HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-16, Page 6elltamap*T, OCT Mt 11*13 THE SR»'AL : GODERICR ONTARIO colas~leabboot- itimesv 'X - : -......-- If if you don't believe wearing the best clothing pays, just dress up slipshod and go strike some stranger for a job. You'll never even get to SEE him, probably, and if you do you'll get a sure TURN DOWN. The glad hand goes out to only those who appear well. It is a matter of BUSINESS to wear good clothes. Look at your OLD ONES, then come, look at our NEW ONES. You will buy. Bring YOUR BOYS with you and let them "get the bug" early. 0 WALTER C. PRIDHAM Wee.. -ll "Bob Century Stand" Clothing.' X32; 14' lz 11' Mrs. F. Gen•als, of 126 Bleury Street. Montreal. writes: --"My baby earl developed a bad rash ea her body and it made her very fretful and 111. She would fist take food end seemed very skit Indeed. From fifteen pounds. her weight fell away to nine and a hall pounds. "i took her to a doctor who gave me a kind of lotion to use and I used k regularly, bat tar baby gait no relief. The skin disease seemed to get worse and worse all the time we were doctoring for it, as we took the child to a second doctor. He told me to stop nursing the baby, and gave me other advice which 1 followed, but the skin diseaoe got worse and worse. " At this time a friend of mine visited us and, having seen the cad plight the baby was In, she said 5 did not knew how to go about things She took my baby to her borne and applied Zam-Buk to Its little body. This atemed to give the baby ease right from the first. It cued the sorra and began to reduce the Inflammation. I went on with the Zam-Buk trestmeat and to my del(-,nt within one week from fest .carting with Zam-Bnk the child looked like a differeat baby altogether'. Within a month the Skin disease was cured completely. , the baby's appetite bad retuned and she was almost back at her normal weight. She now looks lite the very picture of health. " There is another feature of the case. One of the doctors has just went mo in a bill for $2V The treatment i got for that money left the child no better than before It was started. The cost of Zara -Bak treatment, which restored my child to health. was 52' " Every mother should know what a splendid healer Zam-Bak to " 7aeoBye: is a "short cut" to skin healing. Use It for all .is.." kin ialnries and diseases, eczema, uleers, blood pateon, etc., and for piles, All druggists and stores. 60 Dents a box. or post free from Zana -Boa Co , Toronto, for price. Reface harmful imitations. is always dry and free -running because It is blended with a small proportion of Magnesium arbonat.- wf..11 adds healthfulness of the Salt ter Mobs, Wind Petemilm._ /waft Man" deaad assts of tamable to tiles awrtk-et Iearsld and tie saddles d V Grampians ainsslves are imposMtd d bo s>,•aUy meddled u test •llspwl by a seem* made at Dundee by W - sten flipsaesr Obarskfu, Muni lord at the AdmYaty. V which hs est forth tis Oov.ramesrs attitude Is the !attar part of his .pesok Mr. Cbuuohtli made what la regarded ad as overture to UMter. He soba. "The claim of Northeast Ulster Ser spacial consideration 1a a claim wMoh, 1f sdranced with Mncertty sad sot as a wreck's; asanouvre, .saaot be tot - oared without full oos.Maratios W auto Government dependent upon tie primal House of Commons." The First Lord struck as uacsa- proalaing sots at the outgo( of W .paeoh, firmly rett.rstlag the detar- simsttlos of the Goverameat to or tablas! Home Rale wtthla the Method of the present Partiamsst, but he added that within the Yat two years bad Were the 1,4.h Parliament will be able to pose le tatstfon• there will bo • general election .ad tf fid Datebta are returned to power chid will be able to raped the measrer., TIM41.* said.Is the •sly conatrtutioasl mos•dy in the heads of the oppomaatn td Hesse Rate unless a .etUassaa 1y agreswaat is reached In the seam Ems. TRUSTED MEN VAN BH O.Mph and London Each Report Myr , y _ tar/ous Disappearances lass H Ralph Steele, manager of the paaada Gate Company at Guelph, 1 m1se(ag from tis home. had tt le alleged that some four thousand dol• lore of the firm's money 1s unaccount- ed for In his books. He was a protsim• eat church worker, and his fellow citizens were not Inclined to believe lie stories afloat concernlag him till ! the owner of the business came from I 'Coder Rapids, and admitted the short - ago. Officers of the London club have I received letters from Bryoe Harrtaoa ; who acted as secretary for six years. that his accounts are short Harrison. who served with the Brttlib Army la India, had lost heavily on the racy track WOULD REVIISE TARIFF Liberal Leader States His Policy Re- garding .garding Country's Revenues Revision of the tar- iff wan advocated by Sir Wilfrid Laurier in a speech at Ormetown, Que., on behalf' of Hon. Sydnee Fisher's Candidacy In the bye- , election contest In Chateauguay. Sir ed a compilation on the cost of living issued by the British Board of Trade, which shows that while it 1 had Increased in the British isles seven per cent. it had increased in Canada fifty-one per cent. He also pointed to a surplus of fifty million dollars In the Dominion Treasury The Government, he said, should not (lake from the pockets of the pupae se much money when the cost bf Irv- ing was so high. Report on Hydro Radials The Provincial Hydro -Electric Com - ideation last week reported to a gather- ing of officials representing munici- palities in the counties of York and Ontario that the proposed Hydro - Electric railway from Toronto to )11arkham, Uzbridge, Port Perry, Whit - and other points in the district would mean an outlay of $2,470,776 for the 71 miles. Panama Canal Open With the explosion Friday afternoon of eight tons of dynamite under the Gamboa dikes the Panama Canal was open to light draft vessels from ocean to ocean. Within a few weeks deep draft craft will be able to cross the coatinent through the canal. Presi- dent Wilson touched a button at Washington which set off the filial charge. Woman Long Missing Mrs. Samuel Miller, aged 60. who lived near Ancaater, Ont. has been mysteriously missing for more than fix weeks. A neighbor saw her last talking to two men who looked like tramps Mn. Miller was known to bave received 11,60,) in cash for bar property about this time. and theories of murder are advanced. Train Through Police Station • Grand Trunk freight crashed head-on Into • Wabash yard engine Is the WIkervllle yards and pushed several cars through the middle of the a police station. almost wrecking th. building. Rout engines and several ars were badly smashed The cbtld's delight. The picnicker's choice. Everybody's favorite. W. CLAM. if irs.. 1111sweraL FOTI'E.D MEATS - Poll flavored and perfectly cooked make delicious sandwiches. TEACHERS CONVENE (Csatla.ed trots oase 3r in forestry, the breeds of domesti animals. pupils' pnegr•eea club. etc etc. A large Demos., of bulletins at to be had for the &eking from t O.A.0 authorities. He r•eeomrueod e specially for the use of all teachers t book entitled The First Book of Fann- ing by Charles L Goodrich. He wou answer the question: Have we time to carry on this work in the affirm .tire? The teaching will create an in tenet in the 'school among the people of the section. Teachers will be adpli re who tato up this work, espec- ially spec- ia lI v since it will tend to keep the boys srtd girls oro the farm. He would ad vise every teacher to qualify to teach ibis subject by attending the summer school at Guelph. Revs. 8. 1r. Sharp and C. Fletcbe were present and were requested t address the association. The fits named commended Mr. Weildenbam mer for his fibe addi'e*s and was glad that agriculture was being taught theschools of the land. Mr. Fl:tch commended the boys and girls wh conte from the country. The Resolution committee broug in the following report: Resolved : That the teachers o West Huron in convention assembled respectfully request that the council o Hutson provide for the appointmen of a county agricultural represent ative far the county of Huron ; That the p}xr•ees*eent editioue of publi school arithmetic and public sch grammar are unsuitable books x: d that new editions he published ; That the pa.s most for entcaaEe pupils be so altered that any condi trate who fails 10 mate the required 40 per cent in not mote than two Nb- j'ctr, tut attains 25 per cent is these be allowed to pees provided that the 80 pet cent of the aggregate bo, attain- ed That a hook of graded exercises• is arithmetic be prepared by the utent to supplement the public= eritbmetic, the pupae' edition to be without answers. The attendance was the largest in the history of the association, 100 teachers being present. A vote o thanks was tendered the retiring of firers. Votr\ of thanks were tendered to the 1 Tilt LATEST MARKETS 1' Toronto Cattle Market Representative prices are: - airport cattle, cholce....$7 36 to 57. 7r. do. medium ' 7.00 7.3: do. bulls 6.60 6.60 •utsk.rs' choice ...: 7.30 7.66 do. good 7.00 7,40 de medium 6.60 6.36 do. common 6.76 6.40 Demabor cows, choles. 6.00 6.64 do. medium 4.76 6.76 do- eosmon 4.00 4.76 1~tebr bulls, choke... , 6.76 6.60 do. medium 4.40 6.60 Mader, 5.36 4.66 Stackers. choice 6.00 6.80 de. medium 4.26 5.00 do. light 3.75 4.26 Onuses 11.60 3 60 sittbkers, choke, each...66.00 de. nom. and meds... 40 00 Dpragers 40.00 Chives. veal 8.60 do. rough .,40 Mberlamb. lamp. 6 26 c �•• 4.00 fucks and culls 2.36 he 1 ▪ Bogs. weighed off ars9.10 r" Hep, fed and watered'8.85 bell f.o.b. 8.60 Heavy, f.o.b. 3.26 Id Toronto Grain Prices - I The following wholesale prtoes aro greeted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wheat -No. 1, a8c; No. 3. I 22t. Manitoba Oats --=No. 2 C.W., 39%c, Mo. 3 C.W.'s, ase.. Ontario Wbeatr-Na 2 winter, 81c to t outside. Ontario Oat. -33e to 33c, outside; r ! 1 to 17c, track Toronto. o ' Gert, -No. 3 yellow, 75c, c.i.f., bay t J .arta. Peas -Nb. 2. 90c to 95c, car lots, (t#tslde. n Buckwheat -No. 2,55c to 66c. out- er We. o Rye -No. 2, 60 o 61c, outside. ht Barley -For good malting barley, 65c 110 57c, outside; feed, 48e to 49c, out - f ▪ Rolled Oats -Per bag of 90 pounds, f $3.36; in smaller iota, 52.36; 54.96 per treaLt ; bursal, wholesale, Windsor to Mon- Mtllfeed-Manttoba•bran, $22 to $33; c track, Toronto; shorts', 534 to 001 • Ontario bran, 523 to 523 1n bags; itkorta, $24 to $25; middlings, $26 to 137. Farmers' Market Pbllowing are the latest Quotations , for farm produce at • St. Lawrence 90.00 65.00 87.00 10.60 6.00 7.00 6.10 6.00 2.76 9.26 9.00 8.66 ,00 committee who arranged for Thur+.de} night'e meeting and to the public school board, for the use of their ecbool, and lite Exeter stall of teach- ers for the preparations made and for their kindness in be curing convenient accommodation. The ainpingof the National Anthem brought a successful convention to s dose. Market. Toronto:- II%11 w4e?st bushel $ .86 to $ .38 Oats- 38 .40 gash! ••.. ., .68 .60 .65 .00 Peas sass ,,...:..i..:.80 .8g May. tlglpthy. Na 116.00 17.00 Mined and clover ' 13.00 14.00 Straw, bundled 14.00' 16:00 do. loose 10.00 11.00 Rye straw 10.00 18.00 Eggs. new laid, doten.35 .40 gutter. choice dairy_30 .33 .16 .1R Powis. dressed, Ib.. Spring chickens .20 'Young ducks .20 Live spring chickens.18 do. fowl .14 Peaches, basket .50 Potatoes. bushel .75 /Apples, basket .36 Celery, bunch 05 YEARS OF PAIN Them Mn. McRea Found a Cure tit Todd's Kidney Pills P►evel. Gaspe Co., Que., Oct. 13th.-- (Speciall-Mn. John McKee, wife of a well-known fernier. living near bear, tells of ber rental table recover y from an illness of two years' standing. ••1 was a sufferer front kidney dir- est*, brought on by a cold and s south." Mts. Meltea..aya. "My eyes wren puffed and swollen. to31 uuueelea cramped, and 1 Suffered from neural- gia and rheum,•tistn. My lutek itched, and I had pains in toy juintr. ''For two years t was ander the doctor's carr, not he never seemed to do me any- lasting goxi. Then, on the advice of friends, i started to use Doxdd's Kidney Pills, "Two boxes made a new woman of Mrs. Strop • Don't you think woman's handhes played an important part in the great work ofcivilizstiotT' t'hilnsopher- •'Undonhtedly ; bit i don't think ber band has been quite so effective ae ber elipoer 1" "Why. Tommy.'1 exclaimed the Sunday ecbool fetcher, '- don't you *ay ycur prayers evrey night before you gin to bel r "Not any noose," .'plied Tommy. "1 used to when 1 Is pt in a folding hod, !bough. " Bye-rsscalo. In Peel As the result of Mr Samuel Char - tees' resignation of his .eat In the Ontario House. there will be a byte election to Peel on Nov. 3rd. Poor health ie given as the reason for Kr. Charters' retlrewest - Mise Lillian Leotne, a well knows militant suffragist was rearrested In London on her return from Priam. Swami Premier Borden stated last week that he did not expect Partlsseeat to meet before January Albert peels. a prisoner in Bedford. England, POO who went on a "ben- I ger strike" to gala his freedom. was tilIowed to starve himself to death. No attempt was made to feed him forcibly Three hntre.n4 hushed■ of "Klug" applN were shipped front It. rather Ins. to South Afries last week. the lint ahlpmeat of Its kind to that toiletry, Thomas Riley who shot had klllio (3enrae Rlackbere. a i.ondon bastes- tier. was committed for trial nu a '. charge M manger by Magistrate Add. The 1)otalaloa Goverment kas seat aged ^ levies stip ea a waddles pre. Prises Aoki., se Oossenstka I. Ile* ..+ave w•.► ..sato w r wre.s..- tar..,r...r.wl s-wl.e• ✓ D vasa, rm. (. 0e somas a1 ren •e.ora enc and rnr w aw r•.•nisse s.r .a. mob., W Ow. st set s.wwwsw nem peril sokesed KALIL Busse Gees.. lone sw . sew .aaar.r 1. alma Weed lows sa. - sae .wenor WOK r.en r a C aawaw, Gama newt Truman da lrse1LeH` a .23 .00 .00 .16 .65 .00 .25 .07 East Buffalo Cattle Cattle -Prime pteen, 88.75 to $8.85; Shipping, $8.25 to 58.60; butchers. 57.00 to $8.50: cows, 33.50 to 36.75; lulls. $5 to 37.26; heifers, $5.75 to $7.56; stock heifers, 55 to 55.25; stock- ers and feeden,•56 to 37.25: freta cows and springers. steady, 535 to' 387. Veals-Calves, 16 to 511.70; Canada calvks, slow, 33.50 to 55.55. Hogs -Pigs, 50c higher. Heavy. $8.26 to 58.90; mixed. 01.8S to 38.90; yorters, 58.25 to 58.90; pigs. 57.76 to $3; roughs, 17.90 to $910; stags. 54.60 to 57.50; dairies, 58.50 to $8.90. Sheep and Iambs -lambs, 56.50 to 57.30; yearlings, 54.50 to 36; wethers, 56.00 to 36.60; ewes, $2 50 to 36; sheep, talzed, $4.76 to $5.15. Chicago Live Stook , Cattle -Beeves. 17.00 to 39.60; Texas steers. 56.86 to 58.00; stockers and feeders, 85.25 to *7 70; cows and heifers. $3.60 to 58.40; calves, $7.00 to $11.00. Hoge -Light, 58.05 to $8.70; mixe4, 58.00 to $8.76; heavy. 57.85 to hitt; tough, $7.36 to 58.06, pigs. 56.00 to 11.00; bulk of sales. $8.10 to V.60. Sleep -Native, 12.10 to $4.tOT year- lings. 56.00 to 56.00; lembs. Intim $6.36 to $7.10. e Chasse Market* iielleville-1,825 white cheese board* ed. A11 sold at 13%e. Perth -400 boxes white and 400 oolored cheese boarded. An sold at the ruling price of 121%e. 8t Hyaciathe, Que.-Two hundred cheese sold at 13c. Watertown. N. T. --Cheese sales. 4.780 boxes at 1611c to 16e; 246 bores os private term. tondos -135 boxes colored oSer.4. Bidd1ag. 121%c to 121ae No salsa, Cattle at Montreal Prime beeves, 6%e to 7r, medium. be to $t(4c: common. 1c to 4%e, balls had stockers, 3S4c to .Ke. . Calves. 3e to 6%c. Sheep, aloe, 4e Lambs. 6%c. _ Hogs, !k to 914c Trade kti.k, ospectally in the wait of buylag small bells and stockers fee abipwest to the Patted States Charted With Moseissagetter lewrreon iJarriegb, an Owe. Boned 0obermas was committed for trial es a mass!. ashler abates In ceenertlee with the death of flharie. loam whir was drowned o1 a ,seseb. Thomas hantsg testified Is the *lanes puha newt :hot Darragh pssbed Jessie ewer- Imre 4111 Taalte.:, s8, You Can Always flet Your Mosey promptly if it is deposited in the Union Bank of Canada. When that unforeseen need arises, or an oppor- tunity comes to make an exceptionally profitable cash deal, it is worth much to be able to get your cash ‘without delay. Meamvhile it is absolutely sate and is earn- ing interest all the time. 1L'_WOOLLCOM BE, Manager Goderich Branch, A 5 MONEY SAVING IN Men's Felt Hats Specially good (Notify imported felt dressy shapes with tow at side and back, rich mike -lug in navy blue, moss, ivy, light or dart greys and brown, tat, heather, or in black. Regular price 52 5t1, for *1.99 Men's Stiff Hats Very stylish and much worn fall design, has heavy curling brim with deep bond, and bow at back. Extra special et S1.3I9. Mea's Sweater Coats 1n neat cardigan Mitch, have "V" shaped and high st$rm collar. two pockets, closely rihhed cuffs and pearl button!. Colors ate navy with grey, grey with nary, and navy with fawn. To clear at :1.39. Me ROBINS OPEN EVENINGS TILL q O'CLOCK. Stomach Weak? Blood Bad? Liver Lazy? Nervous ? WHY go alaog dayafter day suffering wen aid is at hand so coovemient and at so tittle cost. • Dr. Pierce's Golden MedicalDiscovery aids digestion and purifies the blood. As a consequence both the stomach and liver return to their normal and healthy condition Nervousness and biliousness soc^ disappear. The satire system takes on new life. For over forty 'ears this famous old medieloe ban "made good" and never more so than today, enjoying a greater sale all over the world than any other doctor's prescription. F"r sale at all druggists in Squid or tablet fortes. or you can sand fifty lc stamps for trial boa. Address DR. R. V. PiERCE. BUFFALO, M. Y. NI A Business Opportunity I he at' ek *e•(1 kW. ; The ra r f the Kingshridge General Store is nff-red f..r eel- anti the store for rent. A good intima. is tieing done and can he increased \limey Order Pnetnffice in connection with *tore. Got d reason for *riling Apply G. R. BELL, Kingsbridge n Come with ue-where the other fellows get their's. The well-dressed man knows the Semi -ready Store. We plan on a large scale. Generous stocks; wide variety of fabrics; many styles. You are sure of getting just the Overcoat you want. Suite, too. Every sort of Warm Overcoat and Ulster, $15 to $40. Substantial, hard-wearing Saotsh and English worst" 3s, Cheviots and Tweeds, $15 to $3.5. Semi -ready Tailored -Everyone of them. Look for the mark in the pocket. McLEAN BROS., GOD62icM, ONTARIO