The Signal, 1913-10-16, Page 2THURSDAY, Ocr. 16, 191.& THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ONTA RIO WOMAN IN TERRIBLE STATE Funds Help in Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. Cape Wolfe, Canada.-" Lest March 1 was a complete wreck. I bad given up all hope of getting better or living any length of time, as 1 was seep • sufferer from female troubles. But 1 took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and today 1 am in good health and have • pair of twin boys two months old and growing finely. I surprised doctors and neighbors for they all know what • wreck 1 was. "Now lam healthy, happy and hearty, and owe it all to Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies. You may pubiiab this letter if you like. 1 think if more women used your remedies they would have better health "-Mn. J. T. Coo[. Lot No. 7, Cape Wolfe, P.E.I., Canada Because your cane is •difficult one, and doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. It surely has remedied many teases of female ills, such as inflamma- non. ulceration, displacements, tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, and it maybe exactly what you need. The Pinkham record is a proud and peerless one 'It is • record of constant victory over the ob- stinabiTlsof women -ills that deal out despair. It is an es- tablished fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound has restored health to thousands of much suffering women. Why don't you try it if you Seed ttttt3 • medicine? g o. .'b t_111104011Y T1• asv L.' \i ss. 71 c• Ii.::tt Slive IS a see .jt in tk,e'ciltriee k.'her. ut tkledrer'v' fil.i.a. and is.. 1! a -- c*:: .. t..' .,-ork You call feel it iii the comfortab .lit. as THE 1IARTT ROOT& SHOE CO., LIMIT1WD Peede;essa. N. t. Oasis's Boat ShI a asksrs N k r ce\Grh'e H'A R1T jhoe J. H. McCLINTON Sole Agent. Grade, ten \Ve make a epreialty of R -pith ing wereNsweasessessaiessesatiessWersiesersieresir Novelties FOR Christmas Gifts Novelties Use Christmas Gifts olt band now. Lathier, allele your Chri.tseu Gilts sow In tour spate time. Bone beautiful artir1.. foe gifts. nN mode un, etautp-d fur the tour+ of -hard ru.hroidrrv, so, h a. Wolof (',r., fahirt and Pa j.ttuw Carey,. (• 'n.bing Sar q .e., Ik.udnit Cap.. Tie Racks, pipe Racks. Robbs Canes -too num- et (es 10 WeUts11.. Come and tee for y0.' self. Han.fanme Ridge. i..n and Black Silk Collets, AO. •two.,prd sets for worths.. Stamped Underw..r in d.i,"v design.. A few read..' p N. it. 'nen.. 'subtend/ft } -tis into r,i, hoth ea l lea. Cl il•Ireer's Ores. ---s horse up. stamped for hand ern•w...I... 14.n 'sower as. s- of R w•I•v Pena. 13+t Hens ale. Pin ......1 Buckles. Mrs. Tape The Singer Store Next Bell Teleph,.ns t tset, artglita- A. E. BRADWIN EDttoa age Pvru.uga Tux sena from the Street. l:derich SCsst.stl •rsoa read. per year; U Dollar will be 1. patsashed *veryTkarais BudIfskpare. 1.. 3 -_ /lee Dollar sad rtfty /ly •trtcUy in ad ream rue Ill tae Canal Balsa tae esti Y Ora Dater and Fifty Coat& strictly fa Messer. 8ebwxtber. who fail u rodeo Tea Mullet. regularly by mail will confer • favor by amesiauag the publish u of tis fast at as adate u possible. When i • cheats of &adzes. de.lred..botb old mod the ase addreet be Livia. Remelt team. may be made by bank draft. express money order ho.t office order. or registered letter. Sub.cription. may commence at any tune. AUeatlrsu\r. T&xrs-It&te. for cheeky and contract advertisement. wall 1.e given on appli- cation. Legal and other similar advertisements, too oast. per Wee for fistturertaou and four , sent. per line for each ob.egwot loeertloe. Mem ured by • scale of sena non pared - t wets' e l,ne. to an enc►. Huston. card. of six lines end under. Fire Dollar. per year. Advertisewent. a Loo. Pound, Strayed. Situation. Vacant, Situation& Wanted. Heuer. for date or to Hoot, Farms for Bak or to Ree. Article. tot Solt. etc.. not exceeding eight Win., Twenty • ; adna five Cent. each insertion ; flus Duller for month. Ftfty t'eoutorsorbrabw•ouent mootb. Dryer advertisements in pro ion. Aa• nouneement. to ordinary reeMoir type, Tee 1 Cents per line. No notice ler than Twenty rive Cents. Any .preial notice. the object of which'. thetpoacruui.ry benefit of any twits id- u&lor a..oriaaoo to be oonsidersd as ad ver dement and clanked aloordiagly 'To COatttraew.uul:ys:-The ooq.rr.t.00 of onr .nb..•nbse- au 1 readers is cordially earn- ed Lo ward. mating THE 8eox4L • w'eela y record of .11 kcal. county &ad district doing... o com- munication will be amended to male,* it con- tain. the name and addr.a. a the writer, not nerewrtly fornbtwaW., but as an evidence of good faith. New, items should reach Tux $iovar cure not later than W edoeday noon of .acn week. THL RSDAY, OCTOBER 161 ti, 1912 CHATEAUGUAY The result of the bye -election in Chateauguay, Quebec, gives Mr. Bor- den a auppotter from a riding tba had been Liberal since Confederation Co.teervative organs are claiming a great victory for their party; but the change from a majority of W at the last election toa Conservative majority of 1411 in the bye -election indicates a turnover cif only 90 votes. The gum- shoe brigade sent into the riding by 'Bob" Rogers ought to have produced greater resultathan that, if "Manitoba methods" are to be the reliance of the present government. The campaign pursued by the g.:v- ernment candidate on the navy ques- tion reveals the depths to which the "truly loyal' party has fallen. Th• Conservative campaigners declared hat the V5,000,000 contribution was In settle accounts with the British admiralty for the defence of l'anads f time past, present and to come, and the government nominee person- ally angled for the vote of the anti- British Na'ionalista by ezpreseiog bis dislike of neviee and armaments and his disapproval of warlike expendi- tures. Truly It was n great exhibi- tion t f zeal in the cause of Imperial defence. Cballeoged to poste hie policy on the navy fairly and sgaarely before the electors. Mr. Borden bas twisted and squirmed and flanked and brsckwateeed until nobody in his own party 'teem. to know whet his policy redly ie. and the Chateauguay bye -election cam- paign was only oe. more instance of the cowardice and impotence of the premier and his minister. Such barefaced corruption was prat-- timed in the tiding that it hos already been decided by the L;heral4 to pro - teat the election ; so that what the organs are acclaimiog se a great ole-. tory may be but another cupnt in the indictment of a feeble and corrupt goy ern men t. 1 webeeit•tetocriticise the appointment beet it be mid that it is simply because he got the position. From • political 1 point of view his claim may be a godd Ione and we would offer the same criti- cism no mater wbo got the office, if be was not • practical ma). If it is • fact that public busier's. he it civic. provincial or federal, should receive the same attention as private business. then n builder should have been cboe- en. If the member for East Huron or the minister of militia were erectigg a residence at • cost of $11.lfRt would they put • blacksmith to oversee the erection of same or would they procure a man akilled in the erection of Luildings? If they would not, why apply one principle to private business and another to the people's business? Surely someone who has a practical knowledge could have been found in tt'i•gharn and if he could not, tbeo he could have teen found elsewhere. To say thet the other party does the same thing is an odious argument and u a public journal we will attack any- thing we believe is wrong. The Bor- den administration is. we believe, • safe, sen., business -like administration and Mr. Bowman ii acapable member striving toilet his very hest but in this the vast majority of his supporters feel he has been ill-advised. In the future we would suggest that our es- teemed member make his own appoint- utente or else have a representative meeting advise him and not act on the advice of five men meeting in secret three voting for and two against. The time is tip. for ail Organization meeting of the Conservative party in t Wingham. RUCTION IN THE TORY CAMP There is trouble in the Tory camp in the Wine:nun section of Huron minty. This trouble has been brew- ing for sows month+ past, but now the caldron bag boiled over and the Tot y faction. in the East Huron and North Huron ridings are arrayed in battle royal. The bubble bunt when Mr. 1 R. VanNorwao was appointed inspector of the armoury that is obw being erected in Wingham. This appoint- ment did not suit the Wingham Ad- vance, whose editor is Mr.George Spot - ton. businees college magnate, and a Titan who gets pretty near everything be a ants in W iogbam, from l be mayor- alty down. Mr. Spotton. so the story goer, hes political ambitions. Thee po1i1 seal ambit ions are not looked upon with favor hy Mr. James Bowman, M P.. and Mr. A H. Musgrove. 11.P P.. who for Bowe Time past have neen losing prestige among their con - sUtuente. Mr. Spotters. with an eye Lo the fuluse, a few months ago pin- ch/reed the Wlogbatu Advance. the I.-eding Conservative paper in East Huron and North Huron. This trans- act•.n did not meet with the approval of Messrs. Bowman. Musgrove et al a d ,heests were made that Wiogbam w .Nl t aloe have a second Consrrve- tie. paper. which his pot yet shown 0-.11, new bit likely to Mr. VanNor- aa.a bee apparently ,eeeiv d hie ap- I..twine-et without the .4.1.'. or • tamp of tbe.di'or of the leading p.per nt the ar_t4on 1ir. Spot- ' .A,• sot like being tgeolvd end i. s..w .p anise out ha the fallowing Noses, whieh . we take floss tb. W ugh•.., Advanre:- Mr \' P \-anNormee has base ap- p w. tel • Mpeetn. of the .vvsnwry it .rare.. .r .r'eeth.w her- alt. Vomiter • twee a lust se eomp.teot to this caper ' MI r the WIMP um wows be, flea INCREASED (:OST OF LIVING The result to Canada of the great change in the United States tariff has been immediate and marked. The day after the Uoderwood tariff went into effect between four and five million bushels of Canadian oats started mov- ing toward. Buffalo and other ports. Lumbermen at Ottawa and otuer centres reported that vast amounts of Canadian lumber previously bought for delivery^ after the tariff change were demanded for immediate ship- ment. Cattle buyers throughout On- tario had been scouring the country for weeks buying animals for delivery as anon as the Underwood tariff be- came operative. Everywhere there has ,leen a rush to take advantage of this wider mar- ket, with the natural result that prices are going up. The Quebec Telegraph 'states that prices of fish will rise, as the new tariff enables Canadian fisher- men to remain in Canada and still sell ' tbeirprbduct in United States markets without duty. The Ottawa paper say: "Meat pricer to go up and in crease may come noon," and that thous- ands of cattle of all kinds are being shipped Horn the district to the United States. Despatches from every part of Canada show a stiffening in the price of food products as well as tenet of the staple articles of living. The cost of living will inevitably be hither in Canada tban it bas ever been. This is obviously due to two reasons : First, the United States government bas reduced it.. tariff in older to secure reduced cost of living to it+ own consumers, thus increasing the demand for l.'anedien products. The Borden government has refused to touch the tariff in order to keep up the cost of living for the benefit of it. friend.. "The Interests." In spite of the fset that this change had long been foreseen, the Borden government has remained true to its high tariff friends. OPPOSED TO BILINGUALISM No newspaper in Ontario has given stronger or more staunch support to the Whitney government than the Kingston Standard. This paper now takes issue with the Whitneyedminis- tratinn on its attitude towards biling- ual schools. The Standard drfloes its poeitioo as follow,': - 1. English, and not Freed), is the lawful language of the common school syste•u of Ontario -that ie,both public and separate schools. 2. Them is no aft et present. Dor has there ever been an act of assembly, crumpl or parliament• since this prov- ince became a British possession, making it lawful, obligatory or per- missive to teach the French Ianguage in the common scbook at public ex - pens. S. The teaching of French in the common schools of this province is contrary to law. history and prece- dent and is oneiemned hy public opinion and an overwhelming public sen timent 4. Then is n.Nhing in the Q tebee Are of 1.74, the (institutional Act of 1791. Us Art of Union of 1M1. or the British ?Vali h Am.ries Art of 11407. nor sly act that bas bleat since passed ' and is still retained as a part of the laws of Ontario. whether made by the p•ovineial I.giel.uu.e no the De. minion pa.liameet that says Frere' shall be taught or f.•ler shed is our prnvineial comities scbnnls R Our npp o.ettow to bltnguslhsw 1• re.6/4 ai4.4y Ned •Minutely aa•insa i • appticat4oe to ironstone ',hoofs App etsd Ay wuoieupal tax ' utiles ant sistaidlned by pae#teseatary grant, and den not apply to private • - ecbnols colleges oe schools whsle tultioo 14.. are exacted. *hove II S common i 11. We are not actuated by prejudice. hatred .K animosity, prompted by a sense of national Mae possibility and public duty. 7. The teaching of French in the common schools of Ontario, contrary to law and in defiance of public sena- • meet, is the thin edge of • wedge which, if driven home to its ioteoded event, will prove a menace to British institutions and British civilization in this section of the weetern world. If allowed to exist in this province, in defiance of law, the anarchy of biling- ualism will contaminate the whole Dominion and wreck the hopes and ideals of a prepooderant British ► jority. A Midnight Riot Willie -My father put -down a dis- turbance laws night. Billie -Is that right? Willie -Yes. he ate • Welsh rare- bit -Yonkers Statesman. - A consignment of silty gallons of try arrived at Berlin on Saturday from the Brantford hatchery and were emptied into the Brand titter at Conestogo. - A few minutes after talking cheer- fully heerfully to his companions in the biota - smith shop at A. E. teonard & Sons' plant at London, Mr. Robert R. Rich- ardson dropped dead from heart fail- ure abuut 10 o'clock Saturday morn- ing. They Don't Want Much "Afternoons oft sniffed the prod= pective cook. Three each week." "%Vid the use of the automobile" - Kansas City Journal. - The \Veterloo school board at a special meeting in regard W the teach- ing of the English language to the for- eign population of the town decided to RIG NEWSPAPER SUIT have lights installed in a vacant room at the Cant ral school and have classes begun. A large number of foreigners have expressed a willingness to attend. STARVATION IN DUBLIN aleedienew of !Mutates's:wry Der pesthole U pea C Cables from ',London say Dublin L ruined by the ooattauatoe of k S trsaaport war, which la aow In tem lth week. The plight of the poorer usn of the population is dresdtpl Auer men. wools* aad cbidrea, or s.. -third of the city. whole popu- LUoa, being on the verge of aur• Arta.. Crowds a cbldren Ions ep Ire the liberty Hall headquarters of ds lrMb Transport Union to receive • dale of soup and bread, and then mit dogs on the nearest dooretepa t0 aesrish their wasted bodies. T'he food which h.as come 1n the .relief ships 1s the only thing which Rea kept many families from actual death by starvation. and any oesaatloa fig these supplies would be followed !hpeindescribable misery. NOTED DOCTOR DEAD Or. Kennedy Gained Fame In Meat - Mrs. Duff Kilted by a Car Mrs. Jelin Duff, sister of the late Bir Oliver Mowat, died in the General ;'11410101tal, Kingston, whither she' had 'I been taken after a street car accident la which her left leg was cut off 'below the knee. Herbert Robinson of Hornby, who rias burned on the arm and chest by {ie explosion of a lamp last month, died from lockjaw. He leaves a widow :std seven small ckildren. De. O. H. Kennedy, one a the most idfrttnguisked members of e medical Sto rotesefon in western Canada died at Winnipeg Met week. He was s native ot Dundee. Ont. t John Godfrey, ex -postmaster of 'sera died last week. aged 12- 1 The death occurred at Brantford 'last Thursday of Patrick Haley. one :of the best known labor onion men to the district Cheap Enough "I'd give half my fortune to be loved for myself." • For that price, it ought to be easy." -Fliegende Blatter. -Mr. Allan D. Cameron bas been appointed district manager for the counties of Perth and Huron of the Excelsior Life insurance Company. in place of Mr. James Stewart, wbu bas accepted the position of deputy col- lector of customs in Stretford. H will confine.* to reside in Mitchell and the bead office for the district will be in Mitchell instead of Stratford. 5100 Reward, 5100 The readers of this pease will be oleawed to learn that there is at least ase dreaded disease that science hes bees able to cure to all Ite stager. end that i. catarrh Balls Catarrh Curet. the only pore ire cure now known t• the medical twternitl-. Catarrh being a con. iUtattmal dl+we. requires a constitutional treatment. Hall i Cstanh Cure Is taken inter- nally acting directly- apes the blood and timorous surfaces of the erotism. :hereby des- troying the foundation of the dies.e..end gtv the truant eels by building wp the constant ea and se Dathre In doter 1s..• work. The tr•prislnrs bars so muck faith In it& curative powers teat they otter One Hun- dred Dollars fee any taws that it fails to cure - Seed tnc lot of tes.i19o1160•. Andrew F..1 CH SHAY k CO.. Toledo, O. Send by all droinOste 75e. Take Hall'. Fundy PIW for eonetioetise. - The plans for the new public build - Mg at Milvertrtn have been completed by Anhitect J. S. Roswell and te.den for same have heen rolled. The build- ing will hesitanitedon Main street and will be constricted of red pressed prick, trimmed with cut ...tone. The coo is estimated at t 'k Anh. Tho plans provide for a large tower, rising 70 feet frorn the sidewalk, e clock with a foue and a half foot face will he placed in the tower. The first floor will he devoted, for the moat pert. to the port office, the floor in the p'iWic deport- ment of which will be of tile. The custnm.examining warebno.e will den hoe nn this Hoot. On the second fl'nr will he the en.toros offices nod the livingroolns for the rsret•ker. The building will he boated by steam sod lit by electricity. A WOMAN OP FEW WORDS Mr Harry E. Bye, Maio street north. Mnunt Fore,', Out.., writes : "Your remedy for kidney, bladder and ston,ath ►rouble has given me great rel•ef. Have taken three boxes and now feel like living and better tbaa 1 beet felt for years and I give your FIG PILLS all tbe prelims., for they are the hest I have •ver tried." Ar all dealers, 25 and 50 cents, or The Fie Hitt Co., Re Thom/ie. Ont. Sold is Ooderich by E. Ii. Willie. druegitt. What lilt Said "1 neeme wee .n etpharras ed in my life. 1 came Ghee to ?aqe with my first-hushand " "What did he say?' "Nothing much. He jest Inok.d up at see and sinned acrd then arid. 'Who are you nagging at now. Mary?" A gore for Urunitsnnees Within the Reach of All That .iiroholi.m is • dismiss is now recognized by Roister No man in bi. sasses would bring di•gr.re and ruin no himself and fetidly through e brise Aleut a Cops the craving for drink, builds up the .ystem, .t..dtee the nerves. it is guaranteed to entre or benefit rr money refnnde el after a fair trial. Alenra Nn. 1 can he Oren sec - 1 retly by soy wife or mother wantine to re...o w, a deer .w.. to health ane) weefutriess. Akers No. 2 is tits trol- 1 aware t real moot . Oen he hat at one steer. only *1.90 per hos. Ark for nor free booklet abort Airees. 'Ont U. Rippe, druggist. Gs3eetob aBeetrwal Publishers Warring in the a COYrta iltairs.utt for ons hundred thousand dalaages, on seer int a an al - ed conspiracy to des: -cry the Mon - Herald and to ruin its hostess. bens entered it the SupeAos at Mettr al by the Heald Com- . . The defendants are Sir Hage Seaham *war of the Maatrsal Star, of hL as.odates and the Iater. ORica•I News Bervfoe. a stew Jersey Osrloration. A widespread conspiracy to prevent h. Herald from having access to pertain sources a supply a news per features 1. alleged. It to also zed that the Caaadiaa defendant. . -"Ala socalled .yndicate and in - Its contract with the Toroo{.o rid and. transfer its servlcea to their syndicate. FORT>?N IN A DAY Spectacular Rush Into the New Ala.. kan Gold Carnp From reports received at Ottawa by the Customs Department men aging very crude methods of mining to the Ilihuahana district of Alaska. are clean - Sag up from one to two thousand dol- lars per day. The gold -bearing area has been proven for fifteen miles, and Intends well into Canadian territory. {► big stampede from the coast cities jI now on, and at least 4.000 people there, with a big crowd going to day. Shoes sell for 275 a pair. at 2100 • sack. and prices are rising. Gibson Escapes Gallows As the result of a strenuous fight Rade by Mr. T. H. Lennox. K.C., the death sentence on Charles Gibson. the ng Toronto man coevtcted a the rder a Joseph Roseethal was coin• ted to one of Itte imprisonment. petition signed by nearly sixty eusand persons carried much weight %with the Cabinet which a week be- had decided to let the law take Its course. Mr. Lennox declares he secured new evidence and will Imply for a new trial. No Mystery Ie Death All doubt as to the neater in which Ittorge Francis Beard. braes. thew c1.e^al manager of New Toth. cams ifs death last month. was cleared • when Dr. Arthur Jukes Johnsen t:s his report to Coroner Mager held an inquest at Tweets, where hoard's relatives lived sad wkere be !pts buried. Not a trent a potties Imes found in the stomas', Dr. J.►a. teettled, and death had lett to liver and kidney treab4, ag- by influenza. Deed Man Net J. V. Sok • des Vincent Pick. the supposed =moat an autemebde sceideta at has torted ftp ally* and inn at Timmins. Oat. and the Matt. • et the man killed Is again • 4sep Cee seesaws gmsssedel • Nt. James Morris (CemervIWrel elected to tis Heat. a Cannes. the Ckataewguay bee -sloe -Oen by a a 144 over Hoe Sydsey the Liberal °mall ts. I Rletmtrs Plied aunty 1 hetess of tis sates mea charged twith vtettag at Mambas. S.C., pleaded guilty aad will be a sassed w1es the Yost et ile eftytwo aa.•s are disposed et T orr.td taws eeseefl 'u applied fee a emen*ted petrel for the eaaal marts wink tee meal N •lesildtsg as the rem* M four bola -ups by armed ass _ Peter Miller. • prowess. le St R•eliekpy - '•Dow't ' leases fell. alerted his escape alter ulkatI sn'w.aw N „ tp{wk air aale.•d seal Into the cellar with ware than soy ether kltM sad Steyr s Mg tebMoo lame 11.stdlet - ••Wye esIlle Ilii/ rhtisr. tar.. I.aaahlg4ss w•• 4lestrsyy r ul iMeMat ow •+reg wtq Se WI Sid W. ACHESON d SON Stylish Coats All the popular, nappy, rough -surfaced materials are Showa in our coat display, including Boucles, Nigger heads. Coverts, ere., lis style& imitable for general wear Special this week at 3/0.00, *12.00 and 315.00. wow Fur Stoles and Mutts Special) Low Y Priced Entire naw fur studs is Showing and despite the weather fun at.. Selling. We offer special inducements for early buyers. No. 1 Mink Marmot times and Stoles, 05.00, 37.00 and woo. Mink Marmot Muffs, large new shaper. 38.00, 35.00 anJ 30.00. Curtains Two special clearings in Madras and Bungalow Curtain Nets, fifty inches wide, colored Madras in shades greeny, reds and browns tasselled on aider, neat designs. Regular pries 50c. On Sale, pet yard, 30o. Nottingham Lace Curtains Tbtee. and a -half yards loeg ani bfty•twn inches wide, fifteen pairs only in smell patterns and polka dol effect: Regular St.. o, at per pair, 31.50. Linoleums New inlaid linoleum' received Chia week, choirs. patterns atul tight through to the back the pattern gees. Special price at per sivare yard Soo - Linoleum. four yards wide in a variety of new patterns at per aquas yard 450 and aft, Carpets and Rugs Twenty wool and union Huge in all sixes, 211S, 933, 3a3}, :1z4 clearing at } under regular price. The only Range that has .no Competitors The Pandora Range While you can easily find one in a home, it is difficult to find one unsatisfactory. to all Thebuyers. fact that the Range is aP4(.11.111111McClary production is a P4(.11.111111 • Th. $re-boz..ef the Pandora is fitted with Nmi.steel Linings. triangular grates, is scientifically propos-dowel to size of oven mud consumes vety toile fuel. Come in and we will show'you the largest and best stock of ranger in town. A fresh car of Portland Cement just ic. Sowell Hardware Co., Ltd. THE BEST PLACE TO BUY HARDWARE. The Signal will be sent to any address in g Canada to Jan. 1st, 1915, for only Si.00. Send in your subscription now. ;Sere • .-xi 3- c_. -a .t•eere- - Ste they .:es net clesidera aa+;t'x:".=a teen gra, :sdo vvbb et dt: P:.nds-. I.r,.r..attt _term t._^t beta r7r.- Fort. "!y nese cr-a s1 - zea .a Yeti i.::Js ;ca . _• -zee. ors --err ren' r -x! `.'• i! s • • -h•.'i• -' - la Co? ext. bbl ' sraeb 11stltrrJ Wi:aix- :_M -7Atq Cchser'hlAr..'._r. in t'odencb by HOWELL HARDWARE C