HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-16, Page 8II. IIf at e A. SLOG . LONDON. ONT. Stadseb &ss1Asd te position. College is sassier fres@ Sept dee Catalogse flea nater anytime e J. 1*sA/a/t 1. I. westensR.h. 4, MOO IT S II TanSPAT, Oct IS. 1*11 October Sale Big clearing sale of high. clear Chios. Cut Glass, Brass (roods, etc., tc. Tide is sur &usual sale. and is a epleedid chance to secure good goods at small prices, es- pecially suitable for Chruttnaa (lilts, Wedding Gifts, 1Le All goods are arranged on teblea at the following prices, nue, 7'.r, 6i 00, $2 .00 and $3.00. Many of these liner are warned at half price, while oth- er.. are marked at less than half price. Too ninny lines to specify. (tooth and prices speak for them- .. -Is.-' Look ,.harp. sminm1 e 'ale commences Saturday, I kiola r lith. The Colonial Book Store 1'URTER. Prop. Phone 101 Goderich. VICTORIA 2 NIGHTS Talking Pictures They tall. laugh. ring. ' I'r i nee. *00, 38c. 250. ',Winer.. 250 Seats on sale Thursday noon, Oct ltith )PRRA HOUSE Commencing Monday, Oct. 'lift. \l.Unee Daily Phoma. A. Edison.. Genuine ■ u • Erato Laxatives are espec,s::v good for rbildite bec:in.e they are pleasant to take, gentle in :::t:on. do not irritate the is.w-ls nor drvelop a need for continual or increased doses. Tac. a box. at your I eruggist'1. :•'tel owl lC. _an. d.elLi dees"1 1 MI 1 1 1 ereetwerearereeeremmereporeerw ALL THE SEASON'S FRUIT OF 11181 QUALITY. AND I►AiLY ARRIVALS We ran rival the best city offer - 'Jowl in Peaches, Pears or Plums We have everything in the Season's Vegetables and if you want Butter and Eggs nt can rely on, we have then,. Cali or 'Phoee 52 so J. Youn n th MAI'LF: LEAF GfiO('EI%Y Hamilton street HAVE YOU toad, prevision foe employment der fag the Fan asd M Tatar menthe err do yes wi.h rsmeeerai i i e work the veer itimeerbr rote to. and Peewee mit Asset. tsar We rear the bast 1•i the humaeo. Pay weakly. free estft esds.tve territory. OYIZ 400 ern= soder cionssessis. thirty t resvge yarn IALslaliliasiies ed IoM .ela,w,ee a asset and fair trez f A a Tie out matte dory eaMas fee far and vs" 1x541 . reliable mea Fee ite PALMA -11 A�NL'Rrltaty 00. K. R lash ?west°. east. talars. en regoe.t. BUSINESS , AND • SHORTHAND ' Selpects taught aby to.trsctorn LOCAL TOWN TOPICS --Shooting match at Point farm ore Monday next-Tbant.giving day -Mr. W. J. Powell has purchased Mr. D. H. Roes' residet.oe oo Nelson street. -Mrs. T. H. Bothwell, of Toronto. is the guest of Mn. 11. J. MacEwen, Bruce street. -Mr. Reginald Pridham, of Winni- peg, is visiting his Daniels, Mr and Mrs. F. J. Pndham. -Mr. J. V.'. Smith has had his cot- tage and driving hour,- adjoining his store On East street rt-.bingled. -Mrs. J. A. Bedford leaves on Fri- day for a week's • fait with her brother, Mr. John McIntosh. of Lon- don. -Rev. John Pollock and Master Rhys Pollock have loft for Bowman- ville to attend tee welding of their cousin. -Mr. C. F. Gilchrist, of the Ameri- can Road Machine Co., is spsoding bis vacation in New York and Phila- delphia. -Miss Beatrice Pridham returned on Tuesday night from i tour months' trip spent at various points in western Canada. -Rev. Father McRae. rector of St. Peters' church, was in London on Tues- day nn official business in connection with his church. -A large abattoir is being erected hy Messrs. O'Brien k Legg near the limits of the town. It will be up -t� - date in every rrspeet. -A section of land embracing near- ly 14 acres has been Acquired by the town of Ingersoll and will be held for industrial purpose. -Miss Potter, of Toronto, is a guest at Gleeholme and is so delighted with our town that she will spend the com- ingaeason at (ileeholme. -Mr. G. J. Hall, of Dee Moines, low,, arrived in Goderich on Satur- day to spend a month with friends. Mrs. Hall has been here for the past month. -At nine on Wednesday a telegram was received by Messrs. Saults Broe. stating that Mr. Mason Bell is in a fair way to recovery at the Saskatoon hospital. - The Ladies' Aid of Victoria street Methodist church will hold their annual hot supper on Thanksgiving night. Good progra:u. Prices 35c and '2.c. -Buy your tickers for the Thanks- giving Day trip from F. F. Lawrence A Sons At the G.T.R. down -town tic- ket office. Money refunded on any tickets not used. -Mr. W. S. Bowden. of Berlin, organizer for the A.O.U.SV., was in Goderich on Monday evening and paid a visit to the local lodge.• He will re- turn here officially early- in Novem- ber. --Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Kerr and children, Hilton and Gertude, left last Friday for their home at Huntington Beach. California, after spending afew months with their parents on Elgin avenue. -A •evert electrical storm accom- panied by a heavy downpour of rain edover .Ittcitell on Sunday even- ing six and seven o'clock and owing to this the attendance at the different churches in Mitchell was very small. --Contractor Habel has finished the new sidewalks on Perk, Nelson. Britannia and Wellesley streets and bas made a splendid job of them. if the weather holds, a walk may be constructed on Newgate street also this season. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strachan re- turned on Monday from their wedding tour and Meg. Straeben will be "at home" to her friends on the afternoon and evening of Thursday, October :'.ird, and afterwards on the first Mon- day of each month. -Dr. A. C. Heater and Mr. Carl Campion won the Yates trophy at the howling tournament on Monday and Tuesday last. Mr. Tom Mcl)erm:.tt and Mr. A. G. Nisbet won the a onsola- ticn prize. This concluded a very successful bowling season. -A thank -offering social will be held un Thursday, October 30th. in the lecture room of the North. street Methodist church to celebrate the completion of the new parsonage. A short programme will he given and refreshments will be served. Admis- sion. 2.i cents. Mr. A. Challenge' has returned to town after sperldrng a couple of months at Edgerton, Alberta. He is very much imppeased with that country and says he never saw such good . rope in bis life. Between Edgerton and Winnipeg he reports threshing all done. -Bargain hunters found that they wets not mistaken in visiting the Dollar Rale at. Mr. J. S. Davey's jewel- ry store on 8atmday last. The bar- gains sec'ired were not tin horn ones but real and lasting. Nest Saturday sone -quarter -off sale will be the offei- ingfrow this bourse. -Mr. C. S Grose)), of Milverton. the Barred Plymouth Rock specialist, has pulleta which started laying at four months and several days. An egg R. inebes in circumference was recently laid by one of these pullets. Mr. Orosch expects to make a clean sweep at the fall and winter shown. -A 'bort time ago A farmer at Blimville told the neighi,nrs be was sending to the Old Country for his wife. She 'strived In due time and all went well until a bomb .bell wasex- ploded in the community last week. when a lady detective from Ottawa arrived on the scene sod arrested her ladyship. She was the wife of an- other conn. -By an overwhelming majority. tide bylaw to loan 111100 to the Perfect Keit Mills Company. Limited, of Lis- tewel, pa.aed Satoday: the vote being aflt for and 3S against ; 114 Torre motes than the required two-thirds, The plant is pract ically ready for operation, most of the machinery having been installed. The company will employ probably 2 female hands. -Rumors are current and appear to he ell -funded (hat the C.P.R. is go- er, to make Woodstock a • important divisional point. It is 'ren secret tbat sash • p,ojsc' been con- sidered batt ortfe fats always re- fused aurnoritative u pmts ma the subj.et other than th ie compsal might likely extend yards sad w greet big repair shop„ It a propar necessary court be aequired no reason- able teems. It i- ' fel aved the rompasy aegtslring n, teen on land sear its tracts now. weal that an aeaowsere mast will soon he spade -Me.day nest will be Thanksgiving PREACN*D IM TOt1OIITO day. -Mr. Tudor Marta, of Bsyaskd, wee a visitor to our tows on Monday. San. McDonald letoday to visit tri de in Toronto and iamilton. -ii' Rmibe Bucbaaan ii-Meading Thanksgiving holidays with fspriends la Kingsville. -Mir Evelyn McDonald is visiting the family of Senator Gibson in Heasssville. -kiss Margaret Strang has return- ed from Dunnville, where see spent several months. -Mrs. J. Hamilton left on Tuesday for a three or four weeks' visit wit friends in Owec Sound. -The Signal offers congratulations to Mr. Joseph Kidd, who was last week elected Ant vice-president of the Canadian Ticket Agents' asruciation. -Mr. Charles Yeager, K.C., and Mrs. Saeger will leave on Friday afternoon for Brigden for the Thanksgiving day holidays. They will visit Dr. Seeger there. -Mr. and Mrs. Percival Evans Bell left on Saturday for Saskatoon, where they will be the guests of their daugh- ter, Mrs. Wellington W. Davison. Their son, Mason, had to undergo a second operation on Saturday at the hospital in Saskatoon. -A cabie weigbing four tons and 8500 feet in length was unravelled on the Square on Wednesday morning. The trench is already dog preparatory to laying the "tires underground end the cable was at once laid in position. The officers of the Hydro -Electric com- mission are rushing the work forward. -At the monthly meeting of the Gen. Brough chapter of the Daughters of the Empire, held on Mond'sy after- noon in the court house, it was decided to hold a series of lectures throughout the winter. The lecturer and the place of meeting has not been announced yet. -Mr. and Mrs. John Cott and Mr. J. J. McRwan were at Jamestown yes- terday attending the sale of effects of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McEwan, who are removing to Goderich. The new residents are the parents of Mr. J. J. McEwan. They have taken one of Mrs. Edward's houses on South street and will arrive here next week. The Signal welcomes them to Goderich. ' --lir. Wm. Colquoboun nae returned to Mitchell from Scotland and he brought hack with him five handsome Clydesdale stallions end two mares. The voyage coming home was very rough and the animals were tossed about considerably. They were badly tired out by the time he reached home and it will take them some days be- fore they will be rested up. Mr. Col- qoboun hes .now crossed the . ocean Bothe thirty-five times. CHURCH NOTES A week from next Sunday. October nth, George's church will celebrate its annul thanksgiving services.' The special preacher on that occasion will he Rev. Archdeacon Mackenzie. of Brantford. The church will be decor- ated. As the Church of England in Canada has set next Sunday apart., as Chil- dren's day special services will be held in honor of the occasion in St. George's church. Rev. J. l Fotheringham has asked that all 'members bring all their children to the morning Service. ,Owing to next Sunday being the anniversary of the Epworth League of the North street Methodist church, the sermons on that occasion, both morning and evening, will be preached by Rev. J. E. Hunter, of Dungannon. Rev. W. K. Hagar, the pastor, will al- so be present. You are invited to attend the illustrated torture, entitled : "Wow dere and Workers of Newfoundland," to be given in the Salvation Army hall on Wednesday. October 22nd, commenciog at eight o'clock. Ten cents admission. Adjutant George Smith is a vety interesting lecturer. In Knox church on Sunday next both services will be conducted by Rey. J. R. Hall, of Sarnia. In the evening the service will be of a thanksgiving patare and special music will be ren- dered. Rev. Geo. E. Roes, the pastor, will go to Savoie and in the place of Rev. Mr. Hall conduct anniversary services in his church. Word was received by local friends of Rev. Alfred Brown, who has been appoint„d pastor of Sydenham street Methodist church, Kingston, to the effect that he is pleased with bis new charge and that his salary has been increased to 130011, in recognition of his services. Rev. Mr. Brown was in Goderich for three years before going to Kingston. Mr, .4'harles W. Lowry, of Green- field, Ineiana, spoke in the Lyric theatre on Sunday afternoon on "The Great Salvation.' The dubious wea- ther was responsible for only a few turning out. The meeting was very instructive. These lectures have been conducted weekly ender the auspices of the international Binle society. The recital.iven in Saturdayafter- noons from four to five o'clock in Knox church by the organist.. Mr. J. B. Hunter, are proving highly delightful and eoccessful at the earn" time. Quite a large number attended the recital on Saturday teat and were greally pleased with the programme. • To the disap- pointment of the audience present the National Anthem came too soon ,0 en- raptured were the hearers of tbe ex- cellent organist. SHORTAGE OF CARS Business is husk around the dock these days. Everything is in fall swing and the elevators are doing a rushing business. Mr. G. L Parsons, of the Goderich Elevator and Transit Co.. is the authority for the statement that over one million hushela more has been handled by his firm this year than last year a1 this time. "The elevator has handled about six asd a half million bushels of grain this season and the prospects are that we will handle two, and • halt milllettti more at least this season," he said. He complained that the sbipwrents are greatly hampered owing to the in- &Mllty of the railroads to foroish ears, "We are 860 cera babied and tbe great trouble im that the railroads aro send- ing their saes to the west amid getting the grain into the etevatovs these wad aegiselleg (Jai, part of the country." be remarked. Of totems the large erste in the west is res apo•n.ible fee the blockade c -Fen hoses el sat�tg remesa. w� cotit�a� barcode HMI sir wash sums sew wWs. , mess aortae. maim acres pen arsips ptr► irms.Art tte Net at Me sem. +s kbss mob se orgies. From the Termite (Mobs of Monday hat we�take� following, which ac of is Goderich cientle en sosoast d reverend gentleman being we'l k we herr :- Rev. Dr. Andrew B. Meldrum, of the Old Stops church, Cleveland, Ohio. was enuiversary preacher at Dover- court road Preeby t erten church yester- day. He was ted by congrega- tions that Lely (HIM the church, for he is known in Toronto as a preacher of unusual attractiveness. originality and power. Thirty years ago he was a popular student at the university of Turooto and Knox college. Hs bas held conspicuous pulpits in the United Stater. Before becoming pastor of Cleveland's bistoric church, be was minister o[ the largest coogr.gstion ib St. Paul. His sermon yesterday moraing on "Endurin as treeing the invisible," was marked by sympathetic insight into hums nature and profound couvicUon as to the Divine hatefulness. The minister, Rev. James Wilson, had charge of yesterday's services. The board of management of the church asked the congregation yester- day for $1010 to carry on the work. and the response proved to be moat liberal, the Offertory reaching the splendid total of $1060. FLOURISHING CONDITION One case of infantile paralysis and a case of insanity of the wards of the local branch of the Children's Aid society was reported by county agent Me. G. M. lilhott. at the monthly meeting held in the court house on Tueeday afternoon. Arrangements will be made to have them placed in provincial institutions. 'dire lase of dire destitution was also reported and to alleviate the suffering, which of necessity will be brought on by tbe ap- proaching winter, a request for cloth- ing will be made to tbe general public. Also en appeal will be made next Sunday through the pulpits in this behalf. The officers state that the society have always a place for chil- dren's clothing and all donations will the gratefully received by Mr. Wm. McCreath at the court house, or by Mr. G. M. Elliott. In his monthly report Mr. Elliott reported that all the homes of the wards which he had visited in the country were le • satisfactory condi- tion. It was reported that one of the wards of the society had been sent to Stratford recently to have an opera- tion performed. it WAS nucces ful. The monthly accounts amour -ling to $46.42, were ordered to be paid and the treasurer reported that be bad received the fallowing subscritons : -Mr. and Mrs, Lionel Eliot. *3; Mn. Wm. Lyon, 11: Miss Lyon, 11; Mr. Henry Mew, 11; Mr. J. H. McClinton, 81 ; Town of Clinton, *10; Mr. Sam- uel Wark, *5; Mn. H. I. Strang, *2; total *24. As the annual meeting will be held on November 1111). a special commit- tee was appointed to make prepara- tions. 1 t is composed of the president. Mr. James Mitchell, the secretary, Rev. John Policck,and Mr. A. M. Rob- ertson. At this meeting it is expected that Mr. J. J. Kelso. provincial super- intendent, of Toronto. will be present for the purpose of inquitiog into con- ditions here and addressing the local society. The society is kept up principally by private subscription and the only cost it has been to the county since Janu- ary 15th last 18 *38.45, which 1111 con- sidered to be exceptionally small. President Mitchell was in the chair and those present were Sheriff Rey- nolds, Or. H. 1. Strang, Rev. W. K. Hager. Rev. James Hamilton, Rev. John Pollock. Mr. C. A. Seeger, Mr. A. M. Robertson and Mr. G. M. Elliott. G.C.I. LITERARY SOCIETY A pleasant and protltahle evening in more ways than one was enjoyed by the scholars, teachers, in fact, all who were fortunate enough to be present at the initial meeting of the G.C.I. literary society. held in nice assembly wont of the collegiate institute on Friday evening. The society, which is one of the oldest and best of its kind in Ontario. is in a flourishing condition and reflects the highest credit upon those who were instrumental in its organization and maintenance. The society holds its meetings semi-monthly and es they are most educative the officerssiocerel7 hope thetas many as poaaible will avail themselves of the opportunity of listening and taking part in literary and musical programmes. As it was the inaugural meeting, Mr. James Mc('linton, president, who acted as chairman, welcomed all the members present and attempted Hi - impress upon them their duties as a burly to the society. A floe programme was given, a debate upon the relative virtues and atilitice of Queens Elisa- beth and Victoria being the chief feature. The affirmative, (hat Queen Victoria was greater as a Queen than Elizabeth, was upheld by Mr. Lawrence Wark and Miss Essie Hume while Mr. Clifford Williams and Miss Gladys Field, supported,Elirabetb's cause. The four speakers were scholars of the second form and presented their argu- ments with remarkable s 'earnests and skill. The judges, Rev. W. K. Hagar, Mr. W. H. Robertson and Dr. H. I. Strang, gave their decision in favor of the affirmative, while according to Miss Field the premier honors for the manner of her address. Dr. Strang, who made this announcement. Ileo congratulated the executive upon its success and exhorted all present to induct themselves so that they always might look upon the society with the most pleasant recollections. The reading of The Journal -the (Collegiate organ -by Mr. Cockburn Hays caused a good deal of &mome- rneet Some gems of Meal composi- tion were quite witty. The Oleo club, composed of several members of The soeiety, acquitted Ihersaelves in a creditable manner. A reading by Miss Marie Welsh was very entertaining. Misses imsea Elliott and Ida Currie wave an excellent piano duet Mr. Cyril Dalton displayed exceptional talent la • piano solo. Appar.etly Miss Olen made the bit of the evening by the sweet and winning way she MUSH 'The Garden of Wun Klee- Aa as swore, "1 love you was rendered. Pristelpal Home and many of his aN elbowed lively hoe by Chef,. pr'•asoes and their appreciation of the wort which 1. being done hy the society The seat meeting will be in two weeks Now is the Timet 1 Select Your inter Coat u II 1 Our collection of Winter Coats has reached the top notch for choice and variety. Values, too, are very much in your favor. See our splendid show- ing of stylish garments for Thanksgiving week, Many of the choice styles will not be duplicated this season. Every garment is man tailored from the best of materials. Every style is new, correct and up to date. Coats of tweed, curl cloth, plush and sealette, $7.50 to 545.00. The Coat of Curl Cloth This is the novelty Coat of the season and already the demand is causing a scarcity of cloths. We were fortunate in placing our orders early and 'are showing a splendid assortment, all at value. We show these popular Coats in half a dozen dif- ferent styles at from $16.50 to ${s.00. If You are Thinking of Buying a Mink Set We made some very fortunate pur- chases of Mink the peat Betatron and are now showing the choicest and largest collection of Miok Muffs ani Neck Pieces we have ever carried at any one time. The skins for these were all carefully selected and bought when Miok was at its lowest price for some time. The qualities" are really superior and the skins have been matched with the great- est care. If you have any tbought of pur- chasing Mink we would strongly advise you to see this really beautiful collection. We are ouite satisfied to have you compare the values with soy you ran get anywhere. Once these are sold we cannot duplicate. Genuine natural Canadian Mink Muffs, 350.00 to $110.00. Genuine natural Canadian Mink Neck- pieces, 315.00 to $125.00. 1 Comfortable Flannelette Gowns Special Gowns and Flannelette Underwear of all kinds. Every gat went, made from good quality soft Flannelette that will give excellent wear. The Gowh we are selling at 81.110 is an exception- ally well made garment', cut very full. made from good quality material and is a superior garment in every,way. White or pink, eh.cb 31.00. Flannelette Blankets for Cool Nights Flannelette Sheets or Blankets, just the thing for cool Fall nights. All sizes now in stock in several qualities. Firm. atrong, properly woven with sift nappy finish. Per pair. 31.25, 31.50, 31.57 and 31.75. Fall and Winter Hosiery No better stock of Hosiery within yr.tr reach than is on our hosiery counter today. We have taken particular pains to select .only those linea whose wearing qualities are beyond question, sod we confidently recommend all ons splendid lines both for ladies and children. Here are acme of them :- For Children Ribbed Cashmere Hose, good quality, pure wool. per pair. 250. Better quality, one and one rib., • splendid wearing stocking, at per pair. 25o to 50o ac- cording to size. An extra heavy two and one rib. double knee, the best stocking value we know of. At per pair, Sao to 50o. Heavy ribbed Cotton Stockings. seamless feet.' fast dye, per pair, 11543 to 250. Por Ladies Medium weight Potton Hose with casbmere or natural wool feet, per pair. 25o. Fine lisle thread Here. seedless feet, per pair. 2ao. 35s and awn, Our special Llama Ane Cashmere Hose, pet pair• 40o, or *pairs for *1.00. Two and one rib Cashmere Hose, per pair, 400, or 3 pairs for *1,00. Extra tine wool Lianta Cashmere Hose, vers. soft.aod splendid wearers, at per pair, 500 Fine ribbed Cashmere Hose, seamless fort, .. splendid young ladies' stocking, per pair. 110e. Extra tine Cashmere Hose, very soft and com- fortable, per pair, 75o. Penman's "no seam" C4abdere Hose. foil: qualities, per pair. 50o to 75e. For Men Fine black Cashmere Socks. Made by th.' same English mills as our Llama Hose. Hewitt, 40c. Per pair, 25o. Extra heavy pure wool ribbed Sock.. Reall. e bartrain, at per pair, 25o. 1 Women's Petticoats in Satin or Moirette tinwe very pretty styles in new Petti- coats just received from London, England. Extra good quality satin or moirette in blacks and 411 the populsae coloring. includ- ing paddy and cerise. (tut in a style adap- ted to the prevailing mode of dew,.. Per- fect fitting. Made by the largest manufact- urer of these goods in the world. Satin Petticoats, $2.25 up -to $5.00. Moirette Petticoats. 31.88 op to 34.75 Beautiful frintiming Bilks More new Trimming Silks in thin week in a.'. the popular color combinations. Short length - and many design.. there:is no danger of any ,c them becoming common. Price. per yard *1.28, *1.50 and *1.75. A Nobby Glove for Street Wear 11 'e have just opened a new shipment of id Gloves, and are now showing a full assortment of Leather Gloves for street wear. These Moves are very dreary- and serviceable. All rises. at per pair, afro and *1.00. nnillimsi= A Corset Bargain $ 1.00 Corset for 79c Another special purchaae of Corsets en- ables us to make this remarkable offering. Extra strong cloth, cut in one of t he latest models, firmly booed, properly shaped. four bore supporter'. A Corset of exceptional strength and comfort. Sr.ze19 to lel. Special. per pair. 7.0.anamemeleamemeami , I 1 Some Things We Do We make over and up- holster Furniture. We re-cover Umbrel- las. We put up and take down Awnings. 1� a mole WindowH o d e n s aBros. Shadestoorder� ;, Prompt service. Close prices. , Direct Importers ' Goderich Millinery Apprentice Wanted We have room for another Apprentice in the Millinery Department. Only girls anxious to learn need apply. Apply at coos to Miss Reynolds. Wit Dressmaking Appren- tices Wanted One or two smart girls to learn Dressmaking. Thorough training and etesdy work. Ap- tly at Mee to Miss Omits. Fifteen Mo for One Da Che Signal wW be any new subscriber In C grana Britain from no l.0tta. t bit, 1115. for c Douai SIXTY rot1LTH YLA I.-$sJ Jas. Cumming Painting, Decoratlag and Wall -paper Hanging. All work done promptly sod fe thorough reserver. Residence - Albert St. Telephone No, 317 J ENTER ANY DAY AT THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OWN SOUND. ONTABO individual Inetruotioe. Thirty three years of semsss Positrons guaranteed to graduates. ialorse- goPrate C. A. TWrrnn, F. 0. A. PrInelpal. 0. D. FLonten. Secretary. ftIIES' SAVE, be There is a vet stantial savings Uead Office, Goderich Brai PLACE ' Im Insuran ;'FFICE NEXT CAN 'PHONES : 01 AUCTION SAL. Farpar, rlc;.oler Pith. -Anna Wee/. property of Ida. YAZD M1 LD. e.olbornr. remainednr Titonaal;t Nutty. auctioneer. San-!<pAv. October y3(b. - farm property. la 1. con. 11. v at Gundry • auction room.. H rn.nueGusear. sew loner. wgpsr oar. net- tBtb.-Auct .ties. implements and bou.eb Preptrr of Mr. John Yonne. Was %anaemia Thom asGcr Famar, tet. fila.-A.etto• peh and bracer at the Slaw If W. A. )1rsTaso. preprietcr: 1 %actiooter. MON n,T. Nov. 3rd,-Atrctior fork. ernpleenent. and Donal properly of M5. tar. H. lliusu ti<b towmibtp. TRUMAN Grant Tr-e.usT. November ith. -A farm and farm stock at lots T . rid refutation., Goderich tow .lLi, iS earn. proprietor. 1501 •ocummer. TaCesaay, Nov. Sib. --Trust-. ucele, tnigin eats and bowsaws iota ema A. grist w.w.oa.h. p lata Ha*yat MCl)Ow r 1J.. Ti aertlosem. Moaner. -leek sM Nov. ill- t Nellie Menial, P 7l,�vas0o�rtc jaaa Ent .Infant TMr*aaU0aaav, sec et ARM HELP AND 1 SERVANTS. -Person.u a bound pt i at once to WII LIN, LftWafee Government Arent, 0. Mims. Det. rill sit eche SITUATIONS VAC, / I%AN W ANTED V locality to opal] or Malebo! take orders for Cut -Hate Omen Sloe e. Patties will pay HS hoar: wort ersinp. Ostia he S''PPLY CO., Windsor, Vat. NU RBlis W ANTsb.-T to Hospital for ieeur* . 3550 training; eomplete *our reg graduate mune in Habit 'o.pitaL, New York. Amite dereceived by LIMBss GRE . la enue. SPEUT AL-80ME INT laborwn wanted for all -yea, different dawn masts, mea w quietly into better than &see la /enquire fee aed nen. to the COLOW000 St e ung t'AN Y. C*(srtwood, rest. WEST WAWA FIREINSURAN One of the beet in l Inc., piled rate of as Live Stock inrured • value whether on the not. No trouble to mal mann.. R. MciL Agent for Colborn. IIODE RIC 'BUS LIN Two 'bases meet a Private walls have pe careful atteetioss. livery o Re sonahleff 1 pe leo, ' 1 HR DAVIS 1_1 T. M. DA ties Proprietor >`lost` It ... pbtn