The Signal, 1913-10-16, Page 7*UM,* • mww Iways P11■ Iy sited in the of Canada. an oppor_ Y profitable to get your d is earn.. ch Branch. with bow at light nr dash ace $250, for y curling brim affirm collar, Volute ate To clear at dAenafter taid 1 heft 7 coediting'. toe 'Totem ity ieoeral reamed tOK, ridge ;et theirs. 4yy Store. In, stylise. rOu want. lbto$40. Went, Tse 1 ice$ SIGNAL : Ot►DRRICA : ONTARIO OMFORT SOAP., in All RIGHT 11 Not Like Orditltary Soap, but Better.11 )1; POSITIVELY THE LARGEST SALE IN CANADA COLLEGE AT HOM E Tlou..uda of ambluoa• reaaa are tau preps: ice in timer owngo DOM •eMrooMM rboiwarsties okk ,ora. iotas seveise. as n dvU smote in Iact .req ashore of Baaf• sem•• Activities Too away galas at cel - lore if you .0 V. Pak -tees J�raaaatraaaa- tent, inter aglow nay der. Ia/Ivla- ital ta..tructi.a. Zaps,' t oaiern Thirty year e=t►orlseoo. :omens unison in Canda Swam oottapr. Special cot.r,e for tosohem *Abatedwith tateum reial Edam- -- .,r. .M- . -• ae et Casda .scarier &boot at tameaa ,10oattwe e>..ieoes Calkes. London. Clinton Basins Ldlege Glut horror P. Y. Wats I're.idaot. Prtnettai. dasenneesseeressanawaresewasseasoseis CALL ON PINDER for Plum dug; Ileatiog. Wiring. sod :d1 kiods of Metal Work. Always in Stock BRANTFORD ROOFING METAL ROOFING, W Minds '.EWER TILE • GARDEN HOSE and NOZ- ZLES OIL STOVES GRANITEWARE and TIN- \tiARE. Get our prima They am AIL ways tight. asosistest with good iouetial .end bound work. W. R. Pinder Hamilton St.. Goderich. T. Swans' !B>IIs, Livery lad Back Stables MurrREAL Smarr JCRT OFF THE 8Qv*as 1 1 tJ BUSES MEET ALL TRAINS AND : PASSENGER : BOATS Passengers called for in Any part of the town for all trains at G. T. R. or C. P. R. depots. Prompt service and careful attars - Our Livers, and Hack service will be found up - In -date in every respect. Your patronagesolicit ed. T. SWARTS 'Phone 107 Montreal Street 311 so, SHOD STYLE Not Extravagance! Think tie a Shapely Fret En- eseed is an t'rslaapely Shea r 'T WOULD BE A SHAME Seek Sao, nem* to be distad He,, I Too are Perfectly Justi- fied it BUYING STYLISH SHOES COVPI.iD WITH COMPORT �ilotsltavics, When priest Rea.enahiy. As Ones maps Placed ! W. SHARMAN The Packing of Fruit Canadian fruits, than which there are acne better, sure now regarded in the markrta of the world at their true worth. 'Through the operations of the lu.pecti.rn and bale act the packing of Canadian fruit bas been greatly im- proved and the development of -the trade a'erlrratkd. From time to time since its enactment, as experience has indicated, the art has been improved in order to more completely encour- age and protect tbe industry. The tritest amendment to the act, which was passed during the past erosion of parliaweor. extends inspection to,. im- ported fruit thereto- placing it on an equal footing with that grown in Can- aria. The amendment provides that the goveoor-in•council by regulation nay pont-66e the kinds of imported fruit the packages containing which moat be branded or marked : the brands nr marks to he used thereon, as well as the method. and pbwea when such hrsu.tiog stall h.'. dune. Other minor changes were effected in the act. For the information of those inter- ested in the fruit trade there has been issued by the dairy end cold storage commissioner ii pamphlet designated bulletin No. 10 of the dairy and cold stoisge branch containing the In.t+ec- ti•.n and sale act, part nine. itbe Fruit Marlys a -t and fruit packages as amended. Copies of this bulletin are available to those who apply for them to the publications branch of tbe de- parttneut of agriculture at Ottawa. Don't Grow Bald Young Man! Take Care of Your Hair While You Have Hair to Take Care of li's a sale ten to one het that the young man who user Parisian Sage es on occa.ional hair dressing will never grow bald. Thetr's a tea..on% of eourve.end its a very g•• d and sufficient one. • Dauaouff germs cease falling heir and lading hair means thinner hair sod in due time baldness. P"ri.inn Sage pr events hnldnees, t y desttoyin, the cause of haidnets—the little persistent vociferous dandtuff gent. If you bave dandruff or itching scalp it means that dandruff germs ale sap- ping °bit vitality from the toots of your bait. Get rid of all hair troubles' by usin,t Pari+inn Sage. It is not a dye. mind y,ov. neither doer it contain puiaonuua .agar of lead or even sulphur, it i. . scientific `preparation that abolishes dandruff, atop. telling hair and scalp itch. and makes hair grow lustrous and luxur- iant. M any young women as welt as men ars gr.,w ing I..tld anis for toe none reason. Use delightful, refreshing Parisian Sage; it nourishes the hair roots. if for roots are not dean. and brings to every user a herd of giurion. hair— radiant and fascinating. Leo ge bot- tle for 50 cants at drug stores and toilet conntera. see that you get Pari.ian Sage. E. R. \Vigle guaran- tees it. Weather Reports for the Farmers It will be good news to the farmers and ottani' whose work depends re •a comrade:ante extent on the wrethrr, to learn that the Hell Telephone C'... bave made arrangements to give weather fnrecaats to .ubecribers of rural ea- chengea. The meteorological depart- ment at Totontn es now turnirhing the weather totecasts to the ccntpany at Int Loi. every day. All the pub- .rrihere hereto do an en ring up the information operator cud the inform- atFni wig l.r lurnisbed. Toe tore - casts slow the probabilities for two daye ahead se that the innovation ebzuk1 move a great noon to the people lirttig in the rural districts. Tnere will he no extra charge, the ccmpaay i• O vine the service five for the benefit of their nubecribers. Takes Ne Chances. "I've lung wanted to meet that avi- * to•." ••I'll intruhice you after the Wight." *Inca Wises ase row. atter los flight maybe--" •l undotorswd. Came right along." —Exehuwgm Dotdwful—•• Is the than roar 'deter Itle dog to emery rich r "Kew. every tram the marneee is snestieaed pa rays. • Poor seer ' I Increasing the Profits M Datryisg By following a system of iatelliteat 'breeding, selection, tart and feeding. many ferment In Canada have ia- cawsed the annual production ilking herds by at beset 2000 dpounds .'Pt milk per cow. 1f this were aomesa- ptisbed in all dairy herds is Liaised.. the yearly revenue from them would be increased by about $ lkOKUOtID with, nut adding to the size of the hems. Even with greatly improved feediag this desirable ret,ult could mat be obtained unlit,* a well orgaahad system of now testing is followed. Such en improvement is bated on a study of the individual cow in the herd, the retention of only the good aoiwalrand the following of a system of generous feeding of oe000sically produced foods. While it is practicable for individual lumen to test their own crew, it is infinitely easier and cheaper for them if some form of co-operation 1. adopt- ed. This is clearly brought out in bulletin No. 33 of the daily and cold storage Commissioner's branch ea- tititd, ••Cow Testing with Some Notes on the Sampling and Testing of Milk." Tbis work. which is published for free distribution by the publications breath of the department of agriculture, °Wawa, ezplainr clearly how cow tasting assoriationt are termed and worked as well as the beneets these are to those who take advantage of theta. Orrine for Drink Habit TRY IT AT OUR EXPENSE \Ve are in earnest when we ask you to give Orrine a trial. You have nothing to risk and everything to galls, for your money will be returned if after trial you fail .to get results from Orrice. This otter gives the wives and mothers of those who drink W excess an opportunity W try the Orrine treatment. It iv a very simple treatment. cat: lr'tiven in the home without publ'r't y . tr loos of time fres burden., ant' .t .e .mall price. en tine i. ; ;..red in two forms : No. 1: sec' - :. eatment, a powder; Ovine N. in pill tors, for those who de.i. tc take arduuteiy treat- ment. C s only VAC a pox. Corte in and tat;, over the matter with w, Ask for booklet. F. J. Rutland, drug- gist, `Goderich. How to Tell a Yacht "How do you tell the difference be- tween a yacht aryl a. sailboat said the girl with the inquiring mind. "By lookin' into the pantry" replied Captain: Cleet. "If she carriers plenty of refreehm. nts and cigars. ebe'e a yacht. If it's mostly plain vietual, she's a sailboat."—Bootus Transcript. Pat's Reply An Iri.bman once wee travelling in a train with a friend. when two yety stout ladies entered the Carri- age. Tbey placed themselves one an each side of Pat. "Are you sure VIM are comtortehle. Pair the friend asked. •• Sure I haven't mach room to grumble." was the reply. He Saw 't An Awencan motoring through a small Scotch town was pulled up for excessive speed. ••Didn't you see that notice, 'Dead Slow?" ingpited the policeman. —Course I did, re- turned the Yankee, "but i thought it rrfetted to your darned little town!" An Old Acquaintance .. Very often we meet an sod Mond whose looks bave changed .o that we hardly know tiara. Some look better and acs. lock old and mooed for. We always feel hedly to see a brad going down hill in apportion for looks count for en much these day; and we enjoy seeing ten ransom ribs keepe young. Being cared fr•e iL the secret of keeping yotang and Propene ie Use secret If rat ing for the noir. 9ageine cures dandruff. beings life and beauty into c.wres. dry and faded hair and maker the Mir f nseriawt sad alt, active. Beano. keno mos nerd women young tookingotsd wbyshould ancone allow tbe,oeilvm to h. eetsm old eptw.ing when they can sure tiage- inc and a g'tarnnrfe to Aad eat iefari.0 y results. ti.geintr. sold by F. 1. Bea - land and if it dont dopill that is claimed for it your money is Y►ftnded. Be NWT to g.. to F. J. Barland's fns dagvinae as other .I ni es cannot nopply yes. nowt neaten. your Mir suniber d Mageia, is osly 30 costa a large bottle. —oras A Carelessly Treated Cold is the source of wont skinless became dressed idea, aims and alcoholic Reiaisans re I lulcerteils mad unsafe. Stash'. £atadaisw has been reread upon by physicians be key years as the said and serabk remedy b sappeeesg the cold and bifid up the seisebMd Imes to a verbs eat and hog troubles. ifle et tamer., .k+.' .ie sa ti omm sat Kelvins ton the Mmble Simper's Act Lip has fISM1 p IMre r Mew a c.W £. drw& Ata it. u s • T■onener, Ocr. lei IMS 1 SEAPORTS M r. Leo. Fortatafi ooattrsater for ria las mete 21osmaead W ete- qne�. Mr. Gooch* Stmt. et Saginaw. ii=fie ring mondsonsnar . . eeI�r, IR tt The public school teachers attended the teoehere convention ie °inion for two days leer woes—the pupils IJ enjoying the two days' holiday. Mr. Walter Watts. the aecosntant et the Dominion hank, has been trans- ferred to ]sermon, when be becomes o aaager of the beaaeb it that town. Weed was received bare Saturday aftersooa of the death in 'Tomato that diy of Mrs. Jobs T. Dickson, who had ' been in pour health foe some soothe. Mr. and Mn. Char. Dodds, of Me- Kiilop, have retuesed front Swift Dor- mer. Saekatebewts, when they bad Vent the past thew years with their me: James. Owing to the lightness of ten hay crop In this di.trict. Merin. Thomas Brown and Hamel Cudruore have takes their premiss to the southern Part of the provinon—tbe former to St. Thomas tad the latter to Tilbury. Mr. Jas. Robb has returned from Fort saaketebewan, where he bad been since early in, tbe summer build- ing a house for Mr. 8. 0. Jones, • former resident of Seatortb. He was Accompanied home by Mime Norma Dickson, daughter et Postmaster and Mn. Dickson, who had spent a year in the west. Mr. Harry Colbert, who has just re- turned [roan a prospecting trip through the Canadian West, bas decided that it is not good enough for him to locate there, but leaves Meetly for London, where be will live in future, After seeing the west and investigating con- ditions thoroughly with a view W locating three it setas led, Mr. Colbert is now mon then ever a western Oo• tarso enthusiast. "Western Ontario h as the rest of the Dominion beaten to • fratiale," raid Mr. Colbert. "There is nothing in the west for people to want to leave • Ane coontey like this tad settle there. After sedog all the Opted*west. Ontno is good enough for roe." The annual meeting of the Seatortb curliest club was held In the Commer- cial hotel Thursday evening and was attender by an unusually large num- ber of entboeleatie eurlere. The fol. lowing were the officers elected for the coming amarot :—President. Mr. Wm. MacDougall ; vice-president, De. Chas Yactay ; secretary -treasurer ddr. W. IL Kerslake ; umpires Col. Alex. Wil sot. Dining the year the, club suffer- ed the loam bydeath of the following members :—orthy patron Jaime McMichael. Frank Kling and 0. F. Oolfing. and the removal of Principal G. F. Rogers, of the eollegiate ineti- tste, W Loodoo. will be a dtatinet loom to the club, as be was the life of the curling traternity. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered lie. Frank Beat- tie. the retiring secretary. THIS HO DYE ANYONE DYOLA The Guareateed "ONE DVS for All Kinds of Oat>. Cray+aY .I... N- Charm M 11...,..e. Ills J.aona -abierrCo. 1Jr.ad. Mmners OLDEST MAN IN PERTH DEAD Passes Away et the Age of Ond Hun-, dred and Three Years Yr. John Culletoe. of Loges. wbo was said to be the u1Jnt. coat iu the county of Perth, posed away on Fri- day at the age of about one bousdred and three years. Deceased enjoyed fairly good health up tilt several weeks ago and retained good eyesigat and bearing right up to the tact and could converse freely with his friends. He. was born in the count yof Mosagban, Ireland, rod came to seventy- five peen ago, fret settling in Bramp- ton, where he resided toe tomtit -Gm years, and for the past half oestury he bad lived in Logan. He aa. res,tected by a large circle of friends and besides his aged wife he leaves a woo tad daughter. The funeral took place from the family home Monday morn- ing at nine o'clock for Mt. Briget's Homan Catholic cburrh, when loatm was celebrated by the pastor, Rev. Father Kelly. After the service was over the funeral cortege prooreded to Mitchell and the remains were taterred in St. Vincent de Paul's cemetery. A REMARKAUL.E REMEDY The most stflieted people of earth are these who suffer from rbeasaties and about stns -fourth of our people are afflicted with this terrible, time racking, boor-crippQpl�ing disease. So rnany.people oegfb!et tbemsehree and rheumatism follows in nee form and then anther until 'bey are 4n example of 1 be torture, of rbeumatiew. Rbeumn has ganwd the greaten reputation through heist( s q.aiek wad permanent cure fur rheumatism in its many forma. Don't put off levities • hottle of Rbeuu..4 t.'.l.y, it .stew your health and happiness. • Rheumo ie Fold in f:oderi h only at F. rl. But- land'a drug store. $1.00 • full sine bottle. 2 e-0 f f 1 1N A� Y TO -USE ,: 00 FOR TNS:8 10ES Clothing 1or Men and boys This is our specialty, and we believe we have the best selection of Men's and Boys' Garments in the county. Just now we are selling a good many Hats. Welhave them in great variety, stiff and soft styles, a -dean please the most fastidious taste. A complete line of -nts' Furnishings. McLEAN BROS. The Square, Goderich SEMI -READY TAILORING Agents for Carhartt Overalls, Stanfeld's Underwear, Fitwell Hats, Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs. THE FALL PLOWING Now is tete time to see that yourows are in good shape for the fall plowing. We have a good display of plows on our floor, including the Verity walk- ing and riding Plow*: also the famous No. 21 Fleury Plow. If you need POWER we have GASOLINE ENGINES from re and eme-half to thirty Horse- power. We have two Buggies left and will sell at ar, bargain to clear' theta out in order to make room Mr cutters. A full lite of MASSEY-HAR- RIS IMPLEMENT'S always on hand. Whenin town call at THE MASSEY--HARRIS STORE ROBERT WILSON Hamilton Street, Goderich. MacEvyan's COAL Best Scranton Hard Coal—all sizes. Cannel Coal for open grates --the highest quality of Coal that can be bought for the purpose. Empire Dome s t i c Lump Coal — most satisfactory Soft Coal• for ranges, box stoves and fireplaces. Standard Chestnut and Furnace 'Coke. All kinds of Hard- wood and Kindling. Peter MacEwan Estate 'Telephone On The Signal will be sent to any address in Canada to Jan. Ise, 1915, for only $I.00. Send in yourGsubscription now. NIB 1_ RoastthatTurkey Right's T1fl145Jor SGI.. ING! cos The Perfect re - 4s Lilts of careful culinary efforts, the true delights of fine cooking are known only to the users of Happy Thought Ranges No one ever bought a "Happy Thought" but was delighted—a posi- tive fact. !H a ugic erp 1 1 MR. CARYLR n YOV WON'T MiND CARViiING THAT IBRD W YOU HAVE A CARVING unarm LIAT WiLL •YARiyt,- MRS.CARVERL YOV'LL DX GLAD TO HAUL YOVR ;R/ENDS DINE WITH YOV 1F YOV HAVL NEW KNIVL$, FORKS AND SPOONS FOR TME TALL COWL AND !Mt OVRS. CHAS. C. LEE Penes :--Stere *2 ; Hence 11* For Hardware. Pluneisisg sad Hestia.. Earestr eghieg sed Electric Wiring la1 The '`Happy Thought" returns you Gaily divi- dends in comfort, convenience, econ- omy — good cur- rency, eh? Re= member that there is no substitute for this Range. It.has no equal. There can be no "just as good" until perfeo- tion meets its match.