HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-16, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ONTARIO
100 feet best i -inch hose at
I lc a foot to clear up before win-
IHuron Gasoline Engine & Machinery Co.
Lyric Theatre "r•PaAdespater‘ngfhor„ottlOtACttawaV°to:Thewlay
Had Ties
• of tbese goodie (01
of them Saturdas
wino of all kinds ol
O the Largest made
we are tn-dai. Our
good as last year .
and 15c.
enter Coils
f saisetions from the
Dominion. As we
last season our stock is
on oar prices beiag
Extra Special
r week of October 20th
Tuesday and Wednesday,
drama intwopartsentitled
"The Rival3Eagineers"
(CI N^Ret
Also other good pic-
tares during the week.
Comedy, drama and edu-
says that an order-itecouncil has been
'I passed authorial** the oseetwary pro -
modifies for _fixing • date for taking
Ivor.* on tbe Canada Temperaoce act
, the counties of Welland, limos and
I Peel. The Canada Temperance act
betuo known as the Scott act.
I Little Miss Cecilia L,ynn Buried
l The funeral of Miss Cecilia Lyn
took place from her parents' residen
'on Briar street, to St. Peter'. churc
on Saturday morning at nine o'cloc
there was a barge turnout and flo
tributes were many. Rey. Father Of
Rae. rector of SLPeter's church. san
tbe requiem loam and interment w
made in the Roman Catholic cenieter
in Colboroe township.
For Young Man
king for the whiter and expect.
have a number of young men added t
held on Friday. Oetobm 17t.h„ at eig
all yowl, men are invited. Arrange -
meats trill be made for a ssymnasiu
clam and for basket -ball. as well as fo
debates. music. etc. The annual f
for membership only two dollars.
Slig.ht Accident
Mr. G H. Lauder. local ageot of Lb
Greed Trunk railway. *hen spi-...ken
by The oignal concerning the repor
of an accident here. welch appeared
in the Toronto daily papers. said tha
it was greatly exaggerated. He ex
plained that ths switch was open and
that two cars ear down the hill so
were derailed near a grace/ pit_ N
body was hurt and occurrences of
similar nature had happened before
They were quickly put on the track
again and traffic was not delayed for
any length of time. "The cars did n
go over au embankment as stated.
he declared.
Death a Mrs. John T. Dickson
The death ctecurred in Toronto on
Friday of Lucinda HAnnah, wife o
Mr. Jiihn T. Dickson, formerly deput
registrar for Huron county. Althoug
Mrs. Dickson had heen in poor heelt
for sonie time. the news a!' her deat
was e great shock to her many friend
in Goderich and vicinity. I be deceas-
ed. who was a sister of Mrs. Sans*
Dickson. of Seaforth. is survived b
her busband and two eons and three
deughterso The remains were take
to Sitaforth on Wednesday, the tuner
al taking place from tbe Seaforth
station on the arrival of tbe 1.30 p.m
train to Maitland book cemetery.
Old Uoderich Resident Dead
Mr. Bartbolocoew Seymour. Se.
real estate nian of Detroit. and fo
many years a resident of Godericb
died after • brief illness at his borne
2183 Jefferson avenue. Detroit. on Fri
day lataL He went to Detroit from
Goderich about 30 Fears ago and was
engaged principally during that tim
in the real estate business. He was
born in Kingaton, Jamaica. on Janu
tu-y 23rd, IS311. and received his early
education in France. He later became
a student at Stonohuret college in
Englaod. Re matned Miss Murphy,
of Goderich, ho still survives him
Tbe funeral took place on Monday last
to the Church of Annunciation. De-
troit. Deceased was well known in
Good Bill at the Star Theatre
The Great Stanley
it. the elusive oovelty rico Ex•
ceptionally good, even better
than the lasL
.7i-own:lay, Friday sod Saturday
Adm. as usual 10C --5c
our estimates before
tall new plumbing or
old repaired or re-
n also furnish you
test modern improve-
nd , newest approval
ns in
How will you occupy tne chil-
dren's time profitably during the
long evenings of fall aria winter?
ru,)fit for the cluilren "rill be a
gthtcl Piano.
If you haven't all the cash
noossary to pay down. we will
arrange terms for the balance.
Talk the tuatter over. call and
toe us and give the children a
Quite frequently we bare
elightly used Fiance and Organs
at bargain prioes.
James F. Thomson
Agent for
,o find among our
ght shape, pattern.
lem has the gcnu-
your requirement,
how particular you
You'll be glati
Our Confections
We ituy the beet (kis
ervieentir We 0011 tbe
bast and the hest
None Too Good for You
F. t. 134.11WIETTE
ashore! cr. The Spam
'Phase 04
Life in the west is well Portmled
from tbe pictures offered at tbe Star
theritre this week. Especially with a
good lemon attacbed is "To Err is
Human." Here is depicted the scenes
of everyday life. when a man is unjust-
ly &maned. Tbe quick action of his
1.4i love eaves him from diegrace ao4
isocused forgives his accusers aod the
lemon at a good one. "How Rube
Fooled the Baron" is tertainly most
ludicrous and well worth seeing. lc is
strange how brave a man le. unless he
is ben -peeked sod meets his wife when
be least. expects it. ln the picture.
''Walited.a Wife" one sees this idea
brought out to perfection. The show
throughout is eteellent and nothing
hu: high-class and clean pictures are
shows. Mr. Culver the manager.
believe* in offering to the people tbe
beet and changes bis bill three times
each week.
Married in Toronto
A quiet wedding took place at the
bonze of Mr. and Mrs. ILobert Holism,
eldest dauerbter. his Gertrude. became
the wife of Mr. Cbarles P. Wheatoo.
managing director of the Dodge Man
%declaring Company. Preceding the
bride's anemic, her siater. Sadie. mat
"asesinee God Made Thee Mine.- To
Me strains or the Linhenarrin mama.
played by ber youngest sister, Helmet.
the bride entered the drawing -room
with her tether. wearing bow team+
Plug suit of broach° bine velour. with
Preach hat of Mark velvet aad marry-
ing a abower bouquet of rows and lily
pe tap *way. Bre only astute& at
was Mims Rvelys rtark. of Glee road,
who made • very dainty Sower girl.
Seq. Dr. Toren arawdate pastor of
Trinity Methodist church. offisiosted.
lir. end lire Message left. es the
ermine trate foe the lamtern
and es their roman will reside "arta
Redford reed. llawnto Aroasabittbrik
won smote from
mid lit. Catharines.
Cluster, Returns
The 1131oupt collected at the custom
huuse here from Godericb and ite owe
E ,rte for the month of bepte•ebee was
$70,-.7d. 1t is expected that tb s
amount will he greatly iuereased for
the mouth of tktober.
Recommends Inspector
Ihours. tfAeuidsr inns
Wh oat driving K
Me. John Newcombe Ur.. met with
ssstdent which resulted in Mtn break-
ing his shottliisr Done Martie. a
small pony serf on •a narrow m eett of
the Hueco reed des horse, telfl-it s
teemed wee dri v s & shied sod threw
botb occupants into the ditch M the
sits of the toad. kr. Newcombe rose
DOC confined to hie resideoce on Hrie-
saaia rued for airy length of time sed
is now eine to be around ►bun.
Reached High-water Mark
At • special meeting of the Water
and Light eommwios held oe 'Thurs-
The stationery printed lune Signal
°Mee is giving the best of satisfaction.
Last week we printed 100 statementa
for a man and by their aid be collected
a small fortune. Two months ago a
man bought of us some notepaper sod
envelopes. and now be is married.
Another young man stole some
of our paper to make cigarettes
and now be is dead. A young
lady got some of our paper to
curi her hair on and now she balsa
beau. We have only a few packages of
this kind in stock. By using our
stationery every person can collect old
Accounts. tell fortunes, make rain,
cbange the color of the hair. extract
teeth without pain :if you are married,
keep tab on your husband, find out
if be is really detained from home as
bruises.; if you are unmarried. fled
out the same of your future husband
or wife, be succeseful io Mishima. be
elected to °Moe. Give us a call. -
Polies Court Notes
As umbrella mender sited two 1111611111
saikd into the potioe court on Thum
day morning assisted by Chief Post-
lethwaite and lifted their caps to Mag-
istrate Kelly The unibrelle riseadsr.
who was a Scotebasso. had found then
the Scotch soki bore waa not lite thin
of the Old Coontry and dial sot sic
with his constitutioe fle had
marching straight tor some um. and
therefore the beech forgave hist an
iwitk a reminder not to offend
The tiro sailor* were waiting arnitorit
wind to min thew out of tows NO
the meantime Mew iato a hotel and
g ot strasded at the her with *ha go.
up in a keaplees condition. " 131h3
testes town, your honor. if null 1st
beim this time, they pi /be
vasseesbered that • masa sada
IPS drunk twice • year and se it was
their lira Le told than -
limn haat.- which they lamellae*
contained the following : ••A number
of papers. in amino* reference to tbe
the Goderich Sigurd, *peek of the die -
Unction earned by the peper leader
tbe editorial direction of the late Mr.
McGillicuddy. DUI while Mr. McGilli-
cuddy s personality was more promin-
ent tip- paper, idweys good since the
days co McQueen, reeclied high-weter
' tutu* under the monagement or Mr.
W. H. Robertaon. who now retiree
fur the time at least. Mr. Roberto:4i
, is not only • good writer. but an ex-
essitroaally judicious and painstaking
'dime. Ills withdrawal is a distinct
Iloss to Ontario journalism."
Shooting Match at Point Farm
I Ttiankespriog day—Monday next—
? there will be a shooting match at
!Point Farm. When 100 turkeys, goose
' arid duek• will be provided for the
day. The shooting Will cOulniellOtt at
10 am and meals will be served st the
hotel during the day. In tlse eveniog
a good old-faahioned dem* will be
, beld in the dining -room. Pim-claws
!music bat been engaged and supper
! will be kierved at 11 o'clock. Tickets
I foe deuce and supper will beill per
, couple. Members of the Huron rifle
' the day the Hill motor truck
leave the nquare for Point Farm at
cesip.m.ts. The tare each way will be 15
With the Boy Scouts
Tbe Boy Scouts had a very enthus-
iastic nseeting on Tuesday night in
ertson gave them an excellent addreis
urging them to be always prepared.
Tbe address was most interesting.
On Thanksgiving day the scouts under
tbe direction of Mr. Cbeeter McDon-
ald will go for e country trip. The
heirs are asked to meet, at the
Y.M.C.A. rooms at eight o'clock on
Monday 'noosing. The trip will be
niade along the lake and the snouts
will get demonstrations on cliff climb-
ing with ropes.
Owing to the inernbership beiog
beem held until further arrangements
can be made. At the present time
there are four or five on the waiting
list. This applies only to iuniors.
Scotch Least.' Please
Why is it that all nationalities love
Scotch airs. daoras and sayings ?
TWA is evidenced by the large crowds
which attended tete Lyric theatre to
see the Lawrence sisters. Their sing-
ing and dancing was oertainly • good
performance aftd • fitting climax wee
put on bv selections from the national
instrtuneot t.f Scotland—the bagpipes.
Tbere is • fascination about the kilts
turd pipes that magnetizes the public
aa notbing else does. One little lassie
said that feet girl@ could play the bag-
pipes, asi her (tuber told her tbat they
could not keep tbeir mouths closed
loom enough to blow in the wind. The
Dicturee were also very good. -Jim
the Burglax.' wee • good exhibition of
tbe troubles of the criminal life : "Mr.
Jinks Buys a Dress" was side split-
ting : "A Streak of Yellow" showed
tbe true lover. as also •Tbe Old Clerk"
was true to life in illustrating the ever
change in business enterprise. 'The
programme is changed t ri•weekty.
Death of Miss O'Connor
The death of Miss Nellie O'Connor
occurred in OR. Michael's hospital,
whOwas young in life was wide and
favorably known. having held • re-
spoosible posation as operator in the
Canadian Pfeifle railway ofIl in
Toronto. Tbe remains were taken
home to Eden Grove and were
followed by a large number of sorrow-
ing relatives anti friends to Mount
Brant Boman C•tholic cemetery for
intersoent. Those from a distance
who sitteodecr the funeral were Mr.
John Healey and Miss 'Marearet
Doyle, of Owen Souod i Mrs. King
and Miss Rose Conway, of Alliston ;
Mrs. M. Dillon, of Stratford. and Mrs.
C. Lambartua. suet of tbe deceased,
Much sympathy is extended to ber
parents in Otis their time a sorrow,
killed shout four months ago in aft
automobile accident- Those who are
lett to mourn her toes are ber father
aod mother, het sister. and two
brothers, Michael. of Trout Creek, and
Richard. at bona,.
Layman's Association
The executive committee in cheese
of tbe details fir the county Conine
*ace to be beld in Godericb on Novem-
ber 7t10 ender the soapier of the pro-
viccial executive of the Layman s
amoclatioft hare beid two 'menage
already sad are Mundial/ to their
briog good moults Each of the loesJ
pastors le trending oot apentooal letter
to mes7 siersysias of hie damming, -
lion in the amity of Huron, urging
Ms on-operallos wad the attendance
of at haat two delegates from each
.11:11=111 by copies of a printed
ie the tionnty This will
elsCiala. for the contemn,* as soon
anbibiZarstkwerealivreasived from the pro-
m to speakers and
The aftseassu sanion will be held in
Meet h Mama Illothaiist rhumb sad
ems amps, and erasing session in
Kase Wag; The preparations for
Os snow by the ladies of the rers=
lee in sows ham
tbe supper eneernittee It
is theat as oast of the • letting
alsiteganse will ham to myosin osPr
MON and they will he an crinolines! in
lie haws Of the dillarant roggregs-
diliall'Aireasgembenta am nosier way for •
nesieltieet ef pootrws tad tarsal lis the
molosse Iowa. alai lame idler"
aseitema which will he addressed try a
team hare, to bap
1114111111111eimato nod = en MOM:
Mee as pamible
TsyssnaT. Ocgr. it Mg •
from October If3th to November 1st
To make room for our Christmas stock we are offering our entire
stock of high-grade Jewellery, 'Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Cut Glass,
etc., at one-quarter off the regular selling price. At this sale a
Regular $25.0o watch will cost you only $18.75
ni figs
50 Diamond Rings, .1/. off $37.50
Mantel Clocks
Reg,t,ilar .6$8..00o0 4y4. ooffff: L6..0050
Cuff Links
100 pairs good gold filled, regular $1.00, N off, 75c
Tableware for Thanksgiving
You want•to be sure you have plenty of Silverware for the occasion for
nothing adds more to a dinner than a well appointed table.
We have one gross best quality 12 dwt. Roger's Knives, regular $5.00
dozen, off, $3.75. Dozen forks to match at same price. Anti -tarnish roll
given with each dozen.
Jeweller and Optician
Cor. Colborne St'. and
Square, Goderich
Store open evenings during sale.
Model Store
Matrimonial. designers .will find
that they can buy their ongs in secret
and thee keep their engagement quiet
by dealing with Mr. Walter H. Harri-
son, jeweler, on the Square. Mr. Har-
rison has recently fitted up a private
little room for this purpose and an-
other compartment in which can be
demonstrated gramophones, etc.
In addition to these alterations, Mr.
Harrison bas recently purchased from
London a fioe show case and he has
now devoted it to a display of silver
ware, and perhaps this is the finest
display of its kind ,in town. He is
certainly • progressive businese man
and bis place of business does him
Hein Regular Meeting
A regular meeting of the W.C.T.U.
was beld in the Temperance ball on
Monday idternoon. The devotional
half hour took the form or meinoriel
service in memory of Mrs. R. W. Mc-
Kenzie. whore place in the union was
never vacant when she was well. The
business halt hour wits largely taken
up in discussion the advisability of
with the union A letter from Zurich
nnion containing a substantial dona-
tion to the eailors' work was received.
Tbe educational half hour was taken
by Miss Mallough. 'who gave a very
interesting report of tbe provMcial
coovention held in Stratford last
week. The president ' of the Union
intimated that tbe meeting. vrould
likely be held semi-monthly again. as
*number of the younger members
wished to have it so. Every second
sleeting to be held in the evening.
Jacob Crozier Deed
Mr. Jacob Crozier. one of the most
highly and popularly kbown residents
of the township of Aslifield, died as
nie late residence on Monday midnight
and was buried in Dungannon ceme-
tery os Weilmoday afternoon. T'be
deceased wae in his 80th year and was
one of the oldeet residents in that part
of the country. lie was born and
ht up in Motto township. Duffer-
% musty, and married Miss Mary
Pert y of the same place, wbo eurvives
him. 72ke late Mr. Crosier was one of
the leadlEg ligbts in the Crewe Meth-
odist rhumb, in tbe vicinity which
be lived. He was a life-long super's -
Modest of the Monday whool there
and took an active and .peonsinent
part Is temperance work.
Besides hi. widow. survivisig him
there are three brothers : Rey Ilimrn,
of Guelph_ ; Joko. of Seattle and. Morn -
mi. of Orseevitte ; two pone. W.
Peter, at hod*. and Frank,of Toronto.
aad two daughter. Mrs. R. A. Mimeo
of tiVindaor; and Mrs. M. W. Howell.
of town. The funeral service was
eonducted by Rey. „I. E. Hunter, of
Dungannon, and tbe bearers were Mr.
People Smith. Mr. Samuel Treleaven.
Rev. Hugh Crosier. Mr. Freak 4:ro-
sier, Mr. R. A. Wiener and Mr. Melvin
A the oat -of -town wieder* who
at the funeral were ; Par. and
Mrs. •. Maim of WI after ; nos.
Jens Glory of filets:at.
nies°71=tinate cares of Female Mo-
tif is dany metes the
orders. Palling of tho Womb. btu-
rorrbook Painful and suppressed
Meertrustion. ate, ate, are au ay
tbem relieved from the start Cy Pa
moo. and • low weeks' or noonthe
aura This remedy Is • poolfzel
salestifir preparation. and is
so the discoveries of Pasteur and
LAsteff It is an applied trisatmezit;
that ka It is not taken Internelly,
but Is applied direct to the suffering
parte. and ft. therefore, acts with
all Um certainty of tbe known tans
sr cb Action /As ft comes fu
direct contact with the dimmed times. Its ea and serve -food proportion
cannot help have a beneficent Influence I reserve trots is to so letters daily,
'peaking of the benefits sad cures It Ls perforating. and set sure am I that ft will
do what l• claimed for It tbat 1 will send. absolutoly free, a 3So box to every put-
tering woman who will write for It. Pricit_il per boa. which I* sufficient for ono
attestbs' treatment- Address. MRS. FRANCS; E. CURRAN, WINDSOR, ONT. 1
For Sale by Leading Druggists Everywhere
News From the Harbor *4
There is great activity at both tbe
local elevators and a rushing freight
business is being done at. -he Goderich
dock just now. Mr. Wm. Birming-
ham, who is the contractor for the en-
larging of the loreakwater. has six of
his pontoons already placed in posi-
tion and four out ot ten which have
been built this summer will be kept in
the harbor and put, into position in
the spring. The last of the pontoons
will be completed Oi a few days.
The shipments of grain during Use
past few days have been exceptiooally
large. The stea.mer Peipoonge arrived
on Saturday with 1111.000 bust:ten of
wheat from Fort William tor the
Goderich Elevator Trailed Co. The
Turret Couill arrived on Monday
with 115,00D bushels of whe_at for tbe
same compeny. The steamer J. A.
McKee hae arrived from Fort William
with 11800 bushels of wheat sod ie
beiag uploaded at. the Goderieh Ele-
vator k Transit Cc. Tbe steamers
Drummond and Wexford are due to
arrive on Friday with c of
grain. The rummer Meat ie due
to arrive at the Western Canada Flour
Mills Co. elevator on Thursday.
Hunter !Rh. to lihr. Illot. Oror:es has,
derma "Isarw=as Joao).
PM:1UL -At the Al. :inderieF
ow Oweber lltii. to Mr. Mr, Alex Peers.
• fa/SeeZa en Osieri jimrte Mr and Alm
omelet se 1/0°Tallirtra set.... A.Thltolien."1"7.
MS. a Ms almineset
ternitioNAN-1401111111K-Alt Mebane of the
wade. omit% read,_Osilenols. as October
WII116"*SATOltrikelelLOL11110d At Doe 1.1.4d NMI et
the Wiles parowtr Paasseroton boulevard.
el=e6,41amigliiter sew Mr. and %Ira
Star Theatre
"Half a Chance"
the noted author, at
October 115th and lem
Admiosion On Children So
1-16. Toroato Hospital far
training; romplete mune in
1 Massage ; post madams mums
in Bellevue and Allied haspitals.
Mew York A optima woe will
be received by MISR (PREENS.
kLosty flupprints..Jest. 1.90 Dwelt