatter suggested that H. King and Charles Kerslake gave we might os well he iu Rusiiu, but the several °vet tures in a creditable man - mayor begged to disagree with him on nee. It is useless to attempt t) pick tbis polo,. The schedule of fees as drawn up by the flydro-Electric com- miasi„n Is one to live mobile, 116.50 ; six to 10 mullet*. onedollar extent 11 to 511, five cents additional ; 51 to 100, two cen'e extra additionel ; over 101, one cent each additional ; electric ,w,tors,$1 (111; 'sere than one. 73 cents ; electric signs, one dollar each ; addi- tional sign. f/1 cents. Reeve M.rnnings saki that Mr. Bullard had stated to him tl.a•- he wag willing to art and receive his fens s. eatery. On motion of Coon... McClinton and Vanaurr a bylaw wan Ir,ad three times and passed nntho,izing the appointment of Mr. Bellied. Three other bylaws were read and passed Coons. Leh h wait. and Young moved the paasing of a bylaw making the regular gent* to the local institutions -A sensation in high life recurred as puhliehrd in Tie Signal of two at Varney, three 'riles tooth of lhur- weete ago ham. last week. During the absence of Reeve Mtann.ngo movtd and Coun the groom presumptive, who went to Graham seconded a motion to pass a Durham to procure the license, the bylaw to levy and aasesa $3R,M57.90 for would-be bride eloped with the Reown r i mweklpal and other psnp.ver* IIx the man and May were married nett day year 1911 The lady ,,wee • $4,(1110 farm in that By the yeeeieg of a bylaw am he vitlllsite. out the Mar of the evening, as earth u,ueicien who ciente ibuted shone with stellar brightneee. The programme was : Vocal settee - tions. Mie* Hildred McColl and Mies Ada McClinton ; vocal duet, Miss M- ated M_Voll and Mr. J. F. Thomson ; violinselrc ion, Moss Once Seeger; quattet.te• Miss Stella Speitar, Miss Ada McClinton and M •v.rr, 0. H. Humber and Harty Harter. Sieger*, J. H. Hunter and George H. King accompanied the singer.. The Boy Scout bugle hand. which is in connec- tion with the Y.M.C.A.. paraded the streets previous to the coneert and gay. the residents an idea of the kind of music the followers of Gen. Baden- Powell play on their inarchee. The en.'11030ment wait turret successful. Town Council Asked for Concessions -- Plans tor Fine New Factory to Re- place Old One of American Road Machine Co. -Will Then Manufee- utre Galvanized Iron Ware Here, No une can walk through the present pleat of the American Road Machine Co. without being very much impress- ed with the e$tablisbwent, realizing haw important such a manufactory is to Goderich, and nut simply to Gode- rich alone but to the iudustritll life of Huron county. Yet, however, if the 7494101' knows anything about Machin- ery at d general equipment, he will at once see that this drm is greatly trum- peted for want of room, and is remind- ed of the eat: wearing a tight boot. It cramps the foot mud thus iojurea the whole body. Such 0 the case of this firm relative to the town of Goderich. %shite the flrm suffers dtnetly, the town suffers inditectly. Now the officers of the,cowpauy, in view of the ever-increasing trade which they have built up. have come to the conclusion t that the business they are c•)cducting Is a atlid once aud as the prospects for further advance ate exceptipQnslly bright the plant hes gut to be enlarged and therefore asks some little assist- auce of the town. The factory was visited by a Signal :epleeentative this week end simile he has'.,een in some of the largest es:ab- lisbuients of it similar mutate in wavy other Outateo towns and cities he thought that the machinery equip - meet cumpa'ed favorably, yet it could be seen that want of Tann greatly hampers this enterprising irin. The wu..d-working branch, where spukee for wheels are taken out of the rough oak cordwieed stick, is an industry in itself that septet es a con- - siderable number of hands. The machine eh'.p is up-to-date es far as machinery is conce,ued, but the want of loom is afro at'pat•en1 there. Great sheets of iron. weighing tons have to be shifted from mune to crane ,and derrick to derrick, nrcebsitatieg less of time aud energy for want of loom to • place overhead tracks and stance. The erecting remit as lar removed fiom the waretoonev, thus causing the work- wru to make many unnecessary steps for weenies' they want. The black- smith shop ie so small that it isoiusuf- licieut for all demand,- Made upon it. But to ''cap the climax" i. t , p-ep into the warel'uotll. At Once One Is con- vinced that a warm -own "chuekrd" full of goods so ;.bat it is impossible "to move at wand freely, is not in any way desirable. Everything in the line of toad machine! y is manufactured by this (00141any. Keene cru•heis weigh- ing 10 tone to too ing plows sod toed graders ere the outputs of this firm. Considering the pi ins that have beeu prepared for a new plant cost trig some - w bete in the neighh •rh,od of $100),000, to be operated in conjunction with the old plant. really two industr:cs would he in operati.nn here; namely,' h. man- ufacture of rt ad machinery and the making of gatvan ze i goods. It is thought the, the company is not ask- ing out of the way in its lequesta fcr concessiul,s f101n the town council which ane published in another column. The firm now employ about six'y men, whereas when the new factory ie completed over 100 'len will find employment with the -company. It is propose,) to erect a set of build- ings, the mein one Iseing 70 x 4(4) leer, but .he company have ant yet decided whether it will be built of concrete or brick. To this Luilding a spur from the Grand '1 rook a ill be laid. Outside of this building will be a largo crane used principally for unloading cars, etc. In this way a great swing would be made in cartage. A fine up-to-date afire with all ween equipment will be in the main building. A superin- tendent', room with glees doors in one part of the oilier which will be on the second floor will enable hitn to look over the whole machine shop A large warehouse, 40 x 1110, will be in one building by itself. It. will be. con- strncted oI galvanized iron. Another building, 33 x 40, will be used as n Boiler loom and all pumping appsratus will be kept there. It will he 111 feet underground in older that the railway hopper ears may be unloaded into the company's coal bunker.. There will also be put up • large building foe a foundry. The sive has not yet been decided upon. While theta will bs several other buildings erected, the chief aim of the architect has been to connect them am much es possible e0 th:et the whole eatahlist,nunt may he fitted op with en ekv..e-1 track for heavy load• of iron to her deposited in any part of the tntilding. For these buildings (h•• company has 'secured an option on several lots near t lle Grand Trunk and it is melee stood that the railway will lay all necessary 1',' m:Inufar tore galvanised iron go rte in 'heol I factory. as proposed, it will seceders.. -odditbetel machinery hut at the present Mr. G. L. Moore. the nuna,aer, was unable to say what the cost of installing this machinery would he when he was naked the gums tion by Tue Signal. Accident et Windham YVingham, (act. 24 Harry henois had his Tye. painfully burned and Me face and head badly rut and sere Imbed lest evening while Ant bunds, wtl his brother the gnu expinxied es be •ras taking also Mut the alp new bora sad *truck him. Ile 040/000004 with horning powder. Dr. AAate hone' unless inflations .t ion develops N tray (Ji• 87304(ht aY e1RM.