HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-16, Page 4r TNITUNDAT. Ons. *1na Web Rheumatism. b crit Arid is the blest themeIrby kidneys are the cams *I the acid hong tihre. If the kidesyeattad as they should they wsdd strata the Uric Arid est Odle system and Aram tins wosida't occrr. Rhea - swims is a Kid soy DS. ossa Dodd's Midway P hose trade a treat part of thin reputation anew Rhiessa rs s. fie �t,tt the mean of those Twratla .hooting pains sad sill. trchisg hats. There in bat ass see way Dodd's Kidney Pills 1 • GRAND TRUNKIY'Sw M Thanksgiving Day SINGLE FARE Good Goias October 20th Return Llgit Date of Inoue Only — ■ r Fare clad One-third S Good going October IT -18-19-20 Return 'iniit October 22nd. tea Between ail stations in Canada east or Port Arthur. ate 1. Detroit ani Port Rural. Mie&-. Ballab. Mark Reek. Ma - Cara Fells tad 8.spessios Bridge. N. T. (t/iniwwr charge 25q Secure frier tieketaasity at Oros& Trunk Tieiet O/i• F. F. Iawrssos t Sans. Towne 8�er and Ticket ASs.ta Ph POWELL for GROCERIES PURE FRESH and GOOD W. J. Powell Grocer On the Square 'Phone Wi Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills owe their singular efie tivenses in curing Rheumatism. Lumbago and Sciatica to their power of stim.istiss and strengthening the kidneys. They enable these organ• to thoroughly filter from the blood the uric acid (the product of waste matter) wield Lets into the joints and muscles and taus throe painful diseases. Over half a'century of constant use his fordised conclusively that Dr. Mims i kidaeys :oo Piss strengthen wa k Care Rheumatism COAL Havingparcbased the buil• nese former) 000doeted by F. Barlow Ulla we per - pose ded[.g in Gaal, Wood Lime, Fire Cement Etc. mad WIe will �bbeadle Streator wo hers whish ares C� t se this best. Ws wi� eV. the people of Gadsrteb aid ytalnity tits bent sea+ro�epoa- sills. sae thee las n bear from all of Mr. Roollmm.( o�Aomee+ sod -soy others who ental srltikag In our gLI .ichor, let with Jas. :Mr woo 'best. pe.npely to. licioughteledlet 'Phos. No. 7a Teraltert e. L L. Shell Ott 1111111111111.1111111111111111111111 WUTnst.s !Des Larks Carr is ail lii friendships in the neighborhood. Mr. sad Mrs. Wm. Gorier spent Sueday at the latter's home beer. Mr. Raymond Redmond attended the public school convestioa bed at Exeter last Thursday and Friday. Particulars of the and death .booting of Mr. Harvey Me will be foutoitelsewbere is this issue. BAYFIELD Mr. D. C. Galbraith has bou ht the late Dr. Stanbury's residence for MOO. Mr. J. Thompsoc. is building a break- water to protect his road from being washed away in the spring freshets. Dr. Metcalf. wife and family have lett for their home in Detroit. atter spending the summer at their beau- tiful summer midence. Perch flatting has been extra floe. and the debermes have found it bard W Ret a market for thea, and had to being Chair nets ashore until prices be Members of the Presbyterian church will give a fowl supper and concert on October 218t, for which they hare secured Mr. C. for,. and Miss Jean Walker. of London. ST. AUGUS1 INE Mr. John Young was in this vicinity last week filling silos. Mr. George Jefferson. of Fordwicb, visited his parents here last week. Miss Eliza Thompson, of Wingbam, spent the woes -end at ber home here. Miss McPherson. of Kansas City. visited at Mr. Wm. McAllister s last week. WEB Mn. Richard Finnigan, of Prosper- ity. called on friends in this vicinty this week. Picking potatoes is the order of the day in this vicinity. They are a good crop this year. Miss Beatrice Armstrong. of Brus- sels, visited her cousin. Miss Ellen Thompson. last week. There was a good attendance at the rifle ranges last Saturday. Messer. Gus Leddy and Gus Kioaban were captains to call sides to shoot for a nipper. Mr. biddy's side won. Mr. Thomas McMillan. of Seafortb, passed through . here with a urge drove of cattle on Tuesday. He bought them in the vicinity of Luck - DUNLOP Mn. Jewell. Mise Stella and Master Gordon, spent a few days in Tees - water last week visiting relatives. They also attended the fair there. Rilo filling is the order of the day at present and Messrs. Vanatone and Long. with their splendid new outfit, are doing good work. Their engine and cutting box is second to none and is givtog general satisfaction. The corn crop is unusually good this year. but the favorable weather of the put few weeks gave the silo men a chalice to get through their arduous work more expeditiously than usual. On Monday of this week the Lee - burn auxiliary of the W.F.M.B held their yearly Thanksgiving meeting and service at the borne of Mrs. John Horton . . Mrs. Smith. of Henaall, ad- dressed the meeting, speaking at some length on the great and good work done in foreign fields by our mission- aries. also reminding bee hearers of the religious liberty they enjoy in this Canada of ours and the many reasons they have for thanksgiving. After the usual meeting and 'routine work was concluded, a duet by Mrs. George Gliddon, or Dunlop, and Mist Belle Shaw, of Leeburo, was rendered and was much appreciated by those pres- ent. The Thanksgiving colleetir.n amounted to something over twelve dollars. BLYTH Miss Pearl Gidley has returned from a trip to the Pacific coast. Mr. Adam McKenzie left last week on a business trip to Edmonton and other points in the west. Miss Gladys Lauody, who is teach- ing school near Linwood, spent a couple of days at ber home here dur- ing the week. Mrs. G. Lamoot. wbo has been vis- iting with Mr. John Lamont and Miss Janet Lamont, of Hallett, left on Tuesday for her home in Grayling, Michigan. Mrs. Harry Kelly. who has been visiting her sister. Mrs. Thomas Stew- art. and other relatives in town and vicinity. left on Tuesday for her home in Arkansas. Miss Bella Scott. wbo hes been vis- iting bur brother in Billings. Montana, to! the past six months, has returned home. She speaks very highly of that western country Mr. J. McGill. wbo has bees visiting with his family bore for a few days, left last week for Toronto to take a position is the sechanieal depart- ment of the Canadian Northern rail- way. Mrs. J. H. Obelew and ddauauggb��,�r.� Muriel, lett last • reek for Oali(irnia, where they expect to reside. They have been resident. of Blyth for many years and their departure from our nadst'is to be regretted. A encamped at -the of nopresent are at north end e tows. There have ben more of theme patties bare of late than for some years previews. this is partlyaceounted or by horseflesh Was: cheaper. His Honor Judge Doyle presided herr os Fridayat the neat for the :iurpose of &adng come names to the voter's list. A number of names were aided. moat of time beteg by those opposed to the Canada Tiespasoce art. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Code returned on Somedayfrom a ample of weeks' visit with their dsegbter, Mrs Wm. Ladles. of Morris. We are pleased to see Hat Mr. Code 1a able to be about after his revere attack et rheu- matism and la Dr McNulty, d 'lbsvato. public healta insposear for tire proviso*. h d an official visit here Friday sight tea gam o eseocil and ver the town be met ' trustees in V ban, and to a testers ded.sd the ods of the p�l1aafar the prevention on t diorama. Wbrnoa. tber the emote wUl take action or sot is &soaberr matter. but if the moodiest health omoer dose not do his duty end is reported the Government will thea take seem and sppotet .saber ofileer. subo will at- tend tow wart. Ile warns sub the pass ea wises. Asa seer kip germ ISM w..tiba fi110111 f rh4rlm`fr team ilia len esti ase PORTIMPII HILL Mr. Massball, of Wingbasa, asked at M. Joh. Blair's this week. t brew the anniversary car- at Eetbel cheroh neat Sivaday, the lath inst. lenkies. of Goderieb. aa4 Mrs. Wm. Walters, of Colboe�e, vested in the as;lthbarbood Iamb= liraado. was called W Hdytrood is week to the funeral 0f her w. Mr. Rorty Bradford. Bev. R. J. McCormick will presab at la9liti m. and seven p.m. Special mu.ic is being prepared. Mies McOocmick. of Trowbridge. id expected to sing at each service. LOTHIAN Rev. Father Hogan. of Merlin. visited bis parents, -Mr. and Mrs- Wm. rs.Wm. Hogan, for couple of days. Miss Etta Cartel and Miss Belle Kennedy, of Wawanosb, were the guests of Mrs. Mike Hogan last week. Mi. Charles McLean, of Alpena. Michigan, is spending a few days at the borne of his uncle, Mr. Rod CampbelL The oost-0fce department have issued a rnemoraodum proposing the establishment of a rues! mail here. We hope everyone will send in their application for $ box. After an illness of a few months. Charlotte, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston. died on Wednesday, the 8th inst. The funeral took place on Saturday . to Greenhill eel setery and was largely attended. The family have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. AUBURN Mr. Alfred Asquith started his evaporator on Mooday. He is not ex- pecting a very long season, as the apples are scar..e around here. Mrs. Andrew McDonald was visiting here last week and getting her furni- ture shipped to Toronto, where she is taking up bouse,keeping. Mr. Joseph Carter has returned from the wast. He reports threshing i. • scow -storm and told, with the eeamn's threshing nearly finished. Our village was shocked on Monday morning to hear of the fatal results of the shooting accident at the home of Mr. Harvey McDowell. The sympathy of this community goes out to the parents and daughters in this their loss of a loving and kindhearted son and father. A number attended the fun- eralotn_Wednepaadtay to show their Miss Hamm sympathy. Blyyth is visiting at at the home of Mr. C. Schultz Mr. George Beagle has Bobbed his season's threshing and silo filling it being a short season on account of the dry weather and Tight crop of straw. Meese. Robert Stalker & Son have their traction ditching machine work- ing at Mr. Robert McGee's. Miss Hanna Mole has returned fr"'om ber visit with ber sisters at Port Kigis. Mr. W. B. Patterson is on a trip to Galt this week. Mr. George D. Howatt has sold Mr. W. C. Robertson a gasoline engine to do his pumping. Mr. R. J. Asquith delivered to Dr. B. C. Weir it floe piano on Monday. The roof of our temperance ball has been reshingled by Messrs. 0. Clark and JamesNotch- LANES Miss Mae Dixoo9Q,, of Port Albert, was the guest of Mis-Bewu. Reed ieoeody. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alton .pent Sunday visiting friends at Mover Valley. Messrs. David Hackett and Hoy Alton are at present peeking apples for Mr. George Twamley. Mr. W. P. Reid intends attending the 8.S. convention to beheld of Owen Sound in the near future. Mr. Robert Henry's sale of Friday last was well attended. The stoc brcugbt very high prices. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Reed spent Sun- day afternoon ,with the latter's par- ent., Mr. and Mre. D. K. Webster, of Lucknow. The Ade weather of last week was made the most of by the farmers in this locality in storing the corn and potato crop. Soma have their man - gels in also. The turnip crop has a poor outlook, as most of them are dis- eased. Moattu+on-Ar'roe. - In Ashfield Out Wedneedsy evening, the Sth int., the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. K, Alton, The Maples, was the scene of a very pretty autumn wedding, when their eldest daughter. Leitha. became the bride of Mr. Samuel Morrisoo. As the wedding march was being played by Miss Ella Twamley, the bride. accom- panied by ber fatber, entered the par- lor, which was decorated with flowers and ere ma. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. J. Durrant, of the A.bield circuit, while the bridal couple stood beneath an arch of ever- greens, rising from banks of ferns tied lilies, the arch being decorated with autumn leaves and flowers. The bride looked charming in her wedding gown of creme voile trimmed with seed Mrs. Herbert Alton, amt of the bride, sang a solo during the sign- ing of the register. Shortly after tie ceremony the guests to tee number of all repaired to the dining room and partook of a sumptuous wedding din- ner. The numerous presents were costly tad beautiful. that of the groom to the bride was a gold watch and pin. The happy couple will reside on the grooms s Shalom Th oe farm in Shalom beide will be greatly missed la the Methodist cbureh at Hactett's ap- pointment where she was a faithful member and Sunday school trashes. PORT ALBKRT Mr. Albert Swain of Ooderid. was the firaet of Mr. Wille Dickson- last Mr. and Mrs. James Deeper and little sou, oP Three Riven. Maseacbus.tta, are g•ssta el Mr. G«mg. Draper's. Mr. and Ura Bort Cunningham sod Mr. and Mea George Wallace motor- ed from Toronto no eaturday. /bey are visiting at Mr. N. Cunningham's. Yr R. Baydei anlvsd bone no Saturday able a two mostba' visit with relatives le flaakatchewan, Mesi- 101* sad Memo. Ha reports a sleet °beatilehrioMit home services will be attachi. St. Alarm's wreb on Sunday, Octotear 1 at three sad saves o'clock. O. Tuesday .veoiug, October 21st, the Dowse - oar their will give "Little Dot.' Aa• ertissioa. le .sats. At the Suede sttgvtess Rev. El. pwild arid"Beings be *afar HEARD Lisboa C.emplei to A of the Oo.m'Mh Exhi len was bed in the Tows oo Saturday arehials& last. Wle tire chief hoaioees before the Meeting was to pass the aeeoaate tad receive the bine entailed from the bolding of the fair. other matters of minor importance were brought up and dieeumed. The treasurer was em- powered and authorised to pay all out- standing Among other tbistel dealt with was the I beaten a the' proton of Mr. George Blair, of tiaderiob towaebip, who objected to a horse belooglag to Mr. Harry Shields. of Dunlop, entering in the green ecce on the grounds that this horse had run is a roes be- fore. For want of evidence this matter was deferred and will be fully dealt with at the .ext meeting oe Saturday, October Skit. Those pteeeat were :- President Isaac Salkeld, Vine-ptesideot Malcolm McKay, Treasurer Alex. Young, Secretary J: Ades Fowler : representing Goderieb were Mesar.. L. L. Knox. C. A. Reid. Tboinas BeU and Wm. Murnev : Goderich township, Mean. George Andrews, Hari" Sal- keld. George Sturdy, George lritb- waite • Colborne township. Meows. Hugh Hill. Charlet McNeil, Feed Quaid tad John S. Clark. OXFORD PIONEER DEAD Parker of Goierich Rssidest Dies ata I kips Oki Age Prose the Norwich Gazette of last week we take the following a000tfat of the death of Mr. Wen. Strode, Outlet of Mr. Lot Strode, of this town :- Death claimed another of the pion- eers of Norwich on Saturday last. in the person of Mr. Strode, in his 87th year. The deceased came to Norwich when a young man from England and bad lived here conlinsossjy up to the time of his death. For many years be conducted a successful botcher ,boa- ness in Norwich and his *bop and products tbereforewere considered the bust laths pert of the country. Al- thougbloota man eager fot public o1 c. bewaa on several occasions urged by the ratepayers to accept the nomination for council, and to this be consented. and was on mot ocrasioo favored with i handsome vote, which placed bun in s, chairat the nipnicipal table. Up to a fewycan r Mr.8tewdp bad bees quite active but of late he bad bean unable to be away from his home, and bad only been confined to his bed a few days pros to his death Sixteen Yeas ago death claimed his partner in life, add since then his borne bas been. presided over by his daughter Susie. wbo along with the other members of the family rave him every care in his declining years. The tastily lett by his death are two sons, William, of Norwich, and Lot, of Godeeei�cchh ; and two daughters, Susie at bdme, and Mrs. W. Bradley, of Norwich. One eon. Sa cruel, and one daughter, Mrs. John Lawr&soo. prrdec.ss.d him. The funeral was held from his late residence on Monday aftera000 and was largely attended. The service at the home was .o.ducted by Rev. H. H. Tanoock, rector of Trinitythumb. Masonic order, of whithumb. the de- ceased was a member, attended the funeral in a body, and took part in the last sad rites. Interment toot place in the Norwich cemetery. CHEAPER TRAVEL. Local Ticket dames Addeo Crumb boa in Cievsined The anneal invention of the Cana- dian ansdian Ticket Agents' association was beta this season in Cleveland. At this convention Mr. Josepb Kidd, of Gode- rieh. was elected one of the vice- presidents and Dr. J. W. Shaw, of Minton, was again elected b000rary physician of the association. The cosyention lasted from October lith to 10th. Mayor Baker, Mr. Warren Hayden. president of the Chamber• of Commerce of that city, and Mr. M. G. Carrel made addresses of weicouse. Mr. George J. Alexander, president of tb• ticket agents, responded. Mr. John Ransford, of Clinton, at the afternoon session advised abs abolition of cheap excursions to fairs, circuses, baseball games and on boli days. and the reduction of form from three to two cents a mile throughout' Canada as a mesas of making railroad travel more popular. Plumb seats beast: coodeened as the chief source frogs which travellers gath-ted a layer of dust oo their clothes, hands and faces. Leather seats, be said. might be more expensive, but . would add to the popularity of travel. He also suggested platforms be built on a level with footboards of trains. The value of the time table [older as an advertising sodium was ea - phased by all speakers. Mr. Joseph Kidd. et tioderie.t. told of a plan 6e followed of sending out old folders to school children tbrougbout the sur- rounding country. Aa • remit be found they were se as helps to geographical d and kept the name of his rsnro•d always in the kora The purpose of the eosv.otlon is purely educational. to develop the bast ideas for the 000duct of the boa - nese oLtieket agents - At the close of the sesioa the following ameers were elected :- Presidest, George J. Alexander, Rich - mood ; vice-presidents, Josspa Kidd, Ooderich : C. B. Janes, Drink. aad J. A. MacKenzie, Woodstock : see esery treenrrer. E. d. la Hooke, tondos ; auditor. A. M. Hare, 111Isoeborg : hosorary oon..d, J. H. Flock. Lou- don : honorary pbysielaa, Dr. J . W. Shaw, Clinton. E tenni ve meson rte.: -W. Jaskaam, Clinton : W. McWoy. Hamilton : J. P. Hanley. Karabin ; F. W. CbmdlWl, Collingswood ; W. polios. London. Committee en slmpiiie.tles and eta:Wadi: ties of balk :-W. P.I- tos. L..doa : J. A. Maetea.M, Wood- stock : G. H. Clark, Oriels ; B. B. Morris, Rodney. Committee on popd.risatios of rail- road ..d sreaeeship treed :-O. R. Morgan, Hameto.: timers* La Berlin ; E. R. Blow, Whitby ; A. M. Hare. Tulso.bmtg. Md Have r ti ewe efigar alma yes, 'V.i i.iy Haar pas were gang 5. stop eusok- lag "'ao i am, bet let see airWWII liallik - d ar*A . "� "e::r" t •.n'.a ,.'+Mina ,d'"^ . _, 4,e'"6@{` a 49r, <" 1 THE COLBORNE STORE AP Thanksgiving :-Thoughts Now that we have much in the way of renewed prosperity, for which to be thankful, let us fill the passing moments with gratitude, and observe it in a New Coat, Dress, Set of Furs or something else suited to the Thanksgiving time. If it is a Coat come here, if a Dress come, if a Fur Collar or Muff let us show "you what we can do for you.. Both the Coat, Dress Goods and Furs are new this season and up• to the moment in all particulars. Prices rock bottom. Thanksgiving Bargains Pointer end. sad of all -wool Dress Materiels Moe. trees. � Matero sad tirreT hem l7Ua to tis a yard. Closes and take your choice at We. Too many of tams is oar onlyrea.on for so great red "They are nausea bargain* torr good mond goods. Underwear to keep you wars is the cold weather. 1f you examine our stook we know it will appy( to you. Ask for Vests aid Drawers at 255 ane Ste. 'i�.y are the beet to be tem' d'8aywheee at Nor and We. lame saw line and li foams quality.` to ileo touch and wares s iosiery This stare bagbeen and is tad& bead - sorrel Me may. Our laic stock is a marvel of ,obeepo..a, sixty per seat wool, seam - les tad fast black and will wear aa well as essay x11 -woo[ mates at Me and c. Lane -Collars and Ties A very excreent showing of these goods for the holiday. Come for some of them Saturday night. You will be sore of bargains, 25e to iIlr Buttons W. never:had web a .bowing of all kinds of . buttons. from tam a taaey to lbs largest made. Leese sad small in colors tad mul to match all shades i.! coatingsWrapperf+ettes and Weistings Wb never were in beater forte to sell Kimoas Cloths and waisting' than we are to -day. Oar Mimosaelothe "at Me ars ea good as last year'. 25c tad patterns sod colorings quite as good, if sit hatter.. A. few op.alalsat late and 15e. Sweaters and Sweater Coats Our stock is .side up a selections from the two bast factorise io the Dominion. As we carried a ew nothing over from last mama our stock is te4dst, ranging from >adeLt. ph nue aces Wag ng J. H. COLBORNE PORKIER RESIDENT ORAD Sadden Death Samosa. ter One Wel Enema is Garen* The death toot place at Beastiord or Sunday earning of Ile. W. N. iI -.ie, for fort) yam bursar at the c• rio school floe the blind. Al - ti gb in his year. Mr. liiaasie 1 ..: always enjoyed easiest bealtb. aged until Friday arising last was abie t0 attend to hi. daring. be being pae- ticolarlyaetive and his naiad wonder- fully clear for a man of W advanced BRILLIANT EVERT OiifmOawHai is llthe Some Mutat d Casty es One of the most s000wsid social' events bad in town for a loon time was the dance given by a numbs of local young Nen in the Oddtellows' ball on Friday flightiest. The night was per- fect for the occasion andthing w.ot off without a hitch, ~� es in chargges.. Tie > war in thighest oredie upon the bebbest of condition and the refreshments Left age. G. Friday even be coo- nothing to b. desired The suede was sed d sotFdayfeelilafi ai.o excellent and lent a brilliance to air well and Saud' the ocoa.sos. it was minified y earning W eosditio. was so stone's orchestra and the lovers Mak- i arab worse at he decided to re- •yiaht fantastic toe" enjoyed it to the main in bed. Not rail Saturday to rs capacity• Abort - atter000s., however, del -he 'take apeople were pr+ememew,"and a rues time was .peat. Although not definitely decided. it is extremely probable that the C0111 - matte. will bold a series of dampstb throughout the winter. turn for the worse and from that jolty time be continued to si.k mud be slept peacefully away. Deceased wan born in Scotland and came to Canada with bis parasol wben hot a stall boy. Hie boyhood dors were stent in Bloom township, Lamb - too county, and be afterwards resided ib ciedetick. Stratford. and Bramp- ton. being deputy sheriff of Peel county up tin the tate of his appoint- ment fury years ago to the poet of bursar of the Ontario sebool ler the blind in Bra.tford. His genial disposi- tion and kindly spirit endeared him to all. One coo and three da.ibire sur- vive, Mrs. Hosie hawing died last February. By a stream ooiaeidenee the osly, ..e. Mr. Walter A. Hoseie. of WinniPeg. was a his tatter's bed- side when the ecce came. A few days ago be came ram on pers.aal business, writing to hie father that he would drop off at Braateoed and .pied a few born with bis on his homeward rurality. Saturday be was la Niagara Falk. .M cadge oe from tbere to Hasilsoo, from whack' Point be tele- phoned home that he would he up on the next .rsetrie car. Then be learned for the fist lice of his father's illness. aad be arrived boats is time to have a brie( eoevereatios wkb his father and be with kiss at tin time of his dart h. The danechtere are :-Mrs. Janes Sheriff. Casearvins. Saekatebewan : Mrs. Garrett, of Brentford, and Miss Howie, at bane. The funeral took place Wednesday aad Trust datloa st morainic r .tfo i Or , the body being takes to Godeieb for interment in the randy plot. SHAW'S SCHOOLS Woe reser la ail i *bora, eshpsb boodhass a�rmress� enasetaramew or and ezawina- tsuae rwith serzStSst Mew few sky br...• awaittrai Dualism t0a.sa4 ESIIII *in re 111111011V sane Electric Wiring elearle Wines el des erfption dams en shortaaeroiee. Repabe . epsolaltyAR manna of k. Molehieplash et Lama abaft ` haat- 1ag sda, wad pies. W.Iiar 1R°r°ART weer rico awl. been Mem CANADIAN PACs r-llc LOW RATES FOR Thanksgiving Day 1p EXCURSION FARES an Statism in Conete. Marie, Detroit. Rae aad tt.slS egad Feet I Pia - gars I&0.. N.Y. SINGLE FARE Good mew Oct. f. Rama halt Oce. 9b FARE and ONE-THIRD Geed RIAS Clot IT. 7!l Rotes Malt Ort. a Minimum sharp Id orals Apply to Jt* EIDU, e.P.8. At, Ise D5.. Prov er wrier M.G. l uta. T. MG. .r At. C gleesae owe d eye a,. TALK IT OVER WITH US and get our estimates before _you install new plumbing or have the old repaired or re- Inc/dded. - , We can also furnish you with latest modern improve- ments and newest approved inventions in PLUMBING SUPPLIES FRED HUNT HAMILTON STREET. GODERICA 'PHO00 I ie The Best Place for Shoes It will be no trouble for you to find among our different styles a shoe that is the right shape, pattern, leather at11d price to suit you. Added to this, teary one of them has the genu- ine mark of quality?. We feel sure we can meet your requirements for Summer Footwear, no matter how particular you are. Call on us for your next pair. You'll be glad you did. REPAIRING Downing 8' MacVicar NORTH S1DX OF RQUARd, OODIRICH. EAST FOl I Ic tore Hurona ALWAYS Of Lyric 1 Extra S Attral for week of C PICT( Tuesday and ' an exceptioi andLsen! drama intwol `'The tit► teIN Also other tures during Comedy, dra cational. The Grew in the elusive so than t last. Thursday. Pride Adm. as usu G. BU( Mans A PIA FOR 1 HOME How will you o dun's time prott long treeless d A pleasure to profit for the eh gond Piano. If you haven' necessary to pal arrange terms fa Talk the matte see us and give chance. Quite (risque. slightly used Pie at bargain priced James F. Agee HElNMI( AN f KEEP II THE QI Our Cee • T'inge's a W. bey the smaeshaat W� he ba None Too G F. L iNJi .1.14Ost Cab 4110